What is the best mod manager for New Vegas??????

i'm getting fucked by the infinite load screen glitch and it's the only vidya that has kept my attention in the last three months and i just want to fucking play it w/o dealing with this buggy ass bullshit

Attached: 1564855113401.jpg (1072x1204, 98K)

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is that fucking momo

I use vortex

it's a Mexican

Attached: 1511770914230.jpg (1080x1192, 398K)

my wife

I bet she'd be really pretty if she stopped gaping her eyes like a spaz

makes sense. Mexicans loved momo.

>tfw no lightskinned spic gf that beats you up for using juanitas red chile sauce

Jesus christ, I thought bonbi had giant doe eyes but this is just kinda uncanny.
still cute though

she has cute eyes

This. Vortex, 4gb patcher, NV anti crash, and unofficial bug fix patch (if you want).
99 per cent of problems fixed. Youll still get a hard crash maybe once or twice every 10 hours or so, maybe less if youre lucky.

Ew no. I'd rather use NMM over that shit with the shit UI.

nexus community editiion
literally nothing else is better, if you disagree you are completely wrong and have no idea about modding

Sauce? Who is this girl?

>infinite load screen glitch
I think starting a new game and then loading your last save avoids this glitch.

NMM isn't supported anymore, so I don't use it considering NV is enough of a buggy mess without an outdated program managing changes to the game

Bros I want a dark haired pale latin gf so bad I want her to hit me when I stutter

Post moar of this crazy eyed chick pls

Attached: reality.png (1243x636, 1.27M)


Why is it not surprising the Bonbi DN pedos are literal newfags
Its Crispy you newfag, now fuck off

>all these fucking modlets ITT

Use Mod Organizer 2, dumbasses.

As if r9k subhumans get to tell anyone to fuck off, back to your containment board virgin

>assuming i even go to /r9k/
Said the Yea Forumsincel jizzhead

>a perfectly structured, focused picture taken with specific intentions is different to a random low quality one taking mid-speech
Welcome to photography, user.
Did you also maybe think she wakes up with that exact same face, hair and smile?

Attached: 1381089461075.png (560x407, 12K)

I can't tell if this girl is retarded or if she's extremely intelligent

>i-it's not all photoshop I swear!
the absolute cope

Is Crispy still an anti white, man hating dyke?

She's so gross

We can cherrypick on static pictures all day, what we really need to see how she looks in motion

>pls shill her videos
lol so transparent

Photoshop or not, it's still a static picture of this one single moment that she looked like this. She may or may not have tried a lot to look like that or just did some photoshop work, regardless it is just that, a single picture, a single frame of her entire being, not better than a waifu image, that picture of her is as real as one, even if she is an actual existing person. She will just never look exactly like that picture except for in that one moment.
Just accept it, pictures like that are specifically made to look pretty and not represent the actual person.

I need to put little juanas and jorges in her

Attached: 1557186693677.gif (560x560, 265K)

I got this glitch as well this is how I fix it

In the main menu select new game instead of continue or load, wait until you you are awoken by dr. Mitchell then pause the game and load your last save and it should work fine

>all this cope

I have never even seen this chick until today retard, i'd just like OP to dump anything he might have

This is the truth.

Cope with what?
Or is that just the first Yea Forums "insult" you go to? I guess your arsenal is a bit limited, with the others being dilate, yikes, cringe, tranny and oof, which don't apply too much to my post

She still looks good tho

Why are you still replying to me, mongo? You obviously care a little too much otherwise you wouldn't keep seeking my approval.

she's a lesbian, no cock for her guys

Mod Organizer 2. It stops you from completely filling up the games' data folder with .esm and .esp files and keeps them self contained so that when you want get rid of that sex mod junk it doesn't require a full reinstall

>New Vegas
>i just want to fucking play it w/o dealing with this buggy ass bullshit
lol - that game would crash even if you stood still in it.

weird alice cosplay tho
Bonbi did it better

Attached: alice.gif (302x345, 2.26M)

You're assblasted about a woman looking different in real life to a specifically engineered photo here, not me

>You're assblasted
>1 (one) image with zero comment
loving every laugh

Literally does nothing about the crashes.
Even the community patches only "fix" the most egregious errors. Game is still a buggy fucking mess that CTDs if you step on the wrong grain of sand.
MO2 is the shit though. VFS is great.


The filename is the comment
Are you trying to hide your very obvious intentions here and pretending I got "triggered" and then go on about pretending to be retarded when called out?

Do you ever go outside? You should try it, not every woman looks like plastic doll like in your jap games.

What infinite glitch? You mean the one where it just crashes?

It is reality though. What else would you call it? ;)

did anyone say uninstall wizard yet

>You mean the one where it just crashes?
This is every NV glitch though.
I think he means the game locks up on a loading screen without CTD though.

Yes true, my bad fellow anonymous 4channel poster :^)
Fuck off, backpedaling coward

women need to stop with the open your eyes as wide meme. dudes are not looking at your eyes nor have they ever cared about them. we don't fucking care about your eyes. face, tits, ass in that order. also, if you're fat it will put off most people.
what you are seeing itt is the NEETs attraction to these "crazy eyes" because it makes them feel like they have a chance. also these same neets will take the fat women if there is nothing better around.

>Fuck off, backpedaling coward
Why are you so upset?

are you literally me?

yeah the one where it hangs in not responding state

Make a new game or load a previous save?
Might have saved while facing the wrong direction. NV is picky about that and everything else possible.

Don't you fix that by starting a new game then imminently loading the save with the glitch?
Like bruh come on

Based incelcore poster.

>Lol u mad I have no response so I say u mad cuz u say fuk



>it took her all of nine minutes to come up with this response

reminder that crispy is lesbian

Attached: 1566006705732.jpg (400x400, 97K)

doesn't stop me from wanting to force my cock through her eyesockets

with robot swimsuitsuccubus

Stop the car, STOP THE CAR. THE STOP THE CAR I'M GETTING OUT. I can't take it.

Hey look out there's somebody coming and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

cringy mestizo gamer-girl

Fucking mestizo bastards.

Damn castizos.

mestizo's can be cute but they are cringy when they are gamer girls


And? Even if she wasn't, it's not like anyone here would ever have a remote chance to fug.

Mestizos can never be cute. They are forever cursed with Spaniard blood of the natives.

God that's hot

all races except abos can be cute

You mean makeup?

t. Mestizo.

lesbians are just girls who havent had a proper dicking

>i'm getting fucked by the infinite load screen glitch

start a new game. that should load. once you're in, load your saved game. there is no better work-around sadly.

bro just leave your house, most whites are ugly as fuck

For you.