This kills the game
Oddworld: Soulstorm goes Epic exclusive
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing Oddworld on anything but playstation
>Playing Oddworld after new'n'tasty completely misunderstood what made the original great
why would this kill the game
I might give it a pirate
hype lost, I guess I'll just play abe's exoddus for the 50th time again
I wonder if they see the irony in making an Oddworld game sell out like this
Great news now i can pirate it with no remorse!
honestly this game looked awful
Munch's Oddyssey had Sobe Energy Drink dispensers in game that restored your health
It looked insanely busy and a far cry from the originals, and not in a good way. This entire fiasco reeks of financial mis-management, they were probably dumping money into all this needless shit and over-rendered gloss
Who cares? Game looks awful.
video games were a mistake
I bought the artbook so I'll accept their new game for free. thanks lorne
Fuck I haven't seen that stuff in like 10 years.
Oh yeah and New'n'Tasty had in game advertisements for other games
>epic exclusive
>selling out
It's just a timed exclusive and if anyone needs the money they do
LOL guess I'll pirate the game and blacklist the dev on Steam.
why couldn't they have used something like fig or kikestarter?
>>Playing Oddworld after new'n'tasty
they already sold out in the remake of the first game when they advertised other games
>Epic paid for my copy in advance? Great! I will take the liberty of pirating it as the developer has already been compensated.
at least they said it's because of money and not because of some other bullshit excuse.
I'll play it on ps4 then
I just want them to quit fucking around with remakes and make Fangus Klott or Hand of Odd
That's the thing though, is that they aren't "paid for" in advance. well, it is, but it's an advance in terms of a "loan" advance.
the developer has to pay that back with either copies sold, or out-of-pocket if the game doesn't sell enough to cover the advance.
sounds like they're fucking themselves. i'm not saying go buy a copy, i'm just saying that Epic didn't "really" pay for the copy for you in advance
>if Soulstorm does well we have to sit through a remake of Munch next before we get anything truly new
so whats so bad about new n tasty?
i havent played oddworld since it first came out on ps1. i did like it but dont have any sort of strong nostalgia attached to it.
im just bringing this up because usually when people dislike remakes its because of nostalgia reasons (see crash and spyro remake)
it was unironically SOULLESS
I was disappointed that it's just a remake of Abe's Exoddus because of how soulless New n' Tasty was compared to the original. I just want a sequel to Stranger's Wrath.
the art style failed miserably to capture the spirit of the original.
soulless mind
oddworld was never good
I think a Munch's Oddysee needed a remake more than any of the other games because of how trash it was. I've tried playing through it like 3 times and can never finish it because of how boring and tedious it is.
if "souless" is the only reason, that means the game isnt that bad.
this is why you dont listen to opinions about games on Yea Forums.
this is literally the definition of selling out.
Thirded, I'm sick of all this re-treading. We've been years waiting on a continuation, I just want an actual new fucking entry for once. I get that NnT was their way of bankrolling future projects and reacquainting themselves with customers, but we really didn't need Soulstorm. Even if Exoddus isn't the game they truly envisioned, it's still a perfectly great game in its own right.
OI / Lorne are too concerned with correcting history instead of accepting what happened and moving forward with building the brand
Whatever. I'm only in it for hi res mudokon porn.
Thanks, Tim.
what's that tim? this ones on you?
alright, cheers
Any source on this? If that's the case it's an even bigger risk than just releasing on steam, so I think it's bullshit.
in any case I don't recall oddworld ever being against selling out specifically, it's about the dangers of capitalism and industrialism taking advantage of and oppressing people. don't get me wrong I won't be buying this game for numerous reasons but no one is being oppressed here
Looked like shit in the first place.
I had no hope since the shitty remake.
This already happened as you can see with Munch, they also sold out to Microsoft for the same reason as now. They claimed they needed money to fund their next game and Microsoft was willing to throw a ton of money at them, they were even part of the early Microsoft promotional vids of how great Microsoft is for smaller developers and projects.
Then Microsoft fucked all of its devs and it turned out they were a soulless corporate machine that chewed them out and the devs regretted ever letting Oddworld near them. On the other hand Epic supposedly has no stake in its development and just throws money, on the other Lorne is no stranger to courting big money and having over ambitions.
>the developer has to pay that back with either copies sold, or out-of-pocket if the game doesn't sell enough to cover the advance
Oh man that sure sucks. Good thing only retarded devs will take the cheese sitting on the mousetrap then right?
Either way, I'm still pirating their shit in hopes that it fucks the devs even harder than I originally thought.
>PC userbase
>killing anything with their boycotts
>Wanna join my crew?
Guess you were expecting some rage weren't you?? (you) here you go dopamine fiend.
Weirdly i met the gead programmer of that game a bunch of times in social settings long before he made New n Tasty. I messaged him when i found out about Soulstorm and he was as suprised about its announcement as i was. JAW wasn't getting to make it.
Time to get my good old Pirate Hat out of the closet
>im not mad thats why i just HAD to reply, to make sure you knew im not mad, like at all btw
Not my problem desu.
Cope. No one is using your store.
I was just gonna play it on console anyway
yikes, this one's on the house.
>developer makes fun of EA for offering to buy their studio and tells them to fuck off
>sells out to epic
Epic Store is future. Deal with it Gabe. You had 20 years to work on Half Life 3.
Wait. There are humans in Oddworld now?
Munch is very rough, but if you like Oddworld, it's totally worth playing.
It's called sales advance and is a common thing in every industry. As for proof, as Tim himself on twitter. The few times he's replied to someone asking about it, he always dodges it with "every partnership has different terms."
In other words, many of them have strings attached.
Epic isn't buying them
I'm fine with that. Still going to buy it.
how dare u not be outraged. This can't be
Lorne is a Glukkon, he's just charismatic and a good speaker but absolutely full of shit
The announcement is based.
The decision is not, but at least they're honest and respectful
>make New 'n Tasty to fund future projects
>oh shit we ran out of money making this pointless Exoddus remake
Jesus christ Lorne, get it together
Go on lads, this one's on me.
Did Lorne start enslaving people and carving them up to power development when I wasn't looking?
>they get the money they need to make the best game possible
>someone else pays for my copy
seriously sucks that Oddworld has to do this considering the quality of their past games. I mean shit man Oddysee and Exodus are some my all time favorites
>Running out of money
>Steam doesn't help fund games
>Epic does
>Decides to sign exclusivity deal
What else are they meant to do? Release an unfinished game?
Oddworld is a mediocre series anyways
Steam should go Epic exclusive as well
Budget more accordingly? They've been at this long enough now
Not run overbudget? Developers have been managing to do that for decades now
What I really don't understand is that these reddit fags pretend that it's only normal to pirate because something is on Epic. When Yea Forumsirgins used to pirate whatever the fuck they wanted without pretending that it's morally correct.
>source: my ass
No retard would do this. The whole reason they take the money is because it’s the “safe” option.
Would it kill you to check the catalog?
This one looks bad anyway
Sorry, I ctrl+f'd 'Oddworld' and found nothing, and a fucking screencap of a Facebook post is impossible to discern from the catalog. People should use the goddamn subject field for fuck's sake
Based Epic buying my copy for me
you mean sells out to the objectively less greedy store?
Obvious it doesnt, steamdrones have deluded themselves to the point of mental illness
>your rectum
Publishers are such scummy cunts now that the only way to win contracts is to underbid yourself. Devs KNOW they can't continue, but they can't even start without agreeing to terms on the lowest possible budget.
They just have to pray more funding can be found. Epic's deals have been a godsend for these passionate teams. They don't have to beg the public for money, and they don't have to ship an unfinished product to an uncaring, unregulated marketplace like Steam. It's win/win. It would be for the consumer too if they weren't retarded and thought the EGS launcher had more privacy issues than Steam.
Keep seething steam drones
Figure it out retard, im not talking about PC
Soulstorm is being published by Oddworld Inhabitants you disingenuous fuck
Yeah nah.
>im not absolutely fucking booty blasted
Is there a greater signifier of a total non confidence
/Thread, I hope Tim takes over and makes pc gaming great again. Gaben and his publisher friends caused too much damage, video gaming as a whole is dying.
BASED Tim paying for my copy of yet another game. Thanks bro!
It's a literal who indie publisher you can't compare it with something like ea
Your point? Soulstorm is being developer and published by the same company. They have literally zero excuse for running overbudget
>mfw am ok with both Steam and EGS as long as they have good games on them that interest me
>Tim paying for more games for me
Thanks Tim!
>budget made back from deal alone
>get free advertisement from spergs losing their shit
>game has a console fanbase who dont give a shit about the egs fiasco
Literally only good things
>Writes a classy response that doesn't immediately shit on people
>Not mad, just slightly disappointed
Take note, developers.
No one ever pretended that it's morally correct. >pre-epic
>pirates do what they want
>pirates can now claim they are in the moral right to do what they have always done
Boo hoo "redditors" coming in and trying to get people to do as much damage as they can, how can this be?
Consoles have nothing to do with it, and are actually probably helping the anti-epic brigade. Epic will (HOPEFULLY) eventually stop buying up games when he sees that sales will tank considerably compared to their console counterparts. People will specifically buy console versions instead of the preferred PC version just because of epic
>0 excuses
Why ? Are you retarded ? They want to create a game without giving a fuck about money, that's the whole topic, creating good games without worrying so much. Epic is helping them out.
>people are unironically suprised that the company that took Microsoft money and put Munches Oddysee a THIRD game in a series exclusively on xbox (LMAO) and ran are pulling this shit
nice try chinese retard
Its already a video game release in the biggest market in the media empire, just cause the games criticize the darkside of capatalism and corporations doesnt mean its some hippie who refuses to work with any.
>>pirates can now claim they are in the moral right to do what they have always done
They aren't pirates, they're just faggots. Since it's still ok for them when it's on other distribution platforms, where as it used to be about not buying games at all on Yea Forums.
You faggots are trying too hard to pretend that you know what you're trying to talk about, thus just are outing yourselves out.
How much does Epic pay the devs?
It's got to leak at some point
This. I can't really be mad at the developers when they're respectful about it.
Development of Soulstorm started well before Epic was around to throw money at them. So again, the fact is they were running overbudget without any backup plan
>Buying a console
>Supporting Sony exclusivity with your money
>Only to boycott a free store
What went wrong with steam drone get a life, really
>We needed the money
>We did the thing
Apparently enough to cover the cost of the game for me and anyone on Yea Forums. Thanks Tim.
>Development started beforehand
So what how fucking old are you ? It's a fucking business sure they have a release plan but with more money they can hire even more developer, creating more stuff etc etc. It's a business after all pumping more money into it's almost always better than pumpin 0 extra money into it.
Relative to epic, not much, Relative to the devs, shitloads absolute fucking shitloads.
They are essentially "preying" on smaller scale games and promising a certain amount of copies sold, alot of times the amount a game needs to break even, and if the game doesnt sell the promised amount of copies epic pays up the difference to the dev and they are free to put their game on whatever the fuck else aka steam. Epic is no doubt making no profit from this, but they dont need to, they literally have the entire industry sucking at their teet with unreal 4 and then on top of that fortnite.
Pirating video games has ALWAYS been a controversial topic on Yea Forums but now piracy has ammo to shitpost with instead of just "lol i dont care"
I wouldn't go out of my way to buy a console, ever, but I know a lot of posters are idorts that have more than one gaming platform.
So you're excusing them from planning to make a sub-par game until a windfall came along to prop them up
Holy shit this fucking reaching, the problem with your logic is epic doesnt give two fucks about the console market they arent its competitors, they give a fuck about the pc market and like it or not they arent crashing and burning.
I know their eyes aren't on the console market right now, but when you look at sales numbers and say "Wow, PS4 version sold 5 million copies while the PC version only sold 100 thousand, maybe we should dip out of the PC market (again)?" These numbers are fabricated for my example, and the whole thing is just hopes of a random user.
Tim, this has gone too far. Somebody stop that absolute madman.
>Pirating video games has ALWAYS been a controversial topic on Yea Forums
You what nigger? Jesus fucking Christ fuck off back to wherever you came from.
Literally one of the most popular things to say on Yea Forums used to be
>buying games
Then there were mass download link spams when new games came out, that mods would always try and shut down but anons would still just spam links everywhere.
Not to talk about multiple memes like
God, I fucking hate how filled this board is with newfags who don't lurk, but constantly post.
My favorite thing about the sperging out over this scenario, is the retards that fought to the death that piracy doesnt actually damage game sales but then turn around and deadass boast about pirating to specifically hurt epic.
And these retards wonder why their side is losing, they just flood comment sections compaling but at the end of the day they are just a loud minority. Whats funny is they actually would of done far more damage being silent and not buying shit off epic cause the way they do it now they just give games free advertisement like they did the ooblets game.
>remake a game all about the destructive drive of over-industrialising
>include 4th wall breaking advertising for your other (unrelated) games
>every mudoken now spouts off one liners while they work, instead of being silent and fearful
>level structure of the game is recreated exactly, but gameplay alterations like having a scrolling camera fucks with mechanics like being unable to determine how large chant stoppers' ranges are
>remap controls to remove button holding to run/sneak, making fine control of these functions reliant on the analogue stick instead of holding a shoulder button
>this was done so that players could actively check their health (something you cannot replenish without dying anyways)
>have to put out a patch 1 year after release to restore the control scheme from the 20 year old game because the new one they made is unwieldy
There's lots more btw. The game is genuinely worse than the one it is a remake of and it's because the remake's devs thought they knew better about every aspect of the game
>Implying you guys would play it
Yall are virtue signaling yet again
There used to be stickies SPECIFICALLY SAYING NOT TO LINK PIRATED GAMES, and then people would post them anyway because who gives a shit. But this board ALWAYS had moralfags. I don't know what reality you came from, but people have ALWAYS argued amongst themselves about piracy.
>haha he even changed the waterm-
>"Yea Forums - The Vidya"
Why must you hurt me in this way?
gtfo redneck
Not just stickies. Mods would often hunt down for links in general.
>I don't know what reality you came from, but people have ALWAYS argued amongst themselves about piracy.
No shit there's always going to be a moralfag here or there. But he didn't pretend to be a piratefag and would also be laughed at in any thread. Shit, you can even find some archives that can go to around 07/08 on Yea Forums and find these threads still.
Just like those times anons from futaba would come to Yea Forums and angrily screech about how Yea Forums should stop whining about Japanese having bad taste in anime, since none of the anons are contributing to the industry. Always would just get massively laughed off the site.
Literally nothing wrong with a game being an Epic exclusive. I won't be buying the game though because it's shit along with all the other games on EGS.
Honestly any small studio should take up the offer by epic. Why finance all yourself and have to risk everything when epic has a ton of cash for you?
I wanted to buy it on steam. Maybe I'll buy it on epic, maybe I'll pirate. But I'm sure they'll make more money being exclusive, because there aren't a whole lot of oddworld fans.
I still get to play the game (even for free) and they still get paid so it seems like a good deal.
this happened like twice for certain games. some shit like the sims got leaked and the mods panicked, there was no moralfaggotry behind it
I remember a mass banwave going on when downloads for Bioshock 2 were being posted on Yea Forums. Though I don't remember whether or not that was leaked pre-launch.
Because Yea Forums hates Epic Games because they made Fortnite.
oddworld sucks shit and the lead guy is a fucking hack
Steam is funded by China, so gabe has hordes of chinese shills running damage control on here. Just ignore them.
>funding pc gaming is preying now
Jesus christ dude just because steam fucked the pc gaming industry doesn't mean everyone is out to
dumb tendie
>wanted to play
>don't have money to spend on game and support based devs
>epic pays for my copy
Thanks epic. Now I can pirate guilt free
Yo photoshop the words if you only knew how bad things really are under him
Was this the only Exclusive announced? I thought I heard more games were
some other sellouts too I think
I forget the names
bloodborne,death stranding and gta VI
Better than being Stadia exclusive. Now THAT'S a game killer.
> literally who: the franchise
I love Oddworld and will play it regardless of the client I have to spend 2 extra minutes installing for it.
take your meds
Barely any other games.
I think MtG:Arena was announced but the Epic launcher isn't actually required.
if steam logs me into chat one more fucking time gabe im going to epic.
Great Lorne, taking money from the Chinese like a real thief.
Ah wait, you already stole the logo with the same god damn font you bastard.
Didn't think anyone would notice?
It's an ad for a game. A game one of the devs made.
Zoom zoom
Suck my fucking dick, Epic. You're not getting my money, regardless of what games you bribe.