Hey user need a ride?

Hey user need a ride?

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Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Ah. Uhh eh

If you know the way to a better game, yeah.

Serious question here, why DID he offer Joker a ride? Was he just that confident he would decline? Guy seemed pretty genuine there.

there is literally nothing wrong with rape

Is this image flipped? His steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car.

Yeah, and can we stop for milk and detergent? Thanks bro.


because he's not an asshole. Haven't you ever looked at another male and realized that he's absolutely no threat to you? Kamoshida was going to drop off Joker and then have his way with Anne the slut, it's not that hard to figure out.

Take me to flavour town.

I have no idea

Itd be kind of unusual for him to offer a ride to only one student in a group. It was a cover to make sure no one questioned him. Rapists and sociopaths regularly manipulate people like this.



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>Was he just that confident he would decline?

Yes ,because he is alpha as fuck. Did you miss the sneer he gave afterwards?

Sure teach, hey you wanna spitroast Shiho again?

Did he know that he was offering the delinquent transfer student a ride?

I only respond to "Get in" now.

He offered Ann a ride.

A ride on his schlong

Ignore everyone else, he clearly did it to hoodwink Japanese congestion tariffs.

Lads I'm in love with Makoto.

I'm brainlet. Pls explain

I’m playing through Persona 5 now all of the villains so far seem like a downgrade from Kamoshida. I just made it to Okumura’s Palace

Probably? He at least knew he was giving a ride to a school he is a teacher of to a new kid(not that he knows the faces of every student in the school)

And then said "and how's about you?" or something similar while looking at Joker.

The writing never quite reaches the same high again, but Okumura is the worst the game has to offer in terms of Palace design. The casino is top tier.

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That's what everyone felt. It blew its load in the first arc. None of them capture the rawness of the villain like with Kamoshida.

It's basically because both the consequences and the acts themselves are personal and directly witnessed. It is somewhat hard to personally appreciate the horror of art plagarism against characters you've never met and one guy who is fucking weird. It is difficult to truly feel the impact of loan sharking, especially when its victims are only ever depicted as ATM machines. You never really get to know anyone suffering under the peril of such consequence.

It gets a bit, a BIT closer in Okumura's palace. Events there do at least directly affect a party member. Compare and contrast with, and only because its a good example in this case: Persona 4, where each conflict and boss of a dungeon is directly related to personal events, and the consequences of such peril are immediately apparent and demonstrable. I mean Kanji was nearly gay! How does that compare to knowing someone somewhere in Japan is going to have their legs broken because of yakuza debt?

He has to maintain his cover as a popular teacher. He has to pretend to be friendly. If hes seen just giving rides to female students exclusively, when the shit hits the fan that will become extremely questionable.

It’s definitely aggravating any tips? It seems like I’m burning so much SP and I’ve only reached the first safe room.

dumb ass nigger just by the SP adhesive

persona 5 is literally the easiest game in the whole series

okumura is the worst part of the game but the best part is right after

Why is there no dialogue to make the power play and get in the car?

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Why was Shido such a letdown? He wasn't smart, cunning, nor strong, but the game wants you to believe he was capable of masterminding all the evil events.

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>left side driving

I unironically want Kamoshida in P5 Arena

all of the villians are taken directly from actual people in japan, this is why the game makes you sign a fucking waiver at the start so atlus doesn't get sued

"rapist and general asshole teacher" is just something that generally inspires more anger than the more white collar criminals the rest of the game has and is also one that the writers can give more focus on since the game is about high schoolers so you get to be really intimate with kamoshida in a way you can't be with the high society types

Sociopaths are not smooth

Sure bro, just drop me off at the nearest shin megami tensei, seems I got lost in this dating sim.

Aah yeah sorry I didn't play P5 so I had no idea, makes sense.
Also I have aspd and love hearing people compliment "our manipulation "tactics".

I unironically want more Kamoshida doujins.

depends on their iq

>dark maze that has nothing to do with the gambling theme
>shitty colosseum fight
>most the fighting takes place in the casino backroom with copy paste assets and generic hallways

The best palace was the boat if you ignore the rat bullshit.

Alright then bitch

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>No bad ending where you become bros with big dick kamoshida and tag team ann

Day after day

Wow! Can I sit in the front row tonight at the Late Show too?

heh, no way fag

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Hey kamoshida
I'm gonna need those keys right now

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They can be or they can be a retard but no matter how intelligent they are there are cracks in the facade that are obvious. Kamoshida isnt a particularly fantastic portrayal of a sociopath but his offering joker a ride makes sense. Hes pretending to be nice to avoid suspicion. It's an anime rpg not something like the terror where they make significant effort in characterizing a high functioning sociopath.

why did he pull up driving from the passenger seat?

Not so. The only people who you can actually identify as a sociopath are the ones who aren't smooth. A good sociopath is a Chinese Room. They know the things to say and do in response to a given conversation or situation, but they don't actually understand the meaning behind those things for the most part.

Not so fast, asshole

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Why is Okumura portrayed as a villain?
>hurr he tries to maximize his profits
His employees are free to work somewhere else

>tfw want to learn bokator but it's literally impossible

He literally ordered hits on people.

but they were free to not get assassinated goy :)

>Kamoshida was going to drop off Joker and then have his way with Anne the slut

If they're intelligent they do understand but they don't experience it.

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Drivers seat is on the wrong side, dumbass

>all of the villians are taken directly from actual people in japan

every persona game makes you sign the waver

Im ready to main Akechi in the new fighting game

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in first world country, driver seats are on the right side

I wasn't a big fan of the cast except Yusuke but he didn't do anything much. He was just the voice of reason.


He was simultaneously the comic relief and the voice of reason.

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They really need to cut down on the cast in P6. I don't think they'll fix any of my gripes over the cast in P5R.

Did they say theyre re-writing parts or is it just base game + extra content?

Goro getting a manual confidant confirms they’re re-writing the original game.

They've stated that the base story is the same, but trailers have hinted other. We know the new girl is getting involved at the Casino which is already a big change even if her saving Joker ends in failure.

>go into the game expecting him to be my least favorite character
>ends up being the best, by far
Yusuke's /ourguy/ along with Mishima

Mishima is just a loser orbiter, Yusuke is actually fun to be around.

If they don't cut down the cast, they really need to introduce 2 party members per dungeon in P6. Have everyone available by the third dungeon. I hate getting people near the end in every Persona game, who I just don't end up using

Mishima is just grounded in realism. That's why I like him. He's the most realistic character in the game, acting exactly how the average person would

I wouldn't say that would be the case. They could just add bonus scenes and get rid of his confidant.

I just want to know if they'll actually rewrite and change the plot a bit or if they'll just copy and paste the base game and add lines which the character will be like "oh hey remember that girl from that field trip? Who was that?"

Before release, I thought Yusuke was gonna be the final member and any more would fuck up establishing a group dynamic.
I really wish the three waifu baits revealed towards launch didn't exist.

>He's the most realistic character in the game, acting exactly how the average person would
If you're a pathetic loser sure, not everyone would think they were king shit of fuck mountain and start trying to harass people over it.

I think they're fine but it would've been better if they weren't part of the main team.

Just scouting and planning stuff out. Helping out the PT in the real world while they're fucking shit up in the palace like in Madarame's dungeon. until they actually awaken during Shido.

>Kamoshida isnt a particularly fantastic portrayal of a sociopath
Because he isn't one.

P5 peaks at hour 7 of 120.

The writing's fucking awful and they failed to actually establish piss about Jason Statham despite having dozens of hours to do so.

It's not a good mentality, obviously, but yes. Most people WOULD actually act like that

I don't remember one in P4, and I played P4 directly before P5

They're rewriting it to some degree, but it's going to keep the same skeleton, which is a huge problem.

Switch Ann and Morgana out for Futaba and Haru, stop adding characters at Yusuke.
The cast dynamic is now absolutely perfect.


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Why do people hate Ryuji?

he's stupid

everything that makes him likeable is locked behind his social link while the main story solely presents him as loud and obnoxious

he's the obnoxious delinquent character but he's not that bad

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