What's your excuse for not playing?
Classic WoW
Wanted no changes, there are changes.
I can't find that post anywhere
Too many changes
Thanks for the name ideas
What should I name my Gnome Mage
My only excuse is that the game hasn't launched yet. Can't fucking wait.
I don't like Blizzard anymore.
I've never played WoW and I don't see a reason to now.
Runescape was always better than WoW.
human paladin, gnome warlock or night elf druid for maximum comfy 1-60?
it's an instagram clip thing, like a mini video that shows up when you click the profile avatar
It's not out yet.
Too many changes
How did he do it bros? It's not fair.
Henry are you here? tell me you secret my dude.
based henry
post them so i can laugh at you.
I haven't played it before
So did the devs fix any of the retarded shit in some of the specs? Are some of the dogshit specs in vanilla going to be slightly viable in classic? Or are they intentionally leaving everything the same, so I'm still going to be wasting my time leveling a prot paladin or a mage?
Same plan as me, but human priest instead of warlock.
living in the past dosen't interest me
I am no longer a jobless neet, so I cant raid.
they're keeping everything same, well most everything. so yes, a ton of specs will not be viable
how would having a job prevent you from raiding? everyone in my guild has jobs, some even have kids but will still be able to raid.
No changes, it would anger the autism that spawned classic
I already played WoW pre-BC (mostly DPS characters) and don’t have the time to invest in it anymore.
>wasting time
I don't get it
literally who
>buy game
>buy expansion
>buy subscription
>play WoW with cancerous minmaxer children for FREEEEE
Oh yippee, hold me back
rolling a fire mage, how fucked am I?
I'm guessing there's no way reckoning bombs are sticking around
It's just nostal-
dont care for MMOs
I don't know whether to play priest or rogue
fucked but not fucked enough to level a frost mage before its too late
Because I'm not willing to give up any more of my time to the time sink. I do other shit and have friends that I go do stuff with. I will be so far behind that it wont be fun.
are you people not tired of chasing the carrot on the stick?
give it a 2 months
do mods just not give a fuck and allow blizzard shilling. do you think they get paid? also, wowfags were the original fortnitefags. wow has always been a shit game
see you on asmon layer 6 discord raid 2
How do you get that trinket again?
It was a semi long quest chain in 1k needles i think
Pom/Pyro(21arcane/30fire) is pretty nub friendly fun. If you raid, you'll get a lot of +spell damage and start one shotting people.
thats life in a nutshell.
everything is a carrot on a stick
>literal retards acting like classic is somehow different
>retards pretend layering is a big deal and not just to make launch less chaotic and then being removed
>by the time these retards eventually cave in and start playing when layering is gone we're in phase 2 which is chaotic world pvp only and most people will be 60 already so they'll just get camped in redridge or barrens and cry on Yea Forums about it
anyone who has payed money to reserve a name is lasting more than 2 months.
less than 1% of the total wow pop has reserved a name, and all servers are already more popular than retail servers.
This game is fucked in the first 2 months, but not in the way you are thinking.
its just a single quest. quest chain to get the gong to summon the boss though only 1 person needs to do it
Fucking subhuman retailer, classes should always take priority over specs.
what server are we playing on?
>Wait until release
>Wait until 2 months
>Wait until Naxx
>Layering gone in phase 2
I don't play MMOs
I have a functional brain
Yes? Blizzard has outright said they're not launching phase 2 until layering is gone.
Why do you uninformed retards post nonsense.
Mobs and bosses and instances are paperthin, do 0 damage, and I don't want to be surrounded by faggots that go "GEE I THOUGHT VANILLA WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HARD WOOOOW GG NOSTALGIAKEKS"
I've got a functional dick.
Get to work, user.
RIP Servers
You sure aren't using it while you take blizzard cock in your ass user.
Those players won't even hit 60 because making it to 60 is super fucking hard and takes weeks
Cant decide between alliance or horde mage
damn based
doing gods work out there
gank vids and streamer reactions are going to be priceless, best part about classic imo
Raiding is the the most boring part of the game. PvP is the real deal.
You stupid faggot, I want to play paladin for the lore, the RP, and still be able to not get fucked by the 100k warriors that are going to be on every server. Everyone already knows the minmaxing of vanilla with all it's bugs and shit code. I would expect that blizzard at least did the right thing thia time around and fix ALL the shit that made vanilla suck. I don't think anyone asked for sharding, 15yard melee range, and loot all, but I know plenty of people who wanted classic to be Vanilla the way it's supposed to be: not fucked by 2000s code and crunch time
Got all 3 of my names on Skeram. I hope moving there from Herod wasn't a mistake.
See you in a week.
People shitpost about people quitting after 1 month etc, but that literally needs to happen or the servers will be unplayable come phase2. I don't want to wait in 10k Qs again 3 months after launch.
>takes weeks
And you'll all be bored in weeks when you find out how cancerous the player base is. Why anyone is excited for this fifteen-year-old game is beyond me.
It's the players that make the difference in an MMO, and WoW has the absolute worst. Enjoy your shitfest.
>Don't have the right numbers? You can't play with us! NOOB
etc etc
i already did on private servers
For most players, it won't be. The server will fill up just fine. The only argument for Herod over the other servers will be that a lot of long established guilds will be on Herod.
If you're not already a top player and don't care about being in the private server guilds, it won't matter at all for you.
I managed to get one of my names on Blammo the rest were taken instantly it seemed and i was waiting at the realm list till they opened
>Implying most of those 100k warriors will make it above 30.
They're only big dick chads when you out gear your opponents or have a pocket healer.
Their lack of mobility and ranged options will put off a lot of the zoomers, especially in pvp realms.
>Worst Superman and Man of Steel was worse than Superman 3
Because I don't want to.
My old ass PC can't run WoW since they moved to 64 bits, I've been thinking about buying a new PC or at least a laptop.
and where will they go?
there is no better live mmo with real rpg mechanics
I just farted massively into my hand and smelled it.
Do it. Im on a PC I built 8 years ago and I was getting 100+ frames on classic maxed. You could build a PC to play classic for like $200, especially if you already have peripherals.
everyone likes their own brand. Try tasting your cum next.
>paying $15 a month for a 15-year old game
>What's your excuse for not playing?
I played it back in 2005(?) and again recently on Private Servers. I don't have any faith in Nublizz so I don't want to give them any money. I've been playing FFXIV for about a month and it's pretty good so i'm just going to keep playing it.
French toast > Pancakes
I already played it all 14 years ago except for the last couple wings of Naxx and have no interest in doing it again.
The community is garbage now and I don't feel like sifting through a mountain of shitty guilds to find one that has decent people to talk to that also know how to not stand in the fire.
I can't stay up all night trying to kill the next boss in the raid since I actually have some responsibilities now rather than just classes that I could sleep through.
There are better games to play out now.
French toast tastes weird. I don't like it!
You taste weird and I don't like you.
I have no self control and always end up playing 16 hours a day while my life spirals out of control. Last time I got invested on this TBC server and did nothing put play for 3 months and got super fat, ended up losing my job and lost contact with a lot of friends. There's no in between for me so I'll just stay out of it for the sake of my well being
French Toast has eggs in it. That's gross! You're just eating a dead baby chicken inside of bread. Ew!
Currently testing races/classes on private servers for when WoW classic launches and I'm down to 3 and I need help.
1. Dwarf Priest Tailoring/Skinning for leveling eventually going Herb
2. Dwarf Rogue Skinning/LW
3. Human Mage Enchanting/Tailoring
>it's not BC or Wrath
>Twitch cancer
all shit
>>Twitch cancer
So don't play on the streamer server. It's a very easy problem to fix.
The vanilla only complaint is valid though.
I'm usually willing to forgive XIVfags since the game seems alright, but Vegan XIVfags? God help you.
Rogue has great synergy with herbalism. Fadeleaf for blinding powder and swiftthistle for thistle tea.
I work 9-6. Usually I get home at 9 after gym. I go to bed at 11. I highly doubt I'll get to play for the first week with massive queues.
Fuck off wageslave.
>raids didn't exist in vanilla
>15 usd a month to play a 15 year old game
I want to play it but I'm not sure if it's really worth it.
This is what pissed me off, I tried the beta on my shit vacation/travel laptop and it ran like shit. Is it literally just the BFA engine reskinned?
I don't make a wage. I'm a salarychad
I did everything but naxx back in 2005.
Why pay the company that killed the game in the first place money for a chance to "restart" old shitty content I did almost 2 decades ago?
Better than spending almost as much on seeing the new capeshit or Star Wars.
Wrath can go fuck itself, it's not even the same game as vanilla/BC
>be wage slave
>get to 60 in 2 months
>toss cash to chinese gold farmers
>buy epic mount
>edgemaster's gauntlets
>arcanite reaper
>all the potions I could ever drink
>all the enchants I could ever want
Why yes i played a horde paladin in vanilla how could you tell?
I'm not doing any of those tho, so it's still a negative. Also can't trust nu-blizz so I guess I'll pass.
I'm not vegan. I just don't like eggs.
Is this worth it for someone who has never played WoW before? I have couple of lads who are down to play but I'm still not sure.
because I don't like shit
What made early MMO's good was there was far less voice chat and NO social media, so the games were a genuine social experience back then. They're not now, and going back to an old version of WoW isn't going to change that.
Literally weightlift for a decade and you can be like him
>far less voice chat
what a load of shit. every single fucking player used ventrilo or teamspeak
>far less voice chat
I'm gonna guess you were 12 when you first played wow
>Can't decide if I actually want to bail on Herod since it's packed
What if it actually levels out after a month and the 2 new servers die
you're a retard, not every single player used ventrilo and it was an actually chore getting pugs and randoms to join your server.
It was 50/50 split and not abnormal to stay out of voice nowadays if you refuse to join discord you're an outcast and abnormal.
it's gonna happen. it's what happens everytime. never leave an overcrowded server.
Read the post again. Then probably again because you're both locked on a train of thought.
Thanks for the new background.
shut the fuck up, kid
>this zoom zoom thinks he played WoW in 2004-2005
Raid leaders had to spam vent info to get people to join and almost every raid involved explaining to someone where to download it and how to set it up.
just answer this question honestly
how old were you when you played wow
>Unfertilized eggs are dead babies!
And you kill thousands of children by masturbating, you monster!
t. never played vanilla
>not every single player used ventrilo
okay? the vast majority of raids or groups of any sort used coms, and hypotheticals like staying out of voice only confirms that you never actually did any content beyond MC where half the raid could afford to be afk and off coms.
every semi competent guild and player used these programs
how much gold will this shit be worth?
20k? 40k?
I don't need another job.
You're just proving you either weren't born when vanilla was relevant or you didn't play it at all.
got it, you were a kid
Stupid fuck.
>raid leader spammed vent info
>raids involved explaining how to set it up
every instance you just suggested involved the use of ventrilo you literal nigger retard, point proven
>not EVERY single person in the game used it therefore your point is wrong
nice semantics dilator
The game is shit and everyone i know playing the game rolls alli.
about 350k
That's the thing about Vanilla. There's no daily shit, requirements, or major goals. You just explore and expirience the adventure with others.
>this dumb nigger fuck can't read
There a preload for it or something? I havent logged into Bnet since last years OW halloween event.
I was 15 when I played classic, my guild used ventrilo and it used to lag my internet out because I had dial up and it could barely handle being in MC + on vent. nonetheless the entire guild was still on vent, when ever I joined premades for AB we got on vent, the only people who didn't get on vent was you because by the time you started playing WoW discord was out.
>orc lock
what's up virgins
based and samepilled
Can't wait to drop tailoring once I finish my Robe of the Void though
>randoms pugs from chat had to be taught how to use vent therefore it wasnt the norm
seething norman with traumatic memories about how people used to yell at him to get on vent
>Loktar Ogar, my name is Blood Guard Dave. I'm a 27 year old Redridge Durotaku (Horde fan for you filthy pink skins). I draw cave paintings and tribal art on my shield, and spend my days perfecting my mud hut building and questing in superior Horde zones. (Mulgore, Tirisfal Glades, the Barrens).
>I train with my axe every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through Ashenvale wood because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on Azeroth. I learned my axe skill two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
>I speak Horde fluently, both Orchish and the Darkspear dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Horde history and their warrior code, which I follow 100%
>When I get my Horde visa, I am moving to Orgrimmar to apprentice as a boar farmer to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a Krom'gar guard for Thrall or a quest NPC!
>I own several loincloths, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Orgrimmar, so I can fit in easier. I challenge my elders and seniors to Mak'gora and speak Orcish as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
>Wish me luck in Orgrimmar!
>drop tailoring
for what?
bag making is lucrative
>his whole guild was on vent and still got stomped by randoms in world pvp who didn't use vent
ah the shitter sergeant rank who gave out free honor to everyone else
well yeah, tailoring gets dropped to engineering for sure
How long until people start dropping out?
>bag making is lucrative
hardly in comparison to alchemy and other things, also dropping tailoring or engineering is the chad choice
2 hours
for engineering, scrubster
They already are. Some of the full servers are already down to low.
First month. It will still be more popular than retail and FF14 though
>27th month
>eurofag is dumb
I hate shit retail and tranny14 as well but you're fucking insane if you believe that.
Not even free servers pushed those numbers and they have bugman chinese and BR roaches inflating their numbers.
>nothing at all said about pvp
>this level of retard projection
w-we f-farm you
I was a diehard retailfag but im excited for classic now bros. Rolling an undead warlock
Of course, you're a drone, you'll consume whatever blizzard shits out
which servers are down to low? the ones that opened up last night? lol
>tried 10 day trial
>played 3 days and got bored
Those new servers opened up an hour ago
>check out this based contrarian poster who doesnt even play the game
>posting an old pic
Whitemane and Thalnos are dropping players like flies
Everyone is realizing they don't want to play this shit
Who should I main?
I took that photo just then, feel free to show me what your client looks like
The game isn't released yet you halfwit
>>posting an old pic
Blaumeux and Skeram opened today retard
You don't even need an active sub to sign in and look at the realm list, why lie?
t. in ghost form 90% of the time while chatting on vent
Blaumeux and Skeram have literally only been live for an hour. You're full of shit.
Actishills really coming out of the woodwork here
>Don't have the right numbers? You can't play with us! NOOB
Confirmed for never having played Vanilla when it was live
cope, seethe and dilate
>the sudden swap to attempted mockery and ad homs when its found out you never played vanilla
its alright dude you wont be forced to install ventrilo when you try this time
>be on Whitemane
>Blizzard creating new servers with fucking awful names and expecting people to move
Ashbringer, Thunderfury, Four Horseman or even Morgaine people would flock to. They are picking the most boring names.
>Sigmar was taken within 60 seconds of the servers opening
>But Schwarzhelm wasn't
I am slightly salty but not really
Layer 7... home... at least for this session...
Good skram and stay away from my server
imagine you posted something as fucking stupid as people not using voip in "old mmos" to roleplay as an "old guy"
you'd be shitting pants just like that
>tfw bear tank
>tfw literal pre-raid blues are bis forever
>can't play on a server without a meme name
enjoy Mankrik bro
>comparing a closed beta to an open private server on its last day of service when as many people were logging on as possible
I cannot find the sauce for the life of me. spoonfeed me dad
everyone used voip, again, you didn't because you likely never got 60 in vanilla until you went back 6 years later on a private server. But keep larping as some PVP pro now that you got your warfront welfare epics on retail
>playing what you want to enjoy the leveling experience and ignoring the autism and un-fun of raiding
You are a patrician with perfect taste.
I shit on bear "tanks" as a warlock, have a nice levelling experience bros
druids suck in vanilla
>being proud of pulling aggro
have fun dying
>haha im ignore autism raid!
>h-have fun pulling agro!!
bear tanks everybody
Its amazing that only WoW brings out this concentrated autism epeen waving.
Have sex. You're not cool because you think you're good at a MMO.
>not even making sense, just spamming buzzwords and projecting
warlocks, everybody
Man you sound cool as fuck can you come bang my girlfriend and her sister?
Morgaine is not a meme name. He's the most wellknown Horseman
bear "tanks" everybody
>wo memes
>he's still going
> tfw tanking my way to 60 as a protection paladin and there is nothing you can do to stop me
the fact that some anons think they can force people into specs its cute, specially considering most will be roling as dps fags and joining groups since they are too much of a beta to make their own
yikes, have sex
hey dude
so while you'll be...what was it/
>enjoy the leveling experience and ignoring the autism and un-fun of raiding and skipping ESL classes
I'll be shitting on you as warlock :)
>haha I'm being a retard and you can't stop me :D :D :D
Rolling an engineer Dwarf Hunter boys
t. still has ptsd getting killed by randoms while in his guild vent groups
Inflation is unironically going to be a nightmare
mmos are garbage, and paid online is anti-consumer.
you have a dyed hair thot whore ruining your game. not to mention every update/addition of "new" content to osrs is total dogshit. have fun with your shit game.
don't do it, it will even out after a while, worst case scenario you transfer to another server
does anyone really have issues with prot paladins tanking pre 60/raid?
playing with 2 of my friends, seriously cannot wait until release
LF a discord/IRC/anything where ppl don't care if you say nigger or faggot, and also without any homosexuals/trannies. thank you
>People who were 6-7 years old at the time, claiming they were rank 14 and getting worlds firsts on retail classic.
>be AmeriCHAD
>get classic a day before everyone else
I doubt you have any friends
>discord/IRC/anything where ppl don't care if you say nigger or faggot
Probably not that hard to find here or on /vg/.
>without any homosexuals/trannies
Not possible.
>things that never happened
holy projection batman
>p-projection your honor!
lel you actually don't have any friends
>Playing MMOs after the fatigue has set in and allure is all gone.
Classic shitters are the new Smashfags.
The eggs we eat contain no Chickens, they are unfertilized eggs
Yea Forums is scared of APES
lol you're right
ahahahah the friendless loser is samefagging lmao
Is linking to reddit still bannable?
t. fury warrior
>wanting to play with Yea Forums
And all this is within the last fifteen minutes in one (1) thread.
wew lads
They can't generate threat and they can't pull mobs
Not him but in my experience I was always just happy to find a tank, let alone the class, in dungeons you can hold aggro just fine as a paladin.
check it out, it's the bear "tank" with no friends, who tries convincing people he has friends, samefags on 4chins, and is generally a pathetic loser with no friends
lol dude get some friends
death grip sux
Asmond was 13 when Classic was out. It easily would have been possible for him to do those things.
Arugalchads where we at
can someone post the picture of the kid playing wow and loving the game and life in the top panel and the bottom is him as a fat adult with his mom yelling at him for being a loser?
My group of friends has a good class balance, but I know they're just going to leave and I'll be left alone applying to guilds.
Is it worth getting hurt again, bros?
reporting in
>i-if i sneak in one of my own posts, they won't think I'm a btfo loser with no friends
literally all me
No actual "Kids" played retail classic. See>474767771
why even bother reserving these shit names
you're not zach, you're some streetshitter whose village didn't have internet in 2004
i have actually made every post in the last 15 minutes
>163 hours to go
I have waited too many years for this day
I too, do polls with my friends about what classes we're gonna play!
I'm definitely not a loser with no friends who posts polls from reddit!
Is the path from gnome spawn to elwynn the same as it is on retail? wanting to get my gnome there on launch to lvl with my boys and am curious how long it will take and if any deaths can be avoided. just wanna know if I can practice it on retail and time it
AsmonBald and his retarded fans never actually played classic.
>not understanding that a name only has value to the holder
But im sure your gasthejuice name is totally original and funny lmao bro high five :^)
If he doesn't use it I'm going to use this
The comment section of literally every classic wow video on youtube.
people constantly wave at me because my name is hilarious
wp on being an unfunny loser with no friends
Run to Ironforge -> Take Tram -> Run to Elwynn
I'm not in high school playing with my friends so I don't give a shit
Are you retarded? There's only 25 results. And I'm literally bitching about not having real friends in the post. Stop it, get some help.
>practice running to ironforge
There's nothing to optimize, but if you're that bored go for it.
Yeah I guess im just curious if they changed any of the starter spawn areas since classic on retail, gnome specifically
you can check his armory he didnt get shit
Just work for 20 minutes and you've easily made 15 bucks at your job
It's called a story you fucking loser, LMAO
of course dude!
I too have 25 friends and instead of posting what everyone is gonna play, we poll each other!
that's what friends do, we act like a group of randos on a discord server!
Followers 930,000
Est. Net Worth $2 Million
No money
>tries to brag about getting attention from randoms
My fucking sides
So how fucked are the starter zones going to be at launch?
I saw people getting 6 pretty quickly in the stress test, but I imagine it probably won't be that easy when it goes live.
i literally cant wait to autistic warrior players to drop their class when they realize they cant kill any shit with heroic strike and that their rend IS ABSOLUTE SHIT, also ,running out of rage easily OMEGALUL.
PRobably too from dwarf players that will not know how to get from ironforgo to stormwind
cleared everything except naxx. no reason to play it again. The big reason I got so addicted was my guild and the friends I made in it. I wouldn't have played as much if it wasn't for them and that is never coming back.
Do you need BfA to play it or just an active sub?
>He can't make new friends just because he's older
That's sad user
google it
>shards and layers
its literally actually and factually fucked in the ass, nice wide gape
Active sub
i played it from 2004 to 2006 and dont feel like ever going back because i know what to expect and nothing will feel fresh again
>layering gone before world bosses
Oh boy two whole months
not very? I never had an issue getting mobs in the stress test thanks to layering. I'm actually really glad it's gonna be here for launch, don't really feel like waiting months just for the game to be fucking playable.
dude you don't have any friends lmao
I mean if your time is completely valueless you could make new e-friends to conquer some shit you already conquered 15 years ago I suppose
>90 days of no fap
Best of luck to both of you in the grind from Mankrik
I never played wow. I never had any friends who played it, and I never had any interest in paying money to play a game I already bought. Seemed like the dumbest fucking thing in the world. Still does today.
Its starting out in 1.12 but with heavily staggered releases so mc will be on farm literally starting from week 1 as most of the pserver minmaxers hit 60 in the first 3 to 4 days
some dumbasses will probably kill themselves in their quest for 'world first' glory in a 15 year old rerelease
not liking something popular doesn't make you an interesting person.
Meme names are worst names
OP asked, he answered.
layering is temporary faggot
cope proto-normie
>mage a waste of time
>pally a waste of time
Pallys will be in demand if you gut it out; they're heals and buffs make them really viable in pve and they're one of the least populated classes. Also, holy is severely underrated for pvp, if you and a warrior know what youre doing, you can carry a team of mouthbreathers to win AB 80% of the time. Most people overrate shaman and sleep on pallys because they never bothered playing either to endgame in vanilla.
>resubbing for a game I beat years ago
>implying it can be any fun anymore with shit like discord trannies shitting up every server
>elitist poop sockers will gank for weeks at a time
>streamers will pollute every God damn server
>people will literally act like it was fun taking 4 hours to run to deadmines when you're a squishy as fuck dwarf
>have to level fucking unarmed again
>all the mining nodes will be camped at by gold farmers for months meaning the economy will be garbage
Maybe I remember wow back in the day without the rose tinted goggles.
I have a myriad of games I'd rather play than something I got bored with soon after high school ended.
iirc theres a robe crafted with tailoring that requires you to have maxed tailoring in order to be worn
i lost my shit
Friends... Human or Orc warlock?
Fuck Alliance
Which side will have the most streamers to kill?
I don't give money to Blizzard since Diablo 3
that one
yeah it's gonna be crazy if it happens. blizzard says that herod will have a 10k player queue on launch. lets estimate that the server can hold 10k and has another 10k waiting to log on. If they remove layering that's gonna be 5k per continent. That's 125 full raid groups split between 20 zones. 6 full raids per zone. Or 250 players per zone. And that's if there's an equal split between every zone. I garuntee there's going to be 4 times that many in STV. Just imagine a 1000 player STV.
Technically if you’re raiding with tailoring you can’t drop it until you can give up bloodvine robes as a lock. Just hope you win the lottery and get one of the rare bag recipes, then you’ll be rolling in the sheckels.
>rolling an UD rogue
you say clusterfuck, I say target-rich environment
>Playing a roleplaying game
>Not choosing a roleplay name
>typing all that shit up
lol just close the tab nigga nobody cares how much you don't want to play
I don't want online friends
On the avoidstreamers website it seems pretty evenly split, but unless you're rolling on Faerlina you don't really have a lot of ammo. But if you are, Asmon's impact is rated "EXTREMELY HIGH" and is going Alliance and is definitely bringing a lot of wannabes and 9 year old noobs with him, so Alliance might be your target.
>not turning online friends into irl friends
Nice screenshot faggot.
>want to roll ally to kill sodaadhd
>also want to kill asmonbald
It hurts.
if you play with friends you'll have fun
just make sure you all choose the same starting zone and if you all use different armor/stats it is even better
Reported for anti-Semitism
Streamers roll on the same servers to play with eachother my dood
They going faerlina in us servers and shazz for the like 2 who play eu
I'd rather the people in my life not participate in the same destructive habits I have. Feeding the beast etc
Well, thats fine. I've made two good friends online into IRL friends. Vidya actually has made me a good portion of my friends.
I'm glad it worked out for you and I hope you enjoy with classic experience with your friends.
Just roll 2 characters then, one Horde one Alliance
Asmon will have a bigger impact, so maybe lvl that one first
>obsessing this hard over a no life streamer
Jesus you're an even bigger loser than he is, stop posting this stupid shit on Yea Forums no one cares
>avatarfagging as asmongold
why dude
because I want people to save it and see it reposted
>giving activision-blizzard your money in 2019
for what purpose?
You could be the next elon musk, but instead you're wasting time leveling your warriors and warlocks all day.
They hugely fucked up by being late on the release. If it had actually come during summer I would have played but they ended up releasing it right when fall semester starts.
>blizzard is not gonna let all the servers crash constantly for a week they changed the game
I cant wait. 20 gold stacks of linen cloth.
>buying anything on the AH you can otherwise grind for without the sole intent to resale
you're a stupid faggot desu, good riddance
I already did all the content when it came out the first time, I would consider playing if they let you reset raids. Lockout timers are literally timegates to keep people subbed for longer. We were way ahead of 99% of our battlegroup in PvE progression and every time we queued up as a guild for pvp it was just a slaughterfest. It's fun until it isn't fun and when you run out of shit to get from raids and are sitting in the thousandth wsg you'll realize that the game wasn't that great even back then. The entire problem stems from poor combat, action mmo's ruined the chances of me ever going back to a tab target.
>action mmo's
But are any of them at all good in the way vanilla wow was?
That implies a 45$/hour job
While not an impossible goal to reach, I would assume the average Yea Forumsirgin makes no where near that.
lmao no
to be fair most of the super hardcore guilds are actually rerolling to the low-pops so there will be less competition for mats and stuff early on. the guilds that want to try kill rag in the first 2 weeks are mostly on low pop
>no one took the bait
good job guys
as UD, should i just get on the zeppelin and fuck off to durotar as soon as i spawn?
what class?
Got a random vacation from work. Ill live the old life for 7 days or so and then decide if ill stay and convert to neet mode.
Give it to me straight boys, is Stalagg going to die? It's already at High despite only being up for 3 days. I desperately want a comfy server that isn't going to be overpopulated to shit, but won't die in 4 months.
It's 1.12 so no.
All servers will be filled to the brim at launch, and should remain healthy enough going into phase 2.
>muhh conquer
>muhh friendship is but an asset to conquer
And that's why you won't enjoy that shit.
why would you want to go to a zone thats gonna have almost twice as many people
>didnt pick the pretty face
based and beastfacepilled
>buy game
>uh oh ya fuckin idiot, you forgot to pay the tax, that will be $12 a month plus $3 tip
Yeah nah I'd rather play a slot machine if I'm going to willingly throw money away
Sorry you have to spread your birthday money out so thin
60% of Horde are UDfaggots anyway
Both Trisfall and Durotar are fucked at launch, might as well try Mulgore
>why would you want to go to a zone thats gonna have almost twice as many people
Layering fixes that issue.
yeah imagine spending money on something that you consistently enjoy lol retards
brb i gotta pay for my internet bill
as a undead warrior I plan on hopping over at level 6 and do dark storms with and kill fizzle. the next part of that quest rewards your first decent 2hander
no, you're just a cheap fuck
you cant confirm either of those things
who /diaper/ here
>Don't be shy.
>You come get da voodoo.
blowme is gonna be a good server
literally nothing better than reading the cope from retail incels at this point
6 days fellas ;)
>never played alliance
>thought gnome escape artist was a 5-10 min cooldown
>realise its 1
holy fuck and I was going to go human for my pvp mage, based
I'd rather miss my ship from menethil harbor if it means not sitting in my own fecal matter
Call me casual
piss jug at least?
>over half of all specs are not viable
>awful itemization
>most classes have a 2-button or 1-button rotation, raid debuff limit cucks every DoT class
>PvP is grossly imbalanced, Warlock with Soul Link destroys every other class
I'll just wait for official Wrath of the Lich King servers, thanks.
Anyone have that webm meme of the shadowbringers fat guy "video games on my v?"
don't play wrath either, I don't want retards in my wrath servers
My toilet is like 5m away from my desk
>you come get da voodoo
what did dey mean by dis mon
long range pissing, I like it
>>over half of all specs are not viable
literally who cares you fucking turbosperg tryhard
>lol the gamed is flawed on purpose thats why its good
You must be that annoying faggot who asks for transmog and RDF on the forums
>durr I need to win a game that came out over a decade ago
If everything was balanced, what would you have the most fun playing? What fits your playstyle rather than min-maxing
Already beat it.
>PvP is grossly imbalanced
>waits for WotLK ret pallies and DKs
is right OSRS? why did they fuck it up again?
>SUPER fucking wrong
>lel no
>Caring about instanced PvP in an MMO
Lol fuck off retailfag
>over half of all specs are not viable
there's a lot of guilds out there that raid without trying to min max everything
>PvP is grossly imbalanced, Warlock with Soul Link destroys every other class
>I'll just wait for official Wrath of the Lich King servers, thanks.
wrath is even worse tho
I'm a third world NEET nigger with no credit card and even if I could get a sub I'd probably not play it, no fun running around with ~200ms while everyone has 10ms
This, trying to balance everything just leads to homogenization
only 6 more days until life is worth living
He is an hardcore player since forever. Based Superman
Except thats true
Doing something like making it so Paladins obliterate the fuck out of undead is F U N for both sides. Making it so both are equal is just boring as shit.
Go play retail cuck.
>p-please invite me to your raid....I know I'm ret and do less damage than the tank but come on man I bring valuable buffs!!
>what? A holy paladin brings the same buffs while actually being useful? Well you're just bigoted!
>I don't understand.....reddit told me I could play any spec I want......
dumb wojack poster
>t. third worlder or literal child
its impossible to make a perfectly balanced game. not even chess is balanced.
but its ESPECIALLY impossible to make a balanced mmorpg with 9 different classes and 3 difference specs each, 27 different combinations, which all exactly identical PVE and PVP viability
youre just retarded for expecting an MMO to have perfectly measured balance like that. go play a MOBA. MMORPGs arent for you
Socialist detected
I am going to play it and be authentically stupid as possible
Cant wait to tell people I am using an agility mace on my priest because I played wc3 and know that agility makes you attack faater
you can bring things closer without harming the game
literally just buff numerical values on the bottom of the shit trees until their usage isn't dumpster tier
literally never happened
>you can bring things closer without harming the game
Wrath of the Lich King would like to have a word with you.
>t. assblasted ret trannies
>playing alliance
lmao are you literally 9?