Monster Hunter Thread. No shitposting please
Monster Hunter Thread. No shitposting please
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Everyone shut the fuck up and post monsters
>hunting horn buffs
>gunlance buffs
and all was right in the World
I, Listfag, have arrived.
Okay Ryozo this isn’t funny anymore. Give us the real trailer.
Like I said in the previous thread anons, Pick a monster and give it a theme from another vidya
>Phase 1
>Phase 2
>Phase 3
Nigga who cares? With that logic only Akantor should have the theme.
Elaborate on HH buffs. Did HH get Negate Stamina or double notes back? If no to both, then fuck off.
Is generations any good
I thought the GL was going to fade into obscurity once Iceborne came out but now I'm intrigued by the changes
Kind of irrelevant when GU exists
Is there anything more reddit than using the Wiggler head?
worst game in the series, only total idiots enjoy it
I dont even care if the monster and village line up, just don't fucking put village music in the monster music. It's shit.
Anyone have a list of what weapons got buffed, and the buffs they received in Iceborne?
>find another horn users in an SOS mission
They do exist.
I miss the old hunting lobbies, these ones don't feel very personal and most fags just stick to SOS missions.
Negate stamina will never be in World, it would just be too broken
Generations and its Ultimate edition is the best game we have for now
>insane replayability with over 93 monsters, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc.
>deviants are simply better than subspecies in every way. much harder fights with their own distinctive movesets.
>actually challenging endgame, has some of the hardest quests in the series, tough as nails shit to test your mettle as a true hunter
>virtually no cutscenes in gameplay ever. you can, however, unlock ecology videos of the elite four plus valfalk by beating their village quests.
>online lobby system is multiple times better and more social, it's the good old fun of actually joining a room, talking to people, exchanging guild cards, chatting inbetween hunts, taking turns posting quests, sticking together for many hours... it's what makes MH online great
>catlolis which are very cute. the bherna and airship gals are also cute as well.
>actual weapon design variety; tons of weapons to craft and they all look different and unique so it's a lot of fun even when they're not viable.
>endless amount of weapon+armor+style+arts combinations, opening up so many possibilities. option to play guild/striker without arts like classic MH exists.
>lets you use the transmog system instead of keeping it only for specific DLC/event armor
>rebalanced new weapons: insect glaive and charge blade DPS is now more in line with other medium-sized weapons. charge blade now force you to utilize more of its axe moveset.
>sword & shield has oils that turn it into a pure powerhouse with amazing utility in KO and partbreak.
>hunting horn can play double notes by hitting the monster, encouraging a more aggressive playstyle and discouraging deadweight corner horning.
>gunlance has a heat mechanic that utilizes shells in a meaningful way and separates it further from the normal lance
>you can play as a palico
big buff to mvs in general, damage buffs and a new note
Just join a full lobby yourself retard
>shilling "le speak really fast D&D funny guy"
yeah nah
The only thing Reddit enough is giving a shit. Why do you give a shit user?
Only the most based song for the most based monster
aloy layered armor
Fuck off back to /vg/ already
Who thought this was a good idea. Because it was.
Why the FUCK would I play World HH when hammer exists? The only good song in World is AuL.
no, tell gookmoot to make a monster hunter board
Shut the fuck up
Spooky cephalopod first phase
Spooky cephalopod second phase
No one talks or does missions.
there will barely be any difference in hunt times between both of those so it boggles down to personal preference
>predicted someone was going to say this
Defensive wiggler-wearer detected.
>Negate Stamina will never be in world, bow would be even more broken
Fixed that for you. Nu Bow killed mega dash juice and negate stamina so bow could become unga bunga tier. As someone who plays HH and DBs, I have absolutely no sympathy for bow fags.
truly the best theme
what makes kirin a weird elder dragon? he is just a horse
also who could beat deviljho since based on world the only turf war he didn't win was bazel and that a tie
>Khezu anything
But personal preference is the backbone of the entire weapon. You bring AuL horns for soloing and other horns to make your teammates lives easier.
If I wanted to kill shit faster, I would pick hammer 100% of the time.
Unironicly my favorite in the series
.t an Adept Hunter fag
>100% maximum might uptime on every weapon
That's more the reason, not to mention the complete lack of stamina management for shit like DBs and of course the bow, especially considering getting hit doesn't take you out of demon mode now
Naturally, Legiana wins.
HELLOOOOOOOO fellow cute posters! Are we ready to post some more cutey tootie monster BOOTIES??? o3o
Ahahaha, I just love them so much! And they make them mostly for my favourite 4th gen monsters, tigrex nargacuga and glavenus! Not to forget about our good pal shagaru magala though, but only my fellow hardcore veterans will remember names like that! xD
Ahhhh, yep. I still remember back in the good old days playing 4Ultimate when monster hunter just came out. Everyone teaching and learning from each other. Then when us MH vets moved onto genU we had to teach all the noobies how to do advanced techniques like mounting, LOL. Those were the days...
Haha but enough about me, lets get back to cute posting my fellow 4th gen vets! Nothing makes a thread more wholesome than some CUTE monsters being CUTE! I love gen 4!
dear capcom, please give all horns an attack up song so I don't lose all my damage just because I wanted to use different songs
Mid to high tier ED, Rajang, Bloodbath Diablos among some other deviants and that's about it, Jho have no predators other than Hunters because Rajang would rather eat Kirin horns, mid to high tier ED have very specific habitats that Jho might try to evade and deviants are rare as fuck.
I don't really want them to homogenize all of the horns like that. Just give horns that don't have it significantly higher raw.
It was perfectly fine for DBs before. It's just that World DBs revolve around always staying in demon mode all of the time because of the Archdemon nerfs and spin attack coming out without having to commit to vertical slash 1.
the logic could be applied to any weapon
why play x when hbg cluster bombing/spread spam is faster anyway?
but I agree with you that there aren't that many useful songs in world, everyone will want AuL over anything except in a very few cases (like all wind pressure negated against kushala or blight negation against kirin and vaal)
You're going to use Deviljho's horn and you're going to fucking like it
Did hammer got anything?
Will we finally be freed from LS fags?
You alright boss?
Ahahaha, BASED. Is that another veteran hunter I see? And you also love tigrex from gen 4 as well? Excellent taste my friend, here's a reddit gold 4 U!
What monster would you like to have as a pet?
Am I doing something wrong here? Is there a way to fix this lack of response whenever I try emulating any Monster Hunter game or am I just fucked? I was able to play through Tri and powered through the problem but after that I tried emulating 3 Ultimate, Freedom Unite, and 4 and I have the exact same issue where the game refuses to read my inputs when there is clearly nothing wrong with my controller.
I'm fine with that too, I just like using utility horns sometimes but I really feel the loss of attack
I did like using jho's horn because it was a new horn.
made me miss khezu horn though
Generations ultimate is actual the best 4th gen game. Give it a go if you want. It emulates just fine too.
hammer got the best buffs because ryozo simply cannot live without grugging
thanks man
Pet Sized:Gore
Normal Sized:Kulu
What buffs did hammer get? Is there a list of what buffs each weapons got?
I literally brought a random dude I met at Best Buy a copy of GU because I love it that much.
>they only showed a meh Velkhana trailer
>two weeks before release
It's gonna be less monsters than vanilla World isn't it?
Yeah I mean I don't think DBs would be broken by any means if they brought back negate stamina, but the fact that max might was already a stupid skill even without infinite stamina means that it was never going to make the cut
Although it would be pretty glorious as a HH song, HH chads would be making every lobby their bitch
if only the bazel hh had decent raw
My wife!
Worldlet, just got MHGenU in the mail. Do I care about village quests or do I go straight into Guild Hall?
>Having a pet that gives you a cancer you can only cure by beating it up
Very cruel, user
Village quests are balanced around solo. Guild hall or hub quests are balanced around multiplayer. Do village quests first. Look up key quests
>TFW no baby monster pets in MH World.
Which in turn would give people an incentive to learn a rather difficult to use weapon. I see nothing wrong here aside from Maximum Might getting a well deserved nerf.
>he doesn't know
A lot of village quests will unlock useful shit for you, so it's always best to start with village
Gathering hub quests are also balanced around multiplayer so unless you've got someone to play with it'll be a rough start
Monster Hunter Stories 2 when
Just wait until Stories 2 comes out, user
which is never because it fucking bombed
Assuming you want to do both you should alternate between the two
>Village 1* and 2*
>Guild 1*
>Village 3* and 4*
>Guild 2*
>Village 5* and 6*
>Guild 3*
>Village 7* and 8*
>Guild 4*
>Village 9* and 10*
>Guild 5*+
Where's Nerg? And the fucking inflation rat at #10? What the fuck?
Stories may bomb
But Cringeposting will never die!
I want a Tigerstripe Zamtrios
>cool land shark
>goofy ball shark
>can use it as a pillow
>can ride it on land or underwater
>can ride it while it is a goofy ball
I will just make sure to not pet it the opposite direction or else I will fuck up my hands, monstie sized please so I don't have to pay millions on meat.
Weapon balance is so bad in MHW I have to wonder if its on purpose
Will MHW2 make SnS good again?
If Zinogre is hypothetically deconfirmed, does that mean Iceborne isn't actually getting any new skeletons?
Royal Ludroth
It's be comfy to lie on its sponge
Zinogre wouldn't be a new skeleton anyway.
sns is THE most balanced and honest weapon in mhw
do you want it to become bow tier or something?
G-ranks tend to not add new skeletons. Also, doesn't world have fanged wyverns?
Isn't Odo and Toby using the Zinogre skeleton?
Wait isn't Zingore's skeleton already in the game?
>turns room
>guy puts up a "Hunt 50 Bnahabra" Quest
what do you do
help him because I remember suffering these kinds of quests
You dont have that completed either so you might as well.
Grab a gun and hunt 50 Bnahabra I guess.
I'll leak inside Zinogre.
If you catch my drift.
Leave, join a deviant room and fail EX quests for an hour
Here is your Zinogre, bro.
Finally some good posts
Would you?
I would headpat. Only her sister is for fugs
I want zinogre to leak into me.
It's legal in the monster hunter universe so yes
Go back to your containment general redditors
>Chthonic Zorah Magdaros
thats fake already, we know the german media leaked narga and tigrex variants
Barioth and co
>Copied format of MHW leak
>Posted today
No this shit is just a mistake
He is in
what's even worse is that the original pasta had Lagi in it. It got removed when the deconfirmation came
We only fuck monsters here.
sorry but I don't want to get my dick frozen
? this shit got posted 17h ago
God I hope so, I wanted to hunt this motherfucker ever since I fought it.
No not that blue thing, PLEASE
Odogaron and Behemoth both use Fanged Wyvern animations
This is a japanese incelibate
>is a bowfag carts 3 times episode
I'm actually sorry. I didn't realize HE was in the pic.
Why the fuck doesn't p3rd give you any charms? In every other game I have pages of charms I just picked up as I played. This is the first game where I've had to go out of my way to farm charms to get any usable ones, not even to farm for an endgame set or something
>why yes, i am objectively superior to Nergigante as an antagonist in every way
It's been posted here for weeks and people always out it by reverse-searching. Why do you think the post is now a screenshot?
Please don't fall for it again
Who is he?
I think maybe you should get some air.
you say that but you just know capcom is making ruiner nerg have a turf war against velkh and win
What an arrogant looking cunt, god. Just look at its face, it thinks its superior in every way just because he can do AOE attacks
Ruiner is probably gonna be stuck in his own arena
Ryozo, you fucking hack, give me the trailer, the trailer with monsters that are not shit.
Should I really bother unlocking Hayabusa feather in GU?
We need one of these, but with Lagi.
Unironically yes, they said that Velkhana doesn't attack you because he thinks of himself as too good to waste time with you
News are coming in the next few days. Don't know which day, but its there somewhere. Starts tomorrow
>tfw I want to tell you it'll come tomorrow but I'm having doubts
>best game
Please stop
The fight's exactly the same, but his zits pop dragonbreath at you instead of lava
Literal furfag that only draws "himself" getting sat on and getting eaten. It's all he commissions.
I want to become its friend and warm that cold heart!
at best it'll come tomorrow. At worst, it'll come august 24. At fucking retarded levels, it'll come in launch trailer in September
Just hope their gamescom panel does show something
We need Rusted Kushala Daora to slap some sense on him.
bros how is khezu so perfect?
how can such a handsome and perfect monster even exist
do buffs of the same type stack? Should I chug a mega demondrug, snort some demonpowder and have a powercharm and powertalon in my bag?
She's the whitest monster
Velkhana froze Hoarfrost to seal away the Everwyrm and is just concerned that human incursion will awaken it
Why are the Japs so Jewish with their trailers and information for games?
Is because of it's theme, so harmonious and magnificent as only Khezu can be.
I like the part when it go; "GRROOOOOOOOOOOOoOoOoOoOoOOOOOooo!!!"
Probably the same reason why Yea Forums are screaming like schoolgirls and doing viral marketing for them.
Man was meant to unintentionally fuck things up and save the world from their own ignorance. Piss off, Icy Kushala.
wouldn't that mean you also fall for it? you indirectly talk about it
Oh, more news will come allright. You know what you'll get? Velkhana news:
Velkhana fighting footage
A panel speaking about the design of velkhana
Velkhana weapons showcase
Velkhana cosplay
Velkhana, velkhana, velkhana
Frustated, you demand Ryozo to show brachydios, but he replies "only if you beat my Velkhana time with a hammer, then I will show you"
And you will never beat his time because he is Ryozo the hammer GOD.
based naizuri
Why do bings want this ugly flying wyvern in the game?
The e-celebs and such do the viral marketing, not autists on here.
nobody but japs want a penis monster
Looks like Capcom interns were reading this post the whole time. No wonder they put out a Velkhana trailer.
I'm a FUchad and for you information, Khezu has been in MH since the very first game and in every single subsequent generation but the 3rd generation aka: the shittiest generation.
So basically; if you don't like Khezu you are a tremendous faggot of the highest caliber and a virgin.
Is Velkhana the worst flagship besides Azure Rathalos? It looks so boring in comparison to Glavenus and Narg holy shit.
absolutely basarios and redpitted
khezu is the best monster and only retard mouthbreathers can't realize that
Imagine being a subhuman Worldtard
>what is Seregios
t. Rathalos
Khezufags fear the Nox.
Azure Rathalos got a solid rework in 3U with a bitchin greatsword.
Honestly? I'd rate him over Nergigante.
The best flagship
It's mid tier. Uninspired and derivative but not straight up dogshit like Glavenus or Valstrax.
I need to fight it first before passing judgement. The design is pretty damn boring but the fight could end up being excellent for all we know.
So far it's better than Rath/Kush and tied with Seregios
There's basically no chance it lives up to any of the others but it might dodge the total shit tier.
You shut your whore mouth Steve is RAD
very fucking powerful
Odogaron where is your kimono? We are going to slay some baka gaijin
>Seregios remotely as bad as Velkhana
Feel free to stop posting Rathian.
Something only cuck obsessed furniggers want. Because they are cucks themselves.
All flying wyverns are shit.
Go to sleep, Rathalos.
You wan Burachy trailer? post hammers or I'll deray it furer
>fearing the shitty monster than haven't got out of it's shitty game for being too shit.
>so shit it didn't even got in Stories
Undoubtly the worst flagship since Rathalos and Kushala. It's almost as if they sabotaged it on purpose so that Iceborne can masturbate to old monsters more. 40$ is too expensive for a nostalgia-wank expansion.
Fuck you M8, Kushala is a good flagship, you just hate it's fight because you can't git gud.
Good idea, disguising as yourself is truly a mastermind tactic. You truly are a master ninja
Will Frontier monsters have a chance at mainline?
I want to marry Nargacuga and have maritals that is all goodnight
Fuck Gigginox, Peeko deserves it more
Let's all hope not
No one but flaming faggots like Peco.
>No one but flaming faggots like Mitsu
whoops, that typo was nasty
So everyone in this thread because Peco is fun
Why does it burn when I pee, /mhg/?
Seeing as COG are probably done for given that Frontier, DDO and Deep Down are all dead and they’ve got nothing else on the horizon I’d say it’s likely that some of them will escape the pit and find find salvation in mainline.
Then i am a flaming faggot of the highest degree, Gay pride march faggots wish they could be as much of a fag
Have you ever looked at the billion smash threads, ever? They go way back.
>AOEs everywhere
Probably gonna be shit desu
Try no hands next time Brachydios.
stop sliming your dick. Also, tell that hammerfuck to post your trailer
which monster would you fug?
Also, they're on model.
The Handler.
If humans don't count, you.
The more I think about, Iceborne reminds me of this game
That doesnt feel good...
bros i have a question: who's the most based monster?
this is very important for me
Since when you guys started hating AoE monsters? years ago I said I hated them in general, I got mass replies of people calling me casual. What changed? where the fuck have you guys been?
Nerg is the only on-model
How is the hammer in MHW my fellow Hammerbros? can I still nail monsters to the fucking ground using a ledge?
Hammer is the only weapon that barely fucking changes
No more leaks now i guess?
>Hammer is the only weapon that barely fucking changes
>Hammer barely fucking changes
Ah shit, here we go again.
the fag who leaked the artillery changes and the velk gl said no more leaks and that we should wait for gamescom
I can't talk for everyone but I always hated AOEs in MH. One AOE attack on one or two monsters is alright if that's all there is, but with world they're going down the AOE road and giving several to all elders
We got the full roster, what more do you want
Kirin, just imagine
>full roster
>when we don't even know what Narga, Tigrex, and Barioth variants are
>Everwyrn in general
I just want this ride to end
>full roster
>it's the same one that's been edited for two months now
>still has Zorah in it even though they said Zorah isn't coming back in China
If I can’t layer Kaiser X I’ll riot.
This but unironically
Shut up congalala
I envy China
tfw this trailer broke our minds
wait, X sets are in?
time to use a deodorant
>Full roster.
Bitch are you retarded for falling for those?
What did you think of the trailer my fellow hunters?
I only want to fug them if they're on model
Kushala X makes my dick diamonds, I will transmog that shit so hard.
already debunked
Yeah we got to see about 10 pixels of them in that Legiana trailer
Now I REALLY want Zinogre to be in
AOE monsters have always been a crapshoot in MH. It's why people despise Ivory
But he'd only have HR sets dummy.
Is that Kush hammer or Grongigas?
There is also Fulgur Anja armor with cape on PV
This is TOO lewd
Delete this
Only good shit to come out of that trailer. Now all I need is a Brachy trailer and a Zino tease and I'm set for Iceborne
nice Freudian slip
Lavasioth is in World and you want fucking more?
The only other Frontier monsters that'd be wroth bringing back is Gougarf after they rework/get rid of the whole magnetism thing. Seriously though the series needs more 2v1 fights. Watching Seltas Queen use and abuse the males of its species is nice but what stands Gougarf apart is that if one of them dies first it actually affects the other. I guess Hypnocatrice can come back as well, it was already in Freedom Unite.
Demondrug and Mega Demondrug don't stack with each other, and Might Seed and Might Pill don't stack with each other, but everything else does. Might Seed lasts just as long as powder so they're worth popping.
You know what that means.
Don't forget that Velkhana being the siege means the water elder might be a real fight now.
Frick Ryozo.
Lagi ;_;
Having a hard time deciding between valor charge blade, longsword, and switch axe in MHGU.
Enjoy almost never getting a KO because Capcom fucked the KO status in multiplayer.
Watch your language, tardrex or he will bring out Ol' Reliable
Is ok, if ledges are still my kill zone then there will be no mercy, no forgiveness.
Velkhana is being seige probably just the introduction to new seige arena like Rusted Kush in 4U.
I hope the new water elder fight in that arena though.
That's fine too. The point is it's not going to be Zorah/Mohran/etc
Y'all niggas are making a lot of assumptions about Velkhana and sieges. It's like people forgot Luna in the arena.
Oh fuck, I didn't even notice this. Shit it might happen, please God let it happen.
That's it, i'm getting me marret!
First Phase:
Second Phase:
Got a nice idea. Post weapons you haven't tried and other anons that main the said weapons will try to convince them to give it a go. Make sure to mention which game to prevent confusion
I haven't tried IG and HH. Only two weapons I haven't tried in this series (4U, GU, MHW)
Is time my hammer bros, /ourhammer/ is back.
name a better flying wyvern armor design
Astalos and Boltreaver :^)
Quiet Rathalos, I'm trying to fuck your wife.
I would, but there's a zero percent chance anyone could convince me to touch dual blades in World. Me grug. Me use big slow weapon. Me hate puny hits.
Any of them since Garuga isn't a flying wyvern
DB main here. Here's some grug logic.
Hammer= 1 big hit =10 damage
Dual Blades= 10 small hits=10 damage
with Hammer, if you miss, you miss all 10 damage. With DB, you miss one, you have 9 other damage hits to do.
See where I'm going with this?
Hammerfags aren't the ones I constantly see locked into their ORAORAORA animation while the monster is revving up a one hit kill attack.
>not 1
>not 2
>but 3 Kushalas
fuck off
oh shit
>missing in World
I know how to use Lance, Hammer, HH, SA, IG, and LBG.
But I use almost exclusively LBG and Lance, this applies to all the games.
Checcku maeoto
>there will never be a weapon as fun, complex, and based in MH as CB ever again
what a shame. it just can't be topped
t. hammer brainlet or grugsword brainlet
i'll at least do you the favor of not implying you're the kind of faggots that would actually use gunlance
>with DB you get hit while flailing in place
>with hammer you just grug smash no matter when or where cause you can move all the time
Brain size scale by weapon:
Lance > everything else > CB
Use GS and Hammer to know what damage feels like
Are gun/lancefags the most insecure weapon mainers?
Is there any more art of hunters with monster plushes?
I already use Hammer for big meaty hits.
Lance users are ultimate chad vanguards, GL users are ultimate retard turtles.
Except dodge lancers suck massive chode.
see what I mean?
Weapon mainers are the most insecure hunters. I used every weapon since tri, 4u and world and i don't fucking partake in consolewar-tier weapon assfaggotry.
>World's main element was bioenergy
>Iceborne's main element is obviously ice
So what will the next game tackle?
Evade lancers are ultimate gay.
Various monsters.
Top three In world alone. Pink rathian, Legiana, and Kushala
Water, for the grand return of swimming.
Some of us aren't smelly neets.
What fucking brainlet logic is this.
Fireborne, featuring a fire Kushala Daora looking elder dragon.
Big heaving puddles.
You're an idiot.
Nice projection.
How will he ever recover from this?
how's he projecting?
>Jho set is wrestling themed
>Jho pulls a piledriver on Diablos
>MGR not on Acidic
you disgust me
poon energy
If KO was the same then people would be complaining that the game's even easier
>nerfs Diablos into oblivion
>makes it lose three fucking turf wars
Why has Capcom gone out of its way to shit on this monster so much?
Because its Bully: The monster. Look at Black Diablos, now THATS a monster
It's the job of those that come before to make those that come after look better.
Can you really say diablos loses a turf war when it's fighting another diablos
Letting you know those filthy herbivores can't survive in the modern world.
Here is your crossover monster for Iceborne, bro.
Jho is literally the jock chad of monsters
Should I give 3 Ultimate a shot or go to 4U?
3U, then 4U when you either finish or quit for whatever reason. It's always easier to go forward versus backwards for MH generations.
>Odogaron is ruled out from the get go
4U, ignore 3U, nothing worth checking is lost, plus 4U's online is surprisingly still active
Kinda surprised that Monster Hunter hasn’t done a crossover with God Eater yet. You’d think we’d have gotten one way before World.
If you've played FU then skip 4U for now as it's basically just FU, but they can't deal with new mechanics so you ruin their lives by existing unless they're specifically a 4U sub/variant.
3U is uglier than tri, but it's basically tri with portable 3rd monsters and some unique subs/rares that haven't been exported to other games yet. That ultimately depends on how you feel about tri though.
It depends, if you're coming off World then 4U will be more familiar and you'll get into it easier, if you're coming off GU then 3U is a far better choice because most content will be new for you
Why would you want to cross promote with a direct competitor?
They are direct competitors, of course MH wipes the floor with GE, but still, it is it's closest competitor.
I just got this game (MHW) and haven't played MH in at least 10 years. What weapon should I go with?
The one you dislike the most.
how do I fight using myself?
God eater isn't even a competitor. It plays the same as Phantasy Star Online 2 which isnt a competitor of Mh either. It's best to ease any potential rivalries by doing collabs, both parties will benefit.
Cart until the monsters reach their kill limit and shut down.
play 4u but emulated
Demon King or Bloodbath Diablos when? Either one will do.
lmao they're dead jim
>put Dyaus Pita in MHW
>people fight it
>wow this monster is actually pretty cool
>go play GE
>hey this is just like MH but faster
>hey this game actually have likeable characters and a proper story
>players stick to GE
>lose a sale of future MH in favor of future GE games
>MH get no benefits because if you are playing GE chances are that you already played MH
What a cool guy
>If you only invest into one weapon choice instead of pouring 100s of hours into redundant sets, you're insecure.
Unless you're talking about maining one weapon type for the entire series and NEVER venturing out of it, which nobody really suggests.
then you wake up GEfag
In your dreams
Someday, GE will be more popular than MH.
>Likable characters in GE, caring about story even. Reddit in its entirety hates the handler same as Yea Forums and nobody could care less about story as long as the gameplay loop is fine.
>Faster combat with 0 commitment and animation cancels plus broken bullets is (((good)))
>Barely any hitstop behind attacks so everything feels floaty and underpowered.
Try harder if you're going to shill.
before World? debatable. After World? now impossible
I hope you neutered them as soon as it matured lest your home will be littered by their eggs and hatchlings
Normalfags will realize that G rank is simply too hard for them and will drop MH.
I have like 700 hours already in world. Thats more than enough to make every elemental and raw set for each weapon and master it.
I did the same in 4U where i spent 1k hours though there were not enough load out slots. Sticking to one weapon is boring, they're the same kind of people that actually enjoy opening loot boxes and RNG rewards because they are so braindead and efficient at doing one thing over and over.
Does anyone know of any good Monster Hunter streamers that focus on fun rather than being a tryhard?
>try all weapons
>be average at them all
>feel incomplete
>use two weapons
>master them
>become fucking good with them
Dual main chads.
>vanilla is a good fight
>boltreaver punish metafags
/ourguy/ when?
Some people mentioned Canta, you like Canta, right? everyone likes Canta.
>>boltreaver punish metafags
LS here, lmao get fucking parried 24/7
I've taken up streaming recently this year. did some MH for a while, but plan on streaming iceborne for maximum fun with friends
Official_Ka is cool. He doesn't always stream MH, but he is extremely chill and plays with viewers.
Black Diablos.
This is Mizutsune. Say something nice about h__.
I want to stick my dick in h__!
You better be using a Q-tip
Man these threads have gone to shit. And people wonder why furfags are hated.
So lore-wise Mizutsune is a lot like most birds, where the males are flamboyant and brightly colored? What would a female look like? Also, I assume male Gammoth are much smaller.
cry more bitchfaggot
Him, he is male, as in it has a penis, a masculine penis, the macho of it's species, it fucks female mizu, is straight because it is a motherfucking animal and acts by instinct and it's instinct tells him that he is male, he, him, HE.
>being this new
That's not how grammar works
This drawing has terrible proportions.
catlolis scare the furfags away
I want a monster Hunter gatcha shit for cellphone
Her, she is female, as in it has a vagina, a feminine vagina, the slut of it's species, it fucks male mizu, is straight because it is a motherfucking animal and acts by instinct and it's instinct tells her that she is female, she, her, SHE.
We may not be able to post furries directly, but we're always here and we always love some cuteposts
>animals don't do gay shit
nigga you dumb
I play Lance mainly but I switch to other weapons on certain fights that make me want to fucking scream when I use Lance, or just for fun.
There's not many of those kinds of fights in World with the new changes thankfully but some shit like Garuga was just such a stressful fucking mess with any Lance build that it wasn't worth it. Especially with shit where Lance would bounce on a monster's hard neck when you're trying to hit it in the face because of the longass hitbox.
Gunlance is so fucking DEAD in IB.
Why is the Zinogre x Mizu pairing so fucking adorable?
It just so happens that only gay ass animals do gay things, mizu is a macho men animal and won't do gay shit.
>he doesn't know
If it’s like birds then the females are probably mottled brown colours and have no head crest.
>go on vacation for a week
>transfer Gen save and solo G-rank in MHGU since I remember Aerial IG being my favorite iteration
>bug slower than I remember, does a stupid 1-sec spin every time I send it out or change direction, and only travels on one horizontal axis unless I shoot pheromones first
I ended up missing kb+m controls way more than I ever missed the Aerial vault.
Tamamitsune is
What the absolute fuck, who ever thought that writing this shit, both in a serious or ironic way, would be a good idea?
>7. Great Jagras
>They don’t call her Great-J for nothing! Look at that hair! Few monsters can throw back luscious locks like that! She’s got a sleek figure for the folks into fitness, but she also knows how to plump up for those of us who prefer them thick. Like Jyura, she loves to play in mud, plus she’ll call in friends to help. Nice!
>However, when I say “she knows how to plump up,” I really should say she’s, um, not a chewer. I mean, in terms of eating. Have you ever had a date unhinge her jaw and gulp down a steak? Ew, no. Sorry, but Great J’s poor mealtime manners means you’ll pretty much only want to be with her in bed, and since you’re shallow like that, she’s gonna probably want to eat you. I mean literally, you’re dinner. Negative sexy points for potential partner consumption.
>>gunlance buffs
Like what? 20% form 2 lvls of arty and 2x10% from shelling? It will all be eaten by bloated HP of G rank monsters and GL got nothing more.
It's the same way as saying that Lance will be buffed, because new tier weapons have more damage.
Sometimesyou just need that paycheck.
just watch streamers with sub-10 viewers
Not him but ain't that a bit sad?
Loading the Wyrmstake Blast has a GP after feedback from the demo, and that new move has increased damage in general.
Shelling goes up to (at least?) Lv6 now so who knows how well that'll hold up compared to previous games.
>Catloli posters
>Navirou/cringeposter is here
>people posting rooms
>overall shitpostey mood
Jesus christ this place is really turning into late 2016 /mhg/
it's still way better than current /mhg/ or Yea Forums threads from 3 months ago
Based and anti-vore pilled. Get that muder fetish out of here.
Hello bros, what's new? Anything revealed yet?
What, streamers with low viewer count? They have it rough, man,
Paolumu is for _______
No, Ryozo and friends are on the Capcom stream at 2 PM Germany time (8AM EST) the next two days though
Hopefully we get another trailer or some shit
Ultra violence and mass murder.
no, not everyone is trying to be a full time streamer. some people stream for their friends or to have someone to talk to about the game.
Killing, carving, shaving and turning into a warm sweater for the cold winter months.
This is what I'm actually afraid of.
Gunlance was always a bit behind the more mainstream weapons damage-wise, but the difference was shallow enough to make it glaringly crippling when it comes to average player's kill time, but I'm afraid that the more HP bloat, the more the difference will be obvious.
I don't want to feel like I'll be 5 minutes behind any other weapon's average kill time. While shelling needed a buff badly, I'm not sure the new move will actually contribute into fixing shelling, I'd have taken a damage buff/sharpness loss reduction any day over that
I heard they were gonna do the daily hunting missions with e-celebs like that time during E3
Killing, like all ugly ass rat motherfuckers like him
GP is nice, but why the fuck would you wyrmstake ever?
Leaving alone and only hunting when you need it's parts. Same with every other monster in the game.
Not the normal Wyrmstake, the new thing where it sticks a bomb to the monster like the LBG landmines that blows up every time you shell it. You block for the entire loading animation now.
Paolumu is a natural mistake and somebody has to fix it
That's earlier in the morning, 10:30 AM Kraut time
Ryozo and Fujioka have presentations on day 1 and 2. Then they leave and chokeside replaces them.
Someone mentioned a gatling gun bowgun in the trailer, where is it?
The new wyrmstake allows you to explode twice per shell expended, I think it's a good way to build up damage? It works with multiple GLs so it could be good or nothing depending on how much shells have been buffed
I want to pet a Zinogre
Careful he’s covered in bugs.
Did Leschen for the first time today. What a god awful monster. Tedious incarnate. Fuck the bird attack too and it's shit hitbox.
Considering that GL is a slow weapon with shit positioning that designed around the idea that you can ignore weak zones of monsters - adding a mechanic that, basically, puts a weak point on the monster is pretty retarded.
Use LS or Lance
Worf Effect
All right, so there isn't a single person that has Paolushit as their favorite monster.
There are people that like Khezu, Pukei and even Gravios, but no one loves this ugly rat.
It amps up the damage done to wherever you'll be hitting anyways, I fail to see the issue.
Ugly rat. Boring fight. Bad equipment. What is there to like? At least Pukei is kind of goofy and has the memes. Paolumu is just a shitmon through and through.
You need to hit that exact spot with shells. And GL isn't exactly designed to hit weak points and has bad movement positioning.
>the bird attack
not the bird shield. Fuck that shield.
Even the fight feels like Rathian but with wind instead of poison, it really feels like a gen 1 monster with how boring it is.
I fucking hate rathalos in world, I haven't hated a monster so fucking much before, I might as well skip all his equipment because it's so fucking unfun it drains the fun out of my existence.
Rath is easy, what's your problem? A.Rath is a little harder, but not by much.
The fact that you have to fight him in Ancient Forest already makes it an awful fight
Azure follows the exact same attack pattern in the air. Rathalos is much more unpredictable.
Predictability doesn't matter much when you can flash him 2 seconds after takeoff
How's ice world looking, I had fun with world for a week or so after launch but got kind of bored of it and was even surprised when I didn't get back into it when jho came out.
It works with any form of explosive damage, makes me wonder how much damage you could get out of stacking it with a sleep bomb
Oh shit.
assuming it'll be at 8am so i guess i better sleep now to shitpost in the morning
Now I can sleep in peace
And so will I.
IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I try not to rely on them too much, but flash bombs could help you. Also, A.los stuns and poisons me a lot for whatever reason , end up taking more than necessary damage.
>New monster(s)
Give me a time nigga, it's 5am over there and it could happen right in the morning and I need to sleep
FUCK I love the LA beast
not Steve lmao
Unironically they are stronger when horny
Azure Rath has always had high stun values, especially on the fireball while enraged.
so its just an extra day of waiting. Everyone freaked out over nothing
Will it be a new monster or a returning one? Which would you like the best?
Then sleep? Why does it matter whether you see it the moment it comes out or not? You don't need to see it the minute it's posted man, go rest. I stayed up 36 hours for gamescom and I was exhausted and disappointed in the end.
Zinogre is the last of the big fan favorites they can squeeze in, Gore will wait to be DLC. 99% sure Steve isn't in
Possibly ED variants/subspecies like Rusted Kush and Para Vaal
Possibly Garuga although I'm still iffy on whether or not he's really in
looks like damage control after the initial reaction
honestly I want to see some returning monsters because I'm the MH equivalent of a genwunner
My money is on Brachy and another subspecies. Maybe a Bazel sub?
I love Paolumu
Omegaevolution and Octaneblue
They're finishing up GU but you can watch their past stream videos on their youtube accounts
skip to 41:20
of course its Brachy, what do you think the trailer will be?
them announcing it is 100% damage control but they were always going to release it today so they could discuss it during the developer presentation
I really don't think the branches off of Vaal and Zorah are going to be directly related monsters. Like how Brachydios weapons always branch off of Tigrex.
reaction to what I've been out of the loop
>Para Vaal
God please fucking no.
Normal Vaals already annoying by spamming that fucking miasma every 5 seconds, I don’t need the same shit but this time you’re constantly paralyzed.
I can only imagine to pure hell an Arch Tempered version would be.
Ryozo please say that he's /in/
An poison/effluvia Bazel would be neat imo.
the initial trailer revealing nothing new
how is it damage control? no one freaked out except this site. Plus, look at their schedule, their panel is tomorrow. No shit they're showing the trailer tomorrow
we all knew they were in but its nice to see it confirmed
Ladies and gentlemen, HE’S IN.
Will Grank nerg have the terrible AT theme or the good regular one?
Just some morons who think the world revolves around them.
>presented by Rocketbeans
presented by Rocketbeans
>presented by Rocketbeans
>presented by Rocketbeans
presented by Rocketbeans
>presented by Rocketbeans
How long is it until the next presentation? Gonna set an alarm.
Just waddle right back home fat boy.
A different game, lmoa.
>no one freaked out except this site
i mean, no, that's blatantly false
I honestly think Gore is more likely to make base game than Zinogre, because they can use Zin as title update 1 to keep Japan playing.
show me social media outrage
8 hours 20 minutes
I can't wait for val to be in so everyone starts pretending they always hated him
about 5 hours from now, but the dev presentation isn't until 8 and a half hours
Are we getting the offspring of Val and Nerg?
Is the Nexivian pic canon?
I used to prefer new monsters, but with World being so different I’m equally excited by new and returning monsters now so either is cool. Both is better.
Alright he will be at the snack bar if you need him.
Not him but even just looking at the youtube video all of the comments are "Don't worry this isn't the real trailer more stuff is going to come later"
>have a turf war
>valfalk mounts nergigante and they start fucking at high speeds
Stop eating and hit the gym fatass, take your fatass buddy Akantor too.
and they were right. This ain't damage controlling m8. Anyone with a lick of sense knows Capcom doesn't show much until their panel. They did this with DMC5 Dante's trailer back in Gamescom. Showed the DMC5 trailer again in Pre-show but shown Dante the next day
Cool pic of 6 random fuckers
Don't reply to me kid
Thanks lads, gonna go to sleep now so I can catch the show.
english? also, are you really just scraping the bottom at this point?
seems you're the one damage controlling
Gonna sleep, match your time bros. Good night
sorry that you're an illiterate dumbass who thinks Yea Forums is a unique snowflake site
Not if they are just starting out.
I will fuck your pretty pussy
Yeah, its damage control, but we are getting what we wanted, arent we?
Damn it, fat boy.
no, i was following 5ch during the stream just like i read Yea Forums during it
his claim was that Yea Forums was the only site outraged. i showed he was wrong.
alright then, is it majority or minority? got a link to the thread?
I know its brachy trailer but GIVE ME CRABS PLEASE RYOZO.
i don't care enough to count the ips or whatever but here you go
also the tweet is in japanese so the idea that japanese users are invalid as examples of outrage seems absurd
Nexivian is actually Ryozo
it's also absurd to think they did it out of damage control because everyone knew when's the trailer. Didn't the brachy pic leak had EXTENDED TRAILER at the filename? and if we exclude MH, they did that with DMC and RE. They don't show shit in pre-show because its not enough time
in other words, they did us a favor. I'm done here
>Valstrax fucks Nergigante’s butt with rocket powered thrusts
>this would normally kill any other monster, but Nergigante’s extreme regeneration means his butthole heals between each thrust, never losing tightness and in fact getting harder and tighter the more Valstrax thrusts
>right as Valstrax is about to cum, Nergigante does his super and crushes his hardened asshole onto Valstrax’s cock
Imagine being Valstrax.
you type like a redditor, hope you're busy tying a noose now that you're finished
so when's Capcom panel starting?