Shitty overrated garbage. Gunplay is boring as fuck, story is some pseudo-intellectual uninteresting shit...

Shitty overrated garbage. Gunplay is boring as fuck, story is some pseudo-intellectual uninteresting shit, full of bugs and the graphics look like the game was made for the Gamecube. Fuck this game

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>pseudo intellectual
imagine not understanding a straightforward plot that gets spelled out for you.

>no mods

you're right, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

but did you have fun

Hey user, what did you do today?

Alright, fair enough.

Sure kiddo

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How many threads will the fallout 3 apologist make before he understands that nobody believes a single word of what he's saying?

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git gud noob

Imagine not understanding what pseudo-intellectual means.

This doesn't even scratch the surface of what makes this game a bad game.

Here is your courtesy reply and mandated (you) so you can feel like your opinion is something of value.

How is the story pseudo intelectual? Haha this is the first time i hear someone call this game that. And from experience i can say that everyone that uses that insult doesn't even know how to define it. So, how is it pseudo intellectual my friend?

>muh gunplay

The only way it could be psudo intellectual is if you had psudo brain incapable of following a very fucking simple story.

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Kill yourself the world will get a bit better...

Why are people using 6th gen consoles as an insult in graphics? Most of its classic games still look great outside of the low resolution

Imagine nobody on this board getting it right.

Noun. pseudointellectual (plural pseudointellectuals) A person who claims proficiency in scholarly or artistic activities while lacking in-depth knowledge or critical understanding. A person who pretends to be of greater intelligence than he or she in fact is.

even without mods NV is a great game. OP is just a stupid nigger.

>gunplay is bad
>in a FPS/TPS game
sounds like a problem to me

agreed but i still love it

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>use word as an adjective
>define it as a noun
big think

kys looser


I would assume that's because when OP goes to New Vegas thread to whine, he always see anons discussing about politics of New Vegas and shit. And then he just assumed (as he never played New Vegas) that the story is "pseudointellectual".

Best song. Best radio of all the fallouts. Fallout 4's radio was the worst one.

well i guess this thread will attract FO players so, should i play 3 and/or NV? i heard gameplay is quite bad, what should i mod them if i want to have an vanilla experience without tedious stuff?

>Best song
The town of Agua Fria would like to have a word with you.


I got this game for my dad for his birthday he has not played vidya since 1997.

He loved it.Thinks its great.He can't believe vidya has come this far.

3 for better exploration, nv for better story/quests/rp. Use >>>reddit modding guide.

>3 for better exploration
hot take

3's subways ruin it

New vegas is the only first person fallout game worth playing the others are just more oblivion tier dogshite

I love the ending slides but also hate them. I also hate how karma has an effect on what slides I get for the DLCs.

3 for more "hollywood film" story, and the feeling of exploring an absolute wasteland that just got destroyed by nuclear war (even though it's 200 years after the war) and you have to save the world kind of thing.
NV for more crpg style story and the feeling of exploring a wasteland where people started building civilization back after the nuclear war, while you gets involved in the middle of a power struggle.
Gameplay for both is pretty much the same, really.

>gameplay pretty much the same
save for the dialogue based skill checks in 3

it's great, but I feel it's overrated only in the sense that try hard 'zoomers' who have never played a decent rpg in their life put it on this absurd pedestal and worship it endlessly. the one thing I have noticed about so many people who love nv is how little they have played earlier fallout games, or crpgs in general.

saw someone recently on this board claim Dead Money was perfected survival horror. obviously not everyone who like this game is like this, I am really only speaking of a very very loud and large minority.

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You mean the RNG checks, right?
>retard gets baited
Yeah bro, I'm sure those people seriously believed that and weren't trying to get retards like (you) to respond to them.

Setpieces with no flow: The game

Yeah, rather than hard threshold checks like in NV.

>baited into responding
Yeah because when you respond you lose internetz and they win internetz.

I sure recall him arguing his case, and I never responded, just witnessed it.

this is what I'm talking about, people get very angry and defensive even if you reassure them it's still a great game.

Blow it out your ass.

i'll try 3 then, what mods do you recommend for a vanilla experience with some qol, do this games have something like an unofficial patch similar to TES?

The word "intellectual" is both an adjective and a noun, you big bitch

Of course the people that are sane enough realize the game has tons, tons of flaws. But even then, I think a lot of people like NV because it managed to improve 3's formula. People played 3 and thought the "Oblivion with guns" thing had potential, but stuff like the generic action movie plot and unable to choose sides made them disappointed. NV made everything more "RPG-like" and that's probably one of the reasons why a lot of people remember it more fondly than 3.
For first playthrough, go vanilla. Maybe if you need bug fixing mods you can install those.

You shouldn't use mods on a first playthrough, it will impact your reaction and analysis of it.

>fallout 3

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ohnoes, interwebz iz srs bsns!!!1!1!! die teen
I've seen people argue that the metros in Fallout 3 were good, doesn't mean they actually believed it.
I don't remember for 3 but for NV you needed a mod to get rid of ash and goo piles or they would persist forever and ruin your save so look for that. Also in NV autosaves/quicksaves eventually corrupted your save so check and see if it's the same in 3.

you cant sprint and jump in skyrim.

Shit I guess I didn't have 100+ hours of fun in this game.

The gunplay is sub par tho, and I love New Vegas.


Shiggy, energy weapons+melee, or stealth+explosives. Guns are for plebs.

Grab FOOK for Fallout 3.

Fallout 3 is every way shape and form a worse New Vegas. The gunplay is slightly worse, which is saying a lot because NV already has bad gunplay. Rpg mechanics are more downplayed in some aspects and you become broken so incredibly fast that before you get through your training wheels phase you're already Jesus.

Not to mention the bland wasteland full of a whole lot of nothing. Bad quests, awful writing, worse animations. It's literally just a worse NV.

Imagine thinking there’s even an attempt at any intellectuality in the game. Get cultured, based retard. You don’t learn philosophy from video games.

i don't mean game changing mods, mostly bug fixes and maybe some improvements on the minor stuff

thanks, will check those errors you mentioned

>Energy weapons
What a fucking poofta. I hope you microwave your basedbean dna with weapons that dont function properly at all.

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If you're OP complaining about FO3 having bugs, bad gunplay and being generally shit then playing FO3 is just going to make you even more upset. I'd just go play FO4 if I were you.

You have to invest a lot of effort into getting FNV to run stable and then mod the fuck out of it to make it fun. In that sense it's just the same as any Bethesda game. (Yes I know Obsidian "made" it but they used FO3's cookie cutter to do so.)

IMO FNV is just an FO3 mod overhaul with more fetch quests and some crafting scripts. It's a lot more playable but not worth re-growing your virginity over.

I never had any issues with them on my laptop or desktop.

I think the bugs are up to chance(mostly) and the only way to tell if you need bug fixes would be to play the game, see if its fucking up, then patch it up.

>with weapons that dont function properly at all.
What do you mean? They function better than all the guns in NV. Most of them are hitscan or have such fast projectiles they feel hitscan.

With guns you pretty much need at least 2 different ammo types for every gun and rarity is a problem depending on the gun. There are many places for bulk energy weapons ammo and using science you can convert batteries into ammo which are fairly easy to come by.

So many options too.


>Actually reccomending Fallout 4
>FNV is more F3
Do not trust this man

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I hate the energy weapons of fallout because
1)They are all fucking hideous
2)None of them function like they should

>2)None of them function like they should
Elaborate you fucking ape this is the second time I've asked you.

>not liking the designs
Fair enough I guess, all the ones in my pic here kinda look like cheap chinese plastic. But do you really hate all the designs in NV? I think the laser pistol looks pretty alright. Plasma Defender looks nice. The q35 unique plasma rifle always looked slick to me too.

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