There are people who still defend modern sega

>there are people who still defend modern sega

Attached: sega ip list.jpg (1024x960, 136K)

The recent ToeJam and Earl game was good
There's a Space Channel 5 game coming out next year
Bayonetta's very much alive
Puyo Pop has national tournaments
Phantasy Star Online 2 is doing amazing in the east and is coming to the west next year

Problem is that a lot of the franchise's in this picture have no place in modern gaming. Virtua Fighter could have a revival like SamSho, but Fighting Vipers never had a good enough following. Ecco is useless apart from indie trash. Space Harrier/Golden Axe/Alex Kidd wouldn't survive the transition. Vanquish was a one-hit-wonder, let it go.


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I mean, we are getting a new Sakura Wars and Panzer Dragoon, so I can't be mad at that.

They have their highs and lows

>The recent ToeJam and Earl game was good
Funded by Adult Swim, not SEGA.
>There's a Space Channel 5 game coming out next year
VR game.
>Bayonetta's very much alive
Funded by Nintendo, not SEGA.
>Puyo Pop has national tournaments
Puyo Puyo hasn't had a good same since 2011 and hasn't had a mainline title since 2009. It's been milked by a shit Mobile Game since 2013.
>Phantasy Star Online 2 is doing amazing in the east and is coming to the west next year
This is true, though.
>Problem is that a lot of the franchise's in this picture have no place in modern gaming.
Absolutely fucking retarded.
>Ecco is useless apart from indie trash.
Even more retarded.
>Space Harrier/Golden Axe/Alex Kidd wouldn't survive the transition.
Space Harrier could be revived easily. It's a fucking rail shooter, they've been proven to still work. On top of that, if your argument for SH is that "B-BUT IT WAS FAKE 3D" then take a long fucking look at how Outrun 2 was handled.
Golden Axe is a Beat 'Em Up, which the River City Ransom sequels still coming out rpove still have an audience.
Alex Kidd is a bit shit, though, I'll give you that one.

The only ones still seething over SEGA is the Sonicfags. Especially the modern cucks.

>Doesn't mention that Panzer Dragoon is getting a remake, Monkey Ball is getting a remake, Afterburner Climax finally got an official release again (even if just on mobile), House of the Dead just got a new game, VF5FS being included in Judgement will probably lead to more people playing it than they have in the past several years


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I'm not 100% up to date on franchise releases, those are just the ones I know of

selling the rights of franchises is better than sitting on them doing nothing, I'd do anything for a new Crazy Taxi.
A game having a VR release doesn't change the fact it's a game
How would you create an Ecco game that doesn't seem like something off the Xbox Live Arcade?
Rail shooters don't still work, what are you talking about? I haven't seen a rail shooter in years apart from Rush of Blood.
I just remembered there's a Streets of Rage game coming out soon though, but I still think the beat em up market is on life support.

>selling the rights of franchises is better than sitting on them doing nothing, I'd do anything for a new Crazy Taxi.
I do agree with you on this, but that's what SEGA is doing with 90% of their unused IP.
>A game having a VR release doesn't change the fact it's a game
This is true, but it's hardly a new entry, either. It's about as new as Rez: Infinite was, and I liked Rez: Infinite.
>How would you create an Ecco game that doesn't seem like something off the Xbox Live Arcade?
First, the "indie game is automatically bad" argument is the most retarded fucking thing and you need to dome yourself for making it. Second, the original director of Ecco has been trying to get a new entry funded for YEARS.
>Rail shooters don't still work, what are you talking about? I haven't seen a rail shooter in years apart from Rush of Blood.
Kid Icarus Uprising, you stupid fuck.
>I just remembered there's a Streets of Rage game coming out soon though, but I still think the beat em up market is on life support.
It's on life support, yes, but that's a result of shit publishers rather than it being "outdated".


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>Sonic Mania
>Sega Ages Virtua Racing
>Sega Ages Outrun
>Genesis Mini
>Panzer Dragoon remake
>Streets of Rage 4
Modern Sega is doing a good job
Licensing is a bitch

Skies of Arcadia hurts the most.

Attached: Vyse.jpg (694x1000, 196K)

>Licensing is a bitch
They got it for the SEGA Forever mobile release of Climax (which in fact has a 4th plane that wasn't in the console release) and I'm pretty sure 3DABII is still for sale.

All I want out of SEGA now is more Afterburner, although more Panzer Dragoon after the remake would also be nice.

>>Sonic Mania
Barely has anything to do with anyone actually working at SEGA.
>>Sega Ages Virtua Racing
>>Sega Ages Outrun
Rerelease we've seen a thousand times. Anyone with taste would rather have Outrun 2/2006.
>>Genesis Mini
>>Panzer Dragoon remake
Admittedly pretty fucking cool, but there's always the possibility of it being shit.
>>Streets of Rage 4

>>Bayonetta's very much alive
>Funded by Nintendo, not SEGA.
Who the fuck cares. They gave them permission anyway which beats letting it die thanks to practically everyone else giving zero shits about the IP itself.

>that's what SEGA is doing with 90% of their unused IP.
About half of the franchises in your image have had something done with them/future plans. With a library of franchises as large as SEGA's, a bunch are going to be left in the dust. I don't know what you want.
>It's about as new as Rez: Infinite was
This isn't a bad thing, if they do it as well as Rez was.
>the original director of Ecco has been trying to get a new entry funded for YEARS.
Obviously there isn't a demand for it then, huh?
>Kid Icarus Uprising, you stupid fuck.
Oh, a game from... 7 years ago. Nice.

>Oh, a game from... 7 years ago. Nice.
A game on a modern system that sold well and proved that rail shooters still work in a modern context, you absolute retard.

>I haven't seen a rail shooter in years apart from Rush of Blood.
did you forgot that panzer dragoon remake exists or what

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Wait, I didn't even notice the Yakuza logo on there. Pack up, it's time to go home, OP's retarded.

It's a list of all their IP, dumbass, not just the neglected ones.

>one good game that's only good because Sega hired outsiders who actually know what they're doing to handle the majority of it
>a bunch of ports
>a remake that Sega has no involvement in besides licensing out the IP, they're not even publishing it
>a mediocre looking sequel that again, Sega has no involvement in

>tfw i mostly just want a new puyo game that's not garbage
fuck i'd even take a fever 2 rerelease if they'd give us an official translation

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I hope they crash and burn im still mad at them

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You forgot to add Atlus

Attached: atlus-sega.jpg (2148x1012, 249K)

Atlus doesn't count. They're a recent buy and basically every Atlus game that's come out in the last 5 years had no involvement from SEGA whatsoever.

They work so well that there have been three noteworthy entries into the genre in 7 years - one on a handheld, one in VR and one that's coming out this year.

I did. I don't pay attention to Switch releases and I'm not really interested in that franchise anyway.

>no more JSR
>no more OutRun
>no more Crazy Taxi
>no more Panzer Dragoon
>no more ChuChu Rocket
>no more Vanquish
>no more Afterburner

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>subsidiaries don't count
So Xenoblade isn't a Nintendo game then


wait, I forgot we actually are getting PD, I hope to christ it doesn't suck

Your missing all of atlus which could add some more
Jet set radio would be strongest on PC with level creators could prolly sell decently or sell a lot of dlc

I have hope for Afterburner after Climax joined the Forever collection but it's been 4 months since that happened. The last two releases (Climax & 3DABII) are legit the best in the series, all I want is them on the current systems.

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So, here'the series that SEGA still does anything with:
A series notorious for being garbage and which they haven't even given a proper budget since Unleashed, with only one good title in recent memory that only exists because there were 0 SEGA devs involved with its production.
>Total War
>Sakura Wars
A series that was dead in the water for decades until it won a Japanese popularity poll.
A series SEGA does nothing with themselves and only gets sequels because Nintendo funds them.
>Phantasy Star
A series stuck in (an actually good, to be fair) MMO.
A series that's been total crap for over half a decade now thanks to the new Puyo team focusing solely on a shit gacha phone game and a bunch of trash spinoffs since the first game that team made (Puyo Puyo 7) was one of the worst entries in the series.

And finally, the series owned by Atlus, which barely have anything to do with SEGA at all since SEGA only recently acquired Atlus in 2016.
That makes a grand total of two series that SEGA owns that they aren't either neglecting or ruining.
Nice fucking company.

>SEGA AM2 was dissolved
>could still bring back everyone but hasn't
>no more VF or any crazy racing games

They're called Yakuza dick riders, user.

I'll always remember this game fondly

On one hand I wouldn't mind a sequel, on the other, it's perfect as is.

Maybe a spiritual successor is what I'm looking for.

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They should just make some sort of Sega classics HD collection with a bunch of hold games but with some nice HD 2d art.

Space Harrier for VR please