"I-I-Impressive cock, Nord... B-But it's nothing compare to the male Altmers! So what...

>"I-I-Impressive cock, Nord... B-But it's nothing compare to the male Altmers! So what? Yours might surpass my people's size limit, but size isn't everything... *ahem* "

Attached: elenwen_by_nexusda_dc06t30-pre.jpg (751x1063, 42K)

God imagine being the sort of person who would post absolute trash like this. What kind of base, pathetic existence would that be, I wonder.

You sound like a faggot.

>Only altmer wife is Taarie
Stupid game


I'm not into femdom

Imagine being this assblasted about a post that took 20 seconds to make.
It’s game-related, canonical, and can be the basis of lore discussion but you fags choose to be mad instead like typical ledditors

Attached: Wuuthrad.png (672x1844, 416K)

male Altmers are for other males only, dumbo OP

Ok, now do it with khajiit.

And this is the reason why Yea Forums is considered to be the next /pol/. Dumb boomers can't seem to understand the concept of shit posting anymore.

>penis can be the basis for discussion

This is how you sound right now

you are from germany
am i correct

You're correct. It can be a discussion, but unfortunately you lack the size for the discussion.

>No option to marry the Elven milf
Shit game

irk? He should have at least used the Redguards since they actually didn't play into their hands, or the Orcs because Orc on Elf porn go hand in hand

>tfw you will never slam elf pooty tang and create a brood of angsty half-elves


Redguards have bigger and blacker cocks than both nord and altmer so what does it even matter where they rank?

Post sexy Elenwen or give me death

>Game's universe has shit-ton of lore to discuss about.
>"I sure love talking about dicks."
You absolute faggot.

>tfw no elenwen or orc barbarian gf

Attached: 1564239379604.jpg (437x431, 18K)

Kys. Altmer would never say that.

>Give uuussss your kidssssssssss~~

Attached: _ozdo5e3wRc1rupmum_540.png (540x354, 193K)

pff, elves are better

Attached: 3.jpg (1920x1080, 634K)

USA, why?
t. small sized dick
I was just posting what an Altmer women would say.

>muh dik posting
checks out

Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 745K)


Elves are for killing not fornicating you god damn race traitor!

Attached: 1486422274650.gif (198x240, 307K)

Post more forbidden Altmer cuties

I hate /tg/ "memes" so much. Wish you'd fuck off to your Reddit colony. Shame newfags don't realize how much of a containment board /tg/ was back in the day.

Seethe harder you subhuman poolack

>ywn have a threesome with an Altmer and Dunmer

>posts a character from elder scrolls literally known for hating and killing elves to the point where its a lore meme
>this is a tg meme, me hate tg
silence homosexual

>Yea Forums is considered the next /pol/
thats a good thing you faggot

Not sure about /tg/ but elf hate is getting annoying these days.

Elf hate is perfectly justified in TES. Every evil plan in TES comes from one of the mer.

>not understanding irony is a good thing
/pol/ is what happens when memes go too far to people’s heads and they start believing and shooting up shopping centers you dumb fuck. It’s like the child that can’t understand how adults talk and takes everything literally in a black & white sense.
Yea Forums is already suffering from that because of ledditors and bing-bing wahoos

Lydia liked it.

fucking idiot, read a book once in a goddamn while

You should both kill yourselves

All elves deserve death
Except Dunmer you guys are alright

‘Ate deadra
‘Ate orcs
‘Ate the emperor
‘Ate imperials
‘Ate Altmer. Not racist, just don’t like ‘em
‘Ate dragons
‘Ate giants
‘Ate falmer

Love are Talos
Love ‘ammers
Love shoutin’
Love Dunmer
‘Nuff said

Every villain except Alduin has been an elf

It's really not, unless you enjoy talking with mentally unstable muh skin color retards.

daedra, miraak were not
meanwhile, some good lads were elves

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