What am I in for?
A Hat In Time
4/10 platformer with glitches and ugly graphics.
Best 3d platformer in recent years.
Mario esque platformer, heckin cute
Also, Steam workshop, if you play on PC
It’s really this though
A happy go lucky platformer that has some jank that looks a bit offputting at first but underneath is still a platformer built around fun and charm.
About 12 hours of fun, maybe like 15 with DLC, and like 50 more hours if you hate yourself and play the real DLC.
A good time. Play the PC version if you want mods and all the extra content.
loli bait.
>7/10 cunny
if you aren't a filthy lolicon
>5/10 platformer
A subpar platformer that people only like because the main character is cute, like every Shantae game.
>the real DLC.
>50 hours
what the fuck?
a pretty good game
Cunny, tranny rights, and underneath all that a mediocre forgettable game
Trans rights, fuck year.
really shows how shit platformers on pc are
>hat kid
>not hat girl
Confirmed for non-binary!
Cute hat girls doing cute hat things.
Pretty solid controls with fun gameplay and environments. The voice acting isn't necessarily bad but feels pretty amateur.
Camera sort of sucks. For one thing, you can't control the level of zoom with the controller like every other game in history. You need to go to the options to set the zoom distance. No clue what the actual fuck they were thinking on that one, but that's not the issue. It doesn't matter what you set the zoom too because every other section of ground you step on is some sort of auto-camera zone that forces the camera to zoom right up your ass and prevents you from seeing anything.
Cutes and funnies
Pedo bait for braindead Yea Forums deviants
Commie bait
Tranny bait
Lefty propaganda
Shit gameplay
Tranny shit and shit gameplay
>Commie bait
>Tranny bait
>Lefty propaganda
It's a fairly well disguised lolicon game.
>d-do I fit in yet reddit? xD
Leftist propaganda with some cool platforming and characters
you may choose only one
where do you think all those shitty right wing memes come from?
Unironically this. I enjoyed parts of it, but several stages fucking suck and aren't fun. The graphics are all over the place and seemingly no cohesive style. Like this user said, too, glitchy as fuck.
the dregs that /pol/ sends over here
The Snatcher levels are maximum comfy
Horrible game that makes no sense and is no fun but gets the fuck memed out of on this board and they can't even explain why.
The story is already awful. You have your own space ship or something and then some girl or creature or something (I can not remember) crashes into your window and then you have to get to some planet which is full of evil Mafia guys because....WHAAAT?
The Mafia guys also look just so fucking stupid. The entire character design is so ugly, the dialogs make me cringe so badly and the game play wasn't fun like I have been promised.
Maybe the start is just awful and the game gets better later on BUUUUUT you guys don't seem to care about pacing at all then. Game starts out shit and I need to hang in there because it will get good? Also this won't make up for the ugly characters and the horrible story.
I like the gameplay a lot. Definitely the best 3D platformer in years. Music is 10/10, humor lands more than it misses though I think stupid shit like the way the train conductor says "mier-dier" is funny. Good homages to random stuff that aren't super on the nose.
I haven't even played the game, but I love Hat Kid.
lol I love this shit
What a heckin' cutie!
didn't read
It's worth playing, even if you're going to pirate it I think it's worth your time if you like platformers at all.
i beated whit co op whit a friend a few days ago
it was great, we hive five for like a minute and it was weird
then we played jet set radio
where is this pasta from?
Trans rights
>mfw I only bought this game because of smugdancin
>mfw I know nothing about this game
Exactly, I was going to write you autists won't read this anyway because more than 3 words are already too much text for you. Why do you people not lurk on Facebook, you would belong there. People only comment with "cool" or "this is nice" or whatever, they don't put any effort in their text, don't even want to talk about games. You don't contribute anything to anything at all. You might disagree with my opinion but at least I do have an opinion and I express it while all other replies are just shit. Fuck Yea Forums, you can all go to hell.
Just read the text above if you can deal with SO MANY WORDS, have you ever read a book? I wrote it myself.
There's a mod in the steam workshop that removes the trans graffiti.
why hate on tranies when they kill themselves anyway
It's not that inaccurate
you had a good point libtard
rent free
Link it
Yeah that's not funny, fuck off
>t. /r/gamingcirclejerk faggot
Dilate.And have sex.
It's at least 40% funny
who made this?
A furry
your average wannabe mango artist on /ic/
listen are you new here or what
the fuck is this resetera shit anyway i been gone for too long
anyway listen just
deal with it
you're on Yea Forums, we're all ironically or unironically bigots and assholes, it's easier to just blend in with the rest of these fucking cuckolds than to give a fuck
that way, you can shit on video games and attend comfy threads in peace
>Seething trannies in the comments
what am I supposed to be seeing there?
bad proportions
t. /ic/ retard
Typical furfag/weeb anatomy because they spend 90% of their time drawing faces and hair.
A great and comfy game. I'm like 8 hours in so far and I'm loving every bit of it. Music and its contextual changes is really nice.
Cutting your penis off and this
It's an okay game, I'd say 7/10.
Don't listen to the dix in this thread who are complaining about it being propaganda or whatever they're just asshurt over a trans flag easter egg in a DLC stage.
Most of the ones complaining probably haven't even played the game anyways.
Sauce of pic?
Looks like Shadman
Does the co-op make it worth playing?
It's worth it even without it
I'd rather wait for the Switch version.
only local co-op, anything over online isn't synced up
>The story is already awful
And stopped reading. Kys snoynigger.
Bing bing wahoo reskinned for cumbraıns.
Cuteness, some decent humor, mods , dlcs,
Cons: The game seems rushed around chapter 3 and so on, They could have developed chapter 4 more, i havent bothered to completed most dlcs, but nyakuza seems fun,
the first 2 chapters for me seems like the most solid content, the others , apart from the dlcs seem rushed.
Why? Won't it be downgraded graphically and be missing the extra content from the pc version?
without love