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So they want less than one game?

Third person walking in a forest simulators with Showtime drama levels of writing?

How do you make fewer games than none?

>Sony buys Insomniac, effectively winning next gen already
>Yea Forums immediately gets flooded with anti-Sony cope posts and fake news

So predictable LMFAO

Fewer? But the PS4 only had Bloodborne

they want less games in total, but each game should be bigger in scale, or they want less games that are big in scale???

>Sony's video game boss
Is that his title? What shitty jornalism/blogging is this.

What this means is a game like God of War will be true open world rather than semi-open

I sure am ready for a clunky 3rd person action game by some out of work HBO writers

Loving today's meltdowns, Yea Forums, keep it up!

It's twitter and it's from several months ago

They just released their Magnum Opus, Angry Birds 2? Has anybody played it yet?

Snoyim actually thinking that buying a studio that has only produced sony games for a decade will sudenly make it so they'll have games to play in the future.

Hint : nothing changes. PS4 is still game deprived, and you look like a faggot.

I literally bought this console for one game only and it was fucking trash in the end. I don't give a fuck about those shitty cinematic shoulder-view TPS.

I feel like industry is about to implode.

sony's videogame boss looks like a snoyboy

I agree. I feel this way about the indie scene as well. You have dozens of indie platformers coming out every year, all of them made by like 2-5 people. One platformer made by a combination of a few of those teams would be bigger, better, and would sell more as a result.

He's right. Quality over quantity. Look at how Steam was ruined by allowing everyone to put their game up. All that happened was you had low effort games with stolen assets quickly being shoveled to the store for a quick shekel. Then the real developers were drowned out and unless you were a AAA game you weren't seen. I even started using the Epic Games store because I was so tired of Steam's bullshit. Not to mention their dumbass pay to win profile monetization system. Only a shit company like Valve would find a way to literally make money from a Steam profile by insecure losers trying to seem more popular by having a bigger number next to their name.

Hopefully Epic does it right and gives Valve competition so that Steam can get back on track because Valve had no reason to change before this. I hope consoles don't become shitholes like PCs have.

It's like they don't hide it anymore

What does insoyniac even make aside from spider-mtf?

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what the fuck are you talking about retarded snoynigger

>has made nothing for the PS4 besides a remake and a capeshit game

you sure did

Just imagine the tears rolling down their face onto their game deprived dusty Switches. Utterly seething and coping with NO games except bingbingshit. Sony fucking won 5 gens in a row baby

What happened to reorganizing your company to put a huge focus on first party titles, Sony? Couldn't keep up with being the poser kid trying to imitate the respected kid (Nintendo in this case) that's shattering his own glass ceilings on a regular basis? tsk tsk tsk wakey wakey snoyboys

Seek mental help. I'm serious.

>switch literally gets more exclusives in the span of two months than the PS4 got in the span of two years

yeah man we are so sad

Lmao how are you even real?

They literally just bought a major new 1st party studio LMAO
Nin10dicklickers utterly coping as usual

Why do adults behave like the person in this picture?

fewer than none?

Thanks for beta testing Sunset Overdrive for us, son.

And that's a good thing.

Well I guess when you are in a massive game drought this seems like good news

>and a capeshit game
which sold millions and considered one of the best games of last year, yes they won

>Xnigger seething this hard

Don't be so mean user. Switchies are getting Witcher 3 on 540p.

>He's right. Quality over quantity. Look at how Steam was ruined by allowing everyone to put their game up. All that happened was you had low effort games with stolen assets quickly being shoveled to the store for a quick shekel.
I agree with all this. The rest of your post is a bunch of bullshit though.

And Microsoft buys up studios all the time but we barely ever see anything noteworthy from them, your point?

IS hat a bad thing? Th less cinematic SJW garbage the betetr

That means no to Gravity Rush, Bloodborne, Shadow/Ico style games and yes to Horizon, God of War, Spiderman and The Last of Us.
How fucking cancerous can one company be? The only companies more cancerous are EA and Ubisoft.








>That means no to Gravity Rush, Bloodborne, Shadow/Ico style games
No it doesn't.

It's the hormones in the water and soi that cause severe softening of the stick up the ass. Truly, downfall of the society.

Did they forget why they dominated the the industry with the PS2? Because it had loads of small, unique games from small developers
I didn't need to wait 4 months for the next AAA over the shoulder forest walking simulator with bows and realistic hair physics back then.
I walked into a shop, picked up a game that looked interesting for a fiver and went home to play it

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How do you go about making less than no games?

Microsoft bought Ninja Theory and Double Fine, two studios known for shit games though. That's the difference.

Microsoft is dev hell tho. Microsoft is where games go to die.

*4 years

Gravity Rush is shit and Last Guardian was awful, so based, I guess.

>and yes to Horizon, God of War, Spiderman and The Last of Us.

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I hope those billion $ budgets are really worth upgrading from 100,000 poly faces to 1,000,000 poly faces nobody will notice or care about

>Did they forget why they dominated the the industry with the PS2?
Because people wanted a cheap DVD player?

You're probably worse than the person in the picture.

Insomniac hasn’t made a good game in 20 years.

So sales make the game good? Ok

So now quantity is more important than quality suddenly?

Shitposting and blatant baiting (on my part) aside, I actually do have to agree with that honestly. Ninja Theory isn't known for masterpieces, and Microsoft is just very lazy when it comes to IPs.

Decades of demonizing and stigmatizing being a "serious adult", equating it with being "old" and equating "old" with "forgotten", "irrelevant", "worthless" and "wrong" (on the subject every change in society). So you now have at least two or three generations in denial about their age. Denial used to mean just dying your hair and banging younger people. Now it's that and acting 13.

Of course I am, I make fun of you, which makes me the devil.

Well if it wasnt good it wouldnt sell right?
Good thing Spiderman has both

>Well if it wasnt good it wouldnt sell right?
True if your idea of "good" is "what appeals to the average person." Not true if it isn't.

Spider-man was a fun game yes, easily best PS4 game last year.

It's just your internal logic show fallacies and double standards.

you sony fags are pathetic

Yes it does, they want to focus on less games but bigger projects, what do you think that means? It means they only want to make AAA games that are guaranteed to sell 5 million plus.
Team Ico didn't do it, Sony of Japan didn't do it with GR, even Fromsoft didn't do it with Bloodborne, when they say they are focusing on less but bigger games, which do you think they are going to cut?
The moderate success of medium sized Japanese studios or the 50 million dollar plus AAA titles of the Western companies that sold multiple times the amount? Don't be so naive.
Sony only wants AAA western games now.

First the drought, now this. Bros...

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If it wasnt good then why did it sell so much?
>inb4 muh marketing
many games were shilled to no end and ended up flopping

If they cut out all the Japanese IPs, that's still millions of potential customers they're alienating. They aren't going to do that. Instead, they'll want to fund a single Japanese AAA game to rule them all

>Well if it wasnt good it wouldnt sell right?
Wrong? Bad games sell all the time, and good games often go unnoticed. Nevermind it’s a capeshit game that is made to draw sales off the marvel movies, so a lot of people bought it just because it’s spiderman.

So true. Xgroids are going to bite the concrete hard next gen.

It was good for the average man, and I certainly enjoy such games. But sometimes I want to play something good for the non-average man too, and those games sometimes don't sell, since they aren't for the average.

>many games were shilled to no end and ended up flopping

>Bad games sell all the time
Like what? Just because you dont like the yearly footy/shooty game doesnt mean its bad

>haha Sony no games
>goes on Yea Forums and posts THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THREAD for the #848399297277266272781915th time
Dude this shit came out months ago, are you faggots really that butthurt about Sony?

they found a way

Who's this whore?

quality over quantity. Maybe he just wants devs to perfect the Sony formula so that in a few year's time you can shit out a thousand "big games" in a month.

No games. No E3. Currently in a massive drought. Sucks for us Sony owners

How is that a bad thing? PS3 generation was like 3 games from the same IP for games like Uncharted and Resistance, while we might only get 2 games per IP this gen/next gen.

Like every crap rehashed sports game releases every year? Like Battlefront 2 which sold more than 9 million copies despite being shit? Almost every hugely shilled AAA release gets good sales. Your point is retarded.

Will Yea Forums ever stop seething over Sony?

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There are no AAA games in Japan outside of Capcom and Square Enix, and I very much doubt they are going to buy either company and that's the reason they are snubbing Japanese games, they want the "call of duty audience" as in whatever is the biggest audience right now.
The Sony of the past is dead, it's a western company with a western headquarters now.

>Like Battlefront 2 which sold more than 9 million copies despite being shit?
It must have done something right to sell that much, meanwhile stuff like Anthem got a huge marketing campaign and bombed

Will Yea Forums ever get over consolewars, probably never

Never. Today's Insomniac news brought Nincels to literal tears lmao

Guy looks like he sucks dick on occasion

The one on the left makes games, the one on the right is a salesman who doesn't make games.

lol most nincels are busy playing games or hyping the games coming out this and next month.

>switch still has many games and exclusives ready to be released this year
>ps4 only has Walking Mama Simulator, and thats still going to be on PC
next time, just say "i hate how switch is fucking my asshole"
would've gotten your point across much faster

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>two games over an entire console generation
>its going to become even less with development costs and time getting larger with the PS5

we won bros

>switch still has many games and exclusives ready to be released this year
Yes that's why they spend most of their day shitting on Sony for no reason

he is right though

bigger, better exclusives are what sell consoles

3rd party devs can fill in the gap with the multiplats, indies and AA titles

>i want less exclusives

jesus christ

He's basically saying he wants to be like Nintendo, what's the problem?

>Yes that's why they spend most of their day shitting on Sony for no reason
you must be new to Yea Forums then

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>Nintendo releasing one exclusive game a month an minimum for the remainer of the year is the same as releasing less then one game per generation

The concept of time and snoy doesn't mix.

guys can anyone tell me how it feels to own the losing console
i literally dont know this feel

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left: game dev who understands game design and the creation process

right: businessman who has no say on how nintendo games are made and knows absolutely nothing about game development, his branch of nintendo doesnt even develop anything

>Still projecting his drought

Cope harder, Xcuck

Meanwhile Yea Forums spend the rest of the year seething over sony for no reason, they must be very bored or have nothing to play to be like that

Guys i dont know if i can survive next generation like this. I could barely the drought this generation. Sony always had my back when i wanted good vidya but after all the movie games and the censorship i cant take it anymore

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less is more if they are bigger and better

>understands game designs
>can literally only produce third person cover shooters

>digimon destroyed Yea Forums
>none of the threads have anything to do with Digimon
>most of them are just asking a question or just expressing an opinion

is he the CEO of the company who decides what kind of games sells best and should be made?

And it's still more than Reggie and his team did, fuck Reggie was the CEO of Pizza Hut, he doesnt know squat about games other than to smile to the camera and sell them to you

>its supposed to be generic derivative shit because its all that's released on my console

imagine owning a product where you have to lower your standards to get any ""value"" out of it

>Yoshida visits studio earlier this year
>considers Remedy a strong part of the playstation lineup
guess whos next

>imagine owning a product where you have to lower your standards to get any ""value"" out of it
I mean otherwise the Switch would've sold worse than the WiiU if they didnt

>literally anti-nintendo threads everyday
>once a week anti-sony threads
>>yeah us sonytards have it the worst


that's literally all you have to talk about isn't it

Sony buying Insomniac makes no difference. It's like if Nintendo announced that they're buying Gamefreak.

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>once a week anti-sony threads
Except I see 'durr sony suxs amirite gamers' threads every day
>yeah us sonytards have it the worst
never implied that, seems like persecution complex on your part

your'e a little too young to be online, zoomer

>that's literally all you have to talk about isn't it
Im just imitating the average nintedofag

>but nintendo

I'm 90% sure that Sunset Overdrive was the only non-sony game that Insomniac made, literally nothing is going to change.

just play jap games only

>no games console wants less games
Sony's next console will be an anti-mass spectrometer.

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