Daily reminder that if you purchase this game, you are buying the censored version. Pirate it for the original experience the devs intended.
Ion Fury
Other urls found in this thread:
>Wait, what? /pol/niggers are jobbing to me again? No way, dude, I win too much. It's not believable. How is anyone ever gonna believe they're a threat to me this way?
We lost. It's time to shut down Yea Forums and move to ResetEra.
>Buying a BUILD game without a strong male lead or a sexy female? I warned you a year in advance, couldn't you tell I was right?
not purchasing
Goddamn cuckolds
What are these comments?
What are the censored comments in the game?
>pedophiles are mad over this
/pol/tard vermin will keep losing even as "their" israeli pawn got elected
fuck these satanic faggots. if I had known my money was going to be used to support satanism I would not have given them a cent.
Should have been a red flag when they redesigned the main character to be as plain and boring as possible. Of course I wasn't stupid enough to buy this game.
>company just lost $10k to pedo panderers
>devs needs to go some shit education
Just change OGAY to OBEY in spite of ResetEra.
Fuck them. They don't even play this type of games.
Its literally a bar of soap
A funny joke but who fucking cared
jannies trannies are fucking removing links to the original unredacted version of the game
Get a refund and pirate it like the rest of us, retard.
Cope harder, pedo subhuman
But mug sensitivity training and charity.
seethe, vile tranny
fumble on spaghetti, sperg
Probably because everyone enjoys conspiracy talk but hates faggots. I'm sorry you're a faggot and everyone hates you.
> Pedos
Resetera ultra-projecting again
What a bunch of faggots
Refund request sent.
Will pirate
What did we learn again?
Do not engage in social interactions when selling a product? Correct!
What comments?
How does ResetERA still have this kind of push after what happened with NeoGAF? Do people just not know their history?
We need a good gamergate revival, kiwifarms can help us
I learned along time ago to never ever buy a non Japanese game
What backlash? I genuinely don't understand, why the fuck would ANYONE care about retardera trannies sperging out? They do that on a daily basis over literally anything they can dig up, why care about it?
>even fucking ign comments disagrees with this
The LGBTwhatever cancer is truly the pinnacle of degeneracy of the west.
more false flags!
more payouts to trannies!
company will bankrupt in no time!
Here's hoping you learned your lesson about supporting western devs.
If you buy ANY western games in 2019, you are a moron.
its the principle
it just gives me a bad feeling to play a game i know has been forcibly censored
Because we're far more likeable than you. It's that simple. You're disgusting vile faggots and we're righteous. We already have our influencers all over the industry. Not to mention we actually have the talent to make vidya, which you don't. You fucked up the second you unleashed our fury.
Something about the term "RESETERA BAY BAY" intrinsically pisses me off.
How does three words have such power?
So, what did they say?, I really hope it was an actual transphobic insult, and not some petty, minuscule shit that no one should be getting upset over, but it probably is.
they literally spend all day on discord plotting raids
they have the manpower to attack on twitter instagram facebbok
Because theyre the polar opposite of this place and therefore the same. They’re not relevant
How many times does a company need to apologize and for it to backfire before people tell these SJW retards to fuck off
Dunno, but this poor retard is probably unemployable now.
yes, i'm tranny and i fuck kids.
Some of their employees on twitter said that it's sick that someone would try to question the sex of their toddler.
If you don't support transsexualism for toddlers, you are a transphobe who needs ''re-education.''
we'll see how tough you discord shitposters are when you get banned and can't waste your time here any more
>donate money to atone for their sins against pedogays
This society is so fucked up
Devs keep cucking even though they have no influence. The reviews literally only dropped from 95% overall to 94% recent. Literally 1 fucking percent is all Resetera can muster.
Because lots of journos are also SJW cunts
My sides, the absolute state of you...
>Devs keep cucking
>They have no influence
Pick one, cope-kun
isn't a crime to attack and shame a person like that?
Its called a forced meme
drm game download. Fuck Voidpoint.
not if he's a nazi
It's relatively easy to cause an outrage on social media, causing people to lose their livelihood. He-said-she-said can lead to a lot of collateral damage and ruin a devs reputation in the industry, even if it's complete bullshit. Better to play it safe, lest you lose your job and any hope of finding another one ever again.
It was literally a dev saying on a private discord that minors shouldn’t be pushed by their parents to undergo sexual reassignment surgery
also resetera is nice place to talk an share pics
resertera has a high population of journos
also doesn't help that devs across the board are overwhelmingly left-liberal on issues
Refund it if you were dumb enough to buy it.
Is it still a forced meme if it's literally only one person trying to force it?
Holy fuck what a retard
He actually believed the idiotic garbage /pol/tards are spewing
He should consider himself lucky that he picked the more socially-acceptable /pol/ garbage and didn't do something far right, like defending child rape.
Nope, that guy is effectively out of gaming because being a Nazi is not a good idea, user.
When will we raid resetera? Its about time
Just because value has been derived from fiction after a period of philosophical overanalysis doesn't confirm intent on behalf of the creator, all you succeeded in doing was thinking circles around yourself til you got tired
>pls we didn't mean it
>one person
>discord trannies
they are like refugees
can't.. might have to push it to steam support
Yet they leave one by one, first the leakers left now the journos are leaving. We’re heading towards neogaf event 2.0
we need to weaponize this and destroy gaming business for good
Kill yourself, r*bbie
Wasn't Resetera mods caught running a literal Pedophile Discord in secret. How about making them donate money.
Oh, yikers!!!
Its in the IGN article. A dev said that anyone who label their baby as transgender is probably a fucked up parent.
This is where we are now. If you oppose bottom surgery and hormones for toddlers, you are a fucking bigot
I think you should make this thread about 12 more times
Do it, they're using your money for child genital mutilation, it's not fucking right.
>Saying things that are true is now /pol/
You can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality tranny.
I'm pirating it right now.
Refunded and pirated. There's nothing worse than bending the knee to assblasted trannies.
I'm pretty sure it's literally the one guy who's doing the BAY BAYposting.
It’s both. They had literally no impact but the morons are still paranoid about hit pieces from a bunch of incel troons.
Look at Kingdom Come: they literally ignored these morons and ended up with a bestseller regardless. All this has done has brought them more negative attention. It was a bad move that hurt their bottom line.
because the main dev turned out to be an SJW cunt himself. They would rather scam you out of your money than dare to perform wrongthink.
glad i'm not a am*rican retard
...thats it?
what a fag, reminds me of that image that lists things white supremacists or whatever believe and the word "objectivism" was there, as if it was somehow a bad thing.
>In secret
They do it in the open. Literally every game with an underage boy gets dozens of threads filled with drawn futa porn
I agree
please help save vydia against the trannies
Pedophiles aren't bad person, they didn't choose to be what they are.
>like defending child rape.
like trannies?
>It’s both
Devs keep "cucking out" because we have the influence to make them "cuck out". You lost.
I wasn't gonna buy it before, I'm not gonna buy it now
wow they actually backtracked worse than i thought they would, will never give them a penny
demand a refund and chargeback credit card if you have to, after all they are changing the game so its not what you paid for
>He buys games made by white people or non-white westerners
Why the fuck do you guys keep doing this to yourselves?
You should know by now that only the Japs are worth supporting monetarily.
based slavs
How many times do these retards have to get burned to realize apologizing does NOTHING. You gave them an inch, now they're gonna want a mile.
This stick figure guy looks pretty normal and chill. The tranny on the other hand is repulsive. The choice is clear
what have they changed? Don't think I can take v hyperbole at face value more
BUT if you're telling true, may be my first pirate in 20 freakin years... I'm not paying a penny for a twitter-mobbed censored game
>saying children should not be forcibly made into trannies is now controversial and will land you in forced "sensitivity training"
when does the world end, Yea Forums?
This is what you’re losing against v/
>all employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training
Re-education camp for wrongthink
This is some scary shit...
Why do leftists push pedo-panic shit whilst trying to normalize shit like drag queen story hour?
Is this what we call doublethink?
I don't understand. This wasn't even that big of a controversy? It seemed like it was just resetera that was talking about it. These retarded boomer publishers need to learn that this type of shit goes away by itself if you just give it a couple of weeks. SJWs would have quickly just moved onto another thing to bitch about. I feel for the devs that are going to have to go through fucking "sensitivity training" on account of these fucking trannies.
What's the best place to pirate? I downloaded it from rarbg and it showed as a trojan from my virus scan?
>It's another "ResetEra wins and /pol/nigger has a fit of rage" episode
Keep seething, sweetie.
>W e
Why do devs always give into these retards. Fuck everyone involved in this situation.
I don't know what's sadder:
The fact the devs cracked over the pressure, or the fact leftist interest groups hold so much power in the videogame industry.
Guess you're a bad person if you speak your opinion.
They could choose to end themselves and no longer inconvenience the public but there they are: On RE being vile criminal monsters.
>we have the influence
You don't have the money though. I don't know why it's taking the people in charge so long to figure it out.
Its the main dev. He's the SJW among the group and he's the one censoring the game.
I Wish no harm to the devs but I can't support the forced sensitivity training thing the company will be doing.
Pirate it is.
A shame because this really will hurt them coming from shit from both sides.
What's it like being retarded?
Nah. You can't even take a simple joke at your face. You are boring with your hidden hatred and unlikable as much as possible.
You. Are. Just. Boring.
Deal with it. You can't take any joke, then you become a joke.
Is there anything more satisfying than seeing seethe posts like these? Not only do we win, we get to see you faggots impotently crying about it. It feels so good to be a ResetLad.
>a-a-a-any day now, r-r-right? p-p-please
I post on resetera though.
>Torrenting the pirated version right now.
You’re the one mad, we won
>whilst trying to normalize shit like drag queen story hour
Except vast majority of left opposes it and it was just a tiny fringe.
Meanwhile the right normalizes children getting raped in church and innocents being blamed for it. This is much bigger than every single le epic drag queen story combined.
It sucks. Can you be more constructive though and help me out?
You think a second video game crash will end this type of shit or are we screwed?
i'm tranny and like to rape kids
and post snuff videos on resetera forum and their discord channel
reminder if you bought Ion Fury your money supports this
>jannies will close this thread soon
Its impossible to talk about this gamebros. May as well just pack it up and forget about it.
you're shit at baiting
Let 3D Realms know how you feel about the censorship!
>thinking i'm a christcuck
aren't you guys the pedos who got Etika to kill himself?
Exactly, then why do devs keep apologising to them?
You only have the influence because people keep handing it to you. On your own you’re just a weird mutilated boogeyman that shifted a score by less than one percent.
The Yea Forums backlash is just going to hurt sales even more because I doubt PedoERA is suddenly going to a 180. The goalposts will shift, the apology will be deemed insincere, and now they’ve attracted even more controversy.
Ignoring you is the only way forward. Treating you like an actual human being benefits no one. Not even you, because you’ll still be miserable when someone else fails your purity tests. Years from now you’ll still be seething over shit like Cyberpunk 2077’s ads.
It doesn’t stop until they learn to shut you out or if you make everyone else as unhappy as you are. It’s sad and it’s true.
Thats a shame. I hope the guy who said that stuff about tranny mutilation at child birth doesn't get fired. That would just be fucking evil.
Every pirated game is going to show up on a virus scan you moron, it's a false-positive.
I want to see how much their sales tank after this
Wow, devs are supposed to yell in twitter, what is this insanity? It's like they have a pr guy or something
Why do people continue to bow to a tiny mob of vocal shitheads? Literally nothing will happen if they just ignore them or you might even get free publicity as the "journalist" cabal work themselves into a frenzy.
>Guess you're a bad person if you speak your opinion.
>"I think that priests shouldn't be allowed to rape children. The massive amounts of child rape committed by christians is not OK, we should prevent that and not allow christians near children"
>what, I'm just expressing my opinion!
You can't slip an arnold quote past me
no mario
I never thought I'd live to see the day when white people are so beaten by white guilt they literally turn their sons into girls before the age of 13.
Being a shitskin seems to be paying off.
But as a tranny you should be righteous, not hypocrite. Could it be that you are just as evil?
>You only have the influence because people keep handing it to you
And we're very grateful for that. They will continue to hand us that influence for as long as we like. And there's absolutely nothing your impotent ass can do about it.
I get it from certain .exe files but most AAA games I pirate I don't get any kind of warning.
Just priests, not just all christians
I'm not sure why you're so happy. Once whites die off you can kiss human advancement goodbye.
It's great, I love watching them kill themselves like this because I hate both sides.
And either the right gets pissed off and kills the left, or the right bends over and lets the left win and we get to kill them.
Either way I can't wait.
I have my ISPs entire army of dynamic IPs to do whatever the fuck I want on Yea Forums and never get banned ever, and if that fails I can VPN or even better use other PCs to tunnel and use their endless dynamic IPs from their ISPs.
There literally no way to "ban" someone from Yea Forums.
I’m buying it, just like Wolfenstein 2 and Yooka Laylee, I enjoy the conservative rage so much
These people need their kids taken away from them.
What gay shit have you niggers done now? Why are you talking about pedos like they're on the political spectrum?
ResetEra legit scares me because there are actual people at the other end of these accounts and just the fact that normal people can become completely psychotic just from being in a hugbox for too long seriously gives me the howling fantods.
>christian dark ages
>muslim dark ages
What's after that? We're running out of subhuman pedo religions.
Meh, I'd be fine with that.
If whites dying means we also get to rid the world of all trannies and similar shit then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Maybe next time you guys will know not to give these cunts an inch so you can survive, not our fault you decided to bend over and let faggots and trannies fuck you in the ass.
>Except vast majority of left opposes it and it was just a tiny fringe.
Nobody bothers to condemn it except the right.
How the fuck are child drag queens or creepy monsters like Johnathan Yaniv acceptable, nigga?
Just like I said earlier. Ten thousand to some lgbt charity doesnt matter and is a waste of money. They piss off their fans AND they don't gain any new buyers. Its a lose/lose collectively.
They should have just ignored it, but whatever.
Never said I was happy, and I'll be long dead by then. Just saying being a shitskin affords me to not have to deal with this shit in my own community.
I'd rather deal with poverty than knowing I share a street with people like that. Shit would drive me to insanity.
>pandering to identity politics is the same as politics as a general theme
my brain sleep
I'll never undestand why apologize and remove content for the games where it won't effect sales at all since the trannies never cared about it in the first place and only looked for a manufactured outrage
Here (You) go silly.
i hate humanity
i'm glad it dies off albeit slowly
Because we own this industry. It's that simple. Keep seething.
So, what's the game content being censored?
Any screenshots?
Unlike you, you’re not influenced at all by the pervading right-wing opinions of this site huh
The amerimutt judeo-christian dark ages followed by jewish atheist dark ages
They're socially adjusted people, though.
Imagine /pol/ of the left, but with actual friends and able not to sperg out in public.
Called it
Holy shit its a shit show in there. Literally no one is happy
Anyone want take bets how many extra sales they are going to get from the SJW crowd because of this?
My bet is zero
>I'm getting burned alive in a pile of tires and my family is starving, but at least trannies dont exist
Post screenshots.
no mario
>why the fuck would ANYONE care about retardera trannies sperging out?
Because the gamejournos are members and mods of RetardEra.
Anyone want to take bets on how many seetheposts we're gonna see from /pol/tards bitterly coping with the fact they lost again?
My bet is at least a hundred more
i'm tranny and i rape kids
REMEMBER to pirate Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
FUCK 3Drealms
FUCK trannies
FUCK subservient devs
and last but not least
>say bad thing
>trannies mad
>pay 10k fine
Fucking Asians. I knew it.
>christian dark ages
no such thing, uneducated ape
Catholic philosophy was absolutely central to the development of Western science, and in particular to that of the scientific method. To sum it up, the Catholic world view was that all the universe was created by a benevolent creator. This creator also gave us the capacity for reason. Being benevolent, he would not have given us that capacity while making his universe irrational. Therefore the universe works according to rational laws, like a mechanical clock made by a great clockmaker, and we are meant to use reason in order to understand those laws. Far from having anything to fear from reason, the Church should see it as the most reliable way of arriving at the truth, including the truth of Christianity.
This philosophy emerged progressively, but by 1100 it was completely embraced by the Church, and laid the foundation of scholasticism. From then on all thinkers at the cathedral schools and universities had to be highly formed logicians, and natural philosophy (that is to say science) became the second most prestigious field after theology. All the precepts of the scientific method were born out of this. The belief in a logical universe governed by rational laws. The belief that all the universe can be translated into the language of mathematics. And perhaps most importantly the concept of the scientific theory.
Why don't we shut down REEEEEsetera like we did neogaf?
I'm 100000% sure the admins are a bunch of pedos.
>Nobody bothers to condemn it except the right.
Just because you don't bother to look for viewpoints of the side you disagree with doesn't mean they don't exist.
You won't get actual opinions of the left from a site dominated by angry, ugly virgins who hate everything left of Hitler. You'll get cherrypicked, predigested bullshit.
>whites dying off
The only good thing that will come of this is the extinction of man. When whites are gone, that's when the world will realize just how well off they were.
Will do, fuck the 10 minute timer though
>able not to sperg out in public
These views come from reasonable discourse and a open platform, not moderation and authoritarianism.
It's very different, accepting resetera views require you to be a NPC without a soul.
This came about most prominently in 1277, when the Church intervened directly into academia by banning the teaching of Aristotelian physics as indisputable fact at the University of Paris. Not only did this free up scientific thinking which had previously been shackled to academic dogma, and make it possible for people like Buridan and Oresme to reinvent physics and maths (laying the foundation of modern science), but this and the general attitude of the Church towards science also forced scientists to be a lot more careful about making claims. Instead of claiming guesswork as absolute truth the way the Greeks did, they had to be much more humble and disciplined, and any claim had to be considered mere theory, that is to say one of several possibilities, which can be held as true in practice if it is supported by evidence, but which can never become dogma and can always be put back into question again based on new evidence. This is the key to the scientific method and to the perpetual cycle of questioning things again which made the scientific revolution possible.
Sweet, that's an extra 25 bucks in my wallet. Cave to Retard-era and you don't get my money
ONLY 10,000?
What a bunch of posers
either you care or you don't
>Just saying being a shitskin affords me to not have to deal with this shit in my own community.
Basically this.
/pol/tards can shitpost about there supposedly being a higher prevalence for trannies in black/brown communities based on population (but only in the US, which is hell on earth), but we don't humor these freaks in civil society, non-white trannies only exist on the fringe of our societies, always considered a group of losers and freaks.
White people meanwhile castigate themselves for even daring to not worship the ground that trannies walk on, and even mutilate their own children in order to appease them.
At least our trannies are just people who were molested as children and aren't actively encouraged to be trannies.
shut up wh*teoid
>He actually thinks he has the power to shut down ResetEra
>Even though ResetEra has consistently dominated and destroyed this nigger
I mean muh horseshoe theory and everything but resetera seems completely pathological. It reads like a parody or like a script for some creepypasta about online cults.
how broke are these people? wasn't it like 20 bucks?
I mean yeah. If the price of being civilized is literally cutting your kids dick off at the age of 1 then I'd rather die by tire.
One of their mods is/was a pedo. They know it but they haven't banned him.
hey now, they're all friends in their little echo chamber
The speed at which the Ion Fury Devs deleted threads everywhere they can (Discords, Steam Discussion page etc.) is truly a sight to behold.
Fuck them. They hate you and rather pander to Resetera and their pedocircle.
God it feels good being on the winning side.
Soon we'll ban your guns, then we'll ban your hate speech, then we'll ban your sexy and violent video games
Okay, so post some of those leftist viewpoints.
Which AREN'T immediately dogpiled by TiMs and their handmaidens.
I'll wait.
>hurr durr koran says islam is real therefore truth is islamic
>oh except it's christianity and not islam this time
When will people learn that trying to calm down these idiots is wasted effort? Nothing you could do will be good enough for them.
>playing western games
>buying western games
>watching porn with real women in them
never again
Thats completely wrong, they're like a lefty /pol/ both suffer from grandeur delusions of the world around them.
>resorting to /pol/tactics always back fires and makes them stronger
>actually attack them at the same level they attack everyone else and they would be shut down tomorrow
Literally all you gotta do is "CANCEL" them.
>p-p-p-please s-s-s-stop c-c-catering to them
So pathetic lol
Thank you for not using my word at full power, fellow negroid. You are not allowed to use it, and I thank you for your respect.
Yep, I would rather die than live in a world with trannies. Only white people accept that shit.
You're about to find that out real fucking soon.
literally the first rule of moral superiority is "Rules for thee none for me"
Harassment is against the rules UNLESS you're harassing a CIS white male republician who pays taxes has white children
i'm tranny and i rape kids
>They will continue to hand us that influence for as long as we like.
There is a backlash, and it’s worsening. That’s the thing, there’s really no way to make people like Johnathan Yaniv look normal or appealing, he’s literally just a more abusive Chris-Chan. Opinions are already turning against the left’s fringe, of Trump 2016 wasn’t evidence of a growing backlash then Trump2020 will.
Plus like, you’re gloating now but you’ll be back to contemplating suicide once the next big Nothingburger rears it’s head.
Unfriendly reminder that trannies and fags will be outright executed in mass very soon, and no amount of posting "cope" or "reported" or passive aggressive retorts will change it.
The clock ticks down every day.
So they just hate videogames?
cis pandring scum
your kids need more tranny loving
>Thinking fallout was in support of communism whatsoever and not just a critique of McCarthyism / paranoia
Retard. China is a complete shithole in the Fallout world that runs out of oil and is this forced to invade Alaska instead of waiting for fusion tech to become more widespread. China initiated both the invasion of the US and they launched the first nukes once t-51b units were plowing into mainland China with little resistance.
So let me get this straight, being AGAINST cutting off childrens sexual organs or giving them drugs that make them infertile and impotent is the WRONG side of history?
I just posted one.
PROTIP: No one on the left talks about epic drag queen stories because the actual opinions range from
>fuck no, it shouldn't be allowed
>it's weird. I wouldn't ban it, but I don't like it
If you think anything else, it's obvious you're thinking of a boogieman, not real people. You've made your mind into a part of the echo chamber hivemind that seeks to crush all individual thought.
*tips sharted, cum-encrusted briefs*
THOSE FUCKING DEGENERATES! Not like us loli-fapping Men Of God!
no mario
I had a choice between paying my therapist and buying this game. Now I'm glad I chose the former.
Based fellow transpedo
We always win resetera bro
Good to see trannies are so open to discussion.
God damn, they're so fucking chad.
Developers are literally on their knees sucking their cocks, doing everything to appeal to them
And they don't give them a dime. Not a single one. Nothing.
And they continue sucking, begging for forgiveness.
ResetEra is powerful, fuck it, I'm on their side now: RESETERA, BAY BAY!!!!!!!!!
I wonder why they don't force $20 account creation to create the full paypig experience.
Not buying it anymore.
fuck I just bought this, I guess it's refund time
Is there any leftist publication even remotely critical of Yaniv?
Doesn't work this way.
When whites go away, roaming hordes of starving, child-raping slavic muslims will be glad that the "rotten west" is gone and that morality can finally flourish.
this was the only western dev game, I repeat, I'm not memeing here, THE ONLY western dev game I have bought in the last 8 years. EIGHT YEARS and they still managed to fuck it up and bow to some mentally insane fringe freaks.
I thought this time it will be different. I was wrong. 100% piracy from now on. Never ever buy and support western devs. Ever.
Shut the fuck up you transphobic bigot. We call them lady noodles.
you don't have a dick to rape with though
Good, that's what I want, why do you think I go around falseflagging as a tranny and pissing people off?
Best part is when you can get them to join in with you without realizing that they're literally just making everyone hate them even more.
Ion Fury devs are funding child abuse. They are monsters.
Not a SINGLE person has downloaded my GOG drm free installer
PLEASE. I feel cuc ked. I need like 30 people minimum to download so i feel like my $20 wasnt stolen
Humanity existing in this state isn't worth it. If this is how it's going to go, the downfall of human civilization is the right course of action. If humanity is still around 2000 years from now, we'll still be making the exact same mistakes we've been making. The technology will change, the environment will change, but humanity won't change one bit, and we'll just keep repeating this same pointless cycle over and over again. Better to just let it end.
>if you don't hold my beta cuck views and rewrite history you must be a tranny
jesus christ dude, get it together
>not allowed to say baby because it is a demeaning nickname for women so I have to use bay bay
It's not fucking fair
>He thinks Eastern devs are safe
Capcom relented. Look at Nico. Look at the new ugly models in Resident Evil 2 and DMC V
Square Enix relented. Look at Tifa's censored tits.
Yakuza 3 just got its transphobic content taken out.
ResetEra runs the whole world. You're gonna have to pirate EVERYONE. Hahahahahahahaha.
Fucking REFUND IT, you just funded child mutilation you sick fuck!
Are you on drugs
Fuck off with that shit. Now I regret actually buying this game. At least they could've shown they have spine and they won't be bullied by Resetera.
I am legitimately disappointed in the devs.
No you can't, Oney tried, now he's cancel'd too. You literally cannot beat trannies in the empathy Olympics unless you're black or something.
>Triggered by the use of TiMs
Oh boy, it's another upset white guy who can't handle people not adhering to his fetish.
But no, most of the people on the left who talk about this shit being bad get dogpiled by retards like you, especially if it's critical of TiMs and/or their pick-me fanbases.
No, you are wrong. Many different societies tolerate deviations and aberrations (whites are more tolerant in this regard because of their sense of guilt for the holocaust and slavery). But no society, NONE, tolerates when deviations and freaks begin to be pushed by lobbies to become the new normal. When this happens, social unrest grows to a point where the shit happens. And when this shit happens, many people who are comfortable asking for censorship now will be arrested or killed.
Cringey alt righter detected
Mad because we won, bigot?
I will now refund my purchase and pirate your game
inb4 deleted by a tranny janny faggot
There is literally nothing wrong with this fucking statement, its fact.
oof glad I pirated this shit
you keep saying that but shit just keeps getting worse and worse
they're not killing themselves fast enough
Wait. I am black
We didn't shut down Neogaf. Neogaf shut down Neogaf.
Why the fuck does resetera have so much power in the gaming industry?
The only place complaining about this was resetera because all the other journalists were busy.
Fucking insane.
and here it is
I really want to support the dev but they can go fuck themselves for caving into this bullshit
I'll be enjoying the pirate version instead
They are literal cyber terrorists
then you have a free pass along as you don't shape it as being overly critical. If any white tranny comes at you just tell them to check their privilege or some dumb shit.
The guy who posted the thread just looked up anything with "trans" in it and posted it.
That is not the statement people are complaining about.
Journalist cronies. Without them they are nothing.
Please show this game to trannies and let them rage all over Sega.
>spew a wall of text
>people laugh at you
>t-trannies! owned!
I'm a cis white male and I can see that you're a coping retard christtard.
You could have brought up some actual benefits of christtardation, like having a bunch of permavirgins who devoted their life to understanding the world around them (Newton was after middle ages, but still a good example of this in work) instead of being tied to family life.
But you didn't, instead you brought up some platitudes that every religion makes up about itself.
We successfully infiltrated the industry. We have developers that believe in our message spread throughout the world. /pol/tards like you just shitpost on the internet. You don't know how the game is truly played.
Because they are true.
removing insensitive content isn't censorship. it's just common decency :)
>All these people falling for obvious trolls.
It's literally the easiest bait to make.It's like you WANT to be mad whenever you see these posts. Just dont respond you dumb niggas.
Well at least that explains why this game was shilled all last week
You can't make this shit up.
>Stop talking about censorship or I will censor you.
Tranny shit is a huge problem in sweden and denmark and is slowly catching on in the states, so no one wants to touch that shit with a forty foot pole.
> trans people are oppressed
Lolno, democrats hate to admit to censorship because it implies they've pushed wrong shit, not possible for them to be wrong
>Many different societies tolerate deviations and aberrations
Not really, again, most of these deviations and aberrations are relegated to the fringe of society.
Hence why even Brazil, which trannies always tout as being pro-tranny, only allows trannies to exist as porn stars and similar freaks.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease
>kym filename
go back and stay back, retard faggot.
i'm tranny and i rape kids
Why are people advocating piracy for an indie-level studio who caught itself in flak fire over some faggot autism and is only trying to damage control this shit? You don't really believe this boilerplate statement about inside training will make any devs do a 180° regarding their political stances or video game philosophy? At best it will improve their PR, which they really need to.
I'm not sure who's more pathetic now.
Reeeeeesetera for getting triggered over this texture that you can't even see without noclip
or the retards in this thread getting refunds because they removed this texture that you can't even see without noclip
lmao it's the opposite, Burgers invented all the tranny shit we're seeing today, it's your number one export
they're not even human
That's wrongthink, sweety.
tell them exactly why you are refunding it. let them know. don't lie and say you purchased by accident. they need to know you don't accept their bullshit
They may change more than he mentioned but this is what he's claiming is being changed
>that pic
What a fucking retard
Not the potato, the author
>22 year old daughter
>mother on 3rd year of veganism so born to non-vegan mother
>hurr durr birth to potato
In all seriousness they keep defending it by saying it was a trivial amount of content censored. If it was so trivial why bother?
>At best it will improve their PR, which they really need to.
PR was fine. Nobody outside Era legit cared. They have overwhelmingly positive reviews too.
>game getting censored
am I reading this right?, what does the game have to do with the things a dev said, what would they censor?
if this was another time you would've got stoned to death just like nature intended
make journalist as pedos as they are
/pol/tards are more worried about trolling the libcucks epicstyle than any actual policy.
If you pretend you're sorry about your anti-tranny behavior, you're no longer trolling the libcuck. You're relenting to them.
>people refunding the game because of SJW pandering shit
>Devs will think people are refunding the game because they got offended
No realization. Just fall.
/leftypol/ are classcucks. Resetera are radlibs, those groups absolutely loathe each other, resetera would call leftypol nazis or nazbols.
I so fucking predicted all of this two days ago. It would be sad if it wasn't so fucking funny.
3D Realms deserves this for going full cuck retard.
>discord admin wont let me whine about censorship drama
>you can't make this shit up
i wonder if its exciting to be so stupid that you can't see obvious things coming
what original experience? Can somebody give me the context?
They refund not because they removed it, but because developers willingly apologized.
Because said band of retards proceeded to donate money (your money) to child genital and hormonal mutilation services.
getting a refund because they are donating 10k to an organization that is trying to normalize sinful lifestyles and child abuse
i'm tranny and i rape kids
Nice try trojan
Nah, you never bend over for these types.
I'm not even white, but that's basic shit, NEVER apologize to faggots or trannies.
I wasn't even going to buy this game, but now I'll be sure to pirate it and seed it just to punish them.
Here's hoping they go under too.
>why do cuckold shills enable cuckolds and not anticuckolds, unfathomable
This is you
If it makes you feel any better, I was going to buy the game and I will eventually pirate it so I can talk shit about it
You know what would be uncommonly decent of you?
Never posting again. ',:^y
Lol. They are having a melt down.
It's almost like /pol/niggers are just as bad as SJWs, don't care about vidya and just want to use it as an excuse for their """culture war"""
>supporting evil pedos will improve their PR
What are people complaining about
It's just called being nice to people sweatie :)))
Ask yourself... Was a Olay soap goof worth $10000? Or would it have been worth $0 and ignoring those trannies?
You can explain why you refunded it to the devs in either a review (which will stay up despite your refund) or the comment you write when you refund the game
Honestly I'm mostly refunding because of the donation shit. I bought the game to support the devs. Not some gay organization.
i don't want devs to do damage control about gender shit at all
if they do, they won't see any business from me
that's not a punishment, they just chose someone else over me
tomorrow i'll get my money back and buy Hedon instead
The only reason you leftist dogs perceive yourselves as welcome here is because our moderators seemingly don't have the standards to instantly permaban invasive species like you. FUCKING LEAVE.
Sorry user I didnt know! Checks for viruses, thanks, man!
You can leave a comment on why you are refunding the game retard. I intentionally don't buy games if at all until about a year or so after the came out simply because of shit like this popping up. The second a dev team panders to these cunts I immediately refund the game.
>Veggie for 32 years
>22 yo DAUGHTER is on 3rd year of veganism
No it's not, tranny shit has been spreading in sweden since the fucking early 2000s same with immigration shit. Sweden is literally the birth place of all of the wests problems. Most cucked country in Scandinavia
Yea Forums blown the fuck out by the chad resetera how do they do it even based devs cower under the force of sjwchads how do they do it
So it wasn't actually in game at all? Also, fuck genital mutilation for children. Shit should be illegal. Fuck religion and fuck California.
>they give money to shut up resetera
>reeeee I need a refund because trannies are bad
Jesus christ, you sound just as bad as them. You should fuck off there.
>You don't really believe this boilerplate statement about inside training will make any devs do a 180° regarding their political stances or video game philosophy?
Don't let these cocksuckers enforce the idea that you can't condemn the tranny child abusers.
>At best it will improve their PR, which they really need to.
No it won't. The leftist shitniggers will never forgive them and they alienated moral, sane people.
3DRealms will have to assume direct control.
You're pretty much wrong on each of em except Yakuza 3 and even then I think that's just in the west.
>It's not censored
>"Moving forward, Voidpoint will institute a zero-tolerance policy for this type of language and all employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training. As part of our efforts to contribute to the work that must be done to further support these communities, we are donating $10,000 from Ion Fury's release day proceeds to The Trevor Project. We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language."
>We are also patching Ion Fury ASAP to remove all unacceptable language.
>remove all unacceptable language
Don't care, already refunded. Never negotiate with terrorists.
They're in the process of losing more than $10k due to this shit, people don't want to see their money go to crazies who fuck up kids. It's not just here in Yea Forums, check the comments under reviews on Steam, shit is spreading.
>paying western devs ever for shitty tranny games
I really don't want to be in that guy's place right now.
>stop bringing drama into my discord or i'll ban you
Reminder that the actual DEVS arent faggots.
The HR department full of dykes and feminists are the enemy. The higher up suits that only care about profit margins are the enemy.
The devs of the game that made the original statements, how do you think they really feel right now about whats happened? Probably 1000x more pissed than us AND they got chewed out by their bosses AND threatened with their jobs probably AND now have to go to madatory fag and tranny brainwashing classes.
They are probably going to be even MORE against tranny faggots after this. So dont get mad at them. They are based.
>Yea Forums lost
Theyre going to remove more shit in the future. And like the happy cuck you are, you ask them to censor more.
I don't blame you, just posting what he said
Was literally about to buy this game in an hour or so. Yea Forums comes to the rescue once more.
Keep drilling their ass that they are pedo supporting fuckers til it bleeds.
get fucked cucks
>is there any major research paper released about some unknown pedo that nobody cares about?
Because the precedence of bending the knee to resetera only gives them more power and makes them be more bold.
/pol/cucks may be concerning I guess, but noone would seriously cave in to /pol/fags. Their approval only brings in bad PR, so they are not a threat. Resetera has actual power of getting people fired and removing and changing content in games, which is worrying.
>ha, i turned your lexicon around on you!
>safe space!
>I bet you feel stupid now, huh?
Based chaderminx laying the law on the seething /pol/tards bitter that they lost to resetera. What a hero.
I don't think that it matters much when it's the Steam staff that issues the refunds, not the developer. It would be a better idea to let whoever decided to cave in and donate 10k to trannies, which I will be doing once I get back my money.
>I didn't know I was actually donating to a tranny charity
is there even a single post worth reading in this entire thread
Link to discord?
t. Cope
Dude Im a lefty fag and hang out on Yea Forums bashing LGBT twitter tards or some immaturely progressive company frequently.
How can these people get upset over someone questioning transgender people, not even bashing them or being against it, just questioning the act of transitioning.
Jesus Christ do these people really think that bigger dev teams don't have at least a few Trump supporters or people that don't agree with gay marriage or some shit?
Literally who cares, it's about the game.
the bottom one is literally just pandering to far-left sjws, people wouldnt mind if the people they were pandering to werent such insufferable cunts
it is a weapon among others
Pay pigs generally have no business posting on Yea Forums.
>this is the autist that made the post on Resetera in the first place
>made a new topic because no one was taking the bait in the game discussion thread
>literally started all this shit because he's mad that the character you can't even really see in game doesn't have fucking 90's balloon tits he can fap too
>has both Yea Forums and resetera trying to shut down void point now
This is some powerful autism for some cartoon tiddies
well they better choose better PR people the next time
There is normal and there is sjw. Die, transvestite.
Somebody please explain to me how "OGAY" is offensive, because I don't understand. Is "Gay" an offensive word to use now if you're not gay yourself?
t. homosexual player of Ion Fury that is very confused over this
its not. If you want ill literally screenshot my receipt ID and GOG purchase history if that will make you download my copy
The devs are the ones going ham crazy right now.
based desu
"Go woke, stay broke"
How does it like to be BTFO ALLLLLLLLLL the time /pol/? You fucking cucklets kill yourself.
oh well if they want to destroy humanity and civilization and go against the word of our Lord because of Resetera than it is okay!!
fuck off
>Dude I'm a lefty fag
No you're not
i'm tranny and i rape kids
You all are really going to start pirating an indie game because they had to give into the mob? They would have lost more sales than you guys if they didn't do this.
Not to mention the bullshit with Iron Maiden threatening to sue them.
Yea Forums is cancer for indie developers.
Act like a bitch, get treated like one.
He is a real man, anybody not funding democrats to the point of refund deserves respect.
It's not censorship because they chose to amend their product. They can just as easily keep the game as is and try to sell the game to a different audience who appreciates transphobic comments.
Voidpoint did nothing wrong tbqh
Wonder if they will move on after fulfilling their contractual obligations.
worse, the character is a ripoff of the 2 worst porn actress of the 90's which were jenna jameson and Kaintlyn Ashley
Simply don't fill your HR department with dykes and feminists, then?
What a fucking cope.
Just admit that Erachads made these devs their bitch.
it's because you're implying being gay in itself is a joke.
You guys refunding are just doing what resetera wants to happen, you are being baited. The devs made 2 retarded decisions though so just admit, resetera trannies won this gayops you are compelled not to buy it
and that's a fact.
>Jesus christ, you sound just as bad as them. You should fuck off there.
>giving money to people who fund child abuse because some dickless weirdo freaks and their corrupt, "journalist" cronies got mad at them
pirate my copy so i dont feel so cuc ked for paying
Good, my sympathy for them is gone. Lets shut down their company, fuck those devs, selling out their customers. Sensitivity trainings and donations are all fine and good, whatever. But censoring the game goes too far.
I never wanted to hate anybody but women and faggots keep giving me a reason to.
kys trannie
you will never be a woman
Seethe nigger, another 10k down the drain HAHAHAHA
Hey, ResetLads, you want to know what my favorite part is?
There was a certain retard that decided to go out of his way to let us know this was happening.
He decided to try to piss us off and warn us of the people that were shunning us.
He thought that he could do that with no consequences.
He awakened the firestorm and he got burnt.
If you want to have your little based and redpilled game, you better pray we don't take notice of it, cuckos.
It has been said, but let me resay it: ResetEra, Bay Bay.
The people they pander to don't buy shooters you fucking mongoloid.
lol fuck off
niche developers should know their audience
they should've known this won't sit well
The devs were faggots ever since they decided that classic 90's female action hero stuff was "too problematic" and went for sterile MC aesthetics. Indie devs on average are huge fags.
I remember when CDPR made that assume my gender joke, and the seething trannies were complaining that they ONLY FIRED ONE PERSON (the guy who wrote the tweet) because there obviously must be more!
fuck off and dilate assfaggot
If he can't walk any more, he's probably already used to dealing with bags of shit.
>gillete lost 8 billion
>all major news sources down and nearly out
>disney losing money left and right
>all off the top of my head
you're a retard and don't belong anywhere near here.
the dude that brought the tranny discussion up in their discord in the first place is such a shitposter., Ive chatted with him about politics on discord back and forth often.
Yea Forums will never beat the cock you will stay as resetera cumdumpster forever
Basically the devs pissed of the resetera tranies so they went over the game to find anything they could get even slightly offended over.
I forgot how cancerous this place is sometimes.
>It's not censorship
>we actually have the talent
Bioware and Telltale latest games is what happenes if your studio consists predominantly of sjws and diversity hires
This makes the Yea Forumsirgin seethe
Gonna go buy 10 more copies and gift to friends. Post steamID and I'll give you one too.
Wonder how many % /pol/nibbas can take away.
I hate you user, be careful when you sleep tonight.
As the song says, "I'm the king of my world"
They have already been banning people who discuss the CENSORSHIP. They don't even give a reason just ban
what the fuck did happen? is anything even relevant ?
>gamergate retards are dead
>they lost and in fact sped up the infiltration of trannies into games media
Man honestly fuck anyone that ever participated in that dumb shit. We wouldn't be dealing with this if they'd just ignored the bait.
>thinking makes him tired
Explains your positions lol
Dling from the phone although I don't play literal faggot games, sorry.
Refunded, won't even bother pirating it.
>they had to give into
Thats the thing, they didnt have to give into. But they did. They're more ready to scam their customers by censoring their game than anger Twitter trannies. Clearly they want Resetera as their audience and nobody else.
Not only am I left-wing, I've been dating the same gay for over 5 years.
I'm just dead sick and tired of progressivism and idpol, which is almost necessary to browse reddit nowadays.
I'd take being called a disgusting faggot over not being taken seriously at all.
>Being a dirty thief
>is anyone besides the right criticizing Yaniv?
I guess not. Fucking pedophile
>Soon we'll ban your guns
good? nobody but ignorant rednecks and mentally ill people care about that.
>be indie game studio
>make a game
>trannys complain about some stupid inconsequential shit
>start trying to ruin your game
>fuck alright fine
>remove the inconsequential shit
>bunch of faggots on Yea Forums are upset because trannies got their way
>start trying to ruin your game
you guys are just as bad as the trannys
devs are given the reason for refunding by valve.
t.steamworks dev
>post copypasta
>expect discussion
Atleast two people took the bait.
BASED /pol/tard falseflagging as a "lefty fag."
Go back, this is ERAchad territory now.
I fail to see how this is offensive still. People still call each other and things "gay" that they don't like, this isn't even doing that.
Why do people continue pandering to the mentally ill like it matters, or, it will make anything better, as these retards live for this shit.
They removed dialogue that more than likely had nothing to do with the plot. Homophobic language just means words like "faggot" which only 12 year old shitposters care about.
stop bringing discord into my discord
Resetera keeps winning!
No shit. Horseshoe theory is real. /pol/tards are faggots that care more about "muh culture war" than the quality of a game.
What thievery?
All he did was copy a file.
Have sex.
You aren't talking about all the child-raping priests so you support them, you fucking deranged pedophile.
Kill yourself.
>Gonna go buy 10 more copies
Sure you are, tranny. Sure you are.
All you did was show Voidpoint are a bunch of cucks. If they break away from the publisher and make a sexy woman game with the engine? I'll check it out.
They're bowing down to people who wouldn't buy their game, anyway.
Restera is more concerned with stirring up trouble.
this was already an sjw game
He sounds based as fuck.
Fuck the devs, let them suffer.
If he can't walk then how can he even bend the knee to Resetera?
Then fuck off back to trannyera you dilated faggot.
Why does it seem like only the mentally ill post on Discord. It's like some kind of radioactive ward.
>but discord is for drama
tranny detected
>you guys are just as bad as the trannys
No we're not, we actually spent money on the game. And now we feel ripped off.
The shit was inconsequential so there's no reason to remove it.
So I'm getting conflicting reports. Did they cuck or not? I pirated anyway because I spend my money on drugs.
You have no data to confirm that people offended by transphobic/homophobic language wouldn't have bought their game.
>he awakened the firestorm and he got burnt.
>by getting exactly what he wanted
I don't get it.
If only twelve year olds care about it, why bother removing it?
shitposting aside, I have no faith any amount of accelerationism will tip the scales at this point, it's just blind acceptance of the most insane takes, we are doomed.
>Yakuza 3 just got its transphobic content taken out.
>3 hours
lol, am I supposed to be impressed? I hate this news """story""" but I'll continue playing the game because it is great and I don't care.
Go back to your beloved Resetera, you smug chucklefuck.
The Christian and Islamic dark ages never fucking existed. Period. If there were no Abrahamic religion it would be the fucking Pagan Dark Ages and you faggots would be shitting on Pagans all fucking day.
The truth is humans were divided and had a very limited amount of connection compared to nowadays. Even if we were fucking Paganic tribes or some Communist state our advancement in technology would not be as fast as it is today. Contrary to popular belief, the Christian European and Islamic worlds both held wealth to many fucking inventions and ideas that were spread around. People saying religion was used to kill inventions is bullshit. it was in actuality pure "new vs old" mentality, a lot of things that were declared heretical (i.e. Alchemy) were never described as being forbidden in the Bible, and eventually later generations of Christian rulers adopted it. That is not to say that European Kingdoms were not without warfare. But inherently speaking it was never because of a religious reasons (or rather not the true reason, Religion was merely a justification, not an actual reason), but rather ethnic/national/territorial reasons. Germans detested Slavs, Hungarians allied with Turks and slaughtered Slavs, Anglos fought each other, etc.
But of course when most people think of Medieval era, they think of France or England or Jerusalem, and are too simple-minded to read up on shit like the Hussite Wars or the Battle of Grunwald and the rivalry between Mathias Cornivus and Vlad Tepes as well as the Order of the Dragon. So everyone assumes that Medieval era was just "Europeans kill minorities xDDDD" rather than being a complex series of wars with different motives and with ideas that are ironically being repeated today because rulers and people inherently refuse to learn from history.
Tl;dr Go read a fucking book or watch Slavic Medieval movies you fucking plebians.
Steam staff can make human errors but when they have a private audit whoever made too many generous fuck ups is gonna get fired and maybe more. This is why the system is automated for the main part unless you write in the description box about your complaint.
I mean this post is objectively correct, notice how it's just met with w-well youre a fag! type posts
Hi trudeau
If trannies wanted to be accepted by modern society they're doing a awful job of it. I went from not caring about/accepting their existence to outright fucking hating them because every single whiny, bullshit controversy these days seems to have to do with them.
no mario
>we will never be able to reasonably discuss the game again because of retards on both sides
>donating to a charity that saves lives
>a bad thing
>I pirated anyway because I spend my money on drugs.
stop blazing it
Based and pedophilepilled
How about you graduate from high school first you prepubescent turd?
Aaaaand refund. Bye bye cucks.
>You guys refunding are just doing what resetera wants to happen
Show the devs what happens when you give into resetera.
New thread
Shit meant to refer to:
instead of
Yes, they removed all the side quests that made fun of trannies, citing that it wasn't appropriate for modern age.
That's honestly why I shitpost against /pol/niggers. I have hope that by pissing them off and getting to derail even more threads, I will inevitably finally convince Hiro to get these retarded political threads obliterated from Yea Forums
If not, oh well, at least it's fun to see them seethe.
If the reviews become overwhelmingly negative because of this what do you think they'll do? Double down harder next time?
this desu
>Just admit that Erachads made these devs their bitch.
You can't just call something "chad" and expect that it will change what people think of it. Everyone still knows what you are talking about. Brainwashed, non-thinking enablers of child abuse.
/pol/tards would not openly call for them to be fired though, at least here.
But i guess with something like Battlefield V, you may have your horseshoe point.
>The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.
>donating to a cause that tells kids to cut off their penis instead of accepting they might just like more girly things is good
Are you fucking retarded?
we need to bankrupt whole toxic company!
Why does the existence of men in womens cloths make you people so mad
You guys can't even play shooters
Don't bend over for the mob and maybe you'd have some integrity worth buying.
Being baited to not buy the game, they win.
Buy the game and say I'm ok with the devs being censored and assreamed by the publishers, they also win.
>Cutting off children's dicks saves their lives
You know what I meant.
12 year olds who want to say these words because they think it's funny and edgy.
Even if they did, they're still a minority of gamers so they're trading a bigger market for a miniscule one.
>give in to REEEEEEEEEE-setera
>people who actually bought your game get pissed and start refunding
>oh well, resetra people will now buy this game right? we fixed what bothered them.
you can't win. The best option would have been not to play at all.
>being racist kindof makes you an asshole
true but fallout is not the example you want for that
super mutants want to genocide humans and assimilate them, you are justified in being racist toward super mutants
ghouls literally leak radiation and their leader is a fucking asshole, less justified but still
races between humans dont even matter in fallout anymore
and before you say anything im am racist as fuck
fuck niggers
No dissent. If any users don't conform they're out.
>self censorship is not censorship
I never understood why you retards get pleasure out of being called imbecilic morons but here, enjoy it: retard, moron, mouthbreathing idiot.
>Being held hostage by a single man
That user might be autistic, but he's using his autism to make the world a better place.
i feel bad for them its their first game and trannies had to come in an shit on it
but trannies doesn't have a dick?
Hey, you're the one in Rome who's refusing to do as the Romans do.
It's not weed, it's kratom
Am I looking at a Trojan or what?
>g-guy I swear they actually are b-based b-bros! They hate trannies!
Thanks for paying for some faggots dick removal operation
New thread
Isn't there already a suicide prevention hotline?Why is there one specifically for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, questioning, pansexuals, polysexuals, allosexual, x 100 others.
Then literally nothing is worth buying, retard. Everyone has to cater to the mob to a certain degree to make sales. That's called marketing.
You're forgetting about "allies" bud.
Noble, but I'm refunding because they're censoring their game because trannies got upset. They are weak devs and will definitely do so again in the future, therefore I gave money to people I do not trust. Time to take that money away.
They were not transphobic. Yea Forums is transphobic, this is not transphobic. By caving in, they admit what they said was wrong, which it wasn't. Kind of ignorant at worst and even that's a reach.
t. vegan potato
>I never understood why you'd get any enjoyment of me seething at you BTFOing me and owning this industry over me, but I'm gonna be real angry at you now and hopefully you'll leave
>But you didn't, instead you brought up some platitudes that every religion makes up about itself.
I literally brought up historical events. I'm sorry to say but you're extremely stupid
just as planned
You realize if this
>trannys complain about some stupid inconsequential shit
>start trying to ruin your game
>fuck alright fine
>remove the inconsequential shit
didn't happen, then the bunch of faggots on Yea Forums wouldn't get upset in the first place?
New thread
No, I don't know what you meant. If it's so base and infantile, who fucking cares if it's in the game or not? The whole aesthetic of the game is in-your-face retro punk and you are getting your panties twisted about raunchy jokes? Fuck off.
>Don't bend over for the mob and maybe you'd have some integrity worth buying.
You don't buy the game for whatever perceived integrity, you buy the game to have fun. This is their actual first foray into commercial game development, screw this up and you're toast. I don't think you would preserve "integrity" if it meant your dreams being shattered, and if you deny it you're a huge liar.
More like give the cucks what is comming to them
They willingly gave up 10k. Assuming the 30% Steam cut that's 571 sales. Would 571 people issue a refund over this controversy? I highly doubt that, but now they not only have given up the 571 sales but they also have people like me refunding the game. Was it really worth it to choose trannies as a hill to die on?
Well, I certainly didn't expect that, thanks for the info.
post your game
So what's the difference between the two versions?
New thread
its not a fucking general
That is like claiming heterosexual is not the norm, that's how dumb you sound.
Cringe and retardpilled.
They'll remove themselves from the market soon enough.
85 iq post
Because not every boomer is equipped to specifically deal with tranny issues I guess?
Encouraging bigotry is infantile, so yes it should be avoided.
I know I'm barking up the wrong, bigot-infested tree, but dude, get some fucking perspective.
I don't know why I come back here.
You're all white, edgy, suburban high schoolers or lonely incels at this point.
post this in every Ion Cuck thread from now on.
Based minekid poster
How'd that turn out for countless genereations of Germanic fags after destroying the Roman Empire?
right thing is burn everything to ground and let them starve to death
no? Its literally just the .exe offline installer of the game i bought in a .rar
New thread
Allies wouldn't fuck trannies, all talk
I don't have to BUY anything to have fun.
Literally no one have argued otherwise.
That probably wasn't even them, remember 3DRealms is the one who approached them so they probably had a lot of strings in how much they could alter Bombshell from 3DR's recent shit bombshell game
Also, most of the DNF 1997 team probably thought the original bombshell design was stupid too since the idea and the whole game got shitcanned to begin with.
>woah you guys that didn't complain at all before are just as bad as the guys that made us change our creation
i dilate and watch pedo porn
how about next time JUST DO NOT KEK
Please, they're too mentally ill to ban based gun just like you.
New thread
Alright thanks bro
thumbs up
This whole thing started because some user attention whore brought the screencaps to resetera in the first place
based leech
based react, my friend
You're going against the narrative. They didn't prostrate enough by donating thousands of dollars. Denounce this game this instant or Yea Forums wins
don't stop
New thread
its the soap gay joke that they are removing from the game
Japs are just as bad. Although they are bad for completely different reasons, they are not innocent in the slightest in this fucked up medium.
Pirate everything.
fucking pedo apologist
>mutilate your own game for freaks
>get mad that you mutilated your game
>freak projects their destructive tendencies on us
This really marbled my medulla
That is exactly what I did. Like I said in a previous thread, I did this because Voidpoint are also a bunch of SJWs and decided to make Shelly a generic tough girl and remove the sexiness. Simply typing each of the dev’s names and searching for if they’ve ever used terms like “sexist”, “sjw”, and “trans” gave me a fucking gold mine of material to turn the SJWs against them.
Hopefully, now that I’ve turned the SJWs against them, Voidpoint will never want to appeal to the SJWs again and whatever their next game is doesn’t show any evidence of being cucked.
>oh well, resetra people will now buy this game right? we fixed what bothered them.
That was not their concern, retard.