Imagine if in the 90s 3D Realms had apologised to a christian group...

Imagine if in the 90s 3D Realms had apologised to a christian group, sent their entire staff to a bible seminar and paid $10,000 to a Christian charity due to complaints about Duke Nukem while censoring the game for them. That wouldn't be acceptable back then, why is it acceptable now for the same bullshit but for a different group?

Attached: IonFury_002-noscale.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

Other urls found in this thread:[DRM-Free]

nu3DRealms is owned and run by completely different people and it's based in Denmark, user.
There are only two guys from old staff working in here: Scott Miller and Joe Siegler.
And even then they won't be acting like OG 3DR.

because trannies are a supposedly oppressed group despite the fact they're mentally unstable retards who thought chopping off their dick makes them a girl

But they can literally get police in my country to harass people for retweeting things. How are they oppressed?

who fucking knows anymore man, everything's fucking retarded right now

What did they actually say about trannies? only thing I saw was one employee who used the term SJW.

Would an oppressed group have this much pull on an industry?

>i never leave my house

>Why yes, I did predict the developers of Ion Fury were apologetic SJWs a year in advance. How were you able to tell?

Attached: 1550262597385.jpg (1080x1266, 85K)

f*ck 3Drealms, looks like I'll be pirating Wrath
sorry Wrath devs

You can say fuck here, user. this isn't reddit or gamefaqs.

because no one fights back against child abusing tranny pedos


the fucking state of Ion '''Fury''' and their cucked fans
>spend 10 years making a shitty build engine game with DUDE REFERENCES XD LMAO
>get sued by Iron Maiden for blatant copyright infringement, can't fight it because you rely on e-begging to finance your game
>get pressured by progressives and faggots like Civvie 11 the Cuck to donate to tranny charities

how is this piece of shit 'overwhelmingly positive' on steam? lmao the utter STATE of these faggots

>ban reason : defective user

They said that parents shouldn't decide young children were trans.

>and faggots like Civvie 11 the Cuck to donate to tranny charities

Screenshots? Info? Please. I got to see this so I can further troll Ion Shitdens and Civvie11 fans

you can say all the Yea Forums filtered words on r*ddit

Quit falseflagging yourself Civvie

what does Civvie have to do with this?

He's a cuck

why, cos he's popular now?

because placating the mentally Trill is bigger than eternal life

Nobody wants Qtards as their target demographic anymore (except the US government ofc)


Your mod was so fuckin' lame you pile of shit. You should be fuckin' playing with blocks you retard.

Attached: image.jpg (900x750, 202K)

Still dabbing on your Ion Fury grave



No one plays that trash, nobody's even heard of it or you you incel lmao. I heard you've never even had sex before you fuckin' faggot.

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>$10,000 donation
How much money do these retard devs have in their bank accounts?

>nobody's even heard of it

GGGmanlives covered it, you 100% money-back guaranteed incel

3D Realms discord, let them know how you feel about the Ion Fury censorship!

No one takes that fag seriously, he's a cocksucking incel who liked Wolfenstein and Fallout 5, you fucking homophile. Go die you loser, your mod failed and so did you.

Attached: image.jpg (224x225, 37K)

I never had to give up 10k for anything offensive

Because trans people are actually oppressed

Nobody has an answer for this. If the censorship is so minimal and unnoticeable why do they bother in the first place?

It was a knee jerk reaction to calm the trannies down. the PR department from Voidpoint or 3DR is retarded

I dunno not having the right to join the military seems rather oppressive

All I wanted was comfy Ion Fury threads and not any politics. It was hard enough from the start because they'd call it SJW for merely having a female protagonist, then resetera got involved and things got worse, and now even worse.
Literally all I wanted was comfy threads while I played the game. I guess we can't have that.

Fuck everything.

Because he has a joke character to mock /pol/tards in his videos.

Attached: mouse_rex.jpg (400x225, 27K)

Just play fucking Duke Nukem and it's many mods user. This game is alright but nothing beats the classic. Plus most modders aren't gonna jump ship to this anyway.

because low IQ people are inherently drawn to mob justice, and other low IQ people don't have the guts or bravery to stand up for whats right against the mob justice

the only way you're going to stop this kind of inquisition and strong arm tactics is to not give in

You have every major corporation coming out in support of lgbt and people in the UK going to jail for calling transgenderism a mental disease.

>Have GF
>Says her work transferred her to the U.K
>Says she took it
>Wants me to move there with her

Attached: didntdoit.gif (245x170, 849K)

All that propaganda about "muh puritanical Christian groups" turned out fake. Western Christians are weak and there has never been a fight that they didn't back down from.

Only good thing is the devs revealed themselves as spineless retards that caved to 5 insane trannies screeching on twatter.
At least now anyone with working brains and gonads should now better, refund and stop giving them any money in the future.

kys retard

Hard to say, user. Might be they're scared of crossing a group blessed by the Chosen People. Might be they're genuinely far-left and are mortified at offending people on the Right Side of History.

false equivalence
also who cares

He made a Trump joke once so now he's cringe.

Quotiong yourself is bad manners, user.

How many times do you get a chance to be a part of a fresh build engine game release? The answer is 0. It's the comfiest game engine of maybe all time. Ion Fury is fucking great but clouded by so much bullshit now that the threads are forever ruined.

It could have been nice, but it wasn't.

You never made 10k to lose.

>literally FUCKING ILLEGAL to question your suicide death cult in several countries
>trannies: I'm oppressed lmao
No, all your experiencing is the disgust of normal healthy people the world over, and ironically you're actually getting sheltered from the full brunt of their disgust by the global homo faggot police and their dildo batons.

$10,000 is not a lot of money.

>if devs weren't such spineless cucks we still would've been able to discuss the game
>if devs went full SJW and made Shelly ugly dyke we could've at least had some hilarious shitposting like Subnautica threads
>we're having this embarrassing shit and taling about mutilated children penises instead

Attached: 1518464793066.png (500x647, 191K)

cuckservatives don't buy or play video games. why would you care about non-customers?

I can live like a king for a year with 10000 bucks.

Attached: 1518610283857.png (808x805, 447K)

And SJW do?

>i-it's the devs fault! not the shrieking pedophilic retards offended by "censorship"!


fuck iq your t number determines real happiness

>everything from media to bushiness support them to the point of bowing down to their demands
It's like drinking coffee and claiming you're a rebel to do so.

But why remove The Ghostbusters line?


Attached: SJWs win again.jpg (592x610, 119K)

you two are the the epitome of dumb fucking reactionary morons

Oh good I get to post this again, the best part is this was originally posted by someone shilling that game making it hilarious.

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He actually admitted defeat?
Shit, he's losing his denial. Soon he might start bargaining.
What do we do bros? How do we help /our guy/ retain his healthy delusions of reality? What statistics should we fabricate or cherrypick out of heavily outdated sources with terrible methodology?

the same reason why pedophiles are "oppressed"
its a mental illness


>mfw this one fucking autist trying to push like everyone on Yea Forums is getting a refund
What a stupid cuck. Hey at least he's leaving Nintendo games alone for a bit.

Attached: 14684466854312645.jpg (352x459, 49K)

You're such a fucking retard holy shit
You must have double digit IQ for real

>but it's le mental illness so we must oppress them xD
Nobody "oppresses" pedos because they're ill, people lock them up to ensure safety of children. But you wouldn't understand that, you filthy low IQ pedo.

Imagine seething this much over someone being right and you being wrong

IT ISN'T THE MOD AUTHOR, Its one retard making bad PR at Trooper Dan's Work.
Dan is a mod at Duke4 Forums

3DRealms is a Danish company these days. They'd probably go to jail if they don't cuck to trannies or fulfill their social justice quota.

>delusions of reality
>says the tranny

I'll tell you why. Because the same liberalism that made a game like Duke Nukem possible has evolved in to the liberalism that permits and promotes transexualism. Basically the Christians were right then, and they're right now, but you wanted your nudity and naughty words. Well, now we all pay the price don't we?

trannies are mentally ill and should be locked up to protect the children.

Won't anyone think of the children?

>people lock them up to ensure safety of children
the same needs to be done to the LGBT community

imagine being so autistic and licking your own balls in every IM thread like an absolute flamboyant faggot

Yeah, retarded bigots should be locked up to ensure safety of LGBT.

Duke3D was about saving women from invading rapists.

Slippery slope.

What caused trannies is what caused furfags, and what caused furfags is bad parenting.

Imagine being this retarded

post the mega link

Joining the army isn't a right in the first place. And nobody should inherently want to join an army, you're supposed to do that if you have no choice because the point is to defend your nation, not play around.
Moreover, people who fail the physicals don't get to join the army either. Are they being oppressed? More so than tranny and women surely because men can only do the test once, women infinitely many times, and trannies can just stop dilating.

This. Crypto fascists (right wing reactionaries who spend too much time on /pol/) and unironic bigots dont deserve the privileges of society that they take for granted and try to take away from others.

>all the bigots are locked up, but LGBT are still suiciding

Fascism is an offshoot of anarcho-syndicalism you idiot.

But there's nothing from LGBT community would be left, if all retarded bigots were locked up

If you want to defend the nation join the coast guard.

He basically the epitome of fat eggshell walking SJW American compared to based chad Australian gman

I agree, just play the fucking game and enjoy it because it's actually really good. It doesn't come anywhere close Duke, Blood & SW but it's still better than those wannabe no-soul shitters like Amid Evil & DUSK.

I'm a 34yo cuckservative and I buy thousands of dollars worth of games every year cause I have too much money

no, what caused Furfags is Space Jam and every other famous piece of children's media that very explicitly sexualized anthropomorphic animals

so basically it's kinda Disney's fault

Attached: lola bunny.png (1490x2580, 210K)

Apples to oranges, man. Christianity is an identity fully under the control of an individual. Being trans or gay, well, there's no concrete proof it is or it isn't, despite whatever personal feelings or opinions might be.

Plus, the 90s? Times change man. Most of all of that shit is 20 years old at this point.

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>it's the devs fault i can't go to twitter, resetera, or /pol/ to talk about identity politics!

Attached: 1537728391623.jpg (250x250, 6K)

>why is it acceptable now for the same bullshit but for a different group?
Social media special snowflake culture.

I hope that doesn't include western games, user

It's way better than SW is, actually. It's also more consistent than both Duke and Blood are, but doesn't reach (or come close) to Episode 1 of Duke in terms of quality.
The thing is Duke had the attitude, it had character and it worked, it still works even if it is dated. It all culminated in a great and unforgettable game. Blood is less iconic in that sense, but it still has a fun style, and Caleb can be pretty entertaining, plus I absolutely love the aesthetic of that game, spooky haunted houses, ghosts, spider webs, cultists and zombies, I love it.

Blood has the best gameplay
Duke is best overall
Ion Fury is generally really good, but nothing about the game really stands out all that much, it is still a fucking great game.
Shadow Warrior is the retarded cousin.

>LGR is a soiboy


Attached: lgr.png (603x694, 68K)

What is the R-slur?



>>LGR is a soiboy
you couldn't pick up on that by just how he fucking looks and how is hobby is video game shit? he even does the basedboy smile at times

What's the joke that got in trouble? Was it the "they cut off his dick?" What r-slur? Retard?
Also, what happened to irreverent comedy being just that and not some political agenda?

Why didn't devs confirm anywhere that it was just some sad autist spamming this shit?

>A person who's entire job and source of income is social media doesn't try and stir shit up over a stupid controversy
>This is surprising to you

>what happened to irreverent comedy being just that and not some political agenda?
Where the fuck have you been for the last 10 years? and secondly where is it because I want to go there.

I think the hard R, "nigger"

>SRS is not mutilation of a healthy body
lol they literally slide your cock inside out, it's just modern Eunuchs

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>tfw pro-transgender-rights and in general a decent, moral person, but keep calling morons retarded
There is no replacement for "retard".
Language needs slurs, specifically slurs that insult someone's intelligence.

By normal people, but you have the Cathedral (Moldbug) defending you and the rest of sexual deviants [LG(((B)))].

That's a ridiculous attitude to take. Either everyone has the right not to be offended, or nothing is beyond ridicule. If you argue the former, fine. But that means that your own post is offensive towards those who hold religious beliefs, thus making you a hypocrite as you're just as bad as people who dislike transexuals.

I know everything has been PC policed to death, but it always blows my mind how some people can get so bent out of shape over words. What happened to context? Why can't I call something gay or retarded in a sarcastic or joking context without someone crying homophobia or even worse "ableism." Shit is stupid.

>waah why can't i call people niggers if it's just a joke?

>Why can't I call something gay or retarded in a sarcastic or joking context without someone crying homophobia or even worse "ableism"
You can thank the internet for that, more specifically the social part. I truly believe if the internet had only been kept to business the world would have been a better place.

Shelly has a pretty face user! Where are you getting this dyke shit from

It is acceptable. Would be then too. Why? Because you don't get to spend their money. You can decide to not give them yours. Fuck off with this passive aggressive rage. The day consumers decide how money is spent we lose any semblance of a rational society.

This is why Alien Armageddon is better.

Duke4 forums knows of you ruining their reputation


Nothing I said in that post was a lie though. Also, I'm a different person, but if you're going to assume who I am, then I will assume you're a angry tranny expressing his Tranny Fury.

Why does anyone give attention to tranny freaks?

- come to Yea Forums
- see REEEing about some alt left politics I dont give a shit about
- wish it was pre GG days again

No it isn't. Fascism was a specific socialist philosophy that developed in early 20th Century Europe in particular response to contemporary Marxism. It has literally fucking nothing to do with anything happening today.

Because the developers give them attention

You're not opressed, you're just undiagnosed psychosis.

thats right, don't you wish we could all just go back to sleep like good little sheepies?

Spoonfeed me I missed all of this shit by not giving a shit and now I want to know why you're all screeching

Attached: reeera.jpg (806x399, 26K)

pretty sure the ww2 japs did that shit to capture chinese civvies. modern tranny "treatment" is antiquated war crimes

what? No, I want to talk about vidya. stfu canceraids. fuck you and fuck your REEing bullshit. have sex.

But why?

How smug are you right now?

i just did last night, go dilate tranny

I've had both these songs on loop for an hour now and switch between them depending on my mood. Smug status: 100%

A lot of them work in it.

>wants to talk vidya
>falls to pedoera born insults almost immediately when challenged
Somehow I don't believe you.

That's not all that bad. I thought the Ghostbusters line would end up being removed.

Attached: vivaldi_2019-08-20_00-29-54.png (640x154, 35K)

speaking of jap war crimes, they would also use swords and bayonets to cut open women and fuck the wound.

another interesting parallel with trannies.

So it was you who replied with that Chris Jericho link you your own post in the other thread. Not only you post this in every IF thread, you also samefag. Christ you're pathetic.

Just sounds like people with common sense to me. Not sure why that drives you up the wall.

>gays can't wash their hands any more

This. How else would we address retards who support crazy people's right to self-mutilation, delusion, and overall ultimate power before courts such as yourself?

Game pokes fun at everyone. It's sad that these LGBTQ people can't take a joke or laugh at themselves with something as inoffensive as that soap.

>It's like drinking coffee and claiming you're a rebel to do so.
fuck, I secretly do that

That wasn't me, but like my review of Ion Maiden: I'm telling you things you don't want to hear

Imagine seething this much about how right I was

Imagine being this deep in the echo chamber.
"The media" somehow doesn't include the incredibly transphobic channels that have well over 50% the viewers, the business are free to discriminate and just put up a virtue signal once in a while, and that is all.
Nothing about the part where people can literally be denied the right to use a fucking shitter.

People normalize differences by mocking them. If you can't be mocked or have special protections you will always be regarded as an outsider. Nobody will trust you. Nobody will like you.

You are free to use the shitter of your biological sex just like everyone else you pervy wanker.

Gmanshills is a faggot. He tweeted a while back that he deleted his Discord server because of racism, then went on a short rant about how he doesn't want to be associated with edgy jokes. The only thing he cares about is whether companies give him freebies.

>meme insults
pathetic. time to go back to plebbit and disabledchan ya game haters

I think they were sabotaged. The plot reeks just like a 60 Minutes expose on a company where a detailed memo reveals the evil plot to poison citizens to save millions of dollars. Then Tel Aviv takes over and the company is worse than ever before but 60 Minutes all of a sudden can't find memos to change leadership again.

Trannylogic = anything that doesn't literally dilate me is "extremely transphobic"
>no slippery slope here gays

Adults are the consumers and not parents of children now. Pester power from kids would make parents buy the game, but now moronic adults who believe they're buying something made for adults are wanting something mature and sensible and inclusive and whatever the media tells them, since the only difference between now and then is that adults reading the bad press about stupid super offensive content we should all be outraged by, are also the consumer base for the videogame

I wish fags and freaks would stop misusing phobia. A phobia is a fear, and an irrational one at that.

Google translate told me that transaidía is much more accurate.

Because being a Christian isn't an immutable quality or a persecuted population you fucking mong.

Not always. Phobia can mean 'adverse to' as well. Like waterproof material is described as hydrophobic.

It just sounds like TerminX is incredibly based and redpilled

Attached: 1480125161179.png (387x477, 13K)

3000 christians were murdered this year alone in Nigeria. Eurotards can't have christmas markets without a pseudo-military barricade to prevent inbred browns akhmeds from plowing through them. France has had hundreds of churches firebombed.

I'm fairly certain the use of phobia in this case is figurative (the molecule "fears" water, therefore is repulsed by it as opposed to hydrophilic where it would bind with it easily).
I believe the use of phobia in homo- and transphobia is specifically leveraging the 'fear' meaning.
Do you have evidence of the contrary?

>France has had hundreds of churches firebombed.
Source needed
If true, based sandniggers

I still think aidía conveys a more appropriate sentiment.

>Imagine if in the 90s 3D Realms had apologised to a christian group, sent their entire staff to a bible seminar and paid $10,000 to a Christian charity due to complaints about Duke Nukem while censoring the game for them.
I would love that. I'm sick of people picking on a righteous group that has quite literally never harmed anyone.

They were meddling with Progressivism

>Every day, at least two churches are profaned.
Based as fuck.
Though nothing about what kind of vandalism is it and who does it.
Could be goatfuckers, but it could be just whites reclaiming their own country from semitic plague.

>99% normalfags and 1% trannies
Yeah, very convincing argument. Call me when gone home gets underrail or kingdom come numbers

Sorry to break it to you but that downie that looks at you every morning is not your neighbour. You have a mirror, not a window sweaty.

I mean, the bible isn't backed by peer reviewed medical studies, but I guess your feelings are more important than facts.

Social science isn't medicine, sweaty. Hell, it's not even science.

>(((peer reviewed)))

>methodologically sound science is teh j00z
>only junk "science" is correct

>peer reviewed medical studies
Asshats that promote this shit will look like the same asshats that promoted lobotomy as a mental cure, down in history.

Attached: d4e0c44c53281b42c4ed738cd964681c.jpg (762x1346, 133K)

women are weak, stupid, emotionally fragile, malformed, ugly things. if you want to be something that cant open a jat of pickles on its own, then something is seriously wrong with you.

>methodologically sound
>studies amount to nothing more than the transcribed feelings of the schizophrenic

But they're loved for no reason other than existing as a female.
There may be many things wrong with me, but wanting to live my life on easy mode isn't one of them.

Attached: 1546256658626.jpg (867x881, 262K)

So you admit that you're just a pathetic omega who can't hack it at life so you'd rather be a Frankenstein creature?

>if you would prefer to be born with a cunt and easy life in front of you, you must be omega and want to cut your dick off


Cunts are fucking grotesque abominations.

Btw you're a colossal dipshit if you think women automatically have it easy. Honestly you sound like an incel.

>nu3DRealms is owned and run by completely different people and it's based in Denmark

Denmark is a NATO country. There is no free speech in NATO. f the people in charge tell you to give a speech praising soldiers in George Washington's army for taking over Great Britain's airports, you say it. That's what Trump did and look how well the guy's doing.

>reee cunts are vile you incel
Quality post

Oh dear god they're going to give it the axe aren't they? hold me Yea Forums I can't take it.

Quick, download it before they pull the nuclear option.

Attached: bomsh.jpg (350x221, 36K)

forgot vid.

There was a thread on the Ion Fury message board that discussed what they should replace OGAY soap bottle text with for 4 pages and everyone agreed that it should be OBEY.

Imagine caring about this drama from either point of view to the point where you run back to your respective echo chamber to bitch about it like a woman.

Why did you take my webm and uploaded it on youtube? It's not even an easter egg, it's something you have to encounter in order to progress.

You literally think women don't have expectations and live a life of wimsy with no responsibilities.

Attached: tranny.png (423x420, 191K)

And now the tranny implications.
You're obsessed and retarded.
It's probably too late for you to get help. Seek quick death.

>being a neet is so hard i wish i were a gurl :((((
>im not a tranny fuck you!!!!!

I'm the one who pushed it to a whole bunch of sites and discords and made it get several thousand views. If I post the source they might take that down as well. So if it hurts you that bad just reply to the video and say "source" (link)

you're right
this is actually a really good analogy
I cant believe this is on Yea Forums honestly

I just feel bad for them.

Only thing that is being censored is that fagbag text in a secret area and the OGAY soap.

I don't buy DLC unless it's good like wrath of the chosen for xcom 2. But I am guilty of buying western games. But don't worry I'm a full hater, haven't bought Gillette since the ad, it goes on the banlist

No, it's fucking terrible, you 'tist

Attached: 3D Realms going full retard.jpg (2045x2809, 1.23M)

>Nothing about the part where people can literally be denied the right to use a fucking shitter.
If it were up to me you would only be allowed to defecate in the bushes like the animal that you are.

Attached: 1554740466561.jpg (1242x636, 91K)

REEEEEsetera should just be nuked off the face of the earth

Attached: irene.jpg (563x563, 158K)

Attached: clown-10-gap.jpg (500x314, 26K)

In what way does that oppression manifest itself?

Because we told you they’re oppressed. Not shut up and watch your propaganda.

Censorship is cool now.

>There is no replacement for "retard"
You know, the old medical terms used to describe retarded people before "retard"

Attached: kiC9q8O_d(2).jpg (640x142, 8K)

Steam just approved my refund despite 7hrs in the game. Gaben knows whats up.

All synonyms and equally ableist.
It's like saying that it's OK to ban "nigger" because you can just say "yard ape", when it's obvious that whatever treatment "nigger" will get, "yard ape" will also get.

>Peer reviewes
>Dr. Goldstein's study on the healthy effects of circumcision is true because Dr Lev Franken, Dr Morti Silverburg, and Dr Israel Mottistein said so

This is a perfectly normal opinion that 99.9% of the population shares. What the fuck is wrong with the trannies?

Why didn't these retarded devs just come out and say that the Discord messages were fake?
Don't they fucking know how easy it is to photoshop fucking text?

This literally has NEVER happened. Get the fuck out of here and back to your containment board /pol/tard

Attached: trumptard.jpg (588x823, 161K)

the better question is what the fuck is wrong with 3D Realms apologising and bowing down so fucking hard for a nothingburger. we already know that retardera is insane, it's to be expected.

take your meds

>This literally has NEVER happened.

But he didn't say it happened

Clint is just trying to survive.

>But they can literally get police in my country to harass people for retweeting things.
No, they can't.

I posted this and got permabanned within seconds. They're literally spamming F5 and deleting every thread they can. What a fucking shitshow.

Attached: unknown.png (663x337, 96K)

>predicting that western developers are SJWs

That’s like predicting the ocean is gonna be blue today

Don't play dumb, faggot. You're probably a seething christcuck larper who legit wishes that would happen.

>this nickname
Holy shit can you be any more insufferable?
You're the online equivalent of shitting your pants and telling others on the bus that they're mad.

The game is fantastic. You've spent 3 days shitting on it now and it's still selling well. Maybe you simply don't have the power you wish you had, and your autism isn't of any use.

I bet you find "It's okay that people do it as long as they don't shove it in my face" boomer libertardian rhetoric as transphobic, and even then they don't offer any real opposition to you freaks when push comes to shove, leading to shit like drag queen story hour. Stop being a faggot, it's not good for you and you know it.

They absolutely can in most countries with hate speech laws but what the people complaining about that shit don't tell you is that the vast majority of those cases the people getting those visits have a long history of saying inflammatory shit like that. Your average chav hick who tweets paki and fag on twitter aren't on their radar.

He liked the game (with good reason, it's pretty much made for fans of old shooters). The turbosperg you're replying to has been spamming the ggman review that's negative, shilling some duke 3D mod and doing his darnedest to get people to shit on the game. Then this thing with retardera happened and it empowered the mad lad, deluding him into thinking his baby tantrum worked.

What about the game are they censoring?

>Nothing about the part where people can literally be denied the right to use a fucking shitter.

Literally no one is denied the "right" to use a shitter.

No. One.

A true gigachad is not an attention seeking fag like you

It's an alt that I haven't logged into in years lmao

They're removing a soap bottle that says ogay and some out of bounds leftover texture that said something about fags.

Proof? I don't want to be rused here when I know you guys always lie for an agenda.

Attached: Screenshot_20190819165719_Discord.jpg (1440x243, 91K)

oh no someone said something mean on the internet. perishh the thought.

some other guy in a rando thread said it best, not paraphrased though but same idea:
>you're not an AAA dev anymore so you need as much money as you can, so offending SJWs (even by accident) is just gonna hurt your profit more, regardless of who buys your game

They said that's what they were changing on their discord but I can't go there anymore. Here's the text they're removing. It's out of bounds and can only be seen using noclip.

Attached: 1548413686556.png (1920x1080, 89K)

>not mentioned: everything else is jacked up in price, thus resolving nothing

what does it mean?

Surely you have the agency to look up "Ion Fury ogay" on your search engine of choice.

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probably a tranny that has regrets

hence why lgbtq are hated by most

This is the forum mod who's banning literally everyone

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Yea Forums will forget about this after a month, meanwhile ResetEra's still boycotting THQ Nordic. They chose the side that will cost them less money.

Reeeeeeesetera has no money. They're all jobless socialist wannabes.

And we're all jobless nazi NEETs. What's the difference?

Not the point. The point is their boycott will do nothing because they have no money to buy shit anyways.

Attached: Shut_Up_Shelly.jpg (1920x1080, 458K)

Looks like random words they put to check texturing was working properly.

I really don't care about this game or "le sjw censorship" but since you retards keep spamming this thread, what was even "censored"?

I admire your dedication, user, but you should put your efforts towards more productive endeavors, not shitting on good things.

a texture on a bar of soap. that's literally it

>a texture on a bar of soap.
This board has gone mentally insane honestly

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The LGBBQ is suing youtube because their vids are getting demonitized despite the fact its happening to everyone.

Fuck /pol/tards

why blame Yea Forums and not the mentally unstable trannies that complained in the first place?
censorship is censorship end of story.

> The worse she's seen yet, a man with no dick
The best she's seen is a man with a dick.

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Good, they should be

>just remember the good old days
The good old days I remember didn't include tranny freaks throwing a fit and ruining games.

The game has been out since last week. This is a change they've put on people AFTER the refund window and after all the good reviews were written.
You can't go back and change it.

fuck. I spent 3 minutes of my life reading this dumb thread. I want it back.

Fuck we had a comfy couple of days talking about this game. It was nice while it lasted

You're browsing Yea Forums so you are aware of the risks.

How do I pay people to make graphic rule 34 porn of the main character?

Thanks bruh, the game is pretty good.


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Because Christians have always been cuckolds.

You'd have to be blind to not have seen the warning signs long ago back when they called the earlier designs of the MC problematic

I want screenshots nigger

It's still censorship

They only removed a joke about gays tho

This but unironically. You can't ban speech and language without becoming a totalitarian shithole. Especially if you're just banning some people from using a word, but not others.

If these freaks can get something as innocuous as a soap label removed with their tantrums, what the fuck can't they get censored?

>Slippery slope.

Yeah, it's a real thing. Haven't you ever heard of "getting a foot in the door" or "boiling a frog"?

ask Yea Forums. there are a lot of artists on pixiv that will do commissioned artwork for lump change

Whats all this about? What was thecomplaint evven about


Gee fuck thanks

There's a 1.0 version if the OP.

this is some dumb logic.
>if they can get something that doesn't matter removed from a game where does their power end

principles, you kowtowing, bending over faggotass.

based and helpful

Attached: yes.png (1536x704, 9K)

>tfw I pirated it so i'll have the unpatched version of it forever.

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These threads are one perpetual slippery slope refunding machine because of fags like you, kill yourself.

imagine if shelly being a trans woman of color

oh wait she is lul

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>he doesn't call niggers nigger to their face.

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These people always work incrementally. They'll start small, then keep pushing the boundaries further and further. If you accept one change, they'll keep pushing for increasingly significant and harmful changes.

a trans woman killing trans humans? how does that work?

what if someone was to draw the line on something that actually mattered? would that ease your nerves?

They really don't. It's a shiny babble the real power let's then use because it destabilizes and demoralizes strong groups. Once society is weak enough they're gonna be the first shot

>meanwhile ResetEra's still boycotting THQ Nordic.
>meanwhile THQ's face when

TrannyEra has only power over you if you let them. 3D Realms gave them that power personally.

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This, it's a facade. They use victim groups to make censorship look like a "civil rights" issue.

why u mad tho?

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yes, literally. how is that dumb?

At least he makes good content.


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im not a tranny so no im not going to do that

>shrieking pedophilic retards
You mean resetera

did you just assume its gender, you bigoted problematic cis patriachlord?

>get utterly assblasted all throughout the thread
>user tells you to quit being assblasted all the time
>u-u m-mad

... why the fuck would anyone trust a skele?

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Because Dan is a sad autist.

imagine getting baited by some manufactured outrage created by a 0.01% minority

Remember when it got watered down for the N64 Release?

I don't care what you guys say, I think she is cute.

The dude's voice is like that because he sucks a dozen cocks a day, why on earth did you think otherwise? He's a milquetoast faggot.

That's the whole reason rights groups exist - have you looked at their expense ratios?
>thank you for your $10,000 donation 8k will go to my salary 1,900 to office needs and $100 to a congressman for THE CAUSE

10,000$ down the drain

You do know that in Japan the word "lolicon" is synonymous with "pedophile" right?

>I-I'm not mad. YOU ARE MAD!

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Why do dumbass developers never understand that they will ALWAYS want more.

You know your pedophile forum had mods caught exchanging actual lolicon and CP, right?

>can we please stop talking about politics
>who cares
>just play the game
>it doesn't impact your enjoyment of the game
>/pol/ pls go

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It's supposed to be: If they can do "big thing" then whats to stop them from "smaller thing." Not the other way around.
>if I can lift a rock then whats to stop me from lifting a building?
What you're saying is this:
>if they can have a texture from a shampoo bottle changed then whats to stop them from having any game pulled from major digital distribution platforms?
Publishers, fans, money, direct distribution platforms, the legal system. Take your pick.

They are also asking for the devs to shelly trans no joke

I feel like this is the worst they could have done. Now they pissed off everyone. Should have just sat on it.

>tfw women in uniform is my fetish

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You know the regret rates for transitioning are very very low? Unlikely theory.

When will they learn.

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if you bought the game your money will be part of those $10k. you are indirectly financing and supporting trannies and child abuse.
that is all.

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I hope the pussy was good when you had it

No spine or integrity.

Yet you're still here on Yea Forums where every other day there's cunny and loli waifu threads. You're not any better.

At least we don't hide it/project our vice to others. We don't have moderators and owners get arrested for having terabytes of CP like NeoFag and Resetera mods do.

It's always a weird enclave of rich middle and upper class technocrat white men that push this shit.

It's like they invent a new language every 35 years to push poor and stupid people around.

Never claimed to be. The only people here who are fighting for a nonexistent moral or intellectual high ground are faggots who should go back to where they came from.

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They've already done shit like that. GTAV in upside down land.

If the game's fun, I don't give a fuck what they do with their money; they could spend it all on underage Thai girls for all I care.


Imagine if you didn't have the internet to fill your head with shit instead of just playing a game because the cover looks fun.

Difference being: Those aren't real.
Meanwhile on resetera

this no one here pretends to be morally superior to anyone else

uh-uh...let's just blend out the insane suicide rate of trans people

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It ain't slippery if (((someone's))) pushing...

Imagine if you didn't have the internet to fill your head with shit instead of just being a man and not thinking chopping your dick off makes you a woman

What did they do that had such an overwhelming backlash to the point of the devs apologizingn on their knees, donating a Ton of money to a charoty or some shit, and basically fully restructuring their entire work environment and ruleset to be less offensive?

Like, Jesus shit, did they kill a transgender live of something?

Everyone is subconsciously thinking "the madlads did it, holy fuck, this trans shit is the new jew" still theyre broke af and will pirate it lmfao

Obviously fucking not when they have THIS much fucking influence on the world.
Niggers where enslaved, fags where shot and burned. Trannies' only "oppression" is being the world's comedic relief.

Then phrase it like this:
>If Australia has the power to ban violent video games then what's to stop them from banning Ion Maiden?
Because that makes sense.

Who cares, their intent wasn't getting those fucks to buy the game, it was so the general controversy could die down. Are you really guys this fucking dense? I shudder to think what you would do with a public company on your hands.

What does that even have to do with the game? The fem character?

>their intent wasn't getting those fucks to buy the game

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I fear the future where all the kids who were subjected to HRT before they hit puberty start becoming resentful to the society that let adults abuse them so.

The controversy had died down days before this statement. 3D Realms are faggots

>this no one here pretends to be morally superior to anyone else
He says while pretending to be morally superior to left wingers and trannies

Huh? It was a play on that other post, as in "what a stupid fucking thing you said so here's me making fun of you for being so fucking stupid"

LGR pls...

What's so stupid about playing a game because of the cover?

It's already happening.

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That would explain doujin...

I'm sorry sir, but i think you are indeed retarded, have you ever heard the phrase "Don't feed the troll"? that must clarify and if it didn't you'll never get it anyways

What could we do? The ones who had guns made the rules, and the rules said these people were right and we were wrong.

There's nothing for it, bruv'ner.

I'm betting the training isn't real / was given by a higher that summed up to stop the locker room talk in public channels. The 10,000 bucks is, but it's equivalent to like 500 sales.
The censorship is lame, but can be circumvented by using a v1.0 GRP in place of the updated one, so you can take advantage of the engine updates. The ONLY thing that was effected (due to said censorship) is the multiplayer stuff, as I'm assuming they'll do some file validation when connecting to a server.

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You can just use the "family/handicap" toilet you freak. Why does the world need to change for 0.04% of the world?

A texture change in a boomer shooter is the reason why the world is turning tits up, let that sink in for a few hours.
These threads are inane propaganda horseshit that have fuckall to do with videogames, ion fury is just the vehicle you tards are using for this crap. Fuck your little raid and fuck you.

Why would they want their support when it's clear as day they can't stand their guts? They do on the other hand have the power to bring both 3DR and VP to the ground over time, and being a very bad PR magnet all around for all involved parties from Steam to GOG to whichever other platform they want to work with.
>The controversy had died down days before this statement
Refer to the pic in

You aren't denied anything. Just go to the bathroom. No one will stop you if you don't whip your dick out in front of a kid or something.

>anyone who disagrees with my POV is an outsider in an organized raid
Fuck off, obvious shill. No one is buying this argument anymore.

Absolute retard you cannot see the forest of shit for the turd trees. Kys now.

>I shudder to think what you would do with a public company on your hands.

ask THQ.

Agree. I'm out. shoulda been out 20 minutes ago.

>The ONLY thing that was effected (due to said censorship) is the multiplayer stuff, as I'm assuming they'll do some file validation when connecting to a server.
Probably true, but I never got the hang of out steam mods work, is it like Source mods in the way that you can include a directory that supersedes the files in the original without bothering its file integrity at all?

Are you saying they are morally superior than anyone else?

As they should since they are freaks of nature that should be stoned to death in the public plaza, at such an event children should be encouraged to assist and also throw stones


You can't talk about your feelings if they go against the grain on a private chat room. You think you'd be allowed to publish a detraction if this gay shit?

More importantly, where the fuck are the left-handed toilets? Why are left-handed scissors STILL impossible to find? When are non-botched left-handed computers going to be a thing? Where are my left-handed appliances, such as ovens and washing machines (the placement of buttons makes it awkward to operate while left-handed because you have to hide your vision due to the arm being in the way, for example)?
We are 10% of the world and yet not a single person cares about us. There has extremely seldom been left-handed modes in videogames.
Let's not even talk about the colorblind.

Yes, but they probably won't allow clientside mods on servers. Every "mod" that the server loads will have to be loaded by the client as well, if that makes sense.

The capitalists and the communists are in bed with each other. Stay asleep, faggots, just buy that game that tells you how progressive it is. Keep spending money and keep sucking that dick.
Just stay asleep.

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Jesus christ, they were never going to make money off of them anyway. Why do devs/publishers do this? Why are they so retarded? Makes me angry these dumb fucks even have jobs in the first place and that they'd probably forget to breathe if someone didn't remind them to.

>it was so the general controversy could die down.
that's the funny thing. there was no controversy until 3D Realms themselves declared it as one and made a public statement.
no one was talking about this nothingburger except for trannyera. not even kotaku and polygon picked up on it. only after 3D Realms made their public announcement.
if they had just kept their mouths shut everyone, including trannyera would have moved on by tuesday.

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>yfw you didnt buy into this scam.

Attached: 1536510749470_0.png (360x360, 140K)

Good job agreeing with yourself I guess.

They have to. The moment anyone, ANYONE gets away with this shit, the house-of-cards start to tumble

>reddit spacer calls someone a shill

Don't try playing naive, jigaboo. You damn well know what I meant.

>steam cards
>install the game
>non of them.

But that would be a good thing.

The game doesn't tell you anything. The entire controversy is from stuff outside of the game. The

They can't without violating EDuke32's GPLv3 license.[DRM-Free]

Link for anyone who wants the unpatched version.

they absolutely do this

The "good old days' weren't that much different.
Remember, no fun allowed has been the motto here for a long fucking time.

bababababababababaaBALLLS of STEEL!!!

>no one was talking about this nothingburger except for trannyera.
Well, nobody except the quartering, yellowflash2, appabend, this fucking board, twitter at large with idiots bothering LGR of all people, Cliffy B... since people ITT seem to like slippery slopes, why couldn't they see the obvious arguable one here, especially with victims such as 3DR and VP that in the game ecosystem, let's not kid ourself, amount to nothing much and don't really need to die on this fucking hill?

unsubbed. fuck lgr.

They're giving $10k of your money away because fags on reseterra want to police what we say in private

There's plenty of threads not about this topic, yet you chose to go to this one.
That's on you, fagaloo.

Slippery sloped has stopped being an invalid fallacy for decades.

So they are falsely advertising

>another attempt to discredit arguments by saying they come from an outgroup
Hate to break it to you buddy, but this doesn't work very well on anonymous forums with no user accounts. You'll have to do a little better than that since there aren't upvotes and karma here.

should i continue working on douk mod

Attached: slipperyslope.jpg (1634x1512, 661K)

Oh yeah, all fifteen resetera fucknuggets who almost pretended to give a shit about build engine games, what a fucking market. Clearly, enticing them to buy the game was the intent. You're a moron.

They can get a license exception or contribute their updates back to source if they want. There's nothing in the GPL3 license that states otherwise.

It was very different. Your ilk just didn't understand anything we said before invading and took it literally. No fun allowed meant that Yea Forums loved to analyze games and explain why each part is not so good, and because Yea Forums truly loved videogames, it had the highest of standards and was very harsh against casuals liking shit games.
Same with the "Yea Forums hates videogames" series of jokes.

same, haven't even watched his vids in months anyways. fuck him. wish we could leave comments as to why we are unsubbing tho

They don't even need to do that, they just need to make the modified code available in source format. This means they can request you pay a certain amount to get access to the source code (usually that amount is understood to be reasonable) and otherwise keep it closed source. There is precedent for that. For more info, check out stallman-chan's pages.

>Square fucking ENIX (the US of Cucks branch)
>literally Voidwho and 3DRehasbeen
Guess who suffers more out of playing PR strong arm you moron

>Well, nobody except the quartering, yellowflash2, appabend, this fucking board, twitter at large with idiots bothering LGR of all people, Cliffy B...
LITERALLY FUCKING WHO. Who cared? Nobody relevant.

No one ever does. They just let these false compromises continue because "it's only ONE LITTLE THING" but now you can't do shit. We were rediculously free in the 90's

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Yes it's like THE LAST 73 TIMES someone outside their group tried to give piece

Cliffy B hasn't done anything good in nearly 20 years.

>don't really need to die on this fucking hill?

The only people I've ever seen using this phrase unironically are psychotic liberals who hate white people and want to imply you'll suffer grave consequences for publicly committing a thoughtcrime.

Neither, because no one would've NOT bought the game because it had some lewd outfits that would have bought them if they didn't.
Remember, just like soccer moms and senators of old, the people trying to dictate what's acceptable in the gaming industry DO NOT PLAY VIDEO GAMES
This has been shown time and time again that the ONLY games these fucks will play are cinematic trash pieces and abhorrent indie trash. No, fucking, inbetween.
Everyone who wanted to play Ion Fury have already bought it, and have most likely beaten it, everyone else either doesn't know about it, or it isn't their cup of tea from a gameplay and presentation standpoint, and wouldn't have bought it anyway.

>so much of a shut-in he thinks a common idiom is sjw bullshit

>Well, nobody except the quartering, yellowflash2, appabend
literally who, never heard of them.
>this fucking board
didn't happen, just one spastic green skeleton subhuman. the very same subhuman who brought this discord shit to the trannyerians eyes. everyone else was just discussing the game and having fun
>twitter at large
lmao, you really need to go out from time to time and breathe some fresh air
>Cliffy B
He didn't fall for the bait and indirectly told them to fuck off, same with that other streamer whose name I forgot. Civvie just kept his mouth shut, only that stupendous fucktard LGR latched into their trap and wagged the tail like a shit eating dog, probing with a "what's going on pls respond ;_;"

So, no, there was no controversy. This shit started to pop up on friday with that subhuman Green Skeleton pushing his cancer. By saturday morning Resetera was already boiling. If this had been such a big deal Kotaku, RPS and Polygon would have had ran three clickbait articles each on it. Nothing. Not a single one until 3D Realms publicly made the first step.

I'm familiar with the vernacular here.
I've been here since '08 and I'm agreeing with you about these fucking commie knobs trying to change shit because their fragile fagboys can't take a joke.
They really hate vidya and just like the feeling of political wins via outrage mob "justice".

They don't, you're fucking delusional.

Very nice strategic post deletions, jannies.


You're in a bubble; it's only common among your ilk.

Because the game is fun. All that matters. Stay seething. Thanks for reminding me to give it a good review.


Common idiom thinks transexualism is fucking scary (or funny) and surgery for it is an extreme counter measure to extreme mental illness. These Resetera retards think it's the first step and that the solution to letting a kid play with matches is to let him burn his house down.
I am in FULL fucking apathetic support of transexualism if the decisions are made by the individual in question and if said individual is a consenting adult. Anything else that deviates (such as what the dev said, parents shouldn't force this shit) is fucking child abuse.

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Apathy is what leads to kindertrans think in the first place

I don't think I'm going to refund, the game itself is great and I don't like fueling this kind of retarded groupthink bullshit.
It's sad that this happened to voidpoint and that their members are going to be chastised/ostracized/etc, but that has no bearing on the game. The game itself is great.

I don't pretend to be superior to tranny dickcutters, I just am.

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>I don't like fueling this kind of retarded groupthink bullshit.
Do you like letting people who don't even play video games dictate what devs can and cannot do? What is the tipping point for you where you actually care?

I've thought about it. And if I was given the choice between the world these people want and Christian Fascist Theocracy I would choose the latter 100% every time. Probably not allowed to play games. No drugs. But at least everybody keeps their dick. Well most of it... Basically I kinda wish they had won.

Due to the extremely high human population on Earth just now, souls are reincarnating before they’ve had the chance to process the experiences of their last lives, and so a lot of souls are ending up in one body while they haven’t yet worked out the patterns absorbed from their last body. My guess is that the high rates of gender dysphoria and similar conditions have this as at least one of their sources.

What controversy you mong?
Two guys in a chat room said something 99% of the world agrees with. Corporate could have told reeeesterra to fuck off and that would be the end of it. Instead they're $10k poorer and that all-important new-game hype is dead because they were afraid of literally faggots on the internet.

Great job

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Yeah because
>fuck /pol/ XD

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mutilation is never a solution to anything.

I'm fuckign crying because this game could mean the renaissance of Build and now between warring faggots on either fence it runs the risk of never being a reality. I mean this fucking shit is hitting all platforms, it is an event on its own that needs be celebrated, and here we are with all this bullshit drama.

Leftys get the rope too

>Do you like letting people who don't even play video games dictate what devs can and cannot do? What is the tipping point for you where you actually care?
No, if I hadn't already bought it this would have made me decide to never buy it.
I just don't think it's worth the hassle. It's a live and learn moment.
this outrage isn't going to change the game in any significant way. The best anyone can do is simply remember what 3drealms is like as a publisher and not buy games they publish. Voidpoint already got what they wanted out of it.

what a faggot

Attached: devil.png (446x750, 403K)

Where the fuck do you live? 10,000 literally wont even cover rent for a year.

>tranny face

What is wrong with this statement?
Legit question.

That thing looks like it's growing teeth and all that ingrown hairs...

This is the shit they're trying to push on kids btw. 3D Realms just donated 10k to these "cosmetic surgeons."

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Because you guys let them. Even now, you're still shitting on "le ebil Christians" when trannys are the cause of the problem. You are puppets

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>he doesn't live with his parents
fuck off normie

What I meant is if someone asked me about my opinion I would say sure, it's fine, but I'm not an activist in any way. The stance comes from more of a pursuit of happiness type of methodology, where I don't really care about what you do with your life and body as long as it doesn't affect me.
I also believe that teasing, parody, mockery, whatever should be allowed and encouraged in order to keep every fringe group (like transexuals) humble.
We didn't stop racism in this country by making racism illegal, we just showed how you and I aren't so different anyhow. By, again, teasing and mockery we were allowed to exploit are differences equally, we could insult each other freely, we could criticize harshly, and that made us as a species more humble. Look at Yea Forums, we are seen as racist and homophobic when we have more fags and niggers than ANY other site on earth. We just push those differences aside so we can actually have discussion without worry of idpol nonsense.
Transexuals don't see this. They need to be catered to instead of realizing that acceptance of a group wasn't instant.

I don't think it is, but who am I to say anything about biology, I'm just a faggot retard from Idaho.

Interesting explanation.

literal unit 731 experiments

This, nobody wants to buy a product from people who endorse child abusing psychos.

Attached: 1565624977670.gif (352x264, 1.99M)

>nobody except the quartering, yellowflash2, appabend, this fucking board, twitter at large with idiots bothering LGR of all people, Cliffy B.
So literal nobbies

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Why do we let these fucking freaks push around the world?

Right now what is stopping someone from getting resetera booted from their hosting? They'd do it to you in a fucking heartbeat and i think any host would do it considering they had that pedophile discord

I never understood the whole Iron Maiden lawsuit thing. You can't trademark a medieval torture device, and you shouldn't be able to trademark or fight against something that sounds similar to your band name. Like cmon Bruce, your pilot shorts are on a little tight.


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>Corporate could have told reeeesterra to fuck off and that would be the end of it.
>implying the whole social sphere doesn't suck that bunghole off
If Kotaku or Polygon didn't write shit about it it's almost certain they were calling out 3DR's stance before starting the mud machine, now that 3DR/VP apologized in the disgracing way that they did those media outlets won't look stupid right now. Make no mistake, shit like those discord posts are not something you shrug off in a week like most idiots here would have you believe, it would have led to serious consequences because those chat logs are pure gasoline with no plausible deniability or no actual defense that's worth a crap in the hands of social media at large. And if you truly believe it's that simple then you have no self awareness.

They can't, they just caved because they didn't have the capital or time to go through a legal battle with boomer rock musicians. Was a cheaper decision to change a few marketing materials and the game's name rather than fight anything.

sup CTR. is this you?

Attached: 1563151696399.png (705x767, 564K)

>autogynophilia isnt real u gyuz its been disproven!!!!!

Fuck nice dude thanks for ruining my night .

Attached: 1566239555682.jpg (886x1389, 487K)

So 15 tards have the power to say what you do on your free-time nice to know faggot

Attached: source.gif (500x200, 505K)

The only people shitting on Christians are degenerates. Some degenerates just right-leaning so they combat with left-leaning extremists. They're still degenerate at the end of the day. Useful idiots.
Anyone has the right to shit on sects like Mormons, Evangelicals, and Roman Catholics because they're Christian-In-Name-Only. They care more to protect their social cult than Christianity. They use the religion as a scapegoat.

Attached: n0hchnqhj6n21.png (606x744, 161K)

Autogynephilia is 100% real and i can say that because I'd struggled with it.

Don't fall for trap hentai, that's how it starts.
or, I've noticed in others, idol anime.

Abominable twisted experiment s

Anyone who does this should dilate their skull with a shotgun.

What kind of fucked up quack "doctor" would even allow that to take place unless he had cancer or something?

>Welcome to my shop, I am Grobnar the gnome who called for you. Sit down and shut up, time is of the essence. I need forty seven pieces of adamantium, you don't need to know why. Part of your payment will be a dagger made with what is left over from the "project". If the guards find you, you won't survive the night in the cells.
Gee, which is which? I can't tell!

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Because liberals. That's why. If you offend rightwing groups no one cares, but if you offend liberals everyone flips out, including people in your own company, because your company made the bad choice of hiring them. Back then it was either apolitical people or people that don't fit either leftwing or rightwing doing things that upset rightwing groups. Now it's the same kind of people upsetting liberals.

>Kotaku or Polygon didn't write shit about
Does anyone outside the mob take them seriously either? I don't use discord for the log-issue, I don't get why people don't use something reliable, like IRC instead

Why would you get turned on at the thought of being a useless, weak, malformed mistake of nature?

That's why when you look at retardera posts, "shit" is literally the only insult they can use for things, everything else is offensive somehow.

Because someone takes care of them and jerks them off every day.

Ok. Fuckers....
What the fuck happened?
What forced them to do this, they seemed like DONT GIVE A FUCK devs.

I need this mod

>I don't get why people don't use something reliable, like IRC instead
Because they didn't account for the power of weaponized autism.

Girls dont have penises to jerk off user.

It seems like it was the publisher's choice.

You can and will be arrested as a white person in the UK for tweeting "hate speech," because the britbong police force has nothing better to do.

They have better things to do, they're just too chicken shit to do it.

hmm, yes, who would benefit from doctors giving out thousands of castrations to american men?

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They don't, even retardera agrees on this. But what happened is a liability for 3D Realms whether the devs wanted it or not.

Haha when has anybody ever gotten in trouble for mocking Christianity. Our (((elites))) have deemed this line of mockery to be totally acceptable for some reason.

this is why you self publish

>those chat logs are pure gasoline with no plausible deniability or no actual defense that's worth a crap in the hands of social media at large.
"I don't like trannies" isn't gasoline. It's an issue because people will issues reeeee about it on Twitter. If people had the backbone to tell them to fuck off we will be done with the in a day. It's happened before and it needs to happen now

I really regret reading this.

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>it was so the general controversy could die down.
both sides are now mad ass apposed to a small group no one cares about

did you mean:

>brunette with blue eyes

Oh noooooo you can't be drafted in a war for Israel the horror!

They weren't going to reproduce anyway, so what is there to be gained? Is baby foreskin not enough to sate their demon lord's perverse appetite?

I remember the Bombshell character was supposed to be, well, a bombshell, like Jenny McCarthy back in the day. When they turned her into a mildly pretty brunette I knew something was wrong but alas.

I don’t blame these guys for cucking, but they also need to know that it’s not going to solve anything, you can’t apologize to SJWs, they’ll continue to destroy.

SJWs behave like spoiled children. They throw temper tantrums to get what they want, then everybody caves in and gives them what they want, so they keep throwing tantrums. It'll never stop.

What a fag

>I don't have an argument so I'll just spew a buzzy phrase
Faggots like you are ruining this board more than it would otherwise be.

They should never have even acknowledged it. It's a nothing argument and a nothing lawsuit and the devs should have ignored it entirely.

There is absolutely no hope for humanity

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The problem isnt in the statement, it's with the people that think its wrong.

I am always astounded at how man builds his own hell.

I'm phoneposting but just keep it in mind. The "bricks" you lay in life. What are you building?

They are children. The kind who never got slapped or spanked when they should have been.

>Lock people up because they don't want me screwing their kids
Peak retard, leave now and never return.

I legit gagged

>Yea Forums - Indie dev Tycoon

The fate of many great empires...

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That's not how the law works.

>I read a pamphlet by a man with a hairbun in Starbucks today, I'm so well versed in politics!

because protecting and promoting trans lives is the right thing to do. christianity destroys trans lives.

Lingering fears of the mighty script kiddie is why people don't use IRC anymore, despite script kiddies being long dead for years.

At worst, if ALL trannies fucking killed themselves right now, we's lose like what, 7,000 people?

trannies destroy their own lives lmao

depends on if you are talking legit trannies or bandwagoning fags

legit trannies. Looking on google there was an estimated 1.5 million transexuals in the US, so the estimate was low, but that was for people who identify, so I'm not sure if that includes crossdressers or whatever.

Transsexuality destroys lives. You take a healthy person and give them a clay mockery of the opposite sex whose expiration date is 24.

It's already down to 'very positive' with most negative reviews coming in yesterday and today. Give it some time, it will be done to 'positive' and 'mixed' soon.
Getting those reviews down to mixed will absolutely hurt the game. Yea Forums might have no power but it's not the only outrage-driven community out there. Youtubers didn't even start to milk the controversy and they will absolutely do that. Watch the score go even lower after that.

>1.5 million

im thinking no

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I think the thing that pisses me off most about this is the idea that you can shit on your actual customers for good boy points and they'll just take it and come back anyway.

That's really the sore spot. They think you'll just take it and come back for the DLC.

Gonna be honest but the fact you think Transgender hasn't been treated like dogshit by gays and lesbians too even back in the times when those groups were also being beaten and shot says alot about your lack of knowledge on the subject. They've been the first to try and help in the worst of times and the ones to get shit on the hardest despite this. The anger from transgenders involved is pretty expected.

>they'll just take it and come back anyway.
Well they do

Truly our saviors this generation is /vr/

>shit on your actual customers
A literal soap bottle.

they arent wanted nor are they even related. freaks like you only serve to conflate faggotry with mental illness when you lump fat bald dress wearing fuckers with mutilation fantasies in with them.

>defective user
Lmao youre fucking defective in the brain department dude. Who honestly cares if they changed her looks? The graphics fucking suck anyway and its first person only.

>The graphics fucking suck
I wish we stopped making kids 20 years ago.

It's not the soap bottle, it's the prioritizing non-fan PR vs just ignoring it.

One's grievances are not valid by the principle of being opposed. Common people oppose many things, and often for good reason.

>defective user
That's got to be the most Orwellian bullshit I've ever heard.

Betcha this got downvoted into the ground quick like



>There is a African proverb that says "the more you bend over to someone, the more your butt is exposed".

They've banned even mentioning ResetEra on the Steam and GOG forums too:

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-08-19 22-35-58.png (639x582, 93K)

gears... turning...

Faggot just went protected lmao wonder if it's 3DR/voidpoint telling him to shut the fuck up? Is this guy a dev or just an orbiter who landed the position of community manager?
Shame I couldn't screenshot him saying 'it's not censorship, it's a change for the better'