*ruins your casual match*
*ruins your casual match*
Only if he's a friendlytard
lol just learn to dodge you subhuman tard.
Post them loadouts.
This is the second time in a row you made this fucking thread, you neanderthal. How hard is it for you to just go spy or push his nest when the team goes for the objective?
Not OP but I'm a sniper main and I love making those threads to rub it in.
How many fucking threads like this will you make? It's a sniper, literally git gut fag
>cloak and dagger
>run into the open
>"he's cheating"
>literally the entire server tells me to get good
This is why I downloaded cheats. I never really thought about it, but at least 70% of the active TF2 userbase uses the exact same cheats, but only the bored ones use it blatantly. As long as you activate it within reason no one will suspect you. It's funny to see a fellow cheater and taunt through a wall, then they taunt right back at you and not a word is spoken the entire match.
>just don't play in 70% of the map
i want to fuck that cat
>at least 70% of the active TF2 userbase uses the exact same cheats
More like 5%
It's not a secret anymore. We all use them.
>Me and my two buddies have placed sentries that require multiple simultaneous coordinated uber pushes to destroy, and then you'll still have to deal with the other 9 players on my team afterwards who are being healed by dispensers and have virtually no travel time from spawn to the objective
Class limits when?
Well that's quite embarassing seeing as I topscore without trying and without cheats, does that mean I'm better than cheaters?
t. Cheater
>class limit
>in casual
>picks Spy
>multiple, simultaneous uber pushes
fuck no, literally just 2 medic-demoman combos are enough to clean that shit up. On a 12 man team that's not hard to arrange.
very based. i wish pauling was involved in the game other than voicelines for fucking contracts.
>Class limits
This isn't Overwatch.
user, I just lost a pub where I switched to medic (which rarely happens) to try and get my least retarded teammate to take down 2 sentries with the DH. We fucking got stuck in hoodoo spawn because my teammates cannot shoot at a sentry, they are this retarded, never overestimate the average pubber's intelligence.
Imagine having a demoman in a pub smart enough to equip stickies and then have a medic smart enough to uber that same demoman instead of the heavy
now imagine having both of those AGAIN
imagine having literally 1/3 of your team being competent players who can ALSO coordinate and push at the same time
now imagine this being a REQUIREMENT to capture the point just because more than two people on the enemy team picked engineer and didn't build right next to eachother
just enforce normal 6v6 limits x2 for a 12v12 game
so two demomen, two meds, four scout/soldiers, two engineers, two snipers
that's not Overwatch shit, that's just a balanced game
also role lock/no hero stacking are the best changes Overwatch has made since release that aren't character related
>gen 3 effect
lmao poorfag
imagine giving a shit about balance in casual
limits are gay as fuck. some of the most fun i've had was when the whole team decided to go one class together.
>LITERALLY enforcing a 2/2/2 meta
>"this isn't overwatch, tho"
please fuck off
*notices your 5 demo-medic uber teams*
OwO what's this????
>switches to Spy
>2/2/2 "Tank/DPS/support" in a game that doesn't have tanks or supports or DPS
Surely you don't think that first person MOBA game is anything like TF2 right?
Surely you've played a 6s game before and understand why allowing more than one medic in 6v6 is a bad thing
Surely you...
Community servers can turn off class limits through server settings/commands
stupid falseflagging avatarfag, go away
>unusual snipers
>good at all
6s meta is all about pigeonholing players into a specific playstyle, not balance
>modern game design has rotted zoomers' brains to the point where they genuinely believe wallhacks aren't real cheats
the comp meta evolved because Valve's "intended" counter to stacking shit like engineers/demos/heavies (the Spy) stops working when teams get organized so they had to come up with all sorts of rules to circumvent the problem. Pub play does not have this problem. Go Spy. Sap their shit. It's not hard.
Pub pyros are too busy running forward at the enemy to spycheck consistently.
How the fuck do I get good at this game?
Ms. Pauling is a character from Team Fortress 2, the video game in which this thread is discussing
My images are Relevant to discussion and are within the rules of boards.4channel.org/v/
The only people that actually think this are Spy mains and Engineer mains, and surely you aren't one of those! I'm certain that you're a skillful player and not a complete shitter who would think 6v6 actually limits player skill when the top level is entirely dominated by the best players, Froyotech. When the game is properly balanced, the best players will almost always win, which is what we are seeing, therefore the game is balanced when the 6v6 ruleset (Which includes class limits) is applied.
>this goes past spam filter
gonna be real, didn't expect an actual answer to my low effort complaint
Lots of really bad opinions/posts in this thread, keep it up scrubs
*blocks your path*
>Lots of really bad opinions/posts in this thread
wow just like TF2
overwatch really did a number on this fanbase
All the posts with images of Ms. Pauling attached are very smart and correct, however
Scorch shot or Detonator, Pybros?
I'm using stock thrower. I try to get into Flare jumps with Detonator (which I terrible at them right now. It's feels harder than rocket jumping) but offensive wise Scorch shot feels much more deadly.
Also, power jack or Axetinguisher?
imagine using the vaccinator
imagine using the phlog
imagine using the black cox
imagine using the tomislav
imagine using the razorback
imagine using the dead ringer
imagine playing sniper
imagine playing spy
imagine having a pocket medic in rando servers
can't be me
its not spam, run it through google translate retard
>dodging hitscan
sniper mains be like
wow you made me scroll up and look at those terrible fucking posts, you must really want negative attention. Also the only good images you have are the official TF comics ones
Imagine being this autistic
scorch shot is op as shit so go with that.
>oh boy let me just shoot a flare and oh no literally 7 enemy players are now on fire for like 8 seconds, hmmm thats not a lot of damage let me just spam it oh boy hehe minicrit damage and endless afterburn whoopie doopie doo!
You can cry about OP weapons or abuse them so much there is more warrant for it to get nerfed into the ground.
Sorch's massive AOE damage is SLIGHTLY offset by providing medics with more uber building but the group damage adds up and happens pretty fast making their job way harder.
It's a good weapon in pubs for cutting through chokes. Soften everyone up with some AOE burns and mini crits and then push in.
I'm of the belief Snipers are racist against Friendlies.
Needs a name, boys.
>class limits
OWfags fuck off, and Pauling belongs to Olivia
>tfw don't care about comp and just want to enjoy pubs
feels good.
It's also powerful as fuck in close range. with two mini-crit hits it's hitting as 2/3 flare gun crit while also stunning and shit.
>bullying heavies with it
"Front Towards Enemy"
Weren't the threads crying about medic months back?
Bro I will LITERALLY suck your dick
You spelled "amazing posts" wrong!
Also I love negative attention and I don't know why
Was such a good counter and tear producer, it got nerfed into oblivion.
Having a friend pocket heal you made you almost unkillable
This is the brain of an open player
The only reason b4nny wins is because no one else cares to play the game enough
sets were p2w shit and you know it, no matter how fun they needed to be gone
>He paid for a hat
I miss old axetinguisher + Degreaser + flare gun.
compfags tears were amazing back there
>cannot be killed by backstabs
>also cannot be killed by headshots
What the FUCK were they thinking?
fuck 6s
fuck highlander
prolander is the only interesting comp format and it took too long to actually happen
>cannot be killed by backstabs
what is prolander
>I need sets to counter other snipers
I play without sound because it helps me focus.
How can you focus when spies are fuckin everywhere
i run long time
>Decloaks behind you with dead ringer
I do the "jump+quick twitch behind me and back" technique.
no spies in the skies user
7v7 with a class limit of 1 for all classes.
>inadvertently crockets you while rocket jumping away
>Airshot headshots you with the ambassador after surviving the crit with an ubercharge from your own medic
This is the first cosmetic I've seen in a long time that I would actually wear.
>shoots you dead with revolver
Im not so nice enough to backstab you fucking dumbass.
>survives your headshot because I popped Batallion's Backup in midair thanks to the crit damage filling up my rage meter
>spy decloaks behind me and annihilate him
>try to be a bro for once and type "i can hear you decloaking dude"
>nigga goes on a rampage in chat
>"plat lft" sniper with 20+ killstreak
>gets autobalanced
Imagine being this retarded. It's about preventing stalemates.
>yfw there will come a day that the final tf2 match is played
>you load up ctf_2fort for old time's sake, just to reminisce on the good times you spent on there
>you close your eyes as you can still see the memories faintly encapsulate the insides of your eyelids - all the humorous killcams, all the times you were autobalanced right before you were about to cap the point on pl_upward, the overused binds that people would spam when the match was over, the many conga lines that were started during pre-game, that one time you wiped out 7 people with a crocket on cp_dustbowl, it's all the ghosts of decades past now
>you can even hear the many sounds of tf2 - the micspam, Scout's death scream, the hit sound from the first time you killed an enemy you weren't even aiming at
>the feeling is so good that it makes your heart ache
>sitting back, you begin to digest the fact that you've been sitting in an empty server this whole time
>no one else is going to join you
>those days are long gone
>you put on to feel better
>it doesn't help you fight the tears forming in your eyes
>you disconnect for the final time
I'll never stop playing TF2
*ruins your Sniper*
TF2 has survived for more than a decade on nothing but its gameplay and character. It's never gonna die, lad.
*ruins your spy*
>Surfs off a demoman's sticky (While still ubered) and flies up into the air to backstab you
*ruins your pyro*
If my last game of TF2 is on fucking 2fort pull me out of hell please
I would literally sell my fucking soul to the devil to become a fragging machine and only play TF2 for the rest of eternity
*activates trap card*
>pulls out whip and k-thwacks you with its extended melee range and 100% crit potential before you can backstab me
The conga lines are not part of my happy memories. I don't know why I play this goddamned game anymore, I hate 80% of the players I interact with.
>While still ubered
Reading comprehension
You have lost the imaginary MGE, my friend
See you in 10 seconds when you respawn
cross over event when
What weapon in TF2 makes you think, "Wow, this shit is broken"
the default sniper rifle
Direct Hit is basically a shotgun primary
where do you get your pauling porn?
Third degree is an actual literal straight upgrade.
And yet it's still total garbage that nobody uses.
Given the number math, demoman would honestly obliterate most of the OW cast by himself, and Scout would would put flankers like Genji and reaper to shame
And then there's multiple abilities of specific top pick heroes who just get straight up outclasses, like genji's deflect and Lucio's boop just being pyro airblast on a cooldown without the ability to push enemies/reflect projectiles respectively and Engineer just shitting on both Torbjorn and Symmetra
Not to mention the massive tank health pools being basically worthless against Spy and Ubercharge straight up denying all of the ultimates in the game and outclassing every support ultimate while charging faster than most of them and much faster than any relevant team wiping ones like Graviton Surge or Nanoblade AND being amazing for pushing since you can basically ignore bastion bunkers and walk right through them
Soda popper is straight upgrade over stock damage-wise, makes no goddamn sense. Thank fuck they took the crits away but unlimited jump works is still good on top of the damage.
The Diamondback is the most broken weapon in the entire game.
shit is just anti-fun to fight as any class.
Diamond back. Nothing as annoying as seeing a disguised spy, shooting him from afar to tell him to git, and then he snaps 102 damage from 30 feet away without any indication beforehand that he had crits.
>complaining about a weapon with no random crits
you guys are sad
I don't get why people are shitting on that gun, it just seems normal if anything.
I'm more concerned with the Tomislav in comparison, that thing is kinda OP for what it is.
I like fighting Natasha Heavies as Heavy because Stock wrecks them
He only ruins your casual match if you're absolute dogshit.
t. sniper main
Top tier snipers are extremely frustrating to play against, just shutting down whole areas of the map solo. God help you if they have a competent team.
Are there any games that have fun to play against snipers without making them useless?
Why bitch about snipers when it's literally the hardest class to be good with
The Escape Plan
The only right answer.
red orchestra
>Go out of his line of sight
>Bomb the fucker from above while he's scoped in
Wow, that sure was hard
“The Pauling stalker” loadout
>It's feels harder than rocket jumping)
you must be terrible at rocket jumping
any arma game because everyone's technically a sniper
>saves your game
any of the invisiwatches because they dont make any sound for me anymore unless im the one cloaking/de-cloaking
is there some sort of trick i dont know about that somehow mute's a spy decloak? i dont recall this ever being a problem before 2016
99.99% of snipers are terrible, there's probably been one good sniper i've seen in casual this year.
Tomislav is one of those unforgivable weapons that with its current stats makes the stock useless. Simply having no spin up noise, entirely eliminating part of the skill involved in using the class, is awful design
>aiming is not a skill now
I guess that explains why theres so many sniper mains these days.
Adding Iron Bomber for similar reasons
Why Iron Bomber?
Granted i know it can practically 2 hit a heavy.
But why specifically?
>that's not hard to arrange
>"Somebody please go [demo / medic] so we can take out that nest"
>"Fuck off"
every game
Literally THE ONLY cosmetic that looks good with the Snow Scoper.
Scattergun. Why does it do so much fucking damage? Whose idea was it to give the fastest class in the game a gun that can 2 shot most classes with minimal aiming required?
Same damage as stock while removing the rolling of pills and changing them to spheres. Similar to the tomislav, it completely removes part of the skill in using the grenade launcher, while not having enough downsides to offset it. Literal EZ Grenade Launcher
I would say losing rollers is a pretty big downside. It really nerfs your spam.
I still use Grenade Launcher because I prefer that too, but the lack of rolling is more beneficial in general. There’s a reason most players use the Iron Bomber now and that’s because it’s consistent while the stock is more situational at this point
Crossbow. All your teammates basically expect you to have it equipped at this point
sticky jumper
I just jerked off to her rule34 today. A lot of good animations out there
It lets you have more control over where your spam "rollers" land and eventually detonate. That's the intentional benefit of the weapon.
Aiming with a minigun does not take skill, no.
Are you thinking of the Iron Bomber or the Loch n Load?
He's talking about the Iron Bomber.
>good animations
stop lying there are non, its all shit.
If you're literally just firing wildly and hoping for the best then sure, otherwise having your grenades not roll away from your target is always better.