1 week
1 week
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that's okay i already played it and got sick of it like 14 years ago
going home boissss
i like to fart in the tub
>game hasn't even launched yet and there's already so much demand that blizz is having to open multiple new servers
BFA kiddies and FF14 trannies bout to get BTFO by a 15 year old game
until flavor of the month
Wonder why they didn’t just crack a few more shards
I can't wait to play with my favorite real celebrity and dab on all the e-celeb basedfarmers.
Because they don't want there to be 15k players on 1 realm when they remove layering
>"flavor of the month"
>vanilla private servers have been going for 10+ years now
They’ll remove it after the first year, right?
same lad
>10000 queue
what did tranniebringers have, a queue of 800?
"as soon as possible" according to the dev team, phase 2 launch at the absolute latest
So a year away, right?
>"as soon as possible"
>a year
poor zoomies growing up in a time when they need to fight over our old scraps
creativity will return someday
I'm excited to watch the streamer fiesta. Hopefully we'll get some meltdowns from the popular ones. Won't be playing tho because I already played it to death on multiple private servers so there's nothing new for me. Thankfully the last server I played on will migrate their accounts into a TBC server
>Why yes I play Classic, how did you know?
They didn’t even want to bend the knee this far, you think they’ll go any further sometime in the near future?
normies and incels btfo
it's funny because he literally said in a interview he used to play wow and he was a healerchad
Come home white man
And 1 month until its dead
I am. On a private server.
I already did, for free, on a private server. Why would I do it again?
>Blizzard is openly preparing for major player falloff
>he still thinks they will remove layering
blizz fanboys are truly special
Firemaw bros WW@?
if it was a modern MMO yeah
Because trips told you two
t. seething bfa kiddie
>"Hey guys, these servers are super populated to the point where there's gonna be 10k+ queues, so we're opening more servers"
>"""""preparing for mass falloff"""""
Who else here /BloodsailBuccaneersUS/? Gonna have fun roleplaying in a world where Cairne is alive and Thrall hasn't ruined the entire society he strived to create.
>trannies on the official forums are asking for dedicated segregationist safe space servers where cis people aren't allowed
Holy shit, what a fucking paradise it would be if they got the containment server they crave.
>willingly ruining your memories of vanilla
>actually thinking the current social climate and mass communication of the internet will allow you to live the classic experience again
>redditard can't tell it's a joke post
people think the community will still be good for some reason
Except people have been playing it for 10+ years on private servers, only reason they are making official ones are because the huge playerbase on private servers that shows the demand so fuck off tranny.
playing classic isn't about "muh vanilla experience", it's about playing a fun mmorpg that is better than retail
I do not expect this, but I go and play old, arguably outdated games all the time. This is just more of that for me. It's going to be very similar in a single-player aspect (in regards to mechanical gameplay, story, how one traverses the world, etc.), but yes, the social elements intrinsic to an MMO will feel different. Anyone who claims anything else is simply wrong. Still, I found Vanilla questing really charming and that's what I look forward to doing again the most after all these years, like going back to replay an old RPG I loved 15 years after the fact, with most of those memories gone so that I can enjoy certain zones like Duskwood again with a relatively new set of eyes.
>hype will last one month until almost everyone realises that old wow wasn't that good and nostalgia was 80% of the excitement
not today rabbi
Why would retail players be mad? Classic will fund at least five new expansions in the first month alone!
Better than bfa at least. People won't quit dungeons after the first wipe because of the effort needed to get there.
this, as someone who replays Morrowind almost every year
step aside Smashers
there's a new stench in town
thanks for funding my new expansions classic cucks
>haha classic sucks it's just nostalgia xd xd dead in 1 month!!!
meanwhile, vanilla pservers have been going for 10+ years
You realize that most of wow's profits are from the cash shop for mounts and pets right? Retail are going to be the ones funding classic.
They are delusional when every server is going to have a discord channel , no one will even talk in game
People forget that shit like discord, twitter, twitch, youtube weren't a thing when vanilla was at it's peak
Pretty stupid comments. People know exactly what they are getting into by wanting to play this again. They know about the grind and the difficulty and unbalance.
It's not like this is a new mmo that is garbage but people don't know it yet and will quit as soon as they find out it sucks. This is a game everyone played before and wants to play again, despite its flaws.
People will be playing blizzard classic and paying a sub only for classic years from now. Having the private server experience without the risk of losing yoir progress, abusive hacking chinks, and with "official" scripting that leaves no doubt as to the validity of their accomplishments will keep it going.
>no one will even talk in game
Hahaha yeah bro stupid nostalgia fags are in for it when all 25,000 people are silent hahaha
And the people who have been playing this on private servers for the past 10 years?
This doesn't even make sense
>shit on your diaper
>now you have to get rid of it and put on a new one
how is that saving time
super hype to be able to play on a server with 100% functional scripting and no chinks
those are players who are dedicated to the game and are small in number, not your average zoomer who will be playing classic
I hope the rumors and alleged leaks are true when it comes to the part about how the WoW Classic team will be given the reins to decide Retail's destiny if their Classic servers prove more popular. Oust Hazzikostas and replace him, Omar. We need you at the helm, Gonzalez.
i cant wait bros
1 week for asmon layer
Theres been threads about this for years now, and I'm quite used to the back and forth about this re-launch is going to succeed, this re-launch is going to fail, but I'm curious what the strong points are i.e. what makes this game good.
I unironically missed it during all the flaming and I just want someone who loves this game to explain to me why.
>no one will talk ingame because discord!!!
beta and stress test say otherwise, BFA tard
AP world quests on another island, amazing, you're welcome
enjoy your 2-3 month honeymoon period
As opposed to getting up, going to the bathroom, shitting in the toilet, wiping your ass, washing your hands, and then waddling back to the keyboard? That's not even considering that you'd either have to log out or take the risk of being ganked. Trust me, shitting in a diaper and then just dropping the thing somewhere in your room is faster.
I've been playing vanilla servers since 2014
Seethe harder, retailfag
>Having the private server experience without the risk of losing yoir progress, abusive hacking chinks, and with "official" scripting that leaves no doubt as to the validity of their accomplishments will keep it going.
This 100%. I tried a private server once or twice, but I never got far because I knew it could be DMCA'd any day and I would lose all my progress, so why bother? They were all always full of the mod's friends decked out in hacked-in T3 with the ability to fly and instakill everyone in a 100-meter radius around them and plenty of other shit. No thanks. So, I decided I'd wait until Classic inevitably came out, and sure enough, eventually it was announced. Now we're almost there and I'm excited. I know what I'm in for, I liked that game, and I want it back, plain and simple.
Blaubros ww@
>layers on gonna be around launch
>uhhh well maybe the first few weeks
>uhhhh well maybe the first phase a few months
>uhhhhhh well phase 1 won't end in 3 months it actually wont' end until layering isn't needed
>turns out we can't get rid of layering. sorry. thanks for all the money though
The outrage and shitstorm that's gonna come from layering will kill any shred they have left.
Hear of Guilds on pservers getting so far ahead at the start of a server they don't even need to farm during the rest of content roll outs, since they get so rich.
With Layering lots of top Guilds will be exploiting nodes and chests.
This post reeks of delusional bootyblasted retailfag
So I wanted to play Herod unironically because the Reddit server will have the most hardcore players and I want to really sink my teeth into this since I ignored wow the first time around. How bad is it gonna be on release day? Will I be waiting in a queue for hours, login, get disconnected then back in the queue again?
Shoo, doomsayfaggot.
Herod will have queues in the ten thousands. It will be a disaster. Go stalagg/skeram/blameux
Yeah it's going to be shit
They've literally opened what 2 more USE servers and 2 USW telling Herod players to fuck to those servers
I'm gonna play a human prot war, would you recommend joining a guild now or wait to be recruited in game?
definitely wait. joining a guild now feels artificial and is pretty autism
Is Herod the Azmongold server or something? I keep seeing people harping on this one, but I have no idea why.
Herod is the Reddit server, almost all big streamers agreed to play on Fae
Its the more popular non streamer PVP server.
>should have just done this at launch, so people chose and settle
>instead fuck up, stuff gets way too full and they just surprise a new server that no one joins
>have to add even more servers that people won't join
>on launch just gonna make Herod cap super low, so people see even bigger Queues and just roll on another server
Is whitemane still our server or are we moving to blaumeux?
>only 3 fucking servers
>one claimed by streamers other claimed by BR's
>hmmm where's anyone with >80IQ gonna go
>just put up another server they'll join it
>no one does
>please join the server
both are based
I'm staying on whitemane
>dude wow classic
>we're going home bros
>getting to 60 is SO difficult I can't even
>collecting 50 bear asses is full of SOUL
>holy shit you can WALK to dungeons
>I like anything
Really makes you think
>1 week
They should add boogie bombs, right?
Isnt he just an genuine big fan of video games? I think I remember reading somewhere that he almost missed a casting call because he was too busy playing WoW.
Please answer though.
Bloodsail Buccaneers is where it's at, gonna enjoy my chill roleplay server hangouts between watching night elves bathe in the park.
Uh oh, he posted the silly face.
Nice. Came here to post that
me too! :)
tell me he rolls Shazzrah, he has to because it's British community
classicucks BTFO forever
>what the strong points are i.e. what makes this game good.
it's the only mmo to ever have real world pvp.
dont you have a warfront to queue?
if you think using diapers is somehow less time-consuming and less of a mess than just shitting you are retarded in more ways than just one
But what does that mean?
Because people are being really obnoxious about how they want Classic to kill every other MMO including Retail WoW instead of being humble and happy that this shit exists at all
1 week to salt when they realize how bad the game is
I hope swolebenji and richturpin manage to make a guild based exclusively on killing these ecucks and their pathetic lonely zoomers.
There is no rational reason why Classicbros and Retailbros can't be friends.
Why does it upset you that people are looking forward to this?
He said on Conan he missed the Man of Steel casting call because he was in a dungeon
Personally I don't really care to play the Classic, but I hope it's successful enough that Blizzard will eventually release official TBC and WotLK realms because especially TBC server would kick so much ass.
Please can you just answer my question instead of using it as an attack on someone else?
>tfw my best friend died a month ago and can't play WoW classic with me anymore
yes there is
faggots like this that are seething because classic is going to BTFO retail
>run to the yard naked
>take a quick dump
>wash ass with a hose
>clean up after reaching goal
Because classic "chads" are incredibly arrogant
>look at the shit this movie actor says in an interview, it definitely isn't scripted to "appeal"
fuck idiots like you
>regular rp instead of rp-pvp
enjoy your trannies
>can't play WoW classic with me anymore
idk my retail friends get mad when I say I prefer Vanilla. They continuously assert that WoW is "The best it has ever been"
>lol classic sucks it's gonna fail everyone is gonna quit when they remember how BAD the game is!!!
>no YOU are the arrogant ones!!!
y i k e s
I'm gonna do it bros
Should I roll shaman or druid? Digging the support style.
just roll undead with him lmao
You're trying too hard to act cynical, user.
How bad is the prot warrior leveling? I know it's possible to tank the most dungeons in a DPS spec, but I kinda want to level with the tank spec unless it's really painfully slow.
dude I almost had you
Sorry user
why are you in this thread retard
I've done RFC and WC with Shaman tanks and it always turns out well.
It's literally going to have more players online on launch than anything this year and probably last year.
I hope they are ready.
There's a supreme sense of irony here.
do you need a venn diagram of losers that watch capeshit and play wow or something?
I wish that was me
You don't know the capacity of each server though.
I just described the content of the interview bud no need to shit yourself
Retailfags and FF-fags seething hard.
sharding saves money on servers
it's not getting removed, idiots
right. have you tried shaman tanking in real dungeons?
Good luck trying to get an invite to a group looking for a tank as a shaman.
I know exactly what it's going to look like, because I know you're shitposting
The dude just posted a link to the interview user, calm yourself.
Classic is literally paying for more retail. Thats kind of cucky when you think about it.
why do you do this shit for free?
are you fucked in the head?
why do you, a fucking imbecile run into this thread with your ass on fire to post about some fucking actor and his promo scripts?
are you even white? you're too fucking stupid to be white imho
retailcucks in a grave tonight (7 days)
Can't wait. I have around 12+ real life friends rolling on a server with me, I think it's gonna be a fantastic time.
yeah samefag a couple of times on top, lel
what a fucking loser
I'm gonna bet you're a streethshitter
Tanks make their own groups, are you retarded?
If I buy one of these is it going to automatically activate itself or am I going to get a button on my account which says "activate now"?
Just shit during long flight paths bro. If you can't even micromanage your shit and piss to play well into your leveling experience you shouldn't play Classic.
he's just never played classic.
It automatically activates.
>12+ real life friends
no one has 12 friends
those are just acquaintances
>implying fat benji is any good at the game
>implying you're not just shilling yourself again
Im actually curious what makes you want to start playing classic. For most of us its just nostalgia
>XIV players on Yea Forums getting madder and madder.
I don't think they'll handle losing this hard brehs.
We need some new pve server too.
I used to LARP a bunch, and I've got a whole lot of good friends I stay in contact with
It's genuinely sad (but not surprising) that someone from Yea Forums says this
If you say so user
These "content creators" said that they are viable in all 5-man dungeons mostly without problems.
Same thing with druids actually.
And lol, I have friends, wtf?
He talks to himself and about himself constantly in /wowcg/ over @ /vg/ too. Just ignore.
Ignore lists exist for a reason. Move past the obnoxious drama/ attention whores, hang out with the fun people who laugh at them with you. That's what I do, anyway. And RP-PvP is a dumb shitshow if you enjoy cross-faction roleplay like I do. One tryhard edgelord who 'kills the opposite faction on sight' always refuses to play along during actual cross-faction character interaction. That's less of a problem on RP servers where you can de-flag and shrug at them if they want to be dumb shitheads. I'm trying to talk with someone else, not PvP with you, go away.
Either is fine.
Look up guides.
I legit think it's a good game.
Also because of addiction. Even after long years of not touching it I still think about it. I have this false hope that maybe if I clear out classic content my soul's gonna finally be free.
idk man. I'd rather have 2-3 real homies over 12. that seems like too much.
If you have a job and have to login during peak hours, you won't be able to play the game. Pick another server, really. This is going to be a disaster.
I'm playing both, I'm pretty sure its retailcucks.
90% will quit in 30 days
shills thinking wow will be relevant again. this isnt even going to be the main game. nobody cares it's a nostalgia trip
If its true that he actually played WoW 15 years ago, that means he probably has some experience with vidya and won't wanna deal with lag. Does he live in the US or UK? He'll probably play whatever region he actually lives in, even though he's British
So we staying Stalagg with it's now High population moniker or going Skeram?
>be hyped for classic
>decide to try few private servers including insta 60 one
>1 hour into the game I realize I don't actually want to play it again
I wish I still had the spark in me.
>Missing one of the greatest video games in history
Like why do you play Deus Ex or Planescape: Torment in 2019? Because history.
And new games aren't actually any better.
it means that there are organic encounters with other players while you're playing the game. it means there's a reason to actually want to get better gear. mmos without pvp are so soulless.
You play a class, not a spec.
>1 week
hold me
its gonna be pointless when they realize the game wont have new content and has a limit
its basically like an 800 hour game
Keep telling yourself that.
And that's a good thing. The faster hype plebs and normie get filtered out, the better. I don't want 10k pop realms anyways, 3-4k is fine just like previously famous vanilla private servers
can I get into raids going subtlety? most guilds are going to be struggling to find 40 bodies and improved sap is worth something, right? and not like MC is hard anyway
I'm still not recovering from getting booted from my guild for being a drunk and disappointing too many people too many times.
coping hard
not him but itll be funny when you grind your ass off for a month and the game diees becasue the nostalgia wears off because nobody cares anymore because its not 2004 anymore
well man, think about it like this. Are you going to do the same thing again or are you going to do things different this time?
this is your redemption arc
you can get into raids as whatever you want, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. vanilla raiding is literally just be there at raid time
It took no effort. Why are you so assblasted about this?
>Omar leads a coup and exiles Hazzikostas
>J Allen Brack is forced to watch inside the shed as mighty Lord Gonzalez leads Retail to greatness
Best timeline
This is what we all hope at this point. Mega servers were never fun.
thank you
oh I thought you were completely new since you had no clue how sub works
This is a falseflag
How bad will the Whitemane queues be?
top kek
phase 1 is 4 month
every server will be unplayable the entire first day
You have to think a little bit instead of facerolling everything.
The time investment involved in everything makes you care about the character more.
There is next to zero hand holding.
Balance is laughable at best since they tried to make every class unique, and example of which being druids being unable to cast a regular ressurection spell, but have access to an in-combat rez.
Buff's and gear are important boosts to your character strengths.
Talant tree gives you a lot of options for customisation, there are certainly best in slot talents and cookie cutter builds, but they're not required unless you're poopsocking the bleeding edge of content
You also have access to all the base abilities of your class, specilisations only improve one area instead of locking the other two away from you, and you can hybridise to a certain extent.
No groupfinder makes you less inclined to be an asshat, since if you piss off everybody and waste their time you'll gradually get blacklisted by most of the server or get known as that one jackass, and you cant just disappear into the aether like you currently can with cross realm.
>For most of us its just nostalgia
im actually curious why people would want to do it all again even if it's nostalgia thats a fuck ton of time to put in. its not like an 8 hour game you can finish in a week
2-3 hours
Very bad
You're better off rolling on Blaumeux
Nah. I used to buy game cards back then and I don't know how this "buy 30 days" thing works because it's not a subscription which renews itself.
FFXIV trannies and retailfags absolutely irreparably BTFO
The true patricians choice
It was on Conan I think. He's also got a role in Squadron 42 and took the role in the Witcher series because he loves the games. Series will suck absolute rectum, but probably not because of him.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E was pretty fun, btw.
forgot your image bro.
You can go subtlety and just not tell anyone
Be ready to switch to Combat if your numbers drop too low and people notice though, Rogue competition can be rough
Is there a reason why it's overpopulated?
The server loads say otherwise but okay.
>grinding for 100s of hours all over again
i feel sorry for you
I hope I end up in the same guild as balloon fetish guy again. One of my fondest memories is somehow ending up in the same guild as this guy:
Maybe I'll meet even better autists this go around. Maybe even I'll finally discover myself.
Whitemane is everyones waifu
I literally have nothing to play for like past 2 years. I play the new singleplayer releases, be done with them in couple days and then go back to shitposting for months. I need something to invest my time into
Damn he looks like superman
Just pad your numbers with consumes.
At this point all servers are over populated.
>pay $15
>get 30 days of gametime
>30 days go by
>if you want 30 more days pay again
>if you don't pay you can't play anymore
whats hard to get?
because they only started with two pvp servers per time zone.
Why wouldn't you just fast for a day and take stimulants? Fuck add some Imodium too. Fucking brainlet drug users I swear.
>He never flew from SW to EPL
Shit takes like 7 minutes.
As a FFXIV player I sincerely hope that you all will enjoy Classic. Don't forget to tell your friends who left retail for Shadowbringers to come play with you because I sure as hell don't want to play with them.Seriously wowfugees are a fucking plague upon our game and I want them gone, please Blizzard make Classic great so I don't have to put up with these retards any more.
I thought consumes were standard and everybody brought them? i absolutely will do this since im going alchemy
But there are other games with this - is wow the only mmo you've ever played?
>having fun for 100s of hours
oh fuck classicbros how will we ever recover
>all this dev effort, resources and time that could've been put into improving the current game instead of literally going back in time to a older version
You nostalgia faggots are insufferable. I hope your game fades out quickly.
too bad his body didn't have nostalgia for when it wasn't riddled with tumors
>He's not going to play both
>Even though he's been playing XIV since launch
If a friend of mine played xiv he wouldn't be my friend now would he? friends don't let friends play catgirl simulators
>>dev effort
>he fell for the "getting classic running again was really hard guys" meme
kill yourself retailfag and lick Ion's balls some more for that titanforge
will any game dev ever reach this level of soul again?
>improving the current game
literally impossible
I don't think i'm gonna survive this, lads. I'm not ready to dig a deeper hole. It's gonna happen.
any Horde Bloodsail Buccaneer RP gang here?
Which PvP-Server do I go as an European?
They have issues doing a basic rotation and god forbid you ask them to use OGCDs. They pull like 7k dps in aoe on a good day. They're even worse than the French for god's sake. Just take them away please I beg of you.
You literally had all the time up until now to at least get into shape and allow yourself to gain some more pounds, fatty.
only acceptable rp server is Grob
>Server without /pol/
Sounds like heaven to me. I'll take trannies over trannyposters any day
just eat less lmao
how do people even get fat
>you might die before Classic comes out
>improving retail
top kek. Maybe if you will a good piggy next expac they will give you a circumcised version of talents you have to grind AP for after seeing how well classic does
only appeal of this for me was going back to pure world pvp, layering killed that.
Wow is dead, get over it.
>hobby takes time
>Layering killed that
>Servers should have 40,000 players all in the same zone
Pick one
>Someone will die the day before Classic comes out
It's about a sense of community and socialization.
Literally two different teams, and trying to improve the retail version without some kind of insurance of player retention would be an absolute disaster for them financially.
If classic is a success, they can either put more effort into it directly or use it as a guide for improving retail depending on what they want to do.
By all means use an addon to find a group, just remember that it wont teleport you to the dungeon nor give you a bonus to damage and healing.
Oh and you still have to communicate with other players to sort out CC, tactics for any particular encounters or if you have a slightly out of the way quest.
Gnomeregan and Maraudon are going to be one hell of an experience for people who've only played the neutered versions.
Option 2, please.
98% of players arent going to layer hop to dodge pvp. they would need someone on another layer, and how the fuck would they find that person? and once they hop once, they need to find ANOTHER person from a new layer. you won't even notice it man, just go enjoy the game.
>>hobby takes time
yea no hobby's are something you can put towards something that actually benefits you
>i want access to everything now
retails suck idgaf
game will never be the same its not 2004
The addon is actually great to reduce the stupid spam.
Druids had an OOC resurrection spell, wtf are you talking about
People will use the setting that spams chat anyway just so blizz won't ban using it
The literal definition of hobby is doing something in your spare time for your own personal enjoyment, user.
>want to roll my comfy human fem paladin and go full ret and level like a molass while complaining abiut my terrible dps like thr good old original wow days
>cant because now I have to work from daylight to sunset and I need to use my night time to study so that I wont have to wagekek for the rest of my life
God... You guys are lucky.
Chug for me in goldshire tavern, lads. I could have been there, dancing in my underwear, but I cant.
I'm going to take a serious attempt at pvp rank 14 but i'll probably fail. any of you guys going to try?
it's the fact that youre doing it again you fucking idiot hahahahahaha
I left XIV and might try Classic along the way. Been playing since 1.0 and finally truly burnt out on XIV realizing how samey it is each patch/expansion.
>an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
A hobby is literally anything you do in your free time.
warcraft 3 was peak blizzard and peak gaming as whole
Every change to the main game makes it worse, why do you think people want to play classic?
>Bro just stop smoking, just stop doing crack, just stop being depressed!
I feel you bro.
It really is that easy.
You have to be pretty slow to take a decade to figure that out. Classic will be a good game for you I'm sure
You've never repeated something in a hobby? Hiked the same trail? Built the same model?
>doing something in your spare time
uhh no its definitely not. you probably think jacking off is a hobby too right?
warcraft 3 was shit
Well over the course of XIV I unsubbed more and more. So it wasn't an immediate realization. It was just once I finished the SHB MSQ that I started doing absolutely nothing except maybe 1-2 daily roulettes, then that turned to nothing because I just wasnt feeling it anymore.
>You've never repeated something in a hobby? Hiked the same trail? Built the same model?
terrible comparison. either of those would take me a day we all know youre gonna spend 100s of hours lmao
>an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation
ruh roh
this is all just from people trying to reserve names right
i wonder how many of us don't give a shit and are waiting till the last moment to give blizzard our money
Fine, keep complaining about how hard it is and don't improve. Be fat forever. Die alone.
Definitions aren't as rigid as you think they are.
Technically you could use the battle res out of combat, but it has a 30 minute cooldown
is rogue even worth playing if you're not planning on raiding much? I can play a good amount but carving out scheduled chunks of time to raid is not very possible due to my work.
And I still don't know why its an issue redoing something fun. Never replayed a long RPG?
This is the dumbest post on Yea Forums today.
Keep deluding yourself to convince yourself you're right, amigo.
Hunturd or rogue?
Just play hunter and enjoy 1-60
Never played vanilla WoW because I was busy with SWG, and I didn’t try retail WoW until about a year ago. It was... heh. Anyway I’m super excited to get that old school MMO feel. Zoomers fuck off. It’s gonna be great.
All im saying is losing weight is harder to overcome than just some user on Yea Forums telling you to stop eating. It requires planning, support from people you live with, building up self control. Anyone who says psychological issues can be solved by just "dude stop lmao" hasn't dealt with them.
Good, i'll just discard yours then.
>Never replayed a long RPG?
nope. no longer than 8-10 hours and its not a grind either
rogue's stomping grounds is pvp not raiding
Had a fat mate aswell,he probably was even fatter than you.Non ironically just eat less food that is super low calory stuff and only drink water.
You realize those aren't active players right? those are literally just name reserves. the couple thousand people still playing BFA just jumped on and reserved 3 names.
Don't take their shitposting to heart
Yeah I feel you, I did the same with wow. After playing for most of vanilla/tbc I ended up buying the expansions, leveling to cap and then quitting. After a while I came to terms with the fact I don't really enjoy it any more
Then this just boils down to a case of you not liking something, rather than it being an objectively bad decision to replay Classic.
Please user, Classic is rushed piece of shit.
That's the thing, if classic is wildly successful it says an awful lot about the direction of retail which has been hemorrhaging players anyway.
When you've been running the game in the wrong direction for over ten years and then this comes along and basically proves the modern devs and shareholders wrong, somebody has to answer for it.
I mispoke, it can certainly be used out of combat.
But it's primary use is for during combat as it has a 30 minute CD, as opposed to other classes ressurection spells which have no CD.
>you could die in your sleep right before Classic comes out
He means they only had Rebirth originally
The regular rez priest shaman and paladin had that could bring the group back after a wipe, Druid's didn't have at all.
It was really annoying when you got a healer on LFG and a druid showed up. Like ok guys be REALLY fucking careful not to wipe
No MMO gives me that sense of community and immersion anymore. Im sure Classic only will for a month or so. I don't think it'll last for anyone long term. I just kind of wait hoping some gem comes out that revitalizes the genre. Might take actual VR for that.
whatever its your time. waste it all you want because its not 04 anymore and nobody cares
vanilla rogue pvp seems pretty boring
Apparently a lot of people care. You're just denying reality and trying to impose your own tastes of what you find fun upon others. Your favorite hobby is worthwhile, but someone's hobby you personally dislike isn't. Thats illogical.
yeah nah fuck you
I haven't been following the development of Classic at all, what are the graphics gonna look like?
100% carbon copy of the OG classic models and animations and stuff? Absolutely NONE of the model updates and flashy new animations?
Don't get me wrong, Im nostalgic as fuck and I want that old WoW game world back, but... just a couple of the new graphix shit wouldn't hurt
You'll be able to get into a raid as pretty much any race/class/spec, except in a tank slot if you aren't a warrior. The only problem you might have is when it comes to loot. Some guilds will do DKP, and some will have loot council. Very few guilds, if any, are gonna have need/greed loot on current content, and since you'll likely not be contributing as much as other rogues, you'll be lower on the totem pole when your loot drops. If you aren't raiding for the loot (which you really shouldn't be), then you'll be fine. You'll likely have a harder time getting into dungeons though. less people means everyone has to carry their own weight, and with how time consuming dungeons are, a lot people won't wanna commit to a dungeon with someone purposely playing a much more inferior spec. If you have a good guild/friends, this won't be a problem either. play what you wanna. its a game. have fun
nah, did the grind to rank 10 on a pvp server back in the day and already felt burnt out
maybe if the pvp brackets are low i'll try to get a high rank, otherwise not
main priority this time is clearing entire AQ40 and Naxx without burning out
Original Kingdom Under Fire was better.
You clearly do.
MMO burnout is a real thing, I took a long break (3-ish years) once and I started enjoying myself once I got back into things
>vanilla rogue pvp seems pretty boring
>Apparently a lot of people care
since almost everyone is leveling 1-60 for a second time it wont feel/be the same. it wont be the same experience back in 04. the nostalgia will wear off and people will get bored (especially because of the grind)
fuck you too bitch, warcraft 3 was shit.
You're right, it'll be better than in 2004.
The same awesome game from my childhood except on a 144hz 1440p monitor running with far better graphics settings and a much nicer interface than originally? Yes please.
Retail would need a REAL Cataclysm to fix it. A Caverns of Time type event that rolls the story back to.... the end of Vanilla.
>y-yeah well nobody even cares
Embarrassing cope. Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time.
you literally have an entire week to do nothing but lift weights fat-ass, i mean, what are you gonna do during these 7 days, play other non fulfilling boring ass games, geez
who /rp/ here
Can we meme this so all these creatures go to the RP server?
With people in general chat spouting dank memes, discussing Fortnite, following their favorite streamers in huge roaming ganksquads, with everyone using and requiring tons of mods that replicate retail features, and everyone knows every inch of the world so theres no mystery or wonder.
You can upscale them and it looks really nice, look on YouTube for a classic wow and vanilla wow graphic comparision.
>got 2 ultra rare names on Herod
>Blizzard is making new servers
>no Ashbringer, no Morgaine, no Thunderfury, no Windrunner
Who is in charge of picking server names? Aren't they aware people want good names.
>omg its gonna be so hype getting my level 40 mount for the second time 15 years later
yea everything in vanilla feels washed now
Yes they're using no new models whatsoever
There are options to do some stuff like use newer water effects, sharper shadows, and add foliage but it kinda looks like shit
don't do that though. Just let it rot as the failure that it is and create a new MMO. Release a new raid on old retail every 8 months. It'll string enough people along to leave a server up. A few more micro transaction collectables to keep it floating, it'll guilt prisoners into paying for it.
It depends desu. For a psychologically fit person, losing weight is easy (they just eat less, sport more).
People who eat to get that good feeling, generally have a sort of underlying psychological problem. They need to fix whatever it is they are trying to flee from or accept whatever happened in the past. Then they can actually stop eating and chasing that high.
kill yourself wowfags
Best watch your mouth around these threads, boy.
Words like "quality of life" and "new" will get you lynched by the old boys. The perfect game and the perfect experience was already created, vanilla never needed any of that new stuff since it ruined everything
Me and all my friends are rolling RP US to RP assholes and ruin everyone elses good time
Do not
This. Pick better names if you want people to move servers.
Meanwhile chad will be eating pizza while putting tons of hour into the game
>With people in general chat spouting dank memes
>discussing Fortnite
in your dreams
>following their favorite streamers in huge roaming ganksquads,
not playing on streamer server
>with everyone using and requiring tons of mods that replicate retail features
I won't be so I don't care
>no mystery or wonder
I've never played classic :^)
anything else? cry more little babby
So what are you going to say to those people? That they're having fun wrong?
What about the day/night cycle?
Is the night time dark again??
Should have just had all the PvP servers be Scarlet Monestary names
something tells me you never even played vanilla...
stay strong stalagg bros we are almost there
Why the FUCK would anything change Retail's course? Classic keeps the boomers and old-timey players happy, and Retail is collectathon, MTX whale zoomer's paradise. With both versions of the game alive at once Blizzard has two playerbases subscribed.
>MMO burnout is a real thing
iktf, quit during tbc, came back 5 year later during WoD, but sadly realized WoW turned to shit
getting to 10-12 is incredibly easy, or was incredibly easy. only 14 is actually difficult.
t. orc lock
INV to the cavill layer PLS
Nice of you to try and deflect. Still waiting for an answer though.
You're a tiny subset of the population. It won't last as a result, and paying $15 a month for what will soon be a solo RPG isnt worthwhile.
Ench herb
which groups of people are going to which server? want to stay away from streamers and gays
>more and more servers keep needing to be launched
we just cant stop winning can we bros?
jesus fucking christ what a disgusting combo
enjoy your game bro. nobody cares. its not gonna be the main game. its not gonna get the same support it got 15 years ago. you missed out. most players who already put thousands of hours into the game will probably not being doing it all over again.
>improving the current game
is literally impossible you retard. it has a userbase that wants completely different things to what everyone playing classic wants. they want a daily quest semi job piece of shit they're obligated to log into to do small short tasks for a long time. nobody with a brain wants that, it's essentially the same as a fucking mobile game.
classic players want an mmo that they can sit down and get into doing some shit for a few hours and finish 1 fucking dungeon in that time, where they can not log in for a few days and miss nothing at all because there's no daily skinner box shit manipulating you into playing
they also want a game without entirely butchered fucking lore, where they just exist in the world instead of being champion of the fucking earth in some convoluted bullshit that pales compared to the origins of the setting
What exploits will you be using bros
new animation all look like absolute shit same goes for the models just saying.
Still waiting for that answer.
>streamers and gays
Just don't even bother playing Classic. You can't avoid both those groups.
if you pick anything other than engineering you're objectively cucking and handicapping yourself
however alchemy is also a based profession that's always relevant and it's comfy as fuck making your own pots and flasks.
admittedly rogue pvp is pretty boring most of the time but at least it gets interesting in arenas
there is nothing exciting about getting guaranteed kills opening on random retards from stealth or getting caught out and not actually being able to vanish because you don't even have cloak of shadows
but why? why not bloodsail? i plan on getting the hat and everything.
Are Druids based?
ive already answered that a lot its literally what we're talking about right now
i think its fucking stupid if you've already played it and put time in
>Retail continues to be MOUNTSPETSCHEEVOS
>Classic doesn't affect retail's development, instead of going through TBC, WotLK, etc it instead becomes its own thing in Classic+
This is ok too just as long as nuBlizzard doesn't fuck it up. But they and their Activision overlords will.
No, it really is that easy. I've lost 50-100 pounds all the time. My weight is a rollercoaster and it's 100% my fault, but at least I can lose it.
that guy played wow?
>not going for 1v2, 1v3 plays
you've been playing rogue wrong
So your argument is literally just you're having fun wrong. Nice.
>>omg its gonna be so hype getting my level 40 mount for the second time 15 years later
as opposed to what? grinding for yet another flying training? grinding for some cosmetic piece of shit that doesn't matter cause everyone gets it any way, or just buying your shit from the mtx mount store? lmao fuck off retard
classic is zoomer central
Yeah. I found out that I was playing with him in Cataclysm. I don't remember the server but I was in a guild called Lords of War at the time.
bingo, ideally engi, nice to have alchemy
sucks you gotta get tailoring first as priest to get truefaith vestments
>fuck baby foxes
You sick bastard
>not going engineering
>not picking an optimal class/race combo
>still going to dab on shitters with nothing but PURE SKILL
That's fuckin hilarious. I hope he comes back.
I’m thinking about purchasing it when it comes out but I’ve never actually played. Its always looked interesting. Where should I start grinding and such?
fuck engineering i will ALWAYS choose alchemy/herbalism
de truth is you want keep playing games and not b sirus about the sitashion you in. you need lose tirty pound in one munt with low carb high protein diet before you get de weight loss surgy
you've never hiked user stop pretending lmao let people play their game and have fun
Is Fury tanking without a shield real or just some gimmick in classic?
Fellow gnome warriors where are you at?
So, who are we blaming after all servers are ghost towns and the game dies in a month from now? Blizzard? Zoomers? Tranny? Ion?
so why don't they just start locking all the full servers?
it's not remotely real, only private server retards will tell you it is, your healers have other shit to do than spam the shit out of you all at once because you can't take a single fucking hit. they have other cunts to heal, maintain their mana regen and shit. no healers are gonna put up with your shit
i've lost over 100 pounds before, and i don't know what to tell people other than to just eat less. eventually you start to feel good from the fact that you're doing something right, and that feeling gets addicting. like working out.
Here, brother!
Because Classic has hemorrhaged players beyond belief and Blizzard could make more money by diverting resources away from Retail to deliver on unfinished content planned for Vanilla, like an Emerald Dream raid/ questing zone and the original Uldum raid from before they expanded those plans in Cataclysm for a zone.
you'll put most of your points into fury, but you're still gonna want a shield. fact of the matter is that deep prot talents just aren't that useful, and the threat generation from fury is more important.
it's only a meta that exists lately on private servers
if i catch you not wearing a shield and mitigation gear while you are tanking twin emperors, i will whisper you that you are a faggot when you inevitably die
>Because Classic has hemorrhaged players
Retail, not Classic. Misspoke.
So if Prot Warriors are THE only tanks, whats the point of Protection Paladin?
>Watch vanilla raiding clips because everyone says its so deep and difficult
>Raid bosses dying in like 2-3 minutes and almost no mechanics at all
Was it all just gear checks back then?
Classic is Retail now, dumbass.
good gathering add-ons?
Thats an exaggeration. Druid can tank all the same content, albeit maybe not AS well.
If you can't carve out a lot of time to play a game why are you trying to play an MMO?
Furor and Tigole fucking hated paladins, so gutted the class.
There isn't really a point to protection other then some skills in some builds. Most of the time you'll be healing as paladin.
dude stop lmao
becoming tanks when Blizzard bothered to give them a taunt
>So if Prot Warriors are THE only tanks, whats the point of Protection Paladin?
Controversial opinion. Post phase 6 content should make non-warrior tanks "viable." But until then, all of the other "Tanking" classes deserve to be cucked.
Yup, and the gearchecks took a while to get past due to how little loot each boss dropped
If by that you mean Classic overtook Retail's relevance and ate its entire lunch, yes, you're right.
>whats the point of Protection Paladin?
There isn't one, except for solo aoe farming or some shit maybe, they can't do jack shit else
aren't feral druids viable right off the bat? talents and spells will be the same throughout classic, so druids get that 1.12 360% extra value from armor instead of the original 150%.
druchads already tank several naxx bosses
>Furor and Tigole fucking hated paladins
For mechanical reasons or do they hate Lawfags?
It was a can you show up and press 111111111-check.
You HAVE to be AT LEAST 18 years of age to post here.
WoWfags were the Fortnitefags of their generation
Whenever we were stuck during progression back in the day, I always thought ''next week we will be better geared and kill this boss''.
So yeah, vanilla was pretty much a big gear check.
Yeah, but good luck pushing and nudging yourself into a guild that is going to be able to cover that content
Tauren Hunter, bro
>Was it all just gear checks back then?
No? It was retard checks. You have 40 people to manage, at least 2/3rds of them need to not be fucking up and doing the right shit or you lose. It doesn't need a fancy dumb mechanic for that to be the case, simply lucifron being a decurse fight does it. Or fights requiring hunters to rotate tranq shots or you lose.
The mechanics slowly increased as the raids went on, had to do your dance in naxx, twin emps, yadda yadda. The fights were still more fun than modern wows retarded attempts at shoving lots of small mechanics into fights. Don't stand in the fire or don't stand in the 63 different fires at different times is the exact fucking same thing just dressed differently.
>dad was a huge fan of vanilla
>he was horrible at the game but still played a lot
>managed to level a warrior to 60
>he sounded exited that classic was about to be released a few months back
>his alzheimers is getting really bad
>not sure if he will be able to enjoy the game at all
You wipe for weeks just to get to that point though, its like watching an olympic swimmer do a lap in seconds and thinking "wow that didnt take long at all, how easy".
Shouldnt the difficulty of game content be based around numerous difficult to complete mechanics rather than gear?
So what should I roll?
Shaman, Paladin, or just go fuck it and go Rogue?
That sucks user, I hope you get him to play it though, i'm 100% sure he'll enjoy it some of the time and remember a bunch of stuff
Do you think he remembers layering?
>The fights were still more fun than modern wows retarded attempts at shoving lots of small mechanics into fights. Don't stand in the fire or don't stand in the 63 different fires at different times is the exact fucking same thing just dressed differently.
the amount of nostalgiafag coping here is off the charts
Yes, we know. The boomers and the zoomers. That's the meme right?
go rogue, boy
holy shit lmao
Maybe you should play a game before you judge how difficult it is
I am so fucking sorry. I would rather have cancer than this shit.
I'm stuck between shaman and druid.
Make a rogue for the shit's and giggles.
Might be hard to believe but old school MMO raids used be more than just attacking a big boss with a lot of health for 40 minutes straight
do not make a rogue, we're full
I came back for legion for a few months, the raids sucked donkey dick and weren't remotely as enjoyable as vanilla raids, nor were they any more difficult to participate in. Keep fooling yourself lad
>Son ... what is this soda layer? Why can't I see you? *cough*
That's still Fortnite and whatever is big in Chinksectland right now
>trust me
>You have 40 people to manage, at least 2/3rds of them need to not be fucking up and doing the right shit or you lose
Are you shitting me, zoomer? Molten Core could be done with 10 (TEN) competent people, and the number is only this high because of the volume of curse dispelling that needed to be done on Flamewaker boss fights.
Confirmed for dopamine burnt nostalgiafags craving their kiddy memories
>Modern wows retarded attempts
I stopped playing in MoP and hate both modern and classic wow. The one thing modern wow does right is the raids.They are huge, challenging and require you find 9-24 other competent and good players to work with. There is a reason guilds require fucking resumes to join them.
you must be a fatass. taking a shit shouldn't take any more than 3 minutes.
inv to the swifty layer
Do you need to mop a floor before you know if mopping a floor is difficult? After you watch someone do it?
>Molten Core could be done with 10 (TEN) competent people,
You can spout all the bullshit you want buddy, but being as I was there and played it when it was first released, I'll be going off of my experience rather than your made up nonsense. No group of 10 people could carry 30 complete incompetent retards not remotely doing their job in mc. Simply wasn't clearable like that. Maybe if your 10 competents were decked out in fucking end of aq and naxx gear, otherwise lol no
This dude never got past Razorgore
>having fun
nice meme kid
How are fights with less mechanics more fun? You're just standing there pressing 1-2 buttons and hoping you're geared enough this week.
>1-2 buttons
This is a Classic WoW thread not Modern WoW.
I'm honestly just putting time into it because I hope for TBC servers in the future. I played on Nostalrius/Elysium/Light's Hope to death and am very burnt out, I will probably just take my time to 60 and call it there. Hopefully, one day...
>person X say raiding was babysitting 40 retards and gearing them
>call him a zoomer
>"you could 10 men molten core XDD"
Nobody did this back then you faggot.Raiding was non ironically to guide 20-30 retards and a few competent people.
Gear check and spend 100 hours grinding enchanting mats
>The same shitters that complain that they can't get into mythic+ groups because of raider.io are the same people "excited" for classic.
This guy gets it
2005 is dead and buried and we know it, we just want a decent mmo
>They are huge, challenging and require you find 9-24 other competent and good players to work with
Not a single one of them is the same size or length as an old raid m8. A 10 man fight isn't even a raid, it's just a glorified dungeon, and they're not remotely close to as challenging as cunts make them out to be. Nobody needs gaylord resumes. That idiocy is for world first chasing nonsense, a vast swathe of the playerbase complete the raids just fine in time, and the average player in retail wow is less competent than ever currently
Classic barely had more rotational buttons. It just had more obscure buttons you press every 10/30/60 minutes.
The addon author is already working on a version for classic. Poor shitters can't escape raider.io I guess
Would you roll with him?
inb4 addon is broken by Blizzard
rolling with a 3 man group back in the day
every once in awhile one of these guys would whisper for tank and would just say fuck it and invite them
pretty sure it worked out most of the time
we erp all the time
This dude has sex
Reminder that he played a chad holy paladin.
It was real on private servers, but on classic servers parry rate is 11% higher than what pserver babs are used to so DW tanking will get you killed
>oh no it's not fun unless i have to move every 6th of a second to get out of a different coloured fire, how dare fights just be about staying alive and keeping your team alive, it has to be some twitch fps tier garbage
bro, dunno if you ever actually played mmos, but most of the hardest boss fights in mmos and most notorious, renowned and well remembered fights are all shit that didn't have any of your idiotic shit. half of them were fights that took hours and hours on end. nobody gives a shit about half assedly side stepping some coloured circle on the ground, that does nothing to make a fight better
>It just had more obscure buttons you press every 10/30/60 minutes.
oh no, you had to make A DECISION. shit. can't have that, gotta just flash a button on your bar every 10 seconds so you know to hit it and can feel like you're somehow more involved despite doing absolutely nothing different.
I literally don't know celebrities.
Is that Phil from modern family?
If so, fuck yes.
wait wtf? he plays? fuck now its gonna make all the nerds feel better about themselves
How much did Blizz pay him for that plug?
He played Superman in the recent DC films and is playing Geralt in the Witcher series.
Theres nothing badass about a multi hour damage sponge. Absolute Virtue in FFXI was notorious, but it wasn't a good or fun fight.
Bro you just posted cringe
>Every plug is a shill post
Unlike other MMO's people actually LIKE Classic WoW Yea Forumstard
Wrath up until Ulduar? One could argue with it, but even by then they had already dumbed down the game absurdly. It's when the game started to feel more like a third person hack n slash than an actual MMO experience. Was still great and Northrend was fucking comfy and based.
Wrath after ToC? Absolutely not, even though ICC was kind of fun. And the ''Wrath had more subs'' argument is invalid, TBC had more subs during the SWP patch.
>Absolute Virtue in FFXI was notorious, but it wasn't a good or fun fight.
Coming from someone who very obviously never participated in fighting it. Everyone who fought these things and had a social experience and fun is wrong, you who never did are right, guess all we need is more fire to not stand in and the fights just get much better.
That's where your money is going, retailCUKC. Paying famous actor Henry Cavill to plug Classic, instead of adding tier sets to BFA.
Oh, he looked like phil in the thumbnail.
where is this picture from? link
>exposing yourself as a wrath baby
Wotlk was the end of WoW and casualized the game to a massive extreme.
>but most of the hardest boss fights in mmos and most notorious, renowned and well remembered fights are all shit that didn't have any of your idiotic shit.
It's hard to remember the boss fights when all I'm concerned about is if my personal loot will drop and titanforge.
He's a real wow player. He said in a interview once he missed out on a casting call because he was in a dungeon and couldn't really afk
Enjoy playing with Nekrage.
>classic has me interested in that fucking game again
>find out lightshope is doing new private server
>level paladin to 60, fuck around in dungeons
>have lots of fun
And I'm satisfied, don't have to fuck around with classic now.
There was a strange sense of community. The same rogue that ganked you at level 15 in ashenvale may do it again months later at level 40 in tanaris. You had to actually quest in the world, no afking in the city waiting for your dungeon to pop. This means you made friends with random ass players that you just quested with for no other reason. Dynamic interactions basically made up EVERY interaction. If you were a dick that sabotaged a dungeon run or ninja'd some gear people would right your name down and essentially blacklist you. Occasionally some party members would say "kick DildoWeed420 he ninjas gear" because that person played with them before.
Mounts were actually expensive. Not everyone just got one at level 40, and not every level 60 had an elite mount. Hunters had to carry ammunition, you leveled up weapon skills, tons of class specific quests. It was generally more immersive than what wow became.
You may find yourself in a BG with the same priest that pocket healed for you yesterday. He waves, you both dance, and he follows you again. Rivalries existed in BGs. You always fight the same damn UD warrior, and he remembers you and you both deliberately seek each other out. Sometimes even other players would recognize the two of you going at it and not interfere.
It's sad. The game became easier and more streamlined, but lost a lot of soul on the way.
You're a lost cause. I doubt you even believe what you're saying.
>e he missed out on a casting call because he was in a dungeon and couldn't really afk
what a retard
LFG tool killed all the good players who would do this.
>He doesnt think Blizzard is going to double down on cracking down on pservers during this era
What happens in one week?
>why yes I play classic WoW as a human rogue, how did you know?
Make sure you rotate your passwords. I heard Light's Hope was compromised by their admins and they intend to test all of their email/password combos for retail.
He played a healer, though.
Possible the most successful relaunch of an old game. OSRS is already successful with 100k concurrent players constantly. I tihnk Classic can pull 500k concurrent easily.
We go Home(tm)..
Some no name game called World of Warcraft: Classic is being released after 15 years of hype.
>Nerds will unironically think henry "embodiement of chad" cavill will spend hours and hours playing classic like they will
he'll play 1 hour max a week, rest of the time he's too busy fucking models and teenagers.
OSRS stays successful because they add new content to it. Classic players have adamantly said no changes.
They're letting you transfer your 60 to a TBC server when classic releases and they shut down so you can experience kino outlands and do some comfy kara.
>he'll play 1 hour max a week, rest of the time he's too busy fucking models and teenagers
Are you telling me you can't fap and play an MMO at the same time?
>Not a single one of them is the same size or length as an old raid m8
Flat out wrong. I didn't play much of nu-nu wow, but Siege of Org was fucking massive. Throne of Thunder as well. Firelands was about the size of MC, but the first tier of cata was large given it was split between three raids.
If you count ICC/Ulduar as new, they were also huge. I haven't played Wod/Legion/BFA, but I never see any complaining about the raids.
>swathe of the playerbase complete the raids
uh, no. The amount of players that clear a heroic ( I guess Mythic now ) raid was absurdly low. Something like less then 1% of total raiders. Most can't even start the hard mode because they are too hard.
>10 man fight isn't even a raid, it's just a glorified dungeon.
Totally bro, personally anything less then 40 players isn't a raid.
OSRS started with a large no changes crowd as well.
Actors aren't as busy as you think, he could easily play for 4-5 hours, do his mandatory chad workout, and maybe do interviews/tv appearances every now and then
He can also afford drugs and other shit to keep him going.
now I want a Wojack of Omar vacuuming Hazzikostas into his ass
drawfags pls
I hope the game fails so they start adding shit like dual spec in so I can play a shadow/holy PRIEST GODDAMMIT I DON'T WANT TO BE STUCK IN ONE TREE FUCK
buying chinese gold so I can cover the constant respec costs? I actually might.
>The amount of players that clear a heroic ( I guess Mythic now ) raid was absurdly low.
What's the point of trying to actually clear a Mythic Raid when the rewards are utterly ass compared to other methods of obtaining gear? Just wait a month or two for the obligatory catch up mechanic that nullifies all your hard work for the "casual" core audience. Raider's just caught on to what Blizzard was trying to pull hence the lack of Mythic clears.
Don't fall for that meme, someone like cavill is not going to be wasting his time on a game for multiple hours a day/week, acting/training/fucking/living life/etc, there's a hundred other things he could do and will do. I don't really care what happens but i just know that will make all wow nerds think it's acceptable that they're wasting their life away just because one celebrity acknowledged the game.
i'm against any kind of change. literally all of them, but if i could pick one feature from later xpacs it would be this, respeccing is retarded.
I'm not even playing it still. The itch has been scratched.
Yeah I used a unique password and trash email.