Remember how angry this made everyone and now everyone is okay with it? I remember

Remember how angry this made everyone and now everyone is okay with it? I remember

Attached: 196594.jpg (620x350, 70K)

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"Okay" is a strong word. More "resigned" is how I'd say the overall attitude towards DLC is.

>everyone is okay with it

That's a lie. Is your first name Todd by any chance?

You desperately need to get laid, dude.

I wasn't that angry about horse armor.
I bought it

that horse looks badass, why would people be mad at it?

You're fucking pathetic and lazy. You should probably kill yourself you waste of space.

How much was it? I’ve never played whatever game that is but I do remember people being upset about stuff and things

Bethesda have innovated DLC with every new game
Oblivion: DLC invented
Skyrim: DLC perfected, paid mods invented
Fallout 4: Paid mods perfected

This is all your fault user.

I would say most accept it, not to mention zoomers grew up with it and only play service games so they don't know anything else

ever heard about paid mods? or bethesda creation club?

it was a shitty cosmetic meme dlc and now that is exactly a whole shop and service.

I wasn't born yet

$2.50. Later they raised it to $5. They of course defended it by saying
>These are optional things, not requirements, so if you don’t want to get them you don’t have to

____________same bruh______________

I'm fairly apathetic towards the AAA gaming industry as a whole. Money speaks and enough whales told the industry that this business practice was ok.
At least i find joy in indie games.

>conveniently leaves out the game who's first DLC pack crashed consoles for 2 days

"okay" is about as passive a word as there is in the english language, you molt

Nobody is okay with it.

Uhh... *checks notes* Sonic World 3D?

I still remember the timed downloadable sequels to games like Fire Emblem, Chrono Trigger, and Zelda: Link to the Past for the Japanese Super Famicom. I also remember entire arcade cabinets having to be switched out just for patches and bugfixes.

Anyone who didn't predict that patching and paid DLC downloaded over the Internet wouldn't take off the second Joe Sixpack discovered the World Wide Web wasn't paying attention.

This right here is the exact moment modern gaming died. I will never be ok with it.

>IGN: Um... how much horse armor did you sell?
>Todd: Look, people will buy anything. They will buy anything.

Attached: Todd.png (900x900, 430K)

It's interesting, living long enough to watch the Overton window shift in action.

Attached: My Post.jpg (1200x670, 82K)

>Heir said he’s seen people spend $15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards
15k from one fucking person. That's why companies only make multiplayer shit now


>how angry everyone was
A handful of people and the majority of "game journalists" who need to justify their existence by turning everything into a disaster.

That armor DLC became a standard in the industry because it sold so well. That means there were more people who gave no shits than those who did.

Dont blame developers for shitty content, blame shitty consumers.

At least it was tied to a quest.
Nowadays it would just be in your inventory from the start.

But then again the implementation Bethesda used was retarded as well, since the note just magically appears in your head telling you you should go and visit that female Orc who handles the stables.

>That means there were more people who gave no shits than those who did
It's the whales that drives the market.

I remember looking at this on the Xbox 360 store or whatever and wondering who would buy this shit

pirating that shit was the easiest ever due to the .esb modding system.

>Every April Fools day we would do a DLC sale for Oblivion and double the price of Horse Armor.
>And it sells more than everything. 'Cause people are in on the joke.

This shit it's nothing in comparison with what Assasins Creed 2 did, they literally chopped a part of the story to sell it later as a DLC, yes the first game that did that was Assasins Creed 2

and now you buy 30 dlc skins every year

I unironically purchased the horseback armor because of shiny

Not on a $15 DLC.

Whales drive cash shops, the next step in shitty business practices. Cheap DLC like this needs masses of people not whales.

Horse armor was one of the most successful things they did financially, so obviously lots of people purchased it.

you don’t have to participate

t. poorfag