>just got approved for an Amazon credit card with $800 limit
>literally a new TV, Switch, and a dozen games for free
What games should I get for my new Switch?
>just got approved for an Amazon credit card with $800 limit
>literally a new TV, Switch, and a dozen games for free
What games should I get for my new Switch?
Debt Simulator
>free money guys!!!
this is why everyone with a credit card is broke
This thread is a duplicate.
You do realize you have to pay it back with fees
This is how normalfags actually think. And yes. I'm talking about you, normalnigger from reddit reading this post. Fuck off with your roastie girlfriend and ebonics slang.
How did you finally get approved 1 day per week every week
Anyways an Amazon Credit Card does seem comfy since I don't like to leave the house to shop....
how many times are you going to make this thread?
>inb4 euros tell everyone how they should spend their money
buy a gun and pull the trigger amerimutt
or three houses
Epic bait thread, Yea Forumsro
Bets on OP's skin tone?
Posting in 400 replies thread
Good goy
My debit card got skimmed but no charges were made. They tried to use samsung pay. The teller at the bank suggested I get a credit card for safety.
Fucking sweet op! Mind gifting me s few games on steam with all that sweet luck? Here’s my totally real email: [email protected]
What kind of shit TV is $400?
I guess the Switch can only output 900p so it doesn't matter but holy shit.
What happens if I don't pay?
7/10 b8
sāge it
good job
>europoor that don't know the true american pastime of credit juggling
Credit cards, when abused, are literally money piracy.
Samsung, android, and apple pay are fucking faggy and I wish you would put your fucking phone away
>t. anyone working in customer service
You'll have trouble getting loans/credit for other things in the future.
they take the shit you bought back
This exact thread has been made before, even down to the exact picture. Normally I wouldn't waste my time with shit like this, but only because children are on Yea Forums I might as well set the record straight.
I don't think I have to tell anyone over the age of 23 how insanely stupid it is to take out a credit card to buy video games and a TV. Don't ever use a credit card unless it's either for small stuff you can easily pay back quickly (gas, take out food, etc). This way you can build credit quickly.
I think whoever made this knows how stupid the idea of an amazon credit card is, and they're just trying to see how many morons come out in support of the notion.
>it's this thread again
>for free
it's good euro bait
Using credit cards to pay off credit cards just slows the amount of interest you're paying, you're still at a net loss.
The only reason to take out a credit card is to build your credit score, something that can be easily as done with a phone plan or something.
The amazon credit card is perfectly fine for someone's first credit card.
>a dozen games
I agree user. The skimmer people tried to use it. I'm a supervisor at a store I get you. It's too easy with these phone apps to use stolen cards without having them on you
they take the shit back and take a shit on your credit
It's too early for a "Yea Forums:talk about our awful lives thread". Do it later at night.
first off, you're retarded.
second off, either XC2 or Octopath Traveler. The former you'll either love or hate. The latter isn't as good but you definitely won't hate it
I've never even understood the purpose of credit cards. Why not just use debit in the first place?
Debit doesn't build your credit score
because why wait until you can actually afford the things you want when you can just have them now
Don't debt slave yourself and pay it off in full as soon as possible.
it must suck being american
i can literally walk into any banke, ask for a loan and get it, no questions asked
>credit score
Yes goy.
Using credit cards to pay off credit cards is only a quarter of the loop.
everyone laugh at the absolutely poorfag
It’s only free if you kill yourself before the first bill.
Debit doesn't build credit, debit accesses your checking account directly meaning if someone nabs it they can clean your account out instead of just whatever your card limit is unless you limit whatever's in the account in the first place, and debit obviously relies on money you currently have instead of an IOU meaning if you're in a bind, don't have the money, and need to pay off something big or you can't work/live that's basically it outside of begging people you know.
Keep in mind most normal people don't even have access to $1,000 if an emergency hits.
Have fun trying to buy a car or house with no credit score.
To build your jew score goy.
>being anti capitalism
Fucking leftist
Any money you owe is debt
>pay it off in full as soon as possible.
Then it isnt free, retardo
again, it must be bad being mutt
>800 funbux limit
I'm not american.
>Any money you owe is debt
>Using credit cards to pay off credit cards
How the hell do you get that option? I have like 5 credit cards(no i don't really use them) and the only payment source I can enter is my bank account.
>For free
That's not how it works. Have fun with the IRS
>retard is a wojakposter
Of course.
Just make sure you keep up with your bills user.
who cares as long as it doesn’t take longer than using a card
>t. worked in customer service
I dont' think anyone honestly thinks this way, it's probably satire.
not if you pay it off before interest kicks in, retard. I make a free, comfy 80 bucks a month jus for bein a good boy and payin shit off.
>credit card
>free money
You can only choose one.
Is this the newest bait OP?
Remember to do your part and ignore bait threads.
I got approved for $2k on a United Airlines card and guess what?
I'm saving that for emergencies
no you don't
that's not how american credit works moron
55" roku shit in 4k
TV's are cheap as fuck idiot
the rest of your life is ruined
your $800 credit card debt turns into $20,000 and your ass belongs to the bank
Real talk, anons. Listen to your finance father, if you get cash back cards and pay it off every month, you will MAKE money off credit cards instead of LOSING it. Plus, you can build your credit. You're welcome, son.
Why does United Airlines have a credit card? Does every arbitrary "big" business offer a credit card?
I love retarded millennial's who don't understand how credit works
fucking wog
note: only do this if you're on the ball and can keep track of your payment and pay them off
if you're stupid or forgetful or are bad with paperwork and deadlines or being a functioning adult don't bother
What are you actually talking about. Look it up dumbass. If you pay before interest kicks in, there's literally nothing to lose. They make their money off irresponsible people and tards like you.
they offer a bit better protection than debit, especially if stolen
so can anyone else retard, but you can get better repayment options
>tfw I make so much money I don't have to put a loan in savings
Feels good, man
>nobody pointing out the $800 limit.
Yes but they don't really run the credit card service. Visa, discover, AE, etc. do.
they also get a cut from the merchant you buy from
Credit card is a little easier to get rid of false charges if it gets stolen or something
What do you do user? $800 starting out sounds low.
Unless your a brainlet, just pay it back in full each month before its due, live within your means, and you avoid the fees. I've got a $12k limit on my amazon card and haven't had a problem in years doing this. Especially since you can just set it to auto pay.
I bought my switch and wii %100 in full among other shit using the bonus points.
800 is a great starting limit, especially for living with mommy or recent grad which a poster around here almost always is.
getting an airline card allows you to build miles, I managed to build 40k AAdvantage miles with my card and by flying around and since I have a United Airlines FF account I decided to take one to build Travelbank, so I spend money and it comes back as travelbank cash so eventually I can build up enough to take a huge chunk off the price of say Chicago to Tokyo Haneda.
>tl;dr Airline Credit cards are a good way to travel for free
unless you have a shit credit card you have a grace period to pay before interest kicks in
it's actually not true, interest kicks in generally on a specific day of the month. Ours kicks in on the 4th
m8 there are a lot of cards that dont acquire interest immediately. I dont know what to say, maybe euroland is different?
this is the part where you realized you are incorrect and are doubling down hoping people think you were le epic troll and not just a complete retard.
He's right how the interest works, he's wrong that it isn't debt. Interest free debt is still debt.
How the fuck did I get an American express card with a credit score of 290? Was the guy reviewing my application just feeling generous that day?
The thread is pasta but the meme is real. When BestBuy credit cards became a thing, I had a friend immediately max one out buying an Xbox360 and some guitar he saw on Guitar Hero.
you are probably underage
I have no idea why I got 2500$ limit, 1yr no APR, and no annual fee on my first card as a teen with no job then.
Same reason they gave out so many loans before the 2008 Financial Crisis
>6 replies btfo'ing your ass in less than 5 mins
Well what's the limit on it?
A lot of companies will give you a chance and start you out low.
>Use $5 on a card
>Pay off $5 on the card after the statement is generated
Am I doing something wrong?
They don't have interest if you pay at the end of the month. You just pay what you have spend that month.
So yeah it's no interest borrowing, but htey restriccted ATM usage because it was exactly that, zero interest borrowing till the last day of the month.
Sounds pretty cool actually
you a boomer? That's literally impossible in a post mid-2000's world.
>Yea Forums - Financing
I mean it is a charge card so I don’t really plan on not paying.
I'm 22 and don't have a credit card
should I be worried
Normal people that pay off the statement each month do not carry interest.
Of course, you would know this were you ever approved for a line of credit.
My proof is not being underage and having used one for years.
Probably should have mentioned it’s a charge card. Still online it says you should have around 600 before even considering.
spoken like a true pedophile
score doesn't go that low
are you responsible person who has a source of income? you might as well get one
if you aren't then no
>absolutely fucking btfo and seethign rn
fucking eurofags who automatically think they are better than chadmericans, everyone
I'm 31. I did have a debit/credit card with my credit union that I just made all purchases on. But I don't think that matters because it just drained it right from my checking account.
Keep it buried around $400 deep. Make your payments on time and just maintain a steady debt (usually half the card's limit) with it to build credit. More, better to just have for emergencies
Dont forget
and most importantly, Anime
They are conveniet for online purchases and travelling, they have good insurances behind them.
Always but plane ticked with credit card.
As for shopping, if you arent' retarded and simply pay your groceries at the end of the month you'll be fine, and banks will see you can regularly pay what you owe.
you likely have a low limit and very high APR.
Its low risk for a CC/lender
Consider apply for one and only using it for small purchases. There are several 'student' type ones that have low limits of
credit card retard btfo
Why do you need another card to practically loan a specific sum of money? Why not just wait for your paycheck/welfare benefits? I have never understood this concept of building a debt and considering it "free money".
>he deleted his posts
Sometimes we want things now or we want to build credit to be able to take out a mortgage
Credit cards are cool because you can charge back shit with them like a badass
they're not smart enough to realize you have to pay it back
With credit is easier to hook retards up.
They basically swapped the names of the cards too, with the credit card you get in fucking debit, while with a debit card you actually own credit.
>paying your taxes
you don't actually do this, right Yea Forums?
I've never had a job but I'm really good at saving money
>just don't carry a balance
what does this mean
I just don't see a reason to ever get one
irs pls go
Yea Forums is the only good anime forum in existence
>for free
this is how you know someone is terrible with money
I use some free credit score service that goes to 999 so I’m not even sure what the actual fico score is. Back when I used equifax I think it was in the low 300’s, but I honestly don’t remember nor did I care back then.
only, and i mean ONLY, use a credit card if you can IMMEDIATELY pay it off what you used it for every time you use it
if you do, it's like getting 1-2% cash back
if i spend 100 bucks on groceries, use my credit card, then pay the credit card company the 100 bucks that i used it for, i get two bucks back
the second you forget to pay it off in full you get fucked in the ass and that's how people end up with gigantic credit card debt because it just grows
ignore the minimum payment garbage they give you, it's a trick, pay off the full balance every time and you won't get dinged with interest charges
I work for the IRS so it would be poor form if I didn't.
ITT: retarded yuros that don't understand how credit cards work in the US and keep parroting shit they heard from their parents who hate america because it's their boring shithole of a countries national pastime
we get it, you use debit cards, we know already
now fuck off
While travelling I've had some places ask for credit cards only for renting a car/scooter/bicycle.
That's the only reason you'll need one, some businesses only acepting credit.
the what score
sounds like a scam
why wouldn't you set up a limit on your debit card?
I have a regular card I use, and the amazon card. Amazon card is great if you use amazon a lot, was able to buy everyone Christmas presents based on the 5% cashback you get from the orders. I get this post looks like shilling, but if you use amazon a lot its worth it. Vidya is a lot cheaper with it.
I heard it's better if you don't always pay off your card on time. If your balance is 0 every month, the credit bureau won't even know you're using a credit card so your rating won't improve. Someone know anything about this?
I only have to because you will nuke my house if I dont, Mr. IRS
TVs aren’t expensive anymore boomer
Yeah it's retarded. Let the statement be generated and pay it.
>some business only accept fake money
why the fuck would anyone ever do that
that's retarded
>because it just grows
They really should teach the power of compund interest in school.
Both for debts and starting saving money early.
credit score is a rough estimate at how likely you are of paying back debts
this is useful if you ever want to apply for a loan like car financing, or renting your own apartment, or applying for a mortgage for a house, or getting a business loan, and may be important for some fields of employment
as unlikely as the average Yea Forums user may need to do any of this
Are you even reading the thread?
It's common to use credit card in Europe, we just pay it at the end of the month and don't let that shit snowball.
Someone's political faction has fuck-all to do with their preferred economic system, especially internationally.
Quit sipping the /pol/ juice, it's rotting your brain.
Credit cards are just as fake as the cash you hold. Unless you are trading with gold it's fake money.
That's not free money, you retard. You're going to have to pay all that back and if you don't you will go into debt.
This thread i swear
>may be important for some fields of employment
I'm curious, which ones actually?
i was taught this in home ed but it's (mostly) bunk, there is no need to pay extra money just to get a marginally better credit score
the only time this might be useful is if you have a lot of money right now, but are planning to take out a fucking huge enormous loan in the near future, and even then i call bullshit
Why bother telling him?
He is a fucking retard and deserves to be in debt if he cant even fucking grasp the concept of a credit card.
Think of carrying a balance as not paying your bill on time.
So lets say on the 8th of every month, you get a bill for what you spent in the past billing cycle.
You spent 500$ in that period, and a week or so before you get a notification (text/letter, whatever) saying this is your bill.
Lets also say you have a limit of 2k$ , meaning that you now only have 1500 of a credit line left
You have 3 choices:
-Pay it off in full before its due = no interest, and you have 2k$ to spend again.
-Make a minimum payment (pretend its 30$)= usually no harm to any credit score but then you get interest charged on your remaining balance of 470$, and now have 1530$ left on your line of credit/spending limit. The interest will accumulate until paid off but wont deduct from your limit.
-Do nothing = interest charged on the 500$ + potential reduction in credit score, and you still only have 1500$ left to 'spend' next month
Basically just pay your bills on time, with your CC being one of them. You can even set auto-payments from a checking/bank account/debit card to cover your ass with a minimum payment if you are forgetful.
Police, armored car crew. I'd imagine bank employees too. I handle the safe at work and I dont think they ever checked my credit lol
Because it serves as a deposit without having to leave a huge amount of cash.
Or do you plan to carry the cash that car may cost if you wreck it.
If you break it, they just charge you, after all, you signed it while renting it.
Also pretty usual for hotels to ask you for credit card, especially if they have minibar.
Credit cards are very convenient for travelling.
i'm fucking flabbergasted they don't teach home ed or basic home economics in public school
it's like releasing lambs to the slaughter especially when it comes to student debt
a lot of people just don't fucking know you have to pay it back with interest
>new Switch
>a rough estimate at how likely you are of paying back debts
Why would you ever let it be anything less than 100%
>get a bunch of credit cards
>max them out
>go and change your name and gender to hide from the banks, repeat
name a more airtight scam
no one on earth has a perfect score
anything that lets you deal with large amount of money
the implication is you don't have a motivation to rob your boss or clients if you have good credit
some lurkers or underage people might not know and school certainly isn't teaching this shit anymore so if someone actually learns something useful on Yea Forums that won't lead to them being fucked up the ass in ten years i'll call it a win
>it's like releasing lambs to the slaughter especially when it comes to student debt
Yeah it's almost like they do it on purpose.
my mom got refused a job as a data entry clerk at some payroll company because she had bad credit
so whats the point of credit cards then
If you can immediately pay off what you are buying there is no reason to not use a credit card for it all. What you should have said is do not use a credit card to purchase something you cannot afford.
'IMMEDITALY" paying it off is retarded, just set a reminder for yourself to not being a fucking retard and have some semblance of responsibility. I used to think this way, but its rather childish. Just don't carry a balance.
but debit cards don't use cash either
I guess this makes sense. I don't let my debt build up or anything, but I'm not gonna fret when a payment is late or whatever.
you'd be surprised, a lot of people are just financially illiterate because they're never been taught
like the poor bastards who have 160k in student debt and work as a bartender
They exist to show the higher-ups that you can be trusted to take out home loans and shit like that.
You want to a mortgage for a house instead of paying rent to Raja, Chang, or Schlomo?
Get some decent credit score
>Oh look it's THIS thread again
how shit is that tv that you are able to get all of that other stuff alongside it with just 800 fucking dollars user
Being a woman
there was some retard above ranting about interest payments and not understanding how they work in the US
Oh, so that's the main attraction. In Finland you just need a stable source of income and to deposit money (friend deposit 12k, which was the minimum in his case) for a year or so(4 quarterly deposits) for them to grant you an amount up to ~180k euros,
Convenience? Unless you carry stacks of cash everywhere.
But user I had to send in my applications to med schools now, and that shit cost me 500$, then my vehicle registration cost me 275$.
Sure I could pay it all off now, but it makes more sense to pay it off in 200-300$ installments as opposed to doing it all at once.
That's a benefit yes but that's not why they exist.
Debit cards have usually lower limit's, and you can't be charged money you don't have in that account.
You wouldn't rent a car to a guy who may have 50 bucks only in his account.
If you rent a card and enter your credit card and then wreck the car, they will charge the amount and it's on you know, your bank will accept it.
Credit cards is all about your bank trusting you, and businesses trusting your bank.
when is the last time you looked at tv prices?
>one guy
i'm trying to boil it down for the manchildren in here who are unaware
late payments is where they make money off you, and if they're making money off you then you shouldn't be using their service
if it were so easy the credit card companies wouldn't be around
TVs are rediculously cheap these days, the 1080i 27 inch LCD I bought back in 2006 was twice as expensive as a 65 inch 4K tv you could get today.
I get roughly 950 dollars with every paycheck, I didn't know I was secretly rich this entire time
>late payments is where they make money off you
This. Everytime you're late with a payment they charge a late fee.
Well friend what works in Spurdoland aint gonna work here
The poverty is strong in these ones.
>tfw 23 years old
>have $1500 limit credit card I haven't paid for in 14 months
>never answer the phone when the bank calls
They've been calling me every day for basically a year now
you're paying like an extra ~$40 for this convenience, maybe that's worth it to you but i sure as shit wouldn't do it
They're going to take you to court eventually idiot. Just pay them.
plus interest
god i hope you're joking cuz your debt is probably like $3000 now
can someone explain what mortgages are and what refinancing a house means and how either work
we're on a board where people lose their shit over paying 20 dollars a year for something, 800 dollars may as well make you the equivalent of a saudi oil baron
Imagine if we never had to pay taxes. My paycheck would actually be worth a damn. And before you say
>but taxes pay for infrastructure shit like roads and schools!
yeah, eat my ass. Our education is a joke and our roads are even worse. I literally feel like we are locked as slaves to feed the (government) who then takes our collective wealth to pay Israel. We are literally the people in Full Metal Alchemist.
Try being 21 and owing over 2000
fuck me I just want a job so at least I can start paying off this shit at least
shoveling money by the kilo into the bank accounts of jews
You know where your taxes go? Aid packages to Israel.
get a job zoomer faggot
That actually sounds like more work and a stricter list of requirements than a credit check
>see house for $150,000
>user pays $10,000-$25,000 down payment
>user finishes off the deal in 10, 15, or 20 years
simple but good luck finding a nice house in a good white neighborhood for that price
when you buy a house you probably don't have the cash to actually outright purchase it, a mortgage is a loan from the bank to you to pay for your house, if you fall behind on your mortgage you lose the house
refinancing means getting a different loan (presumably at a better rate) to pay off your mortgage
>order PS4 off of ebay
>when it arrives file a missing item report
>ebay refunds me immediately
>now have a free PS4
Well put.
>Buy things in credit.
>Tell others they're poor.
>Not being able to pay for them up front.
It's called consolidation. Strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time.
Debit represents money that you actually have. Credit is basically an advanced form of an IOU. Credit is considered more useful because you don't have to worry about the account not having enough and is safer for travel since credit cards aren't connected to real value.
is there a lvl 3 pepe?
so essentially a mortgage just means you're paying off the house to the bank instead of whoever sold it?
>refinancing means getting a different loan (presumably at a better rate) to pay off your mortgage
this doesn't make sense, how do you pay off a loan with another loan?
>effectively requiring a down payment of 25% on a loan
This is what someone with terrible credit would need.
Yeah it's called Exodia
Ask your parents or just live the rest of your life in a rental
The bank REALLY doesnt want to deal with selling your house. Its a ton of paperwork and time investment. They would rather negotiate with you even if it means less cash repaid, they still come out ahead and dont have to deal with your shit afterward.
>this doesn't make sense, how do you pay off a loan with another loan?
You don't get another loan, you officially move your debt from one bank to another.
Sorry, I worded that weirdly, meant that he had 4 deposits of 3k euro. Also he's permanently employed for now. Thanks to this thread I now understand why some of you are really keen for the credit card, though I think that many of the businesses require credit cards mostly to keep the system alive instead of ensuring you can pay your purchase/service back.
post your TV
taxes don't always go toward what you want them to, but some of it does still go toward things that you do enjoy and take for granted. if you really don't want to pay taxes, then pack up your shit and go live completely off the grid somewhere that taxes haven't paid for anything, somewhere the government will never find you. you won't have to pay tax ever again but you might miss a lot of things from your old life.
Imagine taking the bait when this thread has been reposted as many times as it has
nobody ITT actually thinks that CCs are free no-strings-attached money
>this doesn't make sense, how do you pay off a loan with another loan?
Depends on how you do it. Typically you refinance ans a different bank or company buys your loan and you pay them back. A debtor will do this generally to get a lower interest rate or to avoid a looming balloon payment.
but how does that end up giving you a chunk of money?
>this thread again
This is what you look like, you fucking cockroach
>this doesn't make sense
The bank or whoever pays off your previous loan so that you pay them instead of their competitor. Even if they'll make less money with a lower percentage, that's better than the money they wouldn't be getting if you were paying the other guy.
>so essentially a mortgage just means you're paying off the house to the bank instead of whoever sold it?
technically no, they just gave you a big sack of money which you give to the seller, and then you pay the bank back in installments for the big sack of money you borrowed from them
if you default on the mortgage payment the bank just repossesses all your stuff
>this doesn't make sense, how do you pay off a loan with another loan?
when you first take out a mortgage you're borrowing X dollars at Y interest rate to be paid over Z years, you can also pay off the entire principal early to avoid that interest
people refinance because they might get a better loan rate (if i'm paying Y interest rate on my mortgage and this guy is offering me a lesser interest rate, i'll borrow the money from this other guy and end up paying less money)
other people who are in bad situations refinance because they're behind in their payment for the bank so they're taking out another loan from someone else to pay the bank but they have no way to pay back the second lender
Ah, that's much more reasonable and lines up about with the 5% down payment most people are expected to put up.
imagine not knowing the shitposting meta
Because if the newer loan has a better interest rate, it means you have to pay back less money in the long run.
>he doesnt know
You usually refinance when the property you're paying off is worth more than when you first purchased it.
Every human being on earth should be required to take a year long course on finances before they are allowed to have more than a debit card. Jesus Christ.
>a different bank or company buys your loan
capitalism is fucking weird
Because you owe less, or in some cases owe more but spread out to more manageable chunks
Everyone is still getting their money in some form, even if its one lender selling your debt to another, one lender sells off the debt at a loss to another that offers you a better rate.
Pay attention in school.
it's a failure of the public education system which needs a serious fucking overhaul
given how many teachers are fnancially in bad straights to begin, watching them trying to feach home ed would be terrifying
Most high schools do have a finance class, teens are just retarded and don't pay attention though then blame it on no one teaching them how real life works.
The only ELO/MMR that matters
I had a finance class in high school, the teacher literally just fucking gave up not even a quarter way into the semester and told us all to read. It was fucked up.
so what's the downside to it? I always thought it was a bad thing
you think they actually teach shit that's actually useful to know like this in school?
Anyone over the age of 16 has a credit card and many people are not broke.
I guess you went to a black school or something, ours made us learn how to file our own taxes manually and how to file them as a business.
Imagine you owe 100000$ to bank A. If you have 100000$ in cash you can pay it back now. But you don't.
After years of interest you would have to pay a total of 200000$.
You go to bank B for refinancing.
Bank B buys your debt from bank A for 100000$.
Your new interest rate has you paying a total of 150000$.
Bank A loses your 100000$ in the long run but gets 100000$ immediately and can invest it further, possibly at even better rate.
Another option is you get to pay more total but for a longer period, making your monthly payments smaller.
Some muscular goons come in your house, re-possess everything you bought, and break your kneecaps.
it doesn't have to be, but some people who are in danger of defaulting use them like a payday loan out of desperation since it's something they see on tv
>implying credit cards are the worst way to get into debt-induced poverty.
lol i was taking a max amount of pic related out(Payday loan)every consecutive month for like 2 and a half years straight at one pathetic point in my life.
Noob who just got a first job here. Why do I need to pay taxes and how do I even do that? My job automatically takes out a bunch for taxes and I pay sales tax on everything of course. What more does the government want from me and why?
Superior European here.
>tfw autism bux gives me a better quality of life than most Americans
>get a comfy apartment with all expenses paid by the welfare system
>get more money than my modest lifestyle needs and have $$$ in savings
Wagies taxes literally allowing me to live my life however I choose, pursuing hobbies, working out, cooking up new recipes, even traveling abroad.
I only wish we could remove all the immigrants so more benefits could be spent on us native citizens.
You wouldn't need a credit card if you had the money
If you're in debt then you're pretty much broken.
>got first credit card little over a year ago
>have 2 now
>$7k combined limit
>never paid a cent in interest
>$350 back in signup bonuses and cashback so far
>732 credit score
Guess I'm a real adult now.
We had 2 courses on finance and one on microeconomics at my high school. Most of the retards didn't pay attention, as angry birds had just come out, and the poorfags were playing doodle jump on thier TI-84's, The rest were just apathetic.
you file your taxes to tell the government what you owe
you can either look up how to file your taxes online or get a copy of turbotax or something to do it for you if you're lazy
generally speaking you're probably getting a refund back
>other people who are in bad situations refinance because they're behind in their payment for the bank so they're taking out another loan from someone else to pay the bank but they have no way to pay back the second lender
then what the hell is the point
doesn't this fuck you over even more
I should get one, I'm 29 and have a good job
but my credit score is a bit low (~650)
can I even qualify for one?
Rich people have tons of credit cards just for the credit score alone, they could pay off everything if they wanted to but they play the system to look better in the eye of the jew.
Slay The Spire is fun
you're going to have a blast in thirty years when the welfare state dies and you're on your own
there wasn't a single class about finances at my school
chances are, you"ve already paid more than what you owe come tax time
that's what those deductibles from your paycheck are, and that's how people get tax refunds
What does it mean to "file your taxes?" Is it just a form I download and submit? Do they mail you a letter reminding you when you have to do that or is everyone just expected to not be a friendless loser and have someone tell them when it's coming up?
preying on desperate vulnerable people
and yes
go apply for one and they'll tell you if you are approved
You can qualify for one easily but it'll have a very low limit obviously.
1) "pretty much" =/= "is"
2) Many people are not in debt
you're expected to know
you have to file every year by april 15th
you can either esubmit or mail them in snail mail
they do not give you a reminder
>only approved for an $800 credit limit
Yes he is actually really poor
I use debit. Am I missing anything not using credit? I'm stingy.
756 here. I have only ever used any sort of credit card once and it was to buy a new washer and dryer after I moved out of a apartment into a house.
Only other line of credit is my car.
I don't really understand why people use credit cards, honestly. If you can't afford something, then you can't have it. If you CAN afford something, then why not just buy it instead of putting it on credit?
Too bad thats gonna blow up in your face
Enjoy that 26% interest rate.
if you're a responsible person who can be trusted to pay off amounts in a timely fashion, you're missing out on a 1-2% rebate on all your purchases
there's some other ancillary benefits like warranty bonuses and fraud protection
if you aren't responsible to pay off what you owe immediately don't bother
Wow that's pretty fucked up. I know anyone can just google it, but I wouldn't even know to do that if I hadn't randomly overheard someone mentioning it.
A company can fuck up and double bill you, or half-bill you (expect payment, even by accident, but not report the expectation so there's no way for you to know they expect you to pay).
Only with some exceptionally lucky firms will you be able to get them to take it back. Or you can spend a few thousand on it, which any well-to-do would but not the average american.
Your work place also gives you a form around the time you're suppose to do it. Poor people like me basically gets free money, no reason to not do it.
>what you owe
I thought cards were used to store money in.
welcome to being an adult
does your family just not talk about these things?
in the US, tax filing period is always from January 1st to April 15th
your employer will give you a statement showing how much you paid in taxes for the previous year, and you use that form to fill out paperwork that is sent to the government
based on that paperwork, and governmental tax brackets, it's determined if you get any money back
in the US, you pay both federal and state income tax
>tv for switch
>not just a 1ms monitor
>mfw getting CC rewards on literally all of my purchases
>mfw my credit score was through the roof
Refinanced my student loans and got a car loan in the same month. Saw the score dip but Im back to 760 now.
Not if you make on time payments
that's a debit card
Can anyone please help? I wanna download a game while I’m sleeping tonight. Can I use my pro controller charger plugged into this outlet or will that hurt the battery?
That's essentially what a debit card is. You use your credit card to buy something and then your debit to immediately pay if off
We are the exception most young people are fucking retards when it comes to finance.
because I dont want to walk around with cash
because a credit card offers better security and fraud coverage than a debit card (I am only liable up to 50$ even if someone maxes it)
because I get rebates on purchases, and other cards offer things that can be redeemed
because I am continuing to build on my credit score (its not linear)
If I can pay it off before any interest takes, why NOT have the extra benefits?
>letting bills stack up for an entire fucking year.
>Paying taxes
Isn't this what we fought the British for?
Aha... So, with credit cards you just later pay off things you've purchased? Wouldn't I have to have one to properly use the other?
Just plug it into your switch dock. But yeah it should be ok
Sounds like a scam desu, like a mortgage.
My country doesn't have universal credit score, I can only look up my credit history that says how many times I fucked up by not paying debt in time or going overdraft.
I still try to mostly use credit card and pay back in full during interest-free period.
Guess it works because banks keep giving me cards with higher limit, lower interest rate, longer interest-free period and no yearly fees.
that makes sense
don't wait until past the grace period because that's when they charge you interest
but no, you can pay them directly from your bank account, you don't need a debit card
Ah I should have explained I’m in a weird situation. My dock that’s connected to my tv is in another house and this is all I have access to. Would it be better to plug a phone block into the wall and charge it with the pro controller cable from there?
people can't be this reatarded.
That's what you get for living in a country that doesn't do the whole goverment thing properly.
Where should i invest my money if I'm already maxing out my roth ira and 401k?
Credit Cards turn anything you want into a subscription, basically.
Want a new smart watch but don't have $400? Put it on credit and pay it off one month at a time.
No, it was taxation without represention.
>Same fucking thread about an amazon credit card
>Dumb fucking retards reply to it as a serious thread
Who else is on their way to the 800 club?
>I don't really understand why people use credit cards
Because I'm paranoid and don't like keeping money in my checking account.
you would need some sort of account to pay off the credit card, but theoretically you could use checks
not him but my parents just did everything for me and I never learned anything
school was even more useless
bonds if you're risk adverse
etfs if you not super interested in researching
stocks if you like risk and want to gamble
otherwise real estate if you have lots of money
Never fucking do this unless you are in the interest free period
we don't care that it's a thread that's been posted before
it's still interesting conversation
geeze i wonder who could be behind this post?
this is a great example of what not to do with credit cards
I see. I just get cash monthly from the debit card and use that money instead of having to rely on the card while saving up on the debit if something awful happens, so I don't really see much of a point (looks like a bit of fuckery for people that need bigger expenses than I do by now).
I'll check more profoundly another time.
I've used all types of plug-ins to charge my pro controller , if it's safety you're looking for then sure plug it into the phone charger then to the wall outlet thing. It'll be fine the switch pro controller is low voltage.
So you're admiting euros are smarter?
>Got $190 in cash back so far this year for FREE just for using my card
Bros that's like two Nintendo games
some people genuinely don't know
i'm more than happy to help enlighten people so they don't fuck up their lives ten years later because they actually thought a credit card was free money
should ask them, your parents should be happy to teach you
Remember: Just because you have enough money to buy something, doesn't mean you can afford it.
Realistically, you'd apply for a credit card with specific benefits that caters to you. Like cards that gives you discount on gas or free currency conversion or whatever.
Not to mention
>mods do nothing until 450 replies
it goes to collections and then you settle the debt with them for cheaper
1-2% cash back may not sound like much but it adds up over time
it is also good to build up practice of keeping track of and paying off bills since there will be a lot of that in your adult life
Of course. Always have a healthy reserve, and so on.
>Being happy about maxing out a credit card with money you dont have and being 800$ in debt
fucking retard
>tfw debt collectors have been calling my dad on the house phone as long as I can remember
You want to know the real life hack for poorfag/NEET gaming?
Buy steam gifts/keys from G2A with a credit card. Then after you have your game, file a charge back with your card company saying it doesn't work.
If you tried to just chargeback steam, they'd just ban your steam account. But since you are going through a 3rd party, steam is not losing any money from your scam, only the shady assholes of G2A will lose out and they can't do shit to you. They might ban your IP from G2A, but then you can just use a vpn for your next game "purchase".
Yeah, but it's from Amazon.
Businesses shouldn't extend credit for people if they don't want to get stolen from.
Amazon is stupid.
user, an amazon card is usually a visa or master.
Debit: The same thing as money you have. Its just digital money linked to your bank.
Credit: Money that isn't yours. A company is giving you a card with money on it expecting you to pay it back in full, or more than full with interest in exchange for the convenience of you having the money to spend right now and pay it off over time. A loan essentially.
Or in laymans terms:
Debit: Money you have in your wallet right now.
Credit: Your friend offering to loan you $500 to buy a TV, but in exchange he expects you to pay him back $550 over time.
>Tfw 747 after only having a debt for a year
Is this good?
>for free
Visa and mastercard are just payment processors you fucking idiot, they don't actually do lines of credit themselves. Holy shit.
How did you survive this far?
>800 limit
hahahahahaha are you fucking underaged, or a nigger with shit credit
>if underaged, learn how to budget
>if nigger, just go steal the shit anyway
This is going to sound dumb, but cant you really easily cheese credit score? Whats stopping you from buying literally everything you would normally buy but with the credit card, then immediately paying it off later that day?
Are you fucking brain dead? The Amazon credit card is a chase card. Amazon doesn't do shit except stick their name on it in partnership
does this work with any modicum of success?
because credit works off more than just that
That's literally what people do.
you probably won't be able to do it more than a few times, but i see no reason why it shouldn't
>buying literally everything you would normally buy but with the credit card
"Normally" would be the catch, I guess. Specially in the case of people who don't have reserves but have to go to the doctor in the US, for example.
I use my credit card as my everyday purchasing tool. If someone steals my credit card number it's much easier to deal with than someone stealing your debit card.
Paying off purchases only affects a small portion of your overall score. The type of credit used matters, what you purchased matters, Length of time you've hard your accounts, how active the accounts are, total number of accounts.
Nothing, that's how people with more than 1 brain cell build basic credit.
Too high of a utilization is bad. Depends on your line