why aren’t laptops more popular for gayming?
Why aren’t laptops more popular for gayming?
my wife is so cute
Is there a cheap laptop I can draw on? I can't afford a good cintiq, unless someone wants to commission me and give me to draw something.
Ergonomics and heat management.
Price. For the price of a gaming laptop I can build a PC with x5 better specs and performance.
It's mostly heat management. Hardware was not meant to be crammed into such an enclosed space.
Laptops and smart phones are actually the most popular gaming devices because the majority of gamers %53% are women.
8 posts in, the cùmbrains take over
I love when chicks try being sexy and completely fail.
my wife is so cute
>completely fail.
wrong. are you one of those guys who freaks out when there is a girl on the voice chat?
okay virgin
i was in the market for a laptop recently fell for the gamer laptop meme and picked up a y540 around $1150
i never play modern titles so all the stuff I play runs pretty well
maybe i'll get buyer's remorse later but it does everything a laptop should do and runs my gaymes so seems win win
9 posts in, the cringe takes over
how's the testosterone pills treating you, Kevin
uh oh uh oh hoes mad
yeah nothing worse than a girl trying far too hard
Was expecting her to lift up the cup a bit on accident while it was blending while she danced
was disappointed
cheers lad, vomiting currently
You're an idiot. Try having sex sometime.
they're more expensive for the specs and some have heat/airflow issues.
that being said they're fucking great if you travel a lot, move around a lot, go to your friends' places for lan parties a lot or even if you need a laptop when /out/ for whatever reason.
I travel around heaps and being able to play dwarf fort or diablo 2 or something in the airport or on the flight is great at passing the time.
About 200. I'm gonna check that out, thanks.
Is this a real question?
Because they have worse hardware for the price and they tend to overheat.
my gf ruri is adorable!
In what way is this wholesome?
Oh it's the "I'm totally vegan" girl who admitted later that she wasn't.
>I got health problems so I had to stop, but you can do it!
>putting fruit in a blender and blitzing
better than you can do, m80
Even cooking goddamn pasta takes more skill.
This would have been 10x hotter with the same girl in sweatpants, a t-shirt at least 1 size too big, bed head, and no "dancing".
brochacho I trust the low IQ minimum wage scum-of-the-earth retards working at smoothie king to not fuck it up
a monkey could do it
>combining ingredients
>to prepare food
>not cooking
why do you feel the need to nitpick gatekeep this particular thing against the video of the internet whore who will never hear you
nigga is making a sandwich cooking?
Is making a bowl of cereal cooking?
what arbitrary definition are you following where a sandwich wouldn't be cooking
Gordon Ramsay has videos of making sandwiches, go call him out in the comments about how he's not cooking so he can't hear you too.
Because we're all self conscious about the adequacy of our penises and need to own something huge and bulky to make up for it. But on a serious note, most gamers don't game anywhere but home, so there's no need to game on a laptop unless you and a couple of friends meet up somewhere to do some multiplayer matches in the same room or you participate at gaming tournaments.
Context sensitive, he probably means like frying/boiling/baking some shit up rather than just throwing some deli prepped ham, bread and cheese together.
This, my battery is completely dead and I can't even replace it myself.
Overpriced and underpowered.
I got one just to play outside the house, but it's vastly inferior to my home rig.
Keyboard is way too close to the screen. They're work tools and even then their ergonomy suck
They are popular but more importantly they are viable nowadays. Indo miss the
The gap in hardware between desktop and mobile has closed fairly significantly since the introduction of mobile pascal. If you absolutely NEED the portability of a laptop then there are some decently priced choices but bare in mind that a desktop will always have more performance per dollar, better thermals, and more upgradeability.
name of the thot please?
"the practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients."
Gordon Ramsay would agree if you just put pre prepared ingredients together to make a sandwich, it's not cooking. GTFO retard
In the context of vidya laptops are the worst of both worlds. Expensive, usually less powerful than a current gen console and is big enough that you can’t just whip that shit out in public like a phone. t. Owns an El Captian laptop
Easier to maintain, easier to upgrade incrementally, more customization options, better heat management, cheaper for similar performance, and I don't need the portability at all for gaming.
Laptops and desktops hold equally functional but different roles and have definite advantages and disadvantages.
Any definitive features for the quality of drawing capability
This. Thin laptops defy nature, there is no way they aren't going nuclear after a three hour gaming session.
Laptops are perfectly fine for anything that isn't AAA gaming. The problem is you get like a hour of play time at best when playing demanding stuff
i bought a alienware area 51 and its great. Granted its expensive and all, but I do more than game on it.