First AAA game trying to be original and taking risks in more than a decade

First AAA game trying to be original and taking risks in more than a decade
You gotta respect it for that alone

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>original and taking risks
>Literally only WASD

Pleb filter: The Game

>Taking risks
>Hollywood cast
>Open world

No risks were taken

>Press O to wake up

The Yea Forumsedditor expects his 903u401403y403y4013 version of his yearly shooter. Clown world


>Press O to piss

>its original because you can pee lol peepee poopoo
there's nothing original about a walking sim

>walking around watching cutscenes and peeing
so original

>a-at least it's original!!
snoyboys on suicide watch

There's not too many risks being taken but it's definitely trying something new. From my perspective it looks good and I'll give it a shot with an open mind

It's taking risks by becoming the first 60 dollar movie with a side of gameplay



easy 99-100 right there

>missing all the mechanics involved in the game
>there's nothing new about DS LMAO
Zoomers need to rope

Nope instead it's walky walky pissy and talky.

Fuckk off drone

>Open world walking simulator in a barren world
>Taking risks

Memes aside I am looking forward to it.

>Trying to be original
>Conkers bad fur day had the same mechanic years ago

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It certainly looked better than all the other garbage that was shown at Gamescom. It wouldn't surprise me if we fount out Geoff did that on purpose in order to make the Kojima game look better.

Also, shouldn't have Geoff said something about being involved with Death Stranding. I think it might be against the law to withhold that from the audience since it's a breach of consumer rights.

so this is how online works.

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>taking risks


Guys wtf where's my micro transactions and skins and multiplayer mode

>open world walking sim with ubisoft towers
>taking risks

Kojima games have been full of weird bullshit for three fucking decades. Why is any of this surprising? Even NO FUN ALLOWED MGS5 had its share of goofy shit

Still way more interesting the than the causal shit coming out

>interesting setting
>dogshit "gameplay"
looks like perfect youtube material

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>Open-world AAA game
Kojicucks are delusional

There is no negotiating with these idiots, don’t try to. Everybody with half a brain knows it looks amazing. They are extreme casuals and normalfags that can’t handle a good story in edition to great gameplay. ADD zoomers.

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kojima does mgsv again. but now its less singleplayer story and mor fob.

Yeah but instead of the weird shit being mediated with good shit like the older games its now just shit. Face it, konami was right

>Yea Forums hates the game
So its going to end up being great and sell millions?

Go watch a movie, this isn't a game

everyone on here was hyped for Silent Hills and its demo was literally just walking down a tight hallway for about 2 hours straight.

No it's not

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>not even realising you're being pleb filtered
Back to resetera

You're retarded. It's not taking any risks it's just fucking retarded.

The two genders.

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silent hills had a lot more in the demo than anything weve been shown with pee standing

100 on metacritic



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I was first to defend this at every turn hoping there was more to it but the gameplay looks
>cutscene heavy
>clunky and stiff
>not fun in the slightest (even as someone who likes austic walking sim/ inventory management it just looks off)
I will not defend this any more, and definitely wont be buying unless I see some good chunks of gameplay that at the very least dont have cutscenes every two seconds.

Attached: 1473768683-jonah-hill-cut-it-out.gif (245x179, 627K)

Konami did nothing wrong


stop being an autistic fanboy in the future, please.

thanks to you thousand of cucks will buy this shit.

Whats so original about it?

I've seen you in other threads, phone-kun. You are not old enough to be on this web site.

I wouldnt say that before the game releases especially since it probably wont be hardcore at all but more like pleb filter the announcement since every time the game gets new trailers or reveals you get a 85-15 split of the fortnite generation revealing its ugly colors and the few adults who grew up on a multitude of genres and games racking their brain

>showed gameplay
>isnt a game
prove it

we will see

postal already did urination better zoomer faggot, death stranding isn't doing anything new

Its gonna be a persistent shopping game.

The thing the Yea Forumsedditor is so mad about Death Stranding is the baby reminds them they have no gf to reproduce with and will never get any and will forever be a lonely virgin jacking off in moms basement because they are ugly and awkward autistic manchildren.

Unironically true

Try playing a video game instead of watching them, snoy.

Respect to the game, I'm still not buying it though.

DayZ with ghosts and babies

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Normalfags hates Death Stranding now.
So if Yea Forums not reeddit we should love Death Stranding as hidden gem of gaming. Like Planescape.

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At Gamescom they showed a clip with Del Toro explaining that the bottle baby was cut out of a braindead mother and only last a year.

This game will be banned in America. Trump wont let you guys have abortions. There's no way they'll let a game with an aborted foetus strapped to a guys chest.

>walking sim

what ever you say pseud

try enjoying games regardless of their platform, kid


ITT: mad nintenyearsolds

So whats good about this game?


You can claim to be an intellectual because the game doesn't make any sense.

I don't respect gook insects.


Liberals will want to ban it too because why is him saving an aborted fetus? Fetuses go in the trashcan!

>when you spend the gameplay budget on the actor budget

hideo kojima is a total fucking hack


you can press all the buttons you want
but only circle will do anything, and it will depend on the context

It's different in a sea of sameness

>literally handicapped no man's sky

EA released a game on the 7th gen consoles and steam where you can cut a babys head off, throw the exploding pustule body into a child, stomp the pieces of that childs corpse into smaller pieces while screaming profanity and then use your industrial saw to cut apart the rest of the children, in a daycare

>neogaf and reddit hates DS
Not surprising

It also have your military-style shooter. Brofist


It's a walking simulator.

>its good because its different

based damage controller

>you have to walk to get from place to place

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>i cannot make out how is DS different so please spoonfeed me
Fuck you

>being original and taking risks
>literally just Sony moviegame with souls mechanics

>souls mechanics
You fucking what mate?

>nintendofags hate it
>pcfags hate it
>reddit hates it
>resetera hates it
>konami shills hate it
no wonder death stranding is so kino.

He's talking about the online.

Feels good to be the king, bros

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low iq

Thanks to me ? Not really, he very carefully selected very specific gameplay points to show up until now, before this trailer it at the very least still looked interesting. Now it just looks like absolute trash. Kojima has made some great games in the past (not all of them) so I had every right to look forward to this but now I admit it looks like shit. I never pre ordered, I was just holding out to see something concrete (which this is) and you should have did the same otherwise you are as bad as what you are accusing me of being. In short, fuck yourself.

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The last time game marketed itself with ability to piss was Duke Nukem Forever.

MGSV marketed itself with the ability to make your horse take a dump

what do you expect

pseudo intellectuals absolutely LOVE hideo kojima games

Pathetic samefag, cry more

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>he very carefully selected very specific gameplay points to show up until now
no he didn't, you're just a fucking retard who can't see what a game is by looking at it. you have to be spoonfed because your brain literally doesn't work.

you were defending this pile of shit for years, you're nearly mentally challenged.

This. It's reddit filter.

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The game is not even out but here you're sperging about a game you have not played and will prolly never play because you're a Pretendo. Go buy your Witcher 3 540p masterpiece bro

>console warmongering shitposters love DS
Color me surprised

Exactly that, wait you dont want to tell people because you want it to be your sekrit club? i just want some discussion about the game and how its different, maybe people think its different because they havent tried that many games.

Literally none of you can defend the empty world and bare bones gameplay, all you have is cultlike allegiance to a specific writer

I was shitting on MGSV before it came out while everyone else was blindly hyped. Look who ended up being right.

the important question is, how's caramel doing?

You people seem mentall ill

you couldn't sound more like a pretentious faggot

>DS threads haven't been full of shitblasted contrarians screaming SNOY SNOY SNOY for actual years now

Yes a game comprised of just walking between cutscenes with no gameay is a walking sim user. Let it go

To me it looks like the first game ina long while wehre getting ffrom A to B will be a challenge.

This coming from someone defending Piss Standing

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It's "original" or a "pleb filter" even though you haven't even played it and it isn't even out yet? You mentally ill faggots should kill yourselves

Why doesn't Kojima just make a fucking movie already? He clearly despises having to put gameplay in his games. I'm sure some studio would greenlight his shit, he has all the clout in the world nowadays for some fucking reason.

They're low IQ shills.

Hackideo Sóyjima did it again!
can't wait for press O to piss!

This comes from the faggot who hasn't even played the game he already hates. Your autism knows no bounds.

gonna watch it on youtube

Mgsv was great tho

We've already seen footage of stealth sequences, climbing sequences, and shooting sequences, why are you still peddling this bullshit

It looks like something you watch one youtube or read the story than a game you play.
A game with tedious shit is not worth playing.

where the fuck is the new footage?

Because you are a pea brain who doesn't realize those don't change the gameplay that is functionally walking simulation.
>wow I have to walk up wall
>wow I have to walk slowly and close to the ground
>wow I have to infrequently shoot while walking

>muh nintendo

Twitter loved it, who cares about Yea Forums their opinions dont matter at all and hav no weight on the industry :)


>everyone else is shitting on it

>dying doesn't mean game over
>you start over from a bonfire in a penalized state
>there is an "undead" state you can be in

>Be original
It's literally just a walking sim with Kojimas typical LOL SO WHACKY AND ZANY BULLSHIT. Kojima wants to be lynch but he's just Tarantino.

In contrast to what? Going constantly from point A to point B killing wave after wave with an AR-15? DS have more gameplay than any other shooter game.

Everything was good except doritos showing up in the game, total turn off

What the fuck are you talking about?

why do you think he's been the only person shilling the game for years


>Take a big risk by doing nothing
Woah, he's right

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>everyone else is shitting on it
Oh really?

nah, it was pretty fucking awful. Maybe if you played the other MGS games on their first layer it was a good game for you ;;)

>Ultimate mainstream game literally designed for plebs is a "pleb filter"

this is what Yea Forums turned into. You idiot.

Something like Dwarf Fortress is a "pleb filter".
Death Stranding is the netflix of video games. It's Sony's Fortnite. It's fucking vanilla ice cream.

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>>everyone else is shitting on it
which magical everyone is this?
>Yea Forums loves it
>journos love it
and user saying twitter loves it means normies love it too
so who's everyone?

Neck yourself

FUck of with the term Mainstream in this regard.

99% of the best games ever made were 'Mainstream' and funded by a bigger moneygiver. Its different then with music you lousy brainlet

>Something like Dwarf Fortress is a "pleb filter".
>easy as fuck game which's only barrier is the abysmal UI
lmao what? Are you 12?
>it's Sony's Fortnite. It's fucking vanilla ice cream.
Imagine being this unable to see what a game is and actually differentiate.
You shouldn't be part of this thread or this board. You lack the mental capacity to talk about the medium.

>wow I have to physically move to get from place to place this is fucking bullshit ugh kojima betrayed us guys

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enjoy your buyers remorse.

Enjoy your miserable joyless contrarianism

>normies on Yea Forums are already seething about the game
Kojima wins again.
Cue another decade of "what a hack" posting from brainlets who never managed to think critically in their lifes.

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and nothing at all

I've become less and less interested in this shit as time goes on.
>Piss mechanic

Feels good

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>caring for 60€/$ that much that not even virtually pissing around and/or seeing that hot french one is enough to justify the investment (in the worst case)

Baseless brainlet post.

As an adult you should be able to realize that the video of gaming is more than just the sum of its parts.
Otherwise you can just generalize all games like
>wow I have to walk through this corridor
>wow I have to run past these enemies
>wow I have to push a button to interact with an object

thanks for proving his point. This is the most filtered pleb post ever.

Pathetic, why don't you find another thread bud

I don't understand how anyone can come away from that gamplay section with geoff fucking keely congratulating some peeing b-list actor on having walked up a hill thinking
>whoa this looks like an exciting game experience

the whole thing seems like some kind of inside joke frankly

the power of pseudo intellectuals bro

As an adult you should be able to realize how awful this game is going to be. I'm not whining about moving in video games, I was explaining that inconsequential breaks in a walking simulator doesn't make it much(if any) more than a walking simulator.

Honestly the gameplay trailer sold me on the game.
The novelty alone will be a good source of entertainment.
Plus the second half of 2019 is fucking barren so I need a game to play and discuss.

>Shit game
>W-When's the PC release haha
Now it's all clear who's constantly shitposting about this game, someone's just coping that's all

Literally the same fag

They do this every single fucking time, from RDR to Bloodborne, it's one decade long seething cope

>how do I cope?

They aren't even that. They are literally brain dead.

Its an open-world game with photo-realistic graphics, shitty melee combat mechanics, and worthless celebrity actors. Its simply not that interesting

>how do I keep obnoxiously shitposting?

yes user pretending you understand kojimas nonsensical stories makes you sooooo smart

Honestly doesn't look like a good fun game. The more they show us the more it looks like some modern art pretentious bullshit of a game. The game parts look boring and uninteresting. It's No Man's Sky all over again.

I don't even care if it's a bad or a good game. But what annoys me is the people who think it's 2deep4u if you don't like it. Just like the kind of people who think MGS is deep.

Normies prefer chocolate.

What risks? Blowing budget on Hollywood celebs? Making an empty openworld? Climbing/walking mechanics? "survival" mechanics such as eating/drinking/sleeping/pissing?
There is no risks taken here. Just Kojima doing whatever the fuck he wants.

>Third person "action" game funded by SCE.

Yeah truly innovative and groundbreaking, never done before.

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What is hard to understand about any of kojima's games you absolute peabrain

they spend billion for a movie

>"it's a new kind of game"
>It's just asynchronous co-op

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Being unique and innovative isn't synonymous with quality. Shit is shit the fact that it's a new and different shit has no bearing.

>its too deep for you if you dont like it
This is just you. Nobody in this entire thread has told you that if you don't like it is because is too deep for you.

>taking risks
>cinematic experience

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This, I never understood why vanilla is considered the mainstream normie flavor when normies usually go for chocolate or strawberry

>its game over when you die in souls
>no one said that happens in death stranding
>you can't be dead in souls, not in a way that affects gameplay
Try actually playing a souls game, faggot.


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Kojimadrones are the same kind of fags who say that Begotten is an actually super good film, as long as you smoke a joint and listen to Soundtracks For The Blind while watching it.
>It's super
*steals ideas from fucking Alex Jones*
*listens to Coast To Coast once*
>you guys I swear

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Holy shit this cope

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found the pseuds


Should I spec into strength for huge deliveries or agility for quick deliveries?

Should I dump int to spec into both?

OP you're underselling it. It's the first project done throughout human history to ever risk anything.

To risk Everything.

Not only will I buy it, I will buy it 7 times and fly out and blow kojima.

The Western jawline is disgusting, she looks like a man.

>another """game""" that's story-focused and doesn't show any gameplay in advertisement
>original and taking risks

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>Kojima drones
>Bioware drones
>Pokemon drones

ANSWER NOW TO KNOW IF you lost the game.

I genuinely hope this game is iredeemable shit so people actually open their eyes to what a hack Kohima is.

>Rips off russian composer for the theme
>Gets so butthurt when translators for MGS1 and 2 call him a hack he sends cease and desists
>Takes award for "creating the stealth genre" despite the first stealth game coming out a decade before his game
>All his games turn to utter shit the second his co-writer leaves
Imagine actually worshiping a faggot like this.

Attached: Dab on em.gif (500x500, 42K)

>tfw ur a steam drone and not a ps4 chad

>Takes award for "creating the stealth genre" despite the first stealth game coming out a decade before his game
What game are you referring to?

You have absolutely no clue as to what you're talking about.

Don't pretend that the people who hate this are the CoD-sphere backwards baseball cap gamers you cunts. It's those fucks grown up that're eating this shit up.
The game isn't taking risks. It's a walking game where you play a white man carrying themes of fatherhood, backed by big money and a big name, using real stars as a selling point. It's one of the safest titles released this decade and is basically assured to make sales and GOTY awards no matter how bad it is. It isn't original, it's pretentious, and the hate for it isn't from CoD monkeys, it's from everyone who started playing games before the 360 came out and warped the entire ecosystem that actually wants to play fucking games.

You're retarded.
When you die in Death Stranding you go to another realm, that's nothing like Dark Souls (or Demon's Souls).

I have 700+ hours in each Souls game, I think I do motherfucker.

The first stealth game was a japanese game called Shoplifting Boy or something like that. Even if you don't count that stuff like Escape From Castle Wolfenstein came out like 8 years before Metal Gear. He accepted an award for "creating the stealth genre" from Guinness. Even if you assume they mean a 3d stealth game Tenchu came out before MGS.

>big risk
>literally not-MGSV

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and you come back from it with a penalty, a la being hollow in dark souls, you assclown.

nice attempt epicpajeet, the only people crying about death stranding are the main audience of the post 6th gen homonegization of genres and typical ubishit

What are you talking about? The very first thing anyone defending this game does is call you a brainlet and say Kojimbro is filtering plebs. Just thi thread alone people are calling each other idiots because the game doesn't have quest markers and whatnot. This is the Emperor's clothes of games. Only smart people will get it and appreciate it.

so unique
so original
so provocative

Attached: what's the deal with videogames these days.png (599x303, 332K)

You have to deliver packages and you get paid, other players can also take orders from you.
You must spend money to beat the game.

You're grasping at straws.
Dark Souls did not invent unconventional death sequences, neither did Demon's Souls.

>Complaining about homogenized genres and Ubisoft
>Thinks Death Stranding is good
How little self awareness can you possibly have.

reddit and resetera are shitting on it because it's not generic shit you moron.

So which games preceeding did?

this is the only truth

It actually sounded to me like it was anti abortion. Like Sam will eventually realize the fetus has a soul.

I havent said anything about the quality of the game that I havent played, I said the epicpajeets like you who are crying about it arent the old school gaymers you were trying to parade around as

>How little self awareness can you possibly have.
ironic, call me back when you dont make choices about what game to cry about based on what platform do your parents enable you to have access on

Not that guy but even fucking the shitty E.T. Atari game had a death state that wasn't just "game over"

Maybe the sony hivemind is wrong but too desperate for games to admit that ds is shit.

Spec into Bladder Capacity.

>to be original and taking risks


utterly unfamiliar with it. What others?

>"I wasn't saying that"
>Immediately moves into projection
>ESL on top of it

>inventive story bad

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>The same people who fell for MGSV are the same people who will fall for DS

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is that the word were replacing nonsensical with

It's literally 50% of conspiracy theories around the time retard.

what an epic, completely empty meme text post, you sure showed everyone you won da argument instead of embarrassing yourself

no one wants gameplay to be generic, they want to see gameplay evolve. kojimas lack of gameplay isnt innovative, its boring. have fun pretending to like it.

Sony didn't fire Kojima halfway through production like Konami did, if he'd actually gotten to finish MGSV it would have been the best game in the series

Not generic shit in what way? It’s a third person open world game about traversing the landscape, that’s about as generic as you can get in this day and age.

>b-but it’s unique because you just run around and there are bizarre elements!!

Oh my god!!!! Wow that sounds so original and exciting hella fuckin epic!!!!!!

>Halfway through production
A game shouldn't take 8 fucking years you retard. Only shit like Duke Nukem where the team is retarded takes more than 6 years.

>creativity bad
>it's just an alex jones stream in video game form trust me dude

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Who gives a shit how long it takes if the final product is good you donut

Sam is already upset that he won’t be able to keep his baby alive. The game is a metaphor for Silent Hills and Kojima’s relationship to it


is that what were also calling nonsensical now

>Kojima spends the last 3 years insisting that he doesn't want to show anything because he wants people to figure out how the game is by themselves
>After 3 years he makes a trailer that shows the main character driving vehicles, shooting, doing stealth, melee and releasing details about swimming in first person view when you die
>Waaaaaaaa walking simulator no gameplay
This board is cringe as hell

>I'm literally too stupid or stubborn to understand it so it's nonsensical gibberish

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How should it evolve?

Wow, thanks for informing me of a great grift. Just gonna sift through some Icke files and make a game based off of that where you control a ton of people for battles and call it something unique like Rapid Tactical Simulation.

Attached: game of the year 2019.png (710x645, 87K)

>handwaving this hard
You can literally do this for every game.

Here, you might enjoy this. It's might creative.

Attached: Kuso.jpg (600x900, 245K)

>Literally an ideas guy, used to be a finance manager for projects at konami
>Wants to turn games into movies
>Not responsible for success of any game beyond the storyboarding
>shinkawa always plays second/third fiddle with the many devs that were responsible in making the series enjoyable from ost to mechanics
>Wasted a huge fuckton budget on MGSV
>Trashed plenty of songs from his composer and according to her, he wasn't satisfied with anything
>Worships weaterners and shoehorned Joost in because she's a D-list actress for Japanese commercials; in turn trashing Shinkawa's original design for quiet
>Created the most broken mechanic for multiplayer cooperation (nuclear disarmament) that even konami devs can't fix with the hiring spree they've been having from Tokyo university
>Part of the reason why Konami's budget was so little, left few resources for other dev teams to launch their internal projects
>Part of the reason why konami had to lay off people in different departments
>SH dev and the musician don't like Kojima
>Allegedly working on Death Stranding since 2015 with a staff totaling 300 people which claims will revolutionize the industry and confirmed the release to 2018. Despite this, there's it's all pissing and walking
>believes he's the next Hollywood director
>believes the future of games won't rely on character concept artists but rather movie actors and actresses
>shit posts food and pics with literal whos on twitter and complains to fans that they're too harsh with him
>occasionally tweet panics that he's working when in actuality he isn't, he relegated everything to Ken Ichimaizumi who's the producer
>Ken admitted on twitter that DS is taken a toll on his health
>twitter account of one of the devs on the team working on graphics rendering complained about a fucking low salary, posted a pic of his home's roof leaking
>markets himself as a genius and talks shit but does nothing
>his only work he actually did by hand & sweat was MG1

Attached: IMG_1731.png (1486x1581, 602K)

>literally making shit up about a game you know fuck all about because it isn't even out yet

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explain it mr. pseud

Go ahead then, tell me what's so innovative about Death Stranding retard.

Explain what, you keep spouting off about how kojima stories are nonsensical but you haven't given one example

Dear god your reading comprehension is borderline negative IQ, I'm not talking about Death Stranding in that post moron.

Oh ok then you're even dumber than I thought, good job with your hilarious reductionist greentext oversimplifying a game's plot

>Team of supernatural beings who can shoot bees out of their skulls, speak to plants, turn into fire skulls, are fucking ghosts
>Respecting a generic woman whose only power is field stripping a handgun, giving birth, and basic martial arts
Makes sense to me.

Sounds like your average American conman. Guess he was born in the wrong country.

>i play hideo kojima games and pretend
to understand them to feel smart

That’s literally all the fucking game is though, nothing else has been shown to us. You run around a big open world, get chased by some dudes occasionally, that’s it. Unique gameplay elements? Woah dude how about this fuckin ladder!!!! Also you can piss woah man so edgy and unique!! Woah Praise Kojima!

The game looks generic and boring as fuck from a gameplay perspective. Would be nice to be wrong about that, but they have failed to make it look anything other than that in all of the reveals. Obviously the story is going to be zany nonsensical kojima garbage (anybody who attempts to argue it will be anything else obviously has never played a Kojima game before).

Nothing you fucking retard. A game doesn't need to be "innovative" to be good or enjoyable. List your top 5 games right now. I bet most if not all of them drew from other games that came before them.

>trying to be original
it's a walking simulator
>taking risks
it's a walking simulator
>You gotta respect it
No I don't

You literally can't read. Go back to middle school retard. MGS2 is borderline word for word repetition of Icke and Jones theories. Learn to read for fuck sake.

Okay so what about those doesn't make sense to you and why? Do you think every story involving magic or gods is nonsensical drivel because they do things we can't do in real life?

I can read perfectly fine, the issue is that you think your reductionist all caps greentext is a lot more biting and poignant than it is and you're mad that I'm not reacting to it the way you wanted

>That’s literally all the fucking game is though, nothing else has been shown to us
Why lie? If you want to have a mature and serious discussion then you need to stop with the braindead meme hyperboles.
>inventory management
>3rd person shooting
>1st person
>survival mechanics

Pac Man
Space Invaders
Shoplifting Boy
Is that my dads cock in my asshole?, since I know that's your favorite game

casualized plebs will seethe at this

He gets away with it because he's Japanese. I like MGS and hate Konami and can accept that Kojima is just a front man that takes all the credit. There are faggots who believe he created ZOE and others that think that Snatcher wasn't just ripped off from Jiro Oishi's Imitation city for the PC-88. Which by the way, Jiro dislikes Kojima since that incident

My greentext wasn't all caps. I would say you have the attention span of a goldfish but goldfish at least get laid in their life on average despite being dumb.


>My greentext wasn't all caps
Are you an actual chimp or are you just fucking around

>what is BOTW
>what is Metal Gear Survive

>great gameplay.
that is new.

>I posted a wojak edit, sure showed him

Dear god you really can't even trace a conversation more than 3 posts back. I actually feel sorry for you. What's it like living off of disability?

>trying this hard to prove a point
You either have utterly shit taste in games and thus your opinion is worthless or you're willing to look like a braindead moron just to avoid conceding you were wrong.

Piss fetish: The Game

Attached: v2.jpg (500x629, 109K)

>First AAA game trying to be original

Attached: Postal 2.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

Twitter loves gay and retarded shit too, they're not a standard for quality

This is fucking pathetic dude you should really just stop

>norman reedus starts pissing
>fans go wild
>three months pass
>gamers finally load up death sturandingu
>first 45 minutes are norman reedus pissing
>first he pisses onto his bb
>then he pisses into his bb
>whips out ladder around an hour in
>ladder goes up a hill to camping ground
>norman reedus delivers package
>"thanks norm- SAM! we're grateful"
>norman pisses on campgrounds
>FIN - a masterpiece by kojima-san

Go ahead post your innovative favorite games seeing as you no doubt clap at kojimbo putting something in his "game" that was in Postal 2 over a decade ago.

Yeah, I've been thinking the same, the concept is strange and I don't know how it can be fun, but at least it is something different, I'll gladly give it a try, meanwhile all the garbage shown before it might as well be a big ball of shit, nothing even slightly caught my attention, everything was just the same old tired formula that was clearly made by a board of executives thinking about avoiding risks and maximizing profits, while this one seems to be a passion project, meant to earn our goodwill, or maybe just a product from an inflated ego, which is much more likely, but still, it is something that is at least trying to do something interesting with a concept that is never seem in an AAA game.

It is one of the few games I'm willing to spend any time and money on lately, and I'm not even sure if it is gonna be any fun, but I'll still try it, because it looks interesting.

>heh gottem

Attached: 1514974680920.png (800x750, 106K)

Survive tried but it was TOO FUCKING GRINDY
>t. have almost every Gold-tier item maxed out

Again, learn how to read. I swear you'll get a girlfriend if you learn to understand conversation. Just please don't breed, we don't need any more speds around.

>ugh doom had shooting back in 1993 I can't believe people keep copycatting doom

What are you even trying to do here you absolute fucking dumpling everyone can see you're full of shit

Anyone else done with Sony? Even Sekiro is on PC. There's no point to having this console.

Are you braindead? I literally said Death Stranding isn't "innovative" and said a good and enjoyable game doesn't need to be "innovative".

I think you should be worried more about whether you're going to get detained. Do you have your retard-posting loicense?

>was a programmer, literally programmed his own engine for snatcher
>makes GAMES that are movies you can take part in, literally what every kid dreamed of
>muh fukushima, the literal who codec writer and programmer
>stopped caring about mgs after 3, forced to make 4 if he wanted a job, fucked over konami by wasting their money and literally using some of it to scout some locations for death stranding (iceland and normandy)
>things get trashed all the time if the director or staff don't like it, boo hoo, probably were shit anyways, and if he wasn't satisfied with anything how did the games get music?
>good, steph was good
>oh yes, unfinished game is broken, what a surprise
>who gives a shit?
>death stranding development started in 2016 (concept started in kojimas head at least before MGS4 came out, all common sense points to it), and the release date is 2019. a lot more gameplay is going to be shown in september, imagine saying "all there is is pissing and walking" when you haven't even seen more than a few minutes of gameplay total
>guess he also believes the future of games will rely on pissing
>perfectly fine if he wants to do that, since when?
>how do you know he isn't an overworker? plenty of people work themselves to the bone when they could still work less
>plenty of game devs have a low salary, probably people in your beloved CDPR too
>only other people market him as a genius, mostly fans, and he doesn't talk shit to anyone, and muh fukushima, the literal who codec writer and programmer
>muh fukushima, the literal who codec writer and programmer

Attached: grayons.jpg (720x736, 32K)

Nothing they've shown has been enjoyable. You want something just like Death Stranding but actually interesting? Watch a fucking David Lynch movie you simp.

>unpopular game good!
It Yea Forumsegins...

>>Literally an ideas guy, used to be a finance manager for projects at konami
whats so wrong in having ideas? i dont get these brainlet positions here sometimes

You guys ready for some kojikino?

Attached: 1565095154421.jpg (500x282, 56K)

Forgot to say, he also playtests his games.

The world map is the entire USA.

>Involved in the "reviewer bootcamp" bullshit during MGS4 telling reviewers to not mention the bullshit long loadtimes
>Involved in killing Castlevania by overseeing Lords of Shadow
>Oversees massive losses in Konami as VP
>Replaces talent that has been on the MGS series at first opportunity, has been looking to do so for years
>Sucks up to journalists, even putting them in his fucking "game" now
Kojima is the definition of a social climber. He's a parasite and I wouldn't be surprised if he was on Epsteins logs since he seems like exactly the kind of guy who would fuck kids to get powerful positions.

lmao here we go where do you think I'm from buddy, anything to distract from your fuckup right

>Nothing they've shown has been enjoyable.
Good we're getting somewhere now.
>Watch a fucking David Lynch movie you simp.
Been watching David Lynch seen before you were born you faggot. I don't like DS because of the cutscenes, I'll probably skip a lot of them and impatiently wait for the rest of them to be over. I like DS because the gameplay looks enjoyable.

None of his ideas are even original
Literally just Snake from Escape from New York
Just Magnum PI
Just Bladerunner
Just any bargain bin Tom Clancy story with Snake from EfNY thrown in

This game is shit. No, I don't need to play it to know that is 100% accurate.

What fuckup you retard. My original post wasn't all caps you fucking mongoloid. Again, learn to intemperate conversation. It's important for a growing potato.

I was done with Sony when PS3 happened. I knew it was gonna be downhill from there

Attached: 1561278379046.jpg (728x746, 172K)

I forgot the part in Magnum PI where they're astronauts and the Tom Clancy story with mechs and cyborg ninjas and a paramilitary state that's controlled by the protagonist

>I'll skip them
Then I suggest you enjoy the graphically superior version of the game, go hiking, it could help you with your weight problem.

It literally was, you were the only one replying to me and now you're trying to pretend it wasn't you so you don't seem like such a gigantic dipshit

Yeah, the part with mechs and a paramilitary state were just cribbed from Heinlein, just like all mecha shit from Japan.

sounds like Dead Space 2

>shitposting as a COPING mechanism after being proven wrong

holy fuck learn to read conversation you fucking retard. You responded to me you mongoloid niggo retard.

Attached: HURR DURR.png (1820x2312, 313K)

Everytime someone begins a sentence with "imagine" I automatically assume they are a faggot

Urinate yourself.

Okay so now you did post an all caps greentext, I accept your apology

holy fucking shit dude

I think it was neat making the health bar blood mL.

An all caps greentext after you responded with retarded logic, not what the argument was about moron. Now go jerk off about a mechanic Postal 2 introduced over a decade ago because didrurikeit man put it in a movie game. Wouldn't be the first time you retards did it seeing as you praise MG as innovative. No doubt if you have had kids (I doubt it) they hate you just like Kojimas kids hate him. Now go ahead and get a lawyer to post a cease and desist like he did against detractors.

downvoted, friend

The entire argument we've been having for the last half hour was whether or not you were the one who posted a retarded reductionist greentext to make MGS seem stupid, you complete fucking drooling neanderthal, and you've admitted it was in fact you so now it's time for you to go get something to eat or take a shit so you stop embarrassing yourself

Will we be able to poo in addition to pee?

Attached: 1 NDA1B65s4c5giHMy1bzBMQ.png (300x300, 161K)

Dude just find another thread this is seriously pathetic

Poo in it

are you ok, retard

>Yea Forums crying about how small and limited open world games are
>cry when a game is too real
>think entire planet is populated and a concrete jungle
>crying over anything and everything cause anonymous

if you have a complaint about this game or it makes you seethe then you are not the market for this game. when will you faggots stop pushing out your stupid contrarian beliefs on everyone thats trying to have fun? try having some cause this is getting sad now

Kojima said you go east to west so San Francisco will be late game unlock for poo.

>he said there will be lots of cameos
>Geoff only did one quick visit for a quick scan
>you now realize all those people visiting the studio will cameo
Same Lake, Conan OBrien and Sakurai confirmed for Death Stranding!