Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Tel Aviv.

Morgana, Jacopo is actually pretty cool when people around him aren't starting shit.

What a fucking imbecile.

He was, but still.

oh shit is this a superjail thread

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Is this worth a read?

Yes totally

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I almost read the whole thing in one night but this shit stopped me
like come on enough with the suffering porn


>like come on enough with the suffering porn

0 porn in the game, what do you mean?

>I almost read the whole thing in one night but this shit stopped me
>like come on enough with the suffering porn
But this is not even past the halfway point

Hey user, I know the third door is pretty rough but the fourth door is different, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Don't want to spoil anything obviously but the tone is very different.

wtf is MJ doing?

It's three fourths of the way through, what are you talking about?

Is he /ourguy/?

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>three fourths of the way through

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The woman is usually the one in the wrong so onviously the girl for being this way. He wouldnt have to be this way if she behaved i am sure.

user, there are 8 doors in total

Jacopo. He caused everybody even people that weren't even born yet shit.
Main guy is intersex.

Wat vn

Fat Morgan

Futa Morgana

Lies, lies, lies, the fourth door is the last one ok? OK?