Find a single game design flaw, pro tip: You cannot because it's the GOAT

Find a single game design flaw, pro tip: You cannot because it's the GOAT

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Incest. Yuck

blue balls

The chapters were you revisit all the towns are tedious as fuck.

This, incest is only acceptable when it involves cute lesbians

The part where the battle system isn't actually any more fun than your basic AMIR system.

Having shit taste isn't a flaw

Liberl is a boring country.

art scaling is shit, earth wall is too strong, physical attacks suck on any difficulty above normal, game
is way to easy on normal.
Kevin's game fixes most of the above (except Earth wall)

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the game pretends the stakes are suddenly super high and then proceeds to spend half of it doing the same boring shit as the first game

Sorry, could you elaborate on how the game's systems are superior to the kind of thing you'd find in Dragon Quest or SaGa? Spare no detail, I'd like to know all about it.

If you don't, all accept your begrudging admission that you're full of shit.

first half of the game is better than the dumb dungeon crawl chapter 7 and chapter 8's marathon trip

Party member balancing is kind of wack. Fantastic game though.

It's not Ys

It reuse a lot of stuff from the first game SPECIALLY the music, playing the two games back to back makes it quite a chore towards the mid-game and the fact that liberl as a whole is pretty bland just makes it worse

Combat is slow and boring.

>series that people always gush over the world building for
>world is generic anime fantasy land number 53
I really dont get it

She's not with her boyfriend Rean. Don't worry, we'll release a DLC patch to fix that.

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OH FUCK I FORGOT THAT BIT ON THE END OF THE GAME AFTER FIGHTING ALL THE ENFORCERS THAT THEY MAKE YOU GO TO ALL THE TOWNS AGAIN AT FOOT, holy shit that was padding as fuck but even with all that its still a really really great game that I really enjoyed, but the games that came after it fixed a lot of those flaws specially kevin's game and the Crossbell games

More Words = More Developed = Better
This is what anime and bad VNs do to your brain.

Falcom's been shit ever since he came on board, and the fiscal upturn his pandering yielded isn't going to last now that they're chained to the otaku crowd and can't keep their development pipeline going at the rate they want to and they find themselves lagging further and further behind the rest of the industry.

You could look at tits being a 3 game introduction

>Falcom's been shit ever since he came on board
He wrote Sky.

currently playing Ao, just finished chapter 1. Should I bother talking with everyone every time anything remotely important happens or should I just finish the game normally and go back with a guide on a second playthrough?

There's tons of optional events scattered all over the game and also like 10 hidden sidequests (although couple might've been evo only)


Estelle's IQ being lower than her strega size

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The combat is shit and so is the gameplay in general. The story is good enough to carry it but the gameplay fucking sucks.

I don't mind it much, but it's a bit annoying how the game raises the stakes at times but nobody really suffers any consequences. Everyone turns out to be mostly alright and unhurt, except Loewe.

>dungeon crawl chapter 7 and chapter 8's marathon trip
jesus that was hell.
i just finished SC yesterday, and starting 3rd chapter now. please don't tell me i have to do those bracer quests again now that we have a new MC.

I couldn't imagine dealing with the endgame without fastforward to speed up shit like the robot clowns jumping around for like a minute with every attack

The only weird thing about it is that Cassius still considers Joshua his son

Yes, I'm not sure what this has to do with what I just said.

>please don't tell me i have to do those bracer quests again now that we have a new MC.
you're in a luck, there's not a single sidequest in the game.
Instead you got bunch of (NOT) optional more or less cutscene doors presenting you various characters in various situations

>You solved all my riddles without a guide, right user?

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if they're not boring i'm okay.

>7 months for 10% of translation progress
m-maybe zero will be finished with editing by christmas r-right?

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>Figured it'd be done by around june this year based on previous progress intervals

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>tfw got into the series just now
I do feel sorry for the people that had to wait years between the installments though. Was it really 3 years between FC and SC? Can't imagine how desperate people were at that cliffhanger.

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I completed all 3 Sky games and got part way through Zero, but I just can't go on. The mafia mansion turned out to be another monster dungeon and I can't do it any more.
I've hit the limit. I like the story, I like the game, I even liked the combat sometimes, but I'm done. I can't kill one more shitty flying cat.
It's over.

For me it's Renne - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

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But the most important thing, user. Does she hold back too?

This has to be a bait

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Do every door no matter what. The side doors towards the end of the game are by far the best part of the entire game, you might find some of the early ones annoying but it's gonna make a lot more since by the end

Rolent sucked

I did the first puzzle with the password, walked in, got attacked by the shitty cats from Liberl, and then someone made some comment about the place being filled with monsters and I turned it off.
I thought if I took a break for a while and came back I'd feel differently, but it didn't help at all. I'm at the point where I'm either going to drop the series altogether, or cheat through every battle as quickly as possible from now on because I just don't care about the combat any more. That might actually be more tedious than playing through them anyway though.

what? didn't zero get a translation like 2 years ago?

Falcom were good until the talent left to form Quintet.

Its had a rough leaked translation for a good while now. Geofront took over the editing process shortly after the leak

If the "talent" was so good, why was Quintet shut down over a decade ago?

Because they spent all their money making good games instead of profitable games.
Terranigma cost a fuckload, but who the fuck is gonna buy that? Not Joe Blow. He wants anime tiddy.

Imagine resorting to mental gymnastics of this level

>"They didn't make stuff that sells well, but it's good."
>Mental gymnastics.
Better not come at me saying shit like Ys Origin or Gurumin is bad, bitch. Those games sold like ass at launch.

i love SC, but I am not gonna say its a perfect game.

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