How are people hyped for this game? It’s literally a walking simulator.
Death Stranding
And it will be better than almost every game this year
>not even denying it
>It’s literally a walking simulator.
Yes, and?
very low standards for a hack dev
it's a walking sim, and this is amazing
I'm disappointed. And I bet Sony is disappointed too expecting another MGS3 classic but instead getting a glorified indie title.
I was cautiosly excited after the last trailer
But this has killed everything for me. It looks truly dogshit. Truly, literally mmo quests. Go here, collect this, deliver it to this shithead
This game is literally the best pleb filter in this generation
Have you not been paying attention? Theyve been prepping this "comeback" narrative for Kojima for nearly 5 years. Its fucking hilarious how even Kojima partakes in what he warned us about in MGS2.
Kojima's biggest mistake is thinking anyone gives a shit about his celebrity obsession. So fucking tone deaf.
>open-world collectathon side quest game
>Pleb filter
>Hasn't even played the game yet still claims it's a pleb filter
Kojidrones out here jacking their cocks off
UH there was pissing as well mate
Looks neat
I bet you're one of those people that think TLoU is the best game ever made
It doesnt matter, zoomers see iconic name and buy it. Dorito pope also shills the game every chance he gets
>no metal gear announcement
>death stranding doesn't look very good
I'm convinced Kojima fans are some kind of cult. There's no other explanation for how people could be excited for this nonsense.
dare you enter my magical realm?
Most of the games I play have people walking around. You could say I'm kind of a fan.
These celebrities of his are boomer-core though.
Literally the same open world garbage
Not the best game ever made, but it was the best game of that year
>It’s literally a walking simulator.
That's why I'm hyped, something fucking different
It's not a walking simulator you literal retards
It's a Delivery simulator.
Sony fanboys will play literally anything if it's exclusive
go play tetris idiot
What "iconic names" does the game have? People watch Del Toro movies for his movies, not his acting. Mads Mikkelsen's show Hannibal got cancelled thanks to tanking ratings. What celebrity in this game can sell the game on their name alone?
Yeah but you haven't played it either. Are you this un-self aware?
>death stranding, home of challenge pissing!
otherwise being a mailman could be fun
>B listers known for zoomer hits like Casino Royale/Hannibal, Pan's Labyrinth/Shape of Water, and the zommiest show on Earth; TWD
He even mocapped Refn, the zoomer autist director responsible for zmDrive
Zoomers absolutely seething.
Quick boys, show him your resolve, piss on him to get the mushrooms!
wrong it's a sleep and piss simulator
Well, i wouldnt call it a walking simulator, not too much gameplay shown to decide it yet
But its not exclusive
just buy No Man Sky. It's only like 10 bucks.
more like
>where's the game
>waaah why isn't more shooting in trailers waaah
I fucking hate this place.
>it's bad so it's pleb filter
stop pushing this meme
I meant Kojima as the iconic name, should've specified, but real actors have always been a selling point in vidya.
Honestly how many people even know who the fuck Refn is? He's not a George Lucas level celebrity
>can pee
>can sit down
>can wave
>rock the baby
>can build ladders
>can run
wow so much gameplay
>walking simulator
go back to the office boomer video games are more than jumping and shooting now
Fuck yeah. It's about time we started admitting it. I love walking sims. Playing videogames was never about anything else for me. Just the walking.
Can we pee on geoff or what?
bu bu bu bu but Yea Forums told me all you do is walk!!!!
I hope no one was seriously expecting Joost to appear on it.
I love action games. Loved them all my life, they're what I play the most. But this game just looks neat and comfy plus there is both melee and shooting combat. I'm hyped.
>can run
>can crouch
>can jump
>can shoot
wow so much gameplay
>kojimadrone can only talk in broken fragments of memes
Doom Eternal will slaughter this game.
Lets see what he shows on Tokyo gameshow
am I the only one who thinks it's gonna be fucking great?
Im glad that people are put off by it. Stay away. The worst thing metal gear ever did was get too popular.
>All this salt already
I cannot fucking wait for this game and see Yea Forums going on a meltdown, it will be Bloodborne all over again
Did anyone expected this to be good when most of their budget went into the actors?
Looks like an openworld with missions and surviving with a crazy story to me.
I am sorry you are retarded
user these people don't like games that aren't pointing and shooting at 99 other players with your mouse
Konami must be laughing their ass off right now while sony is shitting bricks.
Why do you think that?
It's been 5 fucking years and the best he can do is try to get people excited with celeb cameos this is it
Gaming is hard. I don't fucking like having to learn mechanics, for every new game that comes along. And I don't have time to restart over and over again everytime I fuck up. I just want to play a game where I don't have to put in much effort. So walking sims are perfect for me, as they let me play a game, see everything there is to see, and enjoy it without having to do anything. Thanks Kojima.
>dualshock features
Yep, its a ps exclusive. Suck it.
those types of inputs usually mean interactions with the enemy or platofrming meaning there's an actual challange, thats actual gameplay.
Walking aroud with a fucking baby and pissing is literally nothing.
go play the SIMS faggot
friendly reminder that Yea Forums is always wrong
>It’s literally a walking simulator.
it's okay when nintendo, rockstar, cdpr and bethesda do it.
no i'm hype
i do wish kojima would stop pretending to be like this wizard who's going to invent a new genre of gaming though, i wanna just play a cool horror stealth game about bb's
There's plenty of games like Pathologic which really aren't great mechanically or fun but are still interesting experiences. But what on earth is going on where Death Stranding had a ton of money sunken into it and all they had to show off was walking around, pissing mechanics, and that baby shaking minigame from Yakuza 6? How'd the guy go from working on MGS, P.T, and zone of the enders to this? Especially since the gameplay reveal has been delayed to TGS?
with this state of mind every game where you play living forms with legs is a walking simulator
>kojima spends millions of dollars on a walking simulator where you collect berries and piss behind an iron curtain of both his and sony fanboys defending it to the death
THIS is the true ruse cruise
>Botw showed hours of gameplay
>Kojumbo showed minutes of it with most of it being a Cutscene
No gameplay until Tokyo Game Show they said.
Here's a sneak peak!
Titties and pee pee.
I'm intrigued wtf is this game lol
You sound really dumb
at least botw had good physics
Death Stranding gameplay (2019)
Kojimbo is dumb. He need to show epic shooting for american audience and Yea Forums kids
choose one.
i know right, literally a walking simulator, whens gta6 coming out?????
did u rike it....geoff?
I agree, I roll my eyes whenever Kojima talks about making a new type of game
Why would a Bunker Guy join the United Cities of America?
i think user is incinuating that if you think it looks shit youre a mong.
What the fuck is even the appeal of this? Walking around in an empty open world? The story? Your favorite Kikewood actors?
shit bait but made me respond
I guarantee this will be the next BotW or nu-GoW on here, a game thats good but Yea Forums will endlessly cry about
Not every game needs a shitty shoe-horned in combat system
>Imagine the amount of drugs that you have to intake to think up Death Stranding.
>Kojima actually got that high
>there will be lots of cameos
Yongyea in the game. Screencap this.
>there's more stuff on the way!
>he didn't show everything!
Yeah, that doesn't make the trailer any more interesting.
Nope. It's a lot of newfags first Kojima release, there's a lot he's keeping from us.
Got this feeling as well. Could be an incredible bore fest
It's a delivering simulator in a post-apoc world full of ghosts with 30 hours of cutscenes full of weird shit.
Show me any other game like this and i will cancel my pre-order right now.
I hope it's not some literal who youtubers, don't fuck it up Kojima
Showing off more shit was a mistake. Kojima blew his load early with the Apocalyptica trailer. Now I'm just dehyped again.
I want to pee on the joost
sorry you can't appreciate celebrities in your game.
god damn those textures look like blurred green shit when he turns or walks
I really hope this isn't the polished game he promised because that shit is not even 1080p
>motion controls
I'll see you on the switch
creativity is high duuude XD
It's survival delivering simulator with TPS. Try Subnautica
How is this related to the thread
But literally who actors is ok?
as much as a Kojimashill as i am, i'm fucking worried about this game.
Its release date is around the corner and we know nothing about it. I dont give a fuck about story, it'll most likely be batshit insane (good and bad) like most of his work, but the gameplay seems lacking as in walking and pissing
im no longer sold on it.
Sakurai is going to be in the game.
>clearly apples to apples
to be fair I didn't play botw either
Mouse is a literal motion control device
I have no idea what to think of the game. The gameplay looks shallow from what we've seen, but the story and setting is so bizzare I can't tell how good it is until I actually play it.
Yeah, I'd be fine with real actors even if they are literal whos
I like walking simulators.
Tell me why you're looking forward to Death Stranding.
I've been waiting to post this again
some people on the game actually hating on the game saying it looks boring.
Are normies finally done riding his cock?
'Kojimashill' here aswell. I think hes too much of an narcissist to fuck this up. He's also highly aware of what he showed today. There will be alot of eastereggs and gameplay mechanisms like in the MGS games
>good physics
>hold a button
>turn thumbstick left or right
Wow, racing games are so fun
Conan O'Brien
Bring me the horizon
Jordan vogt roberts
Sam lake
Kaz hirai
All in the game
So is zelda
enviroments finally look dangerous for survival game and stakes are high if you dont want to fuck up your delivery,
OK is now one going to mention that this Mama characters has no facial expression at all?
Kojima dumped Quiet for this? Please wtf is this.
>am I the only one who thinks it's gonna be fucking great?
He has pee scenes in every game, zoomer
Gaben too
>he thinks walking and delivering shit is all that there is to the gameplay
Just turn the TV off bro lol it'll be the same as playing peepee delivery man.
>it's like paperboy but with pissing mushrooms
I lol'd
Anyone have a webm of Norman Reedus walking off the cliff?
you're right there's also pissing
>How are people hyped for this game?
because I've played mgs and I think I know what to expect, a really "deep" story but with silly and fun gameplay mechanics
Doom Eternal is rehashed generic Cowadooty clone dogshit
imagine that babby starts crying in middle of those phantom cord things. and you must chill it down.
Im hyped, fuck Yea Forums
so glad I didn't pre-order this garbage holy shit
Honestly I've got no idea what to think at this point.
it's everything bad sold back to you like it's some great feature
empty barren open world
annoying slow tank control
tedious repetitive mundane tasks
endless fetch quest
barely any modes of transport besides hiking
budget wasted on actor face capturing
I'm astonished
So when Mads said calls the baby "behbee", it wasn't his accent, its because its name is literally BB?
this game is gonna be /out/ haven. walking simulators of the past have never ever been able to be realistic how much fitness and endurance that long-term hiking takes. it's not jumping over cliffs and rocks and sprinting at every available opportunity. your feet hurt over time, your senses dull and brighten periodically, you lose the fortitude of being a civilized, domesticated creature over time and the psychological fitness sets in. this plus being in a surreal world using unique tools will make for real kino
A lot of cult behavior in this thread. Cultjima is at it again.
Nah, it’s just that as you get older and older and the world around you evolved you didn’t want to evolve with it.
Just like those teachers you had in school that hated what you liked, you hate the new generation for not liking what you like and delude yourself into thinking it’s their fault.
The world changes, if you don’t, you die clinging to the media that’s dying with you.
That’s life.
The game will make Yea Forums mad like RDR2
Story looks intriguing as fuck
Also none one of those things are inherently bad
>fun gameplay
Yeah, like walking and urinating!
Still don't know what it is but I was put off when I saw ugly babies and those crying faggots in the trailer. There is nothing I hate more than forced crying as if it would make a story more dramatic or deeper or anything. Nothing agains one person but they were all crying, fuck them I hope everybody dies.
Creativity involving babies born in another dimension yet still attached by an umbilical cord is obviously natty, no drugs involved.
>they show some literal who cameo
>1 person claps
No, I'm ready for the dumb shit that has a deeper meaning to it
So, it's a pretentious Postal?
ITT: people who don't own a PS4
>there's a lot he's keeping from us
yeah just like he did with V
>empty barren open world
Bad. Especially since you're most interaction with it is climbing a ladder slowly.
>annoying slow tank control
>tedious repetitive mundane tasks
>endless fetch quest
Not inherently bad.
>barely any modes of transport besides hiking
Bad. See the "barren open world" part.
>budget wasted on actor face capturing
I'm glad that you agree that it will be better than DS.
Why are the characters so ugly is it another face-scan game?
i think this gonna be some EVE online shit with survival mechanicks, some tasks and shit might last for hours or days to deliver
Nope, it will be very good, if not a masterpiece. Ill stop reading on this shit board while playing it.
Bridge Baby
>barely any modes of transport besides hiking
There are vehicles that were shown in previous trailers.
>The baby.
Sakamoto is somewhere, smilling.
>kill enemy
>piss on him
>get to other dimension
>enemy is back and fucking PISSED
Drop it and run.
>guise look at how much money we wasted on Hollywood actors mocap. It's totally a game i swear.
It is gonna be great, this is Kojima so there will be crazy twists in the story and gameplay, I know I won't be disappointed and I can't wait for Yea Forums to get blown the fuck out
I'm going to wait for the reviews and twitch streams. The weird isn't really selling it for me.
I think the map might actually be THE US like all of it.
Look at 4:00
The amount of money invested in this game is huge. Whether you like it or not, people need to buy this game if Hideo doesn't want to end up blacklisted. I doubt he is going to have complete control of his projects after this game, success or not.
Is he right?
>sony drones are LITERALLY defending a game where you have to rock a baby via the controller
lmao, might as well be playing the wii
>experiencing a new immersive singleplayer game through someone else
what is this shit?
>Yea Forums was hyped for MGSV
>turned out shit
surprise surprise, people are jaded about Kojima now! Only newfags who actually enjoyed MGSV are praising whatever the fuck this game is.
>kojicucks assmad that people think their game looks trash
>be lone man
>walk across desolate and bleak yet beautiful landscape
>pee whenever you want
>take care of babies
>protect your baby from homo demons
>get tech support from mommy milkers: the character
>make sure your baby is always happy
>rock him back and forth if he gets stressed
>go on long trips by yourself protecting your child at all costs
It's literally perfect
>people need to buy this game if Hideo doesn't want to end up blacklisted
Fuck that. If he is a hack he should be treated as such. I guarantee he doesn't give a fuck about you so why the loyalty?
>You now remember MGS4, PW and MGSV his most recent games
this guy seems to be a bit retarded. Its about what he DIDN'T show. You seriously think he is not aware he showed the main character pissing 30% of the Gameplay reveal?? Wtf
>he kept this gameplay until 2 months before release
day 1 youtube and forget about it like every Snoy SP game
its two continents in shape of the us pretty weird shit. thre also seems to be sea, so maby we got ships
I thought it looked great up until the last few trailers, it seemed like this mix of horror and depressing as fuck atmosphere, now it looks like just sci-fi action. Pretty disappointed desu
Eh, I'll reserve judgement till the game is actually released. Hard to get hyped for a game I've seen next to nothing of, but I'm not going to write it off until we actually get to play it. There's certainly precedent for good games that managed to keep their cards close to their chest before coming out.
TLOU is one of the worst AAA games ever made in terms of everything other than graphics and easily one of the most overrated pieces of media ever produced. Death Stranding looks like it'll be amazing.
still more of a game then whatever Konami is making
even if its a ''walking sim'' it looks way more entertaining than the others I've seen
You guys think it will come to PC?
mgsV is fucking great and literally not for brainlets, ishmael is not big boss.
Kojima wanted to end Metal Gear Saga with MGS2. This is why he started to make fun of it starting with MGS3.
Nigger I'm a zoomer and this is the only game I care about this year
What the fuck does that have to do with how shit and barebones the game is
>kojima has a cult
>also has a cult dedicated to hating him
The telltale sign of an auteur
Ive been hyped since the first trailer. Will wait till I get to check it out with a friend and if its that great, I will buy it alongside a PS4.
Literally everything that comes out about it makes me like it even more. The last game I really loved was Sekiro and platinumd it. You're not alone.
>I thought mgs5 was good so this must be too
Brainless incel
Read my post again. I'm not telling anyone to buy the game. In fact, I was trying to imply he had way too much control on this project and no one is going to give it to him again.
MGSV is an atrocity and not Canon.
in4 > buuuut gameplay!!
>barebones the game is
MGSV has best gameplay in series.
multiplayer piss sim
is that from one of his videos?
Kojima is redifining bladder movements for an entre new generations. This game will be awarded by the American Urologist Asociation.
nigga, you can pee and shake da baby!
you can recharge the baby!
mam mia ghost milkies
possible goose cameo
even the dorito pope is in it, I can't wait for the sfm stuff where Geoff is dominating all the vidya ladies with his dorito cock.
>game is 2 months away
>all we get are clips of fedex and pissing simulator
I'm really interested honestly, Yea Forumsirgins are just contrarians because they know no better
I hope the game lands on PC
I don't want to buy a bloodborne machine
>empty level design where you can't take advantage of 90% of the mechanics
>best gameplay in the series
Eat shit. Ground Zeroes ended up being a much better game than MGSV could hope to be with its stupid fucking open world meme
>need to buy
>not telling anyone to buy this game
pick one then gtfo
I was hopping for a lot. And I'm dissapointed...
>cant see the direction where kojimagames are going after mgs v. dont expet linear story or ending.
Still think it looks like shit, fight me.
Check twitter and reddit. Look at reaction. Everyone expected BOOM BOOM PEW PEW epic sf
Hell yeah I am cause I used to love Konami, also tell that to the people who constantly defend and bring them up without knowing the reason they are disliked
I caught the stream when they were about to show the gameplay. Apparently they were talking about real life babies and stuff before. What exactly were they saying?
true, only plebs will play it
Kojima literally said that he will show gameplay at TGS and this was only a teaser.
This, ground zeroes was extremely deceptive and intelligent marketing while also being a perfect contrast for just how bad TPP is. People liked GZ and were hyped for TPP as a result because it would be "gz but the actual full game with a billion more features" which was obviously a complete lie. Ground zeroes has infinitely better gameplay than TPP and GZ doesnt have the best gameplay in the series
wrong it's a walking sim, a pee sim, a dad sim, a delivery sim, a ghost sim
it's a WPDDG sim
Doom Eternal will indeed be better than Dark Souls.
Why did Reedus’s voice sound weird? Or was the all Homosemens Fan voice?
Yes it is. But walking simulators can be good if they have an interesting story and setting. Say what you will but I honest to God like playing walking simulators every now and again.
I have kidney stones and this reveal has triggered me.
fuck gameplay brainlet, the story is the best since mgs2,
>MGSV is an atrocity and not Canon.
you cant found a single truth in mgsv its all messed up for the reason because of all the doublethinking,
>Ground Zeroes
No difference between
>base in open world
>Ground Zeroes mission
MGSV fauilt is fulton mechanic. Everything else is great. It has more freedom than GZ
that the audience that buys this game are real life babies
I like walking simulators. You know what I don't like? Gamer culture.
>fuck gameplay brainlet
>in4 > buuuut gameplay!!
this is the Yea Forums we were warned about
Name one game that let's you pee on command
I'll wait...times up
Urine physics and real time ambient occlusion powered by the decima engine.
whuat? you cant mean MGSV's story do you?
No, not at all.
>MGSV has the best story!!11
>doesn't say why and can barely string a proper sentence of English together
okay m8
In November video games will finally be recognized as a legitimate form of art
it's a shaking baby simulator
fucking lol
I unironically hate gamer culture, both the edgy and the SJW sides.
its a fact tho that zoomers think MGSV is a good game because of its Gameplay.
Its a fucking awful Metal Gear Solid
how can you think DS will be anywhere near as good as it could've been after the last few trailers
My Summer Car
SCUM (the video game)
>enemy faction is literally called the Homo Demons
I'm still laughing about that one. Kojima you madman.
bravo ubishit/google
Could be comfy and fun desu. You're just jaded.
>they are stained yellow so you know it's them
and the Gameplay is literal DOGshit.
The KI is so fucked up. Just wait till its up here during the running marathon and how those MGS geeks will destroy it.
read 1984. ishmael is not big boss. man on fire does not exist, huey did nothing wrong, i bet you believe al that shit about truth tapes and pseudohistorical missons. hows it feel to be brainwashed tard.
Yeah, the shitposting on the day it will release will be off the charts. That along redeems the existence of this shitpile
Fuck i wish we had a Stalker videogame where you just travel The Zone. No, STALKER doesn't count, it is still an action heavy FPS, i want a game that concentrates on exploration and not combat.
>A creator needs people to buy his games for it to be a success. If it is a fat flop, his service will no longer be required.
A pretty simple concept user. When you splice my sentences the meaning disappears.
Fuck you I liked it.
Wow, great compelling reasons as to why the story is good. Thank you, my big brained friend!
b a s e d
Was there even a ubishit game? lmao
>retards complain about the state of the industry for milking the same AAA formula
>but when Kojima tries to do something different retards complain nevertheless
You deserve nothing.
wee woo wee woo wweeeeee weeeeeee zoomer contaiment protocols activated
You're right, now watch the retards try their mental gymnastics
They briefly showed new ghost recon in ebin store ad
and fuck your weaponized cancer language, i hope niggers will fuck up rest of your mother tongue.
I'm really really worried about the gameplay now, maybe they don't show much because this is all you do in the game: piss, deliver stuff, walk/climb in empty open world, get new fetch quests, occasionally shoot things.
bitch story is good because it makes low iq hobbits like you look like idiots. i bet spoonfed mgs3 is your favorite.
>Yea Forums is too cool for TECHNOLOGY now
Was it ever not summer? It feels like I've been trapped here with you imbecils forever
Still not hearing any reasons, user.
The gameplay isn't even that good. But it didn't need to be a good MGS game to be a good game in general. If the gameplay is good it's okay to overlook some of its shortcomings.
what in the tuck is that shit?
what the fuck is so different about a walking simulator
hello underage
>The story is good if you come up with your own headcanon
The emotional bridging must be from the wallet to his pocket as a part of the cult tax
good physics in a game means they're fun to play with, not that they're 100% accurate.
>Complete game with Big Bladder Rank
>Unlock Infinity Briefs to get unlimited Pee
What did Kojima spend all of Sony's money on?
Dinners with Mads
Can you guys elaborate? As frustrating as the game can sometimes be I more or less love the gameplay and got the platinum over 300+ hours. Is it about the maps being open as fuck instead of contained ground zeroes style levels or something about the combat/stealth options themselves? What does "KI" mean?
for same reason you could concider silent hill or dark souls/bloodborne story good, convoluted as fuck and not afraid to make you have to work hard connecting the dots and creating bigger picture, mgs v lies you alot. and its fun to see how people beleve everything they see or hear,
Oh you're one of those faggots that go in for those 5 hour videos about how Ishmael is actually Gray Fox aren't you
I think TPP is one of the most James Bond tier straightforward narratives in the entire series, but either way you should kys
yes and thats one of the best type of story, everybody dont like david lynch.
You’re hyped for the story, written by the guy who brought you MGSV. Really?
so many typos in this tread, literally calm down lmao
>openworld with missions
>can't describe what the missions entail
>openworld being described as a good thing
ishmel and ahab are same guy,
Every game is walking simulator by your simpleton logic.
tpp is noway straightforward you retarted nigger. it missing shitload of pieces and got pieces that should not exist.
probably a germanfag thinking of Künstliche Intelligenz which means AI
>My summer car
>postal 2
Just admit that you morons don't really play video game and just get excited over the next big thing like a retarded drone.
The thing is that it's an ACTUAL walking simulator, i.e. the act of traversal has mechanics to it. Whereas the stereotypical so-called "walking simulator" almost always has you just pressing your character forward.
>rationalizes a shitposting meme as a real genre
I understand where you come from, but you're just being retarded by taking it seriously.
i think this will be some souls shared world type of experience. you'll only be able to experience it after the release together with millions of other players. this is why everything looks so empty in current state.
mama dies
bravo kojimbo, another game spoiled in your trailers
Elaborate on that.
Developers have embraced it as a real genre though.
>not watching the trailers instead of ""playing"" the """game"""
is this your first kojimbo game?
you mean the phantom pain audience? list all the stealth and sim (immersive or otherwise) games that you have over 20 hours in, I want to expose another TPP zoomer who started bidoo gayming on their phone in 2015
Literally nothing in DS is “different” you fucking faggot.
do you not know how the setting works or are you merely pretending?
Prove it.
it is and watch your language Billy
This game literally is a fucking walking simulator. What else have they shown? 10 seconds of you punching some dude in slow motion. Wowee, great gameplay. Totally doesn't make up for most of the game being fucking walking.
>He made it shit on purpose
No he's not saying that.
He's saying that people called games walking simulator because they had a lack of gameplay and the devs just excused it with "immersion".
This game actually revolves the gameplay around it, so its obviously a genre that could exist if done right even though it started as a meme
This is going to be RDR2 all over again, a boring turd fanboys on Yea Forums pretend to like.
>hurp durp if the character walks it's a walking simulatuurrrr derp
Where is my shitting mechanic
what if she doesnt?
What is gameplay to you?
You're not telling me why it isn't, my dude. I'm genuinely asking here, what is there to do in this game that appeals to you so much?
>Wait 3 years for gameplay
>pee pee and walk up the ladder and wave to the doritos pope.
>take care of baby
Death Stranding will be like one of those strange foods, like sushi, it looks weird enough that people will doubt it but they'll still try it and come out loving it.
Quality > innovation
I haven't finished a Kojima game since MGS 2. Never really cared about him or his Metal Gear Solid nonsense, or his drone fanbase, but this game looks incredible.
17 years ago someone on Yea Forums said
>I bet this is a sci-fi postman delivery simulator
They were right and I couldn't be happier. Not happy about all the distracting actors and cameos, but whatever I can deal with it.
Is Half Life a walking simulator?
Is Zelda a walking simulator?
Is ARMA a walking simulator?
Is Halo a walking simulator?
Is The Witcher a walking simulator?
Is Persona a walking simulator?
Don't worry, PC release will be announced withing the next 3 years, you can stop pretending already
Let me tell you this son, it will help you out alot in your further live:
Not everything is black or white.
>This is going to be RDR2 all over again,
Can't be game of the decade twice user.
>deflecting deflecting deflecting
Well, at least you're proving to me that you're only interested in this game for the Kojima meme alone and nothing else.
Still not telling. Hmmmmm....
zoom zoom, please don't forget to take your ritalin
Google didn't show me any sources that claim devs/the industry recognize games as walking simulators.
based. fuck this walking simulator meme
besides that, L.A. Noire was a Talking Simulator, and a good one ;;)
Holy shit the amount of cope is going through roof
>AAA game that is taking risks and doing something actually unique
this is good isn't it?
Are those walking simulators or not?
Nothing so far seems groundbreaking.
Seems more like survival/exploration kind of game which is cool considering almost all open world games are about killing everything what moves. Sure looks weird now but also intriguing. I'd like to figure out what's going on in that game and explore it's world. Why are you guys so close minded about it?
I don't see what's so unique about this.
We have no real idea what the "strand" part is yet. But even if it's just 10 million people pissing on the same rock and making a forest of mushrooms grow that's alright.
I mean most people on Yea Forums exaggerate their opinion to the amazing - shit binary. I know what to expect given that we know fuck all about this IP or the game’s content. However I do believe in Kojima as a director since when he’s working on a passion project, he’s on top of the world. So just withhold your opinion for when it comes out like a regular fucking person lol
If you don't teleport from lag then it's a walking simulator. Change my mind.
Name me at least one AAA walking simulator I can play right now stupid fuck.
Because no real gameplay has been revealed yet. That's it.
Maybe becuase you don't want to.
Because people are weary considering MGSV turned out the way it did despite its pre-release hype. The game has had an abundance of trailers now too and hasn't shown much at all besides a creepy obsession with Hollywood ilk. People aren't close minded about it, they're judging it based on Kojima's history and what we've been shown.
What is it about DS that make sheeps drool like a braindead idiot and clapped and cheering at the sight of a peeing character? Is peeing that groundbreaking.
by their walking simulator definition: The Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild.
Yes or no, are those games walking simulators? It's a simple question.
>It's not us it's you
What is it with Kojimadrones and deflecting?
So, unique for the sake of novelty regarding of if it's substantial or not?
Its called hope and believe and its a good thing to maintain. It will guide you through the dark my brother.
This Game is about the very same topic
Ya just like how phantom pains unshown stuff blew us away
Deep down you know it's true, let that sink in.
It depends what different is? If the gameplay isn't compelling or actually feel like it's inventive, than something different will be to the level of "LOL GOAT SIMULATOR".
His past games have been of the sort that you want to replay, they've devolved however into movies about walking with gimmicky features that ultimately aadd nothing to gameplay and act at best as E-Celeb thumbnail bait ('This game lets you PEE!').
at this point he was already completely dissociated from the Franchise, at least mentally.
Is this a giant marketing ploy?
They literally showed waking up and taking a piss. One side is shitting on it immensely. The other is claiming it’s art house. Both points are kind of valid. Game is not even out yet and people are pissed off, or pissed on.
Overall I’m intrigued lol
this game is nothing but taking a piss and climbing ladders, what a fucking blunder I can't believe sony wasted all that money on a hack
It's a Sony exclusive and from Kojima, of course nu-Yea Forums will be pissed.
At least watersports fetishists will be happy.
Part of me sees it as an open world walking simulator and gets disappointed and part of me sees a comfy country traveling game to just chill with. Either way not playing it until PC release or PS5 re-release.
>Sony exclusive
Citation required
Like I said we don't know anything yet. But even the pissing seems to have multiple actual uses. Even between players. GROUNDBREAKING.
No idea what the "it's a new genre :D" stuff is, but we'll see. I don't think it's going to pay off.
Hideo Kojima!
Never ever, cuck.
>How are people hyped for this game?
Kojimadrones aren't people.
One of the characters is called Fragile.
No. And I'm not the one who called this thing a “walking simulator”. Now then, answer my question.
Unlike you I don't place my hope over someone who's after my money.
No, I genuinely don't.
What was your question?
What's wrong with walking simulators brother
>Unlike you I don't place my hope over someone who's after my money.
Art is way more important to me than money.
>game has piss mechanic
>No female omorashi
But if you keep hyping the game as something mind bendig, an "experience", better show off those mind blowing bits, even parcially, not mechanics straight out of Postal.
My cock is hyped for Mama Qualley
No it looks really interesting. Honestly the gameplay does less for me than it's ambiguous trailers did but to me Kojambo deserves to be paid for his short movies as they are the only thing that gives me the feeling of something unknown and perhaps unknowable.
Will Death Stranding finally make people realize they don't actually like Hideo Kojima? They liked Hideo Kojima when he was Konami's bitch.
People don't want 100% Kojima bullshit, they want cool military dudes doing cool shit with a sprinkle of Kojima bullshit.
>implying Mads' Hannibal ain't top-tier
even Anthony Hopkins praised him
People want playable action movies, not Nouvelle Vague wannabe aimless meandering bullshit.
you guys never played the phantom pain right? 70% of the game is boring and dull as fuck running or trotting around the desert on your horse, picking up flowers, picking up soldiers for a 60h supressor grind. Kojima is a good game director but makes very questionable decisions that plague his games.
>Seething Xtranny
I unironically enjoyed invading FOBs in MGSV
>walk, shoot & jump platforms
>sword combat, bombs, treasures to discover & progress your character
>literally tactical military sim
>scifi shooter with vehicules
>rpg with swords & magic
Kek, cope harder you might find your brain
considering PT, no
also Metal Gear wouldve drowned with the rest of the grit military simulators if it wasnt for Kojimas bullshit
I unironically enjoy 100x more ground zeroes.
TPP is the first open world game Kojima makes. Kojima makes story driven games. Give him time to perfect the open world genre like he mastered mechanics throughout his games.
Don't know what the experience is yet or how "profound" it will be, but all the trailers over the last 5 years or whatever have all pointed to this being Kojima's most out there, bullshit and mind bending game.
>walk, shoot & jump platforms
>sword combat, bombs, treasures to discover & progress your character
>literally tactical military sim
>scifi shooter with vehicules
>rpg with swords & magic
I can almost guarantee you that Death Strandin will have every one of those except maybe sword combat, but I wouldn't be surprised if you have a sci-fi sword
It is the same AAA formula just dressed up in pretense. It's safe as fuck when you break it down into parts.
It still has cool military dudes and war allegories just with a ton sci fi added on top. The characters are just as quirky and Norman Reedus behaves exactly like Solid Snake does. The irrational hatred for it is probably 99% from newfags.
So all of them are walking simulators since you spend 90% of your time walking. Thanks for clarifying that for me.
Diablo is a running simulator.
I'm just skeptical because from the little we saw this doesn't look that different from TPP.
The Homodemons are the only interesting thing in this and since they also wear masks they aren't as ugly as the rest, I hope there is an end that allows you to make then win and assrape everybody and grill the bottlebabies.
>redditors piss the reddit logo in mushrooms
>one million billion upvotes
I'm seeing too little to be skeptical but it does seem like the world is barren with some outpost/checkpoints. What I think is enemies track Sam from both worlds and drop on his ass through wormholes and fuck up your day.
I imagine this is what the first full body cyborg is going to feel. The cold, the pure inability to control your body, being so disassociated you're just flailing around on an operating table soaked in your own body fluid juices.
>tfw it's mgs5 with mgs3 survival aspect multiplied by 10
fuck your shitting, I'm gonna enjoy this soooooooooo much
Norman Reedus: I have come to make an annoucenment!
Probably not
I expect the story to kojimbo shenanigans but also expect the gameplay to be quite lackluster. I don't think it is going to be 10/10 material or timeless. It is going to be a 7-8/10 at best.
ultra low quality bait thread, u can kill yourself now
From what we have seen in this trailer, we can see we have to *connect* all the outposts so is safe to say the game ends little after this is accomplished.
Of course not. The game will also have boring as fuck TPS segments, maybe in different decorations. Oh, and a bit of stealth of course. All while pretending that Kojima is the first man to ever invent asynchronous multiplayer mechanics.
I don't care if it's a walking simulator, the art direction looks great and the environment is beautiful, i love iceland.
according to sony beyond two souls and detroit become dindu are the way to go, this is a step up
reminded me a lot the movie Valhalla Rising, which is a Refn movie starring Mads Mikkelsen and they're in this game so it might not be a coincidence.
I just want to know what the seams of the world map ends up looking like. I can't see how this Icelandic looking area transitions into fucking Mars.
big boss
You're right, kojima talked about valhalla rising in an interview with mikkelsen and said it's one of his favorites movies.
You can find that video on kojima's youtube channel.
Mars gameplay is Death Stranding 2
>the game is actually MGS6
I hope Kojima dies soon. I can't take this hack's garbage anymore and his fans are the worst.
can someone redpill me on this game?
I'm seriously trying to give it a chance but I honestly don't have any hype for it besides the initial few trailers.
I thought it was going to be a more post apocolyptic lovecraftian silent hill but now it just comes off as weird for the sake of being weird and preachy. the gameplay seems okay, I guess. not really deserving of the hype imo.
I don't know, maybe I need to look at it in a different light, can someone who loves what's happening so far tell me what is there to like?
It's garbage. But it's Kojima, so people will defend anything and praise even the dumbest "walk from A to B" simulators.
90% of the PS4 exclusives for starters
Pick any
Hey don't get me wrong. I enjoyed MGS and stuff. I don't want to be contrarian or anything, but I actually want an insight on what's hype about this game. I just honestly don't get it. I enjoyed Policenauts and Snatcher as well but I mean it's a bit cheating since those were pretty much derived from movies.
wtf I love DS now
Is it? I see the posts on some of the boards and they're still fucking sucking Kojima's dick there
us Chad-Stranders will usher a new reddit-free space
>can't win the game
>big boss is a baby
very subtle Kojima