Wait.... Louis Braille, French inventor, existed during the age of fire?

wait.... Louis Braille, French inventor, existed during the age of fire?

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Daily reminder that no one thought of gunpowder in a world where everyone wars plate armor

Time is convoluted in lordran

If you look into the etymology of every word or the history of every object, weapon, architectural element, you'll find issues with every fantasy universe ever made.
Louis Braille is just a slightly more obvious one.



Lautrec existed during the age of fire, but he wasn't a manlet painter who loved whores.

>needing gunpowder when you can just magic missile people to death

Magic requires mana and int, gun wins

Braille is just a shorthand for the player. They might not call it that in-universe, if your immersion is really that challenged. I don't think "Divine Tome of Carim for the blind" would be an elegant name for it.

And the german town of lucerne did apparently as well.
Sometimes it is easier just to use our existing terminology than invent a new word to mean the exact same thing and have to explain it.

what about pyromancy

There are fire bombs since Dark Souls 1.

bullets are gun mana and aiming is int

nigga what the fuck is braille

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There are firebombs and exploding arrows

Actually, Louis Braille didn't exist in the world of Dark Souls, however, the same kind of writing system was still invented for the blind, and out of sheer coincidence they happened to give it the same name for no real reason.

Wait, the Soviet politician Vyacheslav Molotov exists in the Bloodborne universe and the winter war has already been fought? Man, the souls lore is fucking deep brah.

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I can't believe these characters in a fantasy world are speaking modern English!

Gwyn invented braille for his daughter Gwyndolin. You'll notice Gwyndolin has a thing on her face so she can't see

You joke but this actually pisses me off in Assassin's Creed

You're angry that they don't speak Italian, Arabic. Latin, French, ancient Greek, and ancient Egyptian (which no one knows what it sounded like) in those games?
Why are severely autistic people like you even allowed in the internet? Have you wandered off from your tard wrangler?

>ancient cultures
>royalty of any culture
>british accent, immediately

Not angry, but disappointed. And yea it would be awesome if they invented fake vocalizations of ancient Egyptian words. That would be amazing

And a whole AC being all in Latin would also be awesome. I would instantly buy those games

Tolkien's "Farmer Giles of Ham" character in the LOTR-verse had a blunderbuss. Something that would have come in handy during all of those battles in Middle-Earth, eh?

i hate ds3
>get invaded when i'm alone
>invade the world of some faggot with two bodyguards that kill me in one hit
soul memory was better t b h

Guns irl also have Int requirement user

Wait, did Germany exist?

Attached: Zweihander.jpg (300x300, 13K)

>everyone in Italy speaks american english
>side-quest has a foreigner speaking their own language

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Why did Germany exist