What is the Kung Pow of videogames?

what is the Kung Pow of videogames?

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you know what to do

Stream that film, if you're so great.

unironically, God Hand

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We have rules on this board, you fucking barbarian.

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>no stream

You know the rules, OP. If you post it, you have to stream the movie. No fucking WEBMs.

Stubbz the Zombie

this game is pure gold


open da mouth

Stream it or fuck off. And don't be a fucking faggot wuss about it by posting the webm as if that gets you off the hook.


Today has been a terrible day someone stream it.

why the FUCK would you make this thread if you won't stream it?

You know the rules.
And so do I.

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God Hand or timesplitters 3

to add on to this, i literally haven't watched more than the first 5 minutes of the movie and i already giggle like a retard when i think about it

i'm going to finish it tonight

River City Ransom Underground. They took an old asian game dubbed over the whole thing with american humor that wasn't true to the source material at all and made an entirely different game with it. That is the only game i can think of where that happened.

I think Metal Wolf Chaos





As quotable?

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

And not memeing the best MG since 2

>what is the Kung Pow of videogames?
Stadia exclusives, because YOU NEED TO STREAM IT

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fuck you it does

It's been a long time I need this streamed.

no it doesn't
now stream it properly faggot

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>Movie where someone mentions it then it gets streamed and it's loved by the community despite the jankiness
>Game where someone mentions it then it gets reinstalled and it's loved by the community despite the jankiness

Probably either Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, E.Y.E. or Mount and Blade

What site could someone stream it on without DMCA fucking them?