Even though she can't drink it, my body keeps making it

>Even though she can't drink it, my body keeps making it.

What did Kojima mean by this?

Attached: mama milko.png (760x637, 811K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's really starting to hurt and someone has to relieve her of all that extra juice.

btw trannies are gonna rage on this because their mutilated freak bodies can never lactate naturally

screencap this

trannies living rent free in your head

Trannies live in all of our heads. They demand it.

>What did Kojima mean by this?
setting up SFM/Blender lactation animations

Lactating naturally is literally the easiest thing trannies can do

The only place I ever hear about trannies is Yea Forums

Yea Forums is the only place you ever visit.

Because they frequently raid this board through discord and it's been exposed.

Even men can lactate with enough nipple and gland stimulation. But also OBSESSED

>it's been exposed
>it always the same two screencaps
>nobody can give me a link to this tranny discord
somehow things don't add up user

rent free

Not as much as they live in companies heads

kojima's never been subtle about putting his fetishes in his games

Yeah, and then one day you hear a weird screeching commotion outside, you look out the window and there's hundreds of the freaks parading down the street as part of faggot pride
It's fucking happening mate, if you don't see them yet you may not until it's too late.


Attached: Mammary.webm (824x724, 443K)

You will never be women, just give it up dilatecels.

There are better ways for you to deal with your molestation trauma.

>He hasn't seen that webm.

Attached: Tarantino film.jpg (600x338, 37K)

>its another Quiet situation where Koji managed to trick some chick he had a boner for, to be in his game and have ger do lewd stuff
gotta hand it to this guy, living the dream

Attached: 1559145743499m.jpg (1024x577, 34K)

Footfags are so fucking obnoxious.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x269, 514K)

I wonder why they keep showing cutscenes for this game. I thought it had revolutionary gameplay that will change games forever. To me it looks like you watch your guy sleep, wake up, take a piss in real time, then fucking walk. Every now and again you find some celebrity in a metal room who shows you a cutscene? What the actual living fuck. In the other videos you see him shooting guns or avoiding shadow people. Where the fuck is that gameplay? If the majority of this game is walking, pissing, rocking your gay baby thing, and watching cutscenes of b-list celebs grab their tits I think I'll pass.

I'd post a webm for you but I don't want to eat a 7 day ban.

>Where the fuck is that gameplay?
at Tokyo Game Show obviously!

>nobody can give me a link to this tranny discord
>please invite me so i can join my fellow epic raiding tranniers!

Attached: 1556327749842.jpg (500x496, 138K)

Il gonna piss on her tits instantly when I get the game

> naturally

Not through physiotherapy and fucking cenobite body splicing.

Trannies boides will never instinctually feel the need to lactate because they have a baby to care for.

>Where the fuck is that gameplay?
There is no gameplay. 'Stranded' probably means you're some alone motherfucker walking around until you piece together what the fuck happened. Celebrity cutscenes are likely memories. My guess Kojima wants to "create" lonely games.

>D-doesnt count!

The whole game is pretty much a movie. Much like MGS1,2,4. Showing gameplay would undermine the movie-ness, so that's why he's only showing it at TGS so not many people realize what a strand game actually is


Attached: carlin.gif (235x180, 1.94M)

>lonely games
Just play minecraft

Yeah, it's fucking disgusting.

Attached: 1561370591764.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

I wanna eat out Margaret

Keanu? Is that you?

Exactly. Kojima is a hack.

Why the SJWs are seething about her ? They always say bulltshit about diversity but if a female character is different than the "female who need no man" they are mad as fuck.

She looks great and we don't see mamas often in video games.

Retardera already is, along with its resident Xcucks seething because the game isn't laid out in front of them with numbered diagrams.


Nothing gets me harder than lactation. I'd love to see a woman lactate in ridiculous amounts and getting fucked hard and being udderly confused as to why she's lactating so much but ultimately not caring and orgasming while doing ahegao


You think they're stupid? It's a job and a lot of attention and promotes them as a brand.

you sure do think abt transexuals a lot user.

holy shit all he said was that men can make milk as well with enough stimulation you retard.

This chick has the body of a 19 year old. I don't buy that she is a mother with milk producing titties.

you know people get pregnant before 19 right?

She's 20 and they gave her model bigger tits

My point is, when I imagine a mother what comes to my mind is a little older. Not a girl who looks like she isn't old enough to drink.

and what does that have to do with producing milk pedo?


Holy fuck dude, they really are rent free in your head

Attached: 1419311995950.gif (500x446, 663K)

Are you literally retarded

Ironic considering it's poising in your brain thats living rent free.

>what evidence?
>my ass
>my ass


even has her autistic eye blinking, that's such detail

Someone failed anatomy class

in the older times of some nations the age for females to be mothers was around 14 years old but no im not a pedo and don't agree with it.

He's not wrong, resetrannies. They really are already doing that shit along with faggots and such. I'd probably like them better if they didn't.

Women > Men > Trannies

>have lactation fetish
>have dated single moms with babies
>tfw fucking her and just latching on to a tit and starting to suck
>every single one of them has started to squeeze tighter and get more aroused
>tfw cumming inside a girl while sucking her milk as she starts to cum
It makes me feel bad for bailing on them a month or so later but I don't want to be a step dad

>not old enough to drink

gotta be 21 in the US of A

we demand it

ah yes, the land of the free
>old enough to drive
>old enough for guns
>old enough to give your life for Isr.. the USA
>old enough for doing porn
>not old enough for alcohol

Attached: 1564144563399.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

To be fair there is some science behind 21 drinking age as the brain continues to grow and develop until around then. Specifically the frontal lobe being the last part to fully develop at around age 20-21 and alcohol inhibits and stunts that part specifically to cause the desired drunken effects.

Post yfw this game ends up being a legitimate masterpiece and all the Kojima hating niggers are eternally btfo

Attached: 1557175225163.png (280x275, 189K)

They don't specifically remove detail from captured facial animations. She does the blinking and it gets recorded. That's not impressive detail that's just an unaltered recording.

They live in my head and pay rent as released endorphines whenever I rage about them, so it's okay.

No it will be whatever it will be and the cult will not allow it to be called anything other than a masterpiece. The last thing Kojima was involved with was a single 3d-scan of a hallway and it was solidified in the minds of the public as some brilliant horror experience regardless of its complete absence of concent and quality. What really shows that Kojima is a fucking witless moron is that by now he should already know that he'd only have to shit on a plate and his sycophants would make it out to be the second coming of Elvis but instead he spends millions to bribe European women to pretend to enjoy his company. Even he lacks confidence in his own abilities to that extent.

Doing Quiet definitely promoted Stefanie Joosten into nothingness.

This bitch was the only good thing about Burger Note. I'm glad I get to fap to her whie she's in an actual good product now

he lieterally just making a movie isnt he. a really really long one

so whatever happened to that thing in america where a bunch of women were trying to sell their milk, and another group of women are trying to ban it because they claim it's sexist?

>a single 3d-scan of a hallway and it was solidified in the minds of the public as some brilliant horror experience regardless of its complete absence of concent and quality.
Trying too hard.

She was an absolute nobody and now she's an absolute nobody who gets occasional acting gigs and has 100k Instagram followers and constant threads on Yea Forums

Attached: 1566155563435.jpg (550x309, 29K)

>when I think of mother I think of 40 y/o single women with autistic children
Look what Jews did to you

God damn it Kojima you weirdo.

Attached: 658746587.jpg (800x400, 58K)

Kojima is just like Harvey Weinstein when it comes to women. He's an absolute creep and it's tough for anyone to speak out when he's treated like a god. Women in his "taste" who have been involved with working with him are absolutely disgusted by him. It's pretty much an open secret in the gaming industry/vets who have been involved with him to know what he's like. I'm sure some day people will start speaking out about the shit he does, but till then he's over-glorified.

kojima haters are getting so pathetic

Do you think she pumps the milk or milks herself with hands and her fridge is full of it

I have more reason to dislike someone when it's based on personal experience and not just something I saw on my computer screen.

>Kojima is just like Harvey Weinstein when it comes to women.He's an absolute creep and it's tough for anyone to speak out when he's treated like a god.
You're fucking retarded, you're basing this completely off of nothing. Also you're reasoning makes no sense since WE ARE in current trend of people bringing down powerful people in the industry,so someone would've spoken out already. Kojima himself isn't even a powerful person at least to the likes of actual big star hollywood directors and Executives. You're literally acting like a woman, controlled by Emotion and not by reason,who wants to bring someone down not because they actually did anything but because you don't like them.

Attached: 1534533291698.png (764x1200, 282K)

And this is why people don't speak out. Video game playing guys are neurotic when it comes to women speaking up or out. Great suited example.

mommy, gib!

Attached: image.jpg (1000x983, 98K)

>Say shit with no evidence
>Say thats bullshit, what are you basing this on
>See this is why people don't speak out :^)
Alright you got me with your bait.


Attached: seething fag.png (589x150, 20K)

stop buying the jewish anti-breeding propaganda
19 is a perfact time to have kids, the earlier the better (once sexually mature, that is.)

>Hiding the likes and retweets because you know its a literal nobody.

Based Kojima upgrading margaret's real model, he added more meat.

Attached: 51116EDC00000578-6248085-image-m-62_1538863092523.jpg (306x738, 78K)

I didnt cap them because they're irrelevant you faggot.

The way kojima say "mama" in the stream was hilarious

Would anyone really prove anything like this on Yea Forums? Many threads on Yea Forums have comments about how stupid women are. How am I supposed to prove something like that when it's not in written form? Exposing my workplace or identity on Yea Forums is just asking for something terrible. I can say this, maybe others will say something too and something will catch on. But for now this is just a comment I wanted to put out there and I don't expect anything to come out from it. It's counterproductive for me to try to defend my position without proof and I understand that. But I will say the gaming audience, especially on Yea Forums, loves to go at war with women over anything.

How is the feminist press dealing with the fact that dead women's wombs are being used as narrative devices?

>no tits
>no ass
>pointy knees

She's so repulsive in this film, but it's actually thanks to her good performance. Comes across as so fake and just a filthy leech on society.

someone get this bitch a sandwich jesus christ she looks like she's been fending for her life on an island for 3 months

yikes lmao
just admit you're talking out of your ass you random schizophrenic faggot

pls explain

based. They're already raging in response to your comment.

>Would anyone really prove anything like this on Yea Forums?
No, report it to the police if Kojima's bending you over every day you moron

Ew she was right her feet are gross. Wonder how Quintin even got hard looking at those things?

If it has ten toes, Quintin Tarantino can spank his meat to it.


Quentin gets hard at niggers fucking his wife and he's a terminal footfag,he doesn't have the greatest taste around

Kojima is the Tarantino of games.

I'm somewhat joking but think about it, most of his games have a character violently shitting himself on or off-screen, and MGS also has Otacon pissing himself, that one soldier able to piss on Raiden's head, Sigint's shit nightmare, etc.

This is why Yea Forums isn't a source of discussion, especially when the posters are children. It was nice to throw out my words at least.

Kojima did have a 14 year old girl naked in Snatcher and you could show her your dick by shoving it through a door's letterbox. He is a classic Japanese Otaku when it comes to girls and women. Most of his perviness is easter eggs and side content. But he is from a different culture and shouldn't be held to regressive western standards.

This. If you want discussion. Go to R*ddit. That place has actual fucking discussions.

Do you have literally anything vidya related to contribute? No? Then fuck off.

Breast milk? Her boobs getting swollen?


>rent free
the fuck are you going on about?

Attached: 1478249452030.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Can anyone please PLEASE post the webms of qualley being autistic?

you realize you drank your own cum right

No stop fapping to that

Go to bed, stop being so mad

no god please I need more. Please I can still shoot dust. PLEASE

I tend to do that a lot, is it bad?

>my boobies may be present, but my nipples are being sucked, I'm already breast feeding.


post it pussy

Wow, there must be some deep meaning behind this.

it's so difficult to reset a router these days

Homelander is the best part of the show

>implying people haven't LARPED before about knowing some SUPER SECRET INDUSTRY SECRETS MY DAD TOTALLY WORKS AT NINTENDO
This is my last (You) to you

real talk, that part seemed really contrived


I'm very interested about a person with this kind of moral quandaries that wouldn't have "disowned" (LOL) Kojima after centering a game around Paz having a fucking bomb up her cunt. Or that time the dude invented a sister for Otakon that has the hots for him while he reminisces about him fucking his step mom for little bearance in the story beyond him being a stud. Dude writes women awfully imo.

I gotta laugh about the "disown", though. Holy shit.

based? maybe?

Okay Kojima, I'll buy your game now

Attached: CZi1ZVZUYAAg5sO.jpg (756x1024, 110K)


Kojima does some dumb shit like this in every game. people will get upset by this while Ignoring the obvious glaring fact that the gameplay looks like insufferable boring trash. people were literally cheering for the character taking a piss, climbing a ladder and then slow janky walking, followed by more slow fucking walking.

well you're right.

Attached: 1563422415338.png (80x80, 845)

someone post the autism webms

Based, trannies seething rn

Explain your math, user

I hate when they focus on the wrinkles, I like the big fleshy softness of the feet but not when they emphasize every little wrinkle and fold with hyperrealistic detail

HAHAHAHAHA, rent free

I have nipples, user. Could you milk me?

Stop giving away your brainspace for naught

based Kojima taking a stance against abortion by showing the phantom pain of an abortion

Attached: 1524973571544.jpg (518x322, 44K)

Some retards will believe this

Sauce? T-that’s gotta be a girl right?

Good god. I don't get it, but I've got to respect the shear amount of effort and detail this person put into their fetish.

Based. And they’ll never ovulate.

150 posts in and nobody posts Margaret and her Japanese boyfriend? You would bet is she was dating a black guy, it would be first thing user would had posted.

Attached: amwf2.jpg (1376x1210, 394K)

> Margaret and her Japanese boyfriend?
With that being said, ever since she became a vegan, she has looked sickly. This was prime Qualley.

Attached: 1529505292233.jpg (666x1000, 98K)

Japanese people are human.

I'm amazed at how much pure autistic focus went into making those feet. What a weird fetish

Attached: 1515685544803.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

The absolute state of white "women".

btw trannies are gonna rage because you can urinate, but you can't dilate

Fatherfucker has forehead with enough ridges to make a Klingon envious.

eeehh... is this the first time a facial scan character has actually looked better than the model. looks like an artist actually did their job for once and fixed up the model the facial scanner shit out with actual artistic work & judgement.

Now post some "Bleached" shopped anime girls to fight off your feelings of oppression

Don't even bother trying, ricedick.

With the new information it seems there is a heavy anti abortion message in this game. When they gonna start ranting and raving about how much that makes them mad?

he meant he wants to get girls he likes into situations where he can hang out with them and mocap them to jerk off to the models
fucking hack

Attached: e6d5809dad4f94e53fd2eb3eb58dd2d56b88877e078bab1dfe9f63ee6a5adb02.webm (1920x1080, 1.46M)

>dead foetuses living in your head rent free

hes literally the only thing with any semblance of the source material. ironic.

Yeah but 40% of them will leave his head on their own.

Neat. Thank you for your sacrifice

Attached: 1471272429_1447542679855.gif (465x262, 1.96M)

based milkymale poster

That’s just mucus mainly. Not the same As pregnancy induced lactation.
Also in other times this thing would be treated for a prolactinoma but in these dark ages we live in this is the result of fucking treatment.

Undoubtedly based. Trannies COPE

Mommy's milkies... mmm...

Attached: mommy's_milkers.webm (1280x544, 3M)

Attached: 1484724854291.webm (430x640, 2.94M)

Dating Asian people isn't really that controversial, at least to me personally I don't get why it would be controversial compared to other interracial dating.

fr*aking based.



It's over user

Homelander's character was changed so drastically for the comic, I'm assuming you're a secondary posing as someone who has actually read it.

Was it autism?

Lactation and ANR is the most patrician and nuanced fetish to ever exist

Its the fucking truth so dont even bother replying

im starting to think Kojima uses white western women for his own perverse pleasure and nothing more.

Remember Quiet having a skimpy outfit supposedly having great significance in the game?

You can induce lactation in men by fucking with their hormones, which is exactly what hrt does.

>i saw a recap on youtube so im OG comic fan brah

fuck off
>no mothers milk actually drinking his momma milk
>the boys dont have powers yet
>no fat jew guy in a basment with the comics and shit
>changed frenchies and the azn girls story
>added a lady sucking on nigger toes
>added hughie being a race mixer
>hughie is okay with starlight being me-too`d unlike in the comic

eat shit. literally the only change to homelander is the ambiguity of some of this actions which is later explained with a twist in the comics at the end. in the show he straight up does them and its shown or admits to them.

>the phantom pain of an abortion

Attached: 1537467375419.gif (268x325, 1.96M)


>lady tits taken down instantly
>this is still up
Jannies confirmed for trannies.


Attached: 1471261388164.png (460x328, 5K)

Kojima must have some explanation for this.

She's uh a plant. Are you sorry yet.

Why most modern women have droopy eyes? Ignore the retarded text, the thing about the eyes is legit.
Are they sedated? Did they never experience depression and they can't take it?

Attached: 1566157789759.jpg (1024x629, 86K)

>big crinkley feet

This is still the funniest webm I have ever seen

Attached: 96G9mgUb_400x400.jpg (240x240, 13K)

Triggered polshits BTFO, lel

>Why most modern women have droopy eyes?
Why most modern women don't? What the fuck are you asking?

>when tits get instar emoved and flacid dick gets left up for an hour+
ok faggot

literally this.
just cant admit that they wanna take it up the butt from transexuals every day pretty much

What is this from?

fluoride stare

Plants don't milk out of their tits.

Oh man, I'm ashamed about what I've said and done

homelander is fucking g.
truly insane and its great

Maybe hers produce maple syrup

Yeah but not for long :3

Rent free, forever

Literally fucking obsessed

death stranding is going to be a walking simulator with creepy vibes isn't it?

They also never ever have chat logs because

1. They never get these screencaps themselves if they did exist
2. Making extensive fake chat logs is time consuming and if one person is doing it, it will be obvious.

Attached: 1553290722777.png (1848x2704, 479K)


>hah-ha! a new way to categorize people i don't like!

>stop hating people :OOO

Attached: 1526051354491s.jpg (124x119, 3K)

Jannie pls dont ban me. Please.. My roommate's gonna wonder why we're banned and he'll see my fetish

guys help

Why do you care? Honestly don't get it.

I can assure you that when faggot construction workers do jack hammering in the alley at 8 AM, that is FAR more fucking infuriating than a pride parade.

Imagine being an actress, knowing nothing about video games, then suddenly your agent contacts you about an offer from some Kojima guy. You look him up and apparently the entire industry praises him as a genius, so you take the offer. You arrive on set and you're greeted by a middle-aged Japanese man grinning from ear to ear. The first thing he asks you to do is enter a room full of about a hundred cameras all around you and feel up your tits.

>pinning rage on xbox fans
There is like 5 of us and I'm sure none give a single fuck. In fact I'm looking forward to playing this.

It's nintendorks


I Wanna Be Sedated

So Tuesday for an actor?

how the fuck do you even give birth to a baby, but it's in another dimension? like, did she dilate and shit and then literally nothing but air came out and then ghost baby appears a few seconds later?

what is this a reaction image for ants?

Can't smoke in some states, either.

Also the driving age should be 25

what are you talking about?

Attached: 1526051354491s.jpg (97x93, 11K)

Based normie.

So how does this show work? Just remove the Miller from it? I can't imagine the adaption is very faithful considering the comic. Which could be a decent thing since the characters in the comic are some of the least likable characters around.

she's yet another female character whose entire story is about motherhood

what is this a reaction image for fleas?

I love how that segment about how they're keeping braindead women to sync with the babies was completely missed.


Attached: 1526051354491s_ln3ejb6lb.jpg (19x18, 675)


what is this a reaction image for microorganisms?

>you feel it too, don't you?
The only thing thots feel is dicks, and the gigantic blender that's spreading their roast beef to grab the fetus.


Attached: 1566244368854.webm (790x1080, 2.47M)

thats because all women are brainded

Attached: GiornoAV.png (350x495, 298K)

I just got an idea for a multimillon dollar porn brand.

Depression isn't real

what is this outre mockery of human motion?

In the Del Taco trailer you learn that the magic babies come from chicks in comas

based Giorno dropping truth bombs

why are my boobs still making milk? just to suffer? every night I feel them, my boobs, even my nips, won't stop hurting, it's like they're still being sucked. you feel it too don't you?

10/10 kojima very moving.

i lold

unfortunately I've been here long enough to know that's false


This makes me want to faint


Well the word he uses isn't a real word but something like still-mother which like still-born baby would mean dead not a coma. But they could be in some comatose near death state.

Resetera lurks here everytime. Cslm down, trannie

Attached: 44819.jpg (225x350, 26K)

>Sidequest! Milk Mama!

user this is what non-american women look like, healthy

Jesus, some foot fag went to town with this animation.

okay homo

>bad guys are homo demons
>allies are mama milkies
based and redpilled

so far id say its far superior to the comics
it kept some of the major plot points but the characters are better

watch more webms then

her hands is bigger than her face

You're not special

he outright says braindead before saying stillmother

>NOOOOO, things in this ADAPTATION aren't THE EXACT SAME THING as they were in the original!! It's shit!!!!!

If you want the plot of the comics, read the comics you retard. Things have to be changed in tv/movie adaptations. This is how things are, how they have been, how they always will be.

I'm no medical expert. Is braindead different from coma or a worse condition? Which one does being a vegetable refer to?

>tfw lactation turns me on
>tfw knowing a woman is pregnant or has children is gross to me.

It's a dilemma.


pregnancy is the patrician fetish

It means the milk truck has arrived dumbass

Attached: 1537848567074.png (304x408, 175K)

Yeah but she is no longer pregnant and has no child because it's dead and a ghost. So now you have a permanent lactating woman who is neither pregnant nor has a child.

>200+ posts in and no milk or lactation or breast sucking porn
You disappoint me Yea Forums

the video that Konami shills dont want you to see

Attached: hideokojimaahem.jpg (945x556, 93K)

My friends think lactation is a foot-tier fetish and I don't get it. It's so hot. What's wrong with it?

Attached: 1565744877098.jpg (883x1765, 433K)

Well, yes, but knowing she technically had a child still makes it kinda gross. It's a grey area.

Anyone think Norman Reedus' voice sounded weird when he was screaming? i think i had never heard him speaking louder than his usual 2cool4school rough whispering but when he started shouting in the trailer i thought it was someone else initialy.

The voices just didn't match.

Attached: 1408838236618.png (411x387, 11K)

why didn't you fucking hide that whole post instead you fucking muppet

Get better friends. Also nursing handjobs are a god tier fetish I don't give a shit what anyone else says

Attached: e04c68b47ae4fd6b1d244f6fa84ecc8c.jpg (708x1000, 135K)

That one discord was from /r9k/ and it had 50 (?) people. Yea Forums gets hundreds of posts per second yet somehow those trannies are in every thread that you are, ready to disagree with you on everything.

Bad news, you're friends might be gay user, they are most likely thinking about raping you. No self respectable would say something so fucking stupid. lactation is the patrician choice.


Attached: 1526235734683568.png (353x334, 141K)

I still laugh about Kojima thinking "dude she breaths thru her skin tho" was going to be a big BTFO moment.

The lad should just be upfront and keep it moving.

>Humanized health refill item
Why is Kojima making video game mechanics humans?

Creativity? Have you ever heard of "doing something that has never been done before"?

Looks like magnesium deficiency.



What is her condition? Google has nothing as if they have all agreed to not talk about it.

You can scan your surroundings with Hilo graphics and make a ladder go up to anywhere your eyes can see.
You also walk a lot and piss 100meters distance.

lol this, I thought it was a different NPC at first.


>makes canon fetish backstory for all the porn.
can't wait for sfm.

why does she blink so hard?

Like I understand the premise and everything and its kind of interesting, but just being on this website too long makes this the funniest shit in the world

There better be breast expansion, Kojima. You have to appeal to all of the GOOD fetishes too! I know you're in these threads I've seen you on your phone browsing Yea Forums.

Literally any "Yea Forums Discord" will be filled with tranny erping faggots.

The only thing that will be expanding will be my dick into your mom's pussy lmao

t. Kojima


Attached: 1566170601721.png (144x150, 85K)

Try living anywhere that's on the west coast, especially Seattle, ESPECIALLY capital hill

Underrated post.

Attached: 1566146664307.jpg (482x720, 46K)

that literally loooks like someone recorded real feet and merged em with some video. its like a feet deep fake

Never played a Kojima game before and I was thinking of getting this game but after seeing this I'm definitely going to buy it.

shes talking about edge nut city

No, you faggots just won't shut the fuck up about them. I could go the whole year without hearing or seeing a tranny and then come here, within a day I will see someone serious post about a tranny,

I'd rather stay away from your whole nation.

Women who give birth naturally begin lactating. Do you not know how humans work?

Got any proof of that claim?

>edge nut city
That's old hat. Did you miss the latest trailer. We Capital Nut City now.

I watched Season 1 when it came out and nothing after that, yet all this time I never realized she was in it until now. No wonder she looked familiar, when I thought it couldn't have been my first time seeing her watching Death Note.

Must be suffering living on the left side of the spectrum.

Artist is NecDaz91 on DA. They do great shit

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If she is the mother of all the babies, who is the father? Is she made just for breeding?

Trannies are beautiful and deserve respect.
Literally RENT FREE

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>japanese bf
Unironically doesnt bother me or anyone who isn't insane. He's a decent looking dude so what the fucks the matter?

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i wonder if you can have sam piss himself and wince hard from the embarassement haha and have him awkwardly walk around with piss stained pants wouldnt that be weird haha

seriously what the fuck is wrong with her?

Why does she get to have a japanese bf and I struggle to get one qt japanese gf, it's not fair bros!

>dat pinky toe

Attached: disgust.png (473x532, 405K)

Kojimbo stuck a remote controlled vibrator up her snatch.

I hope you didn't get tricked by the obvious troll account and blatantly photoshopped images there

>dat pinky toe
>those knees
>that shin
>that alien arm

what the fuck man

speaking form experience it does not produce such results.
Must be something else.

What do you mean?
Trans Pride!

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if ur a girl then its cute
otherwise its still cute if you look like a girl

>why does an attractive woman who is in movies get someone while my ugly chan shitposting ass doesn't?

dave mustang is looking terrible


Shockingly, universal concepts don't go away, like young characters finding themselves, or men protecting something they love


A nope. She''s 100% qt.

she is down with the yellow

@JackieMacmilla5 is an ironic counter tranny, that you think it's a legit user is astounding

>that toe
I have had a injury by falling incorrectly from a big height and the result that my pinky toe got twisted and damaged. It's not 100% right, about 90% I would say, but it still miles better than hers.
what the fuck did she do to achieve suck fucked up pinky toe when even crashing into cement from a good height doesn't produce such abominations.

>ywn have a milky mommy who takes care of you
Why even live?

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Nothing ironic about #PRIDE!

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>scott pilgrim invented scene/emo girls

Ever been this stupid? That you think a niche comic and an underselling film "influenced a generation"

>kojima gave us mommy milkies and pissing in the same trailer

fucking based

>people upset about a woman doing something literally normally, in fact its a pretty interesting character quirk that her body thinks that she's got a baby despite it being stuck on the other side which has some interesting implications about the bebe system
>people complaining that the gameplay looks to be exploration and narratively focused, despite being shown this repeatedly that this game will focus on aversion to direct confrontation, boss fights and a long form exploratory mode of gameplay

The French one should have been the tit lady of the game. Her breasts are huge irl.

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That's natural. Mine is halfway like that.

What the FUCK is he going to do next?

mine kinda looks like that and i assume its from how many times i smashed my foot into a wall corner running around my house as a kid because there's been a couple times i hit so hard i was brought to tears

just looked her up, she used to be a ballerina. haven't seen any mention of that in this thread, though but yeah, ballet fucks up your toes

Ok now I'm curious and need to see this.

makes sense, the only way you get those kind of toes if you have physical trauma that dislodges them from the correct position

>just looked her up, she used to be a ballerina
So thats why her body is so weird.


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>i took your dad's dick
>somehow i win this argument
what the fuck? how does that work?

chill user. it's scripted for the cuck fags

I didn't know she was dating based Fukanigga

I don't want my daughter to see guys sucking each other off.

Why do I get the feeling in the next gameplay teaser Kojima's going to reveal his pregnancy fetish to us all?

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There was story in the gossips papers how Fukanaga was addicted to Red Dead Redemption 2 and he wouldnt attend meetings for the James Bond movie because of it

>Imagine being a Yea Forums janitor who has to fight for trans rights on a videogame thread at 3:20 am on a Tuesday


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Who are you quoting?


For you