>1 week
1 week
sonyfags btfo
Allies are trannies lololol
yeah bro, I play a night elf female hunter because she's hot and has nice animations. Wait, you play a human male?
>playing anything but human and Nelf
It's a roleplaying gaming, not everyone with a female avatar wants to be a women in real life
Nobody socially well-adjusted and sane is so obsessed over the choice of gender someone plays in an MMO.
I understand you're most likely a milquetoast underage based on your use of Wojack and trite tranny jokes, so you might be a little insecure about your masculinity as you find your place in the world. However, you have no need to worry, for playing a female character DOES not make you a tranny and playing a male character doesn't make you a ""chad"" (joke word that's been ruined and now used by people desperate to fit in and seek approval). It's fucking World of Warcraft, get over yourself and just fucking play the game.
Eat shit, bitch.
I read this whole post in Mike West's "Fox McCloud" voice.
I have never, ever met a woman who wanted to self-insert as a gnome or dwarf.
>I have never, ever met a woman who wanted to self-insert as a gnome
youve literally never played alliance then. half the female population in alliance played gnomes before BC
Gonna blast rope to some Tauren, thanks for the tip OP
Male Tauren Shaman for me lads
Based McCloud
This post is pure fiction.
ok lil zoom
all female and tranny wow player i see is uglier than sin
Women are blood elves or night elves like 90% of the time
My Asian ex did.
You seem to be quite obsessed with trannies.
pre BC you esl tardo
>night elves were introduced in BC
>but half the stuff i said is true!
>meeting women
pick one
>played the stress test
>tanked VC as a lvl 15 druid
>healer was a female dwarf paladin
>added her on bnet cause she was so good
A good female player is hard to come by, but bring a druid chad brings them all out
literally dilating right now