Postal 4 looks weird

Postal 4 looks weird

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

now the flowers will grow

can't believe Vince is gonna voice the BiBi

>from the mind of Hideo Kojima

So if you mash L2 can you masturbate?

do you pull your foreskin off to pee?

Thats what "prepare" means im assuming

prepare is holding the dick and taking aim

No, but after I piss I take a few squares of toilet paper, fold them, wet them under the sink and then clean my foreskin out pretty good. Some beta cutfags give me the stinkeye when I do it in public washrooms but I guess they lost their balls along with their foreskin because they never have the courage to confront me.

Attached: ascended smug wojak.jpg (633x758, 225K)

>literally only 4 actions:
>pole with a rope
>rope again
The deepest gameplay.
Can someone please press circle so I can finally wake up?

sometimes when I pull too hard I rip the skin

>he doesn't clean under his foreskin by pinching it closed and turning it into a piss balloon, then letting it go


Which is it?

Aiming or pulling? This is important

Kek use to do this when I was a kid

I does not matter what side of the coin you are on. Preparing to pee means you got your hands on a dick.

I did this once and my foreskin exploded.

The Jews took my foreskin

>not using a robot claw to pee

Attached: file.png (346x198, 49K)

Not all of us can afford such luxuries, Richie Rich.

>all these uncut third-world faggots this thread
jesus christ, I knew Yea Forums was filled with niggers, chinks, and mudslimes but I didn't know it was THIS bad

muslins cut their dicks off too

fucking idiot