Steam review bombing has begun

>anger literally everyone
What's their endgame here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>We won again
It's so fucking trivial, we literally don't even have to try, they always get on their knees and do everything we want and beg us for mercy. We don't even give them a dime after the fact. Not a single one.
Sorry, /pol/tards, you were born on the losing side.

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>review bomb because bad jokes
>review bomb because they removed bad jokes

The whole situarion is sad, but the former wont bring about change

That's actually hilarious

what shit did they remove?

They're doing it on purpose to show what happens to devs who go this route.

They already finished the game and got shitloads of money, and they can continue in the Duke modding community comfortably out of the spotlight. Nothing to lose from any of this.

4d chess.

Lmao /pol/ users shitting their diapers again

A soap bottle that said "OGAY" and couldn't even be seen without noclip.


They're fucking done bros.
We did it. Don't fuck with gamers.

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>review bombing a game because the devs don't want to stand by transphobic comments anymore
Holy shit gamers are fucking pathetic


>hides "negative" review bombs
>no such thing as "positive" review bombs
valve will go full cuck and censor reviews again lmao

>get dogpiled by internet crusaders for lukewarm takes
>they start "boycotting" you (as if they were ever going to buy your game)
>bend the knee
>they don't accept your apology and you alienate part of your fans also

Sad. They should've either doubled down or done nothing and wait for this shit to blow over. You never win these controversies by groveling.

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What game

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shit is sick

quick rundown?

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Skimming out ideologically driven retards from any side is good.

/pol/tards supported Ion Fury because one of the devs said that trannies were mentally ill
ResetEra comes in, BTFOs /pol/ as usual, makes the developers apologize
Now /pol/tards are seething

The jokes were the kind of shit tittering 13 year old boys find fucking hilarious, but I don't know what anybody expected from 3D Realms. Or why anybody cares.

I got worried it was the ATM saying shake it baby but that's still really stupid

Crashing this series

this ion maiden? who cares. pixel faggot game.

>"don't cut your baby's dick off before it's even old enough to utter the words 'I want to be a girl'"

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based and redpilled
fuck resetera and fuck /pol/, both of you are equally worthless

That's just funny, it's obviously making fun of duke nukem

Time to buy the game now

With no survivors

yes yes, let it all burn

Deserve it. Players should be allowed to speak their mind, it's up for the developers to provide the means to communication, and if they don't do that, then they'll get negative reviews.

If you like losing potential customers, yes. The best move is to just shut the fuck up and sell your product. If you can't do that, at least have the spine to defend yourself and your values.

>these crybabies
>also hear me crying on your reviews for change?
Gender politics is important to Yea Forums.
No one on this board can stop talking about this shit.
This is why this shit keeps happening. It's free advertisement and everyone keeps talking about it for years.

>Why yes, I did predict the developers of Ion Fury were apologetic SJWs a year in advance and even provided evidence proving it. How could you tell?

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>game is announced with a female protag who doesn't wear a bikini
>Yea Forums goes into hysterics
>one of the devs said things about trannies and someone left gibberish debug text with the word 'fag' in it in an inaccessible room
>resetera goes into hysterics
>game is now based to Yea Forums
>devs apologize and remove a sprite with a gay joke on it and said debug text
>Yea Forums goes into hysterics
Who knows where it will go next.

based. how long have you been on pills lg/v/t? we are all gonna make it

>buzzwords buzzwords
So pol was right again. Good to know.

Get woke, go broke.

>muh wider audience
>muh maximum profits
Kill yourself.

>People found private dev discord messages that were transphobic
>People also found a bottle in game that says "Ogay" and another message that can only be found with noclipping
>Devs bent the knee and apologized and donated money
>Now people are mad at them for bending the knee and not putting the devs head on a stake

Lesson is. Never listen to outrage.

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>Why yes i do post this in every thread to get likes on my steam post

If they were just removing the sprite and debug text it would be something, but instead they also sent their people to mandatory brainwash school, donated $10k to a nonprofit that wants children to change sex, and hinted at the possibility they might fire their people.

You serious?

>>Why yes i do post this in every thread to get likes on my steam post

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>Lesson is. Never listen to outrage.
Oh, so don't listen to the /pol/niggers crying that they relented? That makes sense.

Thats why you dont publish your game on steam

You're a giant pussy stfu dumbass

>and hinted at the possibility they might fire their people
citation needed

>a couple of clickbait articles about trannies doing stupid shit that most trannies aren't even in favor of doing
>dumb /pol/acks use those articles to wage a campaign against trannies
>not transphobic

The solution is to never apologize because the people you have already offended will never forgive you. This is also true of life unless they're your family or close friends.

>non english reviews are all indiferent to this PC drama and talk only about the gameplay, engine, sound, difficulty, etc . no matter if its a positive or negative review
>only reviews whining about muh sjw or muh nazi devs are in english

nahahaha damn, angl*s are truly cucked creatures

Yeah, people were calling them for some transphobic comments, and now that the devs apologized for them, alt-right trash are mad about it

don't listen to any outrage

>I got banned on the forums and my review got flagged by the devs
>I'm a pussy

Mmmmmmm, that's gonna be ten pure strikes from me, bitch.

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>The jokes were the kind of shit tittering 13 year old boys find fucking hilarious
Yes, and?

It's to be expected. Glad they saw the right of things, at least.

You think "a parent shouldn't choose their child's gender" is a transphobic statement?

It’s a dogwhistle for sure

>playing western boomer games

yikes in all fields.

why do you keep shilling your account faggot? literally nobody cares

You're just as pathetic as Undercarder bitch, shut the fuck up

No one with a brain not filled with mental disease considers that transphobic

someone post the "transphobic" things the dev said

You hear these whistles very easily for a non-dog.


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Know your enemy

It's almost like you shouldn't listen to idiotic people.

>game runs perfectly in eduke32
Who is retarded enough to buy this?

So why is being against child abuse not common sense nowadays again? America is absolutely fucked at this point

>Changing in-game stuff to appease to some fag who won't even play the game
I don't care how minor it is. That's my sign to just pirate

im picturing the south park cripple fight as i read this. Im not sure whos a bigger retard though

It's already been stated in the thread. They said that parents shouldnt force their children to be transgender before they are even old enough to decide it for themselves

people will never learn, from the moment you go to one side the last thing you should do is to ask for excuse, just dont do it, you will not win the side you are trying to excuse yourself for and you will make the side that was in favor of you dump you too, if the devs kept their mouth shut everyone would be cool, that being said, im calling it was 3Drealm that asked them to do it

You're a fucking moron if you think there's any reason or benefit for you to side with any political ideology if you're making a piece of entertainment and relying on it for a livelihood. Why would you willingly risk your reputation just to stick it to the libtards/cuckservatives? Keep politics out of your fucking game, and let your work speak for itself.

You have no idea how businesses work, stop posting and take your own advice.

You expected Shakespeare from the developers of Duke Nukem?

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whoa there fucko, you tried to get sued? its ion fury

>b-but muh gender fluid 8 year old son

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This is fun, but you should bait someone else now.

Because rich white capitalists run the country and don't care

triggered little white boysssssss

Just laugh at American games. They are all worth big shit. Dont even remember when i have played anything from America. Maybe dota



>devs say trannies bad
>devs backtrack

People that find that transphobic should have been forced underwater as children

Does it matter? Don´t you have to buy the game to get a review up? As long as you buy it, job well done by the SJW.

>unironically playing weeb shit all day long

dont make me say yikes, i only have 3 yikes a month

Let's not pretend it's any better in yurop

Anyone else just watching all this from the bleachers like me? I didn't buy the game or commented on steam about any of this, I'm just eating some rice krispies and watching how americans behave.

I mean, I knew from long ago that the developers are limp-wristed based on the character's design in general. I never expected this though.

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>tfw got this game on gog and backed up the installer before all this nonsense happened

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you can post a review if you got a review code or got it free somehow (not pirate) but it says that you got it for free on top of the review

False, the real lesson is: Never listen to Resetera.
They werent informed of the chances to the game at all.

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Wasn't the game just released this month?

It is but people are scared to say anything. Its only the insane far left pushing this shit. The moderate left need to tell them to fuck off.

>dev says reasonable thing
>dev apologizes for saying reasonable thing because 1 ugly man got mad on twitter

I'm glad we have people like you to preserve the unaltered original vision of the creators.

since you're watching south park, you are probably the biggest retard in all of this

Welcome to why America is the laughing stock of the world

>moderate left

>goes into hysterics
The only hysteria you get is ebin delicious tears faggots jerking themselves off about how dumb goobergator Yea Forumstard incels can't stop shitting their pants, which of course drowns out any actual online incontinence tenfold

don't forget to refund

>review bomb because bad jokes
Resetera can't review bomb at least significantly

>people bitch about microtransactions
>literally one game gives in, year after release
>trannies bitch
>not even week later game gets censored

yeah, i love this society

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>I'm Tim Pool and i am mixed race. The far left is racist
>I'm Dave rubin and i'm a gay Jew. The far left doesn't support Israel enough

>No context

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Who cares, this is why steam has the anti review bombing feature.

is the performance any different? Pirated it the other day and the frame drops are ridiculous

>Try to be normal devs
>Get fucked over for a tiny joke
>Have to donate to trans school that makes more trans school
>Old fans refunds
>Trannies would never have bought it anyway
How do you win?

Whats kek about that?

It was early access shit. Unlike Yea Forums, I'm actually into games and knew about this game for a long time and even did my research into the development and how they scrapped all the old character designs

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Classic gameplay isn’t an excuse to have shit graphics in 2019 especially if you are a big developer

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sjws vs sjws

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I dont know who they are.

Tell SJWs to fuck off and sell millions anyway.
See KCD.



This. Even Ubisoft told them to fuck off as well with Far Cry 5.

What game and how long did you have to filter for that screenshot?

I've only played for about 30 minutes but I haven't noticed anything. My computer is an overpriced piece of shit so I'm not sure if that factors into it. Using the most recent build of eduke32.

Everyday, little by little, I lose the desire to play vidya anymore

>p-p-p-please side with me in muh ebin culture war
lol, poor coping and seething /pol/nigger

Does the "moderate left" even exist anymore? It seems like everyone who isn't right-wing is a completely insane marxist whackjob.

>how long did you have to filter for that screenshot?
Literally just filter most recent negative reviews.

you will never pass /hon/ie

Take a break from social media and Yea Forums. You'll be a lot happier and want to play stuff again.

>something awful is so dead and so gay that everyone is blaming resetera when a goon was the one who started bitching about the tranny shit first

>still mad because someone said dont cut your kids junk off
Dilate and cope. Your axe wound cant certainly have sex

Don't try to understand these Weimar 2.0 fags.
The only thing that works with them is another purge.

it's true, sensitivity training, removal of offensive content, and a generous donation to an LGBTQ++ charity is not enough. everyone involved who supported the offensive comments must be fired and blacklisted from the industry.

>paying for crappy cashgrabs put together with minimal effort

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Today's Irony is Tommorrow's Sincerity.


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the hell does ogay mean?

We don't have a /hon/ board

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It's purity spiraling.

You got me there user

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>>game runs perfectly
It does?

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yes. Theyre bullied into silence by the far left. Leave your house and speak to people, it might surprise you that everything you read online made by insane fringe culture warriors is not representative of real life.

>says the """"post-ironic""" /pol/fag
Know your enemy, retard. Have you ever actually visited tranny hangouts besides outrage clickbait Yea Forums OPs?

Go eat a bag of dicks, faggot

>discord shit
It always comes back to it

You aren't even allowed to say it's okay to be white.

yes you do honie

Sucks because this game seemed to be certified Trumpkino at first. Me and the boys on Discord were prepared to shill it all over Yea Forums and a few other places.
Hopefully President Donald J. Trump will save us all from this mess.

of the reviews or?

Zero Gay

I want to fuck the British chick from Love It or List It

i don't give a shit about who or what they made fun of, i do care that they backtracked for a group of people who don't even and will never play their game.

This. Their only mistake was not being an Epic exclusive.

Dude irony is fucking cancer. I've always been about what I'm about.
So what are you about? What do you believe and what do you actually care about?

>that most trannies aren't even in favor of doing
tell it to the canadian courts retard.
what an absurd lie, overwhelming amounts of sjws and trannies support this bullshit. overwhelming amounts of them support dumb pedo dudes saying they're women and demanding their nutsacks waxed by people who don't want to do it.
the trannies who aren't insane nutjobs are the minority, and they're very much on our fucking side when it comes to most shit because they're sensible and not insane

Inside your echo chamber, all sanity is claimed by the right wing and every left winger is insane.
In real life, it's the opposite.

Why cant games just be games
Why do humans need to morally judge each other when it doesnt matter, nothing fucking matters, just let me play my games in peace
Also fuck you too Yea Forums for constantly putting this stupid worthless shit in my face

Seems to be running better for me. I haven't gotten to any of the larger maps yet. I had some poor performance in the regular game. Is there a cheat to skip levels?

Remember when 3DRealms sold the rights to Duke Nukem and then tried to give permission to a completely different company to use the character in a new game?
I don't know why anyone is surprised they are scum

Mine doesn't look like that. I couldn't tell you why.

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People are trash. what else is new?

I didn't copy over the fury.def file. It all works fine now.

Because people are social animals, and that requires people to keep in line. LibertarianJUSTLEAVEMEALONEissm is always going to lose when other people act in groups to promote their interests. Why do you not get that?

>why do people not like things that don't bother me?
Remember my post - and your post - when you complain about "forced trannies/niggers in vidya" in few days.

>Also fuck you too Yea Forums for constantly putting this stupid worthless shit in my face

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You know that pic, the one where the guy is choosing which board to shitpost waifufaggotry on Yea Forums?

Well that's Trannies now. Only instead of Yea Forums, they're looking for a medium to post their insanity to. And so they have ALL these viable other outlets, and they get to vidya and think, "Perfect"

Its like they enjoy being miserable.
Worry about yourself, go write a book or a song why do you give a SINGLE fuck about the cultural war or whatever?
Even if they completely take over there will always be people making things for the sake of it
And honestly now its not like western mainstream games were that good 20 years ago before all this crap started
Even here you anons worry WAY too much about it

Miss me with that shit.

>muh devs bending ther knees
The best part of the whole situation is that none of this would have ever happened if this board and consequently Reddit stopped echoing literal who's tweets with less than 50 likes and small forums. You keep getting played like fucking fiddles, being the best social megaphones giving voice to literal whos.
Enjoy your creation, retards.

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Why did these retards from nu-/pol/ give a shit about this awful, unoriginal game in the first place? Feigning "retro" graphics is extremely pretentious and just a way for devs to have a lazy art style.

Gamergate and the election of ZOGnald Trump were the nail in the coffin for /pol/, too many underage children, redditors, and literal baby boomers polluted it.

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I never complain about that, I simply walk away
There is an infinite supply of games to play

I wouldnt know about any of this pathetic culture wat shit if it wasnt for this shitty site. I miss 00's internet like you wouldnt believe.

>Yea Forums and Reddit praise them for their discord chat.
>They misunderstand it as them having to support trannies from now on.
If the devs really were that retarded, then they deserve to go under.

>no non-hivemind posts allowed

>game releases
>everyone loves it
>95% positive reviews
what goes through a mans head when he acts like this?

Trannies are mentally ill

>"I hope my Facebook tranny group wont un-friend me! I better tell my devs to remove the problematic content, just in case!"

Is it any wonder why devs don't want to be on a toxic platform like Steam anymore?

I unironically believe theyre the worst thing to happen to this site.


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>Resetera and game urinalists screech about transphobia and shit
>devs cave in
>people who said they previously agree with devs abandon them
Yeah, totally Yea Forums fault and not enemy of the people

This site does because there is literally nowhere else to discuss it that wont get you instantly banned.
If it was a hivemind why are you allowed a voice here? Oh wait it's because this is the only place that isn't. Like is it any surprise more people will lean right wing or whatever when every other place will straight up ban you.

You're describing social media and the internet in a nutshell because people DON'T have much better things to do rather than tear each other down. I can give a crap doodle about shit like this. I just lurk threads like this for the sake of curiosity because I've been seeing people talk about it nonstop. I rather bury my head in Senran Kagura right now.

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i thought steam fixed review bombing

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I pirated the game. I don't hate the dev or support them. Are we pirates the true gamers.

So what have they got their panties in a bunch about this time? What did they include a black person or suggest that trannies are real people? Some other horrible offense against the manchild alt-right crybabies? Was this just some stupid developer comment or was there actual in-game content here?

Either way, all of you assholes were singing the praises of the game for you know..being a game (which is fine) and now the REEE has begun because someone told you that the big bad SJWs are coming for you to make you into a tranny and your peepee is scared. Unbelievable..

So why are you here? Oh wait it's because even then this place is less retarded and less cancer than everywhere else on the net. Why is Yea Forums bad? Because it's the only place you can fucking go.

he said nu/pol/, not /pol/. Theres a huge difference you nucunt redditor.

>/pol/ bad
>trannies good

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Stop, you might make them think.

And yet, thankfully, the WHO doesnt classify as such anymore. Now before you greentext me about "thankfully", think on this.

No mental illness status means no more free medical aid or autismbux. Tranny's have to cope with REAL insurance like everyone else now. And most insurances dont cover tranny faggotry

>This site does because there is literally nowhere else to discuss it that wont get you instantly banned.
Imagine being this deep in your delusions.
It's sad to watch gullible morons spiral into utter disconnection from real life.

New strawman, you nu-/pol/ retard.

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Dear fucking lord, this "one of us" mentality is absolute bullshit. If a game is good, who the fuck cares about political bullshit behind it?

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>Real life.

That's because the game devs are literally the devs of eduke32. The whole thing began as "hey let's make a game with the engine we've put years of work into"

Don't reply, nigger
It only provokes it

Like the other platforms are any better.

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don't people get tired of this shit?
complaining about nonsense that doesn't fucking matter
isn't life too short to drive yourself up a wall about the small shit?

Pirates got the original superior uncut version. So its just logical to refund and torrent the game instead. Why settle for worse quality product when you can have the same but better one?

>Implying /pol/niggers ITT care about vidya as anything other than a vehicle for their """culture war"""

Imagine being this sensitive. Fags.

Why even listen to these transfreaks at all? Why would 3D Realms do anything they say?

One of the devs got shit for simply stating he thinks you have a mental problem for trying to decide if your child is trans at birth. If you want to transition in life as an adult, go for it, it's your life, but why don't you leave the fucking babies alone and let them grow up and make their own decisions. If you push any of that agenda bullshit on an innocent baby you deserve to be gassed, flayed, and hanged.

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I care.
I won't support devs who freely oppress the underprivileged.
I'm not being ironic.

Thanks for the reviews. Since I usually forget about this kind of thing checking the reviews in a couple of year will remind me to avoid giving money to cancer.

Feels good to be a pirate you win either way

>nothing but adhoms and deflections

At least /pol/ buys games. Unlike you.

Attached: SJWsdontbuygames.png (1201x180, 24K)

>OY! Goy! You DON'T think 4 year old kids should forcibly have their dicks cut off?! TO REEDUCATION CAMP YOU GO!

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pop control

Truth and quads.

You think it's OK for parents to groom their child to be transsexual?

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>Devs say they care about their fans
>Fans buy game and spend time in it
>Devs no longer care about fans when they can't refund it due to playing more than two hours

>it'll just go away if I run away and ignore it
Ladies and Gentlemen, white flight!

3drealms themselves scrapped the designs in 1997.

look on youtube

What were these jokes?

>Only push this on whites, who are globally a minority already
Funny way of doing things.

If you're as smart as you think you are you would intuitively know that voidpoint couldn't make bombshell too different from her portrayal in her 2016 game.


I'm just saying this identity politics bullshit is so tedious
I don't understand how people can devote so much energy to it

Everyone is such an easily triggered faggot

She had several design up until 2000 that were still sexual

But nice try

I won't answer any stupidly loaded questions like this.
If you want me to actually seriously reply, you'll have to rephrase it so that it isn't extremely biased and deceitful.

it is good that your masters have been able to dupe you so effectively, hopefully you reproduce and foster a dynasty of useful idiots

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Then that's still on them, her design in that game was fugly too

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BFV still sold millions, even if it was short of the investors' targets. Most people don't care, as they shouldn't, over this pointless retardation coming from both sides in the """culture""" war. The changes being made to Ion Fury amount to literally nothing too, its a single sprite out of the map's bounds that you have to noclip to get to, you sound incredibly retarded and petulant for crying over this "censorship".

I'm sorry you're so sensitive, but I don't know any other way to word it. There are parents who literally try and have their newborn children, or children as young as 5, transitioned. Do you support that?

>It's boring and hard!
Why do fucking anything then? They do it because it's important to them. Why don't YOU just ignore and walk off then if it's all so tiresome?

>"/pol/ is bad and is ruining this site"

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>/pol/ buys games

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They have nothing else in their boring lives. Unlike us who waste it on video games they need to look for reasons to be upset.

you're the one being dishonest here though.

>nowhere else to discuss it that wont get you instantly banned.
Not only you have an utterly wrong view of the rest of the web, but also that's exactly the fucking problem, that offtopic discussion even if it is barely linked to videogames, like political views of developers or playerbase, e-pink press, etc. isn't banned ON SIGHT.

3DRealms, Voidpoint, whoever was in charge, wouldn't even notice the slightetst of the existence of these nobodies on Twitter and Reset Era if this board and consequent Reddit crossposters gave them any attention, blowing the situation out of proportion when in reality they aren't more than a hundred, or even fifty retards. If you go back to the negative reviews when it launched only like ten of them were related to political stances, and they all had "funny votes" on Steam

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And every last one of them were scrapped by 2004.

You might be surprised to learn that eevery character ever made has a corpse trail of scrapped designs. That doesn't mean it's censorship or suppressed history

So your answer is yes. Good to know, you fucking degenerate.

Why would they even apologize? Everyone by now knows that SJWs are completely insane and nothing they say matters. All they did is make it so that sane customers are less willing to support them.

just dropping into this thread to tell you that you sound like a faggot thanks

Every comment under the IGN article agrees with the dev. So how is this in any way controversial enough to warrant all of this?

just ignore it
don't even respond to it in anyway
no press releases, no tweets, nothing
the social media mob will lose interest and move on to the next target in a day or two

Anyone who isn't a tranny extremist who wants to indoctrinate children, is /pol/.

>That doesn't mean it's censorship or suppressed history

Yeah. That happens - but in this case? It most certainly is and they got everything they deserved.

it because if idiots like you that treehouse would end as bad as it was and the reason we got the butcher job that was the Fire Emblem fates localization

Leftists deserve the rope.

>le sensitive
I'm a Yea Forums oldfag, I've ignored more edgy gore than you've heard about.
>There are parents who literally try and have their newborn children, or children as young as 5, transitioned. Do you support that?
Sounds a bit extreme to me. They might be pushing a decision and trying to get the doctor to favor "the right diagnosis".
Still, it's possible that there are methods to check brain sex even at this age. And if it's not aligned with the sex of the rest of the body, transition can be preferable to no transition.
Without more details, I can't say if it's good or bad, I'm not the kind of person who jumps to conclusions.

This is a embarrassing situation games is fun as fuck though

What is the basis for your argument, other than
>I don't like the new design

If they were trying to suppress history they wouldn't have even made a post showing the original scrapped designs in the first fucking place

I am sorry but by you have been banned for ableistic language

Attached: resetera.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

>What is the basis for your argument, other than
>>I don't like the new design

Oh chee, the comments they made on the goddamn news post they made.

>Your brain can have XX chromosones but your body can have XY

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kek, based. polmutts and dilate trannies btfo

When will the radical left buy some guns and start killing anyone who isn't as left as them?

I want to to see Walmart land burn to the ground.

because occasionally I like to go to the zoo to learn about the exhibits

But they were sentiments shared by the dev team who scrapped those designs in the first place

>Every comment under the IGN article
>Every critisizing comment gets deleted.
Yes, we clearly should take to heart what the trann-excuse me the "fans" of IGN think.

Attached: IGNreviewssonic.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

That goes back to my point, it's not banned here, it's banned everywhere else, then where do you think people are going to come to talk about it?
You say you want topic enforcement, so why aren't you literally anywhere else but here?

>A innocent man get shit on
>A small studio loses a dev and 10 grands
>The people who got the game is asking for refounds
>the people that was going to buy the game now is mad at the studio
>Fun fact: the people bitching about innocent jokes was never ever going to buy the game even after the devs bending the knee.
When will they learn.

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Why are you pretending like the original bombshell design was some model of 90s action heroines? What fucking 90s action movie heroines were shitty bimbos like that anyway? If one of the original designs was like Linda Hamilton from Terminator 2 or some shit your argument would have some water, but the fact is the original bombshell was a poor design because she didn't even represent the ideal of 90s action heroes they were trying to portray.

The retarded trannies were never able to review bomb because nobody agrees with them at all. They have to rely on twitter so they can make themselves look like the majority despite being an insanely tiny and delusional minority. All the Ion devs did was shoot themselves in the foot by listening to some loud retards on social media instead of just ignoring it all and doing what they want.

Um /pol/ on MY reset/v/? Nuh uh honey, mods, take it down.

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Why do you even want to talk about it? Talking about it is literally only giving lip service to the handful of resetera fags who started it

>Goes to a zoo
>Tells the animals how they should be and gets angry at them for not obeying
But no they are in the wrong!

>But they were sentiments shared by the dev team who scrapped those designs in the first place

Then their game deserved to fail and they especially deserved this

>What fucking 90s action movie heroines were shitty bimbos like that anyway?

I know you weren't born in the 90's, because we loved Pamela Anderson back then.

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Game devs are some of the most spineless fucks in the world next to politicians. They'd kill their own newborns if it meant pleasing a small crowd of people that might buy their game.

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I meant that they support the initial message of 'baby transgenderism is bad'. Not the resetera stuff.

No such thing as bad press. They are playing both sides.

gog version doesn't need updates, and you can roll back to an older version (might just be with galaxy)


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>your brain exist outside your body
>so you can, somehow, ideally spread of XX and XY chromosomes so everything outside your brain is men but not central nervous system.
>I know it because Dr Money wanted to rape two kids and pass it along as a science project

lost a sale from me. i'm not supporting people who support trannoids.

Nah, movies like barb-wire were pretty panned even back in the day, whole most of the shit Duke was modeled after was highly rated.

Shelly should have been a T2 Sarah Connor expy for sure if she was supposed to be Duke's female counterpart.

>in reality they aren't more than a hundred, or even fifty retards
And despite this, devs continued to lick their mutilated crotches.

I'm 33 and have unfortunately been coming to this shithole website since I graduated high school in 2004, don't pull the oldfag card on me faggot.
>Sounds a bit extreme
Jesus Christ people are fucking trying to dictate the biology of their children you crippled brain cuck, it's absolutely EXTREME and should be considered child abuse. There no methods to check their god damn "brain sex" to forecast and determine what their future is going to be. You're a fucking slug that deserves to be bathed in salt. Hopeless, absolutely, utterly, hopeless scum of a person.

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>extremely biased and deceitful
like trannys

Ion Fury

>each one of these people activley beat the game, some multiple times
>still review bombing it

How much of a faggot do you have to be to hate something you've beaten twice?

They are in full blown damage control now.

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>le visual laugh track
sheldon fix computer

>Sarah Connor

No sex appeal unless. Other than Kyle Reese fucking her, you could reasonably think she wasn't attracted to men.

>Dude just disengage from everything!
Why don't you? Why don't you just walk away then? Why don't you just go hang out in the park of whatever else you claim to do that somehow makes you better or more informed? Why are you sitting here arguing with me?

not saying they're wrong
just that they'd be a lot happier if they didn't fixate on pointless nonsense for the sake of being angry about something

who's actually afraid of transgender people they seem more afraid of us to be honest

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Imagine being the kind of faggot loser that review bombs games. No wonder gamers are considered a joke.

There is no such thing as "brain sex" and "gender dysphoria" has been disproven. Trannyism is not a legitimate identity or lifestyle, it's just a fad that is hurting people. Crossdressing and breaking gender norms is fine, but mutilation, drugs and reinforcing gender norms through this tranny bullshit is not fine and will never be acceptable.

>didn't even write the reason

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>Try to please everybody
>End up pleasing nobody

All this over a glorified .wad

They're still cucks for reading IGN.

This people don't buy or play games they just wanna bitch about politics and shit like that . ffs

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Because anywhere else I could argue with you would ban me!

It's not working anyways so why bother?

Damn dude, you're so stable and not-deranged!

If the devs care so much about people that will never play their game, then those who do play should voice their opinions, by reviews or refunds

>Yeah, totally Yea Forums fault and not enemy of the people
It was an user from here that posted the shit to resetera in the first place

Hey, speak for yourself, pal

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None of those people can refund, but alright.

You support abusing and sabotaging the growth of children, possibly causing them a lifetime of pain and misery. Yeah, you're scum. Wouldn't be surprised if you were a child molester either.

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They're normies who hold normie views. Anti-baby-transgenderism is a normie view is my point. So why the fuck is this so controversial?


Maybe because resetrannies infest Yea Forums too? Just a drone answering back to the hivemind with news of wrongthink

I know there are 1% bodyfat muscle worshipers, but Shelly doesn't even do that for you.

he's right, and his response was appropriate given that he was talking to a horrible person who advocates mutilation.

They can't but I've seen several who did refund after this debacle

And who are you to decide that? Does it occur to you that there are things more important than feeling good?

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That's it, rile yourself up into a completely deranged rage where you project your boogiemen onto me.

I'm glad that idiots like you are acting like this in real life, even normies are noticing that something is wrong with you and start to reconsider their views when you do that.

Please fuck off tranny. we get it. your upset that the axe wound between your legs will never be a vagina. but that dose not you should ruin fun for people because of it and have people fired. both you and /pol/ fags are ruining vidya because of this
and all that shit. fuck off you cunt people shouldn't get fired for mean words that thy said

Except he's completely right and you're coming across as the insane one here. No rational person would take your side with the way you're behaving.


It's real though see

another resetgender v. pol hustle. as usual amerimuttoids are the fuel of it in and out.

and a reminder that even hormone blockers can cause damage to children's growth

>devs are transphobic
what the fuck I like that game now
what game is that

If you really believe this contrary to the evidence, that's pretty sad.

I can't ban anyone anywhere else and nor would I. I get banned because they have power and I do not. Yet still you want to come and argue with me, when you have the freedom to go where ever you want and say whatever YOU want.

it's how you know you've won an arguement.

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>contrary to the evidence
Hilarious that a tranny is trying to back his bullshit up with evidence.

the only evidence here is that you're a mentally unstable tranny supporter who wants to mutilate kids. you're nuts, dude.


more evidence these "people" have no actual interest in playing the game they're bitching about, just activists tearing shit down without a cause.

They deserve bankruptcy. Hopefully this will end their company.

trannies are mentally ill, it's just not "culturally"acceptable to say obviously true things about them for now.

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Acting like what in real life? Do you think I go out in public and shout about how parents are abusing their children by forcing them to be trans? I'm not. That shit rarely happens in real life, it's just something you see being overblown on the internet every day if you follow gaming culture. But there are still people out there, like you, lurking the internet and trying to push your trans agenda. In real life you wouldn't dream of trying to convince people you think parents should be allowed to transition their infant children. You'd be fucking laughed at by 99.9% of the population. I'm not the deranged one, I'm just venting at you online because you're a rotten, evil person in real life, but you're also a harmless faggot because nobody will ever take you or these tranny crusades seriously, except your safe place echo chambers like resetera and kotaku, which no normal person gives a fuck about or even knows exists. Your delusional bubble will pop one day and the only thing you'll have left is the rope.

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They apologized like cucks and gave money to some tranny organization with the mission statement of mutilating kids as young as 4. Don't bother.

Your bullshit doesn't work outside echo chambers.
This is why transgender keep winning more and more equality.

Well, and the part where they have actual empathy and actually talk to people instead of just shrieking madly like you do.

What even was the fucking joke?

Tranies are a fucking plague

I understand that's a theory people subscribe to
however, most of the time those things aren't actually important

>they have actual empathy and actually talk to people instead of just shrieking madly like you do.
user you're not supposed to throw the entire fucking bucket in when catching fish

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>But I need to review bomb because of external drama
Holy fuck this shit is getting pathetic from both sides.

You're shrieking like somebody with no empathy at this very moment. You're also wrong, since trannies don't have empathy at all. If they did they wouldn't recruit like a death cult and would be honest about how awful being a tranny is instead of weaving lies to push their agenda.

Imagine being this shit as a person, who hurt you?

>Well, and the part where they have actual empathy and actually talk to people instead of just shrieking madly like you do.

Oh, it was bait the whole time. Well, good job stringing me along and making me reply 5 different times, you hooked me good. Now that I know you were just trolling the whole time I can move on and feel a little better than you're not actually a deranged fucking retard and just pretending to be one online instead.

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>dev says that kids shouldn’t be given hormone blockers because they don’t understand the long term consequences
>in a private discord
>someone screenshots and trannyera throws a fit
>devs cuck to mentally ill trannys

review bombing doesn't do anything , steam will filter that shit and call ti a day the real problem is the people asking for refunds because of external drama.

>however, most of the time those things aren't actually important
You don't get to decided that, they do.

While most of what you said about me is obviously false and it's sad and pathetic if you believe any of it, one part deserves special addressing:
I do actually talk to people about transgenders when given the chance.
Since my country is heavily bigoted about them, transphobic humor is considered acceptable here. First I try to reason with the bigots and it often actually works: they're often bigots because of their ignorance, not malice.
Some bigots are just plain vile and spew shit like what you spew, even after few minutes of patiently debunking their idiocy. Against those, a quick note to HR generally works wonders - country may be bigoted, but HR takes those complaints seriously. I guess there is some truth to the idea that women have more empathy.

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Beautifully crafted bait, 8,5/10

>all those people paying 25 bucks for a duke nukem mod
>now your money is going to go to saving the mentally defective who want to take your titty games away
And yet you're still going to trust western devs after this

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What are they censoring?

I'm so fucking tired of all of this. Why did vidya have to become a battleground for retards?

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play stupid games
win stupid prizes

>not even allowed to talk about it on their gay discord
Holy shit

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>review bombing
Stop doing this shit, retards. Steam now excludes this shit from total score when they see unrelated shit being spammed in reviews. If you want to review bomb just leave legit nagative review saying that game is bad and doesn't work.

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very true
and their decision to think something is important doesn't make it so
just like my decision that it isn't important doesn't make it trivial, objectively speaking
this just brings us back to the beginning: I don't understand why people bother considering this stuff important

well that's not very honest with the consumer

is that legal?

If you think it's bigotry to want to protect child from parents with a destructive agenda, then you're a lost cause. I think the truth is you calling me a bigot is a way for you to deflect from the fact that you support child abuse and, like I mentioned earlier, are probably a pedophile.

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>I don't buy thing because politics and muh morals
holy shit you're a faggot

>A industry known to be mostly made up of beta male nerds get pushed around easily by radicals



as someone said earlier, they don't have anything else and need to find things to be angry about

>they lost more sales from bending the knee than they did from trannies

It's the only way these people can show power. It pisses me off, it was the same mentality as those pearl clutching ultra Christian housewives in the 90s.

That's right.
Whine all you want, I'm a moral person and I'll not buy shit made by transphobes.

I don't want to help trannies live

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They also lost a dev and 10,000$

You're not moral if you support trannies. Trannies are inherently immoral and bad people, as are their supporters.


Yeah, that's anticonsumer shit that Valve did because they are scared of publishers jumping on Epic's dick.
You can disable it if you want but you have to go to your Steam settings and find this shit.
Also reviews themselves aren't hidden, only score isn't affected by them.

How is what they said transphobic? The guy said that parents shouldn't be allowed to decide their kid is trans before they're born or even capable of coherent thought. If you're against that then you might as well say it's fine for parents to forbid their kids from being trans.

moral people don't defend trannies.

are they going to replace their actual talent with mentally ill freaks?

someone link this on the discord and the steam forums

>it's fine for parents to forbid their kids from being trans.
That is actually fine though, since this tranny stuff isn't legitimate in any way. It's all been debunked repeatedly and has just been proven to be a fad with purely negative consequences. It's okay to be gay or do sissy shit like crossdress, but all aspects of this tranny meme are unhealthy and wrong and should be discouraged at every step by every good person on earth.

Go post that on Resetera and report back here with how that turned out for you. These people don't think logically, user, because they are MENTALLY ILL

>call bank
>do charge back

Yes, ignorance.
Many of the people here don't really read up or think for themselves and they believe idiocy like
>transgenders just have a fetish and want to trap men into sex
>all transgenders get reassignment surgery
>there is a "gender agenda"
Just dispelling those myths makes reasonable people calm down and reconsider their biases.

>delicious tears faggots

Has anybody ever told you that you sound exactly like a spook?

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If only they couldve done this to the Resetera trannies and not their actual customers.

>implying I have an account or plan to get one in that den of retardation

Gee, I wonder why devs are taking the Epic deals. It couldnt be the shitty communities based on Steam? No no way.

this. trannies are horrible people.

And this is why ResetEra is so chad. nails it.

They don't buy shit and the developers still get on their knees and beg them. Incredible shit. ResetEra, Bay Bay.

>there is an organized agenda about shilling for trannies to destroy frogposting NEET virgins
It would be a pretty solid meme if it was done ironically, with self-awareness.
But knowing /pol/ posts, you're entirely serious


holy fucking shit IS THAT ALL YOU FAGGOTS HAVE holy shit . im sick of these garbage meme. fuck you and go back to your hole form once you came from. faggot

unironically this though; the game is sweet


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Keep seething, sweetie, it's hilarious.

reminder that the money you fags gave them went to enable more mentally deranged people

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My entire argument has solely been focused on not allowing any of this shit to be done to children. Once you defended that why should anyone take anything else you have seriously? I don't care about transsexuals, I never have, same with the gay community. I was fine with them since high school and I'm fine with all of it now as a 33 year old man. You can do whatever you want to do to yourself, it's your life and nobody should take away those choices. But you think it's OK to do this to children, to take away their choice and let parents decide what kind of life they will live. These kids are going to grow up completely fucked, just as bad or worse off than a kid who gets molested growing up. I don't care about the myths you want to dispel and how you want to help people understand it, you support abusing children you fucking freak.

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More like because of the 'charity' for abusing children they donated to.

More like WHEW.

It's a fuckin shame really

>developer makes a good game
>SJWs go insane and look for absolutely nothing to be offended about
>company apologizes because that's the easiest route to take
>now people on the "alt right" and going apeshit because they apologized. whatever you want to call it I don't care

At least most people will end up in the middle of the topic and support the game if they want to actually play a fun game. Honestly both sides of people actually offended by this are an insignificant amount of actual consumers.

I swear none of these "I hope they don't make a single cent of the game" types don't actually work for a living.

Luckily I never gave them any money because I could smell the apology coming. I will never give money to trannies or tranny supporters.

>SJWs calling anyone else "crybabies"

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Fuck trannies and Internet purity mongers. Anyone who listens to trannyera should have their company nuked.

>I'm not like those other trannies

Are whites genetically predisposed to progressivism? Why is it overwhelmingly upper middle class whites that shill for trannies?

Remember that DUSK devs are SJWs as well

so which game are we flinging shit about

if i can't figure it out within the opening post then you can't expect me to just spontaneously start chimping out just because everyone else around me is

I think /pol/'s satirical shitposting has gone over your head mate.

I think most people in the middle are now pulling any support for this dev and refusing to give them money. The devs literally gave money to an organization built around abusing and mutilating kids. No sane person on earth would give them a dime if they knew about this.

why? why do you "people" use such vacuous teseing pet names and you faggots leave. you side will never win everybody hates your kind. even the gays you rally behind hate your kind.

Haha yeah you'd have to be totally schitzophrenic to think something is happening which a dozen leaks have confirmed is happening along with agencies directly admitting it every time they shut down one of the programmes or one of their affiliated research labs releases a whitepaper.

So you're admitting it or what

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>it's okay to be gay
Unfortunately incorrect. Mental illness (no matter whether trans, gay, or lesbian) is mental illness all the same and should be healed, not championed.

>/pol/tard's money went to tranny support

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Because black and mexican parents would never let their kids act like a bunch of hissy faggots.

No I did not put money towards mutilating children, how could you tell?

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You're the reason why trannies can enforce their agenda on any fucking game they want.
>insignificant amount of actual consumers
Maybe because those lunatics don't have to be consumers to dictate their rules to developers

what game are we even talking about

>Honestly both sides of people actually offended by this are an insignificant amount of actual consumers.
Yet they had to do a costly publicity stunt over 2 trannies. Anons are in the hundreds.

There's something funny about this thread, but I just can't put my finger on it...

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Being gay is a sign of a healthy mind. Women are awful, and I've never met somebody who actually respects them because they're impossible to respect. Being attracted to women is literally a sign of mental illness.

This is what I want to know too. OP is a fucking nigger.

Ion Fury

>not counting the hidden ***** that makes sense to remove
he is part of the problem

A reminder that all trannies should be gassed (at least those that don't off themselves).

it could honestly be literally anything

Uhh, where do you go with this, user. You do know being antisemite is a crime, don't you?

Cringe and fagpilled.

>you side will never win
He says while yet another developer bent the knee for us ROFL

gays are more mentally sound than straights. straights are so cucked and whipped and warped into worshiping roasties that you can't really call them healthy or normal anymore. two dudes kissing is vanilla compared to the mental gymnastics you have to pull to put up with and accept female bullshit.

>dick jokes are /pol/
What a time to be alive.

Absolutely correct and redpilled.

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Tick-tock, the Weimar republic is almost already over

Why are the right such a bunch of snowflakes?

reee degenerate!
how can you not love those beautiful beings who let all those immigrants into our country?

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You're not wrong, and this is coming from a straight guy. Seeing how pathetic men act over Twitch thots is proof enough that many straight men are weak, cucked faggots. This is probably why I can't stay in a successful relationship. All my relationships fall apart because I just don't have a tolerance level for putting up with female bullshit.

>how can you not love those beautiful beings who let all those immigrants into our country?
Why yes I hate all women, gays and other lefties who did this, how could you tell

does anyone have that one gigachad copypasta about bromance?

>/pol/tards paid money for this shit
rofl, resetera clowned you retards once again

>I think most people in the middle are now pulling any support for this dev and refusing to give them money.

You are so isolated from normal people that you don't really understand how they work, or what they care about.


>Yet they had to do a costly publicity stunt over 2 trannies

They did it for the publicity. SJWs have power because they hide behind a generalized good morality.

The smart move would have been to ignore the whole thing, but they clearly freaked out and were scared this could snowball into something big when I doubt anyone sane ever gave a shit.

Based and gaypilled.

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>I think most people in the middle are now pulling any support for this dev and refusing to give them money
lmfao you wish
normal people couldn't give less of a shit about your "culture war", retard

They donated to a charity dedicated to getting srs for young children.

Keep seething mentally ill boi. Just because you enjoy shit-smeared cock doesn't mean everyone else is some pussy-worshipping beta. False dichotomy begone :^)

>I doubt anyone sane ever gave a shit.
Yeah, and they made their game worse with their overreaction, proving they are untrustworthy developers and people should not buy their products.

They didn't fire anyone.

The problem was that they've allegedly donated funds to enabling mentally deranged child abusing faggots

Most gays are conservative and absolutely hate third worlders for good reason. Only women and their pet cucks are responsible for the immigration shit.

You literally can't win with these extremists

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>culture war
I think you're the one out of touch here. They literally gave money to an organization that performs harmful fetish surgeries on kids. Even normies know that shit's fucked up and shouldn't be allowed.

>an army of ethots is making a collection billion dollars in beta bux
>the same cannot be said of gay men

I'm gonna need some more gamer girl bath water to calm me down...

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This is true. Gay men are based. Roasties and roastie worshipers are scum.

>women exploit their bodies like they've always done
wow color me surprised!

All those triggered incels lmao

Dangerously based.

>Google "The Trevor Project"
>A national 24-hour, toll free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth.
Oh, wow, they're trying to stop kids from killing themselves, truly, what monsters.

>and they made their game worse with their overreaction,

In which ways, and how much worse is the game from its release to its current patch? Don't use generalizations.

It wouldn't work if straights weren't mostly mentally ill and pathetic desu.

g8 b8

>it's all women! somehow they magically acquire billions of dollars from nowhere! breeder cucks are nowhere to be seen, the money just rains from the sky!

Correct. Only men deserve to date men, and only women deserve to put up with women. Explains why gay male couples have the lowest rates of abuse and infidelity while lesbians have the highest.

It's going to be removed isn't it Yea Forums? hold me I can't take it ;_;

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>it's another episode of 'angry virgins do shit that doesn't matter to people who don't care after paying for a service in full without the chance for a refund'
Seriously? Review bombing is what's gonna CHAAAAYNJ THE WUUUUURLD?
Good job you knuckle-dragging disappointment. A fantastic fucking argument for ninetieth-trimester abortions, and a testament to our collective failings as a race.

I don't care about the apology faggot, I care about them donating to a child mutilation 'charity.'

>people that hang out on twitch = all men
cringe at your data skewing senpai

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Another false dichotomy, Jamal?

>straight betacuck orbiters aren't the ones donating to twitch whores, it's other twitch whores donating to each other!
Good job proving that straights are mentally ill and incapable of reason.

The real lesson is to double down no matter what. If you admit that you were wrong, then you're in the wrong. If you don't, then you may or may not be in the wrong. Everyone who was mad in the first place is still not buying the game. Devs should have called the outrage mob a bunch of fags. I bet gaming journos would have picked up the story and their game would have gotten even bigger. I don't understand why people don't realize this after the 2016 election. Never apologize for anything.

you have no idea what a false dichotomy is. get an education before making yourself look like a clown again.

Man this thread is a perfect microcosm of the stupidity and disinfo that rots societies from the inside out

>Hahaha, it would have been real epic if they were based and redpilled such as myself
Nice try, /pol/tardetty, no matter how many times you repeat this, developers aren't gonna jump to your side. They belong to us.

>They think arguing in good faith has any place on Yea Forums
Either falseflag each other like what hap[pened with Ion Fury or GTFO

In real life left wingers are raising their toddlers as the opposite gender because they picked up the wrong toy and gay adult men are teaching 10 year old cross dressers how to be strippers at pride parades.

give me a quick sauce instead

>in real life, [shit that only happens in echo chambers]
It's like you tried to wake up from a dream and just had a dream about waking up.

Right is soulless, they put a giant brown and gay filter over the whole fucking thing. When hahve you ever gone outside and it looked like that? The sun is out and the clouds are fucking brown.

Is it just too much to ask for a single developer that doesn't bent the knee to these trannies? Even Square Enix censored Tifa because of them.

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Pretty much. There's no fighting the money printers and their legion of degenerates. Not with principles or reasoning at least.

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>brown and gay filter
>no rainbows in sight

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>muh sjws! muh darpa!
It could be that, or it could be that literal boomer military types who don't know the first thing about the internet published that shit as an internal commentary on the "hearts and minds" concept popularized during Operation Iraqi Freedom and /pol/ types are the ones who actually take it as a serious propaganda manual?
You ever think that there are people in the United States government that post on /pol/ not to sow discord but because they sympathize with the board's agenda?
You ever think that not every post on /pol/ with an Isreali flag is a spook but from alt-righters who live there?

Okay, but how do I refund a big box, though?

>a charity organization does free surgery for trans kids

All they do is run a suicide prevention hotline.

You have the KCD developers and that's already one too many. Be content with your scraps. Meanwhile, us based resetlads have our banquet.

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Why do we NEED to like trans people? Why must people be tortured into liking something or else? Why on earth is it so punishable to hate something? Almost as if that group or aspect warranted the hate.

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Based poster

LUL if people like you actually tried anything in real life we would collectively beat your ass. Kill yourself delusional cuck



yes. send help

>internet tough guying
>in 2019
I'm not surrounded by total brainlets with double digit IQ, such as you.
I talk to scientists, engineers and programmers on a daily basis.

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>KCD developers
Kike lovers

Chads like you are exactly why ResetEra is so powerful.
/pol/niggers hide behind their vidya accounts with frog avatars, doing "meme warfare" in discords and twitter.
But you, you actually meet people, you talk to them, you convince them of your righteousness, as a real human being.
And that's why these /pol/niggers will never in a million years beat us.
That's why this is just yet another game that caters to us, while they only need one hand to name the games that cater to them.
God bless you for your service, m8.

Along with the drug trade and orchestrated financial crises driving people to suicide, this is how America does civilized genocide.

>they're often bigots because of their ignorance, not malice.
It's the exact opposite in most cases. Ignorant people aren't bigots. Once someone learns the reality of how trannies and the left behave, that's when bigotry begins. Your lies don't work on anyone once they know the truth so you have to attack their livelihood instead. Opposing views aren't allowed. Just child abuse and genital mutilation and drugs. People like you will lie and manipulate until reality is censored and you can live in a bubble where no one who doesn't like turning little boys' dicks inside out exists.

this. trannies never existed prior to 1900 yet suddenly somehow a large portion of the population wants to cut their dicks off. this is a societal disease that needs to be stopped.

it's called PROGRESS, sweetie

They existed, gender dysphoria just wasn't recognized as a condition yet. Same as how schizophrenics didn't "exist" prior to the 1900s but people "possessed by the voices of demons" or whatever the fuck were around

What? I never heard of this before. Source?


is steam taking the bloody piss? who gives a fuck if a review is funny?

Your side denying reality is a big part of why converting people from bigotry to truth is so easy.
I just need to tell them the facts, that's it.

By that logic autism isn't real either since it wasn't described until 1938 and barely anybody got diagnosed with it until the early 90s.

>3DRealms, Voidpoint, whoever was in charge, wouldn't even notice the slightetst of the existence of these nobodies on Twitter and Reset Era if this board and consequent Reddit crossposters gave them any attention, blowing the situation out of proportion when in reality they aren't more than a hundred, or even fifty retards
Except this is wrong. The people in charge of things at 3DRealms and Voidpoint are the kind of people that read twitter 6+ hours a day, they literally scroll through and read EVERYTHING that's tagged towards them. They are the average person in 2019, they fucking read twitter like addicted sickos. They see everything a tranny tags towards them.

Knowing /pol/niggers, they probably believe autism only started existing because of vaccines lmao

facebook reacts equivalent of "doesn't count"

Gender dysphoria has been disproven. Your clothes don't determine your gender, and your gender doesn't determine your clothes. It's okay to be a guy who wears girly shit. You don't have to mutilate yourself and lie to yourself to make it okay. It's already okay, but this tranny shit makes it not okay. Trannyism is a meme, not a real identity.

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>buying games in the year they release
Also the protagonist is shit. A female Duke is cringe. I'll just wait for mods that replace her with Duke.

Or "degeneracy"

>denying reality

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This is why you never back down.

That's like saying someone with PTSD is mentally healthy because they were abused as a child.

If your response to women being irredeemable wet holes with nothing of value to offer the modern world past their own ability to give birth (which they are increasingly neglecting) is to be gay, you're still mentally ill. You're reacting to the mental trauma that is the modern western woman by becoming a fag as a metaphorical form of PTSD. Instead of doing that you should push back and demand and expect better of women and a return to past values. Shame them for being whores and being fake, plastic people with no value, and encourage them to be actual human beings.

Of course that only works if you don't look like , because women only care what the top 20% hottest or richest Chads think.

if you went 1 hour without using buzzwords would your head explode?

Sources on it being disproven?

They didn't exist, actually. And they still don't. Trannies don't have a legitimate problem, they only pretend to for attention.

>absolute faggot
>anime reaction image

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*violently slices off cock and balls*
heh, take THAT, straightfags!
*passes out from blood loss*

>ugly incel giving advice that he can't follow
Which mental illnesses do you have?

ebin bait lad

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Let's be real, the actual link he'll give you (if there is any) is gonna be some bullshit like that lol

Fags die 30 years earlier than non-fags. Change your ways.

Women are inherently stunted and not capable of mentally moving past childhood. This means that they aren't suitable life partners, and never have been. Philosophers have always recognized gay love as superior and as the only form of true companionship. There is nothing more based than a man who loves his fellow man in mind and body, and nothing more pathetic than a cucked beta bitch pussy worshiper who wastes his life cowtowing to women and wishing they were better than they are despite knowing that all women are worthless.

absolutely based and redpilled

not "can", they will. with fucked up hormones puberty will never occur or occur and fail spectacularly. you're going to end up with a 20 year old man with the body and mind of a child if he hadn't killed himself at that point from all the bullying and ostracization he experienced in school

Incels die even faster
Change your ways before you try to knife up the school

They hated TerminX because he told them the truth.

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I am honestly really glad ResetEra won this one
The seething has been 5 stars

Facts like what? That the majority of trannies are sexually aroused by crossdressing and imagining themselves as the opposite gender? Or maybe that a simple treatment of 2mg of pimozide daily is enough to stop a man from trying to be a woman? Or even that the prescribed treatments for "gender dysphoria" cost thousands of dollars, make you bipolar and schizophrenic, irreversibly damage your body, alienate you from everyone you know, take years to "work," and still result in almost half of everyone partaking in it attempting suicide? Or how about the fact that none of these HRT treatments have had any extensive experimentation for the longterm side effects yet are being pushed on children? Are those facts that make people stop being bigoted towards trannies?

Why are trannies so violent?

Is it their testosterone levels?

It was removed from mental illness classification, not disproven altogether.

What is ResetEra and what else have they done?

There's no such thing as the "moderate left" the left have always been insane the mask is just finally coming off.

You can't make a woman respect you so you turned to shoving stuff up your butt and eventually developing colon cancer and contracting AIDS.