It's fucking over Yea Forumsros, DA4 is DOA.
Press F to pay respects.
Pic unrelated.
It's fucking over Yea Forumsros, DA4 is DOA.
Press F to pay respects.
Pic unrelated.
Mass Effect 3 was still a good game and had a satisfactory ending. Prove me wrong.
I kid.
Fernando Melo, the lead producer on Dragon Age 4, has left BioWare after 12 years with the studio.
"Today was my last day at BioWare," said Melo via Twitter. "After 12 years, that's a heck of a lot of feels. :) Tonight I got to write my name up at our local pub, alongside many other amazing peers over the years, and it reminded me of a lot of folks no longer here that I miss dearly."
There are a couple of things worth noting about this departure. First off, Melo was also the producer of Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2, which means that he was seemingly one of the most notable Dragon Age veterans involved with the development of Dragon Age 4. Now, it's not entirely clear how many Dragon Age veterans remain on the current Dragon Age 4 development team.
For that matter, it's still not entirely clear what we should make of Dragon Age 4 in the first place. BioWare hasn't shared much official information about the project since releasing that brief teaser trailer for the long-awaited sequel. It's certainly not a good look when departures such as this are all we really get to hear about the game.
The end of an era. Hold me Yea Forums I cant take this ;_;
Why the fuck can’t we get a good, new studio that focuses on RPG’s like BioWare? It’s all the same dribble, games as a service, rape your credit card cancer.
Hopefully this means DA4 can at least be entertainingly bad like DA2 instead of just mediocre.
By today's standards Mass Effect 3 is a masterpiece.
Well, guess I can kiss DA4 goodbye.
It's a good thing user. Most of the talent has left and you knew DA4 was going to be trash.
Go woke go broke.
All the RPG studios got snatched up and it's difficult to start a AAA game studio without millions of dollars
goddamnit i was drinking...
Just enjoy the flames. Let this kill the studio and put incompetent yuppies out of the job. Hope it hurts EA's stock again.
Has NieR outsold Mass Effect Andromeda? Who the hell would think 2B could really sell 4 fucking million copies today?
New TORtanic incoming?
name or instagram please? broad is fucking fine
google is only showing results from pol and this thread. who is this bitch? and on the topic of unidentifiable hot blondes who is pic related? had it saved for a while and never have been able to find a name
nah, that'll be death stranding.
Why are you acting like this is news? Everyone knows Bioware has been a shambling zombie for fucking years at this point and that Anthem was their swan song, it's not at all surprising considering how shit that game was
Why would I ever respect a non Nintendo associated dev?
I mourned Square when they released FFVII and began their downward spiral. I mourned Konami releasing MGS for Playstation and not N64, which resulted in MGS2 and the gradual decline of Konami as a brand. I hated Capcom for consistently fucking over Nintendo fans for no reason, with stunts like making the Capcom 5 multiplat or making ports of twenty year old games more expensive than collections that include that very same game.
Bioware though? It is and always was complete trash. Mass Effect was shit.
Jokes aside, Square Enix has redeemed themselves in the past few years. Final Fantasy XIV was great, and the Final fantasy remake didn't kowtow to the tumblrinas and reduce Tifa's cup size. (Even though the memes say they did) It's not true. Her breasts are exactly the same size as before.
god damnit someone please post this broads name
>Square has redeemed themselves
Lmao no. FFXV was a disaster.
I only got me3 for the multiplayer which was way better than the sp shit show.
Only after it all burns down can something better take its place.
Bioware? More like NEVERWARE
Tifa is a filthy thot for wearing a skirt that stops above the knee
Bioware died after DAO. Who cares?
No they haven't. The people in control of the mainline games are still a bunch of fuck ups. 15 was a joke and Nomura is still a hack. Why they don't give Chiba control boggles my mind.
Those games sucked balls
Bioware hasn't made anything good since the first Knights of the old republic. and maybe the first mass effect. Trash company.
I'm too old to discern if this is normal kid behavior or if these are downies doing downie stuff or something.
I think they're doing Fortnite poses?
spotted the zoomers right here.
Thank god. Dragon Age is fucking garbage.
sex doll since the only reason the me3 girl is independent is because nobody wants to fuck it
BIG changes coming about
how can they make a new tortanic when they'll never release another game
Shes from Andromeda, but whatever.
That makes it WORSE
Wrong thread?
-------------------------------------(rine ends here)
When is anthem even releasing?
actuary it ends here _______________________________
Must suck to be one of the last guys out the gate. Surrounded by interns who don't know what respect is, bossed by people trying to run the project into the ground. Surprised it took this long.
polinv on instagram. took me 10 seconds
why would they have to leave if anthem was a major success?