Wtf bros, I'm 6 hours into my first playthrough of Breath of the Wild on pc

Wtf bros, I'm 6 hours into my first playthrough of Breath of the Wild on pc.

Why didn't you tell me how epic this game was, it is the most comfy game I ever have played.

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Other urls found in this thread:


why aren't you linkle fag?
only good thing about this shit game is the mods

but user I've been telling you for months

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2018.06.07 - (1920x1080, 3.91M)

The combat is really basic and half of the game is solving shrines which are not fun. Bonus points if it's a boss battle shrine, because then you have the worst thing you could ever have in a game.

imagine playing and enjoying a nintendo game

the combat has the most depth out of any modern open world game

Have you been living under a rock since 2017? The Wii U version has even been playable on CEMU like a week after launch.

>be me
>be a snoy/pc gamer
>2 years ago emulated BotW
>loved it
>for some retarded reason, BotW is the only game that runs well on emulators
>bought a switch
>been using it almost daily
>ps4 gathering dust
unironically, next gen i'm skipping sony's console unless they support it with more games

Always do the opposite of what Yea Forums tells you to do. Yea Forums has terrible taste.

eh it was more like 6 months after launch when it was actually stable

>60 fps BOTW on PC
holy fuck

That's not a competition. It's squarely in line with Bethesda's senile combat design.


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You uhh..... gonna buy it on the switch or Wii-u then? If it's a good game then you should support the company that made it soooooo

Shut up user, you can't find games fun.
Anyway, dont be afraid of using weapons. They break, yes, but there is always an enemy around with one. Late ingame it will be a non-issue. [\spoiler]

>wanting to be the female
Why do men do this?

it honestly does look pretty amazing on CEMU

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Having a sex drive

Because I want to be a pretty girl, but instead I'm Malding and have hair everywhere but my head.

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I 'ate mods.

I never opened a tendo thread, ever.

Me thinks, I'll need tae pick up Switch for BotW2.

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Why would you not want to be the more appealing gender? Just don't try to do it in real life because that is fucking insane

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>solving shrines aren't fun
Speak for yourself, faggot. Combat is also fine but it doesn't matter because it's primarily an adventure game, which it does exceptionally well.

Good for you bro. I personally couldn't get into it. Then again I find shit like Stalker comfy so whatever.

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it's significantly better than TES combat

>unironically being a faggot
fuck off back to /lgbt/ tranny

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Are you that same autist that posts screen shots in the comfy switch threads all the time?

We did tell you, but we were drowned out by contrarian faggots who hate videogames. Otherwise known as typical Yea Forums users.

is it free to try this game on the emulator or do u have to pay?

>Having a sex drive means cutting off your dick and becoming female

>I never opened a tendo thread, ever.
You should have noticed the volume of rage threads about this game. Whenever Yea Forums seethes over a console exclusive, you know it has to be gold.

Then jerk off to porn and stop pretending to be a women tranny.

botw is a shitty game that you can play for hours, similar to skyrim but without the mods.

we are not homo

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why do men(males) think this kind of degeneracy is okay. sad.

>typical Yea Forums users
Except they're not. I refuse to believe they're not cast-offs or trolls from reddit or pedoera trying to make Yea Forums look like a wretched place.

You have to pay unfortunately.
However, I can cut you a deal, I will PM you my bankaccountnummer: and you can play for half price.

I never post in comfy switch threads, so if you see any of my images there then it's not me posting them (as I know people have reposting my screenshots before)

t. gayboy

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If you're fine with pirating the game, why would you have a problem with pirating the emulator?

Look up the archives from 2007. Yea Forums was always like this.

I'm the opposite of that.

>but we were drowned out by contrarian faggots who hate videogames.
>p-pls don't call my overrated game overrated
lmao grow a fucking spine cuck.

Stop projecting

More likely /pol/ tourists pushing out to other boards given the constant unending stream of trannyposting.
I'm sure they get bored in their cancerous cesspool, so they shit up the other boards.

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is that why you enjoy playing as a twink instead of a cute girl

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My only complaint is that I'm not a fan of the motion memes.

She (?) cute

Is there a guide to hacking my WiiU? I wanna play this and Fatal Frame.

>It's another retard whining about muh bogermans
Or maybe it's because the games a console exclusive so retards will fight about it all the time as part of their consolewar pissing matches.

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Why would pol hate on BOTW?

I agree that it's overrated, but as a result people only ever point out the problems with it, thinking that they're the one clever person in the room who has figured out that the game isn't perfect. So people who haven't played the game only hear the negative shit and think the game is bad.
And then despite not playing the game they repeat claims that the game is bad to others because they're sheep.

No idea. If you have a decent pc, download Cemu and play it on that.

Why would /pol/tards hate BoTW?

>used to be able to play it as smooth 25 FPS
>recent version of cemu only plays it at 7-9 no matter what i do

What the fuck is this shit. They removed the cemuhook. Why?

Because of the crossdressing.
Also hating things is /pol/'s default state of being.

Sadly, I don’t. I have a 2011 netbook that can play the latest game from the early 2000s, but no later than 2005.

It was okay. The weapon degredation sucked though.

Because Yea Forums is full of trannies and faggots that project by hating trannies and faggots.

Yea Forums pretends to hate this game

Tranny character.

wrong. weapon degradation is fine. Master it you pussy

/pol/tards only hate that kinda stuff when Westerners do it, not when muh baste Japan does it.

Yea Forums here, emulated it, played it for a bit and got bored, uninstalled it.

Never listen to extreme views of big games from Yea Forumsirgins.

>still no high def webms
Are you guys trying to trick me again?

I don't have a problem with that since I'm constantly getting new weapons.

I'm getting locked 144fps on 1440p upscaled resolution with ultra quality mods. It runs like a charm, too bad it's shit.

Sorry you fell for the BOTW sucks meme.

Remember, always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says.

You may be right. I've seen people like that shitting up /d/. They'll go into trap threads on /d/ and cry about trannies while simultaneously posting good trap porn.
The hypocrisy is staggering.

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Yep, it's one of the greatest games ever created. Reminiscent of Zelda 1, with no hand holding NPC's and freedom to discover the world openly and infinitely

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Can you scan amiibos in with the emulated version?
I wanted to do the DLC stuff on Switch but fuck paying 20$ when BoTW 2 is on the horizon.

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Only when it shows them as degenerates like with those two fags who practically try to molest one of the characters in that persona movie game.

Yea Forums and /g/ both have this problem. self hatred is never a good thing

It's only hypocrisy if you think 2D = 3D.

it's comfy, then it gets pretty boring and repetitive.

you can download them and use them in-game with the Cemu NFC option


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This, go play last of us goyim, Yea Forums told you it's bad so it must be good.

How do different clothes work for Linkle?
Are they as HQ as her model?

Game is fucking shit

4 u.

post specs, piratebros
I need to build a pc like yours

CEMU is a pee u emulator

where is the switch one?

isn't botw just skyrim for nintendo?

some are older than others, the modder got better as he went along

Attached: Cemu 2018-05-28 01-47-39-68.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

an other day, an other gay

Not really. It isn't made by the skyrim devs for starters. It also isn't made by a hack. It also isn't western shit, any Japanese dev can make a better skyrim than them.

BOTW is Xenoblade Chronicles 1, but now with real time combat. If you can't see the inspiration from it, then you're dumb as fuck, because it was literally made by the same devs, and anyone could tell while you walk around the overworld.

What specs do you have?

>it is not made by the skyrim devs
no shit, you are right. how could i miss that???


Is this a fucking joke? Even the soulbornes manage to have a more fleshed out combat system you nintendiaper.

it's arguably better than Skyrim but it's still the same shit.

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>how could i miss that???
cuz ur low IQ


This is me. I actually got a Switch for my kids, but I'm playing BotW on it lowkey. Portable gaming is underrated.

all videoagmes are basically "the same shit"

stop using buzzwords and grow the fuck up. Go to the local gym.

I'm hoping someone is using those custom shrine tools to just remake older Zeldas

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Soulsborne aren't open world games though. What's a fleshed out combat system that isn't a cuhraazy?

Souls are action games. BotW is a world simulation

Hang on gotta open up my Sony Wojak folder
got it
Posting now
Do want, though

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>skreeee stop doing things
>skreeee comply with modern fads
Grow a brain. Both games are boring and open world with mundane quests and lazy graphics design.

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Overrated you mean.

My switch is sitting in a corner gathering dust. I played a shitload of it when BOTW and Mario Kart came out, not once did I remove the console from the station, unless BOTW's garbage dungeons forced me to.

Portable switch is fucking retarded shit, completely useless and annoying, once again Nintendo adding garbage gimmicks to their devices.

The thought that this useless portability is what made the console cost +50 extra ameridollars pisses me off to no ends. I could have bought a videogame with that.

Me dum, DS4 Windows and Cemu not letting me use Gyro on my PS4 controller for those puzzles even after a tutorial.

>all games are boring
fixed for you.

Grow some muscles, buzzwording faggot.

Smelly NEET scum

I'm a wagecuck actually. Care to project some more?

>unless BOTW's garbage dungeons forced me to

Oh so you didnt play it

>unless BOTW's garbage dungeons forced me to
You could just use the joycons retard

based, but cringe if you're actually playing it windowed like that

I've played all of the Elder Scrolls games Morrowind and beyond, Far Cry 4 and 5, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed Origin and Odyssey, Witcher 3, and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Breath of the Wild is easily the best out of all of them. It's like for once thee developers said "Hey let's actually think of how an open world would be designed for gameplay instead of just dumping a bunch of random shit in it". It makes every open world game that came out before it seem utterly baffling in how poorly it was designed. I think the only two that came close were Witcher 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles X, with the former being frustrating to simply even move around in, and the second having some of my favorite open world movement ever but being too ingrained in its 'offline MMO' take.

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Why are you here if you feel that way?

You have to configure it, google it.

cute pyra

NEET scum projecting detected. Go outside. Have sex, retard

Shrines are up there with the Harry Osborne science things in spiderman as 2 of the least enjoyable elements in games recently, except in zelda its crucial to getting stronger and a huge portion of content. Like op I played a few hours on pc but the shrines were too bad to persist

Youre insane

Fuck you, vanilla link is a cute femboy

>You could just use the joycons retard
I'm an adult.

Good going for exposing yourself as a child or a manlet.

Cool projection. I'm a Wagecuck, work from 8AM to 18 PM everyday except Friday where I only work till noon. Working in the contracts and service department, and have been there for the past 5 years. My coworkers are a bunch of boomers but they are fun to hang out with.

I spend all my income on videogames and escorts. How about you, how is your pathetic life going?

back to twitch you underageb&

For the same reason you're here. You're not here to discuss BOTW, you're here to insult it. I'm here to insult you. We are two sides of the same coin. Now stop putting out excuses for yourself and go out.

>only 6 hours
I was like you once. Come back after you've beaten the game.

>I'm an adult.
But you'll still play it in fully undocked bing bing wahoo mode eh? Some adult you are.


Jesus play some man's game like the stalker serie you repulsive nintentoddlers. I played botw and your standards are fucking low if you think that a game with bad combats, copy pasted mobs and shitty korok's seed hunts/dungeons is the perfect open world. Hell, even the GTA saga is more impressive with the driving, shooting, detailed cities and soundtrack. Compared to this botw is a gay baby jail where you explore empty fields. Fuck you all.

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>But you'll still play it in fully undocked bing bing wahoo mode eh?
No, I don't. Did you even read my post?

Is this some kind of retarded joke? How are there even so many replies? There were PLENTY of people that said that RELENTLESSLY and there have been THOUSANDS of threads with people arguing about it.

>not once did I remove the console from the station, unless BOTW's garbage dungeons forced me to
So either you just left those shrines unfinished like a retard or you did play it undocked

your contrast is fucked bro

I'm posting screenshots of it faggot and I'm not attacking it.

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>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fag complaining about copy pasted mobs
Lmfao. 95% of the mobs in the game are just guys in suits that move and attack the exact same way. You only get a precious few encounters with mutants that are indeed pretty cool, but very far and few between.
Oh I'm sorry make that 90%. 5% are dogs.

yes, once. For 10 minutes until the shrine was completed. It was awful.

That's the basis of my entire post user. Did you miss the argument or something?

Stop recoiling, the gym is calling you. Your sickly stick arms and your fat belly are there to remind you how much you suck dick as a living entity. It's time to get up user.

Does the local gym offer better games?

>project by hating trannies and faggots.

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Yeah, pussy game is the best.

How do I make this run at a playable speed in my potato?

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Not like you'd get any either way though.

How? Shrines were shit for so many reasons, too many, having to do them to level up, too little variety, not fun, controls were frustrating

Not with that pathetic attitude. Women can smell betas a mile a way.

low test

Still superior in every other points. But I don't need to bring stalker on the table anyway. Botw is hot garbage supported by hordes of mentally insane nintentoddlers that missed all the boring ubishit tier open world games from the last decades and now that they have one to play they think It's the greatest game in the universe. Fuck that. I had more fun playing saint row, ass creeds 2, dying light, or GTA than while playing bore of the wild, fuck the Nintendo bonus.

Shut up Wesley.

So many buzzwords, and you want to be taken seriously. Sit there and seethe, lil' zoomer.

hope you finish it before you get bored, user
I couldn't, but maybe you can

And that's why you'll stay a virgin for life.
Glad we understand each other.

Maybe we should change this sign to 'Days since anyone has had to reset the counter for "Minutes since Yea Forums last cried over Breath of The Wild"'

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>virgin for life
I lost it before I even got to college. Not everyone is ugly like you, m8.

>b-but Yea Forums is for m-misfits! everyone here is ugly
Holy keks not even Moot was a virgin, stop being a pathetic ass incel, go to the fucking gym and at least attempt to fix your life, you pathetic fuck.

Build a new one, or buy a switch
Cemu is nowhere near optimized enough to pull through on that hardware

>1gb vram
rip m8

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You are literally a brainwashed retard who can't think for himself.

Yes, user, you're a mad pussy-slayer.

Go back to bed now.

Am I having deju vu? I feel like I've seen this thread before.

>oh so you're aren't a virgin? THEN YOU ARE A PUSSY SLAYER
Stop living in the extremes holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you literally mentally ill?

No wonder you can't even figure out the first step to stop being a fucking loser is to get up of your chair.

>its pretty healthy to not being able to lift a desktop over your head
Yeah...keep telling yourself that. There is nothing wrong with you and you don't need to do anything. Want me to put a pacifier on you as well?

Honestly I don't know why ugly, horrifying and grim atmospheres can be comfy, yet I feel right at home in hell when I play Doom 2016. The crackling of the torches alone makes me feel good. It's weird.

Here, you can now take me seriously nigger. Fuck botw and fuck you.

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If I had to guess, it's because Nintendo games tend to have a more cheery and colorful atmosphere. /pol/ likes grimdark and ugly looking shit. They want to see niggers hanging from trees, not a beautiful sunset. They want to watch the world burn to ashes.

Because it feels like home for us yuropeans.

Oh I never claimed you didn't have a Switch. Your picture changes nothing.

Why do Switch owners shitposter about the Switch? I'll never understand the mind of a shitposter. I mean, I probably don't want to because it's most likely a very ugly and depressing place to be.

I've heard of fanbases shitting on their own kind for shits and giggles. Some even admitting to it. Like, how can you be so bored that this is your only form of entertainment? What sort of broken individual are you to do something like that? You seriously can't spend your time doing anything better? Nothing? Not even taking a shit, or God forbid taking a bath.

Link is better as a boy

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But I come from murrica. I can't understand why I would personally feel like that would be a comfy place.
inb4 some pun about America being hell

Yeah it won't change how mediocre botw is.

That was obviously sarcasm, brainlet.

Someone who gets so insecure and needs to defend himself to this degree on a Chinese cartoon imageboard has to be a virgin for life.

>spamming r1
>more depth
Dark Souls 1 and maybe 2 were the the only ones to have depth, because parrying mechanics weren't fucked and you could reliably do stuff like kicking and jump stabbing. But the most optimal strategy in modern soulsborne games, arguably the only strategy, is to spam r1 until your stamina runs out, and keep your distance when it does. Rinse and repeat. At least in BOTW parry doesn't fail 80% of the time, as it wasn't made by From Soft's absolutely godawful developers. Souls used to be about more than just spamming roll and r1, but not anymore. Don't even pretend like it has more depth than BOTW. Hell I'm not even saying BOTW's combat is particularly deep either. But Souls games nowadays are just so fucking shallow that they're even below BOTW.

What country in south america are you from?

Maybe because I'm not shitposting and genuinely think that botw is overrated and fucking boring? Am I supposed to suck the cock of every Nintendo's ip existing in the universe because I own a switch? I'll talk greatly about actual good games like Splatoon or Mario kart no problem, but botw can burn. I feel like I watched 30 hours playing it just because everyone on this gay board was worshipping what's simply another boring ass open world with fetching quests, collectables korok's turds, bad shrines, bad combats, bad story, absolutely ASS bosses and no music. FUCK BOTW

fuck off ESL

>looks up torrent pairs for botw rom
>all 3rd world countries and shit like Saudi arabia

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Why do you want OP to not enjoy the game?

Some of us aren't paid to defend Nintendo.

We bought the console because we wanted to play some game, not because we literally want to be their personal soldiers on the internet.

The switch is a piece of shit and so are all nintenbros. Owning a Nintendo console or not changes nothing. I buy consoles to play games.

Maybe if you stopped using the typical terminology that shitposters employ, you wouldn't be seen as one. But you come off as a shitposter just trying to stir shit up when you spout off nonsense about nintentoddlers and ubisoft and Nintendo bonus It just comes off as something subscribed by your average discord tranny who's only pleasure is stirring shit up and watching everyone taking the piss at each other.

Cute linkle, what hair mod?

>muh Chinese cartoon imageboard
What's next "muh basket weaving board"? You faggots are so unfunny.

The only one defending himself here is yourself. I'm telling you to get the fuck out, get a membership on your local gym, and improve your life. You're the one defending your pathetic excuse of a human being.

The mob variety help greatly in dark souls when it comes to the gameplay, they all have great vastly different patterns that makes every new encounter a fun experience. Now compare to botw where the only time I remember being surprised was when fighting my first lynel...

I'm shit with English but at least I've got free gibs and healthcare.

You probably won't see five eyes countries on public trackers because it's really easy to get busted.
Also, most people probably get ROM downloads from file hosts rather than torrents for that reason.

Picard would be ashamed of you, dumb stalkerfaggot

Twitch? Yikes. I use mixer.


What did you expect? Torrents from countries that can put the uploader to jail?

We have countless times, but you would just call us drones and tell us to fuck off.

Picard won't play gay baby games, he's probably a doomchad playing build engine and dos games and old point & click like every boomers.


He'd enjoy every game and what they have to offer without prejudice like a dumb 21st century man would.
Holodecks are sophisticated BoTWs in fact. Not boring corridor wads.

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BotW is a very chill video game and mostly enjoyed by adults. You sound like the kind of youngster who enjoys Transformers movies.

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>E-celeb wasn't virgin so you shouldn't be either

>didn't leave the plateau

you're still in the good part of the game. it falls apart when you hit the empty open world with ubisoft towers, the 4 worst dungeons in zelda history, and 3000 soulless shrines.

game bad

it is bad. it's EXACTLY like a ubisoft, or bethesda open world. looks great, atmospheric, plays like diarrhea.

game bad but good

>weeaboo loser

So what other games are worthwhile to play except xenoblade and botw on the wii u?

i wish i was a cute anime twink

Literally no one says it's not. People's main problem with it is that it's too comfy and therefore too easy.

Reminder that you will never be female.

Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, Mario 3D World, Wonderful 101

>i'm skipping sony's console unless they support it with more games
it has more games than switch ya retard

O-Okay...any actual switch games tho?

Why the fuck would I play all of that garbage? I already played them, and literally none of those games were good.

Any complete linkle mod pack for the switch version? I fucking hate gamebanana