What's the best MMORPG to play right now?

What's the best MMORPG to play right now?

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Wait for classic wow. Note that classic wow is a shit game but its still the best option because mmos are a shit genre.


left is better

prob classic wow for a few months or however long you want or ESO for casual play + mature atmosphere.

Neither are real.

this but unironically

I recently (Yesterday) started playing FF14, it's pretty comfy so far.

FFXIV just got its best expansion to date and it makes the whole experience quite worth it, I'd say. Everyone I've asked seems to be in thorough agreement, therefore right now is basically the best time to play FFXIV.

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ESO was so fucking good. Now it has less class variety than gw2. I hate zenimax so much.

Imagine the smell.

Soul - Soulless


"character development" was a mistake

I hate their little anus mouths.

Granblue fantasy.

Holy shit FPBP

Can you believe that the genre I grew up with and love the most is literally dead? There's nothing coming on the horizon other than a remake of WoW from 2004
Other than that there's Final Fantasy 14 which might be good, but that's also a decade old game.

If I were a retard maybe I could fall for the hype of these kickstarter horse shit looking ones. Crowfall was announced in 2015 and still looks like literally nothing
Then there's shit like Camelot Unchained which somehow looks worse than Shroud of the Avatar. There's Ashes of Creation which seemed promising but then it just turned into a BR and the developer took the money and ran

How do i find a cute 30+ year old neet cake?

The only MMOs I have enjoyed:

- Planetside 1 (basically an MMO arena FPS)
- Space Cowboys Online/Ace Online (a plane dogfighting MMO, also had tanks)
- HellMOO (text/MUD, essentially a darker version of Fallout)

I am in my mid twenties. There are no girls who haven't taken dicks at this age, are there?

It's sort of depressing. If you miss out on teen love, that's pretty much it.

>30 years old
>two years i banged a chick who told me she was a virgin
>knew it was a lie but...
>turns out she'd been with 10+ dudes and said it because she thought i'd think less of her knowing she was a slut

Fuck women. And fuck modern MMOs, the glory days are over.

If she doesn't bleed she's probably not a virgin. Hymens being broke during physical activity is massively overstated by whore women.

>What's the best MMO to play right now
>Recommends single player RPG with suicide hotline chatroom

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Why would you go for a woman your own age once you're in your 20s or older? Makes no sense.


They are out there but you will never find them in clubs and any other normie scene. The best way I could put it is, how the hell would you find a female version of yourself if all you do is shitpost on a fucking imageboard on your computer every day.

>women's entire life revolves around lying
>they lie about their face with makeup
>they lie about their hair with hair dye and chemical treatments
>they lie about their bodies with waist trainers and photoshop
>they lie about their weight
>expecting creatures like this not to lie about chastity

There are none. It's a dead genre now.

The first one is better though?

If you only seek out women who are virgins at that age, you're going to stay a virgin.

That's fine.

Is this an edit or she went from Christmas cake to milf?

I ended up dating that girl for about a year, until I caught her in another lie that involved her cheating with my best friend. I got so angry I immediately hooked up with this girl I knew only hours later, despite her having a fiancee.

I know I was stooping to their level but there's nothing more satisfying than revenge sex. I did feel somewhat bad for the fiancee though, I shouldn't have done him dirty like that.

>what is the best kind of cancer

>how the hell would you find a female version of yourself if all you do is shitpost on a fucking imageboard on your computer every day
you just answered your own question

unironically it's FFXIV. Whether you like it or hate it.

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If you're a zoomer, play XIV. If you're a boomer, play ESO. Those are the best options right now.


Which is it?


>loses her long stinky neet hair and becomes a normalfag
I can't relate to this

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Should have told the guy his future spouse is a whore. You could have saved him.

good content not good endgame/playerbase

There are, but they wouldn't be interested in you in the first place.
Or the opposite

Soapless - Soap

I've played WoW for too long. But I always go back. Play an FPS for a month, go back to WoW. Take a break and play a simulation game for a couple months, go back to WoW. I guess I'll be playing it until one of us dies. It'll be nice to have Classic here in a week.

I gave FFXIV a try back when the last expansion launched but I couldn't make it through the base game's content. It was such a goddamn slog. Shadowbringers is tempting me to try it again but then I remember the last time I complained about how boring it was everyone told me I hadn't even reached the worst part yet. They told me I could buy a level up potion or something to skip it but fuck that.

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OP didn't ask "which MMO has the best endgame" you colossal faggotron