What happened to game variety?

What happened to game variety?
There's a lot of indie games, and big budget stuff, but there's a big lack in those mid budget niche games.
The kind of one's you'll here through word of mouth. Like the first DMC game.

Would Rockstar ever make a table tennis game ever again, or even something bully today?

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It's reflective of the dying middle class, you get bloated """masterpieces""" or """free""" to play games and kickstarter gambles.

The people with money have no ideas and the people with ideas have no money

Nope the AAA games draw more and more resources and take longer to make than ever. You have dev teams that were putting out game(s) every year that are larger than ever...and maybe putting out a game every 3-5 years...provided they don't delay it.


DMC1 was not a mid-budget niche game, neither was JSR, both were major titles for their respective publishers, it just turned out that JSR kinda sucked to play and didn't gain a lot of traction outside of people who could forgive it for that. Meanwhile, DMC did very well and created a franchise that is still getting titles to this day.

My point is that your original presupposition is flawed and seemingly blindly biased. Rethink what you're trying to say here.

>Would Rockstar ever make a table tennis game ever again
No. Game industry as evolved and Rockstar has one of the best selling franchises under their belt, they'll never make pointless shovelware again.

Wasn't Bully 2 announced?

Gen 6 had great experimental and mid budget titles.

why the fuck would anyone make a tennis game when GTAXXXIIVVV is going to guarantee a bajillion sales, ensure the survival of company for another 10 years, ensures I don't have to layoff any employees, already have a loyal and humongous customer base, employees familiar with the style of game, and a development tools made for GTA styles game created and developed over an entire decade.


the 2K Tennis series on dreamcast was dope. id buy a new one

JSR was a dumb cash-in on the late 90s urban sports meme and you'd know that of you were alive when it came out. It's only remembered for the art style because the gameplay is fucking trash

>true love wasn't too tame for him

free* FUCK

>It's only remembered for the art style
Is this what they call a brainlet?


im sure you would user. but can you be sure a million others do as well, can you be sure it will be a financial success. That it would be an endeavor worth doing?

JSR is a great game
JSRF is JSR with assist mode


Then you should be the ceo of rockstar,

Yeah, the skating is better but it sucks how the graffiti is just button mashing

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eh, at least you had to do directional inputs. sure, it could be better, but at least it's not just holding down X as in future

You dont think i know this already? Get outta my face retard

Imagine having such terrible comprehension of how the 90's/00's were. BMX XXX was a cash in. Aggressive Inline was a cash in. Marc Ecko's Getting Up WAS a cash in (good game though). Jet Set Radio, however, was none of these things.

Zoomers only want cinematic experiences. Any different styles are called "kiddie games".

i take it back you shouldnt be.

>its okay when sega does it

Further illustrating and making my point that you're a troglodyte with no grasp on what they're saying.

Niche as a concept is dying. Nobody wants to take risks or explore things outside the general. It's why small websites are dying for social media. It's why community servers are dying for matchmaking. It's why indie games are either being slowly choked out or bought by big publishers. Just look at how many fantastic, creative IP SEGA owns and refuses to use.
Love is dead.

t. Voidpoint