Why yes I play Demon's Souls on PC, how could you tell?
What are you chads emulating? Also, thanks for beta testing console boys.
Why yes I play Demon's Souls on PC, how could you tell?
What are you chads emulating? Also, thanks for beta testing console boys.
Other urls found in this thread:
is there online? can you cheat / control the tendencies to get all equipment?
Call me when it’s 60fps
>how could you tell?
You won't shut the fuck up about it, that's how
Reminder to report OP for instigating a flame war if you do decide to reply.
No online yet. Yes, bugs and glitches are all working.
What's the point of these emulator threads anyways? Now I can play this one game that came out 10 years ago on another system. Very interesting. Why yes I played it when it was released, nothing to write home about.
Have you been living under a rock? The patch that makes Demon's Souls playable in 60fps was news all over the internet.
so easy to spot a snoygger
Metroid Prime Trilogy on this neat Dolphin hack.
Thanks for calling. Downloading now.
Is Resistance actually playable yet
Be real with me, how many bugs does emulation have on the most optimal setup?
Is it lots?
>What are you chads emulating?
I'm doing a playthrough of the Mega Man X series. I took a few weeks' break after finishing X5 and just resumed today. I'll probably move on to the Zero series after I finish. I've also been thinking about trying out Shadow of the Colossus or The Sword of Etheria.
nothing noticeable except the sun being overly bright but it's been so long maybe it was like that on ps3 too
some user posted a "guide" to edit RPCS3 des saves but I didn't understand it
The soundtrack is so fucking kino
No problem, enjoy your scraps without half features.
where do you fucks get the iso from
i need someone to spoonfeed me!!!!!!!111
my baby....
I'm replaying the game again, getting every armor set just so I can take some 10k screenshots.
>What are you chads emulating?
Ace Combat 04
Sun flare is fucked, soldiers shield doesn't render and pic related doesn't render once its on the ground. Those are it to my knowledge.
Very minor but the telescope don't render in your hands when you use it.
Lots of people didn't play it, and lots of people will be playing it again because it's available in a better format now.
What's not to get?
It didn't on PS3 either
Actually, it does. Bloodborne doesn't have a seperate model for the Monocular.
only game I have on RPCS3 is Hard Corps Uprising.
which is also the only game that matters.
Looks great, user. Hope you're enjoying it :)
I thought PS3 emulation was hardly a thing. Last I checked most of the dynasty warrior games are still unplayable
I have a 1070 and a 3.6ghz i5. I have no experience with PS3 emulation, how am I likely to fair?
joined the discord and some anime avatar faggots sperged out on me for asking where to download a rom of DeS
What the fuck am I thinking about Dark Souls then?
Dark Souls also render the binoculars.
>Demon's Souls 60fps patch
>Cemu BOTW running 60fps locked on Vulkan on AMD
It's finally coming home lads.
Killzone 2 when
>Computer too weak to run DeS
every time i try to run it, it refuses to boot.
It still isn't a thing. That's why people have been talking about Demon's Souls and Persona for years.
>Killzone 2
I want Resistance 3 but Killzone 2 and 3 would be really nice. Imagine Killzone 3 at 4k60fps, Killzone 3 is easily the best looking game on the PS3.
Don't believe it
BOTW feels so good at 60fps.
>games that have never been talked about still aren't talked about
Call me when you can actually emulate relevant games like Killzone, Resistance fall of man, Fight night, Motorstorm and rdr without having to buy a physical copy and rip it
Nice sword
Does the Vulkan shit still lag like nigger?
Damn, Demon's Souls on PC looks like THAT?!
your pc just sucks
>gray wild-haired thief
are you me
Is Tales of Xillia 2 playable?
I have a 1070 and a 3.5ghz i5 (6600k) and the game becomes a slideshow as soon as there are too many effects on screen (e.g. destroying some barrels which sends wood chunks flying around), I was pretty bummed out because otherwise I have a fairly decent config.
Even tried to overclock a bit but it's still kinda shitty.
>roll thru a barricade or tables with no fps drops
its the little things that make it better
mfw only couple frames drop at 60fps when rolling into crates
though in this area the fps is very low, that's easily the most demanding area of the game.
At first I thought people whining about that were retards since it happens even on PS3, but later I learned that they're dropping to like 10 fps for seconds at a time, and I laughed.
Game seems to play nicely, according to the forum it's playable but it's still listed as ingame. I hope I can finish it fine on PC, don't want to dust off my old PS3 just for this and a few other games.
The entirety of Boletaria is very demanding.
What CPU do you have?
the dragon bridge going to tower knight hit my fps pretty hard havent tried any other stages but other than that its been solid.
>The entirety of Boletaria is very demanding.
Well so far that's the only place my FPS dropped outside of the weird 1fps fluctuation the game has in most areas but I only just started with the 60fps patch.
it has 1080p@120fps
Apparently Yea Forums can get PCSX2 to run on 10 yr old toasters. But I've been playing PS3 remasters of PS2 classics on RPCS3 and they run at a more stable speed than the originals on PCSX2.
Not sure if RPCS3 is outpacing PCSX2 or if PCSX2 is just weirdly optimized.
how hot does it get when running RPCS3?
>that's the only place my FPS dropped
well that explains it but do test the very first area in the first archstone looking up the stairs, then run up the stairs and go through the area on the left near where the cling ring is, around the tower not inside, and then report results if possible.
PCSX2 sucks
is my i7-7700 enough for RPCS3? or do I need an unlocked cpu?
They should just port the game at this point.
No reason whatsoever to let it stay on an obsolete console anymore.
>beta testing
You're literally playing it after the series ended. Anyone who bumped this thread deserves to be executed.
i have a 7700k and everything runs perfect. any issues you have will be emulator issues, not your cpu.
how hot does your cpu get when running rpcs3?
almost 70 was the highest, but that was in the summer, in a hot room. i have a big noctua fan.
>But I've been playing PS3 remasters of PS2 classics on RPCS3 and they run at a more stable speed than the originals on PCSX2.
you're lying
I thought Miyazaki said he wasn't interested in remastering Demon's Souls unless I'm mistaken
Where can I get PS2 roms?
I'm still waiting for rpcs3 to run the last rebellion and Cemu to support vulkan
Fuckin Google like with roms/ISOs for every other platform.
Vimms lair has full ISO sets, but download speeds are slow.
Lurk more, every now and then people will drop those sweet archive/google drive romsets. I have quite a few but I'm not sharing them because that's how you get them down. Also this
Implying it still works, looks very run down
>Missed multiplayer before Dark Souls ruined it forever
I pity you. At least I can emulate the game, appreciate the improvements and still have those memories unlike you loyalist gutter trash.
Really? You played Brigandine Grand Edition on release?
Or you played Radiant Silvergun on release? That's amazing user
>before Dark Souls ruined it
DeS multiplayer was shit
Use a fan bro.
0 drops there.
Why are emulator threads so shit now? There was so much shilling and drama in the generals and now these are full on shill threads for a shitty buggy emulator. Are they lacking in testers or something so they only bait with demon souls?
If anything the people singing PCSX2's praises are the liars.
>muh multiplayer
I love how you cope posters always assume we never played Demon's Souls before and we aren't just replaying it at 4k60fps because now we can. Cope harder.
Solved my backlog issue, been playing Armored Core and Panzer Dragoon
Literally google "game name ISO"
>Use a fan bro.
I have a single 120mm liquid cooled fan from 2011, and it's not enough
I'm trying to emulate Monster Hunter games in Cemu, Citra, and Dolphin, but in everyone I try to emulate I have this issue where the emulator tends to read my button inputs, and I know it isn't my controller that's the cause because I recorded myself playing the game with the button mapping screen open to see that the controller is working just fine. Is there a way to fix this problem or am I shit out of luck?
Why does no one post any links in the damn threads? Just here to jerk off in front of people?
What's the issue you're having exactly? Also last I heard MH wasn't compatible with those emulators
Look at my post for ISO looks you dumbass. What do you want to emulate?
Why dont you read the thread instead of complaining?
PCSX2 is ridiculous. Used to run fine and now everything laggs for unknown reason despite it saying game runs at 100%. Guess RPCS3 is a lot better actually
>0 drops there.
Are you running the game at 1080p internal res? I did some tests here and at 1080p most of my frame drops were gone but I still drop to 55fps on my 2600, apparently I get the same result at 1440p but at 4k I drop all the way down to 45fps. So now it's either 4k30fps locked, 4k60fps with some massive drops here and there or 1440p60fps almost locked for me.
>only bait with demon souls?
I made a webm. I have this random issue where the game or emulator just stops reading my inputs altogether at random points. It's only the face buttons, too.
>Also last I heard MH wasn't compatible with those emulators
Outside of my controller issues, Tri works 1:1 on Dolphin, and 3 Ultimate works well for me on Cemu, surprisingly because the compatibility page says it runs like dogshit and I have an AMD build. All the citra games ran like shit for me, though.
RPCS3 won't even run on old systems than can handle PCSX2 perfectly.
Looks like it's an execution issue in how you're using the lance, rather than an emulator issue. Maybe I'm missing something though
Australian? Super OC? I have mine at 4.4 and the cheapest fan and it goes to like 60. 4.6 or higher it goes to 70-80 under max load so I didn't like that, 4.5 might be the sweet spot but I don't think I need it.
This is in summer though in winter I'm good to go at higher clocks.
1800p/2160p. I lowered the resolution thinking that new MSAA patch would have a performance hit, I'm not sure if it did or not.
>Cheap computer parts in this shithole
Where do you get them from?
I don't live there I was wondering if you were there since your PC seems to be hot.
I doubt it, because I played MH natively in Gen and World but never ran into this problem. Not to mention that I end up properly executing certain maneuvers right after without actually changing how I make the inputs. This is only an issue I run into when emulating the MH games. I don't really know, I guess I just can't emulate it well.
>since your PC seems to be hot.
>implying I wasnt a firestorm shitter
I'm planning on upgrading to a Ryzen 3600. Does it run the game well?
sometimes AMD and emulation don't work at all
Any Ryzen CPU can run RPCS3.
isn't that an opengl issue with amd's gpus? I don't think it's cpu related
bros how do I fix offset character models in P3FES on pcsx2 during the blinking animation
It literally runs on a ryzen 2400g with igpu
cemu is getting vulkan so that's not a problem anymore.
Yes, but its nonsense since newer emulators have vulkan, and olders work well enough with dx.
Even Cemu gets a vulkan update (might be out allready, didnt check, it comes this year)
getting nasty audio crackling on god of war 2
any tips?
What's it like living in 2010
no one cares about whites trying to make a based black man main character game.
Does Trash Panic work? It's the only game I care about on PS3.
>Does Trash Panic work?
I guess it's better than nothing. Still that's great fucking news
how do I get rid of jaggies? when I run it with global config (1080p scaled) default res it looks like this but when I run it with DeS default res of 720p scaled up it looks cleaner.
>How do I get rid of jaggies?
Great Sword lmao
720p scaled
PC bros once again feeding off the scraps of us console chads.
How does it taste you mongrels?
Just started collecting PS3 ISOs. I'm gonna need to build another nas soon. Hope HDD continue to fall in price.
Has Xenia made any significant progress?
I have the same issue. If anyone knows a fix I would love to know. The only images I see without these jaggies are 4k images, so I hope the only solution isn't just "4k lmao".
Demon's Souls is essentially the flagship game for this emulator. This is what they wanted to get working first because it is good you fag.
Think you could upload some those to gdrive?
At 4k 60fps it tastes better than you ever had it.
Wrong. Persona 5 was what really drove development for RPCS3, it is the most important game for the emulator.
Is this a Trails of Cold Steel game?
Have fun using hacks to fully experience the game, while I have a legit platinum trophy sitting on my virtual shelf
Who cares
Read the fucking thread.
What would you want me to upload? I scored most of my rips from my hacked PS3 using my real copies of the games. I don't trust the current crop of PS3 rips online since no one is checking to see if they are tampered with it in anyway and emulation is preservation.
What I really need is a list of PS3 games that's not available on any other console. Collecting and storing a complete ps3 library (or 360 library) is not realistic due to storage space required and real time it takes to rip a game. Some games take an hour plus to rip off the disc to the PS3 hard drive then FTP it over to my NAS boxes. I already smoked 3 bluray drives ripping about 100 games which is my entire PS3 library. I'm missing a ton of games off the top of my head that are worth saving.
Also would need that list to say which version of a game between 360 and PS3 is the better version. A lot of the early PS3 ports were not great.
Does Verdict Day and 4 Answer emulate well?
Here's a picture to help.
update your dolphin build
We get it, stop making the same thread every day.
can an i5-5500k run this?
They finally stopped being autistic and added the option to enable XBLA activation
How long until we get a working PS4 emulator? I literally only want to play Royal, already played P5. Don't care about Bloodborne.
Wow! it only took them 10 years! amazing.
>How long until we get a working PS4 emulator?
devs just the PS4 emulator to run in safe mode
im drunk
wait so this is real? i thought it was a scam or some shit
>bragging about finally being able to play a literal decade old game everybody moved on from ages ago
the RPCS4 was a massive scam created by some indian guy claiming he made a ps4 emulator because he plugged his ps4 into a pc and played bloodborne on his monitor