Wtf bros, I'm 6 hours into my first playthrough of Breath of the Wild on pc.
Why didn't you tell me how epic this game was, it is the most comfy game I ever have played.
Wtf bros, I'm 6 hours into my first playthrough of Breath of the Wild on pc.
Why didn't you tell me how epic this game was, it is the most comfy game I ever have played.
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why aren't you linkle fag?
only good thing about this shit game is the mods
but user I've been telling you for months
The combat is really basic and half of the game is solving shrines which are not fun. Bonus points if it's a boss battle shrine, because then you have the worst thing you could ever have in a game.
imagine playing and enjoying a nintendo game
the combat has the most depth out of any modern open world game
Have you been living under a rock since 2017? The Wii U version has even been playable on CEMU like a week after launch.
>be me
>be a snoy/pc gamer
>2 years ago emulated BotW
>loved it
>for some retarded reason, BotW is the only game that runs well on emulators
>bought a switch
>been using it almost daily
>ps4 gathering dust
unironically, next gen i'm skipping sony's console unless they support it with more games
Always do the opposite of what Yea Forums tells you to do. Yea Forums has terrible taste.