Oh, look a few big insects! This should be easy to take out, afterall its only a bug. How bad could it be?
Oh, look a few big insects! This should be easy to take out, afterall its only a bug. How bad could it be?
Other urls found in this thread:
>He doesn't know...
>gangrapes you near a bus
40mm grenade launcher. No need even for VATS.
Automatic pipe rifle made from scraps deals with it easily.
you feel a little woozy
>40mm grenade launcher. No need even for VATS.
enjoy your cripple
Genocide the insects
Woah... these guys are little more challenging than I thought, but their venom can't be that strong right?
Bloodbugs in 4 are the most annoying fucking thing
Automatic combat, pipe or laser rifles work very well.
>injest 50 antivenoms
Just level up until you do intimate damage and break the game
How bad could it bee?
Appaerntly these fuckers actually exist too. Thought they must have been some chimera avatar-esque bullshit invention by the Americans to use on the Chinese, after all bugs beat bugs, but no they are just some flying little shits with a little rad posioning.
They're just desert wasps. Their only natural predator is the roadrunner.
I lost Boone to these fuckers because the anti-venom didn't work so I just had to watch him slowly die out to it. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but I loaded into a little shack so it autosaved and my last save was hours ago...
Actually, Cazadors were made by the scientists at the Big M.T. just like the Nightstalkers, if I'm not mistaken
I don't get it
Companions don't die, user, they're just out of commission temporarily.
On hardcore death is permanent casual
Have sex
I really don't understand why everyone bitched so much about these.
Maybe its jsut because of my build, but I went full retard 9 con (10 with the implant) and carried around a flamer with me at all times due to my retard strength.
When these things ran up to me I'd just pull out my flamer and start blind firing in their direction while backpedaling and they'd die horribly since they can't really dodge a fuckhuge fire AOE.
And since I had good Endurance poison just tickled.
dude, they're not a problem, just use vats
You just find them really early in the game and they dont look particularly threatening. Once you've leveled up some they go down pretty easy.
Play hardcore.
I play NV for fun, not for frustration.
it's literally impossible to shoot them with guns. it's a glitch in the game that exists
>The female tarantula hawk wasp stings and paralyzes a tarantula, then drags the prey to a specially prepared brooding nest, where a single egg is laid on the spider's abdomen, and the entrance is covered.[3] Sex of the larvae is determined by fertilization; fertilized eggs produce females, while unfertilized eggs produce males.[3] When the wasp larva hatches, it creates a small hole in the spider's abdomen, then enters and feeds voraciously, avoiding vital organs for as long as possible to keep the spider alive.[3] After several weeks, the larva pupates. Finally, the wasp becomes an adult and emerges from the spider's abdomen to continue the life cycle.
what makes them difficult is the incredibly bad game engine which is made worse without the right hardware and software setup, especially with mods that often results in mouse acceleration and input lag. pretty much all fast enemies are hard to hit in these games for this reason, even Fallout 4 comes with almost unusuable aiming without serious .ini tweaks
Don't do it user!
Jesus FUCK.
locusts could kill every overly specialized class.
I always go with shotguns and never had much trouble with cazadors. Especially with Cass.
Why is fallout 4 full of pipe shit? Guns were appeal of NV for me and F4 guns look like bland shit.
>told that you should go this way
>the other way has multiple signs saying "DO NOT GO THIS WAY"
>trying to go the wrong way results in a scripted encounter where Victor kills a few cazadores and tells you to GO THE OTHER FUCKING WAY
>people still went the wrong way, died, and then bitched about it
>they dont look particularly threatening
How "human-sized wasp quickly buzzing around" is not "particularly threatening"?..
Boone has died!
Well Bloatflies are just trash mobs even early game.
They are indeed real, and have one of the worst stings out there:
The weird thing is, For some strange reason the population generally thinks its SPIDERS that do this shit given how often spider monsters injecting their young into people comes up in fiction.
People almost never get it right with it being wasp monsters.
a fly is not an aggressive creature and bloatflies lazily hover around
>He didn't spam heal stimpacks until the poison wore off
>Silver Peak Mine discovered
>hmm i wonder what's ins-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Giant japanese hornets are worse.
Wasp genocide when?
Had one of these fuckers fly right past my face when I was on vacation in Arizona a few years ago. Scared the shit outta me.
Doesn't NV still have that bug where healing companions who are poisoned deals all the poison damage at once?
>bringing up the abortion that is fallout 4
What is your endgame?
why do mmorpg fags try to say they "roll" a character and call every single solitary enemy or monster a "mob"?
Actually, I get the impression that he does know and that the post he made was meant to be a form of irony.
Are pipe guns even worth using in FO4 with mods? I've just been selling/scrapping them.
Bloatflies are about 1/8th of cazadore, though. Plus, they are very passive. When not actively fighting, those just soar through the air like baloons. Cazadores, on the other hand, rapidly skitter along the ground even when perfectly calm, this alone should make you worry.
>shitton of armor and health
>insanely high dps
>always in a group
>sneak up to them and literally turn them off
heh nothing personnel
>Oh, look a few big insects! This should be easy to take out, afterall its only a bug. How bad could it be?
They murderized my Revolver Ocelot Revolver Ocelot Revolver Ocelot run
I actually can't have fun unless I'm on hardcore mode, even though it just becomes purified water carrying simulator
the auto legendary with exploding bullets
why are melee weapons so much more effective in F3 and FNV?
seriously. unless you have 80 skillpoints in guns or energy weapons, you're better off just bludgeoning everything.
I’ve never had a problem with those, they seem like wannabe Cazadores but they haven’t mastered their venom sting yet
Bloodbugs on the other hand can be right mean bastards
>not sneaking through the wrong way with a nonstealth character
pleb or shitter
Victor even warns you if you head left from the gas station.
Melee weapons are just shit in 4. They're fine im 3 and NV. Unarmed in particular got raped badly in 4.
No but I usually sneak through safe-ish deathclaw territory (past the deathclaw sign near the yangtze memorial)
Because they have mentally reduced their character to a spreadsheet and enemies into stat blocks.
It's all point and click for them, regardless of genre.
It's fun when RPGs leave blatant shortcuts for repeat players like this or the easy to rob redoran vault in morrowind.
I don't play mmos and I don't use the term but doesn't "mob" stand for "mobile"?
yeah, its a term from muds
*blocks ur path*
uninstalls mod.
>he thinks it's a mod
in new vegas it would be.
Traditionally giant bugs are really low-level enemies in games, especially rpgs.
Literally Sawyer's intention was for players to underestimate them.
>Chance's Knife with Cowboy and Grunt perks
Who wins a monster fight between the caza and legend boat?
You can actually go straight to New Vegas if you just go through Black Mountain though you'll still need a bit of luck and awareness on your side to get by unharmed. Otherwise you'll probably die.
The war club getting the cowboy perk bonus was a great touch.
yeah I call saving "cheater mode". It's not a big game either leave it running or just start a new file when you're ready to play again.
Legendary Boatfly is literally the strongest npc in the game as both a joke by the devs and because it ate an entire shipment of buffout, psycho, and med-x. It isnt even a contest. I wouldn't be surprised if it could take on multiple legendary deathclaws.
That's probably one of the best weapons to use against them. For all their health, they don't actually have any DT, and their parts are easily crippled.
Shotguns also work well against them, for the same reasons.
>purified water carrying simulator
Well this actually makes sense, water is the single most important thing you must carry with you in the desert.
seem like dinner's ready
>leave it running
One can only imagine the horrors that causes.
Now THIS is an elite gamer.
Based roastie wasp dabbing on spiders!
I was on hardcore at the time.
You think I didn't try that? He just died even faster. This was back when it first came out so it could've been a bug.
I want a cazador to lay its eggs in me, drag me off to it's hive and leave there while it's mutated DNA is turning me into a cazador-human broodmother hybrid.
Melee weapons are literally the strongest in the game in 4, as long as you get the "consecutive hit damage bonus" legendary effect. Granted it takes pretty much all the levels to scale the game up enough for that to matter compared to bleed shotguns but once you're past the point that bleed shotguns retain viability then melee weapons are the only way to kill anything.
The Ratslayer honestly occupies most damage brackets for this game right up until about robots and deathclaws start being a problem, by which point you should have oodles of weapons to deal with them.
>*shoots wing
that easy
>doesn't know about Gojira
>not rushing 80 lockpick for gobi scout
I use WMX to put a scope on paciencia.
Idc what turbospergs on Yea Forums say I'm never going back.
these guys are only hard if you don't know what you are doing
all you need to get rid of them is an 10mm Submachine gun filled with hand crafted 10mm ammo wich you can make with that special gun perk wich you should be getting anyways if you are intending to use guns, it gives 65% more damage against unnarmored opponents and these fucks don't have any armor, so just shoot their wings and watch them try to limp at you like the faggots they are while you filled their non existant brains with lead
and you can get all of this before even leaving primm btw
Wow pro strats why didnt I ever think of that
TTW > Vanilla New Vegas
*loads .50 mg explosive*
heh nothin personnel kid
WMX is probably the most OP for pacienca because of the mag upgrade. its nearly a 200% increase.
DPS gets insane with it if you spec down crit chance
>these guys are only hard if you don't know what you are doing
right which was the point of OPs text. Do you read?
why is there no actual .50 machine gun
Cazadors vs Stingwings
I love making them spawn in casinos and shit