Will this be one of the biggest Doom games yet?
Doom Eternal will take 22 hours to finish
More like its the biggest doom to this series
Boomer alert
mite b cool
how about that quack 1 sequel
>22 hours to finish
Any% Glitchless: 2:30
considering it hasn't got mod tools announced, certainly not
HDoom is good shit
>Not the imp model with tits
>22 hours
Ok, just as long as it doesn't feel like the game overstayed it's welcome. By the end of 2016 it felt like things were dragging out for no reason.
Shut the fuck up you porn degenerate.
Not my thing but I admire the effort
I was wondering why it wasn't getting updates but it turns out they were working on Ion Maiden
>CODEX blow their load cracking wolfenstein youngblood instead of just waiting for doom eternal
damn. i guess i'll wait a month for the game to be 50% off.
oh boy unskippable cutscenes
Oh so it's gonna be full of content bloat and required grinding, good to know that this'll be a day 1 pirate
>shooter made by westcuck studio that doesn't no what level bounding and clipping is
try 0:12
22 hours in devspeak = about 12 in reality
Make me, cock breath.
It's like you retards forget about the shit big devs pull these days.
It's fucked mr quack.
Why does Yea Forums want this game to flop? It looks pretty good.
just to be contrarian
After watching some gameplay of Doom 2 with the project brutality mod and the watching gameplay from the New Doom remakes, i gotta say it looks pretty bland and tame
why is this Yea Forums? why cant developers copy what has been perfected in the brutal mods?
>Brutal mods
I'll believe it when I see it. Doom 4 barely took me over 6 hours.
Doom 4 was already stretching it. By the end, I just wanted it to end. 22 hours of Doom Eternal is way too much and actually making me not want to play it.
You can never have too much Doom
>22 hours for a FPS
how does that compare to most FPS games from today and yesteryear?
Doom Guy
Serious Sam
Prisoner 849
Quake guy forgot his name
Which one is the best FPS protagonist?
Is Caleb but zoomers don't know him
Really long, most fps are top 16 hours with all DLC
Caleb has the best personality and VA
Sounds bloated as fuck. The last Doom game could have had 2-3 hours cut from it. As it was it got a bit repetitive.
Fuck that's a lot
I hope it doesn't feel dragged like the end of DOOM
>still playing doom2 wads to this day
No but its a nice change of pace to the standard 8-10 hour romp most games stick to
I expect at least 1 hour for every $0.50 I spend on a game. That's my rule.
>22 hours of closed off arenas and randomly spawning enemies 4 at a time
Hard pass and a yikes from me
Dusk dood
>hasnt seen any videos about the game yet
Grow up kid, im sorry school starts soon, try to use real words instead of buzzwords and meme phrases next time?
>22 hours
This game better have some fucking excellent weapon, enemy and enviroment variety otherwise its gonna get boring long before its over.
Please tell me how the game went back to Doom 1/2/3/64 Level design. Because it didn't. You walk into the arena, the doors lock and enemies start spawning in randomly just like the last one.
Its nice seeing FPS games having lengthy campaigns again. That was what modern FPS games were missing was the long campaigns(modern FPS campaigns usually lasted 6 hours on average).
>Doom Eternal will still have you skating and jumping around arenas, twirling and firing as you go, but the edges of those arenas will be much less obvious. Fights will be backed by epic moments on the skyline, giving the illusion of open areas, and your abilities will allow you to leave the ground to add another dimension to its high-speed battles.
tl;dr doom eternal still sucks and isn't a doom game but normies will eat it up anyways
Old shooter's are not that long, most fps from the 90s lasted like 10h in the first run without dlc, I don't see Doom taking 22 hours without getting boring
How long was DOOM 2016?
How much time did it take to Yea Forums to finish it?
no one is taking the bait, but please keep being contrarian my dude you'll fit in eventually.
>just a brown human
>actually a sexy monster
This guy gets it.
Took me 8 hours, in the max difficulty they give you in the first run and I tried to get all secrets , the game felt like a drag in the 2 last levels
What bait? It's directly from the devs. It's still lockdown monster arenas with randomly spawning enemies.
God forgive I have a dissenting opinion and back it up with supporting evidence right?
The guy from Quake is called Ranger.
Security officer from Marathon
>playtime counts time to grind out chevos afterwards
>No Master Chief
I mean, sure he came a few years after the others but he's still iconic.
Regardless, if we're sticking to in-game only, its a toss up between Duke and Caleb. With "extended lore" included, its Doomguy.
Shut the fuck up brutal doom faggot. Nobody wants to hear or respects your shitty taste.
Both are good
>Master shit
>Baby first fps
Nice micro transactions ya got there.
>>just a brown human
that's what doom imps are tho
they're just brown humans with some spikey bits
add tits and make it curvy and it'd just be a brown sexy chick with spikey bits
or are you complaining because of her not being bald?
>arguing with a tripfag
>this whole post
I'm hardly legal drinking age and this hurts to read
by biggest you mean larger than 300GB?
because the last game was insultingly BLOATED AS FUCK for a 4 hour campaign.
I fucking hate collectibles. To this day I haven't finished DOOM because every level I had to run around the map for 30 minutes trying to find everything.
Master Chief. It's not even a contest.
Look at how smug this fucker looks.
Show me the sword
>22 hours
why would you spend $60 on this
Can we get more of these but with various lewds?
This deserves to be posted far more than that stupid cumbskull picture.
I already got bored halfway through the first one when i played it. I can't see myself even finishing this one if it's the same shit for 20 hours. There needs to be something more besides introducing new enemies every once in a while.
Because it looks like a fun game? Isn't that the reason people are excited for Doom Eternal?
>Going to take 22 hours for journalists to complete
Under 8 hours for anyone with a functioning brain stem
>Because it looks like a fun game
What other fucking reason do you need to buy a game? Especially a Doom games of all series?
>implying NUDOOM Eternal won't have microtransactions on day one
Don't about Jewthesda greediness you dumb retard.
why nudoomfanbase memes are soo reddit tier? seriously this shit isn't funny, it feels too forced
Sergeant Cortez
I thought it was Sarge
>DOOM Eternal looks like fucking shi-
Where the fuck is BJ?
the default shotgun in nu-doom is so fucking shit even a bland skin can't salvage it
>22 hours of fucking monster arenas
Yeah, classic DOOM, am I right fellow hardcore gamers?
Took me 40 hours to finish NuuM twice + replay some levels. I was also pretty autistic about secrets sometimes and was pointlessly walking around same room afraid that I missed something.
>le badass power fantasy man xD
watching the presentations for this game is so cringe
Why are you obsessed with reddit 24/7? Honest question.
Moar faggot
Even the "throwback skin" looks like dogshit. How about investing a few hours of work and actually modeling the classic shotgun?
thats fucking retarded tho
Is this really as bad you guys make it out to be?
>spiky chitin zerg bullshit again
Archvhile should be creepy naked skeleton-man, not some fucking insectoid.
That's a whole load of generic survival arena fights
Sarge is from Quake 3
>Campaign Master Level
wtf is this bullshit?
because cringy and unfunny "memes" comes from that place?
It is a fast-paced shooter with solid movement mechanics, varied weapons and a decent bestiary. If people don't like the way the combat scenarios are structured I don't blame them, but it's fundamentally a quality game.
Anyone have the collage of some forum posts from a guy who often refer to the arena fights as 'skateparks'?
Don't doubt*
Wang is the best. He actually has cool personality and look while the rest are mostly "is protagonist of a classic game and/or quotes movies".
Welcome to 2019, all the best memes are screenshots of post-ironic twitter shitposting reposted to reddit.
>Gets awards for Best Action Game and Best PC Game.
>Also gets award for Best Action Game at Gamescom
>Is getting heavy advertisement from Bethesda and is hyped up by basically everyone in the Doom fandom, even modders.
>"It'll flop for sure this time!" Says increasingly nervous anons for the millionth time.
It's a just remixed version of an existing campaign level.
It is going to flop, though.
>Haha, you go poo-poo, hehehe, uh, I leave room.
Yes, a very cool personality.
>Not all in 1st person
That's what Yea Forums said last time.
Name one (1) time Yea Forums has been wrong.
nice to be able to point out the limp wrist, fragile zoomers of Yea Forums.
99% of the time about fucking everything.
Just don't grab them if you hate looking for them
>I don’t like power fantasies
Stop lying, all men do.
Persona 5
Doom chad is a cute
And Monster Hunter World.
>every fucking game has a "its going to take x hours to complete! whoa so much longer!"
>Yea Forums still thinks this shit is actually serious and not just the usual marketing MO
I'd say I'm amazed that it's been going on for this long but then again there are plenty retards on this board that still buy EA games.
EA games are good, though.
It's probably the most intense shit I've ever played outside of Brutal Doom and Quake 1.5. It's good just not replayable.
nice bait
He is.
No game should be longer than 15 hours.
More like Doomer alert
Can we just have the expendables of fps games
DooM guy
Quake Ranger
Duke Nukem
Lo Wang
Serious Sam Stone
Gordon Freeman
BJ Blazkowitz
Sounds cool if it's accurate.
A more robust level creator and modding tools and community would make that playtime number less relevant and the game a whole lot better.
Look up Samsara
Excuse me bitch.
They say shit like this, then I end up beating the game in 8 hours anyways. Yeah I might miss some of the collectibles/secrets, but I always finish the game. Am I subconsciously speedrunning?
Didn't know so many people hate doom 2016
>modern id-developed turd
>customizable anything
>quake only gets strogg shit and multiplayer releases
>Doom gets every ounce of singleplayer love AND some unique multiplayer
>they're even extending Doom into the gothic/cybergothic area
i have a way of dealing with contrarian faggots were i come from
i shoot them
I was going to say something about that too lol. I'm so sick of this style
Good console shooter.
At least they clarified that the question marks are just placeholders for more action figures.
I just want good varied levels, doom16 was pretty shit in that regard
>22 hours
That would sound good if I could be arsed to play more than an hour of Doom 2016.
>spends his time to come to a thread just to bitch about a game hes not gonna play possibly wasting his time
based retard
play it on nightmare, scrub
>positive opinions only please no trolling allowed >:(
what is this, gamefaqs?
Quality is “qualitative” not “quantitative”. I’d rather play a 6 hr game that was thoroughly enjoyable than a 40 hr gane that was a drag.
And lmao 120 hrs from every $60 game you serious here??
quake champions is good
>This entire thread
Yep. This place is a contrarian shithole.
I played doom 2016 on ultra nightmare the one where if you die ONCE thats it game over ONE mistake sorry kid playtimes over I 100% it easy peasy not even trying
To be honest it is one of the few places on the internet where you can have differing opinions without being le downboated to obscurity.
>1-Ups in a Doom game
Bethesda just thrives on ruining franchises, don't they?
I hope you’re not joking. Because Doom 1 is long and fuck, like 20 hrs easily, by mid game the levels are labrynths that take 20-30 mins to beat.
>defending bethesda
what a fucking dumb baby. doom is short even by today's standards.
why would they publish such a shit idea? 1-Ups in a first person game are dumb.
Maybe to finish all the sidequests and secrets lol
Only if you know the maps, most of modern Yea Forums hasn't beat DOOM or DOOMII because the backtracking takes so long on the first playthrough
It's just edgy kids larping as boomers who played knee deep in the dead on a school computer think nu-doom is shit. From memory the doom general on /vr/ didn't mind nu-doom, but the opinion may of changed, doom is the last hope for shooters since wolfenstein shit the bed
Honestly, without a direct comparison to DOOM 2016 I can't take this seriously.
And when I say a direct comparison I don't mean some vague shit like "It's 50 percent bigger" or some dumb crap like that I mean tell me exactly how many levels it has and whether the levels are the same length or longer than the ones in DOOM 2016.
Vague statements like "It's x hours long" are absolutely pointless coming from a developer/publisher because it takes different people different amounts of time to get through the same content (they know that though, that's why they make such vague statements in the first place, so they can exaggerate and spout bullshit and then act like they weren't just lying when the game comes out because they never said anything difinitive).
Can't wait to see Yea Forums get btfo by sales and positive feedback and reviews yet a-fucking-gain. I swear it's like you faggots don't learn.
what? you motherfuckers wanna live in the game or what
haha fucking losers
You guys can be in denial as much as you like but they will give Doom the Wolfenstein treatment. And by that I mean they will put microtransactions for aesthetics shite while completely neglecting the gameplay and story.
Then why haven't there been any reports or confirmation about microtransactions in the game yet? The game comes out in like 3 months. I'm starting to come to terms that there won't be any and that you fags just want Doom Eternal to flop.
Not only does Bethesda _own_ Id but big dog pulbishers often have the final word in the development of a game.
I doubt that Bethesda were the ones to put in a lives system, that would be an id decision.
Doom was always a little cybergoth.
pseudo-retro gaming is the big thing now, I wouldn't put it past them.
Im fucking sick of bloated AAA games nowadays. You cant make a good linear game over 15 hours. Its just not possible. It hasnt been done yet and wont ever be done. Every single one of these long ass games has at least 5 hours of pure bloat and filler to be removed.
Doom Eternal looks much better than doom16 at least, that game deserves to fall into obscurity for how hard people pushed that absolute shit. If Eternal has cutscenes it will fall under the same boat though.
Sauce of the page?
I'm not worried.
You do know that the only effect 1 ups have is that if you die, you dont have to go back to a checkpoint, right?
it's Rex
What if nuDOOM becomes a prelude to nuQuake?
>You can never have too much Doom
I did. That's why I switched to Brutal Doom.
>DOOM took around 12 hours
I did it in under 6 on my first playthrough and it was on nightmare
spent a fair bit exploring for those pads too and found most of them
Instead you have the issue of actual attempts at discussion getting drowned out by buzzword and fotm meme spamming.
oh so you played it, or you just don't have enough mommybux to buy it?
every time devs brag about playtime is in game-journo time, which is a third more than the average player (being generous)
>I love doom xd! It's soo cool and hardcore liek me!
>uses glitches
Based anti-lewd poster
What memes you consider "not reddit"?
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
at least doom has a consistent theme so that makes sense. There's a foundation to build on. Quake on the other hand, is what: medieval sci fi, h.r. geiger with explosions, lmao no story, and and id tech demo.
the wall climbing stuff looks ghey
hopefully they keep it to a minimum
>all these names
Literally who?
Seriously, anyone over 25 should leave this website.
Shut the fuck up Zoomer
I'm glad it's longer than 2016, but that definitely didn't take 12 hours to beat - even if you're exploring the levels very thoroughly.
And Bloodborne
Quake 1 can easily be built upon.
"Ranger trying to get home and battling off horrors" is just as easy to make a story out of as "Marine trying to stop demons from fucking everything up" there's even enough lore material made for Quake champions to support a campaign
I still don't know why they went so hard on strogg stuff when alien meat robots are infinitely less interesting than eldritch horrors
Imagine quake wars if it was rangers vs shubnogs
I'm the kind of autist that likes to look around for collectables, as well as take a fuck ton of screenshots in photo mode so it will probably be 30+ hours for me.
Also, hope they include another nightmare mode, or whatever it was called in 2016 where you have one life and it's on the hardest difficulty.
>shitty taste
shaking my baka head
so this is the mindset of a kum mind
doom take like 5 hours finish even with thy flesh consume
Brutal Doom's Project Brutality is better than majority of games out today
.....Who the fuck is making these wojak shit memes? Like no, where in the fuck are these things coming from?
not as good as dusk or amid evil but still pretty good.
Look at this newfag who thinks Yea Forums never makes its own memes.
Yea Forums is desperate for every game ever made to become the new TORtanic. It's also desperate for the entirety of gaming to be destroyed and wiped from existence.
is anyone else freaked out by this? the colors and movements are some creepypasta shit
It's not the Doom of my childhood, therefore it is an affront and insult to everything I love.
Not as big as my cock
Doesn't matter if it's 50 hours long its all trash
Material defender
>22 Hours
Maybe Casually. Speedrunners will probably get it down to like 4-5 hours, probably even less than that after they optimize the run.
I fail to see why people enjoy going through games as fast as possible, especially when it's their first time playing it.
It's just some stupid hobby
I don't really understand why it's "bad". Yeah the old games are incomparable and irreplaceable but times change. It doesn't hurt to try new things.
Master Chief
>this whole post
Once again proof that anti-Halo fags are all poser zoomers
nobody remembers my man corvus
if you seriously think this then you're really fuckign stupid
why the fuck would you play a singleplayer game with tons of hidden stuff as quickly as possible?
Captain price
You make that? I'm disgusted by it which is no small feat, so congratulations
The 1-ups refill your health up to half when you hit 0. They don't respawn you back at a checkpoint or some dumb shit.
That's actually pretty long the first one took me 10-13 and I was finding secrets / items n shit too
Dude what the hell...
Leonard and Bubba
18-20hrs according to the devs, so 8 hours for a normal person
How is that a good thing tho?
With that in your back pocket there will never be any suspense.
it's not out yet you retard
why is that Wojak serves as the basis for some of the most disturbing fucking images I've seen outside of rekt threads? Is it the eyes?
I still hate the arena aspect and the enemy design/play
>22 hours
I’m cumming
The way the eyes have whites ontop and bottom implies high levels of fear. Which we subconsciously feel ourselves.
So ye it's the eyes.
Ey, that's a perfect female demon. If you're so triggered, just have the male demon flex its pecs and strut dat ass every once a while. If that's what it takes, so be it. No one should mind.
Tomboy is gay. If you want to fuck someone who act like a boy Fuck a boy you homo.
Vega Central Processing on Nightmare difficulty with all the high-mobility perks selected is one of the best examples of high quality first person shooter gameplay.
The game looks good but 1-ups really fucking suck, I hope the game isn’t balanced around them and you can turn them off on higher difficulties or some shit.
You smell bad
In-game purchases = no buy for me.
James Bond
More like 5 hours, 3.4 if you shave off the cutscenes.
>this is DOOM now
What's wrong with the plasma gun pickup on the right?
Replay doom please.
You can easily beat it under 2 hours.
Gordon Freeman
Learn English spic.
>22 hours
so probably like 6/7.. There's no way it lasts that long unless there's a fuckton of useless collectibles and they're adding them in as "completion" of the game, because doom 2016 abso-fucking-lutely did not take me 12 hours to beat.
>And lmao 120 hrs from every $60 game you serious here??
I think it's funny that you find that so outrageous. Low standards or just ADHD? The only games I play that don't go over 100 hours are anime tiddy games. And even then, there's exceptions (Kamidori Alchemy Meister, for example) and none of them cost over $40.
it's based on average time submitted by players
let's hope invasion and battlemode are good for replayability