Why are action game fanbases so divisive when they're so niche?
Why are action game fanbases so divisive when they're so niche?
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it's literally just dmc fans starting shit
Unfortunately this is true, but batofags aren’t guilt-free either
The scope of action games is so wide and their design so particular that each one can have very different focuses and strengths while still being an excellent example of the genre, which leads to many varied ideologies and fans of different styles. Also we're on Yea Forums.
Niche fanbases are usually very divided desu, see shmups. The nuances make or break hyper-focused genres like this.
makes sense to me
This. dmc fanboys are insufferable.
Bayonetta just has too many poor design choices and botched executions to be called a good game. The combat, besides the fact that you evidently have magnets in your limbs that suck you toward enemies and fuck up your pacing, is pretty good. It's just everything around it that blows.
I means spacing, not pacing.
>poor design choices
Such as?
When I'm playing bayo, I'm focused on combat and enemy designs, which are among the best in the genre. After ~140 hours clocked into bayo, I'm yet to encounter anything that would prevent me from replaying the game.
Because you're on Yea Forums where people just shitpost about games they've never played
It is
Nothing is ever one sided. I was in many DMC threads early this year because of DMC5 and a lot of them just had a tons of people come in and talk about how DMC is actually shit and this and that game is better and why people shouldn't be excited for 5. Stuff like "What is even a point of new DMC when such and such game already made it obsolete??" etc.
I like DMC over most other stylish action games but not by a wide margin or anything.
Because people have the mentality that if their preferred thing isn't the successful one it's complete shit, and to try and counter that they try to bring down other games.They also like to point fingers and blame other games for why the fanbase is so shit and usually the one they blame is the one that's currently being talked about. It's sad, it really is. The genre is going to live or die by the fanbase because we're the only ones who will actually buy the games and people refuse to do so for stupid reasons the genre will either die or be casualized to hell.
Consolewarring within a genre to make arguments more specific and targeted. Same thing happens with fighting games; dev vs dev, series vs series, game vs game within the same series, sometimes even version vs version of the same fucking game.
Immediately dismissing a game/series/developer and calling its fans cucks while providing few concrete points means you should just ignore that post and have a regular discussion with other anons that aren't shitposting.
Your priorities are in the right place but every time I think of replaying Bayo 1 I remember Jubileus and how dirty they did the Afterburner sequence and I can't bring myself to do it. Doesn't help that I only have it on WiiU, and if I ever have an urge to play on WiiU, it's going to be with Wonderful 101.
I'm going through Wonderful 101 right now, it's good, but no way it's better than bayo, at least in my eyes. And there is way more set pieces than in bayo, making the first time playing it more painful than necessary.
I don't like that level too, I just don't replay it.
To me it feels like a lot of people played dmc and never played other action games. Having played ninja gaiden 2, bayonetta and sekiro, I just don't see how one can prefer dmc over these games.
Itsuno should have taken notes from what other devs are doing. When Itagaki accused Kamiya of making shallow games that make you fight with punching bags, Kamiya came up with dodge offset, and bayo's enemy designs are among the best I've seen in the genre. Meanwhile, Itsuno states in his interviews he never played bayo and dmc has hardly changed since 3.
I wouldn't say that W101's combat has more inherent depth than Bayo's, due to it lacking a strong focus on offset, but I love it for how much depth it does have with so simple a system. Each weapon has only a handful of moves, but allowing you to constantly switch between such a wide selection while assigning certain Wonderful Ones to perform assists and paying attention to how many you have left to mob enemies and use the Wonder Liner, all with a number of universal attacks like Tombstone and spike roller as well as optional techniques you can include like the one that lets you drop a mine when you dodge.
I also adore the story, characters, music, bosses, and how Kamiya actually learned from Bayo's QTEs by having them be way less punishing while also having unique little cutscenes for each one's fail state. It's one of the best total package games I've ever played in regards to doing everything it wants to do well.
It is indeed a very well crafted game, and they did a great job making the morphed weapons pack a punch, especially when you make a really big one.
Good. I want itsuno to make dmc games and not shitty janky souls games or the poor man’s dmc.
Go bing bing wahoo into traffic faggot.
DMC, Bayo, and NG have different design philosophies. DMC was never made to be hard and even DMD just makes enemies health sponges. DMC wants you to be as creative as possible with your combat. You don't play DMC to brag about beating the hardest boss or barely surviving with a pixel of HP. You play it to come up with combos and links and then show them off. NG is what you want to play for a challenge. NG combat is designed to be efficient and precise. You don't play NG to throw out a move that will keep the enemy in a stun lock so you can set up something else. Bayo is somewhere in between, and it's hit or miss in some aspects. Dodge offset is a great mechanic for people looking to be stylish, but some people don't like it because they feel it rewards dodging too much.
Pledging yourself to one series is retarded, but condemning one because it doesn't play like how you want it to play is equally as retarded. You're the kind of person this thread is about, and your problem is that you can't see the intent of each series. Would you rather see the genre become homogenized into one style?
>why are action game fanbases so hostile to each other?
>proceeds to blame it all on one fanbase
I love bayonetta but i agree the enemy suction when you attack was so fucking annoying for some alfheims.
There are worse segments in other action games than Jub or Afterburner. Let me fight Jub, do Isla Del Sol, or Route 666 100 times before having to fight Arkham ever again.
Or playing as V
I don't think that this thread is about me, since I try not to participate in dmc threads.
NG has more free combo potential than you might think, and I really don't think that good enemy design would hurt dmc's focus on combos in any way.
It's basically this. DMC is popular enough that it's the "go to" for the genre like Street Fighter for fighting games. When other action games aren't carbon copies of DMC they get shit for it. I even love DMC, but it's clear to me that people like me are very rare. i.e. someone who has been playing action games since DMC1 and has had ample time to play and appreciate other IPs. Compared to most people who just hopped on the train with the HD Collection and called it a day. Granted, playing Ninja Gaiden Black or God Hand is very hard these days, it helps that DMC is the most readily available action game IP. I don't mind people having preferences, I just really fucking hate when someone tries to put down other action game IPs when it's clear as day they have no idea what they're talking about and have absolutely no knowledge of the gameplay systems.
> I just don't see how one can prefer dmc over these games.
It's fine to have preferences, but again putting down a series because you don't get it is what sparks shitposting, like the kind you just got. NG and Bayo get their fair share of shit as well, Bayo especially for being a Platinum game and being exclusive to Nintendo. Instead start discussion with
> I really don't think that good enemy design would hurt dmc's focus on combos in any way.
and people who care and actually know what they're talking about will create discussion.
Well fug :DDDD
Kamiya literally made DMC1 to be a 'challenge to more casual gamers. It still remains the only game with a DMD worth a damn because it lacks HP bloat for the regular enemies.
He specifically mentioned Itsuno's DMC
As a huge fan of both i think w101 combat is leagues above in terms of complexity. Just activating and maintaining a juggle state in general has way more nuance to it than bayo. I end up having more fun playing bayo though
You dont really dodge when offsetting after a certain level since you will be panther cancelling your offsets. Besides enemies force you to dodge in bayo and walk a tightrope between offense and defense.
I'm a DMCfag myself but this is true, it's always either DMCfags or NGfags starting shit. The latter less so because NG threads on Yea Forums have been a lot more productive these days. I wish I could say it started with the DMC5 hype but it's been there for longer.
I feel like dodge offset merges offense and defense into one, since you can evade any damage in the game out of any state using bat within.
It does. Bat within lets you activate witch time off of being hit, but it doesnt have anything to do with offset besides you can continue youre string after it just like any other dodge/panther/crow/portal/cutscene offset state.
This. I even say this as a DMC fan but DMCniggers are the worst.
Itsuno's DMCs are essentially a poor man's fighting game so go figure.