Pure fucking trash. It was trash back then and it is trash now

Pure fucking trash. It was trash back then and it is trash now.

Now, why is it trash? The game begins with no explanation. You're just on plane that crashes in the ocean and just happens to crash near the entrance to rapture. That's fine, I've seen other games start like that, but what really bothers me is what happens after he arrives in rapture. He walks up to a fucking vending machine that has syringes with a red liquid in them and without any fucking explanation whatsoever he grabs one of them and fucking injects himself with it! Nothing about that makes sense since nothing has been explained about the character or the type of world this game takes place in. Is the character a child-like retard? Did he know what was in the liquid? That wouldn't make sense, because the cunt in the radio had to explain to him what it fucking was so our main character would calm the fuck down.

Fuck this game.

Attached: pure fucking trash.jpg (1300x607, 95K)

is any of that related to the gameplay


Bioshock was a mistake
System Shock - > System Shock 2 -> Prey 2017 is the best way to go

found the lonely user. im top keking now

The biggest problem with bioshock was the mission design.

"OPEN THIS DOOR" turned into "get the key for the door, oh but to get the key you need to unlock the gate in front of the key, but to do that you need to restore power to that part of the city, but to restore power first you need to find the blah blah blah blah."

Bioshock sucks play SS2 instead.

i dont like bioshock either, for the reason that this society was given out these syringes that would casually give you ubermensch powers. how didnt this immediately destroy this society. why would the government of rapture just give out flame plasmids? why would you give civilians these powers? it doesnt make sense

This can all explained by the plot twist.

this but for real

finish the fucking game stupid OP

The game is too shitty to stomach very long and at the time it came out I finished nearly every game.

Would you kindly stop being a fucking faggot?

Would you kindly stop overrating M. Night Shyamalan tier plot twists?

You're an idiot, its literally all explained

Have you finished the game?

But BioShock was genuinely one of the best games I've ever played at the time, zoomer. It was the very first game that felt next gen, for sure.

Literally play the game

It's the fact that the plot twist both creates an analogy between the PC and the player, and also uses suspension of disbelief against the player's understanding of what's going on. It's a pretty funny move and I think it's cute enough to warrant its hype.

didn't work somehow though

Uh but that's exactly what happened after they started giving out the powers, the city is constantly falling apart because of an obvious civil unrest taking place in universe when you arrive there.

Somehow, BioShock is too difficult for these zooms to get

>plane crash for no reason
Finish the game new friend :^)

Did you play the game?
This is like the entire backstory of the game dumbo

Genuinely only good way to bait Bio1 these days is by pretending you haven't finished it and complaining about LECONVULUTED HAPPENINGS when the game has been known for it's story and twist for over a decade.

Look, if you want to take away my God-given right to shoot flames out of my hands, you obviously can't be reasoned with. I didn't come to Rapture to be told what I can or can't do with my own body, you goddamn socialist autocrat.

Agreed, besides the gameplay is trash. Hard nailed, but Survivor just turns everyone into a bullet sponge with more damage, but no improvement in the AI, i dropped this shit once i spent 10 minutes strafin' n' wrenchin' Steinmann to death while he turned on and on. There are a ton of guns and tonics but only 2 of them are good: Super sport 1 and 2. Shit game wouldn't recc tbqh desu.

Finish the fucking game, virgin zoomer retard

*Cuts off my genitalia*
Y'all shoudn't
*Fiddle my deedle with a dragon dildo*
Tell other people
*Abuses a child, make the kid thinks he's a drag queen so other people can abuse xer too*
what to do
*drinks onions milk while browsing facebook*
We are all
*goes to antifa rally with my fursuit*
humans after all


It was a pretty okay game except for the shitty sound engine and the spotty hitreg for literally all of the weapons.


>dragon dildos

The whole game criticizes Ayn Rand philosophy

Individualist detected.