Fuck all men. Im literally the only intelligent character in the vampire's side

>fuck all men. Im literally the only intelligent character in the vampire's side
Was she like this in the games too?

Attached: carmilla-and-hector-in-castlevania-season-2[1].jpg (1300x649, 66K)

>was she like this in the games too?
lol no

she was just a floating head in the games

Hector vs crazy Isaac when you fuckers , S3 when AAAAAAAAA

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She barely exists in the other games.

>dude what if some punk Indian hipster who declared Apu to be racist actually ADAPTED Castlevania into a netflix show!
>dude, what if Christianity is actually the super big bad instead of the massive genocide and rape of humankind across the European continent by a very pissed off Dracula?
>dude what if we made Isaac black and gay
>dude what if VIKING VAMPIRE
>dude what if the animation takes a hit after the first season?
I hope Adi Shankar chokes on his progressivism in his sleep

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She's an antagonist you're meant to dislike.

The original Carmilla is a lesbian but does not act like that fucking cunt. I have no fucking clue what they were trying to do with Carmilla in netflixvania but she's shit. Dracula and Issac are far easily the best characters from the show, but fuck whoever wrote Carmilla.

>vidya forgemasters are said to be just as strong as death
>netflix forgemasters arent shown to be fighters at all
>they just make generic minions instead of the cool summons we see in the game
>not even a laser sword easter egg

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>mfw it’s actually good

Yeah none of that shit you said matters, it’s kino.

You must be 18 to post here.


>aren’t shown to be warriors
dude solos a group of bandits completely unarmed and solos an elite vampire the fuck r u talkin bout

using the word kino does not throw all legitimate criticism under the rug. go back to dry humping Miyazaki lore you Darksoulsfaggot. I bet you think Rockstar emulating the Wild Bunch instantly made the game great because it was cinema (kino)
You are cancer of the worst ilk and I honestly hope someone stabs you in the jugular tomorrow.

I didn’t say that, but you started off with a fucking ad hominem and then go on some fucking alt right tangent.

The show isn’t even anti-Christian, it’s anti zealotry. There’s nothing specifically against Christian doctrine. God forbid they make an actually fucking sympathetic villain instead of generic grimdark evil vampire lord.

The animation DOES slack at certain points in S2, but overall the work doesn’t suffer from the liberties taken with the source material. If anything, it benefits from it.

Yeah Carmillia is a lesbian cunt, as far as I'm concerned she's portrayed pretty accurately to reality. I'm sorry the stronk wahmen talks some shit and does some plotting, but that shit happens more often than you think.

>i have not played cotm

she was lesbo slave for drac that floated on a skull

No, game Carmilla is fiercely loyal to Drac and sees humans as food, but doesn't really hold any personal grudge against them.

It has its moments, but its far from good and your underage is really showing.

Carmilla doesn't even hate all men she just hates godbrand specifically. and her being arrogant and thinking she's smarter than all the other vampire generals is proven wrong since we know that her coup against Dracula was doomed from the start because of how powerful Drac is.

>Is supposed to still be feeding
>Has the pale hair and skin that denotes weak, non-feeding vampires
>Literally "starving" Dracula is both less pale than her and has black hair
How did Ellis mess this up?

Nah, she says she was tired of being ruled by stupid old men, or something like that.

>let's make Isaac black for no reason to pander!

She's a cunt in the story she's from, but very distinctly different from Netflix Carmilla. Heck, in the book Carmilla is a C-lister; she's the vampire slave of another female vampire, who herself is a vampire slave of a third female vampire.

>Has the pale hair and skin that denotes weak, non-feeding vampires

No, I think its just her natural hair color. Er, natural undead color.

>Has the pale hair and skin that denotes weak, non-feeding vampires
Stuff you just pulled from your ass isn't actually true, user. I know this is a shock to you.

i still feel that's more about her being overconfident and power hungry than being a man hater. It's not like she ever gives special treatment to any of the female vampires.

It's amazing that they managed to make Isaac less gay in the adaptation whilst simultaneously making him a fucking faggot.

>dude, what if Christianity is actually the super big bad instead of the massive genocide and rape of humankind across the European continent by a very pissed off Dracula?

That's wrong though, only that one priest was shown to be a cunt. There were literally other priests in the first season helping Trevor by making holy water.

She was wrong anyway, she ended up being just as stupid and only survived because the plot required it for Curse of Darkness to happen and because she lucked out and was out of the castle for her failed coup when Trevor and friends stormed in.

I also don't understand why some people get triggered by a villain talking luck a stuck-up asshole.

It's not, as Dracula's hair alternates throughout the games. The paler it (and he) is, the weaker he is and the more recently he has returned. Alucard also likely has very pale hair because he doesn't feed on blood (except for against other monsters if he uses Dark Metamorphosis in SotN, and even then it's not consumed in the traditional way). Carmilla herself never appears as a pale-haired, pale-skinned being in the Castlevania games either. Ellis used the visual indicator of a weak vampire for the vampire who absolutely should not have that appearance considering what she does.

Check it out. The paler Dracula's hair and skin, the more recently he has been brought back, and the more improperly at that.

>dude what if we made Isaac black and gay
He's unironically a better character in the show then he ever was in that one game

Wait, Drac had white hair in Rondo and Symphony though...

>yfw "I'm killing our boy, the greatest gift you ever gave me and I'm killing it"

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Shaft brought him back early both games.

>Drac had white hair in two games where he was freshly resurrected
Shut the fuck up Boco

He was just brought back in those games and Richter got involved immediately, and SotN's ending has perhaps the fastest time between Dracula's return and being killed again.

>Alucard just stabs him through the heart anyway
>Trevor decapitates him before he could give his son one last hug

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>Vampire Killer literally forms a cross before exploding vampires
Are you mentally ill?

>SotN's ending has perhaps the fastest time between Dracula's return and being killed again
Nah, i think thats Curse of Darkness. He stays alive for like 15 minutes.

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After Alucard defeats Shaft, the latter immediately uses himself for a desperate, weaker ritual that revives Dracula. After a short conversation, Alucard fights and kills him. Considering how quickly Alucard can kill him too, combined with the battle only having one phase, it's the shortest time in the series.

No it's the typical netflix pozzed cancer that leaked into castlevania
Castlevania netflix is SJW propaganda GARBAGE
"Daily Reminder that Adi Shankar is a huge SJW cunt and so is the lead writer. They're revising Castlevania to fit their agenda"
It's true, and the entirety of season 2 is proof of that
>Issac's a fucking niggerfaggot
>Everytime Carmilla is given screentime every other character instantly goes passive/braindead too show how stronk she is
>Can't go one scene without ranting about how she hates men
>the viking vampire calls Hector a "bigot"
>Dracula can't even keep his men in line
>none of the main characters have any sort of chemistry
This is actual dialogue from Issac from around episode 5 8:15 from Issac to Hector
>Well maybe we should just kiss
>I've never heard you tell a joke before Issac
>And you never will
>Dracula and the diverse ghoul gang whinging and bickering
Isaac's entire character was fucking shit. Most of the shit in Dracula's castle was absolute shit, Isaac was a gary stu and obvious Netflix force in. Carmilla was awful. Who the fuck writes a 15th century woman to say, "manchild" not once but TWICE.

It was for the better...r-right guys?

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All the comedic/bonding scenes with the trio come off as extremely forced, and the entirety of castlevania s2 was pointless gow wannabe political garbage

he needs ti make a judge dredd sequel instead of making shitty animations

Part 1 spent way too long whining about the church instead of establishing Dracula and actually including Grant. Part 2 spent way too long on boring vampire politics that counted the chickens before they hatched, namely setting up for a sequel. Shankar and Ellis also tried to make Dracula's death seem as definitive and final as possible, which fucked them over since they wasted a lot of time trying to set up for future seasons. Dracula is the main antagonist of Castlevania and has never failed to make an appearance in the games (not even in the Sorrow games). How are you going to keep him as an antagonist in the same way? Even in the Netflix adaptation of 3 he was hoping to kill himself in the end rather than torment the Earth forever like in the games.

Additionally, the Catholic church didn't even have much of a presence in Wallachia in that era, if any at all; it was an Orthodox territory. Ellis literally included the wrong church just to partake in his personal hatred of it more. What's more, if they were going to use the Lament of Innocence backstory, in which Castlevania Dracula isn't even the historical Dracula, then there's no point in making Wallachia the setting at all. They could have just used Transylvania like in the games and Stoker's novel. Even the idea of the Speakers feels lessened by Ellis' clear dislike of the church; it comes across as him changing Sypha's backstory because he'd have to acknowledge the church wasn't universally horrible rather than him thinking it'd be a neat idea.

Pretty sure the faggot wrote this after binge watching champloo. It's a poor blatant knock off.

Great, the retarded church fag they never watched the show found the thread
The faggot has been seething about the show for years now

well christfags are by natural drooling simpletons so it's to be expected
>inb4 hat tip maymay

The vampire politics got old fast but I did like Alucard's whole role. He felt like more of the main character than Trevor.

Sypha could give me her pee and I'd say thank you

First season: pure 100% kino
First episode of 2nd: season bumpy start not bad
Every other episode of 2nd season: absolute horse shit
Last Episode 2 episodes: pure 100% grade A kino

Somebody post the images from the later seasons

she's right though. as a fag who has the displeasure of being attracted to men, i can tell you that 99% of men are garbage individuals who should be gassed.

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>Woman whose husband is Dracula doesn't believe in God
Whoever wrote that line made her sound like an idiot when that clearly wasn't their intention.

seething christcuck on full meltdown

>Isaac black and gay
Isaac was already gay, making him black change so little I didn't

>dude, what if Christianity is actually the super big bad instead of the massive genocide and rape of humankind across the European continent by a very pissed off Dracula?
That actually pissed me off.

Look at him
Not even Christian, but even I can see what the literal fedora stereotype and the poonigger are doing

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>Last Episode 2 episodes: pure 100% grade A kino

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>my husband is literally Satan.
>btw, God doesnt exist.

Attached: OJ.gif (305x424, 2.31M)

>he has no face
newfag zoomzooms should fuck off

>Was she like this in the games too?

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She revived Dracula and brainwashed your buddy in Circle of the Moon.

No idea about any other game

>all these zoomers that got memed into christfaggotry
fucking lol

>Dracula brings in vampires from across the country for his crusade
>don't have them do anything other than sit around to be war advisors, as if you need advisors for a mass genocide
>Dracula wants to exterminate humanity in Wallachia
>routinely denies the vampire advisors he brought in permission to do anything
Like what the fuck was the point?

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>Was she like this in the games too?
pretty sure in the game her only characterization was she wanted Dracula's dick

I don't like how mean she was to poor Hector on the other hand my dick kinda twitched when she was nice

If you didn't had the attention spam of a 5 year old you would know

Why would anyone be upset over the Christianity thing
It targets the catholic church. Who fucks kids and is extremely hypocritical (palace of gold yet "cares about the homeless and needy)
How far gone do you have to be where you see the villains of s1 and get offended

>anons point out how obviously retarded the shows approach to religion is as seen here
>only response is raving about DA CHRISTKEKS
You should be offended by the stupidity of the writing and that the author expects you to take this shit serious.

The explanation is still nonsense. Dracula is too depressed and sad to be a leader, so he wants humanity gone to punish them for Lisa and so he can starve himself to death too. But then why wouldn't the vampires just fuck off? Why is something like Godbrand and a few of the others ransacking a town played up to be some big betrayal of Dracula when they're still killing humans, which is no different than the goober minions would be doing.

>show has feminazi
>she's a villain, a character you're supposed to want to see die
>Yea Forums complains

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>mfw Dracula is a Hero, and all these Westerners slander him by implying that he converted to Roman Catholicism thus resulting in him becoming a vampire after death.

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>God forbid they make an actually fucking sympathetic villain instead of generic grimdark evil vampire lord.
Instead they go for the irredeemable 100% evil quistor Catholic church trope, something the Castelvania series managed to avoid specifically, without even having to portray it as a goody 2 shoes organization. Its why the speakers are what they are and why Syphas backstory was changed so much(can't have that bigot institution do anything good now do we!). The priest from season 1 is merely a bone thrown to the naive audience to convince them that this is anything other than Adi and Warrens soapbox against Christianity, and Catholicism in particular.

>doesn't believe in God

She says that in reference to them thinking she's trying to invoke Satan on them.

Castlevania Dracula is a butthurt fedoralord who manipulated and killed his friends to get the crimson stone and become the vampire of vampires so he could defy god's decree of mortality and curse him every night for eternity because his wife died.

>that scene where she beats up and doms that one guy

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Why is that priest whipping that bald chick(or dude)?

Because he's a gay sadist pedophile.

I'm kind of hoping Hector has passionate make up sex with her in Season 3. Shortly followed by Stabbing her in the heart with a wooden stake before she reaches orgasm, blue balling her for all eternity

good enough for me

It wasn't even that good, my friend was hyping it up for the whole season since he had seen it before me.
He at least seemed to realize it was kind of a shit season in the following months.

Hector's hair looks so shit in the show and that bothered the fuck out of me for some reason

Whyyyyyyy that is a turn off

Why yes, I would fuck Carmilla, how could you tell?

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>Instead they go for the irredeemable 100% evil quistor Catholic church trope
Holy Water Priest

>Dracula: Leave this place if you want to live
>Church: Lets celebrate he day we killed his wofe
>Dracula: You all die now.
Why the fuck did they even do that? Was Lisa that much of a high profile kill for them?

>became a vampire from converting to Roman Catholicism
Literally no one thinks that.

I havent seen you post in forever. Meanwhile I get microbanned for posting in off topic. Yea Forums is being Yea Forums'd anons...

She's still saying something utterly idiotic. She's even basically teeing up the perfect argument for them; she doesn't believe in anything religious so she's either ignorant about everything or actively knows her deeds count as sins.

>character acts entire out-of-character
>people complain they are out-of-character
This is why Hector becoming bitchmade is the real tragedy of the series.
Imagine going from a man who storms Dracula's castle BAREHANDED because his forces killed your wife and then creating demons and bending them to your will because fuck your castle and everything in it, stealing from DEATH and beating up a guy who can stop time, beating the fuck out Dracula who shows no ill will towards you because he entirely understands how fucked it is to have your wife killed.
Take all that and ignore it for some passive bitch of a human incapable of shitting without permission and that's why people dislike the show.
It just sticks names on unrelated characters and then expects us to accept it.

I brought up the priest. At best he is there to be #NotAllCatholics at the lower echelons, but the series shows nothing redeemable about the church as an institution, unlike the games lore, Why was the whole Sypha backstory change necessary? I have also come to think that elis chose to portray Catholicism over Orthodoxy for the simple reason that he was too ignorant of the later and didn't know how to stereotype and demonize them convincingly to his equally ignorant audience.

Why the sex at all? You sound like a thirsty dweeb. Hector needs to stop being mentally and emotionally stunted and become his accurate character from Curse of Darkness.

i hate his new desing, i prefer isaac to be gay instead of being a nigga

I hope Death appears in this show, feels odd to have him missing still.

That is too gamey and immature. It just doesn't fit with the mature theme and tone of this enlightened recreation of Castlevania.

$20 says that, as Isaac is dying, he stabs his own heart and turns into the avatar of Death so that Death is Dracula's best friend.

Pray he doesn't make it into the show. You know he'll suddenly kowtow to someone who isn't worthy as a way to artificially increase their standing in the narrative.

He was flexing his authority and he wanted to look good by purging all of the negative influence in the country. He thought Drac was just puffing smoke and that God would take care of him and them.
In case you didn't notice, he was a bit power hungry.

It’s Slavic folklore. If an Orthodox converts to Roman Catholicism, he becomes a vampire after death.

That's not where Stoker got it from. His Dracula was estimated to be a member of the Scholomance by Abraham Van Helsing, and Stoker left just enough wiggle room that he could argue the novel Dracula wasn't the historical Dracula if he wanted.

Because it's hot as fuck when mortals mate with immortals/undead you fucking raging homosexual

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Casey Hudson, get the fuck off of Yea Forums and go back to sucking EA penis.

wtf I want to convert to Roman Catholicism now?

>[dojyaan intensifies]

>Add trashy sex scene featuring a rotting corpse and someone with the mental perspective of a child to a series that already has too much Western nonsense in it
What you seek lies elsewhere.

Except she was fucking wrong and stupid and the show goes out of it's way to show this when you pay attention to it

Drac was bloodstarved and literally ready to suicide himself yet it took his own son, a Belmont with a stupidly-strong-against-vamps holy weapon and a high tier sorcerer to bring him down, and that's just because he let them. Carmilla's army wouldn't have done jackshit and she'd have been begging for mercy within minutes once she realized a backstab was just gonna get her killed.

She is nowhere near as smart as she thinks she is and every time she ever attacked anyone it was a sneak attack. She didn't even try to beat fucking Hector until the sun was down, she had guards backing her up, and he was already in chains.

The worst kind of tyrant is the one that's afraid to get her fucking hands dirty despite being willing to wash away the rest of the world in a river of blood.

Attached: carmilla.jpg (210x240, 12K)

Doesn't stop you.

Doesn't matter, she survived and Dracula did not. She will be portrayed as a greater vampire than Dracula, guaranteed.

When the fuck did she ever think her man was Satan?

Yeah it's not like Dracula ever comes back or anything.

>portrayed as stupid
>still manipulates pretty much the entire castle in doing her work
IQ of the vampires must be a collective 10 for her to play 4D chess with them.

Personally i'm offended by the hyperbolic response to the show making the church out to be bad guys and why people feel the need to so desperately defend religion.

>he only intelligent character in the vampire's side

>Have the demon maker on your side
>Dracula falls
>Treats Hector like shit and beats him up
>Now has given the one dude who is going to build her entire army had more than enough reasons to turn on her
That was pretty fucking retarded on her side. Specially if you're a fan of the series who knows just who Hector is and what he's capable of.

In the games she's just a big tiddy vampire iirc

He's dead user, it's time stop deluding yourself and accept the superior vampiress as queen.

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>Dracula is suicidal and doesn't give a fuck what the vamps do
>Half the generals are willing to listen to fucking Godbrand and otherwise are too busy infighting to get anything significant done other than pillaging the random village here and there
>Godbrand himself is a goddamn moron who thought trying to convince one of the most loyal people in Drac's army to betray him without even trying to scope him out like Carmilla did with Hector was a good idea
>Rest of the army is content to sit around with their thumbs up their asses and wait for the Belmont, who they know is running around freely, to come and kick their asses until Carmilla sends at least a token force after the group

It's not really 4D chess when you're playing with retards.


Was that the kinoest scene in all Vidya adaptations?

Death is a major character in Curse of Darkness so if they are going to do Hector's game next then he should be there.

>dur woman antagonist this is feminism propaganda!
Why the fuck are you people even allowed to breathe?

So collective 10IQ then? To be fair, everyone in that show is a fucking retard.
I don't think there was a single person in that show except for maybe Isaac who has a brain.

I actually liked Isaac. The only loyal dude out of the entire cast.

He is going to get killed by Alucard.
Cami by Blonde love interest.
Josef Hostar is gonna be a joke character again

>uses the term manchild unironically in backwater 15th century Wallachia

>Isaac went from some murderous goth looking guy who trolls Hector and fucks him over to a stoic loyal black guy who is also pretty murderous
Not really an upgrade but not a downgrade either

Anyone here has any hope for the DMC adaptation?


but he's a gay nigga. Did you not watch the series?

No. This adaption shows they can't actually understand the source material nor fight choreography.
The literal, LITERAL only good thing about this adaption was the usage of music during the siege on the castle as the trio walk through the front door and beat up on some nobodies.

So quick to blame the Indian guy, and not the white man that wrote the script.

Why is that?

The fucking battle choreography though.
Alucard, Trevor and fucking Sypha's fight at the end was pretty as hell to watch.

>nor fight choreography
But that was one of the best fights, you fucking nigger.

but he LITERALLY still is

I thought the first season was mostly ok.
The second season could have been almost as good too if they just cut out like half the season since most of it has nothing at all to do with castlevania or castlevania characters.
But yea the end fight was pretty much the only great part of s2, but it was actually pretty great.

Its more like the other way around, people desperately defend this show and outright deny the anti-Christian undertones exist either because they are naive or like the animation too much and don't want to admit that the authors personal agenda is being pushed. Criticize the shoddy writing? Must be a mad Catholic, not true Christians anyway lmao etc.

Can we ALL agree that Sypha was cute cute CUTE!

>dude what if we made Isaac black and gay
But he's 100% better than the fucking faggot dumbass we had before.

Attached: 43242.jpg (245x266, 23K)

>retards on Yea Forums actually liked castlevania Netflix pozzed of the night
nu-Yea Forums is shit as usual, this place has become nothing more than a honey pot/hangout for corporate shills, children and normalfags

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God I hope not. A week ago I got permabanned from posting pics on Yea Forums cause it was a cropped O face, I can’t stand the fickle nature of this place sometimes.

Isn't it great? She gets to get killed next! What are you complaining about?

Honestly posting wojak should be a bannable offense.
It is insanely retarded the the rules don't matter and you get banned for a mod not liking you or something you posted instead of it being against any rules.

>I got permabanned from posting pics on Yea Forums
You know mods are on discord right now discussing how to ban you next right? Maybe a 24 hour ban you can't appeal? lol

By O face I meant a vidia girl getting the dick and only her face was showing.

oh, that's just plain retardation then
not that it's surprising though given the moderation team

>he thinks what Netflixvania was shitting out is good fighting.
You do not embody the spirit necessary for a DMC adaption, my friend.

First season was passable, second season was trying to be a show completely separated from what Castlevania was.
Shit, the basics of Castlevania is "good guys traveling and hitting shit" neither of which really happened. How do you fuck up such a basic premise? You do it by having the heroes stay in a library the entire season, fight a couple boss fights back to back and then tell me that was fine?

The second season was ripping game of thrones accept we all new Drac was going to be the big bad at the end so it was like 6 episodes of pointless vampire bickering.

>all any of them do all season is argue about whether the humans should suffer
What is this, Democrat Party Debate the Anime?

Attached: castlevania2.png (1465x1920, 3.15M)

Yeah, fucking edgelords and their hate boner for the authority figures.

To be fair that was literally the only argument they needed to have

Everyone in that show was stupid but vamps had the advantage of being fuck stupidly strong and having an endless army on their side, if there were a "war" it would have been a complete curbstomp

That season did go on for too long. Honestly, brevity would have helped the second season along amazingly.
The first season worked better because you had 4 episodes to get a passable plot working so you can't have filler.

Shes smug and annoying abd she managed to survive through scheming and luck, unaware of multiple factors that lead to her survival. So its going to be all the sweeter when shes actually forced to fight trevor or hector finally gets tired of her shit and makes some demons to tear her in half.
Shes set up to fail in an extremely satisfying way

Having less episodes resulted in a more tightly told story. It dwelt on the church way too long which was laughable considering the games' strict focus on Dracula indeed being the greater evil, but it at least told A story. Season 2 meandered with the vampire politics that put all the eggs in a "we're getting Season 3, right?" basket. Cut that stuff out and you probably have another four episodes of Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard.

>Was she like this in the games too?
play them and find out niggy

>>dude what if we made Isaac black and gay
all they did was turn one not that important villain black. the ending result will be:

"the good, heroic white men and women will kill an evil nigger."

cv1 and 2 kinda throw that theory into the trashcan. he's a skeleton in both, and in cv1 he was alive for a while. in portrait of ruin he's resurrected right after brauner died, who was preventing his resurrection while alive, but he's young and has black hair. rondo's psp remake also has black hair while original had white. bloodlines also has immediate resurrection, and he's a ginger with very dark purple skin there.

you're trying to compare artistic direction and choice to some system that isn't there.


Is she a lesbian in this?

That and when the speaker slices that vamp in half with the ice sheet

there wasn't any "muh wimmin empowerment reee i hate all men" feminist bullshit in the games. in circle she was just devoted to dracula. in cv2 and rondo she has nothing to say, in 2 she's just a mask, in rondo she rides around on a skull. in judgement she worships dracula, a man, like a god. she knew her place as a woman in the games, just the stupid westerner pigs couldn't accept it and had to push their politics.

Attached: carmilla.jpg (790x1340, 352K)

She's not talking about God in that sentence, who is very much real in universe. Watch the series and you see she's talking about Satan, who she believes is fake. She's calling Dracula worse and more dangerous than Satan.

>Loyal vampire who answered Dracula's call
>Simple warrior, eschews pointless vampire politicking and intrigue
>Recognizes the importance of a clear war plan and strategy
>Treated like shit by the others despite not doing anything to instigate it
>Politely asks Dracula perfectly logical and reasonable questions
>Gets called a manlet and sent away
>Jobbed out like a bitch

He didn't deserve it.

Attached: jobbrand.png (247x139, 52K)

>portable bj device
Neat and hot.

>reee stop shoving your filthy fucking feminist politics down my throat
>carmilla is being set up as villain for a curse of darkness adaptation so she'll die, most likely screaming about manchildren and being the only adult in the room

The rise of atheism is directly corellated to the decline of the west.

maybe, maybe not. if it happens it'll be "the heroic powerful masculine white male slays the evil crazy feminist, the evil nigger and saves the world."

i wonder if they're doing it intentionally, or is it just another case of progressives trying to blindly shove their shit so hard they unintentionally create an exactly opposite outcome.

She was literally trying to usurp Dracula's throne while pretending to be all for girl vamp rights and shit. They are playing her a straight up villain.

I just hope my boy Hector will take his hammer to her face.

To be fair she has a point, because Dracula's characterizarion outside of the very first and very last episodes is horribly handled and so he was acting like an irrational wreck.
Chinese mist vampire best girl by far though

S1 did it’s thing in 4 episodes it was very good overall. S2 went for something different trying to flesh out the side characters. It was daring but isn’t as tight. Bloody Tears remix was amazing.

>Carmilla's army wouldn't have done jackshit and she'd have been begging for mercy within minutes once she realized a backstab was just gonna get her killed.
yeah thats the funny part, if Belmont hadn't intervened she would've been absolutely destroyed by Dracula, that fight was crazy

Isaac is best boy. The truly loyal right-hand man trope is my favorite.

>That was pretty fucking retarded on her side. Specially if you're a fan of the series who knows just who Hector is and what he's capable of.
even ignoring that, since they certainly will ignore whats in the games, the show itself notes that the monsters are loyal to and controlled by the forgemasters. She probably figures she can cow him with fear, and it's gonna blow up in her face. She'd be much better served by playing it femme fatale and leading him around by his dick, that short day they spent together shows how terribly easy it is to charm Hector.

I did like how straight forward and no BS he was, even if he did like to fuck things then turn them into boats

>Shes set up to fail in an extremely satisfying way
the problem is it relies on the show creators to have the balls to do it

Anime thread?

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can you imagine being the fucking painter dracula probably kidnapped and enslaved to do that portrait?

His wifes being all sweet and kind asking about your day while you paint her and her husband stares at you like fucking satan

His time will come, right lads?..

Netflix has a habit of canceling shows after 3 seasons.

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>what if Christianity is actually the super big bad
Shouldn't you be crying in a Doom Eternal thread? You christcuck fagboy. Christcucks are virgins because all their girls only want barrel chested Copenhagen chewing oil field working retard boyfriends that they can golddig
>but at least they dont have tattoos!!
Lmao no wonder you hate women

>Christcucks are virgins because all their girls only want barrel chested Copenhagen chewing oil field working retard boyfriends that they can golddig

She's genuinely one of the dumbest characters crippling all of the vampire order permanently.

that post is a man's brain on shitposting, either that or just a south-american huemonkey

oh, I thought maybe user was venting... something personal. It was oddly specific.

>Lmao no wonder you hate women
user not even women like women

Christianity isn't the bad guy though, the completely corrupt and self righteous Catholic Church is, which is actually pretty accurate for the time frame. The entire Papacy functioned more like a European political system than a religion and it existed only to keep everyone under their boot. God was secondary to them having total control.

How was Curse of Darkness anyway?

He's not a skeleton in 1, just in 2. In Portrait of Ruin the ritual to revive him has been prepared for a while, and it's within the final century countdown to the Battle of 1999, when he's supposed to be at his strongest. Rondo's PSP remake actively gave him a stronger role/more power as the villain, adding the hair change to match, and Bloodlines had a ritual prepared for quite some time as Morris and Lecarde traveled the world. Bloodlines was also created before the pale hair was introduced, and even then he looks nearly inhuman with dead blue skin.

I'm afraid that Season 3 will make Hector into an absolute omega.

>Blaming the hindi when it was the fatass Alan Moore-wannabe who pulled all the dumbass anti-religious shit into Castlevania
Dude, c'mon.

In FGO she drives a sports car and fights with cybernetic attack dogs.

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She's still a fool for calling him fake, especially considering her audience at the time.

The fuck am I reading?

>portable bj device
that's all women though

>Im literally the only intelligent character in the vampire's side
That's absolutely correct though, vampire average IQ is so low that only two of Dracula's generals knew how to speak.

Even worse:
>But I'll give you one year to flee before I do anything

He was a viking. The whitest of whites.
Of course Jewflix would write him to be shit.

Church literally shit all over the Belmonts past Leon for being supernatural and burned Alucard's mom. That's canon to the games. Fuck off and die papist scum.

>quite literally the best videogame adaption comes out and people on Yea Forums have no argument but complain anyways

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>is /pol/ mentally ill?
You think?

Case example: >Isaac, probably the biggest psychopath in the show, including the monsters is a gary stu
>"Who the fuck writes a 15th century woman to say, "manchild" not once but TWICE.
>late 14 c.
>fantasy setting anyways
Oofie, my boi.

> implying

Dumb Rin poster.

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It's a valid point for a "femme fatale" character whose defining event was by disemboweling her master toward Dracula's retarded actions.
In essence, because he got his absurd feefees hurt when humans killed his human wife, he decided to suicide by vampire hunter and them all with him.


I like Ellis but he needs to take the fedora off once in a while.

The second season of this show was agonizing. The payoff was not worth the price of admission.

I didn't understand the point in hyping up the church like it would be an antagonistic force, only to have some no-name demon completely dismiss their relevance to the story. It really did just seem like it was making the church shitty for the sake of it, with no long term plans in mind.
And like you said, the way they tried to wrap things up with Dracula seems short sighted.

Yeah I was hype af after the first 4 episodes, I thought "a western anime done right this is gonna be hype" then it was all boring build up with zero climax holy fuck it was so bad, the forced "fuck u bro haha got ur back bro lul fuck u xD" was just icing the shit cake

People actually thought this was sad for any reason other than how painful it was to watch but "I'm already this far might as well finish it"


>I'm Yea Forums and I hate literally everything am I cool yet guys I'm an intellectual!

Yup. It's pretty ironic that the same people shit on Rick and Morty despite being of pretty much the same attitude IRL without an ounce of self-awareness.

Except netflixvania was actually a fucking abomination

Satan doesn't exist but Dracula does and is pretty much Satan.

isn't that Rick and Morty fans themselves?
Those fucks are cringier than the horsefuckers.
A bunch of 20-30 somethings that act like they just discovered atheism and think they are smart despite being below average because they watch a show that goes "science bitch!".

>Why don't you eat shit are you a contrarian?
I don't like the cringy writing, the shit characters or rape of the Castlevania name.

He does exist but he's usually just an enemy or boss. He's definitely lower on the totem pole than Drac.

pretty much. there is no entity called satan, the name itself just means "adversary", and there are a few of them across the bible. the serpent is not satan, it's just one of many of god's enemies. then there's helel/lucifer, the decever or black sun, the beast of revelation that is humanity's true nature etc.

Castlevania was pretty much dead before this. The fact that people can talk about the franchise at all beyond "dead game" makes me happy.

>I must already be dead

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Netshitmania and Rick and Morty have several things in common: Both shows think they are written smarter than they really are and both appeal to audiences of pseudo-intellectuals that overestimate their how bigbrained they are. At least I haven't seen Rick and Morty insert blacks for the sake of it, but apparently even blatant Netflix blacking will now be defended here.

In most games she appears she is just an evil naked lady monster boss. The only game that ever really developed her personality or character was Judgement where she just worships Dracula like a god.

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>that dog
What an alpha

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are they working on season 3?

its a jews world

I also really liked Isaac in the show.

Couldn't possibly be because she's naturally pale and platinum blonde, right?

You never played the games, don't pretend otherwise.

They are going to do a Dracula ressurection arc with Isaac using his necromancy to resurrect him (and becoming "Death") while Carmilla becomes the new primary villain and trying to regain control of the castle, likely after a time skip. That way they can introduce another Belmont (Trevor and Sypha's kid) and work in the idea of Dracula being a recurring threat for the family.