Are there ANY games that are not despoiled by SJW radical leftism? Name one game or series out that is NOT ruined by SJW faggotry.
Are there ANY games that are not despoiled by SJW radical leftism...
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*insert entire Jap industry here*
I cant wait for the new DLC
>talking shit about shoyu (yeah, i'll say the weeb word because of the fucking gay ass filter)
Kill yourself faggot
does onions sauce taste anything like worcester sauce? I fucking love worcester sauce.
Nipponesu gamu desu, thread is over now and your a fagget.
Claire was turned into an abominable aztec mexican, Jill will be a shitskin from India.
>brainlet only have 5 year memory and doesnt play video games just read polygon articles abt them
Issa goob brainlet
>2020 release now
Fucking kill me, cuphead, king knight, ori and hornet's game are taking too long
Street Fighter was censored. DOA caved to SJWs. Link is now transgender. Final Fantasy has gone super faggot boyband Fujo garbage. These are dark times, friends.
Yes. Posting a game from 25 years ago that existed before most SJW fags were even birthed is rather irrelevant, imbecile. Name some MODERN non-garbage, non-SJW games.
>re there ANY games that are not despoiled by SJW radical leftism? Name one game or series out that is NOT ruined by SJW faggotry.
If you like challenging strategy games I recommned Shadow Tactics: Blade of the Shogun, it's very old school and doesn't have any of this sjw crap in it
Zero on the vinegar side, more on the saltier side.
resident evil 2 remake
Can you fucking losers ever stop bitching for one day about muh sjws? Go back to watching shitty youtubers
i put onions sauce on my egg fried rice it tastes pretty nice
Endless series
My other favorite games are not really series but standalones
When you fucks stop ruining everything you touch.
>not even having the decency to change the imgur filename to a unix timestamp
Wtf bro don’t you know this is a culture war? You don’t get it do you? There could be BLACK people living in your neighborhood because you bought this game and it’ll be all your fault!
No, you might as well die
>endless series
>playing as a female (Mrs. Chalice)
More SJW garbage, fuck you
Instead of whining all the fucking time about games not catering to you, you could learn how to make the games you want to see. Maybe put a little fucking effort into something in your life, it might help you.
What? Is it because of vaulters having a female leader or Horatio being gay for himself?
Onions sauce is fucking delicious.
Uhhh hellooo we’re culture WARRIORS not culture CREATORS. Duuuhhhh
>far cry5
Did you even play it?
oi onions sauce is great
Yeah bro, just make good games all by yourself. No problem m8. Just ignore all the once good franchises ruined by faggots like you.
>plays only triple aaa
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA its your own fault fag
Everything from Ubisoft lately is drenched in onions. New Dawn is just a preview of things to come.
>Playing as female = sjw
I hate tomb raider now
Nope, guess you'll just have to commit suicide
Well it depends. People only like playing as girls if they're sexy, no one gives a shit about muh empowered wymen, women are weaker than men and have more childish brains, if you take away the one thing people like about the gender then it is indeed SJW faggotry.
Yeah just make a game yourself! Don't worry about getting the entire media industry hounding you for doing something they don't like and then "accidentally" doxxing you.
But they've only been ruined for loonies like you. Which means you'll just have to make your own games now :)
go back to school, shitbrain
Lara killed man all the time user, she was also not dumb
Is the implication here that 3 of these games weren't massively financially successful? How fucking delusional are you incels?
>New Dawn
>Main enemies are two BLACK WOMEN who lead a band of murderous millennials
>Enemy color is hot pink, aka color of feminism
Sounds pretty based if you ask me
Hey now, don't be comparing a godly condiment to the over-the-counter HRT in a bottle that Bay Area ass goblins quaff.
>Link is now transgender
>reluctantly crossdressing to sneak into a female-only city makes you a tranny
"Loonies" being straight, white normal (i.e. no-transexual) males. You degenerate freaks will die much sooner than I will.
That sort of defeatist faggotry is to be expected I suppose. Shitposting and crying over spilled milk is easy, making something, not so much. You listened to your worthless boomer parents that making entertainment isn't financially responsible, so you got some office job instead, and now you're pissing yourself because people who actually went for making vidya are politically left leaning. If you people actually made content that was enjoyed by the masses, there wouldn't be this issue. But you're completely creatively bankrupt, you only know how to consume.
women can only lead to FAILURE
It's a word, americunt.
>Final Fantasy has gone super faggot boyband Fujo garbage.
nigger, FF has always been gay as fuck like this, have you not seen a single amano promo art
whole franchise is laden with wispy pale faggots
Easy. It's the perfect game.
True but at least it never used to shy away from having reasonably attractive females in it. No we get nu-Tifa and her cutting board.
You clearly haven't played it. Every man in that game is an effeminate loser and usually an idiot who is commanded around or is directly abused by ugly (mostly) POC females. They have actually added a retarded young white man who doesn't know what an orgasm is and inquires about it his black female superior.
I don't really bother with western games as they've always been cancer. It's a shame to see JAP developers cater to you worthless degenerates. Even Atlus has gone woke.
Worked out for DKC. You can make plenty of money as long as you aren't braying and mewling about the jewish question and white genocide. Only weirdo journalists get in a tizzy, and no one listens to them but their fellow weirdos anyway. Stop making excuses, it's pathetic.
SF is not japanese anymore
It's still made in Japan.
How the fuck was far cry 5 sjw
>onions maymay
Oh I'm talking to a retard of course.
Don't play AAA movie games (why would you want to?) or Western indies and you'll avoid most of that shit.
>DOA caved to SJWs.
They caved to advertisers, not the same thing
>link a tranny
Not even true
>mfw mobage still proudly shows tiddy
Look who's laughing now, pc and console cucks.
Either way they caved and the game was a huge financial failure. Fans didn't want some watered down SJW-lite VF ripoff with burkini Kasumi.
I enjoy onions sauce
how is farcry 5 sjw? it's extremely pro-american
and no one listens to them but their fellow weirdos anyway
Yeah, those millions of weirdos that are basically rioting in California and Washington, and smaller pockets everywhere else. I feel so much safer.
I will NEVER play mobile games. I don't care how naked those delicious 2D titties are, I play video games, not boner simulator.
Hello fellow video game enthusiasts!
Have you heard about how Resetera took down 3d Realms and their trans and homophobic devs and that they now have to take mandatory sensitivity training? That's going to be so handy for their upcoming games and the industry as a whole!
3d realms already was that way.
Leftists continue to do their father's work.
Wish they had to take mandatory fighting game development training, since they still fucking suck at it. What sort of shitty 2D game has a designated block button, just have holding back be block like a fucking normal 2D fightan. Goddamn Americans and their obsession with being """unique."""
I can't think of any series that actually HAS been ruined by SJW faggotry.
Mortal Kombat is a good example.
name 1 (one) series that was ruined by sjws and explain how they ruined it.
Catherine. Pandering to transexuals and other degenerates by removing content involving Eric.
what did they ruin?
lol you wish whitey you'll be in camps before the end of the century
The christian cult guy was right about everything in FC5 though.
Far Cry 5, you literally just mentioned it.
Character designs.
Can you ruin something that was already bad? There are more bad MK games than there are good ones, factually. And this is before sjw.
Bean asks every member in the camp what it is, and they all have different responses ranging from Hurk telling him exactly what it is, to Mr. Rye telling him thats disgusting and to stop asking.
True but we'll take as many of you pieces of subhuman filth with us first. We won't be handing our guns over to you so easily. The media thinks white males are disenfranchised now...? Ha we'll see in five years.
Imagine being this insecure
You can puke on a pile of shit, so yes - you can.
The alt-right is too stupid to make videogames.
Imagine stating facts. You brainlets are something else.
How does that ruin a fighting game?
By catering to SJW faggots.
Should have bought those shitty 3D era MK games nobody liked enough to keep them going then
I can see that actually being a point against MK, because it has never been a complex, technical fighter. The only people who played MK or SF or Tekken or any multitude of anime fighters are the ones who really like gore and tits. It has never been a very good game on its own merit.
The "sexy" MK games all sold about 100x worse than the current ones where there's less skin.
Character designs are important to a fighting game. You spend countless hours with the same characters, so the designs should be good.
>The only people who played MK or SF
Meant to say over instead of or, but you get the idea. MK is a guro fanservice game with fighting game mechanics glued on to it, SF is a fighting game.
"Brack people are en muh vidya gamez! This is hwite jean-no-side and muh multural carcism"
I don't get this, why is pandering/catering bad? Isn't that what every video game does? You are just mad they are not pandering to you?
Soul Calibur VI is more fun than deail-a-combo MK11 anyway. If you don't want to look at ugly ass burka women, you can play that game instead.
MK9 did? Really? That's a bald-faced lie.
MKX and MK11 both sold better than MK9
>designs should be good
that's subjective
Niggers are fine in games. Barret/Mr. T was pure boss. This may surprise you furry fuckers but not every black person likes you degenerates.
Slav shit I guess.
>inb4 basedberpunk
Poland is the California of slavland and even then most of the devs left after witcher 3.
Of course it is to some extent. But the post I was replying to implied that they're not important to fighting games at all.
There would be no MKX or 11 without MK9 to revitalized the series, ignoramus.
What are you talking about? Blacks don't like far leftism in games too. It has nothing to do with hwite genocide. You can't defend communist ideology stuffed in media by calling everyone nazis. You look stupid.
That's what it boils down to. They're so used to being pandered to by default that now that games are branching out to other demographics to potentially broaden their appeal, they feel ostracized and alienated.
I thought /pol/ didn't mind far cry 5 because it wasn't political and the journos were mad about it?
and MK9 was significantly toned down from the 3D era and they just kept going in that direction and selling more every time.
I suppose so, sure. Just as leftist retards would be crying on twatter over not being catered to.
If the sjws boogeyman lives rent free in your head then there is no safe place
Cranky because you're not seen as a valuable target demographic, huh?
Im sure you know a lot about policy and history and arent just some sad reactionary whose entire political identity comes from Yea Forums and counter outrage culture
You're the one claiming that communism is being shoved into video games, and you call me stupid. You must be a libertarian.
>Link is now transgender.
Link did it to sneak into a place. That is something that mythological Thor did as well. It's not "transgender." It's a ruse de guerre. The Japanese are not informed by the deconstructionist, satanic influences that Western devs are.
This is toned down? Yeah ok bud.
it sounds like you're just randomly saying shit are you a bot?
resetera is quite real ans still censoring games
Yep. White straight males no longer play or buy video games unless they are faggy soi bois, apparently. I'd think fucking people up the ass all day would take away from your Pokemon games, but I guess not.
>having money for entertainment
At best they will pirate it.
Pot calling the kettle black. You both go full autismo over characters designs in FICTION. Have sex.
I'm describing your "arguments", you fucking moron.
Literally just her alternate Armageddon costume with slightly more skin covered.
Yep, and the "alt right" is also make-believe, fucktard.
Fucking idiotStip false equivalencing
Most SJWs are absolute failures who don't work/live off govt disability for made up bullshit and spend all day endlessly crying on twitter over perceived offenses. They typically do not BUY 60 dollar video games.
Link is a twink elf who dressed up as a woman in BOTW. If any other video game male got the same treatment, you fuckers would be killing that character.
Found the NPC. Are you still 'With Her' bro? Feelin' 'The Bern'?
Donkey Kong Country
>Tfw most Yea Forums posters litterally fit this description
What's up with Far cry 5?
The cult is right at the end, so they were the childs of god
Many retards on this forum are leftist trash like I just described. The overlap is real.
>I'm strawmanning your "arguments", you fucking moron.
don’t worry they still blatantly disrespect the other trans character that was already in the original game if you really don’t like it
And that showed that fans of the series didn't buy the gane because of tits MKX and MK11 sold way more than MK9 when Yea Forums said both games would bomb for being sjw
Man I fucking loved the outrage from the far left when FC5 featured cult members from all races. No pandering for you shitheads, lmao
>Including black people and killing Nazis
Retard of the day award goes to OP, apply yourself next time
Many of the retards you describe are also conservative, it's almost like politics have norhing to do with it
I never once said MKX would "bomb." 11... I think they're fudging the sales numbers a bit, to be honest. But I can't prove that, so I won't belabor that point further. If you think sales quality you are quite the tool, though.
>muh SJW
>radical leftism
Prove it. I'll wait. Conservatism endorses hard work and not being a leech.
The next game was called sjw for having only non-white villians though
Retards on both sides of this pathetic culture war don't realize the majority of consumers are normies, and they couldn't give less of a shit about any of this posturing. It's just going to eternally be the far right and far left shitposting at one another online, because this culture is literal trash and is not worth salvaging.
Farcry 5 isn't pozzed
Seething about fictional characters won't fix your micro penis incel.
Farcry 5 isnt even SJW in fact it got the opposite reaction from SJW for being too American.
If it took SJW bullshit appearing for me to get my FFXV boyband roadtrip game then it was worth it, faggot.
Why don't you exclusively play Japanese games?
Time to go back to the autism home user.
Trouble is, the gaming industry is ultra left, so they are alienating middle the of the road people like me.
>I never once said MKX would "bomb."
Many did though for some reason but sales usually do equal quality, remember how many threads we have of people saying a game is terrible because only 6,000 players are playing it or how MvCI was good because people watched the fights at evo
But they want something to bitch about. Being perpetually aggrieved is how America rolls now.
Then by your logic, Call of Duty and GTA are some of the best games ever.
>Prove it. I'll wait.
How about /r9k/?
The next game was copy/pasted low effort garbage with uninteresting villains.
Which ones ARE NOT infected by the virus of radical leftist ideals?
They are, because they rake in the numbers and make a profit while staying out of scandals like EA.
That was such a great game. I was shocked when I learned that it was made by Germans, and yet it somehow managed to avoid being full of leftist faggotry. Just a fun, challenging gameplay driven game, that managed to channel some of the best things about the Commandos series. I though even the character design and aesthetic was quite good, which was unexpected, since the current western fad is to make everything as ugly as possible.
>"Flat is justice"
- Karl Marx
i'm not a weeb semencerebrum cuck
Answer depends entirely on how badly your brain has been poisoned by propaganda. Explain radical leftism.
>outrage from the far left when FC5 featured cult members from all race
There was always politics in video games but it was A LOT more subtle back then an well written.
the only thing more annoying then an SJW is an anti-SJW
you're all a bunch of annoying faggots arguing over identity politics
kill yourselves
No need, comrade.
If you're trying to sound smart, don't exaggerate your stats. Now I have to google and disprove your ass
don't you faggot retards understand that your moronic bitching about mundane shit is like 90% of the reason they do this shit?
You fuckheads keep outraging over this shit which increases coverage of the game, and by extension game sales. You're basically giving them free advertising, you know that right?
Do you really think CEOs or their faggot shareholders would even agree to half the shit "muh sjw's" propose to put in the game if it doesn't help increase sales, mainly through twats like yourself raging your ass off?
Jesus fucking christ the lack of self-awareness is surreal. Faggots like you are a part of the cancer killing the gaming industry, and it baffles me you don't even realize it.
It is a culture war and it needs to be fought and won.
Don't bother. This is the same idiot who claimed MK9's designs were not sexualized.
Ah, that makes sense really, I'll have to try it some time, though I like the lea and perrins for its sharpness. Thanks user.
>Faggots like you are a part of the cancer killing the gaming industry
That's the goal of the far-left you fucking brainlet.
>gaming journalism article
>maximizing clicks through hot takes
good job, you fell for the fucking clickbait and managed to project its opinion onto the entire far left.
They've already succeeded.
MK has always sold well.
The morons that said it would bomb are just retards.
>like porn
>only watch indie bottom-tier amateur shit with skank-ass junky bitches or AA midget porn
Three tiers of production quality exist in games, user. It'd be nice if there were good options from all three tiers.
retards are still mad about a arcade ending in mk11
Okay, why then?
Why the fuck would this far-left you fuckheads keep bringing up want to kill the videogame industry?
You know what, I don't even think you need to have a motive to get outraged as fuck about these people you have never met or ever even seen.
You've managed to convince me that gamers truly are the most oppressed demographic. Great job.
Corporations couldn't be more happy about outrage culture, it's honestly impressive how quickly they learned to weaponize it. Just do something that upsets a group of people, and you immediately generate hundreds of hours of free publicity and discussion. Bad content still fails, like the 2016 Ghostbusters, but I imagine it still benefited them anyway. Nike has made bank off of Kaepernick rage, and they still happily employ Chinese slave labor. Our people are just too stupid to exist, it's an affront against any sort of loving god.
Yes, all games are "SJW", now will you retards hurry up and kill yourselves already?
>Why the fuck would this far-left you fuckheads keep bringing up want to kill the videogame industry?
SJWs are evil and all they want is to antagonize normal people and destroy everything they touch including their employers and companies. See the comic book industry completely overrun by SJWism.
Probably more for the ugly burkas on the "women."
If you even played the game you'd love claire. Her model is cute as fuck irl they just made her look goofy in the game, but she's still cute
If you can't take in media that you don't agree with then you are a hysterical child.
>Final Fantasy has gone super faggot boyband Fujo garbage.
final fantasy has ALWAYS been that. amano was incapable of making a male character that didn't look like a feminine metrosexual.
No, I want someone else to kill me. Preferably a cute girl.
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
Oh wait, you're pulling a strawman and making an antagonist out of an entity that doesn't even exist. Got it.
Why do you have Far Cry 5 on there? There's nothing in that game even remotely SJW. In fact it got bashed by the games media for that very reason.
Because they are insane, mentally ill perverts who mindless follow what outrage twitter/retardEra tells them to be mad about. Expecting sound logic from a brain-damaged leftist is like expecting a dog to grown wings and fly.
so are you one of those retards that got mad a ninja had a hood on
Far Cry 5 is about Trump-supporting rednecks saving America from an evil cult, what's SJW about that?
Seething numale, how's your wife's boyfriend doing?
Comichron sales data is all evidence you need. Movies about super heroes make billions and comic books are on their last legs, because SJWs hate fans and produce unsellable trash.
FFVII gave us J cup Tifa. Now we get C cup Tifa who looks like some dollar store fanmade re-design.
Take a gander at resetera. That's how far the spoonfeeding goes, newbie. Lurk more.
You have shit taste, fagboy. You're probably a homo or a transexual.
Politics =/= identity politics
>who mindless follow what outrage twitter/retardEra tells them to be mad about
Wow you know what that reminds me of a particular incident that occurred on this site around 2014 and pretty much entirely ruined it as a result.
Regardless, if your arguments only consist of strawmen that can only be backed up by shitty reaction images of cherry-picked tweets or discord logs I can't be arsed to go on with your retarded argument.
Marlowe Briggs is the best damn new MC i've seen in a long time.
Anything by D3 Publisher
I genuinely don't understand how people can whine about trannyera getting outraged by everything when the opposite side of the coin has shit like this. Anyone who monetizes outrage is not an honest actor who wants to make things better, that goes for the whole political spectrum.
I hate sjws as much as the next guy, but there's plenty. Stop buying the most basic bitch opiates for the masses.
I think it's about the pozzed sequel, far cry new dawn
It was a spin-off/expansion first of all, not a mainline game, and it actually was pretty different due to RPG mechanics and base-building stuff.
Then you're probably too indoctrinated by the radical left to have any semblance of intelligence left anyway.
That's just whataboutism.
you mad fag cry more a ninja has a hood on
Billy is a black man who likes console fighting games a lot. That's why he was invested in criticism of shittying up MK11.
Comics in general aren't going to sell well anymore, sjw or otherwise. No one wants to go to a comic book store for a poorly written and drawn series when we get like 4 relatively competent marvel movies a year and manga does capeshit better as well.