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Why does he keep trying to make vidya?
Just fucking run your cool bars and live in peace dude.

Battle Royal except every time you get a kill your head gets larger


It's a zombie arena shooter

It’s gonna be an autochess game that comes out a few years too late, cue meltdown and studio crisis.

Haven't his last two genius ideas failed miserably?

Thats morphies law
And it already flopped

it exists lmao

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It's an autochess

Oh no no no, bros...We were cocky about Cliffy B leaving the game industry...Now he's gonna make an epic comeback with his new BAD ASS game!

Don't know who the hell that is but christ, what a fucking tool.

Why the fuck does this grown ass man act like a teenage fucking girl?

What is he even trying to say in this one?

Last good game he made was over 20 years ago.

I wonder how many people out of the 301 replies were just telling him to fuck off

Mid-life crisis.

Probably a sim game about the USA exporting homosexuality to africa.

Does he have enough cash to form a studio?

Nah, he just discovered GAAS and totally isnt going to copy Destiny.

It’s so fucking obvious that Epic was the reason for his success, not the otherway around.

If he stayed and helped create Fortnite he’d be a bazillionare. Now he’s just a pyramid scheme seller who cant ever pay his employees on time or health insurance so good guy Epic picks them up when he fails.

I hate this pic. You just know he used the word faggot in high school and probably bullied gay boys too. Gears 1 just proves hes that type of guy. So dressing up in rainbow shit like hes the ally to gays is so fake it's annoying.

He has Stocks in Facebook or twitter or something.
He didn't retire on money he made from video games.

Make a game about a black dude and a white girl, billion dollar idea right there.

Cliffy didnt habe friends in high school. He was the kid being bullied and called faggot. His wife didnt give a shit about him til he was rich, and none of his “gaming” buddies talk to him after he left Epic. Its why he has to pay his wife to play games with him lmao

the fuck is autochess?

What investors would be dumb enough to fund his shit with his horrible track record??

The latest dumb trend.. A bunch of devs already jumped in on it, including valve.

Chess with cars you absolute asshat!

Wasn't he retired, writing the Great American Novel?

Has his autobiography released yet to critical acclaim of the whole world yet?

>treating a genre you tried to cash in on like its a bad thing after you’ve already failed

It’s amazing to think this guy was once pretty chill and cool.

Funny that this was the man behind Gears of War

ugh, like ugh i have another video game idea guys this totally sucks :^( *sigh*
You're a fucking 44 year old man Cliff, not a teenage girl on tumblr

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someone post the book pages

He should

I hope so

Has cliffy B ever made a game that wasn't following directly in the footsteps of something that is the current trend. Jazz Jackrabbit being Konker, Gears to Halo, etc?
Non zero to chance he's going to make an autochess


Fuck off Cliff

He did before, now who knows.

more like Queers of War

He would have to secretly make this game without any mention of his name whatsoever and we all know thats never going to happen

thats because he already made a battle royale


remember his book?

Cliff or Randy?

this dude wrote a book? what about?

He said he was writing his memoirs, shortly after retiring.

His entire life is a joke and now we get to witness his midlife crisis. How long till he pulls a Bruce Jenner?

And yet Gears has been amazing without him. The new trailer for 5 looks awesome

its an fps but instead of you killing other players its the game killing itself within a week of release

oh wait

lmao no one asked him to make another game

None of that "sell a game and people buy it" bullshit.

Jefailey Battle Royale?

>internet: Make another game
Why would anyone say this after his last two bombed, one of which was an early access Battle Royale, a genre he mocked before Fortnite blew up.

Was Cliffy B ever a cool guy like my memory convinces me he was? I remember him being this ultra dork who was super into promoting Gears and genuinely passionate. Now he's just another onions faggot who is indistinguishable from the rest. Was he always like that and I just didn't see it, or it wasn't as well known back then, or did he transition

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Cuck Wars, Bull Arena

He just follows trends.

How the flying fuck is gears of war even remotely similar to Halo?

What is this logic?

Power and money change people, user. When he began he was just another dev from a group of devs, then he made some breakthroughs and the game he did made a huge franchise. After that he wasnt just a dev, he became THE dev, and all of that went to his head, it still is in his head.

He probably got taken down a peg after Lawbreakers

Lawbreakers was actually really fun character designs aside. It kept more in tradition of arena than hero shooter in how you could outplay any class as anyone. Its a shame the game died due to overwatch comparisons and shitposting. Cliff bazingas ego can be annoying but he can design a game

I fucking loved the game. If it had been F2P I'm sure all the issues would've been worked through.

Every reply to this was people saying that nobody asked him to make a new game.

>Ugh, guys, seriously just ugh. And a yikes for good measure.

I wish lawbreakers worked out honestly. I tried it when it was free to play and it had potential but it released at a horrible time and still felt unfinished.
Then again I've been salty since Shattered Horizon died, so much so I want to host a lobby for it and the files on google drive/torrents

>It’s amazing to think this guy was once pretty chill and cool.

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>Shattered Horizon

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Dude made Jazz Jackrabbit and UT 99 but that was a long long time ago.

Yeah maybe. F2P may have introduced aspects that could have made it die a similar death, but at least it would have been a different one

I honestly think release time was the biggest factor to its death. Also we live in an age where people obsessively follow player count numbers and want to watch a failure happen in real time. That kind of attitude really kills what used to be a diverse online scene and has reduced it to only a few monolithic games. Its really depressing watching people do this and not realize what their building.

Also people are incredibly sensitive nowadays, on both sides. Bazingas ego alone offends people enough to hope for failure let alone when he talked politics.

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All I could find, there was more though

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I'd rather hang out with Randy Pitchford than CliffyB.

>I hug 85% of my industry peers every time i see them

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>we're like the Nerd Mafia, and we stick together
Why does he talk like a teenager? Isn't he nearing his 50's?

What a fucking loser


Fun fact about that, due to his hiring practices, it just so happens that Boss Key (his company) was around 85 - 90% female.

But you know, that's all coincidence, haha.

Huh what a progressive individual who definitely in no way shape or form molested his employees in exchange for hiring them.

does anyone else -almost- want to feel sorry for him?

by itself Lawbreakers was technically a very well crafted game that died because of a myriad of factors outside of actual gameplay, its fast paced and was different in a sea of cartoony arena shooters

-unattractive sjw characters with no clear roles
-should have been a f2p game with MTX model
-cliffy couldnt shut the fuck up

What a cuck

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Huh, what a weird thing to say when his shirt says cuck

Cliffy B is unironically based.
He started his own gaming studio and released 2 Flops in a row.
Then at the first sign of trouble, instead of releasing a good game he went to go work on Gears 5 and Funko Gears for royalties leaving 50 people out of a job with no severance packages.

He's based as fuck

No. He only has himself to blame and he's still rich as fuck.

>he's still rich as fuck


didnt lawbreakers lose a shit ton of money

i really want to punch him, in the face

Yeah, but he still had money to try to make Radical Shit, and when that failed there was a tweet of him saying something along the lines of "Whatever dude, im rich and I dont need to work anymore in my life, while you still have to work" to some youtuber.

>there was a tweet of him saying something along the lines of "Whatever dude, im rich and I dont need to work anymore in my life, while you still have to work" to some youtuber.

that was probably him trying to puff up his ego so he doesnt become suicidal and also trying to save face

radical heights had a air of legit desperation

Judgement and 4 were pretty mediocre

He is trying so hard to defend himself for something he fully knows he was wrong in doing. What an asshole.

What happened to his restaurant in LA?

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Cliffy should really check the ego and work small scale. Everything he has done for the past 15 years has just been flooded with money and shoved through. In terms of actual design he hasn't really done anything meaningful ever

cliffyb left epic right as this project began and it genuinely pains me that despite seeing this shit coming along really goddamn well, it will never ever come out.
The sheer scope of this game is fucking massive and would have been the biggest UE3 game to have ever been made literal size wise. these maps are fucking gigantic

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Unreal is one of the best single player shooters ever released

looks really good honestly

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I wish he could just disappear already.

This can't be real right

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Do you remember the hot girl from school that went on with her life and as time went on the attention she received began to wane? That she couldn't deal with the difference in attention and care from the opposite sex as time went on is the same thing Cliff is facing as an analogue. He's slipping into mediocrity but he can't get past the fact he did well one time and everything he does at this point is just grasping at straws to have even a hint of the level of attention he used to receive. It is just sad to see at this point and he needs to move on before he does more damage to his psyche.

how do we stop him

why the hell does he write like that? (what a weird thing to do!)

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I actually think he's ok

Pretty sure he has teh tism.
Weird writing styles like this are common in 'tists, as is very low self-awareness.

This dude literally had a career meltdown somehow after making the biggest Microsoft IP after Halo kek
It's sad as fuck in a way since Gears was my favorite Microsoft IP, and died to me with 3 as it was the end of the original trilogy + end of him, but holy fuck has he been a disaster since
It feels like me after my fiancee left me and I spent the next two years, up until today, projecting about how I don't want a relationship but then more time maybe..... only to project super bad about my fiancee and lose them too

And more importantly, do we even want to?

Card Battle Skinner Box,

wasn't this guy actually cool in the 90s and 2000s

is this yet another individual corrupted by our simulation-universe starting in 2012

Gears was a fluke, Cliffy. Stop embarrassing yourself.

No it's just a zoomer finally becoming a boomer and not adjusting to it
see also this guy

No one could accuse him of being cool, but he certainly tried really fucking hard to be. He leaned heavily into the early 2000's frat bro culture of wearing a backwards visor with frosted tips and driving a bright colored sports car while hanging out with models (that he most likely paid to be there and/or fuck him).

Wow what a loser; driving nice cars, fucking hot girls, making tons of money for making one of the most popular gaming IPs of the decade and gen


He said cool, you can do all of that stuff and still be uncool.

Jazz Jackrabbit and Unreal were really good games. Post-Gears Cliff tried too hard to make a 90's arena shooter, which would have been great if he didn't market it as if it were the actual 90's

>the turbonerd making vidya at age 14 was the chad bully in high school
Jesus user, you have a warped sense of reality. Cliffy got bullied hard and tried to make up for it later in life. See: his "baby's first semester at the gym" attempted muscle when Gears launched and the spiked hair.

Nice blog lonely faggot. Hope your fianc3 is getting dicked down strong by a nigger right now

No gender neutral bathrooms, no buy.

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We need the real picture

Probably is but I've fucked about 60 thots in the last year so I can't really even be mad if she is
Also have sex, literally once

Okay, real talk

Cliffy B aka the tornado is a breeze to be around hes a real gamers gamer type gamer

Lol fuck off. The first three games were fantastic and Judgment and 4 were shit. It's been the same fate as Halo.

Dude Huge is soo kewl

No u haven’t u forever virgin leave ur mums basement sometimes smelly neckbeard

girls don't fuck game devs dude

Yeah women do kiddo

The reason why none of that genuinely made him cool is precisely because of how hard he tried to make other people think he was. It was a facade that he was paying a lot of money to create and project, but it was never sincere or fitting of who he was. You can tell when someone is cool because of who they are and how they carry themselves effortlessly and when they are just a desperate poser obsessed with their image. I'm not going to call him a loser for being achieving wealth and success, but at no point was he ever actually an objectively cool guy.

There's a game like that except you just get bigger overall I forget what its called.

Someone post the shoop of his wife being railed by Tyrone behind him

Cliffy didn't look or act or behave like most game devs
Yes, Gabe won't get laid
But someone with flashy shit, whether YOU like it or not, will

When I first learned who this guy he was already known for popularising cover shooter cancer and talking shit about pc gaming. He basically shifted into a different breed of faggotry since then.

For a game dev he was cool

Both bland console shooters, both pushed shitty gameplay trends, both popular with basically the same crowd. I can see it.

40K Ork BR when?

Only relatively speaking from a time when they were all still stereotypical dorks.

Why does he write like that? He must be at least 40.

They are way worse now, now they are all trannies, id take all old devs over these new lazy fart huffers old devs while most being turbo nerds where way cooler than these new age neon dyed lopsided hair queers

Dorks and jocks are better than dorks and trannies, tranny