Is there a reason people don't like this game so much?

Is there a reason people don't like this game so much?

I'm playing it for the first time, 5 robot masters in. So far it's on par with all the previous MM games. I know people didn't like the "Die Wily" thing but that's not even cannon anymore.

Also, Mega Man thread.]

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Other urls found in this thread:!UgNQmIJZ!i1DFJDG7DnXhfxzkCdi-cQ

Because "muh 8-bit"
It's easily one of the best classic MM games.

Sprites are too big. Makes it harder to see whats coming.

There has never been a bad classic series Mega Man game (the "worst" being II for Gameboy)

Big sprites and Wily Capsule


I can see what's ahead just fine, but the large sprites do make the level feel smaller.

It sucks because you only have access to half the robot masters from the beginning, and everything is way too big. Megaman needs to be 50% of the size he is in it.

this and this

It's not bad, it just feels stagnant like a lot of the later Megaman games

isn't there a password that lets you access all 8?

There is, but I think it skips a lot of the story.

Read Mega/Gigamix for the ultimate Classic series experience

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Don't think it's like the Zero manga, it also features pure kino

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Is the MMX mango any good?

>mfw can't beat the final boss even using save state

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>It sucks because you only have access to half the robot masters from the beginning
I always kinda wondered why. I know the Game Boy games did that, but it's technically not the same canon.


jesus, how hard is it that people don't like it BECAUSE OF THAT SHIT?!

i hated it in 1995 when MMX3 was out, because that game was faster and MM7, while being a new classic game should have been BETTER on the damn SNES.

After you hit him with a charged shot, switch to T-bolt and hit him again. It will cancel his elemental attack and just shoot balls along the ground. If he's too high, just stand under him, walk to the other side and jump over all 4 elemental attacks.

Didn't get past it or the BN manga due to the ugly artstyle. ZX manga is okay and Starforce looks pretty smug

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Wily Machine is too hard.

>Tries to add darker and edgier MMX elements into the Classic storyline, which leads to a clashing aesthetic with things like Bass's introduction and Mega Man threatening to kill Wily (this continues into MM8 and &Bass)
>Uses the 4-and-4 Robot Master layout instead of all eight at once
>Awkward cartoony graphics that make gameplay harder with less screenview and poor hitboxes
>Downplays weapon use in favor of finding and using overpowered power-ups

>Wily Capsule
W-What's wrong with the Wily Capsule?

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The MM threatening Wily thing was just the American localization, in the original Japanese version he doesn't say anything.

use the spring weapon, also carry alot of e cans and you can also charge the spring weapon

music was based as fuck

i didnt mind the big sprite because I didnt play NES megaman much

wasnt as good as x1 though

>tfw couldnt even beat the powered up jet pack guy

I like it, MM8 on the other hand sucks

It's orbs are hard to dodge and 2/3 of the ones Wily shoots deal some pretty hefty damage. Also a boss that can only be hit within a window of time being weak to a chargable weapon with somewhat awkward angles.

Same shit Yea Forums always hates on things for, contrarianism and (You)s


I jest, just buy a bunch of E tanks. Now Duo.EXE,THAT'S a hard fight

I loved that this Megaman had so many secrets like Rush searching, the RUSH parts, Auto's Mega bolt to decrease shop prices...fucking Protomans shield after a duel. I wish more of that would return in megaman (still have yet to play MM11)

Also Shademan's level just makes me wish a full Symphony of the Night style of Megaman was made.

To be fair, X1 is peak Mega Man.

Really hard to top.

What a pity the X series lasted for all of two games.

and the best track in the game

He still threatens him. The only change is MM's reaction when Wily tells him robots can't harm humans.

>makes me wish a full Symphony of the Night style of Megaman was made.

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X1-4 were great tho.

x3 was good

9 is peak 2D Megaman while SF3 is peak RPG Megaman and that's a fact

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Hueg sprites makes everything feel cramped and less likely to effectively dodge shit
Half the robot masters are locked off for whatever arbitrary reason
Clunky and laggy as all hell controls in a series that demands timing and precision
Everything related to Rush's digging ability? Who the fuck thought this was a good idea in a series that tries to AVOID backtracking up to this point?
Wily being an absolute bitch to deal with even with a billion E-Tanks
Literally rushed in vs. mode that no one will ever know of because it can only be played after beating the game with a button combination or with a passcode that no one will ever know without the Internet that was half-assed because it was made in like a few days.

>What is Command Mission

It's honest to god one of my favorite Mega Mans.

However, the absolute fucking FUCK HARD spike in difficulty when you get to Wily Capsule is complete fucking balls. I can play this game no death until I get to that cocksucker.

Even the playtester god on the dev team who always talked about how he could beat every Mega Man game deathless and tankless has to use all four E tanks to beat that son of a bitch.

Didn't it get said that the Wily Capsule was intentionally hard because the developers wanted to see just how nasty they could make it?

wasn't this game only in development for 3 months?

The fan demake is better.


This game had the coolest use of special weapons. Almost every weapon had a secondary function and some could even effect the level like how Cloud Man's stage had those weather control robots.

A neat little detail that I wish they kept from seven was how some robot masters had reverse weaknesses. Like if you hit Springman with Thundercracker it actually turned him into a giant magnet, hitting Turboman with electricity supercharged him, and if you hit Freeze Man with his own weapon this happened:

I never knew about the reverse weapon thing, thanks!

>A neat little detail that I wish they kept from seven was how some robot masters had reverse weaknesses.
First game to do that was 2, though. Even if it only was "boss recovers all health, ecks dee". Unless you count outright immunity too.

>acknowledging starforce as a game let along an actual megaman game
Were it not for the laws of this land, I would skin you alive

What's wrong with Starforce?

Wasn't 2 the game where Metal Man was weak to his own weapon?

All these people complaining about muh big sprites and Wily capsule, I suggest you all git gud. I cleared this game when I was 7.

half of the game was weak against metal blade

Most screens in the game are built around it with few that are outright difficult to see. It's made by the people who did the GB games so their design philosophy was different.

Ever tried using Heatman's weapon on himself? Or on Bubbleman?

X > X2 = X5 > X4 > X3
I didn't play past X5.

And that's a good thing.

>X5 over anything

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I love it. The only thing I don't like is that it was the first game that removed the stages between robot masters and Wily fortress from MM3 - 6. That midgame stages never returned in either classic or X series, but at least X games always add a gimmick for extra content.

1>4>2>3>5>6>8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dog Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Holocaust>>>>>>>

It's fun to replace the buster with Metal Blade

What's the best boy in the series and why is it Zero?

Yeah, it's not as aggressive with that as MMZ were, which had those rolling tire enemies come off the screen to ding your points.

best boy is gate and he did nothing wrong

Hold up for extra height on the wild coil.

A game i wouldn't pick even over BN4
>soulless story
>absurd encounter rate
>slow as fuck battles

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That's not how you say X bitch.

The starforce hate is kind of ridiculous.
No wonder they don't make new spin off series anymore if this is what happens to them.


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1 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 8 > power gap > 6 >>>>>>>>>> 7

>no Bass and 9-11
user you're missing a lot

I was talking about the X games.

The classic series goes


Haven't played 11 or M&B.

I hope you realized how stupid you look right now.

I love how every 3rd game's staff roll theme is god tier

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I liked X5 better than X4. Yeah the navigation "feature" was bullshit, but it didn't bother me that much and Alia still managed to be likable.

Why do so many faggots dickride 9? It wasn't really that good.


>10 last
>10 below 8
You're lucky I don't know where you live.

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Maybe if I could find a place TO READ IT

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Anyone know a good place to read mango through """alternative methods"""?

EX Hentai has a lot of non hentai mangas, it might have a scan or two if you're lucky.

Brentalfloss bootlickers

What did they do?


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It's on the comics section

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I'm glad she's in, now I know for sure Berkana could make an appearance too.

Nana when

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Seeing Dr. Wily and Light being Bros before their falling out is something I wish the games went more into.

Thanks user

Know where to get scans of the MMX manga?

Unless you speak spic, no i don't

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>"Geo go to school"
in all seriousness geo had a great character arc and the story in SF1 in general was fantastic

Has the starforce manga ever been translated?


MM7 has the best wily music
80's fags couldn't afford a snes so they wouldn't know

It’s not that surprising since it followed a lot of what people liked about II
>great soundtrack (I know this is Megaman we’re talking about, but still)
>more similar to the original controls in the lack of charge and slide (with those options being available for Protoman)
>following the above meant peppering enemies and bosses with lots of bullets is effective again when it was severely inferior in the games with a charge shot
>no obnoxious buster charging noise drowning out the music
>useful weapons (best shield in jewel satellite and trident was powerful but not broken like metal blade)
>good pacing (no need for a throwaway/ red herring villain, and unnecessary padding in the form of middle stages like 3-6 taking dev time away from the stages that matter)
>8-bit aesthetic (not my first choice for visuals but it has its charm when done right and certainly has a strong fan base)
I liked the detail of the “Dr. L” before the boss doors since the RMs were still considered Light’s robots, and the simple but effective narrative of robots not wanting to be scrapped due to an arbitrary date printed on them. Overall solid robot master designs and levels. 9 also has one of my favorite enemies in the series, the control ones that speed Megaman along but you still have some control to avoid pits and spikes at high speeds.

nostalgiafaggotry and that's literally it
7 is god-tier

If you mean the short SF3 manga then that one got kinda translated. If you mean Smugforce then no

>tries to add darker and edgier

I like you, user.

But it came out after both X1 and X2 which both had backtracking.

>BN manga
Where does one even find that?

There's nothign edgy about Bass.

Also good night Yea Forums

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If Zero was so great, why wasn't he playable in X1 or X2, and becomes permanently unplayable if he dies even once in X3?

They are on MangaDex

Because of poor life decisions on the part of the developers.

>everything in the world of Mega Man happened because of a gross misunderstanding and because Wily didn't get the recognition he didn't deserve
Quite tragic really.

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9 was pretty great. It had also been a very long time since the last classic MM game, and it was viewed as Capcom turning shit around for the Blue Bomber.

I want to pet Rush!

Making it all the crueler when they let the franchise wither on the vine as hopes for MML3 got crushed. Was that inafune's fault? I don't even remember anymore. The past is becoming such a blur.

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Should Capcom use a 16 bit style for MMX 9 like they did for MM9

They are probably going for a 2.5D style like MM11

I hope it would be Arcsys style

Legends 3 WHEN

If they do X9 it'll be 2.5D, maybe with those futuristic toy designs.

Legit question outside of the bullshit cliff hanger why does Legends 2 deserve a sequel? Outside better controls its inferior to 1 and Misadventures of Tron Bonne in every way and the story that is all at the start and end is laughable.

what toy designs?

>Downplays weapon use in favor of finding and using overpowered power-ups
The adaptors in MM 6 are far more overpowered than any power up in 7. And the weapons in 7 at least are used to alter some stages.

>and the story that is all at the start and end is laughable.

Yes, I'm sorry, but I don't quite like the "early PS2" graphics.

What do you mean?

>anybody thinking 9 was hard
I was around for release and all the shitters that complained it was too hard then still seem to be complete shitters.

It was fun, challenging and full of fanservice. Personally I don't like the fact that 9 take out a lot of things. and the difficulty can be a little bullshit sometimes. But still, MM9 is a great Mega Man game.

What's wrong with 10?

>3, 4, 5, 6
>all equal
You put no fucking thought into this. Also 10 at the bottom is complete horseshit. 5 is a goddamn bore compared to the rest so how it's somehow equal to the other nes games is beyond me.

7 and 8 offer different classic experiences. 8 is crazy easy, but 7 sort of tries for more of an adventure format. There's a lot of hidden items and proper orders to find. Protoman, the armor, Auto's bolt, etc. 8 Just has you looking for the bolts. Either way, it's a completely different experience than the classic stuff.

From a Mega Man vet
MM9 > MM2 > MM3 > MM6 > MM11 > MM1 > MM10 > RMF > MM7 > MM4 >MM5 > MM8
MM1 > JMM2 > RMF> MM3 > MM9 > MM10 > MM4 > MM5 > MM6 >MM7 > MM11 > MM2US > MM8

I think that from X7 to X-Dive all the MMX games look like "Maverick Hunter X" for the PSP. And I don't like that style, I miss the sprites, it was far more charming.

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Nothing really, it just isn't all that special compared to the other games.

I agree, I think sprites are a better look for the series.

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Megaman takes up like a third of the screen. I don;t even know if it's possible to even avoid junkman without his weakness.

Get gud, he's not that hard after a few tries.

>Big sprites
Biggest offender for me, just compare the two. Megaman takes up an absurd amount of screen space, it's nearly the same as the handheld versions and this is supposed to be a next gen console.

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>on hit everything stops and he does the boss charge animation
That's moderately cool, but 7 is already slow as fuck, I don't need more shit slowing down the game just for novelty's sake.

What's people's opinions on Bass?

I think he's a cool character but I'm not sure what kind of reputation he has.

one of the best looking levels in the series and great music

Cuz people are idiots, they prefer jump and shoot to an atmospheric game with exploration and weird levels.

Capcom should of done what Nintendo did and just make their own thing instead of listening to fans, which they just did with MM11

If they listened to fans more maybe we would get more than one game per console generation.

It was a "disappointment" for me, 6 blew my dick away, then 7 came and it felt like a downgrade.

I replayed it last year on actual hardware, i guess i went too harsh on it as a kid, it's still a great fucking game.

I like him. He could use a little more character depth beyond "I AM THE STRONKEST", but it's not out of line for the classic series and he didn't get as much screentime to develop as someone like Proto Man. The comic probably would have done wonders for him, had it survived that long.
My only real complaint about him is that he's a bit too busy visually, compared to the other protagonists. He doesn't look bad, and he fits in with the Robot Masters of his era, but it's obvious he was developed late in the series' life.

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willy stage 1 in MM7 is the greatest track in the franchise

Is really a shame that Bass just disappeared from MM9 onwards, I think he could had a decent character arc on how he started in 7, basically as a smarter version of Ballade, then he hits a wall in 8 because he can't beat Mega Man even with the evil energy, in MM&B he's forced to work with Mega Man and by the end of the game you can tell how he has doubts about Wily, Mega Man and himself.

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He and the other Killers are characters I wish we'd seen more of. They would have made for a good miniboss squad like the Genesis Unit, or as flunkies for Bass, since he's already sort of an upgraded Mega Man Killer himself, being the token rival in a game that's got many other similarities to the GB games. At least the more recent games threw them a bone.

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I like him because he called Zero a bitch.

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As a kid I wanted Bass to be a muscular bald prisoner for Wily to turn into a cyborg and be given Freddy Krueger claws.

So...Sigma from X2?

That's nothing out of the ordinary for him.

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They're coming back, right?

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>big sprites meme
The game was built around it, trannies.

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Sprites genuinely too big
Fucking retarded unnecessary intro sequence
Only 4 bosses at start
Muh 8bit nostalgia
Rush search a shit

Other than that, the game top tier. There's probably a romhack that skips the shit intro and jumps straight to the select screen with all 8 bosses


There's a hacked password for that, I think. It counts the Robot Museum stage as cleared, so all eight bosses are available.

Turbo best robot master

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>8 years ago

But user
that's too much work

Gate was an underrated villain:

>makes the very first room of his fortress a gigantic vertical wall of spikes
>actually places all of his minions in areas where you can't simply jump over them
>makes sure his battle armor is immune to all of X and Zero's weapons, gives himself flight and designs his own boss room around a bottomless pit
>resurrects sigma for his assistance
>turns out sigma has been killed so many times that he's just a useless zombie so he just locks him in the basement
>make X and Zero fight sigma anyways because fuck you that's why

They said "symphony of the night style megaman", not "linear missions that take place in an open world with inexistant exploration"

And yet, he still goes out like a bitch.

>Also Shademan's level just makes me wish a full Symphony of the Night style of Megaman was made.
I'd like to see a Megaman game where you actually get to catch Wily with his pants down for once and the whole game takes place in his fortress. It was always such a waste that these massive fortresses only have like 4 levels in them, I want to see it expanded into a whole setting.

You can't have everything

So what's the deal with the Dr. Light hologram. In X1, he seems to just be a prerecorded message. In X4 though, he recognizes and talks to Zero, even giving him the black armor. And in X5, he fucking pulls out a screwdriver and puts X back the fuck together from this. Is he dead or what?

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MM7 is my favorite and has the best look of all the classic games (8babbies don't apply). People shit one the game because "muh xbox hueg sprites" but the level design is balanced around that so it doesn't matter.

I guess when Capcom was implying Wily was still alive after all those years, they wanted Light to live on in some kind of way. It's not that much of stretch to believe that the guy who perfected artificial intelligence could find way to upload his consciousness into a machine.

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True, but then they go nowhere with it. I guess I do it to myself, getting invested in Capcom games' stories, but it always seems like they set up interesting shit that goes nowhere just so they can always leave shit for a sequel which may or may not come.

DESU, this is how I cope with the MML3 cancellation. Yeah, we would've gotten Trigger off the moon, but the game would've ended with some other unsatisfying bullshit and we'd be waiting 20 more years for some fucking closure.

X is just one big mess. I'm surprised Zero even got as far as it did but maybe Capcom learned something about consistency from Battle Network.

Even Legends does it a little bit as both games interpretations of "Mother" seem completely different (In one it's an all seeing eye of beurocaracy while in 2 they never posed a threat at all)

I justified it the minute they replaced Trigger with edgy Protoman. It happened to X, it happened to Gunvolt and fuck no was I going to bother seeing it happen to Legends.

7 has good music and awesome boss designs but the gameplay just feels like playing in higher gravity, the sprites are proportionately too large (compared to the SNES MMX games and even MM8/MM&B), the Mega Buster is weak as piss, and the sound effects are wimpy tinny garbage.

I agree with you, it really is a shame that they did nothing with the concept. I doubt they'll bring it up in X9, which is a shame.

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>Edgy Protoman
wait, what? Is that from some of the MML3 preview shit? I never bothered to watch any of it.

I actually started with 7 completely unaware of the 8 robot thing. When those 4 new portraits appeared I got pretty excited.

The combination of the large sprites and slow movement are what a lot of people hate about this game. Everything felt very cramped and slow compared to the first six.

shut up

Mega's walking animation in contrast to his slow movement speed doesn't help with the feeling that the game is slow, either. He does a full-on sprint visually, but shuffles in place as he moves. This may or may not sound petty, but the mismatch in visuals vs execution is something that stands out in peoples' minds.

Does Iceman not know his brother is Megaman?

Would be a massive missed opportunity, but you're right, they won't. I can understand 9, 10, and 11 not making steps to move into the X stuff, because the tone shift would be incredibly jarring, but damn it Capcom use some of your fucking plot threads for once.

>I'm playing it for the first time

Got a friend with you?

1 - 4 - 1 - 5
5 - 5 - 8 - 5
7 - 8 - 2 - 3
6 - 2 - 5 - 1

Hold L+R and press start or it will simply put you at the end of the game.

I could probably say a lot of other things, but it'd all basically boil down to "the game is slow." Movement is slow, actions like picking up Adapter parts and opening the Pause screen (which you do a lot in older MM games!) are drawn out, Robot Master fights are slow, everything is just slow.

Sorry for dragging this out across several posts, it's just been about 10 years since I last played MM7 and needed a refresher on why I hated it so much.

The only thing that give me even a little bit of hope is that 11 finally gave us little bit of backstory to the conflict between Light and Wily. Weird place to do it, but at least they tried. Maybe they'll do something similar in X9?

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I would love to see more about the origins of X and Zero.We already know how their story ends thanks to MMZ, but we know jack shit about the circumstances of their creation. For instance why does X exist? Building a living robot isn't just some shit you do on a whim. Did Light know about Zero, and built X as a countermeasure? Or was the world just so fucked that a sentient robot couldn't make things worse?

>Building a living robot isn't just some shit you do on a whim
That's literally the basis of the entire series

If you look at his research journal, it seems like Light genuinely believes that humanity and robots should come to view each other as equals. The only way for that to happen is by giving robots free will and true intelligence. X was the realization of that goal.

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That would be exactly what the fans want, so the answer is clearly no.

Wasn't that whole story detail of Wily and Light being former pals added in the western release of MM1, and then ended up canonized by Capcom waaay later?

>implying the return to 8-bit isn't what killed Megaman in the first place
No thanks.

I like 7, but it’s the only classic game where the larger sprites cause me to doubt my jumps. It’s probably just the perspective causing a placebo effect which is a shame since I enjoy the rest of the visuals immensely.

The only level that can fuck you over is Turbo man, all the other jumps are either piss easy or can be cheesed with Rush.

According to you may be right. No mention of them working together.

Is he dead?

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Two major problems with 7. One, the sprites really are too big. Yes, the art is pleasant and expressive but everything takes up so much real estate that a full screen consists of around half the level design of an 8-bit MM. Because of this, level design is straight up less involved than in other entries across the board. Two, the final boss really is a bitch and the trick to beating him is almost Sonic 3's barrel levels of obscure - it's nice once you know the trick with W. Coil but how the fuck were you supposed to figure it out in the first place? Overall though, it's still a perfectly good game in its own right, just soundly worse than every other classic MM save maybe 1 and 5.

He's Mega Man X