What do they even do all day?

What do they even do all day?
You don't need that many employees just to run a digital store and upkeep servers.

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Work on projects that they'll never release or even talk about.

The same could be said about 100% of MMO devs.

Create new cosmetics and design new heroes for dota besides that not much I guess

Tax paperwork on billions of dolllars of income takes time I guess.

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They prepare the nightly feast for their lord.

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CS:GO and Dota balancing, and a dozen WIPs that will never be released

How many employees do they have and how many do you think they should have?

>How many employees do they have
300+ I think
>how many do you think they should have?
Don't care as long as they produce something I can enjoy.
I don't care about them having a community manager or that kind of crap but I want answers, maybe let people look into what you're doing?

Where's Source 2? CSGO port to it? TF2's port to it?
Why are they using L4D3 assets for the dust2 remake, what does that mean about L4D3?
I have a ton of questions, and I think radio silence is harsh, hopefully it's changing, as the CSGO team is starting to really communicate more with players, and the DOTA Underlords ones are doing it too.

They're probably under 400. Their issue isn't manpower, but direction. Not having to make games means that they can focus on engine improvements, but even that can be slow. At this point, Source 2 is as likely to release as Half Life 3.

How many years ago was Source 2 announced as something to be released for everyone?
I recall the DOTA 2 port to it being fucking 4 years ago. And they haven't even ported CSGO to it yet.
When will it be available to use, is that even in the plans anymore?

they are ruinning games as sniper

Them playing DOTA 2 all day with Gabe is more likely

I know that people were begging for it four years ago
I can see how developing a modular engine would be a really big challenge. They probably want to be able to port most of the current source games and features, and I think that would be hard to do.
If a company like Bethesda with more employees and funding is still dragging their own dead engine around, maybe Valve isn't unique in their struggle.

Half-life 3 VR.

Or just counting money I don't know. Seems like a pretty swell gig. Unless you unironically want to make videogames for people to enjoy.

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Those Sony Guerilla guys made Decima for HZD. Kojima is using it for his new game. Took them 5 years.

Goddamn industry moves so slow now.

I went back to TF2 recently after not playing for five years or so, and had a really rough time getting anywhere. Was the class balance completely janked up with all the new items, or am I just shit now?

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They eat big pink cookies.

I'd say both but I never was that big of a TF2 player so I'm not sure.

they have around 250 faggot. Don't spread lies.

They actually work on hush-hush software used by the military
the game and store thing is just their sideline that keeps the lights on

>they have around 250 faggot. Don't spread lies.
Source? All I get is that
>By 2012, Valve employed around 250 people
And it's been 7 years.

Valve is actually a really great demonstration of why laissez-faire company policy is not conducive to productivity or creativity, and why things like deadlines and a producer are still important to a production and not just there to stifle creativity. Sure, they were productive and proactive from their creation and through the mid 00's, because that's because Steam had not yet become the digital oil rig that it has now become, and they still had the practical imperative of needing to stay productive to keep the lights on. Now that they have no imperative or incentive to see something through, they instead do nothing while passively making money. Steam might have been a very successful digital store, but it has been a terrible influence on Valve as a games maker.

Fuck each other's brains out senselessly in massive orgies while their overlord Gaben watches and spanks himself with all of his Steam dollah dollah bills

Proton won't code itself.

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You're just shit. If you're really honest and true about having last played "five years ago", shit was already fucked up by then.
And by "fucked up" I really only refer to how hard the Engineer update and War update fucked over the scout. Mini sentries, OHKO direct hit, OHKO demoknight.
It made me quit back then, but I did pick it up again recently. I started using FaN to deal with demoknights.

It might have been longer. I originally played more with friends back on console with the Orange Box then I ever did on Steam. I'll concede that I'm no master at multiplayer in general though.

Well, console was never updated. So you definitely did play before it was fucked up, regardless of what year you played.

They're working on the Heavy update and HL:VR which are both releasing this year.

At this point I'd believe in HLVR more than the Heavy update.

all those words and it's still the ONLY digital storefront that offers controller support for literally everything, with any game, under any conditions (supported in-game or not)
so tell me, why are all those strictly organized big companies so useless from a consumers perspective?
what does origin have? subscription forever?

>You don't need that many employees just to run a digital store and upkeep servers
literally everyone at valve could die tomorrow and steam would continue to quietly generate ass loads of money.

People really seem to completely ignore just how much effort steam has into it for end-user experience.