Which game do I buy? Persona 5 or The Witcher 3? Also, how is the polish dubs for the Witcher 3?
Which game do I buy? Persona 5 or The Witcher 3? Also, how is the polish dubs for the Witcher 3?
>witcher 3
choose one.
Depends on what you are in the mood for.
I've only played Persona 5, but have heard that the Witcher 3 is pretty good. I would say go with the game whose genre you prefer, but if you haven't played many JRPGs Persona 5 is a pretty decent starting point.
Witcher 3. It's actually a good game, unlike Persona 5.
Persona 5 was the better game for me.
>persona 5
Visual novels aren't games.
>buying games
Lmao cringe what a paypig.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
I'm in mood for a long RPG with romance options, hence why I ended up with P5 and The Witcher 3.
As far as gameplay goes, both have lackluster combat. Persona 5 has life sim elements, but they're poorly balanced because of the goddamn fortune teller.
If you're interested in Persona 5 just play an SMT game instead.
Persona 5 for gods sake.
Like asking if you should buy a diamond or a piece of shit.
Go with Persona 5, better game BY FAR.
Persona 5 isn't even a game
Seems like the overall consensus is P5, don't know if it's because the OP has a P5 pic or not, but fair enough. Gonna buy it, thanks mates. Will give The Witcher 3 a chance later, maybe.
They're both different kinds of good and they're both long as hell. You can't really go wrong with either.
P5 is considered the worst in the series, but you do you. Enjoy the disappointment.
They're both storyfag games with bad gameplay. Except the writing in TW3 is actually good. P5 is written like a bad anime.
Hope you enjoy it, user.
Considered by who, contrarians and some schmucks on youtube?
Eh, it's fine, I never played any Persona games before, and I only played Nocturne years ago, so it's not like it matters.
Pirate them both. If you absolutely insist on paying for one and only one I'd go for the Witcher.
Persona offers more romance options
The general consensus is that Yea Forums can't talk about P5 at all without literally losing its mind, the game itself is the best in the series by leaps in bounds in pretty much every area
Yes and yes the game is flawed but still enjoyable not atlus best but there are much worse it’s a solid game
P5 has more romance options but 80% of them are poorly developed.
IF your interest is self-inserting, go P5, Witcher 3 is squarely about Geralt's relationships
>Game has story and cutscenes
>Persona 5
I've never seen Smash Bros so utterly obliterate the quality of a fanbase as fast as it did to Persona.
>there's much worse so that automatically makes it good!
Shit eaters like yourself need to be purged from this world.
>Except the writing in TW3 is actually goo-
Into the trash it goes.
I'd say go with Witcher
Persona's relations aren't really that.
not an argument.
Get P4 instead, it has better girls and is super easy to emulate.
>Taking Yea Forums's opinions seriously
Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine are generally held to be in the category of "Expansions that are better than the base game", and the base game itself is great.
Doomguy is my most wanted Smash character, and I'm scared to see how Smash could possibly make Doom threads worse
I love Persona, but definetly buy Witcher3. Way more content to play
>in the category of "Expansions that are better than the base game"
You're thinking of Shivering Isles and Dragonborn.
Yeah except for the shitty dungeons, plot progression relying on the characters stupidity, cartoon villains, rehashed final boss, lack of freedom because the cat thinks you should sleep and certain personas only being accessible via microtransactions.
Persona 5 killed the series. If you were ever a long time fan of Persons or SMT you could see this. But 90% of people who defend P5 is because it's their first Persona game.
Ah wait, I forgot to mention the abysmal localisation where the characters say "prolly" every 5 fucking seconds because apparently the word probably doesn't exist anymore and the translators lost their thesaurus.
Buy Persona, pirate Witcher. Fuck CDPR
You're right but for the wrong reasons.
Anything that's even remotely negative is met with a horde of defenders who deflect to Nintendo, SMT or recently have been using Youtubers as an excuse.
>and certain personas only being accessible via microtransactions.
Aren't these only just Izanagi, Thanatos, and Orpheus/Picaro? IE the cameo Personas?
Keep crying
Back to your subreddit.
Yes, it makes sense you'd like this game. You share the same intelligence of the main cast it seems.
They're all iconic personas in the series that any avid player would try to get but now instead of having to actually play the game and work to get them, you have to buy them. And note that you HAVE to buy them. It's not optional.
>You're not allowed to say anything bad about my shitty VN
Not him but in all there's
>Magatsu Izanagi
There's almost enough to make an arcana there not counting their Picaro versions.
>that any avid player would try to get
But they wouldn’t.
>And note that you HAVE to buy them. It's not optional.
Why are you lying?. The DLC personas don’t count towards the trophy and they’re broken anyway.
P5 is straight up söy repellent.
Do what I did. Get Witcher 3 for free, then decide to play the prior two games before starting it. Get distracted in the middle of the first game and never finish it.
Then get Persona 5 and play the shit out of it.
Wait, no. That's a terrible idea. Shit. Do anything except that.
Yes, they would. I have gotten every Persona in the compendium for 3 and 4.
And you do have to buy them if you want them. You can't fuse them. They took a part of the game that had been in every game previous and locked it behind micro transactions. This is complete bullshit no matter what way you spin it and defending it only makes you look like a fanboy.
>smash bros
Uh no sweaty, you can blame the snoybois on that.
>I have gotten every Persona in the compendium for 3 and 4.
Okay? The DLC Personas doesn’t affect the Compendium percentage since you can still get the trophy without them.
>And you do have to buy them if you want them.
Then it’s optional not mandatory.
>calling you out for being a autistic retard and disagreeing with you makes me a fanboy
Just stop responding holy shit
>Persona 5 has life sim elements, but they're poorly balanced because of the goddamn fortune teller.
Sorry that a few stupid lines in a billion hour game triggered you, user.
Dragon Quest 11 S. You get your anime RPG except well balanced and plenty of well written waifus to marry.
>Anything that's even remotely negative
You mean "criticism" that is predicated on horseshit, which is what every Yea Forums P5 hate circlejerk relies on. And any time someone, even just one person, feels like taking any of it seriously, it ends with the seething lunatic getting pissed off because someone tried to refute him with minor details when he built his entire argument on minor details he pulled completely out of his ass in the first place. Then they run off and make a new thread a few days later whining about how fans of P5 get pissed at any kind of criticism with their dick out and wait for the nearest hand to get to work.
Fuck the memers. Both of them.
TW3. If you like pressing X to read through some shitty dialogue then P5 might be more to your speed.
>Persona 5 has shit gamepla-
>which is what every Yea Forums P5 hate circlejerk relies on
One, hate and circlejerks are mutually exclusive concepts
Two, very little criticism about the game is false. Hell the over abundance of cutscenes and the poor story are major ones.
There are more good stories in TW3 than in P5 which only dwelves into teens angst and shitty melodrama.
Congratulations, you're stuck seeing those screens literally every battle
No, you are completely missing the point I'm making because it's clear you're one of those people who's first game was 5. They took a part from previous games a locked it behind micro transactions. How would people react if they took Pikachu out of the Pokédex and locked him behind microtransactions? Sure, you could complete the Pokédex without it him but they would've removed a mascot throughout the series and forced you to purchase him out of pure greed.
That's all this is. Pure greed. Why you are defending a multi million dollar company acting on pure greed is beyond me
But the fact that you are calling me autistic and saying "Just stop responding" is evident enough that you know I'm right but you don't want to admit it so you are trying to make me look like stupid or like a nitpicker to discredit what I'm saying.
people complain that sony games are interactive movies but i guess it doenst apply to weebshit even if its literally that
Witcher 3 is better in every way OP unless you are big weeb.
The way I see it, get Witcher 3 now, then get Persona 5 Royal, once that's out later since it's basically the upgraded version. At the very least there's no reason to get vanilla Persona 5 if you intend to ever play it at all.
>The DLC Personas doesn’t affect the Compendium percentage since you can still get the trophy without them.
I think it's not so much about the trophy but the fact that he can't get every Persona in the game without paying.
I suppose the best game to use as an example is Pokemon and the various events, they aren't necessary for completion but they're a completionists nightmare.
You're talking to a fanbase that pre-ordered and defended a $60 DLC that adds another .jpg of an anime girl to play make believe dates.
More than those screens I got tired of same fucking music and vocals in every battle.
>OP makes a thread asking a legitimate question
>anti-P5 brigade still hasn't taken its pills and moves on to the 4th thread of the day since it found out about a 5 hour video on YT
The very first post was shitting on the Witcher.
Let's dispel once and for all with the fiction that OP doesn't know what he is doing, he knows exactly what he is doing.
He asked which game he wants to buy and we are laying out clear reasons why Persona 5 isn't a good game. Sorry if this upsets you, don't you have a general on /vg/ you can circle jerk on?
>How would people react if they took Pikachu out of the Pokédex
That’s a terrible example since GF has been doing that for 6 gens now and nobody has complained.
>locked him behind microtransactions?
They’ve done that before and nobody complained. Have you ever heard of event exclusives?
So it’s just his autism that’s the problem?
Please don’t samefag. It’s okay that nobody agrees with your post.
(I haven't played Pokémon in years so I'm not up to date)
But the point still stands. Those events require gameplay and skill to accomplish. You can't just buy the Pokémon with your credit card like they are forcing people to do in Persona 5.
The average intelligence of a P5 fan...lmao.
Yeah pretty much.
Granted the DLC for the Persona is expensive for what you're getting.
Thanatos is my favourite persona and I can't fight with him in 5 because they are forcing me to purchase him.
I fucking hate P5.
>That’s a terrible example since GF has been doing that for 6 gens now
They haven't, Pikachu has been available natively in every game, in fact Sword and Shield is the only game so far you won't be able to get every Pokemon in. I mean I get that guy is retarded but that's a very bad example.
>not even gameplay
>just some shitty combat end screen
You really convinced me
>Persona 5 is bad.
> I get that guy is retarded
How? Why are you so bent on defending a companies greed and taking advantage of players?
Memes aren't an argument. But that's usually what people post when they have no argument.
It's worth remembering that all criticisms are subjective personal opinions and if you personally enjoy the game, then they REALLY shouldn't get to you...unless of course there's a despicable little niggling doubt in the back of your mind that maybe you're NOT having as much fun as you've convinced yourself you're having, which doesn't go away no matter how many times you try to slap it down with a flamel of weak excuses.
>that all criticisms are subjective personal opinions and if you personally enjoy the game
Not exactly. Certain ones are objective like the gameplay not really evolving over P4.
Only people with bad taste in vidya don't like Persona 5.
Imagine being this upset that no one bought into your essay of all the problems with p5's story
Imagine being this upset that not everyone sucks off your favorite game 24/7
If you disliked the game for intelligent reasons, along the lines of "I didn't like the gameplay loop" or "I don't really relate to any of the characters" or "the game was way too long and I lost interest" there wouldn't be a problem, it's only when you go full retard and claim "this game is an incoherent mess where the themes make no sense and the whole thing fell off a cliff after the first dungeon" and proceed to insist on that claim like there's an ounce of truth to it that you become a pathetic mess.
I didn't like the game because of the core gameplay loop though. I'm just saying that if you actually like the game criticism shouldn't bother you.
>Unironically recommending Shitsona 5
>After it got BTFO in a 5 hours video no less
You guys are retarded
I don't think you can go wrong with either honestly, just know that they are very long. You'll easily find yourself putting in at least 75 hours in both. If you have to pick one, try deciding on whether you want a grand adventure across a few countries or a fun romp in an urban city.
Dilate, trannysona fan. First post was literally a contrarian weeb shitting on the Witcher 3
Persona is tranny repellent, retard.
>soi repellent
We are reaching retardations levels that shouldn't be possible
Söyboys don't like the dark themes that Persona 5 deals with and the dungeon crawling gameplay.
You almost got me user
>dark themes
you mean dating anime girls?
No, I mean suicide, rape, murder, and oppression.
>kill la kill
>parroting e-celebs instead of making your own opinions
Also the Witcher 3 polish dub is great. I might be biased since I'm a Slav and I'm tired of hearing British accents in any fantasy setting. I will give the English dub credit for having more than just British accents. You'll also hear German, American, and more depending on what region the characters are from so there's plenty of consistency.
So the core essentials to Soicore games
>tfw you will never wake up next to Makoto and enjoy a normal yet pleasant morning with her.
Ever notice how Persona fans never talk about anything other than waifushit?
>I got tired of same fucking music and vocals in every battle.
Download those costume dlcs goy :^)
what is there to talk about anymore
>Enter a Souls thread
>People talk about level design, combat, enemies, playstyles, lore
>Enter a Persona thread
user please dont lie about souls threads they almost always devolve into shitposting about which game is better/worst
Don’t worry user. We all know that you posted it so you don’t need to hide.
Fusing Thanatos is a pain in the ass, cause the five Death Personas I need I have to fulfill requests for and I don't know the fusion combinations for. But Thanatos is fucking cool as all hell and I want him on my team really badly.
>Everything is a falseflag!
Are you also going to accuse those anons of being the ones who frequently do what highlighted?