>Digital Foundry Hands On: "Witcher 3 on Switch runs and looks great"
Naysayers BTFO
>Digital Foundry Hands On: "Witcher 3 on Switch runs and looks great"
Naysayers BTFO
inb4 Smashfags
Book character
Never Ever
DF are massive shills when it comes to switch
>Doom is 540p
>all effects reduced
>graphics look like shit
the footage does look remarkably good for a handheld, though.
Digital Cuckry
Official influencer now for game companies
>DF does a video on PS4 vs Switch comparisons, says Switch is the worst version
"Haha, BTFO Switchfags!"
>DF does a video on a Switch port and says though there are drawbacks, the port is still decently impressive
"W-Whatever, DF is shit anyways"
Why can't people just be happy that more get to play the game?
>the footage does look remarkably good for a handheld, though.
And yet it still looks like fucking dogshit.
Because whoever plays it on Switch is a retard.
Switch runs at higher fps than PS4
That's literally all I care about, I would rather have shit graphics, but a game that's actually playable
And you can't just... let people be retards?
if you say so user
Because people can't use multiplats to console war anymore if they end up going to Switch.
Rent free.
they are massive shills for the people who pay them , Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo , ubishit etc, just watch some of their videos about these 3 corp. You cant trust them anymore
>waaah everyone who plays a game on a console I do not like is fucking dumdum stupid waaah
Playing a game at 20fps at sub 720p is stupid.
It is an amazing port, though
The game unironically has a better framerate than ps4 version because they weren’t afraid of downgrading graphics
Playing TW3 on the Switch is like playing Morrowind on the Xbox.
>youtube comment screenshot
>using chrome
>third world gibberish
PS4 also struggled with TW3 and sunk to 20fps multiple times
Whatever. I'm still getting it.
Hold up, the game has better framerates on the Switch compared to the PS4? That can't be true.
This. It's all so tiresome.
>anons calling them nintendo shills
>They go in depth in the fuckin video how they had to cut corners to accomodate the allocated RAM of the Switch, and show and adress frame drops.
At this rate this place is resetera 2.0
I kinda want to get it just because the whole thing seems really on the level and devoid of bullshit
Doom is not 540p, that's not even the lowest resolution drop in the game.
Yes, because they downgraded the graphics so that framerate is more optimized for the system. They took its specs into account to make sure it can run.
It runs in the single digits on that moving pathway at the beginning.
>John deflects him being easy on the Switch because "the ports are good for the hardware", specifically in reference to Hellblade
>said ports are subnative and aren't locked in framerate
CDPR posted a 40-minute video of them previewing the Switch version and talking about it as well: youtube.com
dont forget nvidia with all those rtx shill videos.
Whatever. I love CDPR, I love The Witcher and i’ll buy it again even if I don’t own a Switch.
So everybody who plays on console is a colossal retard?
>Game doesn't come to Switch
>Yea Forums: lmao Switchcucks it can't run it its too weak
>Game comes to Switch
>Yea Forums: it looks like shit why would you want to play it
Never change, Yea Forums
nailed it
>loading to novigrad market
>takes 75 seconds on ps4
>84 seconds on switch
>what is Dracula?
Buy it and give it to me
>And yet it still looks like fucking dogshit
Oh stop. You’re just jealous that it doesn’t
The blurrier objects unironically makes it more cinematic
Switch got the best version after all
You got it wrong.
>"The Witcher 3 is too graphically intensive to run on the Switch, hell there are area's on the PS4 that dips to the 20 fps. You're better off hoping for a Gwent port."
>Game comes to the Switch
>"Well TW3 wasn't that much of a graphical powerhouse anyway, not surprised to Switch could barely run it."
Holy shit!
Naysayers BTFO
The blurriness makes it MORE cinematic!!!
We won!
you wanna see real dogshit? the ARK port for Switch that they showed in the video is legit shit, but thats because the makers of that whole game can't optimize for the sake of their lives.
>9.6 out of 10 on IGN
Typical Nintendo bonus.
this but unironically
the lack of sharpness makes objects far away look better on the switch
but it does look like shit when up close
Just curious, did anyone here watch the video?
The game looks like absolute dogshit. It's just as bad as Ark.
Man I love me some N64 textures alright
>looking at a wall texture
who does this
It does not look like dogshit you retard
It looks bad only if you compare it to other versions
The way it is now it looks great and will be one of the best looking Switch games
>wall texture
You mean the entire screenshot? His back, the ground? The ceiling?
I really fucking hate Switch port culture.
Why are you obsessing over these garbage ports instead of actual new games? How did this become acceptable?
This garbage unironically makes me nostalgic for the Wii U era.
You people are fucking up games by having devs choose shitty TAA solutions that make us lose out of clarity in games. The new Modern Warfare looks like shit because they're using a bunch of processes to construct the final image.
No it doesn't.
Ark legit reached 180p on Switch.
>People who have played witcher 3 on PC will unironically buy it on switch
This has to be bizzaro Yea Forums.
This looks like pure fucking garbage
>It looks bad only if you compare it to other versions
Imagine saying this unironically and thinking it's a favorable argument.
I'ts not even close to be comparable to the ARK port lol
How about just have it as a setting so cinematicfags can have their blurry garbage, and people like you can have their sharp garbage?
Not seeing it
Public domain
>cherrypicking a moving youtube frame
you know as well as me that the game looks much better than that
it looks completely fine and you only really notice what was cut down if you start comparing it side by side the exact frames with the ps4
>DF are massive shills
Yeah no shit, retard
Ark on Switch went BELOW Sega Genesis resolutions.
Switch version is 6 points lower than pc/ps4 and 8 below xbone on metacritic.
You're absolutely fucking braindead.
This has to be a joke.
This has to be some subsect of Yea Forums. Imagine not only NOT shitting on this, but also defending it.
Well when people talk about exclusives snoyfags sandnigger the whole shit up and mods delete the threads without snoyposting.
No, they just have realistic standards for the hardware.
do they show any loading screen? because thats the real issue with the witcher 3 on consoles and most likely the switch. on a ps4 pro im getting minute long loading screens and none of the mods to make this piece of shit game fun
Newsflash: any fucking platform can run almost any game if you CUTBACK EVERY FUCKING ELEMENT
It's not impressive to make a game look like pure shit and get it to run at 15 fps
They aren’t happy at all and misery loves company
>cherrypicking a moving youtube frame
This user has the right idea. We need webms, not screenshots.
do you realize that even the HUD is blurry? that's because you are screenshotting a youtube video you fucking retard, the actual game does not look that blurry, just watch the video in motion
>obsessing over ports
Nigger, switch is the only console getting any new games, the past 2 months were filled with FE/SMM2 threads, and there’s like 2 weeks until the board is buried in AC threads.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Wait, is it one minute fifteen seconds on PC/PS4?
How the fuck do people find THAT acceptable?
In someone else’s eyes were all retards for even having this conversation
But its 30-25 fps, its like Bloodborne but with better frame pacing.
Holy shit I cannot believe this is a real post.
The HUD is not blurry. It is fuzzy because it's an LCD screen.
The GAME itself is not fuzzy. It is a mushed, muddy piece of shit. Look at the fucking GROUND
Its like 15 seconds on PC, atleast it was when I played it.
Stop looking on Geralts ass you faggot.
>Bribing anyone.
Did you forget the leak where Nintendo and activation where the only companies NOT to bribe reviewers?
Sony and Rockstar were the worst offenders BTW.
If it's available on the PC, yes. There's literally no reason to play consoles outside of exclusives.
>it's blurry!
So this is just because it's a youtube video, right?
if PS4 users can shit on the Switch port because the PS4 version has more detail, what keeps PC players from shitting on the PS4 version since PC has much more detail, especially when mods are applied?
if it looks good it's all that matters
the only faults I find with the port is dynamic resolution and pop-ins, whoever complains about less foliage is a fucking retard as you won't ever notice the missing foliage (unless you compare it side by side)
>Wait, is it one minute fifteen seconds on PC/PS4?
Just on PS4, its like 10-15 on a shitty SSD from 2014 on PC.
You people can't go five minutes without screaming and shitting yourselves in rage over something Nintendo-related, can you.
Yes, make it a webm and you will see for yourself
>The HUD is not blurry. It is fuzzy because it's an LCD screen.
Look at the fucking semantics, you think making it fuzzy does not make it appear more blurry?
>if it looks good it's all that matters
Guess it's fucked then because I have a hard time finding a single area that looks good beyond some blurry buildings in town.
>witcher 3 without mods
Fuzzy and blurry are synonymous, retard.
>zooming in
>off screen undocked footage
>Motion blur
>Youtube video
You wanna add some photoshop smudge effects or take a photo of your jpg ontop of that?
Runs like shit, but good lord, I expected much much worse. What's bloodstained's excuse now?
looks cinematic to me, unironically better than the ps4 version, this might be the definitive edition
>Switch port of a four year-old game already looks more promising than Iceborne
So what happened to "Switch can't run it period" Yea Forumsros?
This hell MM2 Shill and Chill treads were pretty awesome for a while there
amazing another save-cash-port
It already has tits and fugging, though.
CDPR seems to have a lot of faith in this port, which makes me optimistic. They don't fuck around with performance/quality shit. They won't put their shit on a console that cant handle it decently enough.
who gives a fuck about this shit game?
>32gb cart
>save cash
genuine question: what mods even are there?
Which leak?
Nigger you’re talking to people who were the most expected about Dragon Quest’s new 16 bit mode
If we were obsessed with graphics we’d buy a PC
So, they are shills for the entire industry?
You /pol/ conspiracy fags are so fucking creepy.
>TW3 is praised on Yea Forums, people say it's a good game
>TW3 gets announced for Switch, people immediately start saying it was shit and ask what went wrong
Screen fuzz because of taking a picture of an LCD vs blurriness because of a camera moving is not the same, you fucking mongoloid.
>unlim weight
>fast travel between signposts
>reworked combat
>auto apply oils
>better trophy stats
>disable storybook intros
and thats just my own personal list
>muh grafix
normal people don't give a shit about raytracing or how big the resolution of a texture is you insecure neckbeard.
No, Yea Forums has always hated the game for mostly contrarian reasons though. Now they can hate it for the ebic nintendo hate reddit points aswell.
Ahh, shit. So Ark is good then?
At least my switch finally has a game
I can understand a combat revamp, but why would you add mods to make the game easier?
>modding W3 to be less player involved
Why not just play it on youtube?
Ark is the result of lazy porting and developers who don't give a shit. Ark barely runs well on any piece of hardware.
It is not the same case here. CDPR cares about the shit they put their name on. This port is nowhere near as bad as Ark.
Ark has far more problems than graphics, like performance, shit UI, shitty grindy gameplay, shit designs, shit devs etc.
>implying having to find signposts to fast travel is essential to the game's difficulty
user do not let your console peasantry rot your brain and force you to defend shit practices
it's obvious that they force you to travel to signposts to milk some more useless gameplay time
I don’t know, I saw it had dinosaurs so I just assumed it’s for bespectacled virgins and never looked into it.
I'd say the only thing that's really cheating is the unlimited weight.
You're crazy if you don't want fast travel.
Switch is the only console getting games lmao
All other consoles - and even PC - are going through a drought, meanwhile the Switch is getting juicy exclusives, surely you have seen one of the dozens of FE 3 Houses threads dominating the catalog over the past two weeks?
Yeah it's not the same guys! HAha, Ark is a lazy ass port! What a garbage looking game!
how would it benefit the devs to milk more gameplay time out of you?
I either look at my phone, make my gf suck me off or jerk off.
It looks good considering the hardware. Plus, now that Witcher 3 is on switch, Nintendo doesn't have the hardware excuse to skimp out on towns and NPCs in BotW 2.
One word: Cryptocurrency miner
it obviously increases the game's durability, but in expense of fun
but I see what you mean by your question, the thing is, are you implying that forcing players to travel to signposts is meaningful in the game's difficulty? because it clearly isn't
mod out the miner then lmao
So what's Rockstars excuse?
Where is GTA 5 and RDR2
I was going to call you a loser for cumming from a BJ in a minute, but then I realized how fast you’d have to recover and how often you’d nut, so now I am impressed and can only assume you own an Xbox.
that's not one word
Ark runs like ass on literal NASA tier computers
Ark runs like ass on everything
It doesn't run higher retard
I haven't played TW3, considering to pick it up on PC though, but surely they'd limit fast travel like that to encourage you to explore the world more rather than warping everywhere all the time?
I meant bitcoin miner
And yet it runs similarly and looks fairly similar to Witcher 3.
someone's got cum on the brain, you fucking jizzbrain. when did I say anything about cumming? I just like to get a suck even if I don't nut
that's still not one word
i´ve meant that some idiots will buy it for sure. or will even double dip for the portability. play it for maybe 4 hours and never touch it again.
Now you seem to be retarded, so I’m sticking to my Xbox assumptions
None of the last gen consoles could run W3 due to RAM and GPU being too shit, so no, not every system, you're an absolute moron.
>Ark: 180p handheld / 360p docked
>Witcher 3: 540p handheld / 720p dynamic docked
>i´ve meant that some idiots will buy it for sure
>play it for maybe 4 hours and never touch it again.
That’s literally every video game
>good for a handheld
like clock work
Found the zoomer who only started playing games around 2007
When you're at 2 pixels does it really make a difference
Fucking blueballed cuck.
what if I don't want to explore? once you start playing you'll realize that most side content is pointless and copy pasted
also signposts are abundant enough that walking straight lines towards them won't yield exploration at all, it is just annoying in some specific areas where there aren't any, especially caverns and dungeons you already cleared
at least I can read, and no, you're wrong about my console of choice.
If you think that's a bad port look at literally any Vita port.
So there is no difference between the Switch and PS4/PC version then by that logic.
switch version looks pretty good
>Gets proven wrong
>I-I-it’s still bad guys! Nintendo suxs am I right??
>Pls validate me ;_;
you are robbing yourself if you don't play this on PC first.
why are people SO mad over this
It looks like trash.
Fucking cope tendie shills
But it's true.
The game chugs on a ps4 and turns it into a mini nuclear reactor. The switch is a fucking tablet with a downclocked mobile GPU
Yes. It DOES run great for a handheld.
I care about convenience more.
I mean play it on PC first, the way it was meant to be played.
nope, it´s the shit you´re used to or simply all of your attention capatibilities. i have even fun for years with games i´ve never invested any cash in. but witcher is one of this games you´re really not need a other port like this on this console.
It got patched ages ago on PS4 and it's pretty much locked 30fps.
Stop lying nintencel shill
Im honestly shocked GTAV hasn't been ported, a portable version of a mainline GTA game would be free money for Rockstar.
Read about PPI and shit like that to understand why some things look better on a smaller screen up close compared to a much bigger one far away
seem to be making a lot of assumptions, user. perhaps you're projecting a little, anything you want to tell me about your sex life? i'll listen
So Nincels finally admit the Shitch is 7th gen tier?
no it's not lmao
the switch version runs better and I say this as a ps4 owner
let's just admit that nintenbros got the better deal this time around, we still have bloodborne
Learn2English, Pablo
This entire thing is a joke.
They had to tone down TUROK FUCKING 2'S (REMASTER) Because the switch couldn't handle the visuals, I am not fucking shitting you. toning down a TWENTY YEAR OLD GAME THAT RAN ON THE N64.
>first game runs in 1080P 60 FPS
>second runs in 720P in docked mode
>Reduced explosion and blood effects
The Switch is all smoke and mirrors.
that's called shit port by shit developers
It was a big story a few years back about someone who worked in the industry and basically went through every company and how they interacted with reviewers.
For most part, most companies gave 'gifts' to the reviewers, Sony actually did cash as part of 'promotions and Rockstar actively strong armed reviewers threatening to cut them out if they didn't give favorable reviews.
Only Nintendo and Activision didn't do this where they just sent the games as is and didn't apply any pressure.
I'll try and find it again.
>not wanting to explore in a RPG
I guess this means TW3 isn't particularly good. I'll skip it then thanks.
it indeed is very overrated and not particularly good
glad I could help
>using light theme
Imagine having to literally lie to justify your trash toy tablet lmao
I’m just wired
I paid so much money for a kick ass computer only to pause my PC picking up my switch and just play DQ builders for like 3 hours on my downstairs couch
I brought Hollow Knight and Baba is you again on Switch just because.
I don’t even consider myself a Nintendo fan but god damn it they have convenience down to a science
>Trusting digital jewdry
>Paying +60$ for Witcher running on a cheap tablet with everything on ultra low
Nintentoddlers are baboons.
>Doom is 540p
>all effects reduced
>graphics look like shit
I'm gonna need some sauce to verify these claims.
So what's stopping Rockstar from porting GTAV? I don't even have a Switch, just curious. From a purely technical standpoint it would be possible. Sure, it would probably have an awful low resolution, blocky graphics, and STILL run at an average of like 20fps, but it WOULD run. Just seems like money left on the table for Rockstar at this point.
How do Nincels still defend this newborn infant teething toy of a """"console""""
Every game on it runs like shit and looks like a goddamn Dreamcast game, and that's an insult to the Dreamcast.
They could’ve sold on better nostalgia points just being 60 FPS adding gyro and looking just as polygonal as the N64 version
Higher frame rate better controls classic look and I would’ve actually brought it
TLoU looks better than any Shitch game
Eric take your meds and stop samefagging
Show proof and specs then, all official sources show that the Switch is twice as powerful as the WiiU, which in turn is a bit above the 360 and PS3.
If the Witcher 3 can "function" on the Switch, what the fuck is Capcom's problem?
Nincel BTFO
Buy an actual gaming console and not a overpiced Leapster in disguise. Better yet, ditch consoles and buy a PC. Maybe then you can get a girlfriend or an actual job that pays you enough to afford actual PC parts and not plastic baby toys.
Wii U was also weaker than PS3/360, as proven here: gamesindustry.biz
Shitch is maybe just a tiny bit powerful. Dicky Kock Tropical Fucker runs like, 500p on handheld, which handheld mode is basically just "Wii U mode"
The Switch is 3 to 4 times more powerful than the PS3 and 360 (GPU throughput) and has 8 times the memory.
Xbox 360: 240 GFLOPS
Switch (Docked): 393 (FP32) 668-750 GFLOPS (double rate FP16)
360: 512MB GDDR3 (+10MB eDRAM)
Switch: 4GB LPDDR4
Basedniggers are fucking vermin
>literally BTFO'ing himself
fucking hell this is sonytards at their prime?
>source is a literal who on twitter that's blatantly incorrect
>linking a literal who on twitter with zero sources
Snoynigger please commit sudoku
No, I think this is just Eric or someone pretending to be Eric.
Are you high or just incredibly stupid?
No, fuck all consoles. PC is literally the only way to go nowadays. Consoles became irrelevant more than 15 years ago.
Nigger, I already have a gaming PC, you are just batshit insane on your crusade against nintendo for some fucking reason.
He admits he's wrong but he isn't.
L.A. Noire runs and looks worse than the PS3 version. That's enough proof for me.
Shitch couldn't even run Minecraft at 720p and a consistent 60ps at the beginning. They had to make textures shittier and disable a lot of settings and bring the draw distance down to even get it to run 1080p, and even then the framerate is still garbage.
Face it, it's weaker.
>He admits he's wrong but he isn't.
Digital foundry literally got bought out and now they say every shitty console port running at sub-HD looks "great"
Its funny because their feed will show a game going below 30fps but the shills will say shit like "smooth gaming experience" lmao
Do I have to play Witcher 1 and 2 before 3? I played some of 1, but the gameplay sucked ass.
a bad port of a game that performed bad on its home systems,made by a company that doesnt even exist anymore and therefore ported by a small company not familiar with the engine. Remember the fucking 3 discs it was on the 360?
Because Nintendo has tainted the gaming industry with their child games. There are actual "adults" who play games rated E for Everyone. That is fucking sad. Those are the people that don't make it anywhere in life and sit in their dirty diaper playing bing bing wahoo.
They don't play real games: RDR2, Call of Duty, Cyberpunk, y'know, the actual important shit. They waste their time on shitty shovelware spewed out to them by Nintendo and Nintendo gets praise??? FUCK THAT.
Nintendo deserves to go bankrupt for giving consumers shitty games and ripping them off with massively inferior hardware and graphics.
what's stopping R* from porting RDR, RDR 2,Midnight Clubs, GTA LCS and GTA VCS to PC? They're lazy and can afford to be.
>That's enough proof for me.
Then you're retarded. Did Arkham Knight prove that PC is weaker than the PS4?
It still will fry your ps4
It didn't run like shit if you had an actual decent machine. I have the top of the line shit and it runs perfectly at 4k 120fps.
Dialatte fucker.
>proved literally wrong even by his own sources
>calling casual bait like COD and RDR2 "adult"
Nigger, those games are so handholdy and treats you always like a retarded child.
>w-works on my machine
LMAO cope
You're like the dumbest kid in a class full of retards.
>literally lying to prove his console is better than a $300 jap tab
HOLY FUCK what absolute BTFO
Play a better game instead
>needs patch to make it run better, still chugging frames
If it was more pouwerful it could run it no problem. PS4 and XBONE could, Switch could not.
It's simplle logic.
And with the lite coming out soon
Is better than a 200$ jap tablet
>That taste
Holy fuck, normalfags are disgusting, go play fifa or phone games you fucking cancer
Is it worth of pirating on a switch?
alright pack it up boys, nintenchads won another thread war
The hiearchy here goes
PC Chads (me) > Snoy > Xcocks > Consuming monkey shit infected with shyphillis >>>>> Ninshit
"Oh I liked beef with potatoes when I was younger, I guess I can't eat it now because I am an adult."
Before you go with "Muh food analogy!!!" rant, thats your internal logic. You breathed air as a child, therefore you should stop fucking breathing then.
It dips to 540p/25fps if you play Arcade Mode on Ultra Violence. In the campaign it's roughly 640p/720p and 30fps.
If you are so normal, then why are you obsessivley crusading and spreading false information on a taiwanese origami folding picture hosting website?
I never liked Ninshit. I was brought up on the actual games like Doom and Wolfenstein, Halo and the like. Not bing bing wahoo mouthbreatther food
Because Yea Forums didn't use to be like this until the Shitch came along.
Everyone shat on Ninshitdo back then, now they get daily praise thanks to the Shitch.
Why would anyone buy this on switch?
Absolute chad
Only if they had severe brain damage and liked to play games at 100p/5fps
So what about nintendo games that are rated T/12+ - M/18+ then?
>brought up on halo
8/10 almost had me
Name one that isn't shit. Even if they were good, they're few and far in between and sell like shit because Nintendo's biggest audience isn't old enough to buy them)
Because publishers realize Switch owners would buy ANYTHING they put on it, port quality be damned. I actually applaud Capcom and EA for not bothering with the Switch.
Portability and literally no other reason. Why do you think CDPR were only showing off the game in handheld mode? It's even being released around the same time as the Vitaswitch.
I'm sorry. If Switch can't handle DQ11's world/draw distance then there is NO fucking way it can handle Witcher's.
Metroid Prime.
Looking like dogshit is not good for a handheld, user.
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Metroid Prime 3
Mad world
Bayonetta 2
Fire emblem three houses
Eternal Darkness
Astral Chain
Fatal frame
Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Xenoblade Chrnoicles 2
Word, GameBoy games looked better than this
Is that what it sounds like?
Google only finds me some Belgian drug company
then they should say that and not that it simply looks great
it's as if someone was saying that learning the alphabet is a great achievement, as it may be for a 5 year old
It's simply another case of "I don't wanna". Rockstar has an image and prestige to hold up, their games would instantly become "generic multiplats" if they got Nintendo or PC versions. PC gamers in particular are the thirstiest motherfuckers alive, any other platform base would laugh at being given a shitty port of an 8 year old game.
>Metroid Prime/2/3
Never heard of it, but judging from the screenshots that pop up on google it looks like shit and boring. Also it seems as if the 4th game is vaporware. Lol.
>Mad World
Again, never heard of it. Literally who?
>Bayonetta 2
Bayonetta used to be good until Nintendo got their hands on it. Now it's shit.
>Fire Emblem Three Whores
>Eternal Darkness
Again, literally who?
>Astral Chain
Not a Nintendo developed game so it doesn't count. It's a lost cause since it's a platform exclusive so it won't sell well and it'll just be a waste of money and resources.
>Fatal Frame
Again, who?
>Xenoblade Chronicles
Never heard of this one either but it seems like it's also horny weeb trash.
Switch fags on this board are like a retarded cult.
Never trust Switch opinions on this board, this board is like Nintendo/Leddit shit with a bunch of teenagers/ugly neckbeards shit tier taste.
Absolute state of nintendtards.
Confirmed underaged zoomer, go back
>playing third party games on nintendo platforms
Only the biggest Nintendocel would do that.
>SILKY SMOOTH 480p 22fps
He means this user
>Metroid Prime
>Eternal Darkness
>"Never heard of them"
You have to be at least 18 to post here user.
Well fuck him, then
So the same as every other console port?
It's stuttering like a motherfucker when he's riding horseback. A lot of spergies are saying "b-b-but PS4 had bad framerate too!". Lies. I went through the game at least 3 times on the regular PS4 and the frames barely dipped from what I recall. I could not play this Switch version, I'd be vomiting from those garbage frames. I guess it's alright for a handheld but, Jesus, just get a PS4.
Did you even watch the video? Fucking idiot
Patched retard
>the frames didn’t dip!
>yes they did, look
>b-b-but it’s patched, I swear!
The switch version isn’t even out.
Looks fucking amazing, gonna pirate the shit out of it.
They’re saying yeah it’s lower quality but holy hell its still good
Looking good. Bad thing I can't give a shit about The Witcher in general.