Holy fucking cringe what the fuck is this cult like worship of this guy. He makes decent games with cringy """"stories"""" and that's it.
Holy fucking cringe what the fuck is this cult like worship of this guy...
u jelly
Someone's butthurt they're not famous.
did this retard looking japanese made a good game like ever?
He's so full of himself and people enable him, I fucking hate it
Don't worry. Japan won't exist in 25 years.
He had actually put in next to no work on games. Everyone else does the work while he takes credit
metal gear
why that much dicksucking?
Fuck off tranny.
He hasn't made a good game since 15 years.
what happened
Yea Forums in perpetual asshurt about Kojima because MGSV was a game and not a movie like all the other MGS "games".
>wild kojihack dicksucker appears
Gamescom showed a video that was literally just a bunch of people fellating Kojima and it was very weird and uncomfortable
No, in fact I think everything he's made is garbage, except MGSV, i'll give it to him for dignifying MGS with at least one piece of media that can actually be called a videogame.
Every MGS is complete and utter garbage. You really have to be a brain dead subhuman tasteless anime nigger to insinuate someone is instead "asshurt over MGS V". Kill yourself you stupid retarded fucking nigger trash and read a fucking book
postmodernism genius
deal with it
Kojima never made a fucking game on his life And backtracking for like 2 hours for a sniper rifle in the middle of a boss fight with meryl badly injures was So gooddam retarded
Except MGSV, was actually pretty fun to okay, although it had too many cutscenes.
I'm thinking we have another masterpiece on our hands, lads.
Read my post again, you emotional, hormonal, ilogical millennial.
>geoff makes a video wanking off Kojima
>geoff is revealed to be in Kojima's game
what the fuck is wrong with this industry
Yeah, its completely insane, who cares about leftist subhumans taking over the industry, this is what makes it wrong.
the same as everywhere, talent is way too often shadowed by networking
>show gameplay
>you just walk from point A to B
Reminder that Kojima was always a starfucker
>Shinkawa: I think the image that Mr. Kojima had for Snake was the face of Christopher Walken with the flexibility and muscles of Jean Claude Van-Damme’s physique. That’s because we originally planned to use digitized live-action characters on polygonal environments.
>Interviewer: Huh…
>Shinkawa: Mr. Kojima gave up on that idea the instant he knew “Van-Damme won’t be coming.”
>Interviewer: That sounds so like him. (laughs)
He doesn't even make good games. Mgsv5 was a disaster and he was fired from konami for wasting 8 years and 80mil. I have no fucking idea why people defend him so much. Mgs4 was a disaster, V was, and then he's done all of the same things that caused issues in V with this game. We haven't seen any gameplay at all besides walking in TWO YEARS. Charisma does so much
He's a massive film buff and all his games are an attempt to capture hollywood action in video game form. How could you not know that? Look Snake Pliskin from Escape from New York, that's his full inspiration for MGS
Fucking Zoomies will never understand the true genius of Hideo Kojima. They just see people praise him all the time and they roll their eyes like fucking faggots not even realizing what kind of impact he's made to the vidya industry. Come back to Yea Forums when you drop your fucking balls.
This but unironically, Kojimbo is more dangerous to this industry than trannies
>He doesn't even make games
Todd makes shit games and people still worship him.
>he wasn't a talentless hack in '98 so forgive everything he's doing now
>kind of impact he's made to the vidya industry.
He is one of the biggest perpetrators of movie games. How is this a positive?
He changed the way video games are experienced forever retard. If you'd play any of his games you'd understand but you don't.
is jsut a cult , like apple cult for example, they will suck everything from Apple, same with Kojima drones, they will eat shit if Kojima tell them to do
This is what you get when Kojima is not reigned in by people in Konami. It just spirals into this.
>he wasn't a talentless hack in '98 so forgive everything he's doing now
Damn, every thread a year is added to MGSV's development time. Now MGSV began development before MGS4 came out.
MGSV was the best selling MGS ever, only obese Yea Forumsedditors disliked it because Yea Forums wanted a movie about Big Boss murdering children. Fortunately, the game has almost no plot, its an actual videogame and the pointless story is relegated to tapes, as it should be.
*urinates on you*
Pick one.
This so much.
Just goes to show that gamers are legit cancer.
>Kojima literally doing a "SIGNING SESSION"
Like my fucking god.
>who cares about leftist subhumans taking over the industry
Geoff is one of those subhumans
Haha yes what a cult. Now for another Smash thread once this one dies haha.
This looks really neat
>he's now doing a "signing session"
what a pretentious dick
Thankfully, Yea Forums has no influence on the industry, so Kojima will go on while people focus on shtting on trannies, which you probably are.
>Gameplay is LITERALLY just walking, pissing and sleeping
Kojimadrones are pathetic.
Why do you care? Nothing says worthless rabble like being excited as eager to tear a creative person down. His ego or celebrity fetish or whatever it is you’re salty about have zero impact on your lives.
This is one part of one floor on one level. Try harder.
>Defends Reddit: The Vidya Director
we have a :thinking: award winner on Yea Forumsga's
You're just saying that because he's popular. Do some actual research before you spew out fake news Contrarian retard.
vidya in general has zero impact in my life, guess I'll never post in gaming forums ever again
And I absolutely love it, theres nothing more satisfying than seeing fatass Yea Forumseddit neckbeards whine impotently about something, swearing its going to fail and then everyone liking it. God knows this industry would be in a much worse state if Yea Forums could influence it. Stay irrelevant.
Why is every iNigger such a retard?
No, I'm saying that because MGS is one of the biggest and first offenders of the movification of vidya.
based Sony giving this genius a blank checkbook and wait to enjoy this kino
>Pee Standing
You just pissed me off bitch, after I get done pissing to make my mushrooms grow I am gonna kick your ass!
Yes, that is the exact face of the average MGS fan. Thanks for supplying visual aid to the post.
Im taking a shit playing on a tablet bruh, I’ve got things to do bruh. You get one life bruh, and you’re obsessed with the size of some dudes ego that makes children’s games. Have sex, do something creative. Please bruh. Measuring the pretentiousness and egos of people you’ll never meet will give you butt cancer. It’s liter teenage hood rat nignog tier.
>Holy fucking cringe
thread hidden
he wanted to put pissing and shitting scenes in mgs and the team members told him it was stupid and not campy funny every time
this is known and in mgs documentaries
so he puts it first thing in the first gameplay footage in his new game where nobody dares say anything to him
unhinged fucking retard, stick to making trailers and cutting footage together
You cheer for the deaths of others because of discussion about entertainment media? Between that and randomly naming race for some reason, im going to guess you are, not only a millennial, but an Americanoid creature as well. If so, i'll avoid interacting with you, if I want to see your ilk, i'll visit a zoo.
That’s retarded though. Playing videogames, and caring about them enough to come on an imageboard dealing with them does in fact have a measurable impact. The personal proclivities of the people that make them don’t. This thread is like US Weekly for incels.
Ah yes, the ex MGS redditor pretends he's not a fan anymore even though he probably made countless "DUDE NUCLEAR LMAO" threads.
I cheer for your deaths because most of you are corporate slaves to your masters without whom the world will be objectively better.
Most white people are like you, as such they deserve death.
And not a swift death either, thankfully you won't be getting that.
He made some good games and loves movies why are you seething
How's the fedora?
I've seen fans but never a cult worshipping, there seems to be a bigger fanbase dedicated to hating his imagined fanbase than anything
Humanity is dearly needed in this sad world of ours.
Fucking around in Yea Forums has no impact in my life. I'd know, it's my fucking life. And it's not like we go out of our way to make this threads, Gamescom happened, this exists in place of a Smash thread. And the fact people are willing to forgive his wrongs and give out unlimited funds for a movie game does affect the industry, but I guess that's not worth discussing
Kek.So true
Who is the fucking shill posting Kojima hate threads
I don't know, how's that existential dread that you try to drown with meaningless trinkets and products?
yongyea's flipped
means 15 years ago
>loves movies
I like them too, I'm just not retarded enough to try and diminish what makes vidya a unique media ie gameplay in favour of cutscenes and face scanned actors because FAME
Never liked mgs and dislike this pretentious faggot and all his drone base, kys niggers
Its just Yea Forums practicing self hatred. Everyone shitting on Kojima in Yea Forums are people who were hyped for MGSV and were let down by its lack of narrative focus and unfinished elements. Thing is, instead of moving on, they went on to become the whiniest, most insufferable bunch of hormonal teenage women in Yea Forums's history. These people decided they hated DS when it was announced based entirely on their anger towards MGSV. Notice how they keep asking for gameplay of DS, even though they clearly didnt care about it in MGS, a franchise known for being very narratively focused and having very poor gameplay. Its all an autistic fit of rage to hate this game for any reason possible, although im going to guess they'd be very hyped if it was called MGS6.
Overall, it seems line the MGS fanbase is extremely inmature and pathetic, so im happy to see them suffer.
>crowd cheers
Kojima "stories" are worse than your average anime.
>Holy fucking cringe
>cringy """"stories""""
You're cringy yourself.
Daily reminder DSP was right all along
bitch I've hated this guy since 2008
not mine but
It's a snowball effect. I don't really like his games that much but I would take a picture with him, simply because I know the clout that would get me
I hate Hideo Kojima physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to play his video games. He has the Peter Molyneux disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.
He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like Todd Howard who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents his games as "campy" to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does in video games is therapeutic.
DSP's career is about to outlive Komija
>He changed the way video games are experienced forever
Did anybody here ever think "Sons of Kojima" and "Kojima World Order" were anything but deranged lunatics anyway? I'd call them lolcows but a few would probably attempt to kill Phil if they got the chance, just because he insulted their video game god. The psycho fucks had podcasts that went on for 3+ hours pouring over every detail of his life
>outlives his TIHYDP haters
>outlives Super Best Friends
>outlives Miyazaki
>will outlive Kojima
He can't keep getting away with it
His wrongs? Does he need to be put up on a war crimes tribunal? It’s some weirdo nip that’s had a long, mostly very successful career in video games. Literally a charmed life. I hope the dude gets to hang out with whatever celebrities he wants. People want to buy the games this guy makes. If you or whoever doesn’t, the response is don’t buy them, shitpost even. But 10 threads a day about his personal attributes, his fetishes, the size of his ego. That’s beyond faggot style. It’s Tiger Beat: vidya edition and not video games in the slightest. Kojima/Gaben/ToddPosting incels need to get gassed.
>I hate Hideo Kojima physically
Engage in intercourse
No you arent, the people who have always hated Kojima never went into threads about him, they avoided them and expressed their distaste if the topic appeared in unrelates threads. This whole thing began with MGSV.
Death Stranding's negative reception in Yea Forums is based entirely on MGSV, and the fact that its not MGS6.
If it was MGS6 everyone would be making stupid conspiracy threads. Have you seen those laughable "Demon Edition" threads lately? MGS fags are desperate for anything related to MGS, they would eat up anything thrown at them. The fact that a "leak" that originated in Yea Forums and the "leak" is pretty much a wishlist of what Yea Forums has said they wantes from MGSV and that this unironically gained traction shows how pathetically desperate Yea Forums is for more MGS shit.
But theres not, Kojima is working on something entirely different, so of course all the kids are sad that its over even though MGS' story ended 11 years ago.
Even Simpsons fans want the show to end, how did this industry spawn a fanbase even more pathetic than that?
>outlives Miyazaki
Miyazaki died in 2016, when he released the utter shit heap known as Dark Souls 3.
>Does he need to be put up on a war crimes tribunal?
You're the only one saying that you retard
>If you or whoever doesn’t, the response is don’t buy them, shitpost even. But 10 threads a day about his personal attributes, his fetishes, the size of his ego. That’s beyond faggot style
Are you a literal inbred, maybe? Because as far as I see there are no Kojima threads or they're short lived or more focused on the games than himself. Gamescom ended half an hour ago, did you see it? Fucking idiot.
Like most things, Yea Forums was better when it was smaller.
? I was incredibly excited for this game since I thought mgsv was perfect besides the story. This looked to have a great story but it's been two years and we've seen nothing interesting game play wise at all. So the story might be good but I Wil literally just watch it instead of buying it if the game play is as simple and pathetic as has been shown so far. There is also no reason to withhold game play this far in if there actually is more to it. All thats being accomplished is lowering hype
nu-MGS fags are literal, drooling retards, more news at 11. Doesn't mean I haven't disliked Kojima since he dialed his bullshit up to eleven with 4
Dark Souls 3 is the best Souls game. Hipsters just hate it because it simply streamlined and polished everything without introducing anything really new.
No, but it has plenty of impact on his own games.
Way to ruin a world you created by slapping in real life celebrities.
Whenever you see or think of his character, you don't think "oh, the guy from death stranding" you think "hey look, it's the walking dead guy"
He is ironically destroying his own vision with his obsession over celebrities.
Why are you so angry lol
Except 3 has objectively the best PvE content?
kys zoom zoom
based and true pilled
how's it feel to play a heavy armored knight that rolls 25 times per fight while being hammered with DUDE GWYN, DUDE ANOR LONDO! I CLAPPED, I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW ANDRE
Because I'm having a non-discussion with a retard
>Except 3 has objectively the worst PvE content
gtfo never come back. This board is for terrorists
Someone post the webms
No it really is 1 which has terrible PvE. Even the boss that gets his dick sucked the most by nostalgianiggers is bad.
>This is what DaS3zoomzooms actually believe
Yea Forums is mad that they can't pin down exactly what this game is. Kojima went on about how he's making a new genre of game, so of course the obvious thought is how epic would it be to mock him by figuring out the gameplay and telling Yea Forums how simple and generic it really is at it's core? He's only shown the game in a very cryptic manner, so you can't do that though. The best they do is calling it a walking simulator, but it carries no weight because nobody believes that. It's obvious to people actually following the trailers that there's more to it than that. How do you connect Mikkelson and Del Toro's characters in a fully modeled ww2 setting with tanks, planes and all, Sam and his team fighting those BT ghost things in that shadowy place, and Sam waking up on the shore with a bunch of beached whales and five monolithic figures in the sky? You can't right now, and you surely can't simplify it down to being a walking simulator with these elements at play. Haters have no credibility because Kojima has refused to give them ammunition, and it pisses them off. So they settle with talking about hardly relevant things like Kojima putting celebrities in the game, or parroting that it's a "walking simulator", which they've been doing since the last trailer (where they also weren't believed).
>Roll but slowly
>Roll but quickly
Why are soulsfags so retarded? Their whole series is pure garbage
>no gameplay but walking
>but it's totally not a walking simulator
>because the setting is weird
Rent Free
MGSV is one of the greatest games ever made
Kojima is the only big name in the games industry who's just making whatever he wants without needing to be tied to braindead executives. Whether Death Stranding is good or bad, it has been headed by one of the only real niggas in the industry.
Walking with obstacles dispersed in between. It's like claiming Mario is a walking sim.
if he is so fixated on ameircan movies how come he barelly speaks engrish?
>4 years later people still make shit up that proper game is still coming
It sure is.
No, because theres obviously more to it, the presence of guns and vehicles confirm it.
He can speak English but not completely fluently.
Nice try. You realize we have been shown gameplay of shooting enemies, gameplay of Sam having to sneak past and fight BTs, as well as the open world melee and traversal? The hate wagon has an extremely low attention span, so I guess I'm not surprised that you only remember the most recent two trailers.
I mean, he obviously played the original MGS games in an excessively retarded way, but then the people who were stalking him are even more cringe cultists, so it's a draw.
DeS was always the best, true.
nice blog ;-)
MGS2 is a zeitgeist prophecy in my eyes and probably the finest game ever made in sheer gameplay innovation as every AAA game has copied it.
plebs get filtered every day, big deal.
People seem to mistake being creatively happy as being "full of themselves" which seems correct for Yea Forums becuse everyone here is fucking depressed and unhappy constantly. I think everyone here would feel as proud as he does if they had made as many games as he has done, and made as much of an impact on the industry as he has. Its easy to hate someone successful and who is happy, but give the guy a break, he's one of the only devs out there making polished experiances that are not filled up with loot boxes and microtransactions and overpriced DLC.
What's pic related's name again?
There was more excitement in a game that has pissing and walking than most of the games shown at that presentation.
Hey there Yong
Red Ditman
Popularizing movie games is not a good impact to have had.
>polished experiences
>last game he made was MGSV
his worst movie game still has better gameplay than most trite released today
Black Whiteman
This is pretty retarded desu. So whenever you watch The Godfather you think, hey that’s the guy from Dog Day Afternoon? Where does it stop? How about VA’s? Troy Baker has probably been in 100 video games. I’ve never watched The Walking Dead, but i remember that guy from Boondocks Saints. It will have zero bearing on whether I think the game is good. You’re being autistic and looking for the things to be assblasted about.
Its literally the best in terms of characterizations and most polished and least clunky gameplay wise.
Kick and scream all you want, but even that unfinished game(due to Konami closing down most game branches) was great.
>Games are made by one person
More like
White Blackman
If you don't think MGSV was polished you might have amoeba IQ
Die Hardman 1.0
He's popular.
Yea Forums doesn't like popular.
It should be noted that before 2011, and reddit exploded in popularity, Kojima was literally hailed as genius here before anything. But once Yea Forums started getting a whiff of how liked he is on other sites like reddit too, it quickly turned around because Kojima wasn't /ourguy/ anymore that nobody else really knew.
Kojima was liked as long as he was a guy they knew from magazines and blogs. Yea Forums is too contrarian to like a famed developer.
>Yea Forums doesn't like popular.
Wrong. Skyrim still gets daily threads here.
There’s 3 Kojima threads with the same exact image as OP on the front page right now.
Reminder MGS4 holds 2 world records for:
>longest cutscene in a video game, at 27 minutes.
>longest cutscene sequence in a video game, at 71 minutes.
Wrong. Yea Forums loved him because he made good games with interesting premises for years and years. And then, around the same timeframe you're talking about, he started turning into pretentious, studio-ruining celebrity-chasing retard status instead of making games. After he betrayed his actual fans, the only people still defending him are latecomers who want to "fit in" by liking him and shoving MGS3 into their 3x3s and hyping every detail of every trailer, because that's what they think board culture is. He is literally an e-celeb who will never be at the same level of status as the celebrities he worships, and he's going to let that inferiority complex ruin his games, his studios, and his good standing with his fans.
>everyone is one person
Yea Forums has been and always will be full of people who have different views using that as proof that Yea Forums is contrarian is beyond stupid.
Not so long ago I moved to a new place that was about half a mile away. Since I didn't have much money left and am very jew I decided to carry everything myself. So as not to make too many trips I would take as much stuff as I could at once. So as I am walking with a big bag with pots and other heavy shit over my shoulder, my regular back back on my back, and a piece of closet, that I took apart, in my arms that I kinda propped on the other shoulder, I realize that truly Kojima is a genius
A game is more than the sum of its parts. Unlike what you retards might spout, gameplay alone doesn't make or break a game unless it's something like a Hack and Slash. Not like Kojima personally coded any of the gameplay mechanics, too busy retconning and editing trailers. He had one job he was actually tasked with, and he's been screwing it up since like 2007
>hour and 10 minute movie under the guise of a game
I feel your pain
>the whole game is basically an 8h cutscene
best post in this hellhole of a thread
MGS4 is a great game though that concludes a saga. Anyway, that should have been the last game in the franchise, it was downfall since then.
It's not like today's Gamescom closed with Geoff putting together a fan trailer about how mean Konami fucked Kojima up or anything
holy shit LOL you absolute fucks with this level of selectively ignorant rhetoric and olympic gold-level mental gymnastics
kojima has been around putting his name on successful games for twenty years now, of course he has a large following. and the konami fiasco only fueled the fire of his fans driving the narrative that he's gonna go off on his own and make his own masterpiece without the funding of konami.
you fools are gaslighted out of your minds if you genuinely think the presence of games with high emphasis on dialogue and cutscenes is hurting the industry. there is a place for them and people who play them, and they dont overshadow your precious laser-focus-on-gameplay games that you pointlessly worship
i bet zero of you kids complaining about this have actually bothered to learn all of the cqc mechanics in mgs3
Most of the problems MGSV had were becuse of Konami and not Kojima himself.
>Make a linear game
>get shit on
>make open world game
>get shit on
I'm only aware of a movie by the name of MGS4.
people do know there is a skip button in MGS4 right?
This "following" has nothing to do with Kojima old games. If you followed this franchise for a long time you would be around 27-32's by now.
This is some retarded underage shit that blindly follow ecelebs.
go back you resetera and reddit you dumb tranny faggot
True. If you actually remembered MGS3 when it came out, what are you doing playing videogames still lol
>8h of cutscenes
>16h of gameplay
>ends a twenty year old saga in great fashion
Sorry if i look things in context and perspective.
2 concluded the saga, 3 gave us some more insight on the MSX villain, we needed nothing more
>MGS4 is a great game though that concludes a saga
Fucks Raiden's character arc up, fucks Meryl, Johnny as a character at all, fucks Otacon, fucks Naomi, DAE MGS3? Eva is here again, BB was alive all along, also the cool commander that cracked british jokes was Cipher all along! What a great way to finish the story, I'm a genious!
>it was downfall since then.
No one worships the guy. You’re engaging in autistic hyperbole. He triggers Yea Forums because he’s a weird looking famous Jap that has gone on to:
Fuck or do whatever weird kinky shit to sexy models despite being Asian, uggo and scrawny.
Make some classic games that have even sometimes tapped a deep cultural vein.
Get called a genius on the regular.
Secure huge amounts of funding.
Hang out with actors or musicians and put his friends in his games.
Manage to do all of this on his own terms, and be as much of an auteur as he can despite working on AAA games with many other people.
Yea Forums is for the most part, unhappy, Bitter people with no sex life or camaraderie outside of the internet. They have delusions of talent even though they’ve never produced anything that anyone has ever appreciated, let alone on such a massive scale. This isn’t everyone here (or the internet at large), but man does it fit a whole lot of you. So creative types have to be brought low, humbled, be made to fail, because this will momentarily make the non-people that post here happy for 2 seconds.
I guess it kind of add validity to this.
>2 concluded the saga
It ends in a major cliffhanger. That was no way to end at all.
So it's literally a walking simulator?
At least it'll look pretty
thread solved lets go home fellas
It was specifically done that way. 2 was suppose to be the final one. Then 3 was supposed to be the final one. Neither of which took place after 2. Ocelot running away with a Metal Gear wasn't important, the whole point Snake makes when he reunites with Raiden during the ending is that it doesn't matter what happend from here on out, the story is done. I certainly didn't need Raiden to become a cyborg which Revengeance thankfully salvaged, or Snake to age prematurely, or every small plot point that didn't need explanation like Vamp to get one like NANOMACHINES
Why does that trigger you personally? This dude enjoys shilling for the guy. That seems like a Dorito pope problem, not a Kojima problem. I posted in reply to someone that said there’s no Kojima threads up. There’s 3 on the front page with the same image. A bunch without, a handful clowning The trailer and twice that about The Game. 70 percent of the posts aren’t about the game. They devolve into people creepily talking about Kojima personal life. Weirdo autistic stalkers.
>nintendofags hate it
>pcfags hate it
>reddit hates it
>resetera hates it
>konami shills hate it
I'm already at home though. Where are you user?
People like Kojima or Todd Howard stick out, people enjoy talking about them just like grandmas enjoy talking about gossip magazines. It'll never change user
ultra low quality bait
Todd is unironically /ourguy/, though.
>Decent games
Name one. Protip: None of the MGS “games” qualify.
I don't agree with all plot points of 4 but i can't agree that it wasn't necessary. It doesn't matter what was the intention for 2, but that ending was not satisfying as a conclusion to the story at all.
Even with some stupid things i disagree (i skip all cutscenes with Drebin in that game), i see 4 as a love letter to the fans. How else can i read the metal gear fight? Or the visit to Shadow Moses? The return of Colonel. I think it's beautiful, you play and feel this is Snake last mission, he can't go on but he still gives everything. And then the final fight with Liquid...no matter all the flaws, the saga ended in a high note.
I like the guy. I may be completely wrong about him but for some reason I feel like he likes actual good games and the higher up suits are the ones using him as the face of Bethesda for both the good and the bad. Either that or I believe his lies
Zone of the Enders
>that ending was not satisfying as a conclusion to the story at all.
It was
'decent' games
you forgot MGS2 and 3 there
literally you
>Patritos still rampant
>Liquid escaped
>Olga child missing
Sorry, no.
Interesting that he brings up the 3 month vacation thing.
Someone put out a video the other day investigating the firing of Kojima and the timeline of events leading up to it.
This video comes to a similar conclusion as the youtube comment you posted.
>Kojima was wasting millions and taking forever with MGSV
>Konami saw mobile games as more profitable
>They started phasing Kojima out of the company
>kojima makes PT behind their back to spite them
>Konami gets even more pissed and does stuff like wiping his name off the MGSV promo material(iirc The vacation was apart of this period too)
These are very abridged points I listed, but they are some of the key events I remembered.
You can watch the vid here
Honestly, I used to be one of those "cult" followers of Kojima, and don't get me wrong I still appreciate his work, but behind that public appearance of being a cool visionary, he has a pretty well documented asshole streak.
Like recently when we found out how he abandoned Joost during DS development.
I'm not too surprised now though, especially since it's common for auteurs to have a few stories about their asshole moments floating around.
kek the thread is a bait comrades, just scroll and let it die
>wanting to stop the Illuminati that you didn't even know existed before 2
>Snake staright up tells you who the fuck cares I already fought him in 1 it'll just happen again
>I can give you this one
4 is still a shitty fucking game that shouldn't have happened
Kojima is a great storyteller, zoomers just will never "get" it, with all the soi rhetoric going around these days
>wanting to stop the Illuminati that you didn't even know existed before 2
But now i care because i finished the game they were introduced.
>who the fuck cares
>jumps after him
>Literally an ideas guy, used to be a finance manager for projects at konami
>Wants to turn games into movies
>rips off movies & books
>Not responsible for success of any game beyond the storyboarding
>shinkawa always plays second/third fiddle with the many devs that were responsible in making the series enjoyable from ost to mechanics
>Wasted a huge fuckton budget on MGSV
>Trashed songs from his composer and according to her, he wasn't satisfied with anything
>Worships weaterners and shoehorned Joost in because she's a D-list actress for Japanese commercials; in turn trashing Shinkawa's original design for quiet
>Created the most broken mechanic for multiplayer cooperation (nuclear disarmament) that even konami devs can't fix with the hiring spree they've been having from Tokyo university
>Part of the reason why Konami's budget was so little, left few resources for other dev teams to launch their internal projects
>Part of the reason why konami had to lay off people in different departments
>SH dev and the musician don't like Kojima
>Allegedly working on Death Stranding since 2015 with a staff totaling 300 people which claims will revolutionize the industry and confirmed the release to 2019. Despite this, there's it's all pissing and walking
>believes he's the next Hollywood director
>believes the future of games won't rely on character concept artists but rather movie actors and actresses
>shit posts food and pics with literal whos on twitter and complains to fans that they're too harsh with him
>occasionally tweet panics that he's working when in actuality he isn't, he relegated everything to Ken Ichimaizumi who's the producer
>Ken admitted on twitter that DS is taken a toll on his health
>twitter account of one of the devs on the team working on graphics rendering complained about a fucking low salary, posted a pic of his home's roof leaking
>markets himself as a genius and talks shit but does nothing
>his only work he actually did by hand & sweat was MG1
>used to be a finance manager for projects at konami
That's too fucking ironic, you'd think he would've understood how to handle the budget for MGSV then
>friends do friend things
>'wtf how could this happen'
idiot, bet you don't complain this much when some self insert sjw character makes it into a game
Fucking Based
no, just no
>gameplay alone doesn't make or break a game
moreso than plot, brainlet.
h of gameplay
lol more like 2
yes, just yes :)
based and truth pilled
Then where are his friends that helped him and some who made his games? Where are they in the game? Oh wait they don't appear because they aren't some celebrity that Kojima think that he can use to market his shitty game.
MGSV made more than Age of Ultron in it's opening day with less than half the budget though.
when did Yea Forums become a bunch of whiny ass babies. Jason Schreier could fart and every thread devolves into pic related it's like come on
>projecting and deflecting this hard
Wew lad, kojimadrones are indeed mentally ill.
Even so it seems like for konami's execs that was an expense they weren't comfortable with.
You also have to remember that Marvel Studios is backed by disney, they essentially have infinite money.
You can't just make up lies and expect people to believe them
Also adding to yours
>Ruined castlevania
>takes credit for ZOE when he didn't even create the series
>cancelled ZOE sequel that was in development in California when GZ got released
>ripped off Jiro Oishi's Imitation City for the PC-88 to make Snatcher and blended in some Blade Runner & Buddy Cop influence to make it sound original but knew for a fact that Americans won't know since only /vr/ weirdos played that game
>most likely separated from his wife and child because of how distant he's gotten with his obsession with Hollywood and movies
>5000 threads how the game is shit, movie game, snoy or whatever else
I wish I could see the world through other peoples eyes, because apparently I'm fucking blind and there are things happening in this reality that are basically invisible for me.
The cult around Kojima is the thing that puts me off about his games, i played MGS2 way back then and liked it, but when i noticed how people gargle on his dick i stopped paying attention to his games, personality cults are never a good thing
You can't just make up lies and expect people to believe them
>used to be a finance manager
So that's how he's able to swindle Konami an Sony. He's good at numbers, who said math won't give you 300K starting?
Kojima's fans that don't realize how bad he is are the main reason they're so detestable. You can't stop him now unless a scandal comes out.
Who /urinating/ regularly here? Remember to always drink 2 litters of water per day to have a healthy urine.
The funniest thing is that the same people saying that are participating in actual cult-like behaviour in the ridiculous "Demon Edition" threads.
>healthy urine
He cute
>He's so full of himself and people enable him, I fucking hate it
that's enough reason to love him right there. please continue to be mad at his consistent genius.
Success breeds jealousy.
Joost has zero talent and is an old worthless slut lucky enough to lick Kojima's boots 4 years ago.
>Joost has zero talent
[citation needed]
yep, that and waves on waves of contrarianism to the point where people don't even know what their real opinions are. everything is based on hating the thing that those you don't like enjoy, regardless of that thing's own qualities.
I'm not a big fan of Kojima, but MGSV was polished to hell and back.
You can say what you want on the story, but the gameplay was tight as fuck.
>Kojima was probably drunk and thought she was cute so he banged her and gave her a role in AAA+ game.
>4 years past that point all she did is minor roles in 2 shitty indie movies and voice acting in 2 garbage games.
She is dumb as fuck and cannot even explain what's the difference between motion capture and acting. Ugly talentless whore.
This. I liked Metal Gear Solid up till 4, but I don't get the worship of this fucking retard.
What kind of fucked up idiot designed this warehouse?
>Decent games
They're not even decent.
>MGS is worse than Thief
>MGS2 is worse than Splinter Cell
>MGS3 is worse than Blood Money
>MGS4 is just complete shit
>Piss Walker is just complete shit
>MGSV is just complete shit with straight up braindead stealth mechanics
The only people who like Kojima are uncultured people who haven't watched Bladerunner or A Scanner Darkly. Haven't played Thief, and haven't read a single book in their fucking life.
>Shamelessly and blatantly derivative of movies and television shows.
>People hail him a genius.
Absolute shit taste.
>play MGS4 first time
>16 hours
>play again with skipping cutscenes
>4 hours
>Using last years stale may may. XD
>used to be a finance manager for projects at konami
LOL seriously?
It's fitting that doritos pope is the head of the church of Kogina.
the kind who wanted to design it for fun stealth gameplay
>Guy who can't write for shit, takes all the credit for his team and pretends he invented shit
>Can't act for shit and couldn't even get a series based on a worldwide known character to not be cancelled
>Can't direct for shit, only decent movie is based on a novel someone else wrote, all his other movies are pretensious bullshit
They're made for eachother.
>Who haven't read DADES? or A Scanner Darkly
Show me the path these trucks took to get here.
i imagine him seeing himself on screen after the fact and passionately licking said screen while masturbating furiously
>Game where you spend half of your time watching cutscenes and forced action setpieces
mgs never had a good story. it's best moments is when it embraces camp and cheesiness, like snake eater.
poorly written melodrama that's full of itself is the worst, he should just make movies instead of badly influencing the industry more than he already has.
Half stealth gameplay and half kino storytelling, sounds perfect.
I want the game to be bad, not because I hate Kojima or anything, but because I want that horribly awkward scenario where The Game Awards rolls around and Keighley is sweating between pressing the
>Give Game of the Year to Death Stranding despite it being utterly mediocre, thus outing your entire Award Show as a hack fraud event
>Give Game of the Year to some other deserving game, preserving the integrity of the show but making things between you and your buttbuddy Kojima horribly awkward
I love this.
>>Give Game of the Year to Death Stranding despite it being utterly mediocre, thus outing your entire Award Show as a hack fraud event
already done this multiple times.
It's even better because
>and haven't read a single book in their fucking life
It doesn't matter since he owns the awards event company under an llc called "ola balola." Kojima is going to get an award because it's a known fact that award organizations are just a blanket for who can ejauclate the most money to the award owner in order to get an award
Never forget 2014. Dragon Age Inquisition over Tropical Freeze/Bayonetta 2, all because Keighley didn't dare give out a Wii U award in front of his XBOX/Playstation audience
Now imagine driving back out and maybe you will begin to understand just one reason why this is fucking dumb.
literally this. You can't even say you just like a game without Yea Forums thinking you just want to pull down his pants and suck his dick.
Things that makes Yea Forums angry
what else
video games
>Implying Bayonetta 2 was good
i never said it wasn't a dumb way to lay out a facility, i said it was laid out with gameplay in mind. it looks believable enough when playing so i don't see an issue
Wouldn't it be easier to add a door here? Imagine having a warehouse where multiple trucks need to take sharp turns like that every few seconds
have sex
>one boss can be slowly cheesed
worst fucking game ever made holy shit
Why say something about his wife and kid? Are you literally obsessed with this nip?
2ch actually broke the news that he stopped wearing his ring since mgsv
>takes all the credit for his team and pretends he invented shit
This is literally led dit tier projection you can read about Michael Bay being some toxic film bro because he made a movie about some shitty toy line.
>t. reddit
I don't know if you were the user but I remember last time this was posted the user started putting this line over levels of mgs1 and another user said you cant run that line without getting caught, and the first user said that they do it all the time and to git gud. So the second user got out his vita and ran it and btfo'd the first user/ exposed him lying about having played kojima's games to validate him saying how they're shit. There's a cult against Kojima.
OH and I forgot, the one on the right isn't the layout in any part of mgs1, it's just "lmao look how much I can exaggerate" next to a real game map.
>caring to spell it properly
found the leddit user.
You already outed yourself, redditor.
inb4 strange tweets praising other games.
>ripped off Jiro Oishi's Imitation City for the PC-88 to make Snatcher
How exactly are they similar? They both seem like Blade Runner rip-offs to me. Kojima always said that JESUS was his influence for Snatcher.
is that what you call yourselves? I wouldn't know, not being from there. Sounds like something only a "redditor" would know. Maybe you can go over there to bitch about Kojima.
I've never seen wear a wedding ring, even in older videos. Do Japanese people even wear wedding rings?
Keep seething.
I'll be Stranding with other Strand-Chads on November 8.
I don't know about you but that story makes it sound so the second user was in the right and the first one was the lying retard
based strand-bro
not true btw
I'm even more confused now
Indeed. Anti-Kojimafags on Yea Forums make up a lot of seemingly credible-sounding lies about him to justify their shitppsting. Most of them never actually played Thief and only know about it because Razorfist (a known Kojima hater) always bring it up too.
What, you've never heard about PvTDOUL before?
i'd like to see that thread
you guys are dumb lol
WTF happened with Demon Edition? You lied to me Yea Forums!
He's the Kanye West of vidya.
There is no chance that even the most mindless Kojima-fags will be able to cope with the reality check in November, I am really looking forward to it.
Who fucking cares thief may have been better gameplay wise but its story had no bearing on our world today. MGS literally predicted the "Russians did everything" aspect of our media. The only other game in its rarefied air is Deus Ex
Kojima lives rent free in thiefag's heads
He's a video game auteur. Gaming hasn't quite matured to the level of film yet, mainly talking about the fanbase - the average gamer has awful taste in media - so you wouldn't really get it.
He's kind of a like a less edgy, more fantastical Tarantino. He does a lot of homage stuff.
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Kojima
What happened?
Well done you've done nothing to illustrate your point by using such a vague word as that
Basically this. If games can be art his are the closest.
>you can't criticize famous people or you're jealous
what? I respect game devs that don't pretend they are doing everything themselves
Bait or you're just a zoomerfag who loves battle royal games because you have never played a decent game in your life.
There are some like Shadow of the Colossus which usually get a lot of artistic credit, and deserve it. But you want to talk about empty? Shadow of the Colossus has a beautiful and very empty world. There's nothing in it except the Colossi, but thats PART of the world. Its barren, its dead, or dying.
Someone in this thread or another was implying that BotW shouldn't get flak for being empty when a game like this is getting hyped, implying there is some overlap between those camps? the post was dumb, but its was made. Well, BotW wasn't post-cataclysm. SotC was an ancient, utterly forgotten and forbidden world. This is a post-cataclysmic world. BotW basically just had Ganon swirling around Hyrule castle, some little goons around the map to indicate some problems, but other than that the world seemed fine, just empty and boring. There were still upbeat construction homos and trannies trucking around without a care in the world. You don't get the impression anything bad happened, or is happening, so you don't expect such an empty world.
Not really related to my original point about Kojima - but still.
His last good game was 15 years ago.
That video is unwatchable
Yeah. I'd link it but it 404'd. I have the OP post number though
maybe im retarded at using archives but thats the number
Based and redpilled, I hate all the numales that slurp his cock because he turned to movie games.
How is this guy a deluded pretentious egotist and a bootlicker at the same time? Were two phantoms born from FOX? Hideo and Kojima ?
>decent games
>3 hours of this shit
fuck off. anti-kojima fags are the real cult here.
it's actually a decent review, and he's a hardcore mgs fan. the only thing I don't like is the clickbait title. if you give it a fair shake I can almost promise you'll find it good -- even if you don't reply to this post
In Radio they amplify bass because radio butchers audio and car speakers are usually tinny, and shit.
The issues of MGS4 come down to nanomachines being used as a copout and excessive fanservice. How do you shit on the game for 3 hours though?
>How do you shit on the game for 3 hours though?
because he's not shitting on it the whole time. the title is clickbait.
>Exposed as a fraud
>It's just his headcanon
>Immediately admits it's all conjecture stemming from an internal desire to take Kojima down a peg/Raise up literally who
What a fucking farce, god damn user how did you listen to this whole thing?
Know your place faggot.
If you listen to 3 hour youtube videos you have bigger problems than your opinion on MGS4
>I let it slide for long enough
oh shit Kojimas gonna get fired again
Kojima has always been our boi and redditors need to get the fuck out.
Here's a question that always weeds out newfags. Did Yea Forums ever have very mundane anime discussion?
Back to your containment site.
>leftist pussies suddenly freaking out about women in kojimas games
>Yea Forums suddenly raging on kojima
Coincidence? Doubt it.
Not even an anime fan just a true ancientfag who can always smell people who came here post-2009
You mad OP?
I had a lot of conflicting thoughts on mgs4 and the video did a good job of deconstructing a lot of the dissonant themes and also pointed out what made me like parts of it so much. I'm legitimately sorry if I made you waste your time. I just played all of the games and 3hrs playing in the background wasn't the worst experience in the world
>mfw I don't watch anything about kojima games before they're released and enjoy every one.
Its hard being so based I tell you what.
Not if it's a Kojima game. Nobody even acknowledges the gameplay of most of his games, certainly not MGSV.
>a franchise known for being very narratively focused and having very poor gameplay
big if true
Yeah he kicked off the trend of needing to wait for an entire BDROM to install followed by needing to watch a feature film's length of "im 14 and this is deep" cutscenes before experiencing any gameplay.
he was hella tired of the series and depressed when he made MGS4. In fact the whole team was burned out.
Before and after, retard
>go point A to point B while avoiding danger and build settlements
So Fallout 4?
Yeah but with a compelling story and characters and writing and polish and wont require mods to be a passable game
Auteur director worship is the stupidest shit. Kojima has as many terrible retard ideas as he does brilliant ones but without someone to filter them out you end up with shit. Unlimited freedom doesn't result in more creativity, it does the opposite. Creativity thrives within limitations ("necessity is the mother of creation" and all that) and Sony has given him a blank cheque with no supervision.
You weren't even alive in 98.
t. 1997
Which area is that? It looks like a bit like the first map in the MSX Metal Gear, but I know it's not.
Based Orson Welles poster