Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post >Keep it vidya >The character(s) must be of vidya origin >Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests! >No bumping your requests >If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. >No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters. >Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported. >Please bump if the thread reaches page 10 >Have fun
Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup) Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Requesting a Neptunia Maker based on Platinum Games or Clover Studio. If you need inspiration or more info on how Makers look, check this album:
Requesting Ms. Fortune from Skullgirls sneezing, landing in that blond guy's hand in the background and she teasingly flirts with him after using a cheesy cat pun. Bonus if her body is just provocatively stretching in the background and he actually considers her offer instead of just freaking out at a talking head.
Requesting Hat Kid smugly grinning with the fiery wreckage of a cruise ship in the background and possibly the cruise captain staring dead panned off into the distance.
need a drawfag with humor to help me come up with a "Virgin FPS vs The Chad Shooter" with The Chad playing Ion Fury or if you're ballsy: the chad version of her character. The virgin should be playing.... What's the most tired, overdone FPS this year? I really don't know I don't pay attention to modern trash.
Requesting Palutena wearing a sexy or skimpy school uniform, plus glasses and twintails, being flirty and sucking a lollipop lewdly. Or alternatively: /ss/ in the classroom.
To be fair it didn't start out bad, but it's clear the show has no long-term goal at all and did everything it wanted to do already. It's just on "gotta keep it going" mode now.
People like you are why I hate Yea Forums. Maybe you really like BnH but fuck off I'm not reading every manga that exists for a show I've seen. Especially when 90% of the time the anime is a shot for shot recreation. I don't have that much free time, damn.
Ryder Fisher
Requesting Mirabell Bell in the traditional Taimanin Asagi ninja suit
Anchoring this since someone claimed he's on it and the archive is having problems:
Requesting artwork of Edelgard in her dancer garb. Even better when she doesn't seem too bothered, if not slightly into it. (she's not supposed to hold that axe, unless you insist on somehow incorporating it)
Can't believe these casuals haven't read the lastest chapters, it was incredible how that tentacle quirk guy raped ochako until she was broken, gotta admit the quality was top notch though, I wonder how did they let hori get away with it
>I don't have that much free time Im fine with you liking anime more but this is the most retarded excuse I have ever heard, reading manga is way faster than watching an anime
Noah Moore
I'm still working on it, I'd like to say it'll be done by the end of the thread but I'm one of the slower drawfags
Isaac Collins
Good to know. Didn't mean to rush, feel free to take your time, I just wanted the request to be there since the archive is down right now
Requesting this scene with Alice (role as Chris-chan) and Patchouli (role as Chris-chan's dad) from Touhou. The background is the library in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.
Requesting Madeline from Celeste going on a blind date with the hero from Dungeons of Dredmor with the latter going on about how great he is and Madeline just in awe at how big his eyebrows are compared to hers.
It's simple, everyone draws Aigis. If you want to make her a bimbo or emoji or some other weird thing, that's up to you as long as it's still sfw and recognizable as Aigis
Joshua Evans
Honestly sounds fun to me, should we do a background for this or just something else?
Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.
Requesting Cassandra footjob in this outfit. I'm also fine with anything else lewd as long as she has nice legs and pretty feet, but desu being specific about that feels even more autistic than just straight up asking for a footjob picture
The Devilsaur leather mafia in Un'Goro giving a player trying to farm it for their set an offer they can't refuse (ie threatening them). Probably with a gnome in a don kinda suit with a few goons next to him.
Logan Bell
Weren't interested in this one?
Luke Wilson
Would anyone actually do it, though?
Tyler Kelly
Hey everyone! Aigis is upon us, and the Aigis Collab is here! Not sure if we should have a background or how we want to go about putting them together yet, so feel free to throw out idea's!
To keep it interesting, instead of just normal Aigis feel free to draw any kind of Aigis, make her a bimbo or emoji or some other weird thing, that's up to you as long as it's still sfw and recognizable as Aigis and Be Creative!
Also if you can please make sure to have your submissions have a transparent background, if you need help on doing so then ask.
having some kind of testicular injury that exposes them as a man. They lied about everything about themselves so why not lying about even being a girl.
I would, it sounds like dumb meme fun, not sure about others
Matthew Gomez
Charles Russell
Not uglier than a bimbo aigis
Caleb Adams
Every drawfag will eventually have to do an aigis request it seems like, this one may as well be mine. I'll get setup user.
Ryder Perez
Ok, true.
Christian Long
Wow finally more aigis meme shit, we really needed a "collab" for this
Aiden Green
>Every drawfag will eventually have to do an aigis request Speak for yourself.
Elijah Johnson
Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile
>feel free to draw any kind of Aigis, make her a bimbo or emoji or some other weird thing How very specific Maybe I should turn my requests into "collabs" now aswell
Requesting Elizabeth B. from pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm (here a gameplay ) pulling up her skirt to show her striped panties like pic related please. That or she just eating a bag of Cheetos Puffs.
I didnt do shit Do your meme crap if you have to but dont enable this dude whos repeatedly been requesting his really specific memefetish and now decided to make a "collab" out of it
Christopher Baker
Requesting an embarrassed Layer asking Zero for his autograph and passing out. Then revealing he signed her boob plate for her since she forgot to bring him something to sign.
I would like to request the Rider-class Walküre enemy from Fate/Grand Order (upper left) looking cute with her hood down For under her hood, it appears like she has the same short hair as Ortlinde, the black-haired Valkyrie sister, also from FGO So essentially she’s Ortlinde with blonde hair (and blonde headwings), with all silver and white on her armor
I'd draw for these threads if it wasn't for all the casual transphobia. You all must realize many of the artists are trans and don't like to hear such pessimistic things about our lifestyle.
Kevin Allen
But it's good! I would love to see a finished version
Angel Ross
Obvious b8 is obvious
Daniel Nguyen
Requesting open mind based artists: Anyone willing to draw any of these cute scenes but with Morrigan Aensland and this girl please? Thank you.
Honestly I'm fine with anything as long as its not ironic smash shit. For example -Leaning against the Blue Falcon arms crossed, looking at the night sky of the Red Canyon -Leaning on a railing and looking over the skyline of Port Town (like in the old game-cover) -Sitting at the counter of a futuristic bar in port town and having a drink
Though I'm honestly fine with anything as long as it captures his actual F-Zero persona
Jesus fucking Christ can you faggots just fuck off
Oliver Richardson
Ignore it
Hudson Hernandez
I'm sorry anons, I was actually about to do one of those requests, please forgive me.
Dylan Thomas
Requesting Cortex sitting in an armchair and watching TV as Tigger appears on screen with a speech-bubble that says >"Hey! You still don't have a Sega CD? What are you waiting for, Nintendo to make one? You have seen the games, right?"
A 3d modeler, google and some art books. For porn xvideos.
Easton Ward
If it’s me I wasn’t tracing it was a reference dude I knew what I was doing I fucking swear
Eli Murphy
Hunter Cooper
I hate her but pretty good drawing
Leo Ramirez
Very nice tiddies
Camden Nguyen
I don't follow these threads (only need them to check up on the latest lewd materials every other week) But i wonder, how often does deliveries actually happen? Almost every OP is a new image i haven't seen in the catalogue before, yet the very few times i browse i see like 200 requests and like 5 giving it to them, and a couple more at /i/. Anyway mad respect to the artists and trainees. Why isn't there a collective booru anyway? Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /jp/ has their own separate but mostly dead boorus which is pointless.
Angel Morris
Usually a couple deliveries per thread
Blake Howard
My thoughts exactly but good for OR lmao
Joshua Campbell
Two to thirty drawings per thread, like ten average.
Any chance that you draw an aged-up version of this character please?
Jason Bell
[vulture noises in German]
Jayden Powell
Who is it?
Asher Price
Nice tits bigger
Aaron Hall
Please off yourself nazifag
Jose Cook
it's a Yea Forums character that he's obsessed with enough to ban evade and request on Yea Forums
Jacob Perry
A posted that's permabanned from Yea Forums so he posts his offtopic requests here, gets temp banned, and evades the ban like right now.
Jonathan Robinson
Requesting an employee from Lobotomy Corporation working with Laetitia commenting about how silly her eyes work and later come out of the containment with similar crossed eyes and her hat as an EGO gift.
I wish I had more time to draw, I wanted to draw her too. Can someone request her more in the near future, thanks.
Ayden Gray
Is my waifu.
Also: Ignore: and another replies related. Is just Policefag shitting as usual. Just see he does the same with Aeagis request. Just a heads up, you should avoid Policefag: he is well know for making up lies about a request so artists won't draw for that request. This dude is super obnoxious and the biggest blemish on the drawthread. He even does the same at another drawthreads.
Also: If you don't want draw her aged-up, how about she just dressed as a nurse like pic related? Best wishes.
Yeah, since you're drawing FE girls with tig ol biddies, how about drawing some Shamir with really huge fucking anime tiddies, like what you just drew or maybe bigger.
>tripfag upset that cornelia got a delivery and wants to spam a new image forever while promoting polygamy and demanding french people kill themselves Put the trip back on, please. We both know you take it off because you know everyone hates you.
Hmmm. Yeah, I'm thinking it's another reason to not draw in the drawthread for him. I know you're reading this, so if you want "free" art, feel free to go try and scam artists for it like you usually do. You're not welcome here.
Nolan Barnes
>cant do anything about archived posts and spams his boogeyman macro I think we're done here.
Good night kujalla, you should draw what you want when you wake up
Kevin Flores
>aren't big breasts a bit overrated Blasphemy. I love big tits, but if that's not your thing then that's cool too. I just remember you drew some Kiria for me a while ago and thought it'd be cool to see you draw Shamir, since I've seen a fair amount of people compare the two and call them similar.
Good night my dude.
Austin Rogers
Requesting cute and silly adventures with Hoppou, her younger sister and Submarine New Hime, it can be anything but my suggestion is those three playing in a fortress made out of cardboard boxes or just enjoying some delicious ice cream.
>thought it'd be cool to see you draw Shamir, since I've seen a fair amount of people compare the two and call them similar. Nobody has. You just want to spam a character while using your tripcode.
>I want this doubly bad now that they are going to fuck the game up. Nothing is going to happen to the game just because of resetera deliberately making artificial outrage over out of context discord posts you drama queen. I know Yea Forums loves its artificial drama just as much but try to show a little restraint.
Elijah Scott
Requesting Zombie Maid to wear a more Jiangshi themed Maid uniform.
Requesting concept sketches of a (hypothetical) feral catgirl mod for Ion Fury. >Shelly naked with cat ears and tail >no weapons or armor >very high jump >night vision eyes >clawing/biting/pouncing melee attacks >eats enemy flesh for health instead of medkits >all her voice lines replaced with feral growls
>not fine >not fine >not fine >not fine Only retards draws these here
Gabriel Ramirez
I don't really consider myself one though.
Brody Bennett
Drawing (1) younger girl and (1) older girl, what's somthing innocent they can do close together that will make the younger girl flustered? Dont respond to me nazi fag
Lincoln Richardson
Brody Stewart
Older kissing his BF? All kids get always grossed by that
Colton Adams
>It's not even a part of the body, it is the furthest thing from erotic you freak. Good job at describing exactly what a fetish is
Blake Price
Why do vidya drawthreads have so many disgusting fetish requests Yea Forums drawthreads seem to have comparatively few of them
What a thread devoid of discussion. Maybe that obnoxious faggy sperm brain shitposting actually had a point. This could have been a good thread, but instead is full of retards forcin headanon and snowflake fetishes
Nathaniel Butler
everyone enjoys the attention it gives
Alexander Stewart
What are you looking for? Cute? Lewd? Wholesome? I'll throw a few ideas.
Sewing a ripped plush. Pretending to fly on a broom. Tea Party with evil looking stuffed animal toys. Rope bondage.
Consider the beauty of Celestia Ludenberg losing at strip poker. Trembling and holding back tears as she removes her lacy black panties, knowing that she's lost not just her dignity, but her pride as the Ultimate High School Level Gambler.
That is my dream, user. It can be yours too. Help me fulfill my quest.
thx sure how many times do i have to say i don't have a problem with it, i just didn't feel like doing it for a while it's not something i focus on i made some before already you know sorry i already have a waifu
sure go ahead i'd be more interested in him drawing it himself tho it was during the tumblr apocalypse, i'm still angry but people are dumb what can you do