Kojima is trying too hard but I am fucking excited for this game. Who else /dayonebuy/ here?

Kojima is trying too hard but I am fucking excited for this game. Who else /dayonebuy/ here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm really happy it's not another AAA shooter. lord knows we're in dire fucking need of more of those.

not me. this game convinced me not to buy a ps4. Looks like some ridiculous joke.

I'm excited to see it but I'm not spending any money on it

yes we need more AAA walking sims


All these actors' faces honestly make it look kinda cringe. Looks cheesy and gay.

This looks so fucking stupid.

>audience only cheers for pee

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why not? why exactly is this bad? Especially then there are hardly any to begin with. Especially when there are many other mechanics in the game. People keep saying it's a walking simulator or whatever, but have never bothered or are incapable of explain why that's bad.

im /dayoneyoutube/ here

Day one rent from the video store and clear in a weekend

>nobody will explain why a game without gameplay is bad
Kojidrones are mentally ill

Where can I watch Gamescom live?

I'll watch the movie on Youtube.

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>why not? why exactly is this bad?

holy fuck kojimadrones are pathetic

>walking simulator is okay when Kojima does it

fuck off

>ad hominem
>not even a single reasonable argument
You are addicted to shitposting, clearly

cult behavior

Walking simulators aren't okay, and Kojima isn't doing it.

holy fuck fukushimadrones are pathetic

>straw man
>no arguments

>Kojima isn't doing it




I'm convinced alot of the death stranding hate we see online is paid for by the other studios collectively shitting their pants at the idea of having to compete with the based god that is kojima. Keep hating fags.

this "game" is going to flop

kojimadrones are literally mentally ill
like the retards who thought we were getting more mgsv

>buying games


No, it's just Konami and nintendies.

>ww1 world when you die
>gun combat, even in normal world
Man, for a walking simulator, it's kinda weird to be doing things other than walking.

why is this so fucking funny

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>he's liking the things I dont like reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Yeah dude we are the mentally Ill ones holy fucking kek.


imagine being unironically proud of this behavior kek


>all this cope

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>not a single argument to be found
Assuming you're all not the samefag, this is kind of sad desu

more generic tps shit

great how innovative

stfu faggot, you don't even know what the game is about.


I didn't say that. It's just going to flop. A lot of the very recent videos have a hefty chunk of dislikes. Normies aren't liking it.

>Especially then there are hardly any (AAA walking sims) to begin with.
Kojima threads never fail to deliver in sheer stupidity.

some pretentious shit

seething paypiglet

>this entire post

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Why are people so obtuse about this game? You walk because you're a delivery man. Along the way you either bump into humanoid or alien squid enemies and can sneak past or fight them. That's the game. Was MGS1 a "walking simulator" too, since you had to walk the entire base?

We've literally only seen up to 5 minutes of "gameplay" with much more confirmed to be coming in September. If it takes Kojima 3 years to show gameplay, what makes you think he's not going to also take a while to actually show core gameplay? We've literally only been shown pissing, you'd have to be retarded to think that's all the game has to offer.

Most retarded shit there is.

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>literally just a more boring CTF

I'll check it out when it's cheaper, but it's not looking great.

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this is a really idiotic post and considering the game is not coming to the switch I can only conclude you are a retarded sonybro

This is a AAA Euro Truck Simulator and it's 100% fine.

Why do all of you want to see Kojima-Sama fail so much? All he's done is bring nothing but enjoyment to your homes since the 80's. It's not fair Yea Forums...

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>still no arguments

>retards forgetting that we have already seen fight gameplay and muh guns
I mean this is Yea Forums but come on.

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>Game has a very simple and clear gameplay loop of traveling between settlements transporting shit while avoiding or fighting enemies
>Dumbass retards call it a "walking simulator".
Would it be fine if he was driving a car instead? Fuck off. You people are literal brainlets.

>single-player capture the flag, but with pissing and walking for miles
hard pass senpai

Can we really call it a "game" at this point and time tho.

so kojima is completely hiding the core elements of the gameplay or the gameplay is just walking.
i will just wait before buying

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>ad hominem
>not a single real argument

This is the current state of Yea Forums

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>its not a walking sim

>Would it be fine if he was driving a car instead?
Well, then it'd be a driving sim, which is a genre that exists.
Just like it's currently a walking sim

>I want to shoot things
don't worry you do some of that as well. you'd think you'd be content with the other 10,000 shoot-bang games.

Wtf do you want to argue about you dumb fuck, we haven't seen anything beyond some short "gameplay" and lots of cinematics that say absolutely nothing so wait and stfu.

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Reminder that the walking sim spouters are the same people who got riled up for cyberpunk having a fucking daytime.

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I look forward to all the backpedaling and excuses made when this game releases to critical acclaim, but fails to reach AAA status because it's a turd with no Metal Gear name to ride on its coattails.

Bunch of twitter sissies.

>Would it be fine if he was driving a car instead?
Funny thing is, there are vehicles in the game as well. ADHD brainlets can't even keep their stories straight. It's sad seeing them come up with no real criticisms.

I admit they showed briefly some gun shooting. They showed Sam avoiding those BT things. They even showed a vehicle he could drive in one trailer. But most of what they've shown is walking around and cutscenes starring celebrities. That is the large majority of the gameplay seen. The Troy Baker cutscene suggested a boss fight. The idea of Mads suggests at least one fight, maybe more with his soldiers. There's clearly a lot we don't know still. But kojimadrones you cannot deny most of what we've seen is fucking walking and cutscenes. Can you at least understand why that doesn't look appealing at all to the majority of people?


Mostly likely

shut the fuck up
people saying it looks boring doesn't mean they want it to fail

nice deflection

day 1 pirate for sure

Damn, that is shit. Why the fuck did he put Geoff in the game? What a load shiiiiite. Enjoy your literal walking simulator, Kojima nut-hugging faggots.

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kojimadrones can't take any fucking criticism because their heads are too far up their asses

It's not ok to use babies as a tool, ok?

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you're on hte contrarian board, idiot.

she's right

>game footage shows off several core mechanics and gameplay loops
>more to be unveiled at TGS
>still has no arguments
>get frustrated because he has no arguments

Attached: source-1.gif (203x335, 548K)

I am
It's gonna be fun to at least fuck around in I hope

Day 1 youtube playthrought (no commentary)

>general spelling takes a nosedive in movieshit threads

Go look for the definition of "tool".

The Hades gameplay looked cool.

bitch is probably pro abortions but making a fetus distressed is too much cruelty for her

lmao stupid cunt

Unironic question: what's wrong with walking sims


They're as video games as the educative 3d tours for ancient buildings.

They threaten the zeitgeist and Yea Forums doesn't like that

I feel a bit gay to admit it, but yes, something about that whole concept makes me uneasy too. Still wanna play it but and maybe they'll sci-fi magic explain that the baby can't get hurt whatever, or that it's the best shot it has to survive.

>emotionally well adjusted people are looking forward to playing Death Stranding

The amount of sensible snowflakes on twitter.

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isn't she a nier automata fangirl
she should play drakengard then

Then just don't call them video games, i can't see any harm here

why is Kojima so revered anyway
the metal gear games aren't that great

I'm more of a /yeartwoorthreebuy/ kinda guy with these sorts of games

>not an argument, baseless as well as incorrect
>continues to link it
you're gonna call me funny names now? lol

straight forward experience with very little/shallow gameplay, pretty little re-playability.

Pixie is hot as all fuck though so it's ok

>emotionally well adjusted people

keep saying it

The game could be amazing but the choice for marketing is obnoxious to me. I don't give a fuck about actors, I just want to know what I'll be doing in this game. It's just nothing but trailers of kojima huffing his own farts and that literally piss poor gameplay showing gave me nothing.

I keep asking as well, I get no genuine reasons why.


Yes she is, sophie has always been a massive hypocrite. In her favorite game Nier Automata one of the protagonists kills a robot baby but suddenly this is now a huge problem.

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>huge fucking westaboo
>still can't speak English

lol you just described arguably most games.

I loved his whole "I totally didn't want Keanu" defense.

the game is either gonna be fantastic or a fucking trainwreck. either way im excited to see how it turns out and want to play it out of morbid curiosity more than anything

Nah, mgs is gud

>robot baby

I said it only once, but sure whatever. some of you are so weird lol

why lie?

>generic black goo of doom
>generic hold your mouth to hide

what a genius

that's the whole point of stories you queer, making you feel.

Kojima: I have come to make an annoucenment!

mama gib milkies

I mean BBs seem like artificial products so it shouldn't matter either right?

Don't forgret generic norman redus and generic funky feetus, and also generic homodemons and generic piss mushrooms

Shut up, cringeboy faggot. Yikes.

>it's not gameplay unless you're killing things

Agreed. That's the best thing about games that take risks. They're so divisive which can be at the very least interesting. AAA space needs more unconventional and inspired concepts. Will be there day 1 for DS

why would I call you funny names? you just want to argue about something you know nothing about, yet you keep trying to look for an argument.

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>still has achieved more with his time on Earth than you

You haven't played many games then.

wow fucking defensive much
get his cock out of your mouth

If this was a space trucking sim instead of a literal walking simulator running on the same core ideas it'd be 100% better and everyone would be losing their shit over it
But I guess that's a no-go for Kojimbo since you can't plaster all those hollywood faces as easily during gameplay if 90% of what you see is actual stars and some fucked spaceships

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It's appealing because we're not retarded and know there's obviously more to it than what we've seen.

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>attracts normalfags which is the cancer that kills all enthusiast cultures
>attracts hack directors who failed in Hollywood, and all the cancer they bring like blowing budget on mo-capped A list actors
>attracts hack devs who can't make interesting gameplay and recycle formulaic third person over the shoulder sneak and shoot
>attracts insecure gaming journalists who hate fun and need every game to be a Citizen Kane 2deep4u shit
>attracts talentless writers who need to force their heavy handed political agendas when people just want to have fun

If you like moviegames, you don't actually like video games. You're just a casual tourist eating up dogshit, equivalent of capeshit Marvelfags and Disney niggers.

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that translator was fucking shitting himself

>there's obviously more to it than what we've seen.
There have to be more right, right.....


>attracts normalfags to vizyagames
Nigga it's 2019, relax

the animations are so janky

Where did this bad meme come from that Kojima is for normalfags? Normalfags only play Cod, Fifa and Fortnite and will write off Death Stranding as a walking simulator for weebs.

>still no argument

>Kojima nut-huggers will literally pay for a walking simulator
>Instead of getting their fat, jelly asses outside and walking for free

The ultimate paypiggies. May your teats run dry sooner rather than later, we don't want this con-artist making another game, MGSV should have been the nail in the coffin.

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You sound poor

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That fucking cute, you run out of thing to say.


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I was actually genuinely curious on why his English is still so bad. I'm sorry I struck a fanboy nerve.

The amount of delusion in your post is kind of crazy lol

He's japanese, japanese people can't speak english at all

He seems to be getting along just fine in life. Thriving even.

What did Yea Forums make of this?

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>have to appease baby in Yakuza 6
>everyone shits on it
>Kojima does it
>fucking genius

>never once made a reasonable argument

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He fakes it to be endearing. He's watched thousands of English-speaking movies, interacted with countless English-speaking people, yet he never learned to speak the language fluently? Fanboys fall for it every time.


>putting Geoff in the game
>voiced by Matt Mercer

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Rather an Asian fake being Western than the opposite

kiryu-san is cuck, when norman fetus is based as fuck

this is true

christ fuck off already you god damn cocksucker

>Walk around
What's next is he going to name a character "to be"? The Japanese can't write for shit. There's a reason all their "great" writers all killed themselves.

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Not a walking sim. Walking sims have no fail state.

Tell be about it, there's even some clown looking to argue.

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Kojima has outright said Death Stranding doesn't have a death state retard.

Here, get that through you thick skull

mommy milkies literally confirmed it for me

>makes me feel sorta not ok
americans need to be gassed

This game has both Norman Reedus and Mads mikkelsen. It's going to reach a broader audience from staring in the game.
Why do so many posters insist on being as reductive as possible? It's like some of you are so detached from reality, it's baffling.

can you kill annoying BB
that would be hilarious

It has a death state, the only difference being instead of a loading screen when you die you have to get out of hell to get back to where you were.

It has more of a death state than bioshock does.

If this was a "short" look at what we get at TGS, we are going to see like 30-60 minutes of the game. Weapon restrictions were lifted, and we've seen gun combat, so I think it will tip over with infiltration, shooting enemies, raining and BTs appearing

>Norman Reedus
So it's going to reach retards who still watch the Walking Dead
>Mads Mikkelsen
So it's going to reach nobody, just like his cancelled show Hannibal

game is 3 months away and they're already panicking

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>Still no argument. Not even one decent point. Not a single one

You fools, pissing is just the first step. This mongoloid maniac is guided by Satan himself! Next he'll add shitting, bothersome vitality-related shit and ALL AAA GAMES WILL START TO INCORPORATE THE MOST RETARDED AND UNFUN PARTS OF SO CALLED "REAL LIFE"!!!

>Sleep time
>rock the baby
kojima has lost his marbles.

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I agree but she's Swedish

you sound like an immense cunt

Oooh now they're retards huh, even though that doesn't invalidate them from expanding the potential audience of the game beyond a niche demographic
I guess you are detached from reality

Reminder that these are the people who paid for a demo.

If pissing if the first step then he couldn't even get that right since Mushrooms don't grow in piss. Fucking retard Kojimbo doesn't even know Mycology lmao

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It's amusing seeing all of mental gymnastics desu

ahh lecker Fliegenpilze!

why because he's right?

I doubt if I made the argument that putting the "game" on all platforms expanded the audience you would be for it. Retarded shill.

It's quintessential kojima, truly his magnum opus

>Shows footage of walking
>Shows footage of pissing
>Shows traversal mechanics
>Shows stealth gameplay
>Shows melee combat
>Shows gun combat
>Shows boss fights
>*crickets chirping*

TORtanic ruined this retarded board

And that's a good thing

>Shows boss fights


>Actually Here, get this through you thick skull cause to put it simple your "argument" is pretty fucking weak, so before you go and copy paste the same thing again, go here

nah, more the way he argues. ofc alot of people will recognize the actors faces, even when they are not shown everyday now.

he also casted this old lady from this old spy series. i think its made out of love rather than greedy insect capitalistic thinking.

>if I just ignore all this bad cringe stuff, its really good you fucking morons

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What are you even talking about my guy? loool


Hmm I wonder why kojima didn't show us any of the bad stuff before MGSV came out? Really makes me think.

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Kill yourself

I realized the people defending this shit garbage game are mentally ill snoyniggers

I forgot they think the game is playstation exclisive

that is all

>Traversal mechanics
Hold down L and R while walking down a slope
>Stealth gameplay
Crouch in grass, just like every other "Stealth mechanic" since the beginning of this gen
>Melee combat
Which looks like horrible punchlaser TLOU bullshit
>Shows gun combat
Which looks weak, unresponsive, and the guns sound like staplers
>Shows boss fights
Where the boss is just the black slime of japanese unoriginality

Attached: 1b8.jpg (640x480, 48K)

>bad cringe stuff
like what? walking? something that is in almost every fucking game?


>everything is cringe even when it makes no sense to use the term
Discourse certainly has suffered a painful death on this board, but at least I can type nigger to my heart's content amirite?

if you think pissing, LOOK ITS GEOFF and rock the baby isn't cringe, I dunno what to say man.

I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand I've always liked MGS and Kojima's penchant for goofy shit in his games, and I feel compelled to play the game if for nothing else but how bizarre it looks and the talent involved. All of this makes me think it'll be an experience I'll enjoy.

The problem is that all the gameplay shown so far makes it look boring as hell. Everything aside of cutscenes that's been shown is literally the protagonist walking around in a lifeless empty open world not really doing anything. I mean, there certainly has to be more to the game than that, right? But then why aren't they showing it?

I wish I could pee on your grave desu

Who they fuck even says "cringe" anymore outside of reddi- oh.

Imagine being such a brainlet you need to make tribalistic distinctions with every little interaction.

Hahah, I'm already dead user.

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>get free reign to make whatever game you want
>your studio gets pumped full of millions of dollars and hollywood actors
>this is what you manage to create in 4 years
what the fuck

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You need to experience more on life. You sound miserable. Game looks great imo, you do do, my guy.

Here is a good point of reference. Did you like Breath of the Wild's climbing, traveling and traversing terrain? If yes then this game seems like a decent match for you, if not you may feel the same about this game.


so edgy. stop whining and take responsibility for your actions. even when they are as dumb as the one above

>Where the boss is just the black slime of japanese unoriginality

it's okay when prey does it

And you've done what exactly?

>you do do, my guy.
everything written here is deleted within hours anyway and is irrelevant.
For you user, I will.

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Ooooh I get it, you're trolling.

I've never heard of Breath of the Wild so I can't answer that.

You can't possibly be this immature.

It'll either be great or so incomprehensible that it's entertaining.

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>I've never heard of Breath of the Wild
Bitch you living under a rock? You haven't heard of fucking Zelda and one of the biggest games to release in years?

Why are you so upset? lol

>amazon delivery simulator

>urinating "gameplay"

>you place ladders that are 10000 meters long via magic

I will watch people "play" this "game" on twitch.

Of course I know Zelda. Is Breath of the Wild connected to it somehow?

because you're an idiot

>For you user, I will.

>Geoff doesn't even sound like himself

And you refuted his arguments with your own, right user?

why does a2 kill the forest king anyways

haters confirmed for seething zoomers

>"The amount of delusion in your post is kind of crazy lol"
Not him, but wow Cultjima drones are just astounding.

>Plays game about walking outside
>Sits indoors in his mother's house and barely leaves his bedroom

Can you imagine the absolute state of Kojimadrones?

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there is a mgs channel that is good (/outerheaven) that do marathons, they will play it for sure

twitch has a metric ton of shit but it isn't ALL bad.

>you have to press buttons in a video game

Same as Del Toro and Refn. They aren't professional voice actors and can't do an hour or more of dialog recording perfectly.

Same, I'll be buying it maybe a couple weeks after launch. Need to finish some games in my backlog

I'm a bit worried about it
MGSV had at least 2 or 3 gameplay showcases with commentary before release. It seemed like it was going to be the shit because the environments seemed so controlled or closed up but those were literally the only instances that weren't that much open world-ish
I'm worried that these 5 second clips of boss fights and weapon use are going to be almost all there is

yep you know. they are doing an Marathon right now actually. Unfortunately they are at MGS4 so all the good parts are gone. twitch.tv/outerheaven

I really wanted this game to be good but the gameplay looks like ass. There are hints of warzones and military stuff going on so maybe that will be more interesting.

He probably just provided the mocap and someone else is voice acting, like with Refn and del Toro.

She wants to kill every machine, a machine king sounds like a good target.

he literally said on stage that his likeness is voiced by matthew mercer

>why yes I have ADHD, how can you tell?

I kinda forgot some of the plot details, I know they are fighting the machines but why is a2 so mad again? or she just wants to kill machines because they are the enemy

it's like dystopia sci fi.

Geoff is not actor last time I checked

Please give me a top quality studio and a multi million dollar budget and ill show you

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she doesnt has to want anything. its the chain of command and shes obviously very brainwashed by it

>Black slime is able to disguise itself as ordinary object
>RE7, Death Stranding

No need to be upset lol. You sound childish

nananan, you have to get there by yourself first ;;)

>Black slime is able to disguise itself as ordinary object
One enemy, that becomes irrelevant a quarter of the way into the game


>gameplay so far


>place ladders


it's a "movie game" a la david cage.

I don't remember everything exactly but didn't she had a squad that was killed by machines when she was first deployed and she remain the sole survivor. Then I'm guessing she went on her own to kill machines because listening to commands orders was a waste of time.

yeh, but he is denial.

Pretty based

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show us a movie like that, sounds fun

The gameplay is ass. ASS.

What makes it more funny is that we've been through this fucking argument dozens of times when we talk about visual novels.

>leaves out the combat

how convenient

You've never played a David Cage game because just being able to walk everywhere and piss is already 10 times more gameplay than a David Cage game would have


visual novels are not games

Nothing I said was immature. It's so easy to spout your opinion anonymously. It's a other thing entirely to do what Koji Pro are doing. That actually requires effort and taking risk. I doubt you can identify with that, no offense

Which is more interesting than a black slime who shambles around the the entirety of the game. I'll take 1/4 entertaining over 0/4 entertaining.

I like the Threedogg guy, he's very comfy and relaxing to watch, he's the only dude on twitch I watch, I follow his solo channel as well.
Cool dude, I like the way he plays games.

Go clap somewhere else mcdonalds reeking goblino.

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so what for beeing that anal about it? ;;)

from the previous trailer? seems janky

I am saying the emphasis appears to be on cinematics. a la MGS4 but with less gameplay.

Hey guys, what are you most excited to piss on in death stranding? I'm going to piss on enemies from overhead (obviously) and also piss on things to mark them as my territory. I might even try pissing straight up and see what happens

Not every game needs to be centered around combat to be enjoyable. If you don't like it dont it buy it I guess.

can you poo?

won't it be funny if we can piss on our allies? like that fragile girl, just whip it out and pee on her haha just kidding that's gross haha

No that was MGSV

Piss from the top of a mountain of course

nice reading comprehension

I noticed you left out vechiles and gunplay featured in the previous trailer. Why be so disingenuous?


>Kojima-fanboy incel goes outside
>"Wow, dude, it's like I'm playing Death Stranding!"


Kojima's studio is living under the false pretense Kojima is a genius. As soon as he really reveals DS to be as shallow and barebones as MGSV was, the veil will be lifted and the world will see what a hack fraud he is. That's why he still keeps fucking around and showing jack shit.
The only reason mgs games were good until V was because he had people around him calling him out on his dumb fucking ideas.

You know guys these threads about ds only shows why western gaming is so shit nowadays.
You always shit on modern games for being the same, but when someone tries go out of your comfort zone you start to cry.

What a weird post. Why so much hyperbole?

>there's more to it
Like how there was more to MGSV, right?

I'm skeptical cause the gameplay appears to lack depth. The focus appears to be walking and ladder climbing.

MGSV was shit because it was unfinished.

You are being delusional. You make up these stories in your head about how people you've never met actually feel. You don't think that's a bit weird?

>BROOOO have you preordered yet? I did be cause of NORMAN fucking REEDUS hahaha i love actor man in my games!

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Keep telling yourself that. I'm sure kingdom of the flies coming out as DLC would've saved it.

Yes the design philosophy of the game is not about combat. Kojima has stressed several times. The core mechanics are centered around traversal and delivering packages.

So it's Amazon warehouse simulator?

I don't pretty order games, nor do I watch TWD, but in still going to play this game.

get his cock out of your mouth

There's at least a 90% chance that Death Stranding will be the greatest game ever made.

I mean you don't have to buy it dude. No one is putting a gun to your head. Kojima games have always had an avoidance of direct conflict in some fashion. This seems to be an extrapolation of that philosophy. Personally I'm intrigued from the footage we've seen thus far. And there's likely much more to the game experience we haven't seen.

You keep being delusional then lol

Riveting. I'm literally on the edge of my seat.

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only delusional one is your dick riding ass

You sure like dicks huh? No judgement though.

I like how he stepped on those stones.

>Personally I'm intrigued from the footage we've seen thus far

What clips have you watched that I haven't? How could anyone think this looks interesting?


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Shut the fuck up before I make you

Her tits look bigger in the game.

The open workd looks huge. The traversal mechanics look pretty cool. Wonder how long it'll take to scale a mountain in real time.

>tfw you take your first step out of your smelly bedroom in over a month
>Feel just like my favorite actor Norman Reedus in Death Stranding™

Only Kojimabros know this feel

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Are you genuinely having a hard time accepting someone else is excited for the game even though you aren't? If you aren't that's fine dude. It's not crucial to your survival or anything. Save yourself 60 bucks lol

So do you want nothing but vehicle games or what you fucking retard

Me too, great dude.

Why make strawman posts like these?

The animations look bad. The game looks bad. We've seen very little gameplay and its all mediocre at best or walking around at worst. To think I was excited for this game a few years ago, glad I woke up to Kojima's bullshit.

To entertain me.

I really enjoyed his RE playthroughs, I like how he seems like he plays games for himself which is rare on Twitch. He obviously cares to an autistic degree about little details and he'll often get stuck rambling about why he loves something.
Just general a chill dude to watch.

Fair enough

post visual proof

I agree aswell. Only other Guy I watch regularly is twitch.tv/smoke .
His DayZ and Tarkov streams are the comfiest, very immersive shit

>Go to bathroom
>Carefully lift the toilet seat up
>Take a piss standing up just like Norman Reedus in Death Stranding™
>Make sure to clean up any drops or my wife and her boyfriend will kill me

Only Kojimabros know this feel

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Isn't one of her favorite games Bloodborne, where you kill one invisible baby and multiple alien babies?
I bet she also likes DS3 and didn't mind how Oceiros crushes a baby and kills it.

Did you forget the gameplay we got in in May?

I do the same and I live alone. Wierd you have to mention your wife and her boyfriend in this context.

trying way too hard

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I sincerely doubt you had any plans of doing so if that's your justification

Yes like I said in this comment there's also baby killing in her other favorite game
She's a massive hypocrite, she once made a big twitter virtue signaling post saying that she refuses to watch Darling in the frank because it oversexualizes girls (even tho they later put boys in that doggystyle position) and at the same time makes constant post about how she's a super horny bixesual lesbian and oh wow noctis is so hot, oh this male korean pop singer is super hot... etc.

Seriously every time she makes a grandiose post about being a god of morality she has like 10 examples of doing the exact opposite that she preaches.

Try to catch his Silent Hill streams too if you haven't seen them yet, great stuff.

MGSV was shit because it was unfinished AND poorly executed due to development issues.

>left analog: left leg
>right analog: right leg
good luck

meant to:

someone wanna explain how he walks with 10 tons of shit on his back, not making him fall over?

Probably an exo skeleton suit or something. Or sci fi tech makes it light.

BB is also 100 pounds, balances out

It'd be much better if it was

>the game is about carrying a baby in a bottle while you urinate in random spots and build 1000 foot ladders to traverse a wasteland

>a hideo kojima game

It is, though.

>mfw when I realize the theme of the game is anti abortion

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BBs will be considered alive and be protected unlike fetuses are considered nowadays.