Vidya aliens

What's your favorite alien faction in video games? Which ones could defeat the Irken Armada?

Attached: irken_armada.png (1920x1109, 2.82M)

covenant and covenant

Sorry, Covenant can't insta-destroy planets

Could they have saved the galaxy from the Reaper menace? Could they have saved Marauder Shields?

The Irken Empire defeated the Irken Empire.

Which form would you do?

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covenant fleet is probably much bigger
how was her disguise so much better than zim’s again?

When Zim was picking one out, all the good ones he called too ugly.

>Which ones could defeat the Irken Armada?

Attached: Combine_main_symbol.png (360x450, 17K)

I was kinda surprised how good the movie was

Also, the Combine scare the shit out of me

>dies from 3 shots from a pea shooter

>thinking the Metrocops are the full brunt of the Combine

The combine isn't just the metropolice.

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>glorified human cops die easily

zim is a genuine idiot


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All you have to do is go around them

The police in Half Life 2 are not Combine, they are humans who betrayed humanity and joined the Combine for a better quality of life. The Combine themselves are the larger alien life forms with the advanced technology.

She's an actual competent Irken, Zim is the Irken equivalent of retarded.

I know, I was calling him out on his shit.

I wager the Furon Empire, they’re like the Irkens but are just incredibly horny instead of goofy
They’d probably lose in space battles but on ground, Furons clearly got the better firepower

>People accusing Vasquez of selling out and pussying down Invader Zim and LE CALARTS
>People genuinely can't wrap their heads around the fact he made Invader Zim in his early 20's and that almost 15 years later he grew out of his edgy goth phase

All of my former scene/goth friends HATED it because of the "disney I love you daddy" bullshit, but I literally rewatched all of Zim AND read the comics leading up to this and I think it was awesome.

The Seraphim are quite possibly the strongest video game alien faction in existence. Their smallest units are the size of gundams, and their largest units are the size of continents. Worst of all, there are an unlimited amount of them, and if the protags didn't seal the rift where they were coming from, they would've killed every single life form in existence.

They're right up there with WH40k factions.

Attached: SeraphimT4Ythotha.jpg (816x991, 280K)

Sorry I misunderstood. I'll promptly commit weeaboo minesweeper for this dishonor.

The Orokin.

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Its crazy how OP everything in SupCom is. It toe to toe with 40k maybe even more OP.

I don't think anything in warframe is alien. The Orokin were just ultra-advanced weeb romans who created the Grineer and Sentients and then the Infested during the war.

>What's your favorite alien faction in video games? Which ones could defeat the Irken Armada?

That depends.
Does SRW count as 'from video games' ?

It was good, and I understand what you're saying, but gaz just felt off.

based post

When did Zim get the minimoose? I don't remember him always having it. I only watched the tv series

He got introduced in the final episode, the Christmas one. There was a joke about him being there the whole time, and they were gonna have a montage of him crudely pasted into old scenes, but they didn't.

You could put them up against another race that successfully enslaved a galaxy. Well, almost.

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