
Prepare for a trailer in one hour.

Screenshot this.

Attached: RS_GTA6_LogoUpdate55.png (250x244, 29K)

I don't care what anyone says, I want Vice City 2


fake and gay

This is the new demon edition

You all know it will be the truth.

nobody of any importance cares about gee tea aaaaaaaaaaa anymore

noone cares

Rockstar doesn't fuck with game conventions they just release a trailer out of nowhere that's how people got rickrolled the first time

Oh yeah, I forgot, the Fortnite plague is still going on.

>Based Leslie not involved
I'll pass.

So you'll be saying that when the next one inevitably becomes the #1 record selling game!?


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your threads so gay its making me wanna jerk off to traps

same haha

You couldn't even put effort into the troll?

They never release trailers at conventions & they don't release trailers when half the world is asleep.


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i don't want gta 6 i want Bully 2

Trailer dropping at 9:00 PM (American time). Are you dumb?

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Not him, but I agree with what he said. GTA is dead sadly and won't ever be back to how it once was. Nobody of importance cares about it anymore and for good reasons

America is just one big time zone, ey?

Can't wait for it to sell 100M copies even if it's garbage.

It's the timezone that most of the playerbase is on, dummy