Other urls found in this thread:
I wish I had bought it pre-censorship. But I didn't had money.
>hate forum
Is this the black guy from Detroit that suspiciously never covers when black stereotypes etc are toned down?
>Why yes, I did predict the developers of Ion Fury were apologetic SJWs a year in advance and even provided evidence proving it and will keep rubbing it in the faces of those that shilled it here on Yea Forums to annoy them. How could you tell?
I would guess it because of pressure from some jew from the publisher
>I r srs journalist pls fight da globalisms
Boycott this game.
We should have listened. Absolutely based.
Boy howdy, user, that Billy fellow sure is a character! What an AAAAAANGRY gamer!
Just pirate it
oh my god there going to remove it aren't they?
save it before it's taken down Yea Forumsroes.
Billy D is the only reliable journo outside youtube
ok what happend whit this game?
Boy I can't wait for this article to get spammed now and have the same repeating threads for weeks on end.
He's a furfag.
fuck faggots and fuck trannoids
resetera is a den of pedophiles
even neogaf can't take them in
Well done. Keep fighting the good fight.
I thought this was just a patch version, I haven't bought the game and now I feel fucking dirty.
You will never be a woman
>he doesn't play both sides
Please the incels and then backtrack for maximum profits
Trannys aren't people so why Ion Fury apologized mystifies me
literally nothing
You are doing it wrong, just make a product for each demographic.
gog galaxy usually let's you roll back and disable updates...
Still no word on how to refund the big box. Who do I email?
Insane people are people too.
Isn't that good though? Aren't games meant to be inclusive?
>open link
>terminx [developer]
>Geez, somebody really spent a lot of time ruining your childhood didn't they
What did he mean by this?
Don't. Enjoy not supporting faggot devs
I haven't played this yet. Someone give me a quick rundown on what they are changing?
They are changing the name of a soap brand that was Ogay instead of Olay and they are removing some developer text that was out of bounds that said "fagbag".
Boy 2019 sure is cool.
why do the devs care about what a few mentally ill freaks say? those closet fags won't buy their game anyway.
So they are upset the devs included 90s FPS style Easter eggs?
because those mentally ill freaks make targeted forum posts to get the attention of braindead "games journalists" to create outrage over a game that relies heavily on misinformation and idiocy.
These guys are clearly very new to PR, because this is a fucking dumpster fire of note.
Hope other devs get scared fucking shitless.
Yes, no fun allowed.
>please the incels
>then pander to demographic that won't buy your game
>now incels that played only for a few hours refund or haven't bought it yet don't bother
>also lose 10k on child mutilation program
>and wrongthink training for each employee
>literally any profit
Go woke go broke
Exactly. Journalists manufacture scandals, just like they ignore things to prevent scandals from ever occuring. The zeitgiest manipulaters are kind of scum.
Is this real?
Imagine how much they're paying for that utterly worthless "training" that usually only makes people resentful.
You just know there's some bloated, overpaid positions to employ womens studies degrees and milk other companies involved.
I guarantee everything they said was just to please the mentally ill social media stalkers. Their "sensitivity training" is going to be everyone going to the bar to have a few beers and play some pool.
you pay for this?
glad I waited to buy it, I'm sure the people they are trying to pander to will buy lots of copies now
I literally never heard of this game, do they really have ten grand to drop?
Yeah but they didn't go woke because everyone is mad at them now, kek.
I thought this cancel shit was going to die with Neofag. Why are far-leftist shitholes such magnets for devs and why do they have such a chokehold over the industry?
Yeah, but I wanted the installer for preservation purposes.
Whoever wrote this is retarded.
Their publisher is 3D Realms, they have 10k, which also makes it hilarious that people didn't think 3D fucking Realms weren't going to cow.
OAG is on the same level as kotaku and polygon.
you're a brainlet, you're letting the social justice mongoloids win if you think this way. might as well go make an account on resetera faggot.
I don't understand? Is that forum full of pedophiles actually that powerful?
Damn, Resetera has power like THAT?
>why do they have such a chokehold over the industry?
They don't, but the neoliberal corporate ruling class do have such chokehold.
>88% recent reviews
How low can we go?
He sure is
I'd also like to know more about this
ResetEra is crying about it now. Its coming down.
As an individual, they can get you fired, it's more a relationship of fear than anything else. Forcing devs to be combative with their own fucking target market.
This is turbo clown world shit, there should be laws locking these witchhunt nutcases up.
there were literally "game journalists" posting in that thread asking for dirt and opinions from people. along with people saying that this is the fault of straight white people, which of course doesn't get you banned on resetera, but saying not to witchhunt does.
>Insensitive text
wew lad
>those early comments
fucking yikes
Is that a fucking ghostbusters reference?
Rich pedophiles run the world.
what was the soap sprite all about?
I can't even remember which Cyberpunk controversy it was, but it was one of the first ones. The first place the CD Projekt conducted PR was on Resetera.
And it keeps happening.
Fucking based.
I have moral principles that prevent me from seeing this issue in a purely pragmatic way.
A couple of years ago it was "I want to be called Stacy and wear a dress" but now we are at the point where people are trying to mutilate toddlers.
This needs to stop and I can't support a company that just funded 10000 dollars worth of degeneracy and recognized their bullshit newspeak, also known as "transphobic language".
Cope. They devs will be posing with Anita this time next week.
Because all the major games companies in the west are located in the fucking bay area. It's either conform or die for these people.
It said "Ogay" instead of "Olay"
Never heard of this game, what are (((they))) complaining about this time?
>from 98 to 88 in 6 hours
Wait for Uropoors to wake up and news to spread, it will drop to 60 easily within a day
Billy is retarded.
>Billy is ba-
>defective user
It 100% won't go below 80, people forget this game existed two days ago.
>forced diversity
>white erasure
>cultural marxism
>studios being more interested in pushing (((agenda))) then making money
Which ranged from "huge reach based on conspiracy" to "don't even logically follow. I'm sorry for misrepresenting your big brain excus... I mean arguments.
Stop marketing shit for disney. You want even get a 10% coupon, unlike a shill.
A dev said it's not okay to transition children.
also they're pedophiles
Fag who says they won't buy the game states that they STILL won't buy the game AND that them apologising is actually WORSE
>SJW devs do SJW things
whats next? water is wet?
You're eating up the resetera misinformation, as well as the dipshit misinformation here on Yea Forums. They donated 10k to a suicide hotline for fags, nothing for mutilating kids or encouraging that kind of shit. They are just playing the PR card to get the resetera trannies off their back. If you're gonna boycott now because you think the devs are fags then you are doing exactly what resetera wants you to do.
Someone post where he rants about Star Citizen not being a scam and calling people niggers every other sentence.
You illiterate fuck, read a book.
The duality of man.
what a smelly comment section
THIS IS WHY the fucking game industry is dying.
It's been held hostage by these freaks, and they are ruining the experience for us normies and chads.
that's because you didn't pay attention in school
Then why is pedophilia so widely condemned?
>he censors the second mention of nigger, but not the others
The devs are the far-left faggots. Tech is complete shit, if they aren't engaging in diversity quotas then they are trying to censor something.
The whole reason NeoGaf became rather relevant was because some important people in the industry frequented the forum.
this guy is fucking based. if gigachad wasnt already a meme i'd believe it was actually him
Samefag harder. Also, be sure to create 10 more threads with this same reply before the last one dies.
The charity says they are for LGBT kids
Its what Trump did for the Saudis.
>Anti-SJWs are just another type of SJW.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
What is their thought processing?
I might be on the retarded spectrum but it's nowhere near this shit. I see these people and I legit wonder how in the fuck they think this, write this and then believe it's good.
I have quite the devilish idea to fuck with people.
We mod the game to become the most blasphemus alt right poor taste shit we can conceive and the we try to pass it like it's some secret mode made by the developers for their alt right secret discord circle, we upload some gameplay in one youtube channel as an unlisted video and then we "leak" it to some journalist outlets.
We may need some guys who can mod textures and a possible femanon willing to use her voice to say some crazy /pol/ shit though, because as far as im concerned i can't do nothing outside of posting the idea.
It’s over, bros. We’ve lost...
I’ve begun HRT and my sex reassignment surgery is next week. I suggest you join the winning side as well.
>Go woke go broke
It's true because it rhymes!
You're a fucking mong if you can't tell the difference between some faggot 16 year old who wants to kill themselves and parents forcing transgenderism on their children.
This guy is right. It's turtles all the way down. They can ruin you if they want to. Not worth the risk.
Just like I pretended to be a total tard in college to pass writing classes that, for some reason, forced you to write about politics and then grade you on your angle of approach rather than, y'know, the quality of your writing.
The culture war is already over. You lost. Get over it.
Modding eduke is fucking torture, not even is autistic enough to actually want to do that.
A dev said, and I quote:
>If you're trying to decide your child is trans at birth you have mental problems and probably shouldn't be a parent, in my opinion.
This is apparently "transphobic".
it is, retardera is a hatespeech site, they're thought nazis and oppressive, free think is not allowed.
My current posture is more extreme than you think.
>Hate forum
There's no such thing, it's just a free speech forum
It's not a war if nobody's buying the game, kek.
Nice shoop. Really threw me off the scent.
Apparently 3DRealms can't tell the difference, since they apologized for saying disparaging things about the latter. Cope and dilate.
It's transphobic because no one is doing that and spreading the myth that they do is scaremongering about trans people
That's the one. Based nu-goobergators, the only hope against resetera. art is fuckin over
This is videogames eere talking about.
Gillette got fisted fiscally for far less because normalfags were the the customer base. Most people irl aren't big sjw fans.
Imagine if CoD tried to pander to trannies. Shit wouldn't fly nearly as well.
>Free speech forum
They believe in the principle of 'never rock the boat' and that anything that bothers them will blow over eventually. The world's been safe so long people don't understand that it wasn't always that way and things can change. When things finally do hit the fan like it always and always will, they are going to have a horrible awakening.
What did they change/add/remove/censor
I downloaded Ion Maiden for free like a week ago so It must be the uncensored version, I guess.
Honestly those devs just had to ignore those crazy people and focus on their fans . Those trannies dont even play video games they just want to hate on something why even bother trying to to please them.
That's the problem you see with this plan?
Never apologize to them. They wont accept it, and theyll use your apology as a weapon against you.
Where can I submit my reparations? I want to make it right before I end my life. Removing a straight white male for this world is the least I can do, but I want to do more.
>allowing sjws to win
What the fuck are these headlines?
This shit is bordering on retard territory.
>literal who on twitter says dumb shit
>invoke the spectre of gamergate
You alright? That shit was years ago, man.
Ya i bet you want to. All you think about is dick.
I saw people on the resetera thread saying that this isn't a thing and people don't do that, now I'm seeing it here. Why do i see legit retards on Twitter and Facebook doing that exact thing then? It does exist and the resetera types openly praise it when i see it on social media, but then they say it is fake and doesn't exist when they get called out on it.
He's one of the original ones brev, OG gg, never stopped tantruming
>bordering on
The PR crisis firms companies hire to deal with this shit are still using play books from the 90's.
If someone shits on the sidewalk and you react to them shitting on the sidewalk then you're just as bad.
What the actual fuck is this shit? Just treat him as non-binary or whatever if you want him to have identity issues. This kid is going to end up so fucked in the head.
Sick sad world.
>yfw you didnt fall for this garbage
>yfw you didnt even bother to pirate
Shit like celebrating censorship because tv station removed a gay. Complaining about not being enough white males ias opposed to too many white males, instead of just advocating for free expression. Taking the opposite right wing identity politics stance, instead of rejecting the concept altogether. Things like that.
There are people who do it. If anything, the trans community should be up front and denigrating such people -- but for some strange reason they do not and would rather pretend it doesn't exist.
Ask a transgender person if they think it is a bad idea. You fags lost to right to hide behind "muh slippery slope" at "bake the cake, bigot", transgender bathrooms in elementary schools, and boy pole dancers.
>Four years old = at birth
>Why do i see legit retards on Twitter and Facebook doing that exact thing then?
I dunno, might be because you're on drugs
We haven't reached that level yet. It's not like they refused to bake a cake.
If we somehow hit a 3rd World War, there are going to be more victims than ever, and not just because of nukes or modern firepower. We'll probably just have retards sitting it out or trying to reason with the enemy instead of fighting.
>Consequences of stating your opinion on a privatew discord channel
It's not even that guy went and antagonized a real ass person, he stated something these people consider shitty in a passing conversation.
Nonsense, i cant asure you paid excellent attention in every one of my holocaust classes
Child abuse.
This is what social media moms with munchausen by proxy do instead of making their kids physically sick
So like the Republican party with white nationalists?
remember this design died for your sensitivities
The PR Crisis firms manufacturer these messes. They are the modern mafia
Reminder that biggest hive of SJWs, tumblr, was acquired for 20 million dollars, their news outlets are failing and big companies in billion dollars lost after hoping on woke train, Eternal Maus still has not gained any return on Star Wars purchase and acceptance for LGBTQWERTY+ is at all time low
Ah yes the bastion of oldfag culture, the word kowtow, fuck you idiot
The thing is thats still a small fraction of people that dislike SJWs. For example, boomer left wingers that aren't total burnout hippies trying hard to be relevant fucking hate them. They like laughing at offensive jokes and such.
>remove one texture that can’t be seen in normal gameplay
Why do people even sign up for that forum?
>Ask a transgender person if they think it is a bad idea.
Yeah, they do.
>pedophile forum demands them an apology for not thinking that mutilate children is right
>they apologize and give money for them to hurt more children
>buy game made by the studio that created badass protags
>get some polar opposite abomination made for nostalgia pandering and spineless devs running the dev
Good argument. I see the thing that supposedly doesn't exist and since I see that it actually exists I'm the one on drugs. What a retard. No wonder people like you can't actually function in society and just have to make shit up out of nowhere to defend yourself when pressured.
Adam Cole poster where art thou? I still have a BASED message to sneed you
>do better
only thing good enough for these mentally ill freaks is if you're dilating next to them
This comment will be silently ignored by the rest of Yea Forums as they pretend their shit don't stink
They're removing a funny Easter egg to appease outrage professionals and donating 10K to genital mutilation. While not the end of the world, it's pretty pathetic.
>bought it before the price rise
>i can't refund it now
I learned my lesson
>no one is doing that
>Cope: The post
Wow what a surprise to get banned for saying that. What a society.
>Removing content because its offensive
>Ever not censorship
Sorry Tranny, but words have meanings. Dilate.
I suppose, but I love collecting pre-tampered games like WON half-life and the 360 original dash.
>they do
Nice anecdot retard
If you're not a reactionary it's probably a pretty good place to discuss video games away from the reactionaries
>pay for a game with a ogay bottle in it
>devs remove it
Money stolen
>and acceptance for LGBTQWERTY+ is at all time low
Citation needed my dude
They run the world in the shadows, for they are still a minority on the planet.
That's why they're trying to destroy Christianity.
Check the replies again, newfaggot. I already touched on this here:
I'll be glad when this blows over so /pol/, reddit, discord trannies, and resetrannies fuck off.
How the fuck am I supposed to know what you did or did not see on twitter? You can claim to have seen Bigfoot, blue checkmark and all, not like I can disprove it, can I?
>tfw the company you pay to protect your from DDOS' also services the people DDOSING you
potential is not actual.
Really, becauss Resetera threw a fucking fit over someone saying it.
Capital will turn against you as it turned against white men, white women, classic feminists and so on.
This is part of why I always pirate games first, too many devs are pulling post-launch shit. Not gonna buy it now.
It's not a literal who, he has quite a following on his website. Same with retards like Quarterpounder. Anti-SJWs that are still prominent are absolute laughingstock and the only think left to do is hope the resetera-like communities magically self-destruct or take the blackpill.
This is the so-called "over the top sexualized" original concept art? Have these faggots ever actually seen a woman?
user Billy is a gator though. He got blacklisted from KIA for celebrating censorship though.
>Creator of the resetera thread about ion fury is in the 3DRealms discord talking and nobody bats an eye.
He's a literal who, whether compared to his sjw counterparts or not. Spamming your inflatable boogeyman won't change that.
Posting news articles on Yea Forums should be a bannable offense.
But it obviously isn't?
If you don't follow the accepted narrative you get banned.
Having their gender kept from official records is not the same as being trans. Weird how none of you can find an actual example of babies being declared trans when it allegedly happens all the time.
They have, which is why they didn't model their character after that manfaced wreck.
Can you "people" fuck off already, it's blatantly obvious you're from retardera when you say stupid shit like this, especially when you're proven time and time again to being an absolute fucking cancer on this god-forsaken industry.
5 years a sperg.
>message game devs asking what their opinion on trans kids are
>they say they're worried about it and something offensive
>screenshot it and go to resetera
>chaos ensues
Sounds like a genuinely fun plan.
Ok so somehow it's ok for people on resetera to say "No it totally doesn't exist, and no I don't have proof." but if I say "It does exist and I've seen it" even if I got proof it doesn't matter to people with that line of thinking. My proof is just fake or in the wrong context i'm sure.
You and your kind will be imprisoned for your bigotry. Hope you’re counting down.
Check the news
Of fucking course.
they can't bat an eye
We're going in circles now? How are you even in this conversation if you don't already know what I'm going to say to that?
So he is basically a Sargonite then.
Dislike SJWs but don't mind using their tactics.
How are you this fresh fucking stupid?
>queermo is more based than most people commenting
They're deadass right dawg, fuck PR-mandated apologies. None of them believe it and none of them believe they're 'mistaken,' just that they got caught. Next time they slight trannies, they'll do it behind a closed door, that's for fucking sure.
It's wild how vague, empty gestures seem to be so readily held as 'accountable.' Fuck you sayin'? Fuck your PR-mandated apology.
That being said, fuck giving it in the first place. I'd rather pay my workers out and die with my company than fucking bend a knee to a bunch of people who never play video games, least of all mine.
>a literal was part of a movement from 5 years ago and got blacklisted from a literally what for being a retard
What's the point of this obsession and proliferation of his tweets? Why are you seething about him? None of this makes sense.
>check the news
So you have no source, lmao
Ha ha ha
Welp, not buying it now. No matter how good I don't support any games that bow out to politics.
kek, some retard kid probably did this, great.
lmao what the fuck
All these people do when they aren't working their coffee barista job at 35 years old is spend their time trying to manipulate public opinion. They don't have any actual values, they just constantly try to do whatever they think is the most 'progressive' thing so that they can pat themselves on the back.
You can't prove a negative, fucktard. That's why the burden is on you.
What is the purpose of making your baby "genderless" if the assumption/suggestion is that they could somehow be transgender?
Really? Just adding textures and voice files is that much of a nightmare?
What a shame.
They are raising their baby as gender neutral in that pic. That is transgender, since the babies gender (neutral) is different from its birth sex (male or female)
Dude you're the one who whined about the user calling him involved with gamergate. Don't get assblasted because you were wrong.
legit scared about how bad they're going to butcher the game guys. Save it before it goes down.
inb4 they release a "remaster" with all the fun parts censored like they did to POOR CONKER
That's all of them. If you want to know what anti-SJWs are up to, listen to what they're accusing SJWs of. SJWs may or may not be doing that thing but the antis definitely are.
What the fuck happened to Canada?
As opposed to your study, which is nonexistant.
Because it's totally okay to mutilate four year olds?
Weird how you insist on moving the goalposts every time someone gives examples of parents letting their children (with fucking undeveloped brains) choose their gender. What, do you need to see a babies removed penis for it to meet your quota?
>final season
they love adding this shit to the final seasons
Boy. i'm sure glad i'm not American.
You could do this with a few topics.
Police shootings
Mass shootings
Le white nationalists
ANY answer someone gives on this except absolute, mindless support will be met with outrage.
Because they are limp wristed faggots
No, you're wrong, please learn to read and then read a bunch of stuff about being trans.
>This study with no data is relevant, bro
>here's some numbers also, yeah who cares if there's no study to research behind it. NUMBERS
Studies of these type are usually pretty worthless and don't take enough variables into consideration.
That said, have this as a riposte.
That's all of /pol/ in a nutshell
If you hold either of these opinions you should just fucking off yourself as they have nothing to do with the game itself
This world is fucked
I wondered why you were crying about GG years later. Don't project your ass pain on me, dude.
Still not seeing any sources showing people are less accepting of gays now, anons.
Who's "all of them"?
You have never visited /pol/ in your life.
Donating to a child mutilation fund more like.
No one is letting four year olds get surgery. The doctors literally won't let them.
user, the goalposts have been at the same spot the whole time: parents deciding their children are trans at birth. You obviously wish they were somewhere else. But they're not.
So did they change the gameplay or anything relevant?
Oh I'm left, and not in a Sargoy meme sense. I just like freedom of expression and don't like being treated as a baby by the media I consume.
Mike Cernovich is a /pol/tard and him (and the rest of that board) celebrated in getting James Gunn fired (and then he got rehired, lmao).
You niggers are dumb SJWs of a different color.
He's fourteen years old. I bet you said embarrassing shit when you were that age.
please tell me this is a meme.
>they have nothing to do with the game itself
Only if you pirate it, sure. Otherwise, you're funding their behavior.
I'm not even against respectable homosexuals, personally. I find plenty of fetishes gross.
I was just pointing out what shaky ground you're trying to make a stand on.
Give it to me straight, smart people, is this a storm in a teacup? Or a happening?
No. They literally just changed a texture that can't even be seen unless you're noclipping through the scenery
Wow, real nice of that tranny telling his life experience
>Shit like celebrating censorship because tv station removed a gay.
Holy shit you idiot he was mocking them for complaining about the same censorship they invoke you dumb ass they even ask GG for help I laughed too
>/pol/ is one person
I retract what I said, you don't get Yea Forums as a whole. Kill yourself.
>whine about someone bringing up GG when its about a guy involved in GG
>assume anyone he's talking to is the same person
You're a fucking retard, my man.
Why does this thread exist then? That's such a fucking nonissue.
Yea Forums does not distinguish between those two.
>Let your husband take care of that.
bay baysed
You politics fags need to fuck off. They changed a single goddamn texture that you can't even see playing the game proper
Good thing they've got kids and you don't :)
It's 100% real.
it's the start of gamergate 2, or maybe 3 i'm n ot sure
It's another redpill that demonstrates why you shouldn't give dangerhairs the time of day if they complain about something that triggers them
>The doctors literally won't let them.
Which is why the LGBT community is campaigning for it, retard, along with hormone blockers and that non-gendered shit you're defending like the psycho you are.
because of politics fags
It's just blackpill #whatever or something.
Oh right /pol/ definitely doesn't have a whole bunch of retards on it, you faggot. Next you'll tell me Yea Forums loves Mass Effect 3 because a couple morons here have different opinions? You hive mind retards only spout that shit when its convenient.
>Taking the opposite right wing identity politics stance, instead of rejecting the concept altogether.
Because doing that results in them achieving incremental progress regardless you fuckwit.
How do you people have the energy to be mad about irrelevant shit all the time? I'm almost envious.
Celebrating censorship to own the libs is still celebrating censorship.
Mostly the former, but it's an insight into these things in general. The fact that even discussing it triggers some off siters is telling in itself.
does a single forum have so much power?
>/pol/ is one person
might as well be when any dissenting opinion is told to gb2resetera
Politics are part of protesting with one's wallet.
I mean they donated to a child mutilation charity, that's pretty evil.
Reminder: L > G > T > (((B))).
Based and redpilled
Fuck /pol/niggers, they're just as bad as SJWs
You faggots don't care about muh freedom of expression, you just want things that support your political views
I think this is it Yea Forums
I think this finally pushed me over the edge to only buy Japanese games from now on.
Also what's a good vpn for torrents?
Because a lot of us actually have values and don't like the precedent being set of game companies altering their game post launch due to a vocal minority bullying devs to try and control public opinion.
You're still celebrating censorship when you do that, dumb fuck.
>can't like the game because now if you do you support child mutilation
>also can't like the game because now if you do you're transphobic and homophobic
i just wanted to play and talk about a cool shooting game. fucking clown people all of you
Beats the fuck out of me but it seems like that whole country is in the middle of a "What would happen if you let the most insane SJWs Tumblr has to offer rule a nation?" social experiment.
There's literally a fat jewish pedophile running around Canada right now putting women's spas/salons out of business because the women there won't wax his testicles, he sues them and wins and the Canadian government sides with him and they get shut down. He's been caught hitting on middle school girls, going into bathrooms and taking pictures of girls inside, trying to organize nude pool parties for kids with no adults besides him allowed, and having child porn as well as illegal weapons. This has all received widespread media coverage and is public knowledge, and the police do nothing because he's "trans" and therefore stopping him would be transphobic.
Because people with no life (regardless of their political beliefs) take everything that happens on the internet too seriously.
We live in a fucking bizarre world, lads. Fuck this shit.
>the LGBT community is campaigning for it
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here and say you have no actual idea of the statistical amount of people who identify as LGBT who support hormone blockers for children. You just see some loud retards and assume that's everyone (like goddamn everything in life)
I remember fool like you kept defending minor censorship when treehouse did it that's how we ended up with the massive fuck up that was the fire emblem fates localization
I've seen it in other communities as well. They'll sit in discord and try to bait out whatever crazy shit to post on the forums so they can manipulate things and ostracize people.
I was going to buy it. There goes that, I guess.
I whined about you brining up a literal who and GG. Put the boogeymen away, mate.
>Which is why the LGBT community is campaigning for it, retard
It's not.
>you're defending like the psycho you are.
Can you people try to be rational about this for one second?
I mean, it's definitely as close as a Yea Forums board could feel like to it just being a one person. /pol/ is pretty reddity
>their idea of diversity is knocking off Wakanda with a black, better version of Sonya
>such thrilling design direction as 'off the shoulders clothing with fur accents' and 'black woman with bigass dreads'
>her entire personality is "I must do the BOUNTY HUNT"
It's like Boba Fett, only lame, for SJWs, and devoid of 'tools' as much as 'stealing Sonya's hook and getting better range than her.'
Even her self-heal is a point-blank radial AoE, but unlike Sonya it's not fucking sustained so she fires and forgets.
Minor shit, but high on degeneracy.
at that age i'd scam pedophiles for free steam games by pretending to be a girl and ERPing with them before later blackmailing them with releasing screencaps of them sexting an underage person for all the public to see
>I whined about you brining up a literal who and GG.
You are retarded, like I said. You can't grasp you were talking to someone else when I corrected you, even though I've stated this before. You should drink some bleach.
That is fucking stupid, do the devs not understand that anyone with a brain will refund them for supporting that crazy shit?
I dislike /pol/, but reddit is definitely the polar opposite. Not that I like them either.
Stop trying to pretend you're an objective outsider.
>i just wanted to play and talk about a cool shooting game. fucking clown people all of you
I was gonna buy this game when I get paid. What are they taking out?
There's only one solution to the tranny problem.
I think resetera trannies are retarded and annoying as fuck but if you think this charity has anything to do with child mutilation you are as retarded as the resetera fags.
Considering there's a visible movement for it and no backlash from your community, let alone any statistics proving most of you don't like it? Yeah, your opposition is just a lie.
Yes I'm sure /pol/ has a very diverse opinion on trannies
lol dude T_D is /pol/.
No I'm laughing at the monster eating its owner and that no where near the same as celebrating it or endorsing it
It literally doesn't matter, you massive fucking newfaggot. If you pick up the baton and carry the torch for him, you are still subject to the same criticisms.
Lurk moar.
There are real things you could be directing your energy towards.
That's the impression I get too.
Dude it's fire emblem, the writing hasn't been good since the SNES who cares.
>trannies have suicide rate of 40%
I wonder how many of those white Male are actually white female(male)
>no u
>harass someone at Twitter
>Get $10k as an apology
Damn libs have it easy.
No need to do anything. They do the work for you.
>Considering there's a visible movement for it
There isn't.
>no I'm not celebrating censorship, I'm celebrating censorship!
Unless you got here before December 2006, I've been here longer than you.
Yeah, and becoming a white nationalist to own them means people will pander to you as well? No, you are a fuckin white nationalism now. Artists don't like you, you are bad PR, there is nothing to gain with that association.
They got rid of a couple guns because they were phallic shaped and it gave some transsexuals PTSD from back before they cut off their penis.
>Dude no it's okay to support mutilating children as long as you're not an actual surgeon
I hope a lot more happens to these people than censorship.
Damn, when you put it like that, trannies really are chads.
Explain why the fuck normal porn is not morally acceptable to 64% of you yet sex outside marriage is apparently fine with the 69%
These subhumans are almost all located on the fucking west coast where it's a constant barrage of retardation
I thought that sub was banned? Regardless, it's pretty disingenuous to pretend the 1% of reddit that goes against the normal grain represents the whole.
>Dude it's fire emblem, the writing hasn't been good since the SNES who cares.
welp if you don't care about censorship that's fine
It's called doublethink, user. The truth or falsity of information depends on whether or not it's convenient to them in a particular situation.
>celebrated in getting James Gunn fired (and then he got rehired, lmao).
What the fuck are you talking about?
They were using that as an example of why SJW tactics are fucking retarded because hey, it swings both ways.
This. Every single person who identifies openly as LGBT supports child mutilation.
>trannies have suicide rate of 40%
That's not actually true, you know. You should look up the study to see how it's been misinterpreted. You wouldn't just repeat statistics you got from some bozo on the internet with an obvious agenda, right?
go make a resetera account then fag, since you're following their plan to a T.
>There isn't
You just admitted people are campaigning for it, user. That's a movement.
Let's be real, he already wanted to be a white nationalist. This is only the best excuse he can come up with to try to justify it.
>if you're not crying about about my shitty /pol/ bullshit along side me you're a nu-male
fucking kill yourself any day of the week live stream it too so i can watch fucking shit faggot
>dude it doesnt count when we do it because its showing you how bad it is when you do it!
Literally the same time-ish. A friend showed me when I was 17 just before my birthday and I lurked Yea Forums for a short bit when it was slightly less shit.
>let alone any statistics proving most of you don't like it?
That's not how burden of proof works retard
>hate forum
what nutcase site did you dredge this from lmao
>You just admitted people are campaigning for it, user.
No, I don't think I did.
You're sending the wrong message.
Basically if I code a piece of shit game you'll give me a positive review if I make the game pandering to right wingers.
It's hard to be rational with someone when you bring up issues and all they say is "no that's wrong" without providing any reasonable discourse on the issue. You're the same user who this whole thread who has just said "no that isn't right why aren't you guys listening to me" when you provide literally nothing to back up anything that you say.
Not him but how does that fit into Resetera's plans?
Resetera's plans have already worked. They got the publisher to harshly punish the developer AFTER everyone had already bought the game and has been enjoying it for hours.
Why does this shit break explorer when I right click it? Am I a crypto miner now?
You were called names?!!?? in Yea Forums??!!??
Scandalous! I say. This cannot continue, it's impossible to post unless everyone who calls you a retard or a nigger is banned for life in the spot. Obviously everything you post is instantly invalidated if you get called a faggot.
Wrap yourself in barbed wire and roll over a salt flat.
>caving to resetera
and torrent.
Faggot, I'm talking about the group as a whole. Even if 99% of them supported it you could find outliers, don't try and shove your bullshit on me.
I'm gay and I think some of you think about LGBT shit way more than I do.
>Basically if I code a piece of shit game you'll give me a positive review if I make the game pandering to right wingers.
No shit. /pol/niggers don't care about game quality. They just want to use vidya as a medium for their """culture war"""
Isn't that the whole point of trannyera?
To hate on everything the deem "bigoted"?
Is this an example of the triple digit /pol/lack debate IQ I've heard so much about?
Considering my position is that there are people campaigning for it, that's already been proven and was not in dispute. So now it's on you to prove your opposing point, that most LGBTBBQ don't support it. A study or opinion poll could easily prove this.
a texture for a bottle of soap, and a dev message in an area you have to no-clip to get to.
I wonder if Resetera talks about Yea Forums nearly as much as Yea Forums talks about Resetera.
Way to miss that user's point, retard.
Damn dude you're embarrassing the rest of us. Read a fucking book.
No doubt about it. I hear far more about trannydom from obsessed /pol/niggers than actual trannies.
More like you see someone shitting on the sidewalk, and your reaction is to take your cock out and pee on the sidewalk.
From the few times I've been to /pol/, they didn't seem particularly concerned with videogames. Plus, loads of Stalinists and other niche shit like that.
You've built that shithole into this monolithic boogeyman.
user I don't know if you're shitposting or just a genuine ideologue, but the entire point of pushing that was to illustrate the retardation of their tactics, and then when he later got rehired, their hypocrisy.
If you don't understand the difference between CRITICISM of a tactic and USE of a tactic, there's not much hope for you.
Okay man, I knew you were autistic, but did you buy the game just to review it?
Nowhere talks about other places as much as Yea Forums does
what "hate speech" needed to be censored?
I support the LGBT community, AMA
Billy is off his game his game. Not even the worst thing they did.
>Whenever this shit comes up leftists start whining about the right instead of addressing the crazies on their side
Deflection is not an argument.
>It's hard to be rational with someone when you bring up issues and all they say is "no that's wrong" without providing any reasonable discourse on the issue.
You're not providing anything reasonable for me to engage with. You're screaming about trannies doing this and that and muh chilluns and you totally saw it happen with your own two eyes but I'll have to take your word for it, what, what kind of psycho wouldn't take your word when the lives of ARE CHILDREN are at stake here? And then the few people who did post some meagre evidence showed that they were either being dishonest or misinterpreting it really badly, probably due to getting so very emotional about the topic. So you start backing up anything you say at all and maybe I can't just refute you by saying "no, that's not true, prove me wrong".
>Considering my position is that there are people campaigning for it
Your position is 'the LGBT community is campaigning for it,' implying a majority support it otherwise you wouldn't consider a minority opinion something universal with the LGBT community
I just call anyone that belongs on /pol/ and should not be allowed to post here a /pol/tard. a.k.a. the retards making a big deal out of this and how you can't buy and enjoy this game because the devs are cucks.
>dude it doesn't count when we do it
That's the mantra of the /pol/tard.
Tumblr is dead, because they all moved to twitter.
As a married fag, I hate the fact that I'm associated with these kinds of people.
Just a reminder that bisexuality is just a fetish.
>kumbrain complaining about trannies
Imagine muh shock
Did they mention that the change was to an offscreen item that you need to clip out of bounds to even see?
>that's already been proven and was not in dispute.
You're literally lying right now. People can easily see it.
>people I don't like shouldn't be allowed to post here
Dude, there's already a ton of places like that, why not just go back?
Okay, what was transphobic about anything the devs wrote?
Ironically the only alternative to this is to ignore it, thus allowing the SJWs or whatever to win. This is the kind of retarded attitude that makes people say shit like "Antifa are the REAL fascists!". You either fight back or you lose.
How can people who spend all their time arguing online be so fucking bad at debates?
But you are only allowed to have one opinion there.
>oneangrygamer headline
Excuse me while I collect my grain of salt.
You are biased, faggot.
The fact that you can reply back and call me a retard proves me correct.
You can have an unpopular opinion but your posts won't be deleted or hidden, and getting called a faggot probably won't change your mind anyways.
It's a fucking non issue and you are only showing how much you don't belong.
t. (((T)))
>So the people that worked on the game who made those comments or inserted those things in the game are fired? Did the money come from them? Do they still see profit from the game? It's a good apology but at the same time it shouldn't turn into "I guess it's okay to buy the game now" if those people are still involved.
this is what the devs fucking caved to...
What? Verizon bought tumblr for $1.1 billion and just recently sold it for less than 3 mil
The fuck is wrong with these fucknuggets?
Is their life really this empty?
Not him, but that's a lot of word salad to say "no u."
"transpeople are mentally ill and transitioning is mutilation" basically
>laugh when a murderer gets stabbed with his own knife
>why are you celebrating this man's death you're just as bad as he is
The item is in-bounds, the message is out of bounds. There are two separate changes.
ultra hyper mega based
>People I don't like
I don't like Smash faggots
I don't like people that do brainlet "Vidya from one hemisphere are good, vidya from a nother hemisphere are bad"
I don't like "oh no no no no" shitposters
It's not about not liking /pol/tards. They actively do not belong here. "Culture war" bullshit should be bannable on sight. Prove me wrong.
>The fact that you can reply back and call me a retard proves me correct.
lol what a retarded thing to say
>It's a fucking non issue and you are only showing how much you don't belong.
lol, you probably don't even get the irony
People have been telling retards that don't belong to leave for years you gaiafag
Oh, you're putting words in my mouth now?
When and where did he say that? Post direct quotes, not paraphrases
>murder a guy
>"No no its okay when I do it you see because libtards can murder you too"
Sadly, that's how things are now. I really want to have principles, but I feel like I'm in the minority.
Bisexual people are the biggest hedonist and disease spreaders, both men and women. They also were the gateway sexuality to all the LGBT degeneracy.
Oh FUCK I hope they push for this!!!!!!!!
user everyone can see through what you're statements are trying to imply
it's real, it's just an open wound after all so the body tries to fix it.
"Word salad" doesn't mean "a lot of words", you illiterate twat. But here you go, just for you:
tl;dr burden of proof is on you
I'm not talking about a LARPy "MUH WHITE ETHNOSTATE" I'm talking about blatantly appealing to the identities of the minorities in regards to the rightwing and what they can do that they left can't or won't.
Or, Co-opt their wedge issues, drive them into the ground.
An alternative of course is, close the fucking border and let demographic replacement do the work.
>Let's be real, he already wanted to be a Socialist. This is only the best excuse he can come up with to try to justify it.
The initial post on resetera was to get people there to boycott the game and hopefully get the issue picked up by game journalists to make enough noise to get the devs targeted and force them to come up with a response. Even after the response none of these people had any plan to ever buy the game. Once the dev does actually respond it just furthers the misinformation and sends out this signal that the game is undergoing some sort of massive censorship to appease this vocal minority, which in turn causes all the Yea Forums monglets who can't think for themselves to not buy the game. Killing two birds with one stone.
It's a fucking video game, just play it if you want and have fun. Fuck retards on resetera, fuck brainlets on Yea Forums, fuck everyone who is unable to think for themselves, and fuck everyone who takes everything on the internet so seriously.
How can you fucking miss the point this hard? You literally proved the original guy right you dipshit.
>Yea Forums
>Any better than Resetera
Do you suck dicks?
>Dude if politics get shoved into gaming you're not allowed to talk about it because it might make people critical of leftists!
Isn't he black himself? Sound pretty based to me, if he can recognize, and point out blatant pandering.
If only we had more people this based, vidya would be saved
>L >
Anti-male cuck detected
Why do you hate men, including yourself?
You're as pesonally involved in the "culture war" occuring ITT as anyone. Again, stop pretending to be some bystander.
If you were truly a neutral party and not a concern troll, you would hide the thread and move along.
You're so disingenuous it's almost revolting.
why are the so obsessed with making everything trans?
Or rather, you are projecting what you wanted me to say onto my actual words.
"Glad we apolog-"
Billy is a self hating gay nigger.
>you're putting words in my mouth now?
You're the one who said "okay since we're all in agreement that the entire LGBT movement wants to mutilate children and you definitely admitted it in your own words" the moment someone allowed even the slightest possibility that maybe perhaps a few people did actually campaign for letting young children go on hormone blockers (what's even the point before puberty? But of course crafting a rational narrative is not the point of fearmongering)
already refunded.
>"Antifa are the REAL fascists!"
Considering they physically attack anyone to the right of Marx and are outright Anarcho-communists by their own admission, they're pretty fucking tyrannical even if they're not literal fascists.
What you're schizo fingers spewed forth was definitely word salad. You managed to say nothing.
Whining and bitching and equivocating isn't an argument that requires debunking.
Okay, but the publisher made these changes and is punishing the developer for things that are
A) Not transphobic
B) based entirely off of lies and clipped-out misinformation.
So why are people not in the right to be angry about it?
Don't get me wrong, I bought the game before any of this happened. I bought it when it was still Ion Maiden. How does this excuse 3dRealms behavior?
This thread is so fucking gay. All of you need to get a life.
I only participate in these threads because reporting them doesn't work. I tried for a few years and it actively doesn't work. If I went to try to make a Ion Fury thread about gameplay, it would get derailed with this bullshit and you know it.
My only thought is that I can escalate this shit enough that the gook finally does something and bans culture war shit from this website. It's my last hope.
> White people constantly shit on for being white
> Commit suicide at a high rate is somehow surprising
> 40% of trannies commit suicide
> Black people kill each other before they can suicide
I wish a developer would make an indie game that was aggressively against this, and didn't back track.
Doesn't have to be a meme, just write characters that actually sound like politically incorrect people and don't shit on them for being so. Young men call each other names and slurs on a regular basis unless they are completely castrated(metaphorically). And yet I'm sure that portrayal would set off the hive. Story doesn't even have to center around those ideas either, just flesh some characters out while you make a compelling game.
>okay since we're all in agreement that the entire LGBT movement wants to mutilate children and you definitely admitted it in your own words
Hey look, now you're literally putting words into my mouth. Find a quote where I said this, word for word. I dare you.
>disease spreaders
So don't fuck them.
You're not going to convince me that someone with a certain preference is worse than someone fucking delusional who tries to force that delusion on literally everyone else.
You NPCs are so dull. The same lines every time.
By the way Antifa were the first to be sent to the camps by the actual fascists.
You're bumping the thread right now, you flaming newfaggot. Put the normalperson.jpeg routine away.
reddit board have largely one, maybe to acceptable narratives which very much remind me of how /pol/ functions. They allow some dissent within the narrative, but it's mostly just a circlejerk.
>dude I wish there was a game that pandered to /pol/tards
What is the phrase? "Go make one, then."
Lol I hope devs learn a very good lesson from this shitshow.
Issue is that the biggest minority wants free entry to the US and open borders, but that's suicidal to the native ideographic. It just can't work.
WTF bros, the agenda said right wingers do not make games!
But here is a right winger game which disproves the agenda!
My worldview is shattered now that I know right wingers have made a game!
I guess not all of them are bad.
They donated people's money to a child mutilation charity.
Good thing I didn't buy this.
>>murder a guy
that would actually mean being involved with the act at hand I didn't get anything censored
SJWS win again and the industry sinks ever deeper into the abyss it can never recover from! This calls for a round of Drain-O! On me!
You're probably right, the LGBT community seems divided and wants to eat itself. Amazing there could be gay moderates that don't see eye to eye with the influx of mentally unstable trans folk and their desire to make everything about them.
Yes they are all bad.
Politics and culture war things don't belong on Yea Forums because they don't judge anything about the videogame itself.
Videogame enthusiasts who played Ion Storm say it's a good game, and that is enough to make it worth playing. Anything else the developers do anywhere outside the game itself has no relevance and importance.
Yeah, and I troll people in this thread too. Or threads like it, anyways. I mock /pol/tards and pretend to be a ResetEra user to piss them off. Who's gonna stop me? No one. No one gives a shit. Culture war garbage is 100% acceptable. It fucking sucks.
>You managed to say nothing.
You managed to read nothing. There's a difference. Maybe I should address myself to people with a reading level above third grade.
>Whining and bitching and equivocating isn't an argument that requires debunking.
Good, then I suppose you agree with me that the fellows who are so scared of trannies need to come up with an actual argument.
Imagine being controlled by fat trannies
What I find funny is that Postal is the most right-wing game out there on the market right now that you can buy.
People just forget it exists for some reason.
But /pol/tards got James Gunn fired, which is what the discussion was about. /pol/tards are censorship loving SJWs.
What did they mean by this?
native americans already were genocided
I don't give a single cocksniffing fuck what the Nazis did. I care what you commies are doing now when you literally attack people with fucking hammers.
I imagine that's what the /pol/tards I reply to are doing as well. Or hope, at least.
>Find a quote where I said this, word for word.
lol fuck off you twat
"word for word"
What a clown, this guy
Find me someone who says, word for word, "I am representative of the entire LGBT movement and I support mutilating children"
Anything else than literally that won't cut it
>BUT ______ DID IT TOO!!!
>Politics and culture war things don't belong on Yea Forums because they don't judge anything about the videogame itself.
We had a functional video game. The game is being patched to not hurt people's feelings. People playing the pirated version will and always will have the superior version of the game, now.
There is no argument where you can say this isn't video game related.
A sincere F for everyone who had their refund request denied and a round of applause for everyone that pirated.
Pretending there are only two sides that can disagree with your fence sitting is pretty disingenuous.
go get the screenshots from resetera yourself, i'm not your personal google
Sage is still a thing
lmao you just admitted to making that up
Sorry user, I didn't base my argument on that. But your argument IS based on what you think I said. But I never said that, and you can't even find a post supporting your argument.
Writing an essay on "no u" impressed no one. I wasn't even the guy you initially enagaed with, but you're a colossal moron. I wasn't evening sure what side your on, but your projection is incredible.
Are you legitimately retarded?
Nigger not my fault you can't follow a discussion.
>”i don’t feel children should transition so early” is now hate speech
I meant native in the sense of citizens, you dumbass.
It's exactly the same videogame just without a couple textures; nothing else about it changed.
Doom is still the same Doom after the red cross symbol got replaced.
Why am I not surprised to see that narrative surface here? That hammer belonged to the Nazi who had it neatly returned to him, you dishonest shill. Maybe he shouldn't have jumped out of the bus swinging it to attack people just standing around?
psst you can be a lefty and also acknowledge that Antifa are bad people.
t. lefty
That example only works on a literal pacifist who thinks all violence is bad, regardless of context. Which most people don't believe in.
If your stance is "all censorship is bad", then you can't laugh at censorship. If your stance is "censorship is good as long as it happens to the right people" than you are just horseshoe theory SJW.
>disliking trannies makes you a fascist
Wow, I'm beginning to understand how Hitler got elected.
But user, the chud was the one who brought the hammer, antifa was nice enough to return it.
>go get the screenshots from resetera yourself
The screenshots don't say and will never say what you implied. He was talking about families that decide that their kids are trans upon birth. At no point had he ever said that he hates trans people, also
>go to resetera
No, but I think you should go back there instead.
I would argue that someone mature seeks to know where the profits of the products they consume are being expended and also consider the ethics of the companies they want to support. Example: shoe companies who use slave labor.
Ah yes, I forgot they were removing all of the gameplay because of that one texture.
Hispanics are actually the most likely (outside of White People) not to vote along ethnic lines.
The right just needs to stop standing with their pants around their fucking ankles and just fucking state why allowing more of their third world brethren in is a terrible fucking idea. They'll lose the majority of the vote, but they'll still gain a large proportion of it.
Death by disease isn't genocide user.
>muh slippery slope fallacy we don't want to indoctrinate kids
Back up copies and all of that.
Here you go you disingenuous cunt:
>B-but it's not word for word
Never claimed it would be. What's that about putting words in people's mouths?
>That hammer belonged to the Nazi
This just ties back to the 'everyone to the right of the literal anarcho-communists is a nazi' rhetoric. Nigger go move to Somalia to enjoy that Anarchism.
Ah, we are being invading. Chapotards in this particular specimen's case. I wondered.
Also, it's C.H.U.D. and fuck you for ruining the term by guilt of association with retards.
>t. lefty
Yeah we know, you are triggered by a screencap of some really bad mother. Fix your life, you seething retard.
Like it or not, pirates are playing a better game than the one you bought.
You can fight back without allying yourself with the right. Your arguments are still opposed to theirs. They are just not at the opposite end of the spectrum of their race war narrative.
>Hispanics are actually the most likely (outside of White People) not to vote along ethnic lines.
Yes, but only about 30% of them vote conservative. It needs to be closer to 50% at least, but they all buy into this narrative of open boarders or you're racist.
we're reaching levels of based that should not be possible
I seriously feel like shit giving money to these cucks because I wanted to support them. Definitely learned a lesson for life here. I will never again buy a game at release and I will make sure to never buy anything from 3D Realms ever again.
Imagine Shelly with a dick haha
>insane biblethumper soccer moms came for the videogames
>gamers rose up
>insane tranny SJWs come for the videogames
>gamers sleep
What's the difference?
Why are you here instead of living in the forest and eating grass? There isn't a single product or service that wasn't made at some point with the blood and tears of someone else.
It says people are, not everyone is. So your argument based on the idea that I said they ALL support it is a complete falsehood.
New thread
Why do you always eat your own?
the idea that children can be trans long before they've reached puberty is one of the big ideas that's being pushed right now.
user, please learn what the burden of proof is and stop making a massive tool of yourself. You don't win an argument by being the first guy to shout "you have no proof that it's NOT true". If you're making a claim, you have to back it up, or the other guy can just say "prove it"
I realise I'm already taxing your attention span here but please, learn some basic logic before attempting to argue.
There's a very real chance this could turn out to be GG 2.0, their Steam forums are a fucking dumpster fire right now, and it's all normies bitching.
more teh evil 4chinz, den of nazis, than Yea Forums
I don't care about the textures personally, just the child mutilation fund they donated to for daring to say you shouldn't mutilate kids.
Funding from organizations to shill it.
It's exactly the same group. They just realized that censorship is easier when you disguise it under noble intentions.
thank you, your resetera account has now been verified and you may post there.
Antifa hasn't even killed anyone you faggot, meanwhile actual white nationalist terrorists are shooting dozens and running people down.
>Boo hoo hammers
Um, sweaty? Its 2019. Men can have vaginas. Fuck off bigoted nazi incel gamer racist gumbrain
New thread
Okay, dude. I wasn't even involved in the argument. I just had to point out how pathetic your deflection was.
I'm not sure why you're arguing when you don't even have an argument.
It's a literal neo-Nazi militia group you unbelievably dishonest Nazi apologist
Because shitposting and fucking with the morons in this thread is infinitely more entertaining than partaking in their inane yelling.
You are partaking.
>then you can't laugh at censorship.
but you can at people being affected by their own actions while still disapproving of the censorship
this isn't about laughing about the censorshit it's about laughing at SJW's complete about face on their opinion on of censorship
I support LGBT people. The community is quite fuckin nuts atm. Besides, it's TTTT at this point anyway.
And your argument based on the idea that anyone is is also a falsehood. Now fucking prove me wrong.
shh let user have his pedo haven
>"Think of the Children" is an ignoble sentiment
>There are real things you could be directing your energy towards.
Video games are real. Low quality reasoning.
>>t. lefty
You don't apologize when you've done nothing wrong.
stop lying, tranny
>There isn't a single product or service that wasn't made at some point with the blood and tears of someone else.
Are you one of those 'fuck humanity' idiots who believe everyone is crooked?
>It's okay to attack people if I don't kill them
It absolutely isn't, silly nigger. Hell the last shooter was literally a socialist, so I'm not sure where your narrative is coming from. Hell I'm not even claiming all leftwingers are Antifa while I complain about Antifa, but here you lump terrorists in with all rightwingers.
You realise there's a bit of time between birth and puberty, right
Why don't you drop the T already?
t. Faggot
Holy shit, this ship is crashing with no survivors kek!
Get Woke Go Broke™
New thread
>It's a literal neo-Nazi militia group
What do they believe that makes then Nazis? Can I have a link to their manifesto where it says that?
Should be KKK instead.
Unfortunately most women do not look like Bombshell as pictured, user. I wish more did.
This is exactly not the point, you buffoon. It was the other guy's point. But you think because he said it first, he won.
Depending on who the enemy is that might not be a bad idea. Don't die for ZOG
>your argument based on the idea that anyone is is also a falsehood
But this entire event is based on resetera getting mad at a guy saying you shouldn't transition children. That alone proves you wrong.
>right wing
Its raw satire
By partaking, you mean posting dumb shit to piss off retards for sweet (you)s. Then yes, you got me.
>who tries to force that delusion on literally everyone else.
They only harm themselves. (((Bisexual))) people harm everybody.
Okay, then you're both morons barking at the moon.
Anyone else getting an inconsistent framerate?
Nobody is seriously upset about the texture itself. The anger comes from the fact that a small group of people can force a company to change their product to satisfy them (and failing), showing a lack of integrity among other things.
New thread
>Its raw satire
Only reatarded lefties actually believe this
>Hell the last shooter was literally a socialist
>Guy who writes a manifesto about how the Republican party convinced him to kill Mexicans
"Obviously we have a mental health problem"
>Guy who hears voices and has a history of being disturbed going back to high school liked a bunch of anti-fascist tweets once and shoots his trans brother in a crowd
"Ha, see! Socialists are the real terrorists!"
LGBT acceptance has dropped amongst young people by over 12% in the past year alone.
It's going too far, and it's not going to keep long.
It's young children, 4, 5, 6 years old that are being declared as transgendered. The implication is that they are born this way instead of it being a change they go through at puberty when they are finding their sexual identity.
I mean, that's pretty much what these threads are. Not sure why you feel special for it.
Like I already explained, they're mad at him for spreading that falsehood, like you're doing too.
You have to think of terms as you being a serf/slave and everyone above you as royalty. Yes, why would m'lord not want you to surround yourself in his luxuries? Now go back to grinding that wheat down at the mill serf, and maybe you'll get your taxes reduced by a hundredth next harvest. ;^)
They don't harm me. The T, however? Well, examine why we're here.
I mean, feel free to fix that bisexual problem that you believe exists, just prioritize gassing trannies first.
Women, duh.
>Guy who writes a manifesto about how the Republican party convinced him to kill Mexicans
That same manifesto where he said he was socialist, user?
>Liked a bunch of tweets
I'm talking about antifa, not someone on twitter.
Yet there are indeed people who support it, you ostrich.
If men wouldn't had accepted bisexual women because if muh duck or muh threesome, we wouldn't be here.
You're getting a couple of narratives confused and I don't think all of them are based in truth.
They still commit terrorist acts (i.e use of violence for political purposes, and they still push an authoritarian ideology. Stop playing for a team and learn to condemn bad people regardless of which "side" they're on.
And you're not making a single argument at this point, and have abandoned defending Antifa.
I think both anons are talking passed each other. Antifa shooter in Dayton, anti immigration shooter in El Paso.
Like I fucking asked you a bunch of times already
That's not funny
Just playing by the same rules as everyone else. Taking a moral high ground is easy when you dont need to actually defend anything.
>I'm going ot ignore the resetera and twitter posts linked through these threads
I'm not talking past anyone. The "antifa shooter", like I said, was genuinely mentally ill, heard voices, and was an incel, and he targeted his family. There was no political motive and no manifesto.
The El Paso shooter's manifesto was boilerplate Republican talking points.
You mean the two or three that I already explicitly pointed out say something else entirely? Stop changing the goalposts and prove the one thing you've been claiming this whole time. Find me just one person.
Dude, that is some serious mental gymnastics. Anyone who does this shit is mentally ill. Stop trying to qualify it with some questionable statements.
They won't learn shit. How many learned from DICE's fuckup last year?
What are they censoring? I haven't heard anything about this. Too busy playing the game right now to look it up.
We are thinking about, you live it. I'd say we are better off.
>panders to /pol/tards
>reality panders to /pol/
Alright bro.
>Just go make one lol
Truly galaxy-brained levels of argument here.
>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.
>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.
This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.
>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.
>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).
Pick a side.
hate speech is free speech, but it doesnt change the fact the entire forum is hate speech.
>Dude, that is some serious mental gymnastics. Anyone who does this shit is mentally ill.
No, this is the mental gymnastics. You're trying to downplay the fact that one of the shooters had a clear political motive and was of sound mind when he carried out the act. It's a false equivalence to avoid being associated with him.
>Dude no it's okay to force your kid to be a transexual if you don't do the surgery quite yet
You sound like a very boring person.
They were both insane, and the entire point of talking about the Dayton shooter was that you tried to lump the right-wing one in with right wingers, yet excused the left-wing one. That was to point out your hypocrisy, not claim either were representative.