Now that the dust has settled, was Anthem REALLY that bad?

Now that the dust has settled, was Anthem REALLY that bad?

Attached: drones will attack this.png (720x951, 669K)

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Survive was unironically good


Keep saying it

>Now that the dust has settled
I thought this was bannable? Fucking shit this board is garbage, full of autistic trannies and people who frequent reddit.

i dont know anyone who played it


>MGS is good
>after that review of it
is this real


Unironically yes.

Anthem is trash.
MGSurvive is alright.


>jumps the gun and flat out lies about MG:S instead of citing its actual flaws
>calls other people drones
What mentality is this

Attached: 1511354459309.gif (550x400, 82K)

oh BAAAAAAABY keep saying it

im so glad we finally have a meme to use against dunkey, i never was into cuck porn until this meme started now i watch it all the time. this is what he gets for shitting on octopath. keep saying it bros!!

>keep saying it meme is already dead
fuck bros

keep sneeding it

Everyone else is always the drone, user. The mainstream stuff you like is fine, but the stuff they like is dumb and cringey

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Same mentality Yahtzee used to have when he blatantly lied or couldn't finish games before reviewing them; he's a """comedian""" so his views are for comedy rather than for actual review purposes.

Imagine watching cuckold porn, your life is so pathetic discord tranny.

I don't give a shit about his boring contrarian opinions but it is disappointing that he hasn't made an actual video in like 3 months and has just made "haha i'm so silly i'm just pretending to be retarded!"
he's never been the best comedian but fuck at least he used to try
>he has 5.5 million subscribers
how long has he been this big? i knew he was popular but I never actually looked at his count before now

Keep saying it

There are people here who defend Metal Gear survive


you don't have to imagine dunkey

>he hasn't made an actual video in like 3 months

keep saying it

Don't you have more cuckold porn to watch? What are you doing shitposting on Yea Forums

Keep saying it

its literally the worst rated bioware game by both critics and users

its a soulless creation trying to chase that Destiny and Warframe money, doomed to failure just like HOTS was

Attached: nu_bioware_writing.png (963x925, 1.82M)

I said an actual video, but I actually forgot he played metal wolf.

The guy comes across as having a very, very thin skin here in this video.
Also I think it's funny how dunkey seems to want to be taken seriously at some level as a game critic but also makes these dumb joke reviews too

I had fun with Anthem, for about two hours. That's the problem with Anthem.

Oh and the awful story, the awful characters and the list of bugs and performance issues.
But for those two hours I had a good bit of fun stomping around and charging shit down with my shield out.

Didn't he make a review shitting on survive?
oh yeah he did

oh shit time for some free (you)s


Don't you have more cuckold porn to participate in? What are you doing shitposting on Yea Forums

>still in that fuckin Unreal Engine demo area

Watching cuckold porn, blacked preferably!

HOTS was actually fun though

>stealth dunkey thread
Eceleb board when?


He is overly think skinned and I bet he will have some breakdown in the future, but I'm also kinda sick of how think skinned jrpg fans are. Like any time someone goes in on any notable jrpg the internet is in uproar. That shits been happening since Spoony


Fact: Yea Forums is comprised of so many contrarians, that we had to come up with new numbers just to count them all.